HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-04-23, Page 3k 10040tcre lov0 to ear ellogg'>s: Wee; Erzspales eraHe ;in m or cream Te`y lovetbcir 4.400111 Aftvor too- ntI the.Mot or 'ogee !toles les on be bares of Rice Krispite packages. Buy Bice Krispies today: Sold by grocers every- where. ,Made by Kellogg 14,udo0 Qntaawrio. Quality. guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually „crackle in milk or " FiK cream aereq'sa‘ 7.177 lifuseular Rheumatism . .-(When AUBURN one is a safe i er tram =macular rhessma-! the melon rubbed with Dr. 7homa.s'' m ectatic 011. Let t e rubbing be m• AUBURN, April 21. --Mr, and Mrs. • and continue until ' ease Re Jewell of Goderich visited Mrs. Them ds ire virtue an a bof.�tie q2 dt g• ► rthan, elan q ; ,,'ted,• C. A. Howson, and Mr, and Mrs. R. J: Phillips. Mrs. Geo. Patterson and Miss Florence have _returned to Toronto after spending Easter week with. Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson visited recently with Mrs. McCool of Clio,- ton. lio-ton. DOn.t Guess But .-tris,•r q'—:�'x<f..-._ . :,sr`7''r�a.:c...s are,- r'�"�xs....v'J�:.piid,BL^^. *�#iL�. now Whether the "Pain" Remedy You' Use isi SAFE? Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches Is 'SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about "ASPIRIN." He will tell you that before the discovery of "Aspirin" most "pain" remedies were advised against by phy9icians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, _ Ede relief. Scientists rate "Aspirin"' among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neuritis and neural- ,'gia. And the experience of millions users has nroyed it safe for the average person to use regularly. Tn vow awn interest ren iv1 er this. moz.orows GOIERI H' TOWNSUIPe. Apra 21, The May 'mee of the U'nsion Drainatic . Club, wilt held t thw home of Mrs. Mary Phillipa on nees day .evening, May, 5. ,,A Obanwill be the special feature of the proms rant; .. ' Seeding operations .have Started: in istret. d& Mr. Geo. Mctlwain anti ahs are busy p.uttintti in the crop on the. feria o h s a o To me �I s. Ells . Gehlth f on the .4th; concession, formerly ova- ed by Mr. Art, Tichborne. Mr. Chris. Johnston"is 'not' enjoy- ing. the best, of health, his. any 'wfriendseltagainhe.llo lie will soon be quite School' re -opened on Mondav after the Easter holiday's. Four new" pupil3 Kenneth Sowerby, Doreen .Orr, Geo. Eel' and Douglas. Fuller started... There was no .Young ,,people's ting on Friday evening owing to tl> small attendance. There was a large number of Com- inun;cants present at Union on Suns day. 'The easter, Rev. F. Ws., Craik delivered a helpful sermon from the test, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; no:, as the world giveeh, give I unto -yon.„Let not your 'heart be troubled • Neiher let it be afraid,'' (St. John 14.21) Sunday, May 10th, is Mother's Day ,: A special service Will be held. at Union, and a baptismal service for anyone wishing it. Next Sunday, services will be as usual, Sunday School at” 2 p.m., preaching service at 3 .p.m. The following is the sclhool report of S. S. No. I, Goderich Township, for the Easter examinations:. Sr. IV. Joe Fellows, 58; Hazel Moore, 55.8 • Jr .,�IV.-Laurie Crich, _64.2; Wilfred Beattie, 58.4. Sr. IIT. ---Charlotte Salkeld, 70.1 • . Bernice Johnston, 68 7- Www.,��y -w 1tej�p� tithe ir PluVi 1 tIsents. lar m n to her dot* u teacher a li ` atter awxndSpg teams Stla her patrents, fir,'' and Oira Ow* Imo!. Um. R Alm spent the week, end star . 'with 3r••• -r'' eist> r, Atm. e 1 11Mnswot t",1. fir: , ohn Mullin, Reit NOWA litkd'eCnt Jim, Vent. Tu sear In London. tcrs,. fluor Altan ant a few do,ys in ,Twin. FO►RLRA 1 RT ssensT AiiRERT, April 22.,ssa/ha fiery Gordon. et 000 1* Vetted a few days with her s sistexstreassas Mr... Angus Goy. don. Mrs. Fred MoOabe clad two children, of cBenaniller, are ,risting with her par- ents; Mr.. and Ur& Waller Murray.. tMns, Barry He;wirins le confined to her ked.through i1}riess. Mr. Mex. Gauley, of Orewe, has been employed toy Mr. 