HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-04-09, Page 6.f' #n.•:wSBrt 7'r;i.0 rs sawa:.,rrti?Sr`+vf F?N
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Smart Easter. Hats
Corsage Flowers, Gainsborough
You are cordially invited to Inspect
Our. Stock.
Here you will' find the
latest models of distinction,
in becoming hats with brims,
and types with flowers and
tailored trimmings.
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kingston St.
Bedford Block
Popular !Coupe
Married Saturdayi f
Miss Elsie Bradford, Bride of Mr.
Neil MacKay
A ;:yule: 7uuni41pti official was =re-
ties! on Saturday morning when Mr, Neil
lVtarcitay vas united to Miss Elsie Viola,
daughter of CULL and Mre.'George W.
Bradford, Trafalgar Street. Their home,
where the ceremony was performed by
Rev. W. P. Lane, was • prettily adorned
with spring flamers.
The bride 'wore a 'travelling costume of
nay blue .tocol ensemble, with canary
(Fellow silk crepe blouse, blue taffeta hat
and matching aocetssoades. Her tcoreage
was of yellow violets. She twos given in
marriage by her. father, only immediate
relatives ,beefing present.
Mr. and Mr's, MacKe.y left on the 6.45
train on a trip. They will continue to
reside in Goderich.
Both are well and popularly known in
town, Mr. MacKay being the town
assessor and tax collector. He is a son
of Captain Johny and the late
Mrs. John MacKay.
An interesting event on Thursday
afternoon, .was a trosseau tea in hon-
or of Miss Elsie Bradford, bride-ele
of last week. The home of her par-
ents, Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Bradford
aTal ar tact`; ViT'V ' o e of
daffodils and spring flowers. Mrs.
Geo. Bradford and Miss Elsie, as-
sisted by Mrs. Bert. Bradford, Miss
Beatrice and Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwan,
received the guests.. Mrs. Robert
Bisset and Mrs. E. J. Pridham dis-
played the trousseau and the beauti-
ful gifts. Miss . Esther Hume invited
the guests to the tea room where Mrs.
F A. L. Cole and Mrs. W. G. MacEwan
presided over the prettily decorated
table which was centred with a
baguet of daffodils and iris .in tulle.
WEONFOAY,APfflt8th to -WED., APREL 15th
- 10c
. 23c Aylmer Tomato
JUICE, 101/2 oz. tin 5c
DATES, 2 lbs. . . .. .15c
net" tl!
.. m
_ e.
SPECIAL 1 cake Lifebuoy Health Soap for lc with 23c
a purchase one large pkg. of Lux
Wi D.PAPER, 2 for OM
' g
�G c YVeston a _
._. CRACf�RETTES ..._.___ ._...
__CORN STARCH, -3.lbs.
By a � Choir banquet
Feature WriterJ A:t Paxk Mouse
Time !'or Gad
I have no time
For Gqd today,
Each day I fill
With many tasks;
i sweep and clean,
And cook until
The day is done.
And then for fun
A play I choose.
Or read the news,
Or just sit still,
The time to kill.
I have no time
For God today.
A vision came
A vision fair
Of one who ,stood
Beside nay chair
And followed all
The long day through
While tasks were done
And during fun.
And when at last
The day was o'er,
And all was clean
And sweet once more,
I knew I'd time
For God this day.
Spring Flowers Much In Evidence.
Game* s PIay . Regular
When the choir ..01.-Nortle--Stet';
church divided its ra-n s }tits two divis-
ions last December dor an attendance
contest, each side figured the other side
would be the 'losers, so they decided,
under the leadership of Miss Olive For-
ster -
ster and (Miss Helen Lane to corse to a
decision an March 16th.
'I he contest vas telose, having about
three points dlference; however, the
1s; eers were good sports and sponsored a
banquet at the Park House on Friday
evening, Thirty-three sat dawn to the
babies, which were tastefu lly decorated
with tulips and daffodils and small
candy favtore. After the dinner games
were played which made the evening
very enjoyable and which closed `with
the regular choir practice.
