HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-05-07, Page 5NILE, Ksy 7. -Mr. Harry„Ifidnor Hat, oyer tbe k end at XtGordon garvey 10114* will *ccom- sny Mr, Iiiitner As far as 'Portrene, Sukatchewan for a isit with 'hie, father and,inote her. Orval enti Beth went tus far est, Menkton On Sin14.47 to tele titOil 0,ft Mee ,Iireata Table, Inereeeitt-training vieitect two Weeks at her UM% She si nt the week end with her cousin, Bloward Squire Of Dangannon,. Miss Emily Mearetten is assisting Mrs. Mellwein for .0, few thitl. Miss Beth Cantwell3S home at "Preget* Mr,StanleyMeGratten is at henie suffering With. theeflie 'Mr. George Itutlediee its Wee laid UP with the flee D. Cantwell and Geo, Rutledge Shingled Wire Corey's garage anI drive Shed last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Echlin have moved to pear London where/ he 'hal ,fieeured a position on a large dairy farm. Mr. J. Moore smashed into the Nile Church gates �n Friday night smash- ing 'the headlight of his tar, •Some •. one had evidently Closed them While driving cattle. ' (Seeding time is very thackWard this year on account of so much rain, , Several farmers started, -working on Tuesday. Next Filaatt evening, the Nile isinvitedto join the Y. P. S. oi Leehurn. Poet Albert Society is alse , invited. • , . •Mr, and Mrs. John Knight are te- joicing over the Arrival on Sunday morning of a baby girl. Mr. Isaac Currie is tearing down his old garage and building 'et new one facing on the highway. James .Elliott has tern- -down what WAS known as the told Jae. Moreland barn which` means another old land' mark -tone, . Specials ,Por SATURDAY Breast Young Mutton . . .5c Leg Young Mutton . . . 12c Chops Whitton .. 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Head Cheese . . .10c Pure Pork Sausage . . .18c Choice Boil Beef . . .10c Shoulder Roast Beef. . .13c •Legg's Miat Market We deliver Phone 485 • TWO UMPIRES moottilt of the FinrOnePerth, 13.1t4thell League in Clinton, Mt.**, day night,. it was decided each club eritere4 in the league shall TAY for Iftt on itertifitatee. number Of P siMs eath team has 110 jprospeets this year, is as .follettte;. Zurich 12; Seaforth .13e Clinton -1.4, and Goderich 10, "Staffa gave no estimate As to their numb. Each town entered will have twe 'league umpires and those already chosen, are; Ste*, Oscar Reid; Zur- ich, Leroy O'Brien. Goderich, Harold illnrney and M. N:MacDonald; Clin. ton, William Fulford; and Seaforth, Goldin] Muir, The folowing Schedule was drawa ,upt' May 25th -Zurich at Clinton, May 25th4,Seaforth At Goderich." May 28th -Clinton nt Seitfarthe May 29th-G8derith at •Stafae June late -Zurich at Goderich. Attie 1ste-eStaffa at Clinton. June 4th-Goderich at Clinton. JIMA 4th-.--Seaforth at Zurich. June 8th -Zurich at Stage. June 8th-Goderich at Seaforthe June llth-Clinton at Zwick. `June 12th-Staffa at Goderith, Jun e 15th-Seaforth at Staffa. June 16tii-'Clinton at Goclerich. June 1.8t1i-Goderich at Zurich, .June 19th-Seaforth at Clinton. • June.:22nd;etZierich at Seaforthe June 22nd -Clinton at"Stafte June 25th'----Seaforth at Goderich. ' June 25th-Staffa at Zitettche June 29th-Staffa at &Verdi. {Jun 29th -Zurich at Clinton. let-Clintornif 'Seaforth, • Jultee3rd-Goderich at Staffa. - 'July 6th-Stafti at Clinton. - 6th -Zurich at Goderich. 9th-Seaforth at "Zurich. July 10thLeGoderich at Clinton. -Jaly 13th -Zurich at Strafe. July. 14th-t-Goderich at Seaforth. July 16th -Clinton at Zurich. ' July 17th-Staffa at Goderich. July 21st-Seaforth at Staffa. July, Met -Clinton at- Goderich. 24th---(Goderich at Zurich. July 24th-Seaforth at Clinton. July 27th -Clinton at Staffa. July .27th -Zurich at Seaforth. July 30th-Staffa at Zurich. August 3rd-Staffe. at Seafottli. President of the league, Thomas Churchill, Clinton, presided over the meeting. SELLING OUT Sale will continue until Entire Stock is disposed of. Everything in our Store • ox(S4e at Great Money -Saving Prices. Get in on this Sale at W. HIERN, Shoe Stove Phonp. 