HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-05-14, Page 6o
Best /or oil your lialtin
Feature Writer
Nqr 0740-unzokrovr
eat nie float lne Any lite fro* Year to
With forward' Orem end Mireleirianteeel
Not burry10 to, nor tinning from the
Not mourning for Ore thinga that dbaPt
to the dim 'Peat, rMr hold* but 1,4
nom what the future (veils, but Isiah
And Irony beare that pines its tell
To youth and AO, and travels on with
2 eggs, 1 cup white sugar. 3
sweet; 1 ism vanilla or lemon,
2 heaping ;Lyra baking powder;
3 cups of flour. Fry in boiling fat.
Potato Doughnuts
tinted sugar, 3 eggs, I cup fresh-
ly mashed potatoeii, 2% cups
tspn. nutmeg, 1-2tspn. mace, 1-3
cup sweet milk. Cream shorten-
ing and sugar together and add
beaten eggs. The mitehed-Peta-
toei should be absolutely free
from lumps. Mix them well with
first mixture. Sift dry ingre-
dients and add to the mixture.- -
Add milk. Roll out and add a
_little more flour if necessary.
Shape with a small cutter. Fry
the doughnuts in boiling fat and'
when done drain and sprinkle
with su
kellogg's ALL -BRAN Helps "
Miss Hanson ,
Read this enthusiastic, voluntary
letter: "Just a lineto let you know
how much I appreciate ICellogg'a
ALL.BRAN., I was troubled with
constipation.* I asked my doctor
what to do. Ile said to eat bran.
"I tiled other brands but they
-weren't so good, so I tried Kellogg's
AtteBRAN,. and it is just wonder-
' ful, It makes delicious muffins,
too." — Miss Agnes /lanson (ad-
dress upon request).
Arl-BiLikx provides mild "bulk"
—missing in the average meal.
. -.This delicious cereal also furnishei
.• yitemin and iron.
Tlie "bulk" in Atz-Bitax absorbs
• moiriture, and gently exercises and
• cleanses the, system. It is often
more effective than that found in
fruits and vegetables, as it does
not, break down within the body.
-and iron,
Isn't this natural food pleasanter
Abell patent medicines? Just eat
two tablespoonfuls daily. If not
relieved, see your doctor.
Sold by all grocers. A.T.L.Buor is
much more effective than part -bran
products. Made by Kellogg in Lon-
don, Ontario.
.-scoastipousa*.tao to isiAisai;st quite
1 Presented Purse Since ethe Oreat War alict the suffrae
ITo Mrs. A.-Taylorizzlicr,:ame nevi' diela rwilieh 11444
genes, 'we liee frequently hearing sod
Menne eglet it 'took very darieg and
. W. Frank Saunclfrs Recalls( mascumle type of woman to ventme
Devotion to Choir of Pres, t4 bustness' 'whieh utnallY cm/441d nt I
. phone. Quite' a feev 'Vented" ladles in
mARRIED 25 'YEARS , . 'beano to' beoome governesses, but- tine
niversary of the =nine of ler. and 'Semi" and 'the' tew 141° were eb$4111tel7
aene Albert laylor whieb, they, 'recently fgreed • ine_t° Inatlng their own Jiving,
eelebreted. last Thursday night the choir MUng gir° 'and Vinst'tri staYed 11°Ine
of Knox aeresbateriare chur.:11 presented waiting1°..be married or °1°w17 5t414*ig*
flailed in silver.
Mrs. Taylor -with a handsome Purse, ini-1
taste of freedom, by driving. urabulanees,
;However, .einring the war', they got a
Prank &minders on behalf of the choir
spoke of the many years of valued inter-
est Mfrs. Taylor had taken in the choir,
and ''the pleasure her association had
given the members. She extended con-
grattilations and asked Mrs. Tayler to
aetept the gift as a re/hinder of the
choir's regard for her. ,
%Ir. Holbert Greeneppresented the gift,
and Mrs. T!tylor though overcome with
surprise, made a fitting replY.
Snowballs (Doughnuts)
c risco, 1-2 'cup of sugar, cups
powder. Drop by tapir. in hot
deep fat. Roll in sugar. -
Beat 1 egg until very light. Add
, !ea cup sour cream and aescant
cup• sour milk. Stir in 1-2 cup
white sugar, pinch of salt. %
itspn. baking soda, le tspre cream
of tartar, and flavoring to• taste.
Add enough flour ,to make a stiff
batter (about 4 nr 5 cups). Set
aside for 3 freers, then cut out or
twist. Fry in deep fate
Drop Doughnuts
Which they dM not want to give up.
