HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-04-16, Page 2✓JI.P11N �M'� A•1,,
'er not to haste their
nth 014 and .new
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Wit of oUr i n e
fled to *, Wore.:.► ► ► Uni we are n
.... „� ., the# bsc'1er °+a v tett
•t ied end ,piper for * liroked tine.
`I1AN d be h►' registered letter, e
°Cti°4* 'at'Sbeet*e '!!ok7440 atOtidiFsooderieb..
The �h g tic min* its Os columns
. it be *We ter erg
r v l ci4 li$ li hereunder srproof e each
the dyertfaer end re-
t o The Star's bOligneal 01100041004 t r
and +pith exp m
or cw�► may .noted in Hitting
theme and in ti*t case, tiny envy is not acted by
Stair, Its UAbliot y i I not exceed h �r p � of
the entire utt tent. Aeshr
advrtisement es the new °malted by
astar on OPPlication.
Me,, cid ECERSt STEW xt
'Editor. ittensaer.
Hones: "Dew 'i4; Night 84 and :331.
or She
At tistoWel the Board Of OlUesitlou very leUch
other anything but "gentlenuez" •
ex.014031te optima that the measles' adversely afs
*tate how many or thoste pupils would prefer Measle4
to examinations.
Miss Agnes Maelitii, .)41)„,, clainis there ke 6,728
tam families on relief in Ontario. Even at that regret-
table ftgare there xre prebably fewer farmers In pro-
portion to their numbers on relief„ thin m any * er
line of businese.
After. outlining the Sessional indemnities paid to •
members of the Ontario laegishiture which are *2,000
or $250 a week, or nein ;50, a da'sr The Stratford
Beaeon-Herald adds, "The Legielature, could do with
Post Mee Drawer 671, fewer members, and at lower seleries."
;fee ,n,4, aim Wieatler)
'Whether or not the Goderich' Board of Trade Waa to
tontinue to exist, would depend upon the attendance et
the adjourned annual meeting called for laet night.
)In some cities, Boards of Trade can and do render
valuable assistance, by supporting what the,- consider.
safe propositiens, or condemning those :of an • unsound
nature. In towns their possibilities are more restricted,
but even hi towns, Boards of Trade, eonsisting as they
do, largely. of the business men, presumably associated
together for the benefit of their communities, can eon -
The work is ordinarily left to the executives, the mem-
be attended to. ' Thi$ is Unfortunate, as the officers are
' entitled to and should receive the support of the .mem-
bers. When executives consider they are not receiving
the support they should, they also cease to devote their
time to prospecte, or questions, that might in the end
hove proven helpful, It is, of course, discouraging for
the officers to carry on correspondence, Year after year,
without seeing any tangible results, but no person san
tell when some proposition might arise, which might
of Trade. If the executives are composed of men who
hay% accepted the positions for the sake of their own
personal glorification, and the high-sounding titles, with
no inclination or intention of -making scvme sacrifices
in behalf of their fellow citizens, it is unfortunate for
all concerned. It is rarely such men are appointed, but
instances have occurred and the Boards' usefulneas
vanished. •
No such charges-ean be laid against the officers of the
local Board of Trade, the secretary, Mas Nelson Hill.
month, while he and the acting president, with two
other. members last winter made a trip to Windsor.
under conditions that proved' their anxiety to do every-
thing they could. for the common good.
On the -other hand, ff- the offiters-recetve the support
sof the members, and 0 .eir opinions on local questions
tactfully -conveyed_ tostheir municipaLeouncil, they
may warrant Councils proceeding afong certain lines,
about' whicii they might otherwise hesitate. .
T -ilii= factor thatehould be uppermost in_the minas of
all is, that everi citizen owes something to his commu-
nity. Getting -together_ and interaianging'Idease,-Is in
itself worth while, and a Board of Trade fuinishes that
me him In addition to that, the members can en-
,petronagcr-byspraetising- that -virtue them -
Many of -the exchange's that resell. The Star stated
that councils are advocating the paving of certain high-
way% or are taPPosing the relief cuts whickbecame oper-
ative on^ April 1st; others are clamoring for reduced
tax rates, Incidentally none of them show- where the
money is to come from.
