The Goderich Star, 1936-04-09, Page 70“ -oN a w10 r CtWIM" wit—rt SAY. %WOK . F'tPt'► u WALK'IE.IDeA? O 1 AviaAb AA t%. CAVA Op MP VA tM A i Alin "t t Wpti`r l tuRR.Y!• do oN n it FEET and HEALTHY o►ewr.iiays Lot .Of of .. or WOW** 0,0 . llk 014, setbe,av�ge k ilio. 0.o• sidle. Ment, er teotorr it :agrlcultnrat 'porter,, baths- ' astir test slight: and lesson* and rut ZoosartIr , herbal •lntsaeeort :sok lat.. ate ogles *littools This Lresnlars tear -t as totters • the loos lomat the,• Trio rclo szi:le, aae+1 prersnts rrrairsnsc and "toreros*. 1.4 Meditations In Garden No. On Daffodils Fair Daffodils, we weep to see you, Haste away so soon. Herrick. Perhaps the most welcome flower in spring time is the golden Daffodil, a nieatmer of that veiy old family Nar- oissnzs, which was known to the ancients and. so named in the age of mythology' Narcissus- was an unusually handsome young loran who was greatly admired by the Nymph Echo, but when he saw his awn_ retiottien In a pool -of water. he fell in love with it and, as 'we would say to- day, • jilted the girl Echo. Filled with self love he tried to embrace his shadow which eluded • him, and so he pined to death. The poet Gay tells how he was_ transformed -into the—flower whien still bears his matte: • "O'er the smooth lake, with f ruitlees spreading fingers shoot in . verdant leaves; - T Through his pale veins green sap now gentl3 iiows;.. And inNi short, -lived flower his beauty blows." 0f the poet had stopped there °it would have been all tlght, but he goes :on to warn girls against falling in 1pve with good looks, and tells them that "like flowers, it withers," rwthiSh is a nasty Crack at us old men. Owing to this .Iegd the Narcissus used to be considered emblematic of love of self, though the ancients regarded It as the flower Of deceit, as Homer says, "It delights heaven and earth by its odor and beauty, at thesame tiir pro- ducing stupor." This no doubt refers to the poetaz variety, which has a . very strono perfume, and to many people is overpowering. - .Marie Corelli gives a very pretty description of these flowers where she says: "The narcissi bloomed. lifrting their thousand cups of sweet per- fume, like inl'ense -to the ,skry." The yellow variety +which we know as to Daffodil is a , great favorite in the east, the Persians Used to call it Zerrin, meaning . gOlclen, and the Turks Zerrin Badlech, or golden bowl. Some writers In very early times used to consider this a species of 'lily,- "See that there be store of lilies, (Called (by shepherds Daffedillies.) ." and by some the name Is thought tan be a corruption of 'Di5's Lily." According to legend It was this "Sower that 'Dis or -Pluto, on the advice of Venus, used wherewith to entice the lovely Proeer- pine to accmn>oany him to the lower world, and as he c'arr'ied her off it was dropped from 'his ohaz`iot. Shakespeare was familiar with then -c.tory 'w+hl'h. he. ssor,. tits:-. '.♦ • } Ma '.'r'C•gy ut fi Prospering., For the flowers tioew that, frighted, 'c 9 9 From bis's wagon: Daffodils `That come before the swallow dares." Mileton In "Paradise Loot" also makes mention of the same legend: "In that .fair field or Enna, Where Proserpine gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy T3fs 014 la, lomat stii lams nosstsl$ sat sterol". . Try she. aaM- RselcWr. >rG o(ssi '.Was gathered,, -.which cost Ceres all teat lain, • To seek her through the world." A000xding to ireo1 to 7nyt1ioleg'r, Ceres was sai overcome ,With „grief ' 'bean her daughter "penal kidnapped by Pluto, alias Dis, that she auntie the spy frim which she obtained an opiate to assuage her sorrow *bile =Jelling for '%rt'oserpine. . The number of srarieties of this plant i$ ..asteonishing, and is increasing year by year. IA fe w ,yeeaas ago a gardener of repute had srs :lawny as 92 different var- ieties, and as be put it, "1 thought my- self quite .a .fellow and wised to strut the feat," until he aeceiveed, a tcatakgue bat- ing over 6,000 maned varieties, some sel- ling for 4200 a bulb. Fortunately, how- ever, one does not have a to spend as much .as that in order to get a fine dis- play as they multiply so rapidly that the most expensive become touch cheaper in a few years. In the year 1924 the Unit- ed' 'States imported 96,000,000 Nai"eissus bulbs, which seems a lot, but in 1926 no less than 142,000,000 of these bulbs were brought into the country. Sf the:Daffodil •Daffodil cxiuld talk it could ex- plain much that is hard for us mortals to comprehend. Por instance we are told°that °eai_h bulb. that:.weeplant .conte tains one or more flowers completely formed in every detail. By what process r. fi,-Siq!