'Percy 'Graham for the stonier nt nths. • °olds axe. •very prevalent lin tins neigh- beehood. - ,A dance was held et the public school on. Friday .evening to celefbrate the odaa- sion of a new floor just recently put dn- to the school. A great number attended this dance and all _ reported a splendid Wile. •_ About fifty people gathered at the home of Mr. Dave Mcrtin on Tuesday evening to ee1ebaate Mr. Rill Matheson's 72nd birthday. The evening Was spent in dancing and euchre playingtin the Twee hours of the morning. It was a happy occasion for everyone present. Mr. Ernie ,Crawford is to teach at Dungannon school in the sender room, this week all the Normralttes have to • 1. Sheppard spent the week �- a teach in some school. a ows, .6h.9 zDoria---- B.eattie,,�A„,-. �... r'9• af. the .Llnited_t hump u,et erina�rma. Mrs: 'Sheppardrsrtl T Y .P children returned with him. Hart, 58.9; Bruce Beat- ',Wednesday evening at the +home of (Mr• y � e3• Russell .,. ___.. Evelyn i12rs. J. ' Ewing • and Delbert spent 86."x. d III. ytt `Crte1r. ;fid . ' enzio 'with abut th eek end with Mr. and Mrs. 79.3,, .Margaret Rundle, 73,8; Kath- forty present. The meeting was in Lloyd Ferguson. . leen Rundle, 65.7. -Sr. IL-Ohesters-eh ,,rge of Miss Margaret- Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro, Misses Beattie, 69; Jack Elliott, 68.1; Frank- opened with the lilyvnn, "My ,cher is Moore, 65,` Jr. II.- Margaret R1ch in Houses and bands, after which Mary and Zeta visited friends at .r uni- StMrs. d and Mitchell on Sunday.• Harry 56.6. I. I Gorden Clement.' the The secreytary'er s rep wass reheated m read Mrs. H. Stanbury and baby son haveprimer Class, returned to Goderich Township (4ertie Beattie; Mur- and then, a topic on "Resurrection” was Refreshments were served follow - after two weeks at the home of her ney Johnston; Lillian Beattie, Phyllis g2ven by Mary McMillan. Then the ing the play, by the lad cis. A sp.:cial parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball. Miss Cooper, Donald .Crich: Joan Elliott. fin, "Talk with us bord, Thyself 're- Anniversary cake had been prepared Roxy returned home with then, Harry Montgomery, Bobbie Moore, veal," was sung, and Miss Stella John- and sei►eral of the young ladies, w%to Floyd Stanbury remaining with his Joe Elliott. Jas. K. 'Salkeld, teacher. stop game a very interesting journal.• had become attracted by the actions The business part of the meting was dis- of the character Romeo; took a eie e cussed, the main feature 'being the dis- of the cake home to sleep on it. The eusslon of a play wht h the young people outhomd as vet is not proven. are going to prepare in the very near fu- ture Scriapture lesson. was then read by Ethel 1vjcenzie, who chose to read the 91st Psalm. The meeting closed . with the hymn, "Lead Kindly Light, Amid theEncircling 'Gloom," after which 'Mr. Pomeroy led in Prayer. A social period was enjoyed before the hostesses served lunch. Miss 2iene Graham went in training as a nurse in Goderich hospital last Wednesday. It is hoped she 'will enjoy a prosperous future. The W. M. S. of the United church met Thursday afternoon at the --home of Mrs. Briery Lednor, with 18 :present,' W The meeting' was in charge of the pies,; dent, Was. James McKenzie, with hymn rite alght of the -World -Is -Jesus" after which Mr. Pomeroy led in prayer. Mrs. D. iAtthill read the scripture and then the hymn, "I am teeming to the Cross," was sung. illus. Lednor read, the , devotiarial leaflet, swhtch proved very In- f terest15 g., Mrs. Pomeroy then read a. part, of the."Study Block." The Tics zvess• _ was discussed and the 'Vann, "Christ the - Lord is Risen 'rotates" was dung. Mrs. Lednor closed Ike" detesting- Twit - peaye It was decided to hold a social evening at the'vhome of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reid on Friday evening, April 24th. '-A- social time was spent by the ladies and the hostess served a refreshing lunch. AUU Celebrat riivrsary' I1illAri PIay "Mi. s Mistake" ao ''-''Io 'ed by Dawrnwe. W I. COM ED