HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-05-07, Page 1P*9 AdvivAdes. IMMO** : Forflio.e on Relief. setatfOn ot the Toe% Council wa enUveied or a laW" ratoMentSOfl 4VtrkWar WOO larliOnt Coin$0111or Broava aekett the chairman ,0C the rolto works Committee When, the Jwork. -on t1l0 %Walt kroinV to start. "I believe the werk .ishould be doue It is at alt pees -Otte, V LIQ one else vette it done, tt do," declar- ng tne goVernment o Pase "legi4atio4 Ifher'*$ *4.bi shliSq Peron Who is elAro= xPIR Xesfeensblo.. tiring is roomy with toilet recipients must poprlaati to the coat .of ttlaa* rolie& Thelettet was Sent to the SW14 •COnaoalttee„ That cominitiee Witt deal with a re, solution from OintOrt, •teWrt eauncil, to. petit -kin the iDomtinion Government to gtve eOnalderatiola th uetion Of „ e ;ed Mr. Brown,' sirlie Stetted that the„etstie I eeeepeog eep the coal mining areas, !with- mateci mit Of the. vault (Was about ' in the Pombolon, on „a More extenstire 1 411,000; alt/leugh he felt that pante of the beats, . ." council were of the- egtinton,that -the ex. The liVorkmen% CoMPenaatien Board Periditure Would itn lato • eSteral thou.:, nivoOte reerhydba the town that 'under ,aantt deotalt. - ,.. $dbodule 2 Of the A* Ow are now lOottrieillor cralgie agreed fifth Court. I obligedto iPay4.10` f=alienesititm set by • *icialor *own that the (malt slantld lbe . the 530s14 ler ininrites amitained . by - built and Pointed out that the otast would1WorkmenAtlitired while tin the employ' of •be nothing .itt,aeotoparleon to the loss a nrunicipality. The _letter also advised that. Would be sustained Were li.re breiik out and deetroir 'the now. ainpro- tedted`recOrds, • Ite 'Odell: that, he did mit think the construction would east a lot ut mow. • Hem loser telt that. the streets ought to be looked *net (Indioatins �unc11- ir he mkt, "Hes tryisg to -eut the money oft thePublic "sk'Vorks allot- -Peat it 41e 'wants to' look after it him-: self;larig-1%-butlria the one that TaCats ' the blame, tor it." The reeve remarked that the tourist trade must be taken care of and that, the_sbreets ehono be in. good shape:tort o0ak theme "There are a. late people on the 11 Jl.uppvt. For liudson back streets Who live irt mud the wear Capt.- that beam an' Ogreeinent is signed with a, eentaactor,' it .sholildbe aScertaincd if the contractor NO WS bis assesament fee. trcr he has Peit One So the town' (vaill also be Wale (for las hare of ccan. Permitter' fees Mace The ,letter was ret tented to the public Wotiris• ._ ate Depart:0.ml of lataillic Welfare 'wrote askhas -for leo-operation by the toi viii 1.1 1. P-14010 tal.n on . faa71.1s, .,if.11 re-. lierreeigent 'is Pialced-on-a dritrin-bialde the ormicipality, the letter states, thaL (continued on page '2) :round., While X am bn My feet," he conthnied, "/ think we ought to try two or three chums of that road. material (Teeming to a brand tormenting WIWI company representative had interview-. ed the counel earlier in the evening). "The longer Yon leave it the more money It swW eoet in *the end," he said, refer - to' the fixing of the streets. Councillor-Oraigie uskedeif tIte•-cotmty ' • do_awthinv 000 "If .you gentlemen think you're going War Road. The reeve replied that be to hear a 6Peechlm are all wrung," said lied spoken to them on the subject dui- Captain\ Dalton kudson, skipper of the ing Past iseasions Of the County Council azookage freighter Superior, with sailor - and they had refused. [like torevityas he sat In a chair at the Deputy -reeve Turner Oserved that as • ' -town hall on 'Friday afternoon. The 'Cap - lex as the vault and, the expenditure on the streets were eon:mated he 'didn't think '• the publie works expexxlitUre should be cut down. "The !people. on the back streets aren't getting what they shotild' as it is. 1 am not in favor -Of „spending four dr five thousand around King 'Winter still tetatas biz 10 grip .frostY blookatle tfor esverett_daya in' the her "way through .tO °Pen tWaters were the 1 i on the waters of take Erie and poet' lake waters near roft'Oomorne, Ont. The freighters released.' Veteran