�,ae?at4oL ground during 'the lite fall before the - .ground freezes,. so that early next spring It sends up, the tall green leaves first, then the already formed flower. This we can. cut off, and yet—provided we do not cut the leaves—another flower is formed in the bulb before the coming' of another spring time. The leaves must be left so they can gather from the air what it is necessary for there to convey back to the btf]'b,then, after they have "finished their course" they fade away, and may then be removed. No wonder Tennyson `write, "Little flower, but if I could under- stand What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God, and anon is." They could tell us too that while they .will give us bloom if we plant them in any ordinary soil, they really like to be covered with .5 in►_hes of earth above the top of the shoulder with any soil, ' but their roots fike to get into some richer, earth mixed with bone areal with about an inch of sand under the bulb so that Itwon't rot in ease it is wet. The planting should be done In the early autumn, before the middle of October, so the roots can get well developed before -winter. It is . good at this time to scratch some wood adzes into the soil to girlie a more intense color to the flower. afadils Of 'Simy. On April 9th, 1917, the Canadians captured Vizny Ridge. For eight months hundreds of thousands of shells rained as , the Ridge, until it was a churned mass of mud, a quagmire full of shell holes,. yet, as one ...of_. the soldiers -wrote., "two weeks later the Battalions, rwhich had been through the action, • returned 1 •",r R + oyes, ro< ilia laadobeen' i s • arid tern by the storms of fire were all golden with daffodils. It was a miracle of sur - v va. ; out o ` e fields of death came living' beauty." Truly it was a miracle.,. In some weary the invisible sparkof' life had remained in these bulbs through all that destruction. Those who saw it felt "that out of die sacrifice and the. suf- fering, comes new life" PRIIIIYERWIC J. NAFTEL. ERE IS SIJBSTL NATORAL "BUL Needed. to Correct Constipation* opourrommoomommer Moat people recognizethe sori ousness of constipation. But too often they dose tltemielvea with strong cathartics that often actu- ally lead to chronic constipation. The natural way to check corn-. 'mon constipation is to correct the condition which causes it --usually, insufficient "bulk" in . meals, How can you get "bulk"? Fruits and vegetables have some. Bran has more. The moat popular product of this kind is Kellogg's ALL -BRAN. The "bulk" in ALt-Ba&N is gentle in action. ALL -BRAN also supplies vitamin B and iron. This delicious cereal is a whole- some food. Serve ALL-Bn►N regu- larly for regularity, with milk or cream --or use in cooking. Two tablespoonfuls of ALL -BRAN daily will usually correct constipa- tion due to insufficient "bulk." If not relieved, see your doctor. ALL -BRAN gives you `gentle in- ternal exercise. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. *Con . arson drill,, to _insect ioif1.4 Nbutk" .e, .:;•g•.�'r..w+[he.':::€� .:.. —the per..s:�:�,:?,:x � .�:,� Persian Balm --the add to beauty. Essential to real feminine Unction. Results always in the highest expression of beauty. Its use keeps the hands always soft and flawlessly white. Indispensable to the whale family. Im- parts added charm to the another. Serves the father as a, hair fixative end cooling shaving lotion, and protects the tender skin of the child. Persian Balm the true toilet requisite. To eliminate wash day call Huron Laundry for ,prices on your family wash. 