ST. Ati'GIJSTINE, April 18. -The 10th of April marked the 25th mini-. versary of the St...Atighstine W. I,, and in fitting commemoration, . a' special entertainment was held in the Parish hall. b. Mrs. Bert. Thompson the president' welcomed the large crowd, as indict-. tive of the good will fostered by the organization. She thanked them for their kindness and hoped that they would all enjoy the play, which was presented by the Young People of St, Peters Dramatic Society of Luck. now, under the direction of the Rev, .Mr. Geogehan. The play entitled, "All A Mistake" proved to be a hilarious farce. Many were the complications arising, when the young lieutenant fearing that he would be disinherited tries to keep chis marriage a eeeret from his uncle, •bv pretending to have married the -lady in the uncle's favour. His aunt has romantic aspersions, which have led her to communicate with Romeo, through a matrimonial bureau. Owing to the close proximity of the estate to a lunatic asylum, all the charac- ters in the play at some time or other suffer the embarrassment of being mistaken for lunatics. The young lady who pretends to be George's wife, finds herself in trouble, when her fiancee looking for the asylum ,blunders. into the estate. Sheplays the role of being crazy, and at the same time he is mistaken for an es- caped""lunatic =" —The'--plot—thickens as - all become suspicioua of each other, but as in Lill good stories it disen- tangles, and the characters lay it down to being, "All A Mistake." A further complication came from the 'fact, that all the characters on thti female side were named Nellie. The 'only .-. ua1-au Ana `c range in h .wo id. Let us a lain he to ,� d to ta. ata the t this feature to you,, . afedin steel high speed a ments -faster than- open elements rad more economical in power, Two months' free power . for range purchased: before July 1st, 1936. SEE US FOR PARTICULARS grandparents. Miss Isobel Rollinson spent several days last week with friends in Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNeil of Tor- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith over the week end. Mrs.. J. P. Cook . and daughters). Doris and Jeanette of London, spent the week end •with Miss- S Blair and Miss Mary Asquith. Mrs. Walker and son Bobbie, of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor. Mrs. Taylor returned to Toronto with Mrs. Walker ever'the week end.. The Novelty Tea and Minstrel Concert presented by the Knox Y. P. S. was well attended and all en- joyed a good supper and fine cin - cert. • .purr "Thl'ta are made--n- Canada. "Aspirin" is the•registered trade -mark of the Beyer Com_ panyL Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of•a cross on ever; tablet. Demand andGet IC A s p R.,7? Mr. and .Mrs. B. Keyes motored to London on Saturday evening to at- tend a meeting of railroad execu- ti`ves, Mr. and Mrs. E0. Wilhehn and Mrs._ Hienbrick of -Tavistock, ` were :Sunday visitors with Mr. Win. Doerr. Mrs. Geo: Beadleis visiting friends in Detroit. `Mr. Gordon Taros. and "-H: L. Sturdy are driving new cars this sea- `` son, . i Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson Sr.—who I spent the winter-' with - their daugh- I ters in Detroit, returned recently to their home on the 13th ,ancession of Hullett" LEaster of• Miss dMargaret Jackson o spent at the home herr-other, Mr. Jas. Jackson, has returned .to Fier school i'' n Tatti:---_..._.-....._........_,.....-. r. rtl-ifit o er ibi o creme` --was-s holiday visitm'switlr friends in this vicinity. _ .Mrs. Donaldson and' children were visitors wit t%her parent" and - Mrs. W. C. Robertson, one day last week. • ST. HELENS $T. B LENS, April 20.