Social and. Personal JAecdtaan
is not abnewh :afortsohesexplain
this question in the Garden of Eden.
God entrusted something to Adam and
he failed miserably in his task.
It is our duty to give over . our wealth
for the 'betterment of others, but soma- ,
time eve hear e.- call urging, us to hop -
our fellow man. "Tao often our fran-
sel seat •r a tli T 1c " ti girl
and we are prone to vote aseour fathers
and granddathens did, not rw th the de-
sire of what the representative might be
or 'became," said the speaker. Friend-
ships are other. trusteeships, Mrs. Lane
asserted. "Do we strive to help those
poor unfortunates who are cold and
hungering for friendship or do we star
within our own circle of friends?" "The
good we do for humanity is the thing
that counts most in our .getting• the best
out of our lives," the speaker said.
Mrs. T. Wagellaw Taylor recited Long -
fellow's poem "Legend Beautiful" aand-
-'+Life itself is the ;individual trustee of
time, health, interest, work, service and
wealth," said Mrs. D. J. Lane, speaking
on the subject of "The Trusteeship of
Life" at a meg of the Ladies' Aid of
Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday
afternoon, when Mrs. A. D. McLean
+Mhs. Lane pointed out in her address
that the thought coxweyed in the sub -
Mr. Duncan Car'trigh�t spent the
The forty days of Lent are. nearly ...,. endvisiting _-..on .
week visithn in Toronto.
over and Baster is drawing close Mr. Wm. Sutherland is 'home from
with its triumphant message. Toronto University.
During Lent, we have 'had- the op- Miss 'Gertrude Haiste spent the,
stun:rte..t-,e brnrging.:.-ameeers-eivea w` -Wee .0. , her,,.,ho?ee. tpCreditarx . ,
a littlenearer to God. Perhaps we Mrs. M. Argent of Clinton is the -
have denied ourselves some • small
of her daughter, Mrs. J. B.
luxury, or tried to spend a little more Whittingham.
time in reading or prayer, but what_ Mr. Keith Saunders has returned
ever the means of expression, -ve to his position in the Bank of Com- 1
have tried to benefit ourselves by the merce in Galt. Mr. Saunders has been
discipline of Lent. And now Easter holidaying with his parents, Mr. and
is approaching, reminding us that Mrs. C. K. Saunders for the past
Christ died and rose again for men, three weeks.
and that ane effort on our parts to A few of the friends of Mr. and
strengthen our souls isnot in vain. Mrs. Guy H. Moore, Cambria Road,
Malty of you no doubt saw the pic- gathered at the home of Mr. and .
ture, "We Live Again," which show- Mrs. Alex. McNevin, Brock Street,
ed the former Russian wa of v on Saturday evening, to say good -
.Iii Livens played two piano selec-
tions which were greatly appreciated by
his audience. Mrs. M. Ainslie read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. M. MacDonald
offered a .prayer, Arrangements 'were
made for the placing of Sowers on the
pulpit dor Easter Sunday.
Yellow candles added to the attrac- y
tiveness of the robm. Mrs. W. Bisset, fully proclaiming Easter'Day. Short -
Mrs, J. A. Graham, Mrs. Pricely before midnight everyone gathers
at the church, and after a" short
ceremony lasting until twelve o'clock
each one greets the other with a kiss
and "Christ is Risen," and the reply
comes back, "He is, indeed.t' That
custom is still observed in Russian
hearts, but in Russia itself, where
there is no God, Easter Day now pas-
se§ unnoticed. Germany, too, has re-
nounced .Christ, and 'all Christian
rites are being abolished.