Partly' becalm of- the .Vaeraleiee made
by men who had been killed' or disabled,
cx:enizecl'. as equals, mermen ebtedned
foothold in- tile business worla and have
-held it. 'Prom 'business;- She: haS
into the sports field and has shown her
capWility in both.
Prom nursing, girls, have progressed
• to surgery, and not a few have gained'
iprominency in the scientific world. Air
liners are, beginning to emproy women
staWardesses, which 13 a, novel way of
Wage earning. Amelia _Earheart - and
Ann Lindberg are blazing new trails in
the eky winob will no. deuat have many
follovvers in a short erne. Already, there
are %IT ports ali over the country giving
instructions solely for women.
4While all these jobs And' ventures of
enterprising Women are claiming the at-
tention Of the public,. there is still one,
an age-old one, that often passet urmo-
ticed, that of the housewife. There are
treble Who -do not believe that house-,
keeping Is a job. They think it is easy
to think of three different meals a day
seven Astro' a week. TAM dusting,
sweeping and bed -Making 13 not (worth
mentioning, and even (with int:amen:One
inteertiptions that make the Work so
Silver Tea- Al; She is gradually attaining a wide,
I reputation as a fietiQ21, writer, and
IVIrs. W. F. Saunderssi'
a 'peculiar streale of luck elm- -
voyance, or whatever the insight is, .
she laid the scenes of the least two(
By Mrs. J. Graharak Group
of her novels amid'surroundings that
later became the scences of actual
a Central Home and
School Club niurders or crimes.
_ delightha silver tea, was enjoyed by
throngs of laules from ICToderich, Clin-
ton, Seaiforth and Dungannon last Fri -
:day afternoon, given by Mrs. J. A.50ra-
hamt group of Centraa Home and
.SChood Club 'at die- home of Afrs. W.
Prank Saunders.
GRETA GARBO UPON HER, RETURN' FRObt MEOW Saunders !were Mrs. Graham and tvliss
Cfn the Jiving room ‘receiving with Mrs.
---ettnisentina.•Arrethe,carateet2meetca an arranged -interviewe Crete -Carte; elusive •••jmecftwell. '1103-:-.411'. Ild°one7 invited'
ecreen star, ie pictured posing willingly fonowing'her arrival in X= 'York from the guests to the tea local. During the
a year's vacation •her nadve Sweden. Nervous and pale due to ' afterncen 30.s. J.. W. Fraser and 'miss
Gene Cannon played several piano
selections, adding much to the enjoyment
of the afternoon.
The 'attractively arranged tea table
was covered with a lace cloth and centred
with a lovely bowl of Valk. • mauve and
yellow hyatinths. On either side were
placed white tapers, lighted, in silver
-aktress answered questions in this =linnet,: el have rer horne—I am just a
twanclerer--1 did not enjoy My year in eweden—how can 'you enjoy yourself
when you haVe peen sick—ft- was something—weN, like the grippe -T 'am glad
Mrs. A. C. Calder
2nd Vice Pres't
Huron Diocesan Board Women's
elected preside t of Huron Diocesan
Board of Women's Auailia4, at th
49th annual meeting at London las
week._ The -treasurer, Miss Adelaide
.Smith,, reported firrances for the year
as follews: Receipts, $17,369•94 and
disbursements $15,584.10.
The,election of offieers resulted hs
follows: Honorary •peesident, Mrs. C.
A. Seeger, London; honorary first
vice-president, Mrs. G. B. Sage, Lon -
sugar, _�_ patience,
mueh more tiring, keeping house .is still don; honorary •second vice-president,
2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2. 8-4 cups I a job for those Who can't do anything Mrs. ,.f.:_,Anderson, London; 'honor.
flour, 5 tspnse baking powder, else. - • I ary third vice-president Mrs. E. Bar-
tspn. salt, 16 tspn. einnaanon and which is probably true, beiaanse ' rett, Windsor; president, Mrs. A. A'.
cloves mixed, 2-8 cup
and milk mixtuie. Mix thor-
oughly arid add melted shorten-
ing. Drop by spoonfuls into deep •
g hof fat (876 degrees) and fry
until nicely browned and cooked
through. Remove from fat ard
_drain on absorbent paper. Do not
puncture with fork when frying.
