HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-03-12, Page 74 '00410411W, 11144441$0041?) , 4 . 'WA"' 4ttlaolritk140141.,?..',. ; '40.:41`thvItt".'444.4.1t eeeeeieifa•-see3a*eeeeae,a,',04'sva.Kae'eaii4191,;'00t''eetltL'aaRa!".eioei,-e-l000"Aae'ek•sWo.letiosteae'i:a4eet44'*W',,ieo''tieaataiei,tieMei,eaa,ae. loauteiseite , * alas. e.4'!eee'es.'ea-e0,-.4-etaaweateetetsteoeeeeees, 0,aroetaasee,,weeto, seeetowamme,,, , • V1SD.AZWatelt 1,2tho 1936, et .•••• -,••• -Oldest European Discovery Agaiti$t Stomach Troubles and, Rheumatism--2-Aicliinite4 Best by Latest Tests TilE,(401)ERICII STAit ,orrt '.•$kticee 1709 theationde Of Peop1e. have regained their ncernal health after rtm ot suffering from stionlaqVtivubl% of all types, sueh eonqtipaAlen, indf.ges9ion: gas, and sour stomach Which areLthe baile 1.11011111MOMMININIM/011.1.0111111.11.111000. I'Vor 'mat raala4te$ 4'4. high blood PreS%ire„, rnenmatism, periodic neaddohea; Pariplesr1 lace iind body, Mins in the liacix, v4 -n• ,...rarookutool. 44141. Xle3t and USA:14er disorder, exhaunien, loss of sleep and appetite. Those ,sufrerers haw not usacl any man-rnade inlurious tehemicals or drik,os of any kind; they nave only used a ivmedy ans.de by Nature. This mairvelotrp• product grows on the leghest mountain peaks, 'where absrb aM the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid HuMAIIITyIZLdttress. =moved of 19 -kinds''Of natural /eaves. seeds, berries and fianas scientlfimally and peopontionately mixed and ita known as LION CROSS IMRE TEA. - LION CROSS- HERB -TEA tastes deli4ous, acts wonderfully -upon „ your system, and is safe even foe children. Prepare it fresh like any -orcliner? tea anti drink a glassful owe day, hot or cold. A one dollar treatment actoinplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like nerw rixirh. If you are not as yet fairallar with the benefietail effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB '11EA /try fit et once and convince yourself. If not satisfactory money re- funded to you. _Also in tablet form. 'Try it and_ convihce yourself with OUT money-baok guarantee. One week treatment $1.00 .Six weeks treatment $$.00 - In order to avoid mistakes in getting the gentene LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attarhed coupon. . Lib-Pharnsacy, 1180 Second Ave., N. Y. Oltly; N. Y. Gentlemen : Dept. 10270 Enclosed find $ for which please send met treatments of 'the famous LION CROSS HERB 'IEA‘.. ADDRESS CITY STATE.. By Way- Norton Entered according to Act of ParliamentIIPGeorger J. McLeod, Limitea:Ring: St West Toronto, at the Dept of Agriculture. (Continued) "Well, this looks fiTetty tough!" exxc1azue Bill,, sectoping down .and examining the face 'of the barrier. Hie companion lighted his own eandle and together they went. over' the faee Of the nbstraction.. "It looked to me, as if we Could open her up a little if Nye can shift this timber here and use it as a lev- er," he said, pointing to one project - ins near thii roof, 4,4May bring the whole mountain down, but its our only chance," 1 settling, '"Are you all right?" they called to each other in acute unison, their, Voices betraying a great appre- hension, and then, reassured for o the instant, they.asagged :weakly against the walls and each reached eut to find the other. Their hands met and clasped fervently and, again in Uni. son, they said, °Thank Godl" A match spluttered dimly through the dark -and dust.elogged air, a candle slowly 'took flame and they looked at each other. Bill was lean. ing against the wall, weakly and try. r, ive iou1try,ipnients to Uiuted States 011Upgrade rezar4 to the evort, c'tIt paid, try ,firext CWiratle, to the 1.101W States, itbel*t Ito chtiy. charged on ,preperly nrark-41Nattirri ;'.,ra*.s, but a duty ofQ 3,0 ceiV4 per trate is ehar=d 'Canadian sliIPPerS' on the Wenn of the.,,,r crates in- to Canada, ua1it24pc1er to e1l1pp2i7 gra, poultry to the titled Satiates, tth Cana - Oen eltipp2r has the emtes ,preperly tag-,V2d,by a Canadian CtretornsothIaI is ben; of Canadian manufacture. A Cu3. toms stamp is placed by the customs of- ficer on wooden crates, and a metal seal' le attached to metal czatei. In crder to have ih's eamp VA -eel on the coops, It. owe,. be requee'ed by the Canadian ship - Per. Fruits)? Shipments to U. S. The trade in live poultry from Canada me to recover his strength. A tatter- to' the 'United States has again beeeme agreed BilL. ."Here she. -goes.