'You ° will- be surprised 'h -ow. little it cots to have your • , By Roy . Norton -Entered aei~ording to Act of ?a> lialnerit by George J. McLeod,,. Limited, King St. West, Toronto* at the Dept, of Agriculture. 414011100011000.. (Continued) "You. are Miss Meredith ? " he in- terrogated, as he halted in frobt of her. "Mrs.. Meredith?" she corrected, still unbending, and looking at him a question as to his business. A forgotten courtesy impelled him to remove his hat as he introduced himself, but Mathews laid not follow it when he was .introduced, and reached lout and caught her cope tent handm with a hard grip. Dick explained his errand, feeling all the time under that steady look, that he was being. measured• "Oh, yes, they'll be all right by to -morrow, Lily," the doctor inter- rupted. "Excuse me for being. so abrupt, but I must go now. Good- night." ' "Good -night,", she answered, and then: "I'll be up there at 3 o'clock' to -morrow afternoon. Ah, you were saying you, wanted -s-" ,She had turned to the parteers again with her unfinished question leading them on to state their mis- sion. "Men. Here's a list," Dick answer- ed; handing her a memorandum cal- ling for 30 many million. so many drill runners, swampers. car hand- lers and so forth; in all, a list of 20 odd. "Who told you to come here ?" Sha exploded -the question as if it were v:tal. "Park. Bells Park." lauf;h-ercl-•�rciltirleasly-- lips that did not smile and regular, white - teeth. But her laugh belied - her lack of sympathy. "Poor old. Bells!" she said, with a touch ,of sadness in her voice. _"P ;or old fool! I tried to keep him frnn gambling when he had money, And he went broke like all the other fools. But he loved his wife. He made •►er happy. Some one in this world must be happy. So he came back, did he? And is up there at the Cross? Weil, he's• a faithful man. I'm not an employment agency, . but maybe I can help you. I would do it for Bells. I like hirn• . Good men . are scarce. The punas and loafers are always easy to get. There isn't a mine around here that isn't looking f..r good men, since the made that discovery over in the fit. Most of them broke to the placer ground. Wages are nothing when there's a chance for better." She had not looked at Dick as she talked, but had. her eyes fixed on the paper, though not seeming •.to scan its contents. The room 'was crowded with men and filled with a aonfuse.i volume of sound as she spoke, the click and whir of the wheel, the mere atonous voice of the student—tur.ic•d gambler—calling "Single 0 and the house wins. All down?" the sharp snap of the case -keeper's buttons be- fore the faro layouts., the screech of the orchestra in the dance hall, and the heavy shuffling of feet; yet her words and intonations were distinct. "We would like to get them as soon as we can," Dick answered. "We have unwatered the main shaft and "Don't run. What's the matter with you? Go back and put the, .fire out! Don't be idiots!" As suddenly as it had coniuie' teed, the panic, subsided, and the" tide turned the other • way: Sobbing worn. en hovered round the door,. and men began to form a bucket line, 1n n long age of five or ten minutes, the exciteztnent Was over, and the fire extitnguished, The dance hall flo ar was Uttered' with pieces of scorched wood torn bodily from the boxes, and the remnants of the lamp. which had exploded and cadged tho havoc were being swept into the sodden, steam- ing heat in the centre of the room. Director of the company. Through the press " at the sides, came The Lily, who, in the turmoilMr. Baker's pronrotion has been Iliad sought refuge behind the bar.' rapid. Ile entered the company in The partners, stooping over the un- 11917 as a junior in the Sales De- conscious, swaddled figure on the partment, advancing through various floor, looked up at her, and Dick . positions to the post of chief clerk. saw that her face was as calm and unemotional 1929 he was .appointed .Advercis- unemotional as ever. ling Manager, and in 1931 was again promoted to Trade Sales Manager "Bring her to my room,"she said ' for the Eastern Division. Mr. Baker "I'll Il show you where it is. You, Tim,'became assistant to the Vice-Presi- she called to one of the bartenders "go as quickly as you can and get dent and Managing Director ill 1932. Doctor 1Vlills•" Mr. Baker will. have charge of all The partners meekly followed her sales activities and development lead, pausing but once, when she He is president of the Adver- tisingturned to hold up an authorative Club of Montreal. 