When we look at these countries "Red" Armstrong, and looking quite
and see in what distress and turmoil New Yorkish herself in a white cor-
they are, we realize what our belief Bled silk mess jacket, stiff collar, and
does for our lives: bow tie. At another table..Nan Mc-
Nexi, Sunday 'we once '"more wel- Laren in black. with white polka dot
come the anniversary of the Resur- Ascot, escort; -Ian Martin.. "Fran"
rection of our Lord,. and with the McNellie in a new spring print of
1 world in its .present state .of strife white and .brown, a Mary Stuart,
Mrs Fred Sturdy assisted in serving
the guests.
Mrs. E. J. Service of Kapuskasing,
was honoured on her 80th birthday
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T.
Turner, Park House, to an afternoon
tea. The rooms were elaborate in •
their spring flowers and yellow can.
dies, and the guests enjoyed the
birthday cake which was decorated
with candles, making the figures
Many 'friends called during the
afternoon and evening to offer eon-
bye to them before the leave• t& -take
up residence in -S raftord, where
Mr.' Moore is employed. Dancing s.hd
cards were enjoyed, and during tee
evening, the guests of honor were
presented with a gift from those
Toronto Star, April 4.—We hear
Peggy Parsons and her mother are
off to New York next week to see
the Easter parade on "Fifth Ave_
noo.".. Peg. was out supper -dancing
last night at the Royal York wi':i
gratulations. • we as Christians who believe that .stra%t bonnet, partner, Jack Connell.
God will lead us into the "way of Barbara and "Flo" Rogers, with Ned
Exeter Times: Flower lovers- enjoyed
a "pleasant Wand profitable evening in
..,1 :...3.sSi.'t^o: ....'1 .t 'i ..Y
[Society when Mr. John F. Clark, of the
Department of Agriculture, Toronto.
gave an illustrated lecture on "Continu-
e zit s- --Clark
showed beautifully colored slides of
flowers and shrubbery, perennial bord-
ersand annuals that bloom from early
spring until the frost outs them down in
the fall. - Ha Illustrated the •woniierful
-itransforming effect a few shrubs and
plants have .around. -a. hoaxed and -he de-
-seritsetr lrethede" tbrelliitivatiem
E, Faster su, perintendent ..of ks `
-London- reiVith- about
men who are engaged in the same
work in that_ city, were
and these mere answered numerous ques-
•oee present: 'ilhe
baeement of the chuich was nearly fil-
led with re�preserhtattves of Horticultural
Societies frrmn Goderich, Brucefleld,
Hensel! end Kirkton being present.
Rev. Mr. Elliott and Miss Ciarn7brill sang
a duet. Readings were given by Miss
Grace • Strange and Miss Helen Smith.
A. number of the visitors spoke of the
1 rofltable t me they had enjoyed. Mr.
J. 0. Stanleury moved a vote of thanks
to the speakers, to the visitors and to
those taking part. It was seconded by
Mr. Word. Mr. 0. S. Howard, president
et the Society, osseupied the chair.
peace," should usher in Easter Day Gurney and Darcy Doherty, "Cav"
with grateful 'hearts. Kelly and Peg McCordick, Jack
Twigg and Betty •Campbell, Pat Bas-
kerville, $rid McBrien,_ Pat Maulsi�rr
{ In ,every�y�h�oyu�sehold}. a number of 1 and Warren tarts, •
6r_ P " Ai1.fSt� ` iaiCi�il!_- 1'' ' Gi r a, '` •?A:'i .'. `.. ^s^'=°."`. .un.>.u..:.�.-�a�:.'.- «,:acw..xrc: �sn+. ..'`I`_eet„ : umrtax'.raCw
.�_ .Lit 7F.fns•.,.esw�rY.^r..;,...�..,...,.•........2-
less. Instead, they should be dried WAR .SETTLES NOTHING
and crushed as finely as vossiole i UPSETS EVERYTHING
with -that d -fel; p1in. _-Thehe �, E-�-
ean�o use dor removing the stains -
on enamel saucepans, tea and coffee The monthly meeting of the. Cen-
pots. Wring out a cloth in warm tral School Home and School Club,
water,dip it in the egg shells and was held at Central School on April
rub gently. For removing the marks 7th, with a good attendance. Mrs. W.