skippers Saki that the alsilly monarch has -ie tight ifitt•ice Peek was the 'woret in these busy the pack iseemed to extend to the bottom is given here. This ice-impriscmed fresh. lake !miters for several years and not un. of the lake in some seetione. ter is one of 15 caughtlast week in a til the Thunder Baty Quarries smashed Honored by Town 'for Bringing Clinton Lions Ghren Charter • First Boat of Seasm.i, Into ‘: Port • , THE SUPERIOR thin, who brought the first boat into Goderich this year wad present for the presentation of the traditional' sille."top- per," by Ilds Worship, Mayor MacEwen. Captain Hudson said that wheis. he was leaning the boat that afternoon, someone had said, "Jill your afraid to go over here big a good vault should be buht tner..!, BIB alp** 1:441 been, "Por a good It. can be done at low cost. X don't hat {I'd lot *44 :401au ,gternoon.n 'think any Wel/lets man -would want his rnle ,..04010101"et0Olg'03 tars of Salt and 33vnli releez‘cle to be as IIPPII"eted. it'6 the/ two cara of beati front doderich and she laft here or IN'yandlitte, where her "We must look fortmrd to the year'a expense," said :Councillor „Haat:bar. -"There Is likely to be a, big relief =and 1 dont think there shouki be a lit*t a money spent. I am, 213. tfavor of thesing- gestion of the deptityeeeeve but I am ao- ' - Dalton Hudson has won a hat for bring'- . peeed to the closing of the alley." eke ----- fng the first 1)04 int° port ter a season - Cording to tentative Plans ler the, build- ,rhe Other. * oeeesione_ewers, at Wal- ing Of the vaulteevhicle were sub/netted, laceharz . , the alley between the town 'Taal and thel cat vik;rship, mayor 4. J. A. jereoeleeth ilti'e station would 'have to be el or - 0 tra timial topper to- Partielly eloeed. "We •anuetdown and 4., gether (with the new hat bought tor the tome place or put the tax rate up - '`i 99airr, offered congratulations, and de- wouldnt.trote tor that," IVA*. Humber ele- ' dared. ..• dared it a, real honor, and a real test of The delrutY-Teive move& that the seamanship, te bring in the first boat of the Seaton. I. am glad it was the Sirpe- -once CoarmIttee bring in cut estimate caret zezkage lfreighter we have had, in GoderiCh Art a good many irearn. "We tried various times,`with indifferent sue - Cass, to have a package freighter call 'here, and we are glad your boat Is leouv- ing. The merchants and labor men are , . betientting." -Mayor Cilfatelliwan expressed .Cotei:iller Hinriber, continuing' turae`r the etvish that more than, one paidleage the heading a imfinished. busineds, Said freighter would oeix here. that a motion had been passed at a pre - "As that captain to arrive here',.• said vious seqion that a certain let of furni- ture be sold and theeeess,. je hut been ad- vertised in'the paperS, "Mie people will went to fr.nOW the diSpositioll a that ----farilitare,!`- be isaW`----411e_eakt, AThere- ' was nothing in'. the ritience• Conittittee report to show that, end 1 think there should be something shown." avlayor takaziElwan •said that he did not feel that a matter of that kind should be Made pulilit, ' • Finance Chaltinin Brown reported that the furnittare was said to ii private Individiral tor 4125. Only One insertion of the advertiSelnetit .hatt_been-put the local paPerst end that no Potters 130 tiote in, eiteot vork !we might Tan MVO UUVU been Put on in the various.ivarde of the 1 txml3' ' loounctillor liktekine, Chairman et the Di/cuss*/ lbedlime 1;t116r Os`ted at %%ter* tight' , And Barbor 4keMinitAiee, this pohit, dounienlor tfumber :elpeclaring uyauctisd the oh* Ilviehett that'll' 4.e"t-'ellettla*:' be mu - the bilit,s, siiacesitur Sesaidn: iVe aPlitWaKe matter because the ,pepplets.heAneeigitalidi -tbo boo online awe; al4d,"30, Hookiree being dealt with and they ahead ltrioss rid im doh% *sot to he "Attie with, are here." ' lead was eompleted. • The Superior had -rather a hard nioYage tiowirtlielake, -the skipper saici, but as soon . as the frost came out at the te, it rwasn't bad. Wills Is the third time that -idapalin 'chairmen of the Public 'Wbrks and Pin- rior, said the moor, ,heosirse she is the of the east of building the vault, taking into consideration the mat,erials on. 