'hand and tell the curious ones •who formed a wake that they, must go To have the children sound and, back. or at least not come ahead to h"elth.y is the first care of a mother. They cannot be healthy if troubled with make the case. more difiieult. Mat -worms' . floe Maher Graves' Worth Ex - hews carried his senseless burden as terminator. easily as if it were of no weight, and e 41,� ,p * •� ll ._. .__1..,45'A•fi-# _.-,#K�l�k ^'�#z:�.�:ar•�;.r•-r.+au ._ `" leading to a flight of stairs ascend- ing to The. Lily's apartments, they ' doctor and bartender came running to join them. Not until they had swathed the girl in cooling bandages did any one speak. Then, as they drew the sheet tenderly over fier, they became cons ciolis of one another. As Bill looked up through blistered eyelids, extios- ing a cruelly scorched face, his lips broke into a painful smile. "Doctor," The Lily said, "now you had better care for this patient." She put her.firm, white fingers out brushed the miner's singed hair back from his brow, and said: "I've for- gotten your name, but— I want to say—you're a man!" - CHAPTER VI. hed# Ironed " '��"� .,.L t 1 a0 al,sus,jy s3. 6LL]R�//l 'm•:+.w) . �ntG.. v-7....:7".„ �' , t :.!, a. I. i „ . , n � ..v: ,r,,, 2*: •. .�.L -••rw,.+s-'.i. �lro�:� � vY,... ,, ,....wa; ,,. :+Ey:-.'Cri- • '1,..? .. -.ti i.. there Came a shall high shriek z�1e 7� y =4 -- Graduate of the University ' g interest. y 3F tv� r e.bout t'ts stilet were c,��rrect. „�� of Toaep ��drQ oaths, shouts and the orchestra stop- .. Remember tlrrs• "Aspirin is i �r,d— �...stoi so tile' oltl 1; I _ _ rr. Vete boss►- • - , ' ': en' ' m •• o �.. `" • T rated amnnr� 7Tir jasTesT mrlhods CclYep,►e. a daughter, eh?" ` feet from the faro layouts, and then, "I don't mean old skinflint Pres- i dfscorered for the relief of headaches f ,Ofllce in Mr. T. T. Murphy's. Hamilton mob -like, began to surge toward th.' by!" sharply corrected the engineer. :fated rommon psi person ...and oke St. (loderdch. Telephone : Day 9i�„ door; while in the lead. uttering "He ain't the only Presby' in this for 'the average person to take night 249. scream on scream, ran one of the whole United States, is he? Ile a regularly, . dance -hall girls with her gaud dress 1 t11 ip6 in the niornin'e, Oil the insistent demand of his; partner, lack • also is etiredihgrtly► and the cabin Ott the h Ils'k e wigs (lark salve for the, dim light that glowed in they sufferer% rOgire. . They began to . straggle in, the rnon wanted, bvfote the pri► re had finished their breakfrtxith-fol. lowing horning. So",c-ef, them v'ero • real miners, and others were nonde- scripts bearing Drat The Lily's atata- went that geed men were scarce, out all Vero hired as they esire, and the Croix d'Or began to thrill with ac- tivity. - (To be continued) SALES EXECUTIVE BECOMES SALES' ' Montreal,— he appointnnent ,of Charles W. Baer, well -know Mon., treal sales executive, aa General Sales Manager of the Sherwin-Wil- liams Company of Canada, Limited. was announced today, by D. A. Whit- taker. Vice -President and Managing "1t anxious hall women bably 'a' My Lady serves to of you help not the ri one but Horse ght of what - done it croaking, querulous 'consolatiop.;. of•. (, REFORE you take any prepare - theby Bells Park as he sat twirl tion you don't know all about. the painly suffering and heavily ( for the relief of headaches; or 'he bandaged Bill that night or rather in pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neural ia. ask our doctor what- he the early hours ,of the morning. • in g � the cabin on the Cross, "They ain'; i thinks about it -- in comparison no good except for young fools to 1 'neuralgia, with "Aspirin." gallop around with over a floor." 