F. Saunders occupied the chair.
Miss _licDowell's room received
-the,--Banner---fol'-- the- -largest-number
offM mothers• .res
pent. _
.77D. • J. - LaneandMrs. £,noire
sang two very pleasing duets.
It _was decided--to---discobtinue the—
giving of milk to .the children af
the Easfe`r 'holidayt
of burnt food, mix the egg shells
with a little common salt.
We -----are .always- hearing about
"dishpan hands." Here's a. cure,for
hs = ra Ther unusua-T; . r -gloves
made Of soft, pink net, bound at the
st- Thefabricis medicated_ 's
that when the glove_ is worn,
the pores anTtakes away the rouge-
ness and redness of hands that do ' Mrs. (Rev.) Donald McLeod gave
too much housework. These gloves an excellent address taking "War'.
are 'to be worn at night, so they will as her subject. She thought, as
not interfere with daytime tasks. mothers, we were in a position to
teach our children its unchristian
and demoralizing effects. War set-
tles nothing, and upsets everything.
The only gain is for 'unscruputous
profiteers. Many of our transients
rather than face the after effects
of the last war, wish they had beers
shot while on the battlefield. It is
much more glorious to teach boys to
straight hair. ,; _ live to do something courageaatts and
LIPTON'S TEA, 1/2 lb. 28c
Lb 10c
Fine or coarse, 6 Lbs. 25c
.Why- Cannot I. Get
A Good. Night's Rest?
Sleep is essential to - :out very existence as while
we repose we are collecting energy to go forth to
another day.** work.
Loss of sleep is s serious matter, and artless we
get proper rcet) sooner or later, the nervous system
ui bound to collapse.
Tone up urn nous ' tem with lltiilburn,s H'. &
11. Pills. Then there nervous
be so more broken rest;
no 'more disturb dreams; rio more nightmares; no
the moraing. fee4ling as tired NI
more getting up
when you,went tiO bed.
Inthepast five yeas over 0 -
boys have received Scout training ,
in the 2nd Edmonton (St. Faith's
Anglican Church) Boy Scout Troop.
You can buy
and Anything
For the
you money Ot
iwie tested.
Oh* nett boost,
Sixty five acres of • land have been
plowed, at Stratford, as a community -
relief plot. ? is is the intention of that
city to supply more potatoes andi
fewer other vegetables for this year -
than were provided a year ago.
-and you pct r 25a
back on next•order
'Ten regular. full-size 5c and 10c packets Vegetables.250, post-
paid: and you get tbe,25e back on your next order by means
ata round slip good for 25e sent with tills cotlectton. ORDER
NOW. Money Order preferred to coin or stamp. CLI' TiII3
AD. and get ---
Large Packet Beautiful Flowers ---FREE
—and McFOydon's Socd List. Dig, Oversize Packets only
.3o to 4c per packet. Now,-troab seed. Every packet dated dal
packed. No Dealers' Commission Cabinets or retumad.
unsold seed. All new crop frosts seed only. DmEOT MAIL
ONLY. Mclayden Seed 00., Mall Orders only at 137 Front
St. E„ Torerrto, one.. or Winnipeg, Men. -
MCSAYDEN BigOversrePackefs
SEEDS Only V-40
Chinese women, and some men,
are having ,permanent waves, to im-
prove their 'beauty, but the "New
Life Movement," has forbidden is,
and has warned the ladies to refrain
from "waving their, Chair or dressing
it in a fluffy manner." So that's
that! Evidently the new Life Move-
ment prefers ` its women with
- useful in tine ofT-pace, times attain-
TI'd oar know that you, could glory on li "iiattlefiejd. History does
washable wall paper? Well you not teach the awfulness of war, or
-any kind of design you the terrible waste of money, but
want. It would be much easier to children could be instructed in the
keep clean and you would never rue Home and School.
the risk of having smears on the A very hearty vote of thanks was
wall brush.,•
walls, as sometimes happens with a tendered Mrs. McLeod.