'hand. „rtfhey are 'also to consiciat' ritte locatien of the' proposed St/rue-bum The motion, teconded by Councillor litickint was carried. • Hie Worship, dwe preterit raw with tile handeme' _stirabolical hat." The •chiet magistratqf comniented upon the hand - seine kipearance of the aVapta,ira_ wiho Md defined the hat and then trarte hhn the Mal hat tvivleh he hoped iwtould keel') Captain kindttion in mind of the people Of poderiellinel would bring hint here early! and often. • ReplylngOaPtain al -actual thanked those present tor assemblinrend for giv- Godefict C 1 u b Presents , 1 Branch With 'Gong' LARGE GATHERING The reception of their charter was the occasion for a highly successful celebration in Clinton, en Thursday evening by the Lions Club of the town. It was in the form of it banquet with Deputy district governor, Harry Griff of Goderieh,.as chairman. . Reppresentatiies of clubs from W)indsor, London, Stratford, Toron- to, Sarnia, Petrolia, Seaforth, St. - Thomas, as well as from Goderich were present, the total attendance :nearing 150: Short congratulatery. addresses, interspersed with music, were rande by Member% trent eabli of the 'outside clubs. Distriet Governor Reid, 3turdoc,c, resented the charter to the Cl ntun Club, which was acknowledged by the president, Frank Fingland. Mr, Harry Edwards of Goderich presented the Clinton Club with a (gong, 11. „Monteith, 'vice-president acknowledged the gift. Several musical numbers were contributed by different visitors. About twenty-five members of the Goderich Club went to Clinton for the banquet. • - Tile Clinton Club - The Clinton; Club is composed of the following officers: Frank land, president; M. Montieth, first vice-president; Thos. Churchill, See- ond vie-preSident; Jae. Clancy, third vice president; A. M. Knight, secretary; F. Pennebaker, treasurer; 11. C. Lawson, Lion Tanierr Ken. Waters, Tail Twister, Directors: Rev. G. McGoun, Geo: Jenkins, E. A. Fines, J. J. Zapfe. -Members: A. D. ,McCartney, Ian MacLeod? Edgar MeGuire, Rau, Marry Bartliff,---Corneliusa-Bomb Fred Ford, Geo. Lavelle, Vernon Franks, H. A. McIntyre, Leonard McKnight, Walter A. Okes, D. D. Itoberton, Luke Lawson. , - Truck Drivers p. • ing Wei the -reception, they had, 't ' .,10/ baling' here,. he •stiki. "We receive the 'greatest„eatilistante •Aront the people 'of and .fd 'we bad that "tune asite.i, what was behig done. - Other enembers !ILI* ote boo, loontog.sa * thing - the icceinell deolared the*, Ws *se lie hope to -develop, that ;wet -1141) %business which' Shona not be bade .10obt. to -an to beton* more otiospeguar A mcdm 111 63/114°M4* 11"ter* tor,' .000fain atceee btkithit." 4*We, ""nded 1,2ft'Arutitt. lebs0 Well4nown *MOM tiodcii and '• the Mance litho; gas btitu eerieelelY !.11, ter noble tkne, rellett,,-ee..eet" t4 the 41i1P°6t11'' ct"he' At, 1448a*Ylail, eidehed sileettf furniture , - 'atiebell that h WIWY4* — Delmt14*:4*14titlibr Comfdike` Craig* 0akt that he Jaw* felt Beene elietbei 'fie:w6r Oki tatek zikikevi wow*. !Amite, tiolto for the =Ade ihoulid lett With him to „None *woe acquainted with him 1:41116686 "4"Int tt° tri 'butl tct tat: eibetilse,"Mr. *Ogle, stosa-iti the ice And mediate use.' Thig was agret41 t(), alb pima** Ho etued at that tinae he Used to' Imo* semoet the A letter from the local Armen *Sired captains that' tat& here. for louder Weems' thdee nee befog Atter offering Itengnitalatione, Mr too Teak o heilrd an" • distaxte. Mica ailo* "We Walt we bine cise et the 4. The aorlerattft yrok dftt Trith the .ffneat tra*ont tin Ole Wu*, and eire are :I:natter. *kid. that it WO our own best, fOt* Is Alexandra areweitel Board Vottitie, likti our 'Crern boa. good Cdtatidian boat." Iry that. net* grant ithonki net be i0Ouociiickuo Baker and Bingham also 4 OverlOOked in• the drawing tip ot the diked 0008ratlibliorla to the Ca**, pear:sestimatet,-. It event fo the rbiants` Baker Stating that as iiiesam ceouttittec , bOati Men, .eliaptein Melon end his *44: •Mr . lerank"Donnelly by meter aeltedlm ther were 'unbeaten en the Oreat WAN' wet, town** that en lice. Nett .faletitatit spoke and the open- drain he Visited on isitou °trot to best krimtsa. boy In GodeAcli; oktaie *no keep ranter tron flooding Ur. Longinilres, s was odied on, and Wave a mot troditAblot property. The , letter eclat" kit WW1 ttee addreas. Pliblie Works "06111stalttee. rtigeo seere.Ppassed about !recta and tine "Oertinittee eniOYeble few Sennienta *tot Spent hp, a letter trent Mr. 