HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-04-02, Page 5Ili +A� :7 n iso,. .ibts. o RI B' STAR,' BOW . M G000 �NCa�C��ETERT NF. MA BOYS •Mlss�o " a '' Crx Knox Presbyterian Church, under the leaders1 p of 'Misa Edith Taylor woe, hosts, on Wednesday aftternoon, at ra (pretty Easter tea,held in the lecture room of the i chuxah. 6a'ndY Milne, president of the Circle was Master of ceremonies fox the occasion. . A table sof Easter novelties. pretty favours and unique dolls attracted the many patrons of the ,,affair• rho boys in charl;e of this table .were; Harold Daer, Bill Johnston, Pat, Hume and Earl Bogie. A candy table :prettily decorated was in charge of Lionel Cuthberts nt and Bob, 1 ipkham, assisted by Miss Dorothy Greene, Jack Mabon, Doug- las Graham and Ward Barry checked coats and wraps, while Gordon Wait- er and Donald Thomson received admission tickets. • The tea tables, daintily arranged with silver and flowers on lace cloths were .presided over by Mrs.' Milne, Mrs. Robert Dater, Mrs. Neil Thomp- son and Mrs. Girvin Young. They were assisted by Sam. Mabon, Frank Young, Bud, Johnston, Jim Abell, Robert Bisset, Dan. Walter, Brian Ainslie, Bill Duckworth, Neil Thomp- son, Douggias "1'lacDonald, Grant Johnston, Jack Young, Douglas Orr, and Jack Duckworth. Mrs. James Hume and Mrs. Robert Bisset wet() also tea-ihostesses. Assisting in the kitchen, were: Mrs. M. Ainslie, Mrs. R. J. Walter, Mrs. T. W. Taylor and Miss Dorothy ,i ohnston• wo,,L TArroo HENS, TO VATCII THIEVES 1114t0.0 =OP on on;$0.mus toe Itelp the lauthOritics' find, chicken thAoree lire pro - 'faded tor in an ppendenent to Ontario's, ture Minister 'WO the Uouse. "is to get after the Ichielcep, thieves, "'ate chielge IPA" said, 'ftould'he identified if of- fered for sa/e' Iv a tetteo mark, on one ffin, And if chops 'the wings oft he ehOtild, he held, ler inquiry as to lust The tattoo ammadrnent was a Part of the igintlers legislation progratm. and force the Dominion Miry if ndustre Acte and extende the Dog Tax and Sheep, 'Under the last -amendment the in -0 demnities which sheep Writers received! for reesagee by dogs are extended Ile iiVe stock and poultry. There had been! complaints that turkeys and even young; calves were being attaeloed hy dogs, the. Minister explained. The also Pro - Vides that the Minister shall appoint a valuer if the mtmleipality fails to do ece end that an appeal shell lie frem a, municipal valuer to a valuer appointed by the Minister. • TEN PER CENT GAN CARYMN, »►GA's O O "S. E �.' CHAS. A. 'MD ° n DIED ON WAY HOME (continued from pig 1),, of a lees one, the minister said. *,ib ' u .c .ez is to glorify Ood and. enjoy t lxrr t or mr, Th, is the wise d n +off Vh! ist," ooneauded. The' ii►rers were Xrs, J. ' B•, Toler. O. L. i AITons, J. B. Remolds, T. R. Patterson t4 I,. Know, W'0. Mao. Ewan, '. M, Costello and J. A. Graham, Omer -bearers were Mem, R. C. fatty -s, r, Nairn, V. \Donne ',n, 13. Dancey, n" 13. B'olnies and V. Vineland, Oa a teWit friends and rclati&es at- tending the funeral were: Dr. and Mrs. IN TOURIST TRAFFIC A gain of approximately 10 per cent , in the number of tourist autemobiles en- tering Canada -froan the -United States in 1935 is shown in figures issued by the, Department or Nationel- Revenue, Ot- • The numiber of Canadian automobiles exparted for touring purposes for the same yew fo,telied ,09,030(P-alid4133.0*-114,e, of earnest 28 .per'reefit aver 1034: C. N. R. shops at Stratford end Narm,an are retiring, this week -frem active ser- vice. Both were 'honored by the fellow warkeneneby-being presented with gifts. SUBMARINES SEEKING CAUSE OF QUAKES aurrns ELW0003.