-O4rs. • Joe M: - Thtosh, of Vineland, 'is spading the 'week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd. Mr. .George .McQui lin 15 home "fes the D. A. C., Guelph, fora few weeks before gong to Kapuskaning for the sum- mer anonths. - Mas. Lyons, of Londesboros is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Gaunt. fir. Helmuth Schlenker, of Bridgeport, was the week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robins= Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Durnin, of Sea - ,forth were recent visitors with Mr. John D+urnin. Rev. I. C. Wilkinson and Murray, of 'jn,gal, were glens in the village last 'week. Rev. 1i. M. Wright, Muriel, Gladys, Jean and Billy, were visitors last week with Mr. 'Wright's mother _ at Chatham and with friends at 'Leamington. Me. Wilson Woods was home from ---Guelph for the weekpt._ r_- The last "At Home" of the season. un- der the auspices of the Women1s Tnsti- tuate-wass-held .ill -the- .-hail on Friday evening with a large attendance. The program consisted of a short play, ' Mrs.es_lilatertainh the Women's l n- stdtute." The part of Mrs. Jones, the president, 'was well taken by Mrs. Dur - min Phillips. Others taking part were Mesdames Ewart and Gordon McPher- son, Toni Todd, Fred a*. Quia'lin, E. Nv. Ree,McKenzie 'Webb, Lorne Woods, Chmter , WY- Jansen, Wallace "4MYlMrt+-" Your thence' to Win a 4Ian-dsome. MARSHALL MATTRESS The Marshall 'Company is giving away 5 ` of the famous Marshall Spring Mattresses to the first five people whose names are drawn in the "Mar- shall Week" Drawing. All you have to do is clip this coupon, fill - in your name and. address, bring it into our 'store, and we will mail your coupon to the Marshall . Co. for entry in the drawing. It is all free. You are under no obligation t buy,, -but--your--en- try must be made -luring "Marshall Week", April 18th to the 25th. We will - know the results on May 15th. We Supply the Coupons. 1-R. W�EELER. FbNERAL DIRECTOR, FURNITURE DEALER • A dance followed the refreshments. Music Was supplied during the inter- missions of the play by Miss Donelda Douglas and Art McCartney. During the dance several volunteered their' talent, including Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Bill, and Miss' Mae Redmond and Mr. William Robb and Dorothy, hi& daughter. It is hoped the W. I. will enjoy many more years of good fortune, in which to carry on the 'splendid wore they have done during the past quar- ter century.' .111111, TALBOT & CORNISJI "Every house needs Westinghouse" Phone 81 Gbdauicb Do Those Paintul foils Cause You Untold Misery ? Anyone who hap, or it, euferbv - from boils knows how 'sick and • miserable they make you feel, sad the worst part is that as soon es— .you .you seem to get rid of one another crops up to take. its. place, seems ingly, only to prolong your agony; and misery. Boils are caused by bad blood„ but when the blood is purified,, • cleansed and vitalized by B.B.B. the boils quickly disappear, year misery at an end, your._hea1th.. and strength improved, and your,s akin becomes deities, smooth end fres GO -n3 eruptions. suis lrji iy batiks.— Start- and Save M�ney You can buy Everything and Anything For the H0ME We • Positively Save You Money at BLACKSTONE'S On the Broadway of God.e'ich Persian Balm Is irresistible. Pregnant as summer flowers. Cool as a mountain spring. Wonderfullyy invigorating. Sof- ileera, Misses Mildred McSkuollin Annie tells and whitens the hands. Makes skin aneafeaelbiaLlaeaunt and Vera Tare- eroftetairalred----Erate-syouthfula-Uped by 'V' y ere wder'-+base- ands s a peer - siding The urograms for this meting con. less aid to lovely complexions. Used by zdstin� of two cYtoru eti th 1 . as an eg ive l ir�h wive -er- Edlo by Mrs. -Jansen, n reading of the shaving lotibn. And dor chikiren, noth- -Institute ale I .1NFrs--- N�--Webfh. a vie- mg soothes. xxd Protests their tender Skin lin selection by_Miss Veri. Traylor and a ikcs-tize`de+llcately ,coo'i--lsmaim L -- poem `1A. Retrospect," giving a review of�...---.--- the Et. Helens Women's ,Institute recit- ed by (little Miss .Helen McDonald dres- sed es an old lady, and a dance by Dor- othy Webb. • ` At the meeting of the Y. P. U. held on Sunday evening the scripture lesson was read by Miss Irene .Woods. The Bible character on "Ruth" "Wee "Studyof > Going Dates: Earl Durnin. The, topic, a : 0dod Picture" was taken 'by Mr. Lorne Daily May 14 to 28, 1936 - Woods. The yoing people have a'^kept- . _Return Limit: 45 days. ed can invitation from the Whitechurch Society dor next Friday evening. HOLMESVILLE ASHFIELD IASHEVELiD, .AApril 21.