'T. those vit the terra atked to hare hie tint* and intidentia. • 'flawed atiti the kind taptain Ittebon eiftuntered ' the ,'21tai after eAblng *CV kcal cOlatietE ;to eve lic.• • • ffM Worts* entatteeed. hie tytnpathy wttli 'who Hard Hit r vimiwonlmar4.4114.4 one Ovilleit COMPelka to Pa)? Over Six Itualred Dollars ---- • OMIPADIria It IS estimated that • about $1,000 ;Sit bee* paid Zit) Department Of ifighwaye by truck -Owners in Gode- rich and vicinity; W110 were found to he overloading their trucks. i.e. the loads being carried in the truCkii, at' the tirkte they were -apprehended b+, Mr. 1,.. G. Pabiah, Apecial Inspect - 2; of the Department of Filthy/4P% et Toronto was, greater than sit•411otv. ed by, the license on the truck. One Man *loner paid over $660. of the *belle aiim. Tbe tinier -licensing o bias rot over -loading (whichever you prefer) hew Apparently been icomknon practice throughout the torintry, and many,track owners are being hard hit, now they are forced ,to oat/ an ainount Ivliith should have been included in the original pay.- inent., `Mr, „Fithian etrested *the fact that Ali drivers should lieitSess andcarry operator's or chauffeur's , permits. Iiiegianing next year it will be imper- ative for art applicant to give the number et their 1147 driver's per- mit before *her vain be Able to obtain their markers.This new method is being put intoptietiem In an effort to stop ear Wieners from driving on the highways without the necessary driver's permit. , NORTH HURON'S MEMBER , BROADCASTS ON MONDAY Deaelman, speak vet CXNXF._,Wingliarno,,,14.40"..tioutit 'MandaY,T; MaY llth.- Ire Will Attal tsith,'"ansine** and the Boiltet57 AREliirrS' PIIESENT IHUNTSVILLE, May 1--ReV, Win, Weir, B.&, on of yr, and Mrs. V. G. Weir, Coderich, vas on Orkillir even* Th Ortistitiad into the Oita* ofillie PreahYt.rifin chn.reh in Canada, and 1114440 As sinister of the 11Unts- Ville .rtatb erian OtOrch. Where he iltba: past ryeeikr, Stntient minister for Roektir J. 0, AlOtono M.A. Of Pain' Sonnt4, who is interim Moderator of .the Oharge and Rev.,iferhert J. Scott of th Bay; officiated at the spe- cial Wing of,ilve Presbytery of Isfort10(-1)*Ot ariW,,,,TiMiSkitining, at •whielta.the" **nation service was heltVZ ,, Presicitatit-lattilic 1930 'graduating class- of Knox College, Bir.. Weir is w011aknoWn at the University of To- ronto 'ter, his laterest in student ac. tivittea and in athletics. An allround athlete, he played intereollegiate soe- cer for the U. of T. , and played inter - faculty hockey, lacrosse basketball and indoor baseball for 'Knox Col- leges. ' 1;flet, Yearlie was elected head of the House Conimittee of the Knox ,Collego Undergraduate& Aseociation .and for the pan- tra-years was -Sec- retary of the Knox College *lesion- ary Society and in Charge of student Supply. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ga. Weir parents of the rowdy ordained minis. ter, attended the ceremony. More Insurance, On Court House . POST OFFICE CLOSES County Property Committee May I.Chee ng -up. Replace Locks and Beds 2 P.M. WEDNESDAYS Truck Owners lai.ozwit June, Jute„ Most, septem- ber, the ooderich Post Office will close at 2 Nu. on Wednes- days- • All. outgoing mails will be for- warded as usual and box holders can get their mail at the cestorti-e, _arf time, but the 'wickets will close ` at two o'elci.k. POPULAR PASTOR GOING TO PETERBORO Rev. F. NV. Craik, pastor of Vic- toria- Street United Church, has aq- cepted a call to •St. James United Church at Peterboro, in a straight exchange with Rev, A. E. ,Moorhouse, pastor of that churkii, who will come to Goderigh,a0.)nnifSter