Thai Owen ,Sourid woman who was in the habit of
swearing at her husband, spitting in ihis lace, throwing
dishes at his head and threatenieg to !open him up"
with a butcher knife, lost her suit for alimony. That
gentle creature should have married a rhinoceras—not
a man.
Of all the bills passed by the Ontario tegis re ,
..sforasitsproregeectjast Thers4y,' the one to perpetuate
;the work and memory of Jack -Miner sae-
tuary near Kingsville, was among sthe most popular.
Niagara Fills, the Dionne quintuplets and motor camps,
all have their days in the estimation of tourists, and
the general public. but interest in, Jack Miner's bird
'paradise never varies.
A new means of street -travelling wai discovered dur-
tail and used. his canine pal as the motive power. -With
that unique heok-up, the two spent the afternoeseracing
up and down the. sidewalks, the dog enjeying the ex-
arerienee as much as the boy. Who ean say the age of
invention is over?
Mr. C. E. Groves believes in early gardening; in fact.
he always has, but last week his opinion in that direc-
tion was strengthened. While digging- in his *garden
the 'dottier day, he u,nearthed a purse belonging to a
member of his family, containing .$1.25, and an impoTta
ant key, that had been lost last fall. The purse was
little the worse for having been buried under several
feet of snow all winter. Mr.' Groves has «proved there
is both profit and pleasure in gardening.
The Hanover Post says that while Canadian Forestry
officials are trying to find or develop strains of black
walnut trees that Will stand--40-degrees- belowszerortheys
should extend their researches to fruit trees that would
have the same power of cold resiatance. As a matter of
morel -than local interest, -wahmt trees with those quail-
tlea_have already been discovered, and Mr. George
Laithwaite is in a position to prove their stability, at his
Maple Leaf Fruit Farnva mile or two east of Goderich.
• never saerificed the QualitY of our 111404111$
Cheapen the priee, in order to beeile eUstomere ilite Our
ntepear business is what Interests us prineipallY, alid. we rtla/te
lie kind of clothes that bring men back-- - •
We take the same interest in sueasUriag end fitting
'The Special Order Clothes, at $19.50 or $35.00, as,we do in the -
Telephone 317. TAILOR, West Street. -
Mr'. Peter Shiels Amberley,
celebrated his 99th .• birthday ?Sit
Sunday, when his eldest son, Mr.
,Peter Shish; of Kincardine, also cele-
brated a -birthday, The near-centn-
axial ascribes his longevity to faith
in Ged, a love of work and lave of
hoine. Ile -Was born in Scotland, but
has spent a large•Vask af his life
sthe Camay of Ruton.
Two truck drivers each tmict ,,
and $4. costs at Walkerton for mays
ing more than half' a load,. during -
the month of March er Aeril, while -
the frost is in the ground.
*01404 .1UP42 MD penes*.
sisvJuta, 111. ,rest
*man et" Aeta Ownicesoe
M,004000 PLOPIA
t th Edit Ontario Tax
Ihte April 30
(The insertiois of letters does not
necessarily mean, we endorse the
opinion of the writers, but we wel-
come letters on matters of public in -
A holiday, may seean, relief from the.customary: duties
ferent parte of the province, lost their " lives' through
eraihes of scone deseription. Easter Sunday exacted the
customary toll. So indifferent has the public become to
these h'eliday or week -end tregedies,sthat liitIe surprise,
is expressed when the casualty list is annouheed
Monday mornings. The attitude is, who and how
A Board- of Trade has trenieridous possibilities. For
instance. asSume for a moment that 40 or 50 of the busi-
hese -men went on record as favoring the improvement
pf the harbors by btfilding that northern tohdway,
sonie other proposition, the 'Councillors would feel they
were meeting a public demand •by proceeding with the
and it is hoped it will not be allowed to die.
shyer paid to the ,children and worisen who turn
lout baby‘ jackets, bootees, bedspreads and similar arti-
cles, -The Hurep Expositor lays, the blaine Where • it
belongs, „on the public's traze for -bargoins, and its de.
sire to get something for nothing.