Rich Doughnuts
baking powder, I ti tspns. salt, I
cup milk, 1 tspa, nutmeg, 4'4
cups cake flour. Cream shorten.,
lug, add tugar graduallY, land
then eggs. Sift dry ingredients
and add gtadeallv to egg mix-
turei out as soft "as can be
in hot fat. This makes 6,0 dough- '
abilas Refrigerator;
vas you" soars idsf.i'
*want* $ustio
"whit* Mkt* finish 414
clutoakiass. bard
'to ste It for yoursgt to tot
a test or change, but teo enueh depends
• so even though the women •who do
homework ana get -meals, deem to Leek
glamour andoexcitement don'e forget it
icib When all the romance and. thrill
have gime and there iseeme to be riotb.-
in the sir, and then seeing *tures of
the interior Of the OtztrillUI `Winded.
burg" during, its Germany to South
American and return trip, 1 have tlecitl.
ed that It still takes er lot of nerve.
The d'Hindeitleurg" may look like a 11Y -
leg hotel, but I still like- mine best on
wekome, Kt 1100 41* SCOW look
:ery_attraettite. 'Ovine the long stems
tuound Urge 4biri*let and MI 211 the
iter10 elateee (with Maiden hair feral ot
with a little II:reentry on a zing or ear
tither - pretty -gadgets for strainer
het emir axe- diamona star clips to
be worn hi the
mos tharroirso_dressed„ is having
a hare time tiy-keep!track Ca all her
gloves es Sher lute dift, emit ones to Veatch
"ter dreeses4, istteis goings to use
elaskofted bores that she wilt 6'6
able to choose et a moult/Wit *epee.
Another *et tintiatillilete have been
born—this Vine lir Roman)* hut they
ate li7at .11loslY to 41*.
It the Roei,e,142'.
Mrs. W. F. II. Price
Elected President H
hol. desrisia.ektiss L. E. Sharman and Mrs.
ton poured tea and were
West •Hurcin Women's Institute. assisted by Mrs. D. E. Campbell, Mrs.
Local Branch Has Member- .cliffe, Mrs. J. E. Huckins and ClVt..3 Etta
Harold Young, Mrs. White, Mrs. M. Sut-
. 5hip of 79 .Sauits. 'The tea hostesses were Mrs. E.
- OFFICERS ELECTED spr*Iir home was prettily decorated with
.. g ewers mid auss Gail Saunders
Goderieh branch o West Huron
daugnter of the home, opened
meeting on Thursday last, elected
' Mrs W. P. Abell, the secretary re-
viewed a successful year in het re -
Port and commented upon the fine
leadership -of the -retiring president,
Mrs. James Bisset. The local branch
of the lInstitute has a memberehip of
79, and at the 12 regular meetings
during the year, there was an aver-
age attendance of 41 persons.
Besides curie t
an eneon-
etrations interesting papers of an
educational value were given at 10 [
society, and instructive addresses on
of the regular meetings of the!
"Canadian Women of Note:* "Orneen
;rid Development of Women's Last"-
Zutes," 'fInstitute Work" and 'Peace"
were given.
In February the celehratign of the
35th anniversary of the /mai Insti-
tute was- held and at that time, free
past presidents gave resumes of the
accomplishments achieved during
their.regimes_while_litters- were re-
ceived from a rumiber of other past
presidents •who were unable to , at;
tend the celebratiorm,
One of the =lime features of the
year WAS "Grandmothe,rs' Day," a
day given entirely by the grand-
mothers of the Institute and the pro-,
en was prepared by them. The
lute picnic ;was held in August.
Tbe District President, Mrs. Oster
Blyth, presented an informative
address, '
Joinhig with,. the Maple LeaeChap.
ter I. O. D. a drive for funds
for the 'Canadian Institute for the
Blind,•in November the' 'society did
,much good work in 'this drive. "
Donations made by the Institttte
during the. year include those to
Achievement Day of the junior ane
stitute, The Canadian LegiOnl,
tablecloth to -Alexandra Hospit
prizes stoethe schools and bank boo
with deposits of $1, given to tWo nevi
babies. A bale Of clothing Was Sent
to a needy fainily in the west.
The members of the socie cone
ducted 'a booth at the Pall Pair and
sold handiwork made by the mem-
ber& Various groups- of the society
Living/ eontentedly with her hus-
band and their two greyhounds, at
her home known as "The Retreat" at
Bayfield, Mrs. Mabel Broughton Bil-
lett has speffit several happy months.
During that time she has added to
her list of published books, and her
latest is now appearing as a serial
in the National Horne Monthly.
.Mrs. &nett has travelled exten-
atsively through England., France,
Italy and Africa, but retains a -warm
place in her heart 'fir Western On-
tario, having been born at Hensall.