-Stand- -ed-trousersleretawalre -'tfis--bared-taetor of eara nsideblo-amporte ano back. No use in both of us getting leg and foot where he ad wren h d PauttrY c e industry in Western Ontario es it." himself loose from the rock, and torn a =stilt of ohs tariff reduetions made effectiVe under the recent Canada -Unit- ed States o'Itrade 'Iteaty. During Janu- ary, 11936, shipments of live poll/nee to nearby United States paints, •obiefly Buffalo, N.Y,, arnaunted, aceording Ito unofficial figures, to 11.233 head. In January, 1935, shipments totalled only 566 head. By the terms of the Treaty the United States duty on 1?ve poultry was fixed at four cents per pound. It previously had been eight cents per pound. Shipments are made up lereely of tow'. PrOes on live fowl at Montreal and ToroTtilz at the present time are ap- proximately five cents higher than last He caught the end of the timber in his heavy hands, planted his feet firmly on the floor and heaved, The big timber creaked, but did not give. Again he planted himself and this time his great shoulders seexned to twist and writhe until the muscles cracked with them, with a crash, the hairier gave way. He sprang back with amazing quickness and they ran back up the drift for twenty or thirty Ifeet while the mass again readjusted itself and settled slowly into posttion. IA cloud of dust bellowed toward them, half -choking them with its gritty fineness, and then, in a minute the air had ' cleared. They went eautiously forward. "Well, we got' some farther, any- how, unless she comes down while ., we!re_working through: :.-Mte've gota '" e '- `t thing,thlole-rniner asSerted. hole to crawl into, and that's some - Before he could say anything more Dick had crowded him to one side and was entering the aperture. He had prevented his partner from tak- ing the first perilous chance. Painful- ly he made his way, while the man i behind listened with terrified appre- hension; for none knew better than he the risk of that progress. j 'All right, but be careful," a voice I came to him faintly from the dis- tance. "She's bad, but the air over here seems good. It's a close shave." The big miner dropped down and began crawling through beneath' the tons _of balanced rock, which might give at any instant. Larger than his irounger companion, he found it more difficult for his great shoulders per- sisted in brushing at all times, and nciw and t„hen he was compelled to Squeeze himself through a narrow place that for a moment threatened to be impossible. Once a timber above him gwig a little and a rock crowded down until only by exerting his whole fOrce could he sustain it while he scraped his, h)ps'through from under it. Then as it descended between his legs he found one of them pinioned. He shut his teeth des- perately to avoid shouting, and twist, - ed sidewise, and back, to and fro; at all ri.ht „ife rested for an instant 1 futile• Peeilan 'Balm is irroz.‘sisLa(ly appealing to a'.1 apiare: date charm and .11.ie keeps the oontp:exion. always dear a :1J beat's..iftil. Ton c in - afoot. 1..}:nuilac.es the .i•-l•zin7and makes Ib wmdrarfully F.,;:ift-,texttzed, Sof tens and m1h6ten3 tthe • hand. Persia,n•Balm is equallir invaluable to men• as an ex- celtlent hairfixative and cooLing shavhvg 'Idtdon. al.?3 to. p:oteet, the tendi5.,f- slain of the child. $345° day • CHICAGO to CALIFORNIA - . - AIR -1 CONDITIONED Chair Cars o‘n fast trains —Delicious meals, With quality and service made famous by Fred Harvey, now served en route; to certain trains, at Harvey Dining Stations, at NEW LOWER PRICES. —Liberal Baggage Allowance, • R. C. SMITH. Gen, Agent SANTA FE RY. t 504 Transportation Bldg. DETR.01T, MICH. Phone: RAndolph 8748 • 4.19 'BOTTLED CHICKEN ..Henry Willis of -Denver, Col'. is the owner of