That journal adds: "The general public knows, as
ikell as It knows its own name that„,,mateiial can not
be bought and Made up lute .We;tring material to sell at
the pile* they' see exhibited in storei to -day. *
*era town to wn looking for them, and light over
the counkrs Where they find them. •
Thst IS bargain hunting, and bargain. hunters are the
ones Who set the wage scales and keep the overeat shims
It Is thoughtlessness more than greed. Many a fair
householder would shiver with shimie'under her bargain
triint if 'she only thought a Minute. She , hu.Y
the miterlal and have it made tor five or n times the
Price spi* paid. That is why„tilie knows it 1 bargain..
some one ilad to pity. Some one to tweet
lot it: sweat blood, 'wet likely too.:
Pal raise your hen& in holy holler , at women
and ihildeen fereecisto 11706 011 Wag. 24,,,,t10 of two cents
an• hour, told 4ion't rush Into the press or. p pit *bolt t
either* A little plain, homely thinking will cinse the -ills
tar better and far faster,'
Mier an all -sight eelteion,,.,follOVtint it****1 (191i 0
ilia bill evantine* Portion ot cotpot$14 Woo to
Sopikt,itt 841001t.
aria pikitt Thies viete observed 1* the , the
e4m-*****44140 Yeti* eteitait the kill 1.4 sla
to pOlitict, at 1* Ott*
Gossip, wIlichims destroyed untold numbers o
himself. He imagined people were accuaing him .of set -
tire fire to a barn, in •ether vsords, gossiping. StringelY,
but happily for him,..they Were doing just the opposite,
and VII was ',restored to, his 'family. Certain types of
people ,are more .susceptible to gossip 'than' otherS,- and'
'the Chesley man seems to belong to Ahe latter class.
Gossip is one of the .crueleet weapons' within the reach
of the human rate, This Faaster season is a good 'time
to decide net to. indulge in it in any torratsindsatiels to it.
Because he and his younicipel colleagues are subject.
td to the tustomary abuse that seeMs to fall Upon all
councils, the Mayor ortite.Vown of ,-Shrtouris-staking-
that the members should be paid far their Services, be,
ginning neit January. In muincipsdities where the tax
rate has been kept down to say 40 mills or hoe lay the
bushiest methods Of councils,' those members might be
tidtP*Ore are zot likely to take kindly to the aunts.
4ionf.Aantil after therii it a .definite revival in trade. Ira
40, or lees, Mill rate, lite adopted as Ill tirlitis of cleciil-
1. would ho very fel ht reeeiPt of 11417 additiorl4 PIP
that no risks.. Oar: be taken when there It the tlight:At
.ouspicion lot impurity. Or. Whitely, the Medical Oilieer
, of Biel* lost no time.- when the pretence of bacteria of
intettinal origin, was bftught to Iiiii attention, hi ed.
*Islas the ,putolle to boil or toke other meant *of ptrifY-
ing it. Otdintrily•,the .1401 *griller it -ptonotitieea 'oily
:lieve it it 'only the 'matter of * very• :Ott time belore it
for drinking, lit an, intoriverjlence to some pople,-. but
they tan overtone that bY boiling, the Water firma ioa
temperature. It* aniering how ManY lout tot oe, drink
of told water when that thus' of water I* not attessible.
Expected to Yield Six Million
Come trix returns are due on April
30-, °and machinery for levying and
Goderieh, April 11, 1936.