1 We say this because, before the He poured some more olive oil iiiscovery of "Arlin; must so - over the bandages, and re}ente l' called pain" remedies were ad - enough to add: "All but The Lil•v, visci against by physicians as being and she don't 'dance with none of i bad for the stomach; or, often, for 'em, She's all right, she is. Mighty the heart. -And the discovery of Peart looker, too. None punier' gran I "Aspirin" largely changed medical sat Liarothy Presby, thtrugh" practise. Dick, looking up from who a he Countless thousands of people ' • • his I who have taken "Aspirin" year in ?at h xir_itliz, ,a .c. ..ja=m.. for bein' 80 them dance - I'd pro - the ' myself, was Frorn Your Doctor if the "Pain" Remedy You Take Is Safe. Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well - Beim to Unknown -Preparations A QUIET, WEL$. COldbUCTEO, CONVENIENT* MODERN 100; ROOM HO1t(1.-41* WITH MATH WRITE F0* r'o1►o11* TAKE A QA 1.tI1 R '"'('AE1 FROM REPO? OR WMNAMIF..u, II Business Directory` DR, F. J. R. F'ORSTER. EYEI EAR. NSE, THROAT. Late Hduse Surgeon New York Gs • thalmic and Aurisl Hospital eu: lac. NO Moorefleto a Eye Hospital and Qoltisilt Square Throat Hospital, Landon,Etat. Eyres tested, glasses supplied. 63 Waterloo , St. S., Stratford. 'tem - phone 267. Next visit Wednesday', April 1512. from 7 ,p.m. till Thursday, April 16Li�,-110 1 pen. At _Ifotet,.,,-•Bet!ford. Telephoma 149. PROFESSIONAL CARD J. W. MONTEITll1, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. 69 Ontario St. Stratford, Omit. (Member Firstbrook, McLeod & &tows teith, Toronto, Ontario). LEGAL CARDS I )0UG(i.AS R. NAIRN. •Barrister and 'Solicitor. Office: Hamilton St. Phone I.1JRNDBT M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor. Sun Life Bldg. Adelaide and Victim Streets. Telephone: Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC DRUGS PRACTrl'IONER. O1•i'IROPRACTOR A N D DRUGLE» THERAPIST, • tIOD�LICa E 'lipped with electro -magnetic baZJ , Electronic electric treatment and chiro- practic. Chronic, organic and nervous hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 6 p.m. on 'rues*. . Friday and Saturday, and on Wednes. day 9 to 12 a.m. only. Consulr.a.ttn� be hscd by appointment. Monday Thursday at Machell A. N. ATKTNSON, residence • srtAA office, corner of South street and ad. taenia Road.. Phone 341. , VETERINARY )R. G. E. MYERS, •V.8:; $.V., Sc:. 4�#LGfi�FYb•N!�SY.'� .+'.trnvu. ¢��..,.. gas and Mended. We call for and deliver. Phone 224 Goderich South St. AMOUNT epaying Town of Goderich 1936 Taxes TAXPAYERS MAY PURCHASE TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1936 TAXES AT_ AVC,QAB.LE DISCOUNTS._ COST COST Apr. 1 to Apr. 15 May 1 to 16 $10.00.. .... .. . $ 9.89 $ 9.93 50.00 49.45 49.65 Prepayment Receipts must be presented along with 1936 Tax Bills during the 'first in- stallment period A Bank interest is only 2 per cent. Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have your money earning 5 per cent. interest. June Discounts will be allowed in addition. • tviliGGS McG1NNUS t;y NEIN. R. MacKAY;, Tax Collector; s5 Amilimmonomme a: y don't own the whole world and they "Aspirin" Tablets are made in bursting into enveloping -flame. She e l name, even if he thinks. he doe -s-. - �an3cia "Ar�prri`t the registered • had .the .terror of a paziicstrieken This Presby 1'tn_talkin' .about ...afar:t2..__�adc..Elul-k-of-_gilt* 141,51 r�i.E:azzili:>.ny,•--... • 'mal -flying-into the dtrirger of this' no kin of his. He's too white. }le ,,ink for"tl1e nAme 13. ...L open .air to die_ ____ _ c.imitl, l . f owns alT`them Sawa__ - on the other lathe -four oincrossunsr_rerytsrt � . r� e o e roes about feu, T r ` springing forward from 1 rti e q' 1 ( th (A peak, bo I ground, Mathews leaped into herr from here- Get 41 railpfgaft ,,f + ---rXI--+9i-X?