---.t, nice, Loncto 1st vice-president Mrs.
pinch of make, 2' tapirs. melted tine and mill to be a successful home--
ahortenin BeatR. L Bowen, London; 2nd vice -res
g.egg until light maker. There are days when d'uties dent, Mrs. A.�'C. Calder London.
and combine - with milk; sift ov sip or sickness In the house, and It was announced that the Jubilee
and spices arid combine with egg (when she is tired and dull and ZOngS Tor
flour, baking powder. salt, sugar h. • Job ,s e,. r• more etre ,nous• tin!" Will be held in London next year, and
that the senna -annual will be in the
Huron Deanery, Goderich. Every,
year thereafter it will follow in this
sequence:' Brantford, Lambton, Ox-
ford, Gney, Kent, Norfolk, West
Middlesex, Elgin: and Waterloo.
The delegates to the Dominion
Board meeting to be held in Victoria,
B. C., in the autumn, were Also ap-
pointed as follows: _ . The president,.
r.e.- A , A. Bice, Miss, Lena A.
Schulte, Dorcas secretary, Miss
-Gerrie McCall, _ Sinecoe, and Mrs.
Warnock of Brantford,who are
Dominion life members.
Mrs. D. B. Demaldson of Toronto,
Dominion treasurer of the W. M. S.,
gave a talk on Pledges, explaining i
their eignificence, and.. stressing' the
'ict . that each board must take its
corn responsibility in this regard, and
do something within itself to further
T.he. Dorcas repor� 'given by Miss
Lena Schulte, recorded a total of
$1.291.80. Miss S ult° also • read
several interesting letters to the .5V.
.A,: .
Report of the' Appeal Coimni
was given by Mrs. Morris.
The Girls' department *evert given
by Mrs. Arnold Tuckey of Hyde
Park, showed .43 branches on the roll
with a paid membership • of 695.
Eight new benches •'were orgsuiiaed
during _ tho' year.
The delegates attended the rally of
the Juniors' and Church, . Boys'
League in the "Cathedral where an'
address was
given by Dr. Start
On Miinday afternoon. the W. M.
North Street United Char& _held
the twill.? mbiothly noting in the
.acheol' loom of the 4urch, the presi.,
04 Miss. a 110Clioton prodding et
first quarter of the year an4
work of Otte church,' the
tborkingdont of flood.
Vies M. G. litebetteon took tit's
*Sure: coon from I Corinthians,
lett* atteehe'tet
hers. of the
*embers rf
et offend
vents in
love entertainments during the year
in an effort to raise funds. The
FloWer Fund benefitted by a (Alec -
taken et each meeting for thrtt
doartment 'of the organization.
Other cdricets of , the. organization
elect.ed -on, Thursday ere: honoratt
president,. Mrs. as. stet; vice -pre.
Mrs. W. P..Ahell; 'Press eeeretarY.
Iffra met; anditOts, Mrs. P.
Mactwan Mrs., 1 Stewart;
Joists, 'Mrs. Gitlin Young. Mrs.
Charles 'Motet, brenett directors:,
Tichbortie; 16.s. It. Tufford,,Ntrs.
itieStk pert Of the
teriatiOn tea WAS served (to
web& of ladies preterit.
the ler
"Have you seen my dog, Fido, this
morning, Mr. Butcher?'2
"'Seen him? I should thilik I have.
Came in here and chewed on a leg of
lamb and then upset a customer into
ssme eggs."
"Really? Well, I wonder if yoti'd
mind putting this 'Lost' notice in
your window."
0, eel
A dainty morsel you'll enjoy.
Made delicate in taste and
flavor by pure creamery
butter; ideal for serving with
coffee or milk.
.fluality Bakery
"The Home of Tasfy Pastries"
Phone 465
If you ever had an idea of installing ST1 Eleetric Range,
The GoderielHt Pahlic Coniniession is offering the following:
"'A consumer instalrmg IL new three -wire service, with an Electric
Range, hew iiew UP Istik1,31,, will be allowed TWO _MONTHS
ELECTRIC utiltILMiT FREE of charge?'
Quid; Clean Cool • 'Economical.
Drop in and" nee the latest "HOTPOINT" Electric 'Range. '
Also the New Maitre" G. X. Electric Refrigerator, now on display.
Public Utilities Commission
a tr e
TifURS. MAY14th
(with fros, showing biiir)
COCOANUT (buik) 19e
Toilet Tissue s
A..,....3 for 21e