collecting the tax for the province is
already functiening. The tax is fea-
Dear Sir:— the' Government anticipates the ful-
May 1 be granted the privilege
lest co-operation on the' part of the
through your paper to draw to the at-
imblie in the new pay-as-you-go
tention Of the people of this commus
P°I.nicYa nutshell, the pros/tidal trea-
surefesdepertment explains that the
operation of -the fitit Ilia: urf you
are liable for Dominion income tax
• you are liable for provincial income
tax. Fill out only one -form. Make
out only one cheque. Having filled
out the form, take it or send it -to the
federal income tax office in your dis-
trict.; If you have filed, your ,Dorni-
nion tax form already, dompletely
filled out, another will not be neees-
nity, something "that 1. believe to. he
very important? At•the outset, may
-1-also state -that-I-dosnot want to be
understtood as believing this eontratr;'
nitY to be "sinners above all men," in
I Am thinking of oue observance
of Good Friday—the anniversary of
the day that God in Christ Jesus died
upon the cruel Cross of Calvary to
redeem sinful man. Good Friday—
the day of our ---emancipation—and
we a Christian -country, a Christian
community, a predominately Non- sarY•
The form referred_ to.ii-TI-1935--
Conformist community, and as such
or TIA-1936 in case of farmers—
boasting of our advance in the Chris' - I
parade on 1 and is the combined form prescribed
tian religion; °and we and authorized by the Minister of
'booze walks,' we deck' ourselves out
National Revenue Ottawa, and by
the Treieurer of 'Ontario. It may be,
obtained at branchsoffiees of theled-
eral income tax department, from
postmasters, or from provincial sav-
ings bank branches.
has authorized advertisements in the
press of Ontario to provide tax -pay-
ers with information on how to make
the necessary retterns sand reinit` tax
.As to the amount the Gov.ernment
expects to obtain "from the tax, the
um of 46,000,000 has been placed in
in the finest paint, powder and cloth-
es; we go visiting, we go holidaying.
All this on the day that 'Christ died
•Calvary's Cross for our salvation?
Yes, and moreover we house eleati,
we beat \rugs, we rake lawns, we -
work our gardens on this holy day.
Does this manifest our thanks to Ars-
mighty God tor His Love? I Ander,
did I hear the Master's voice saying
tithr generation, --Virhatr--could- ye
not wateh with me one hour? f
s _know that eomeone may. quote
Isaiah,- and- say, -"The new_ moons
and sabbaths, cannot, awar with
them; it is iniquity, even the soleMn
Meeting." Yes, so -it -is ifs -it iessall
ferbids---On-the contra CA
there be no outward cermmemoratibre
is -there an inner? I fear theta there
is no Outward observance, there will
be no inner. / know that st is passible
that an inner; observance may ‘carry
over' for one or perhaps two genera-
tions, but I am positive that it will
The reduction in pride of the wide:noted
highest grade white kad pahits has not
affected the quiLlit;v, which remains un-.
la the past you hairesbeesiskiaTi to pay top
prices_forstiresEsures beauty and prOtection
- orihese fatuous brands. Note that the price
is reduced -to $3.75 per gallon- there is fess
reaffon than ever for taking a chcince on other
Insist arpon getting one of these famous
can supply you.
brands; Thereia a store in your, vicinity that
CANA1)41 P
. SliElilW/N-WilliAatiS
in his adcires
March 12.
aThere is a limite. )143 said, ato Uxbridge, Linctgayetkrbero, Camplmlifordi Vevanaritet, Athlaillta*, Pone -
which any goverannent mais go to swing, cosengwOod, Meaford, Barrie, Oridlia, Midland, Coravenbutst, Brace-
esUtaptpeo.lhtahtelicttiointoimis cre-saterhuedetuwreh'eonf tdhee... 6riondgetario.
ficit atter deficit is 'ploughed back * 1:61Y4' Kanlillika6h1g* tonglos, otraldbon, Anteoe, Betazdtaare.
CENT A -MILE, Round Trip_Bargaimi_ TARES
Minimuin Fares Adults 750 Child 40c;
in the .gislature, on FRI Apr. 24 to-i'anee---Kingsbc'reck-
• vine, Prescott, -Morrisburg, Cornwall,
'n this vase tO show our appreciation
May* this be the last Good .Friday
that our Nen-Conformist Churehes
of Goderich ate closed. Can -Vve not
unite on this day and humbly and in
all sincerity and truthfulness come
together for the whole ,:three hours
Ahat our Saviour hung upon Call
varY's Cross for us? Three tomes is
surely not too long for this *ccasitin?