43 w Goderich ,00.0.0,4001,00, hie cap.Vaisred •ou klogendlint 5174$44,te:*,*htl4441. Nhe �ent o.Lih4;1431rthe Cerne- a, to sell the ooeuNnts some ash. He etetectlinat.ie atias not **fee ftom the velnete for mote than i00111 40 seconds,- ;tie Sainted that he had perked the car It* over on the side Of the road, as Oltee as he mad with- e irt Putting the Oar ,hetti the deep ditch, and thet no didn't ithinit there *add be srPle4444past,the cemetery, "There atun,,be,uth;rtv10,::eidaimed, 't4 eouldzitt find enec lam against Pabk4 Ing there In the truthet book given ole when bought nett license, or else tivolli4aV4 have 40zie it," he said. MO, Connell, VIP Moat inatted declaring that if he 'Couldn't: hate a few *het that be was liaYing for he (watt gang to have his *en.* 444,X0re,4 by Mr. BigkeliPm be- causebe wettld 'have no more use /or his bar in that case. ISO *ate ewes the *cense(' that several atteropts by the Magistrate to Make hien stop talking'were.truittesse • Provincial "Deatlio Constable Callender, the Outer Who had 44 (the laformation, said that he had been *mine qpoderich on XliasdaZ 4111 26th, and thn,,tswothei:. 'conditions were, very poor. He #41glia the posit* of clifcConnell'a bdillkVA9.7 as bedn3 WOW- dinStroiro.-Tle- officer elated that it was very tow aid that he himself had not seen the oar wit" til he was about 100 feet awarfrcan it. He (told the Court that,eitereewas :Vette of rOAM to park the car farther over on the cud). Val during the giving or tha officer's evidenee the defendant contin- ued to interrupt until the offe:er remind- ed him that he had had his turn. °atter Callander sald that three charg- es could Vet Oe laid against MCConnell, viz., failing to produce his license, the license plate was coVered with mud, and there was no reflector on the truck. At this point Mr. MI:Connell declared that ha had ibeen. so Mustered at the time and that the officer had been so hesty,-thae, he hadn't been able to find his license. Cffe declared that he. had never been in any trouble like this before and that he was always careful with his oar because of "the road hogs that are on the high, ways tofty." 4Ie cited a case where he had been travelling aloud the road only a sh.ott time ago when he ,met a car whose lfghts. A-.ftmled him. He Said that he thought, to himself, "Here comes one of these road hogs, and his lights are so bright and he is coming so fast he will never see me in time, sol guess I'd bet- ter tUrn off and 'wait for him, or I'll get what paw Dean got, and be thrown 20 feet and get my neck and my. back and me arms and legs broken.' When that fellow pa.ssed-me he was going about 80 or 90 miles an hour." Court officials appeared to doubt the probability of the ear's alleged speed, and the M.agistnati was table to break In to announce that McConnell must pay $5. fine and 43.66 costs. His Wor- shilp4granted s• request by McConnell, allowing him a week's time to pay his line. "Well, give ine a receipt for that," said the accused. ("IA receipt •for what?" asked the Magistrate. - 'Tor the amount or that fine," an- swered McConnell. , Another sore spot with the defend- ant was breughtLup when he asked protection at his service station against men trying to drive through the bar- ricade past his gasoline pumps. He was informed thee coitte was in sessim and that he would have -to take up his born - plaint 'at some other time. He left the court roomand a second or ea later ,poked his head through the door,' and said in an' undertone, "re get (protec- tion.", A few minutes elapsed and he (walked back into the court room. "Take your bat off," ordered Provincial mcCoy. "I'd. be pleased ' to" said McConnell, iv/hipping his cep from his head. "What Is the name of the officer who laid the inkrmation against me?" he mike& ' "You'd better wait out in the hall till you Cool off A, -031t," he was told. "Well Just want to know his name," said the "Lee.rve the courtroom," said the °M- eet menacingly. And he left. Prank .teciciy, Charged 'with consum- irg Daum in a public place, pleaded guiM to the charge, and (vvns fined $10. and was coots. d • 'charge okt setting e. trap "closer than five sleet to a =lariat house, laid against Aid.= !gain, Colborne Town- ship was withdreacn. 