--d----anal -s emt p atlr`a �d h� ,A. • caug her in his arms. Ire his own. Worth abouta billion, 1� hem forward ahead—of—Ilii , r ecicon f f }• taking no pains to shield her body - Dick's momentary interest Rubs:•1-�- save with his bent arm and seized the ed. but he heard the old man babbiit:g • cover of the roulette wheel, whieh on: lay neatly folded on the end of the "I worked for him once, when Dor- bar. othy was a little bit of a kid. Hien ' Give me room!" he bellowed, in and me fought, but he's a white his heavy, thunderous voice. "Ston 'errt, Dick! For God's sake, stop 'em!" man. She's been away to some )f Dick leaped those fool colleges for women. back p in among the crowd East, they say, for the last four °,r that was madly stampeding—women five years. It don't do women no with faces whose terror showed good to know too much. My wife through .masks of rouge, shrieking, coi,.tldn_i~xeead_ or .writer-anil alp wart -11101- -• who- -cursed, trzrrnp}ed; n11` the best woman that sever rived, bar elbowed their way to the outer air, none." and the wild-eyed musicians seeking to escape from a fire -trap. Dick struck right and left,and in the litt space created Bill swathed the girl in the cover, smothering the flarues. And all the time he shouted: LOW EASTER FARES Between ail points in Canada also to Certain United States Destinations SIN(;I,IEI FARE AND ONE-TENTH rani) iTrip. Good in coaches only. He looked around as if delivering %SINGLE FARE AND -ONE-THIRD a challenge, and, finding that no on was paying any attention to him, subsided, fidgeted for a minute, hnd then said he gpeased' he'd "turn in so s') the water wouldn't gain on the i. Kidney Ailments of . Those Past Middle Liffe rSO ar .\DOAK'S' KIDNEY PILLS aro -,6 Fete there are who have passed mid-life who are exempt from backache, urinary trouble and Wiley disorders of one kind or another. But people advanced is life need not despair, Doan's Kidney Pills help restore the tone and vigor, of the urinary organa, strengthen the kidneys, easy the aching back, and allow elderly people to enjoy the rest they have earned, free from the pain and discomfort due to imperfect or impaired kidney action. for the round trip. Good in sleeeing and parlo• r care (plus regular seat or berth charge.) Good going any time Thursday, April 9th, until 2 00 P. M. Moo - day, ' April 13th ---Return limit leaving destination up to mid- night Tuesday, April 14, 1930. in addition the Regular Week -End 'FARE ANiD ONE-QUARTER" will be in effect. Minimum Special Pare: Adults 50c. Children 25c. Full information from any agent. Carfadian Pacific by WALLY Bre r~ aRYTRiN6s a Now, FtFt!• T JUST DttMtr WART Ho1MAi1/41 "Tb SEa MG W1F `0'�idee ` CC MAKS k Fern. 6A0 e q l ( / 04 SO JAS tt A U CTtONEERING HCaMA�'3. iUID,Ay. -fie Ntiev"k unci G}`eanerul A►uelleatiwN, Elgin Ave (;oderich. Sales made everywhere and_all_areal* -_. made to give you satisfaction. - e-Farsnerearyali, NOiee discomfit Phone 119. • INSURANCE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, PLATE GLAM.' BURGLARY. SICKNESS, ACCLDEIPM Guaranteed Bonds, Low Rates with Arnie solute. Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE Mutual Life Assurance.. �'��...ovyetl,.i_ The Policy Hlolders LOW RATES—BEST OF SETTLEII. Information gladly given. Call, write AP phone 186. WM. BEATI'Y, Hamilton St„, Goderich. FIRE INSURANCE ifarvve 18 attended to by the WEST WAWANOSII ' MUTUAL FL)tiN INSURANCE CO. -E tab1lshed 1878. Tread Office: Dungannon, Old,. Eritest A;,.q , ifolyeood, Pr rg, Dan Me.Kay, Ripley, Vice -Pr idents, dem a,dd,',,tAxn to the Pre ;idcmt and . Vice L'e odds' t, teh.e following are Dir rife, Wm. Watson, Auburn; W. J. Thompasa Auburn; (leo. M. Stuart, R. R. 2, L -,c * .• naw Harvey Andersen, Lucknow; Rase L. Salkeld, Co rieb: Wilfred McCertlye. R. R. 1, Dungannon; Robert Davide 8, Dungannon 'rum STOTHERS, treat CECIL TRELEAVEN. lee Hc+l'CILR.OP MUTUAL FIRE INEMEla ANOE COMPANY. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PESO PERT? INSURED. QV'FLC ^;s-Presidcnt, Alex. Ds**• foot, Seaforth; Vice -Precedent, Joky Pepper, Brueedeld: S cretary-Teas , M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIIi'i Alen. Broadfoot, also•• forth; Jameo Sholdice, Walton; Kn , Londcsbaro;' George ,�� Lambast& Dublin. John B.. Pepper, Rru.°teleld; OWL Canta*It Ooderich; 'Thos. Moyktn, Moo foc+�h. �f�� yW.R. *gArchibald, Seatorth; . ltteLmobil t tiith. LIQ' ioo AOBN'n n. J. WA . ton E.R. No. 3: .Jaitca Watt, John E. rover, 15ruoelielde R. R. Na, est R. P. I ermber. noun. R. R Km lir Chas. P. Hewitt, 1th1eedine; R, O. 30/1 nauth, nornhoisn, 18. 1!1. Na 1. Wil. holden.. : _play thein Tho,, Royal Dank, Clinton,' or k1s, y 4