—;At Alexandra Hospital, on Monda.y, March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elwood. Goderich, a daughter. LATE CHARLES A. REID As he appeared while mayor of the Town of Ooderich in 191,3-1910. e. The tired erppearing gentlemen , with hetnd to head is Herr Joachim von Rib, In this tuba Casual setting the camera has recorded one of the big moments of hisbaiy. It shows the arrival at Croydon airpart from Berlin on March 10 -of Dr. Rebbentrdp at the head of the Gerrcken delegation to the meeting of the League of Nation's council that consideTed Germany's re-occupetion of the demilitarized hem failed to date. Be Ready for the Easter Parade Don't .be disappoint- ed. Send it no* to IFIIENCfH' DRY CLEANING WORKS Weet St. Phone 122 SURPRISE AUDLTS OF ONTARIO BROKERS The Ontario Securities Commission hes completed organization for making surprise audits of every broker, invest - anent dealer and securities issuer in the- proadnee. _Its investigators have the, cright to make two suTprise audits of any firm in these three categories in any year and whenever it is thought advisable the right will be exercised. More important still, all these firms except meanbers Of the Toronto Stock Exchange must send in to the depert- tkm -for renewal of registration a com- pletely standardized statement of assets and liabilities. This has been required of non -brokers in 4he pa:st but not of in- vestment dealeTs but each firm tias bean alicvwed to send in a statement made out according to lts own ideas. GODERICH TOWNSHIP YOUTH PASSES The people of Goderieh township and the surrounding districts, WM be ehocked to learn of the deatb of RORS, Durnin Whitely, son of Mr. and 1VIrs- 'Chas. A. Whitely, in his 1.3th year. Born at Dungannon, he contracted measles and passed away this Trimm- ing at his home on Concessiem 7, Goderich township. Besides the terses parents, two sisters, Misses Helen and Jean Whitely, are attending To- ronto University, and two brothers, Benson and Pat.. students at the loc- al Collegiate, survive. A private funeral service will be held- on Saturday from the family home. Interment will be made in Maitland Cemetery. COUSIN CLAIMS LEGACY WAS A new use is being found for the sub- rtiarine, and this is in seeking the cause of earthquakes and volcanic distarbanees in the Caribbean Sea. An Amerke,n navy submereee has teen detailed to carry A grottp of scientists on a 6,500 - mile cruise to study these underseas tonvulsions. The expedition is to start Canal in December from the Panama . The scientists w211 seek . data necessary for a better study or causes of defame- HERs lon or the earth's crust.- They will *make detailed obeervatioris of and re - 1 cards of the origin Of island 'mountain leeeeeNeel—eTo ely 0ousee.Th of Tor_ chains and search out new reasons for ances are attributable to regional causes. But scientists tell , Us that the earth is Continhally contracting and that the crust is liable to heave at some points or - be depressed at others in order to adjust iteelf to the shrinking tnterior. This is said to have been the origin of the Ro- ckies, tend these who• have stedied the formation, of 'those craggy heights can see that something of that kind must heve happened mit there a millien or mare years ago. Goderich Township, on Thursday, March 26, to Mr. and grs. Austin Fuller, a daughters RE:M.—At Crewe, on Tuesday, March . 