Here's hoping we have warm, sun-
ny weather on Sunday. We :are
looking forward to seeing Gode-
richites in their new Easter clothes.
The March Winds sem: bleak t►nd cold
As they blow o'er.,the fields bare;
But ,^,,ttllee birds22s�are .singing �r blithe and gay
Prs n le in the all.
Old Mother Nature has removed
IIer blankets seat and white,
And the dainty stibividrops have ap-
t. eye 0u:rgrout d in search of light.
Time robin and bluebird are beck,
And yonder is;w ennel
nood,bye to 'wintraa staff' petit
Oood44-d to trent and o q'
i in ,the Woeods the ferns <,
' ife►te Viedop their Via;.And the lerY -Nint41p
erept Iron their cosy Ws.,
The equkrcl from his home has c,
%lard trent hid' dent the beer;
And With
*l• the w will hum
Watch 'fid a 'gd't t.
And` the* the'bezel • +�
Ito Wee a bhie OK the will
*0*, will bloom 'With tender rains
�' +ga „ air.
rt gRTitatlatteitY.
iatireth centra*.
Usher u.,
BAYPIELD, April 7. --Mr. A. C.
Brandon and family visited Mrs.
Brandon on Saturday at St. Joseph's
Hospital. London, where she under-
went an operation.
Mr. `W,. II. Robinson and family,
and Mr. C. R. Well and.. of
London, were at their cottages in the
village on Sunday. BucYi
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ewingdri
and Master: Ewing of Lloy -`r,
Sask., arrived on Tuesday to visit
the former's sister, . Mrs. M. P.
Mrs. A. R. Leeds returned to the
village on Tuesday after*ding
spent the winter in Torontoat
Oro Station.
Mr. tindMrs. W. Quarry . Lo it '
don were in the tillage ' on Fri day
having come up to attend t into
sale of p tperto and effeets,01 the
Helen Intuits.Intuits.estate. Maeriora' and
Ronald Chapman of. Widen, we f`oitn ere
also among those ' who cam ' a
he suet
dist nee
Dr. and: Mrs. Wm. Fowler and
little son who. arrived on *Votednetdio
Of last week. and art occupying 'T.
0'`r. ►ile 'e house, are welcomed. is
F" owner 14 d graduate of the tritittiq
city of Toronto, and .,comes ti dols
practi�c•e�.-ywith ' high recommned 1.
y t -f o a
lash bn"iitt
If you are not already a customer of
the Goderich Dairy phone for a trial
order of any of the following:
Special Deliveries Twice Daily.
Easter Spe bail. in Ice Cream are now on
handl. Serve -it as your Easter dessert.
All orders carefully taken care of.
The GOderich Dairy
Phone 451 Hamilton St.
-Galvanized- Pails-.
Mop Sticks :. • •.
Hand Cleaner . • e
" Floor max, per tun .. 25c
Lemon On, bottle .., .. 25c
Silver Pol'i'shing . Cream 25c
_...____�_ Phone 283
eX .1
A variety of Cut Flowers and Plants to be had at
reasonable prices.
For your tout -of -town orders, don't -forget our
-.� pFa T. D. Service.
GEO. STEWART, Florist,
Phone 105
20 to 60 watt Lamps now only 20c each.
Guaranteed 1500 hours.
+' d
The Hydro .Store
The Danger of Cough
Concenihg Chlidren
to young children. a cti�� h or cold', ,1s dna, a thingto bo ,dietegsr rded, ► itis often t►. grave matter,
and union a iidetl to at once may cause rockers
On the 1l Si& of a 'cough : or .fold the mother .
tria,,fre Dr. Wdod'e Norway rind 8
thes�1reniedy m ulc ty �}
Ifs' rettiptricea canal eitectivetes41i"l l� 1 r -.r' , the
of * *flogs n.tttu in.
itl, it **oat, hoc