of„ Victoria Street Church. Mr. Craik is now completing his fifth year in Goderieh, and as a friend of a very large 'Munber of people in town, will be greatly mis- sed here. The church to which he is going is., rather larger -than Vic- toria Street Church, and has the see- orid *largest Sunday School in that city. Mr...Moorliouse will likely:. occupy his Goderich• pulpit on the first Sun- -day •In July.' Weights, Traxisfers, 0 w nership Subject to Inspection OVERSIGHTS EXPENSIVE About 40 truck owners in Ooderieh and vicinity received a rather =pleasant surprise JAW: week -end when L. 43_ Pa-, bian,Special'. Inspector of the Depart- ment of ellighways, ,arrived itt Goderich and began checking up, On trucks _eend their loads. A. number Of trticks Were found to be =vying loads some tons be- yond their license. LAB tritics, which are at present un- dier-licenseet should be broughtup to the correct Weight as soon as poseible. The overfloading of.trucks is eovered in &sec.+, tion of the Highway 'Traffic Act and the insPeeters may stop a truck on the road, weigh it by means of a loadometer <Which will (weigh trucks antt their loads up to 40,000,pounds) and if the truck is overloaded the eilriver will be giVen ' a ticket. In one lekal case a •man had to pay 879 to have a correction made in his license. He was carrying four tons over the .amount, perniitted by his license. 'The oemraercial truck permit must be carred in the cab elf a truck at ail times. Traek speed Is set it 35 miles per hour and flame and clearance lights must ,be carried by -all trueke seVer 843- naelies in width.tMl truelitt inust have the name and address on each side. Garages are being checked up on the teangerring, of used owe. �t 12 necea- sary rich.' the dealer to transfer a ear *0 his naine before selling it otit again. This Is to prevent people from driving cars that are not in the proper owner's name. Mr. Fabian told The Star that one local garage had to take out license transfers for 10 cars- that"were.not trars- --4, _ _ Sometimes a drive Is put on the high- ways, the Inspector stated. A portable sign calling all cars to a halt is plal7e. d en the highway and numbers of Gaiety imeasuree are checked over. The trucks are 'weighed with the loadonteter. Horns, with length, double hook-up or trailer typo; =safe 'vehicles, ,garage and storage, record of -second-hand vehic;en, light flares, etc.,- and ;natal, other points - are thorougbily looked over by the In- spectors. (Inspector Fabian emphasized the fact that the under -licensing of, trufzics is, in no way the fault of the issuer, wile is Obliged tell take the rardid of the person taking out the license as to the weight ot the vehicle being regkitered. Check-ups in other towns show condi- tions to be the same- as those in Code. rich, 'Captaiii Dalton Hudson weAring the silk topper presented to him by the Town of Goderich, for bringing the first boat of the sealon into tie Port of Godetieh. STOLEN IN WOODiTodit RECOVERED IN ,GODERICH A ipae blue Coach, stolen from Mr. Gordon Matt- of Woodstock, was found on Pridity. morning standing in a dump ut the 'east end of the town. The ear had * flat tire but was not: dapusged Otherwise and there 143 dill Si quantity of gasoline, in the tank. ithad been driven *bent 300 Miles from the time , it was stolen from' Mr: Mart, in WoodstOOk • on April 20th. The person or persons Who had st4en the ear had apparently 'been t.4 Owen/ Sordid, and 'had removed the markers front * ear there. These they had plieed on,the stolen ;tar throw. int the original markers from the vehitie under the bug teat. While Chief roSteithWaite wat bkving the ear removed to garage Provincial,coneteige,.,Oteiost,,trikeee-theoVier4 ship of :the tar and Mr. Marti came to Goderich imosiliattii to eta* it, 03, " PUBLIC. SCHOOL BOARD • HOLDS SHORT SESSION • At a meeting of the Public School Board on Monday evening, the to - ports of the principals a Victoria and Central Schools were presented *as follows: Victoria School -Total on the roll, 368; total average attend- Ance for the month, 30639 or 86,82 per cent. Penny, Bank deposits, $01.