0. C. Wettest of Detroit was fined $10. and $4.15 costa for driving reckless - /Y. and :Fred gallitlelech paid the court $10.;a$-$3.05 costs for overloading Gft. .1, he:Gregor was. seemed $6 and 44,75.,posts for *ceding; SiunUel,Carter paid giu. and $3.16 cos ts for failing to restate( his car:. and Jessie Snider, Icharged (With fail** tO al at a left turn tiasiffined *laiA 0.7costs. TAYLOR'S CORNER. TAYLOR'S 'CORNER, May 5. Mrs, Virm, Sterling is in Godertch spending A week with her Mate; Mrs. .1tok Parrish. Mr.11and Mi*x.,Robert McCartney of Ilolnitsville Were gnette of their datighter, Mt** Orville godges. 0044 the stininer menthe, •Snit- tlao School and Church service will, the held in the 'etenitig at Zion Church, The ‘ltst, evening Service. Was.heltitislat Mitntlaye • Mr,. and Mrit. Al** Middleton and their little sons; Xack a and Jilit of 'Lilies*, and :Mita Ros ef London, irigitta With. Xro, .0d Meit. Orville fledges.' Miss LAitriltie risitet of Betuniller Is *lilting sister, Mriv Kew, tieth Ifolmes." ' MJBURN, Ma -Mr 0010 • trt°140:4*wek and wlth M* * Stanisy utioMtliviretrenietAt4rape.nt114s 'd', mihear wIrthserm, Strausser ,and. his R. D. Munro. " Mrs, Wm* Leunp and little daugli, ter, have returned to ilsonilton,,afp.or spending a. couple of weeks *An her' parents, Mr*, and Atra; H. Wagner. Mr and 300. Thee, Xitning;. Len. *ha, were *vests. on Sunday of Ur. and, rdre.. 11. Uogridge, 'Misses *Ruth Strauolusin and 41eau* or Wilson will attend Girl's Cinder. too at O. A. P. Guelph, from May 6 to O. The W. 1. 'Voted to pay their board while they attend , in Dorothy Wilson is supplying at Auburn school this week during the illness of the regular teacher, Mr, A. Hasty, who is suffering from an attack of stomach flu. • Mrs. Ed, Lawson went to Stratford on Friday to meet Mies Bernice, anti both, spent the week end with friends at- St. Marys,' ' On April 30 to Mr. and Mrs Nel- son Patterson, East Wawanosh a son. Mr, a. R. Ross Spent theweek end With friends in *Word. 'es • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Patterson are again at their home in Walkerburn, after spending 'the Winter months with their sone and daughters, Miss O. 'McGill of Blyth was a guest of her uncle Mr. W. T. Riddell, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Reg. of Port Elgin were 'week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cart- ' er. ° George Pilgrim .of Forest, Chas. Pilgrim of Varna, Mr: and East - and two tons of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Philips. Itir: and Mrs. J. Hanna and little son and Miss Isobel Robertson of Wing- hame, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. a. J. Robertson. Miss Anna D�bie who has been home Or a' week with german meas- les has returned to her school near Jamestown, Mrs. John McKnight is, this week visiting relatives in Godefieh. Mrs. Jr.. Se'huItz from near Wale ton, wasat the home of her daughter Mrs. C. Nevins over thevveli end. Mrs. Chi's.. Beadle who has for some time been in a Toronto hospital is now with her daughter, Mrs. Alli- son of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and fam- ily 'of Goderich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robertson. Miss Dorothy Craig returned to Stratford early this week, after en- joying two weeks with friends here in Auburn. Mr. L. G. Marwood celebrated his 72nd birthday on Friday. His parents lived in East Wawanosh from ISKY`, and Mr. Marwood was born ontellee- faere now owned by Frank Deveee- aux: He never married but lives with his sister. Mrs. Reel.), they coining to Aulturn'a year ago. Of a family of eight, there are stilt living: Isaac, of Londesboro; Mrs. Rachel Cham- ,ney Of Strathroy; Mrs. Margaret tied Mrs. John Ware- Fsiietyzi:ecerlianldto,iiKid ncardine; Mrs. Alice Robb, Auburn; GODE:KICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TWP., May 5.- The Union Dramatic Club are having their monthly meeting this Friday evening instead of. Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Mary Phillips, the main feature of which wilt be a debate on the subject, "Resolved that hard work brings prosperity." Mrs. ,Geo. Hewitt disposed of her household furnishings at an auction sale on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hewitt is . giving up housekeeping and going to make her home with her son, Mr. Frank Hewitt of Stratford. Her many friends are sorry to have her leave the community, but hope she will enjoy a well earned rest. Mother's Day will be observed in Union Church next Sunday. That service will be 'held at 2.45 p.m.; Sunday School at 2 p.m. Anyone wishing to have children baptized, may do so at this service, Arbor Day was not celebrated at Union School on 'Friday, owing to the teacher, Miss Esther McIlwain being sick., Little Maxine MeAllister has been very ill after complications fallowing the measles. , There was no Young People s laeciing Friday night owing to small attendanee. The members .of 'Union soft ball team spent Monday afternoon pre- paring their ball ,grounds. It was with 'regret ibe triews_Jett Rev. and Mrs. FeV. Crailes.removal to Peterborpudi was received. Dur- ing their five years among us, both Mr. and Mrs. Craik , have endeared themselves to both. members and ad- herents of Union Church. There was a fair-sized congrega- tion present at Union on Sunday. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik deliver- ed a message to the Young People from 'the text, "What Alan we then say to these things? If God* be for us, who can be against us?" or. me+ Most real heroesare modest, and the Northern Ontario Med Who help.. ed in the Moose River rescue work, are no exceptions. When four of them returned .to Timmins, they got off the train at Schumacher to avoid civic welcome, a, hand, and * 'crowd of 2,000 people, Gifts:1mi Mother's Day A new bat in any/of the pojw- lar spring shadeet. Spettatly priced from $14$ Ott. . ,Getliam Gold Stripe Mee in Service weightlnia chiffon. /*et „ Pair .eioage for dress or coat, rkodellipg hlY do • 'mite Year Patmage, (Continued too poo. man. VAW: WI peat stodes 01 ert. The Oltitdeen s OW 044 as 401.4 as Bert Is :hone there I* Penteet stetetV Mayor 0.{te,elewant't1ee flM ap3iter *a, stkt Unlike Judge cestello r sut„not avlandlother but, rather 1 am a seaman *000 1 OM Ash end 1 440 401. 614, 100r and Opt. Ittsa-, (1:100.34 -014104 tosetho to the Oaks . of the ItolfsgOl,s0e reraarited "Alia kind- neu was * trait vetilir to the AlacPen* odd -dont IttenV wiietho the people here know, th4 'Bert fs * p01135 - man or not," old the MK Uairlstrate jovIallyi "but he is eid anebotte finds wearing- too ,inahy elothee mind here in the Somme nay he arrested." The Weer pald Ur, IVIageon,ald real ectittplimeet when he meld. **There are lower ro.1s11Sve, here than in any oth- er Port. 'On Other vide of the *he. Sneaks -Well for Berk' The Mune 'Aimee Mae is an appropriate Om," �IIa Worehlp remarked, "We tareettY have the Cap- tain John and T am glad. tlett Otte boat? was Mimed atter 'Kr, afeeDonakte 'mother," The 'meeker offered the syme petite Ot the gathering to Uttlifetr-ttot aid in the loss of his mother a few Months ago. , He eiceirtesed the hope that thimeands or people will make case ott the boat in .tlie years to come, Mr. C., 0, tee, teseeldng"an behalf of the Board or Trade 01 whielt he is 'Presi- dent, 'laid that the occasion teak him back to over 50 years ago when the late William eetarltori as building boats. The tugs were (built on the dook back of where Mr. tee's store now .stands. Mr. Lee said that he had known BAlt lifst,Dantild all his life and that he. had had nothing but respect for him in that tiroe.-olt is nice -to know there is still a shipbuilder in town,' he said. Mr. 0. E. Saunders, representing the Goderleh Lions' Club, congratulated the Harbormaster on the completion of his boat. The boys and girls respect Bert and there pest be something to a man when they respect him. Mr. Saunders said that he did not know anyone that would be a better member of the Lions I Club than Bert MacDonald. "I am sure the boat is a Trood one bemuse when he builds a boat it is built to stay," concluded the speaker. lJudge - Costello stated /hat- he -under- stood that a boat is not properly launch- ed unless it has been properly bleed and he called (upon Rev..A.--O.-Caldm• to .penform that duty. Mr. Calder said that he appreelated the honor and was glad to be present. Ha had been raised on, the shores of the Bay of Vundy and as a boy had Often looked out upo'n- its shining waters. "This is not unlike that," he !declared. 