24th; to Mr. and (Mrs. Wan. Reid, a son. Iset, who died November 13, 1933, at the age of 93. Bessie Stephens, a second cousin of Vhe deceased. claims that her name should be in the blenk space, and she Ls plaintiff in en 'action in the Supreme Court asking for a deolaration to that -effect. The defendant is Peter W. Pear - 'eon, executor of Levi Rogers. Giving evidence, Miss Stephems said Levi Rogers showed much affectden 'for her, had asked her repeatedly to come up from Toronto and mske her home with him and essist him and he would 'compensate her and remember her in his will. She had gone to Newmarket in 1928, but found Mrs. R.ogere, iwife of the testator, unwil.ling.to have her inethe house. ° Witness said she had attended on and helped Levi Regers for some years prior to his death. She t,estified she was the only cousin living in Toronto et the tine. the iwill was made about 1926, rpleadings, it is stated tbat the ori- elsal containing the name of the beneficiary cannot be -found and the ginal will containing the name a the Hollywood Beatty Shoppe tion of the party who drew up the origi- nal twill, but who could not recall the Next to CAPITAL THEATRE, West St. name. This dooument has been duly Phone 12 probated. RA SPECIAL For EASTER Men's and Young Mies SUITS: 'with 2 "pair Tr6titteri, $14.50 • Smart spring tweeds featur- n g checks, stripes, flecks a nti plain weaves, brown, grey and fawn, soundly tail- ored in much wanted sport back, halt belted mode!. Sizes 34 to 40. 414.50 Top Coats for Spring $11.45 Tailored from all wool in grey, fawn and brown check Anaterial and smart styles. Raglan fitted balmactans, slip-ons and guards models. Sizes 35 to 40. $11.45 DEATHS CLEAIVE.—At Ba„yfield, on Friday, March 27th, Samuel Cleave, in his 87111 year. 1111130.—In Detroit, on Sunday,' lefarch 29th, Charles.' A. Reid, of Goderich, 333, 41111111111111110 M• ROBINS AGENT FOR TIP TOP TAILORS 'Phone 384. CAPITAL THEATRE MIT Now Playing—George O'Brien in Zane Giey's "THE DUDE RANGER." Metro-Goldwynelieayer's magnificent motion picture CHARLES DICKENS' PRE-EASTER_SPECIAL CROQUIGNOLE OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 up "DAVID COF'PERFIELD" With a star oast of sixty-five players, including — Freddie Bartlsoleanew; W. C. Fields, Lionel Barreenore, Lewis Stone, Edna May (Myer, Madge liesaps, Maureen O'Sullivan* Frank Lawton and Roland Young. ADDED ATTRACTION—"The Story of Nickel" THURS.. 1FRI. and SAT.— . HARRY CAREY and HOOT GIBSON -two old favorites portray a romantic epic of the west " "POWDER SMOKE, RANGE" An entertaining ;list of short subjects completes the program. Coraing—Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy in "NaughtY Marietta:* lelatinees Wed., Fri. and Sat. at 3.00 p.m. 326 BLOUSES-- eleseee COLLARS-- as ion Eitherr smartly tailoredstyles or softer styles with labot fronts.are here. A large range lo -Choose frorn. Size 32 to 44.. Reasonably priced - $1.00 to $4.,)5 AVtaa To Smarten up our ress Never have_ wt_ shown such. a Urge and varied_Assortnienti Crepes, Georkettes, Organdv and Pique Collar, Collars and Cuffs, I/esters. .43 "EASTER" is when everyone has the_ urge for something new to wear. _ __ ____ _ KAYSER HOSE All the New Spring shades are in Ot, Spring Coats Hosi uaget limi- ted? wearyour- . self the be th Suip, Coats, Blouses, ploves,.Hose Scarves in great variety. Tailored Suits I al Hand -tailored so that the 'shoulders fit .to perfec- tion. Smart single and double breasted styles in men's suiting that hangs nicely and keeps its shape. Swagger 111 s7,-7,121 lift I i'.112gili Ill It in [furl el rese-el e est, tones and plain shades, in swagger and fitted slyles, sizes 14 to 38 to 50, Imported and Domestic Tweeds, coat can'be worn either as Suit or Separate $10.95 To $25.0o of er Value