-aMa. M. C. Maokenee, who spent the winter in Tor- onto, is home. Mrs. John West and her son Lorne, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. atom' Ross. . . The April meeting of the W. tot. S. of Alel'd Presbyterian. church was' held at • the home 01 Miss Jane Catheaat last 'Wednesday. Tie young people of the csoanmunity presented very clever Wary at Lochalsh Hall last Tuesday, .entitled "'bre 'Antics of Andy." Those taking part were Mis- ses Margaret Mackenzie, Margaret Par - h, Anna May Fairish, Macy Macken- zie, and Messrs. Jack Mal.,'L4enxian, Har- old Collinson, Cyril Matsh, !David Cow- an, David Mackenzie, Geo. MacGregor arid Pirilaiy lata doll iMrs. Hetherington, of Godex ch, is the guest of .her nephew, Mr. John Macin- tosh. 'Welbb's choice drains of Vege- table and Plower Seeds e - Bent the thightst possible !tan- dar+d of qualityy and produC.tiv. ity. 'Nerdy Tea, .ieses, 'Climbing, and Rambler Votes, shrubs and Hardy Perennials in great var- iety. dilater Lilies, t climati ed to ,Canadfan conditions. All our Lilies w y We been (wintered out- €ride. alt m. these. The Vogt* Seetistrken King St. E.t,'Totontoi Ont. ° • r, Phone • a O Special Bargain EXCURSIONS TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA HOLMESVILLE, April 22.- Mise. Thelma and Mr. Harry Cudmore spent 'the weep end witch their broth- er at Brantford. .iMiss Joy I(emp. of Mitchell visited with her cousin Miss Norma Potter. Mrs. Edmundson of Clinton 'spent the past* week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'McPhail at "Ivy Cottage." Mr. E. Hoitzhailer of Niagara Fails is visiting this daughter, Mra . Fred Potter.. J. W W. Herbert has been slightly under the weather with .throat trouble, The. W. A. of the United"Church are giving the evening's progr•artl this (Thursday) evening. at elrace Church, Porter's mill, consisting 'of two plays, readinga, arid musical numbers. A good evening is antici- pated. The Y. P. U. last Friday evening wast under the direction of Mr. Mervyn Lobb. The meeting was an Easter service. Miss Faith and Mr. Fred Potty rendered the lovely duet "The Broken. Mart". Miss Mary Grigg read ail Easter story and the Iiev. Wyley of Hent tiller gave the address. • The Y. P. U. this Friday evening Will be under tite direction of Miss Norma Patter. APPROXIMATELY OHNECENT PER MILE ' ,C-xood in Coaches Only. . Sleeping Car Privileges. . PassaigeTicketg also on sale. good in: (a) tourist sleeping care at approxi- mately 1%c per mile, plus regality' berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 114c per anile, plus regular seat or berth fare. ROUTES Tickets good going via' Port Arthur, Ont.,‘,Armstrong, Oast., Chicago, Ill., r Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same route • and line only. Generous . optional routings. .STOPOMS---within limit of ticket, both, going and returning- at Port Arthur, Ont. Armstrong, Ont., and west; Also at Chicago, I11., Sault Ste Marie, Mich., ani 'seat,• in accordance with tariffs of United States lines. SCOUT TRAINING VALUABLE AT COLLEGE tfbttt• lover Scout training had proved a'valuable foundation for other conrtm of.sltudy by theologrral ,talents at Biohop'l College, Lennox - vine, was a tribOo paid by the Rt -leves,Plflip, Ca rr1ngtoitssLord.:Bishop, of Quebec, Full, particulars from any agent. Canadian Pacific 17-20. ' 0E0E1 'r✓ Kin EY I LLS \-4% et ,k ike,s t',„•c 17 lei rxs t, ry a ie 0 • V � Little Joan has just• herd the tinkle of the telephone bell. Daddy aw' home a lot on bust is so wrapped up t Joan that he calls home by Long Distance every even- ing and listens to some of her chatter before she's put to bed. And Joan is on the lookout every e9ening for Daddy's call.. Expensive?' Not at all; Night Rates begin at '1 .nO; , w they are surprra on y calls. on " AnY -777 H. 4 RIPF, gotager 1,4 ro i