'The people Of Scotland have been. famous all down through the centuries as beat builders but also as' engineers and there ware MatDonalds among them. It Is a fitting thing to tome down here on this occasion. There are men here today whose memories are stirred with happy! recollections. The spirit of former days should be kept alive. There are two things a .boat always hal to have, o capable captain and a true com- pass, he stated." ' fMiss (Martina Hussey, Queen of the Jollies of .1936, the lAons Club musical revue which was presented here a short time ago, was ipresent to perform the ac- tual christening. She was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and was estorted to the boat by Judge Cos- tello. She named the craft the "Anna- maic," and then broke a beribboned bot- tle of champagne across the 'bow. A number of spectators braved tile rain to take a first ride in the boat on a short run about the harbor. Others of, the crowd were busy having special cards commemorating the incident, autograph- ed by the officials who took part in the ceremony and by the builder of the boat himself. HOLMES-VILLE, May and 1VIrs. Barrie Walter also Mrs. S. T. Waltet, called on friends tit Durigan- non on. Sunday. Mr. and Mr. C. Shaddick and Bir- die of Hyde Park, spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Potter. Mrs. M. Stodk was at Milverton last week, attending the funeral �f her. father, Mr. Rautz of that place. The sympathy af the community IS extended to Mrs; Stock in her ber- eavement. Mr. and Mrs. T. MacDonald of Teesivater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter. Mr. J. Weir' is working as section hand on the railway. The Y.P.S. on Friday evening Will be under the direetion of the presi- tneeitiss 3- :Webster. Rev. De Wit Cosens of Clinton, is expected to give an addrese. A good attendance is re- quested. Mrs. Wm. Mulholland has returned to her home in the village after spending fhe wiater with her (laugh. ters in Detroit. Mr. Anderson Scott has engaged to work for Ittr. Lorne Jervis for the, StliMmer. Mr. I. Mulholland has been visit- ing, in Detroit. M. and Mrs. ff. MeCoot and fam- ily have moved to their new home at Londesboro. It is hoped they will en- joy every success in their new home. BELFAST Zn Vet Spritic, Brown. Grey 0 SWayollack Style, Suit* wftb i4fitra $10.9 SiSes 35 to- 813, only. 41444‘41i0a to Churl:1;1°in Peturboro. PORT ALBERT PORT AleBERT, May 00 -We ex- tend our- llettrtiest congratulations to Mr. James Crawford who 'celebrated his 85th birthday on Monday last., Mr. Crawford, is in excellent health, and we' wish for him many- more Years of health and happiness. • Mr. Harry Hawkins had the hydro installed last week. The Y. P. S. of the United Church' are invited on Friday evening, to join with the Y. P. Societies of •Lee- burn'and Nile, in a- social at Leeburir Church, It is hoped that many of the local young people will be able to attend this meeting. It was certainly a lovely spring dav on Friday, tor Arbor Day, to be I carried outeit the Port Albert school. After the hsual, cleaning up of the ' school and ground, the pupils and teacher went on Al hike to the lake. The Y. P. S. of the United Church met Fitiday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford, with about 30 present. The meeting which was in 'charge of the pieeldent, Mist Kathleep Crawford, +Toned with the hymn `Tor the beauty of the earth", followetiby the Lord';; prayer in uni-i son. The Scripture WAS . taken by Mise Charlotte Crawford; . and thei secretary's report was read. The ex- tensive topic, "The Hired Man's Ex- periences," was taken by Fred Craw.. ford, Before .Miss Mitrjerie McKenzie and Ass Etta Quaid sang a very pleasing duet. The hymn, "Take time to be holy." was sung. Earl Bogie and Miss Margaret Crawford dee lighted- their hearers with combined violin and organ instrumentals. The business part of the meeting was dis- cussed after which Mrs. Carman Hayden and 1Vtiss Margaret Craw- ford sang a duet which was enjoyed. The meeting closed with the hymn, "The Day Thou Gayest Lord is En- ded," and the Mtzpah Benediction was repeated in unisen. Miss Ethel McKenzie WAS in charge of the games which proved very amusing. The hostesses served a refreshing lunch and a happy evening was er- JoYed, • Sacrament was dispensed in the United. Chureh. last. Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Pomeroy, chose as his sermon, "Faith." Next Sunday, Mother's Day service will be ebserv. ed in church. It is hoped there will be a large number of mothers present at the service, Which will be in their honor. " Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Atthill and little daughter have moved to a farm near Dungannon to take up resi- dence. • Miss Florence McKenzie and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sahli and two children of Kitchener, spent Sunday at, the home of Mr. and Mrs.- James Mc- Itonzie. CREWE May 7 -Mi. and; 'Mew ., Matt. Shackleton spent Sunday elassi., ing with Ara% and Mrs. &wit Melinekee ney. t"? Mr, Wm. French of Donney was here on Sunday. Miss Prances Crozier returned est Sunday after spending the week with -her grandparents,' Donnybroloke. - Miss Letitia Dreaney of eelltillitrette non visited with Mr. and me. 1 yin Durnin. The Y. P. U. held its weekly matt, Inc on Friday night with a good 'Jut. tendance. Colin Crozier wax charge. LET YOUR DOLLAR By !buying year Bedding Sant% Ammar* and Vegetable Plants from the Betrelarr Nurseries, or from the stores that mewl' their stock. "Wei Grew None But The Bee , Stewart Bros'. Itemedlier Nurseries. Phone Carlo* 235. W h y spend another year cooking over a hot stove when the work can be done. just as well, more econoroi- cally and with more comfort. with an electric range , Drop in and see the Weft Beach and Finlay Consumers will receive .twit months' free power with the installation of a range by July 1st. ELECTRICIAN West, St. Phone 82 Now Playing --Anne Shirley in "Chatterbox" -added attre441en, Major Bowe's Amateurs. 'Ztarring OHATtLES LAZGHTQN, Clialtie GABLE, and MAN'OSET •TCAT The pItUr of the year, in all its magntacent detafl t t THURS., FRL and SAT. -- BARBARA STANWYCK, Freston Fester and Meivyn Douglas) Meet "Buffalo Bill" Cody, sitting Bull and all tile tem -elm heroes • tot the . plains. A livid background for the flaming romance of ‘‘ANNIE OAKLEY" Cesning-shiriey 'Temple ani Jahn 'Bales in "The Littkst Rae.' Matinees: Wednesday Sai Wards?. at 3 amt. BELFAST, May 5. -Mr.' and Mrs. Archie Nicholson went to .London recently to see Mr. Angus Nicholson Sr., who hat; teen in Victoria Hoipl- tal for * few weekts„Ile Is inaneiv. ing his friends will -be tfritdttoeleartt. Mr,. Spence, Irwin is 111 with flit, and Miss Violet Totamly hs the Meaeles.. Mr. and,Mrs.,John Mullin spent trursday in 'London. Mr. and Mrs.,-Ed1 'Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. T. taineron. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton spent last Week with their daughter, Mr,. Percy Straughtn near Sheppardton; Mr., and Mrs. 'Bert. Alton spent Sunday in Paisley. MONEY ADVERTISINC The eity eouriell of Owen Sout has voted the Board of Vetilt) or tourist advertising; 'Money 11 be expended in giving pubileity to the distriet Of Which' Owen 8011014 Se Ott 'it "tittle 'GUESSING CONTEST DURING WEEK OF MAY 1th ." RULES OF CONTEST 1. Simply enter the nuniber you think is hidden under the Geld Scat ax the Ocsigoleurn Gold seat Rug on dizipflarA -2. The guess nearest to the actual number wit be awarded the rug ram In the °Vent of a tie, the tying contestants will guesfa cecond num- ber whth win be selected. seleeted, 3. &dies genet be delimited at this store before 12 noon Saturday* net. Miming number *wilt be announced in our windows, at 4 pan. et the mine day.) 4. The judges' decisions on ,th smatter) pertainhig to the ioont&st 6. Mlle Oiliest is Oka to anyone excepting the entriloyees ef thla and their tnnites. 6. OAly one guess wal be allotted to etch entrant, . . rale Will disqualify the offender. T. Tho hfddcn winker 1.5 between I and 5.000. tiliclitd anyone patinae $‘ genuine oottoteute, tiold Seat Rut sae dutch* the pertod 4 this contest, and then Proie the ,aui the, rear Rug, he et she eball brie, the option et hetieg the full porch's* price' ot the rug DItar,..AN Al'41) //WOW 14