- 55; Number of deposits, 478. A re- quest for blackboard cloths was also included in the report. Central School -Total on the roll, 217., total average attendance, 181.65 or 86.05 per cent.; Penny Bank ds. posits, $52'.97; Number Of deposits, 156.. Miss Jean Price taught five and a half days, and Mr. Carl Worsen tanght nine days for Miss Mc- Dowell. The supply teachers salaries We're ;ordered to ho paid and the request by Victoria &hoot for blackboard clotoa wee left with the supply committee. Acommunleatioon front the Dorni. nion Appraisal Company Ltd., Gond. ting the work of appraising tile schools was placed on file. ' krequest for-supplierfor-.Victotis' Sihool was referred the Properi CoMmittee with power IN COUNTY JAIL _ - hen the Property Committee of tl e County Council met on Tuesday, itk was decided to place another ten thousand dollars of insurance on tile Court House, through Mr. J. H. R. Elliott •of Blyth. • The report of the Inspector of prisons, regarding certain improve- ments at the local jail, was also con- sidered, The Governor- was authoriz- ed to secure. prices on locks for sonto of the corridors, a steel door, steel beds and other requirements. , Recalling the necesity for careful financing during the current year, th,a eemtnitteo deemed' it advisable not .te;bitV# the hell'on the ground near et tb Courflouse redecorated at the present 4 me. Navigation Notes - The 20 ships that sailed out of Port Colborne last Thursday were stuck in the ice for three days. The Donnatona reported 30 miles of ice between Port Erie, Pa., and Port Colborne. She was earilying coal for Hamilton. The Bade and the Sarnian were among the delay- ed freighters. The Lemoyne pounded her way through from Ashtabula oleo with coal for Hamilton. She it\ the lama freighter on fresh water. anti mA crowds of, people Were 41410PPOtated to dlikbSir6eseett tr'Itieent"nttvirilthfroinwsetfetar:ding the Chrietenbill: ' ot rata, IVOinsinaie." ,Howe'ver, a large ittailloar ins of Bert CtfaisDonald'a iaaa! bolt ..t•he of people were at the dOek deetilte the inclemency of the weather and the whole ceremony, with the exceptiOn the actual christening. Wee carried out in WI large bittinng-touse. log w43 Indeed a }AMY One, . ArnOnit* The inowd that attended the chrliten- 1 the people in the asathhouaet were repre- sentatives elf almoet eve* orgaidastken in Goderieh who had come to Ow tat, bate -to one el the . best known and beet liked eitiaens at Goderich. That man ettod back out of sht is muteh as pop - I able and when the ceremony was abotit to begin, insiSted that le had to go and ' do some work on the dock and that Merl' had better carry on without Man. How- ever, he was not to. have his own way because Sandy Damien, to whom the credit must be given for orgenbeng and making the christening* a suocess, ieth a slight piresiral effort, persuaded 'Bert to ' stay on "Miocene. . Bert's boat b a 30 -foot `launch power- ed by a 4-cYlinder Gray marine' engine. The Craft weighs two and' a half ton* and is built along fast lines for a boat of that epe. A small cabin id placed antidshipa. painted grey and the hull is black with red and green trimming, whilethe gook is daright red. It took the Harbormaster about two and a half months to complete the boat, NVItteh INSA on Saturday decorated with flags on her bow and stern as she lloatee giddily at the slip. Bert stated thit ,there were 50 or more people • had some. part in the building of the boat, a large number of theee having only driven r - .. .-nall-:414---painted-a••Strip-ow-the-craft,..e.r........ -----_-_-!.„ iwishing to help. - . 