No. Thousands gather that long for a
baseball game, for hockeir (the other
night in litontrgajo five and one -
and for the 'theatre:WE
we do less for Christ our Saviour?
Is *Child's death vn Calvary noth.
lug- to -all -of- -us-who pass byt -
Yours Sincerely,
seatien. rooky
tit 04
Sat - Apr. --25 to -T nt
oro Ao Also, to Brantford, Bui-
salaam_ 0Linton, Doinear_es Exeter Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Harnittop,
that emiferms to the sound principle IfiaThaVer, HarristOn, Tngemoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel,
here -must -he -equality of sqae-
rifice,- a tax that, be s impartially
capacity to support the cost of gov-
ernment, .a'tax that has been accep-
ted in prineiple by every democratic
eountry in the world whenever, the
best, standards of social justice are
74Isa exemptions in general are ex-
activ the same tis for federal purpos-
es. With certain exe,eptions, -an
unmarried person is exempt to the
amount of ;1,000, a married person
is $400 for each dependent child, and
there are' other exemptions covering.
the extet amounts, paid for the -sup-
port of various other dependents. •
Goodyear . ows
8 In
a es crease
Qn.tertees *Showing **her Tian
holders at gooderear Tire eta grubber,
quieter ot -11038, the president. 'A. tie
not be talitlehie tot feet • digs, it la
dollar *erne ot pont over the tort*
Okuretit *et sheer inettaete
per ot vat so.,
td tireePeettVe itierelata.in 110.
PlateMeat islet WA In. MAW to tit
Wad ere again triticisree,
Cann_ _Sound,. Pakilley, Palmersibon, Paris, Part El-
gin, .St. -Catharine& St' Marys, Sainia.„ Southampton, Strattocod, Stratbroy,
.and Sat Apr. -25 Locally between Important Stations at
which Estnrsion Tickets are sold -Ask
Ticket Agent.
For Pares,' Return Limits, yrain stiformations tiekets, cotatilt nearest Agent
-See Handbilia ilk complete lisb of destinations.
Wade is Not a Disease
But a Warning Symptom
'Pereono Whe desire good lawns eau
htve them. but it will require some
effort theit patt, especially in the •
ehrlY Spring. ithia. is the time When
St little attention May% 'gave a could.
dertble smoimt of work later, on.
Just ,at soon the trio* has disap.
/*aria and the soil is dry and firm
enough to tinilk Ono la tlie# proper 'time
to remove all dead oat* by givingl
the lawn good raking. This pre -
smothered *lid aerates the soil
Around `the roots. There need be no
leer of westing down hatak An the
talte 'handle: the Irreett net be hi'
jured by rough trettment*
Early }bring Is the time also toInt
up t'hoee .bare vitas with
seta. nice them In tbor.'
oughly to a depth of two :Inches. Then
grata atte(1. evenlY, cover
very lightly WIth tprinkling
$4t41 trear in the
tglIgratteilniges tratbolense oofttethoesamobset
tormented with, and they are moni
thiafeel totionitom theattre ott.ls 4onie. Mae . for
starthatthed byrisach,,ebuot airr?,plibir ;ran bhinaleayd
Ths istoinaelt may bd out of order,
.. P;ittior:.......7:.......giwoPerhend.ackewrbteartt ‘1,
tid:11:irY4t7tila3:471:1411:114."7 "nee.. 14 b°: "the
'When buying Coal you naturally want the best. What
you want Is coat free from slate and coal that Wilt tand a great
heat without fusing (fusing IlleatiS melting, and forming clink-
efS) . We have thi8: Out Anthracite -Coal is the D & H,
cone.cleanedi and is of square fraCture, By Squat* fracture
W6 Illeall that there ate no flat pietes titat lay closely together
and stop the..4raft. Without draft there is no etbuihuAtion and
*WitlinUt combustion you waste heat units and., mit Give us
a trial order Arid prov0 what wo say to 4 correct.,
as proven very popular. It As ctOt like other
oket ther46-Seg are left in it.
d*Prowipt Mtontion Chen to MI