'the name of the boat is .derived from Mr, IlVtatDonaltre mother, the late Anne MacDonald, and was suggested by* somr person whew Identity wee not revea/ee In the letter entered in the centest run in `connectilm- With the naming 'Of the boat. . . Judge Costello, master of ceremonies introduced Bert to the erawd and ex- pressed regret that the day was not a more pleasant one for the ceremony, "7 am a land -lubber and know nothing of boats," said Rin Honor. "This is a nee experience for me. When I was told wliat the occasion was and when the . name ltlacDonald was coupled vrith it, 1 couldn't refuse." . "The n.ante (MacDonald," he contin- ued. "means. a greate deal to the people hare., Capt. John MacDonald, Bert's father, was, T believe, one of the best- known seafaring men and most favor- ably known on the Great Loa.kes. , In the four or five years I have itved in Goderich I had never met Bert Mac- Donald until a short time ego. I am one of the few people who has no'. known him. To the boys and girls Bert Is the last word in what a man levels - be. I had imagin.ed Bert to be a mar something ' cf the_ build, or fai-masor Lee In act -I had heard of Itm as a super, (Continued on page 5) [HIGH LIGHTS OF CANADA'S BUDG-gf Additionai, taxation on corporation initomes to yield 86,000,000 additiona: revenue.' • • 0 0 • Sales tax increased from 6.to 8 per cent. to yield 823,0010,000 additional reve- nue. In ,prosperity days the sales. tax wan only 1 per cent. It never before ex- ceeded 0 per cent. • • • • ' • Of 110 tariff changes, 104- are redactions and 12 are increases. British Em- pire gooda will be admitted free of duties under 700 of the 1,400 items in Canada's tuneems ochedulee. • • • • • Lorin or----trffitecir States gazolhie reduced from 2 1-4 cents per trallon-W- T cent per gallon. . • " • • .011 0 0 Tnity on American agricultural implements -425 per cent. last year -tut to Va per cent., 'effective array 2nd.• • . • • • , , Canadian visitore- to tinited States or other cotOtiries May import duty-free 8100 worth of goods once in each four-month period" • • • . Proderence increased on unmanufactured Empire tobacco of Turkish type Preferenee- to favor of Australian raisins and currants restored to 4 cents pe: pound, and +countervailing Oates imposed on eggs, eut flowers and potatoes This means Camila Will impose seine duties on Vpose commodiere as United State:, or other countries from which they are imported. - • . • • 0 • * Excise' taxes on automobile radicallsr. changed. (Preliminary verdict of manu- facturers is production of lower-prieed models will benefit at expenae of higher priced cam. Duty on completed cars reduced to 1716 per cent.. etxepared witr. 1114 per cent.. Watered with ,17 1-2, 22 4-2 and 30 per cent. ag formerly. • • • • Tear' on cigaret tuhes is reduced from 3 to 2 cents.; excise duty on Canadian bretwif.10000.0111.4eim 1.4 to LI a gallon to equalize vtith brandy hem Austalis 11 • • .0 • • • Suldatantial Oorkedisions to British products and new trade agreement with the 1Vizst providing ter comprehensive tariff reductions. • • • 0. . • • constructive policy to stinnaate Oanadlen mintog industry. ettemption from 15 per eent.' tO any. metalliftirOus :nine oaudng into pro - and Jai. 1, IMO, It time yews 01 produetion. • ". eitts sl t4}„$1,000 annually to a4jmn*01* exempt tam gift tax. • • • Tariff Board recommendation of change" in Witt rate e 30 per cent. on American turnituee, adopted. O 0 6 • 0 gredUCtiariS itt ditty on Irish Fite State products. • 0 0 0 0 Net debti of ,Canada increased $3,008000,000. 114 last siX Ware by $367,000,000 to • • 0 0 • Grand total,delleit for the year is 8102,00000 including special expenditure At.: atneraploymeat and railway deileit of 447,000,060. • 6 0 0 6 Peoarable trade balance for everk year ended Via*h 31, was $210.006,000, Phu - S112,000,000 fOr gold bullion. Including tourist tram, favorable balance attains the world It $443,000,00 for the pct 1 ew% , 0 0 * O. 0 Tri my oPinian," Vinance Miniater Durtniag allot "it Is not tcasrble teitis t; oohleve a complete hatanOlgi of oits midget ininkediatett. That word(' Involve de- ftstfon, and t� a degree that '0,610 probably prove intoteoikc. Wo moSt make az iimikdiate apprcelahte appcoach to a Wince nudiget." .triacuiplquient reef, vista and Oet.ea5tall ,110.401X31, itonsto% marked as the Otto veatett tarrletv to a hthiteed Ottdset-land, ga dian people a, litipe.inspititig /picture of a eitiolvet11 and . Vitie,rtiost-eWeicottatFteeitureiz been tediestion* of "at inotement toward )rtocevery." not rek.vretV.,!. merit" •