Mathilda (above), the bottled chicken, which. has been in- carcerated in this five -gallon glass home since birth, six weeks ago. Mr. Willis claims that Mathflda is so im- prisoned for reasons of scientific re- search, but htimane officers thought otherwise. Mathilda, they claimed, was "unhappy". Doctors were call- ed. One verdict: "Sickly in appear- ance with pale comb, ruffled feathers ' and glassy eyes.' (Said another: ,t "The bird is beautiful; her appear- • ance is_ good. comb. bright red,_ feath- 1 ers full_ and eYea bright." Judge for yourself.. I3EVERAGE PERMITS Brophey Bros. GODERICH -THE. LEADING - FUNERAL• DIRECTORS • AND- EMBALMERS - Also • AMBULANCE SERVICE .,AT AtL • HOURS—NIGHT 011 DAY CANCELLED the imminent danger of dislodging ‘verything above him. He heard an -anx0us voice calling outside and re- plied that he was corning and was more chance and that was almost , , for the plan indicated that liiinyelf in the triterr•i pertaining t,o a- -,hi-e.iculeire and agri •ulture his boet away in so doing. Along the length of the white flesh wasa flar- in. line. of red, where the point of rock had cut .deeply when he made that: last desperate struggle to es- cape. He dropped to the floor and clutched his wound with his hands while Dick, almost with a moan, thrust his candlestick into a timber and savagely tore lits shirt off and rent it into strips. He stooped over and with hasty skill bandaged the wound. "It's not bad, I hope," he said, "but it does hurt, doesn't it, old part- ner?" year. Mimi= a14 -e3 *WW1, er' ualfalfa, elover or 'ether lquane Eve* should be lAagetled befores'owlint... The abswer demndl tttrie etroutnzton=, \Them a Imunie "s, grown far the rst time the ,Tpropc-4, nodulePooning barWla ore ?often tulItittz In the van. %rut /nom» latton k:f eflOnVIS? *cti.ted. *.Where tlr eame erop has be Om% within a few year there are prohably suft1.104 b' - ter x in the mil to tneoulato stitmzfully •a $rti..,11 eeeding. riartzeoot Er-nlo texunte3 survloie Ow $01 longer than tethers wtheatt the host plazt.. fteeent experiments indicate that Ted clewbaoterla may survive In 6,0,,t1 bettex than alfalfa and erweet eloVer. or .pea, and vetch tbatiera%. 14:Wa. a Iwo of ye=s, thentore, rOnioculation orontsVa leas ur- Met 'With red 'lover than with the others, Even 'sehere the eon eantatir.i sUffielent -ettra,--0-produee-iredules.,-,r,eirmula tien xna,y be of benefit. Tmeatigaittoos have shown that there lire good and(poor ettlabn et avodule -bacteria. • 'Menton, reinoeulaidon may be very helpful by In- trodueng a good strain of bacteria into the soil wIn a uraeli higher power to tlx nitrogen and thus help the crop and the soil. Flamers should Twilit°, however, that inoculation is ally one factor in the pro- clutstIon ot a suecessful legume crop and cannot overeome other unfavorable fac- tors such 03 poor seed, acid sett, poorly prepared seed bed, etc. The. only un- favoneble lateor tcan overoome Isleek of nitrogen in he soil, and the poorer the sail LS in nitrogen the greater the gain will be from inoottlation. "That's nothin'," bravely drawled the giant, striving te force a grin to Hay Market Report his ,pain -drawn lips. "Don't worry There has been prazticallyrn,o change now, boy! . Think_ what, might likve in _the. hay„vmarketing situation clueing hapeertedeifen1 beeriebheresererninttte--4*-pel*-eiebntax.----aaegg-supplieeeee- or awe) longer, or if Leouldn't have 1935- crop flare still available in growers' got loose ht all!" hands. ' The demand is generally • poor „ In their thankfulness for the last at pie!ent, owing to local farmers' sup - escape they had almost forgotten the ,phies being ,plentiful and the iterminal fact. that their situation was still al- 1.i,narkets and large sttabl stocked l'isee- ! ;ILY Iv" hay last fall. The Toronto most hopeless, and that perhaps the arket speedy end would have been prefer- m' is still receivingsome hay from able to one more agonizing. more lEaseern ,. Ontario. Large, market hay are reported genI-quantities of s slow, to come. They got to their feet , throughwt the province and pamAcularly :ally ) at last and hobbled forward, the big 1 ' ts I frwn she northerly keetione and the Ot- man resting half his weight on hifriend's shoulder and making slew ptaprodwatieVinalley. In the heavy alfalfa hay area between Markdale and progress. Again they were centered I wafted and sacinaty, a fair quantity er 'on the faint hope that beyond was alfalfa hay is being gr2and 10'0 alnega smeeC sort of openingbecause now t meal. Tee lew pre -es beine wild for this they snew but too well that their re i hay are enabling the grinders ti (um - treat was effectually cut off. If there ; pete cn export markets 'with this pre. was no opening ahead they were ; duct. doomed. They. consulted the plan Pr:xes per ton to grower are. F - again and went forward. Abruptly No. 2 tamethy mixtures $7.50 tis $8.50. 53 they came to a halt, shutting their for No3. $550 50. for jaws hard. They had come- to the , S10 deecndlle alfalfa $4 te I • . *6 g on locst'ln, and InT ..'-nw end of the main drift and it was a prospectors had finished! i car lots. t5u2r5e0s ±0are$3s.ollAintgPrt aWboiluitian159 eil;enrwtotmlixii; blank wall of solid stone where the "Well, old man,. ther6's still the : two side drifts to examine," said New Horticultural Head . Bill with, a plain attempt to appear J. B. Spenser. BSA.. of Otitay,•a. was ceive the other. hopeful that did not in the least de_ elected President of the Ontario linrti- fifty feet," Dick assented, finding cultural A sTe Ation at the 30th cotrten- that it required a effort to steady - i tion of, the Associat'on held reently at "Yes. That's back there about . his voice. "The other one is behind Toronto. No man in Canada is mehe the', barrier." wershv of this honor. fz•q• he has devoted I his life and talents (to the betti7rment of I the same thought. They had but one i canadian h:•rticuliture and agri-ulture. As ,a streessful horticulturi..', and expert', a Ar.cultur^t, auttizr. and trained news-; They looked at each other. reading ' ' paper man. MT . WI -177T 11114 TlF V er c'1)1r - to regain breath, then made' a des- ',Ole 'side' drift extended but a score Far several years he has been an off- perate forward effortt to find that or so of yard§ and had then been. . his foot alone caught him. Again he abandoned. They felt their feet fill- crei.,rtiol°11a n, ills"a pae;prrbesindecntntiectititttuhrCe%73- rolled from side to side, and again tering when they turned into- it,eissaeseeettese .asototer, a menater of the ho rested. • dreading the end, dreading the reve- Canadian Society of Techivi,..al Agri-iil- . "Bill! Bill! For God's sake what lation that meat tell them they were turys a graduate of Ontario Mrricultur- thoindsi.e. Binuttheoisurlaingieiotcualsiyhutihse-oywtliinedtht0e=Id College. and A an artive member of , the. Federal D-2--trie4, Commi,FAnn. Ot " am ad. has happened?" he heard an ag•oniz, ed call from ahead. "I'm all right, boy," he called baek patiently. "Just keep away fromthe. hole so I can get air. I'm -I'm just findin' some places a little tight." His reply did not seem to allay the solicitude of his companion. who call- ed again, "Can I help you in any way?" , 'Only by keeping clear. I'll make an try. Stand -dear. so if she collies down you won't be caught. If assume an air of 'confidence. They 1 -TA, aPo famous as a ros, grcwer, an did not speak as they progressed, i communtiv cir les' has given Tnueli, practical advice on the growin4 of tre.-s! in city e•ree's. tie was secretary and 4• f the Danninton 0,1vernmenit each dreading that instant when he would again face an inexorable box- ' rier. They counted their stens as ahead. Together they stopped and 'awr•.•c'ultural conarnistan Which • Kudied. they went, to themselves. They came turned toward eaa- ot her.- Dimly the various pharsos of production. extrina ty-second, and were peering fixedly fi.rst, twen- ' to the twentieth. twenty- - -good-well Dick!" beams, they could see it. the dusky .: •- -.- .. 'rit3 a refe'relIce and mark& Mg of bacon in Denmark and I In the Un',ted Kingdom Ifli rrpor', t 1- , As he spoke the final word he gray mass. The wall leered at the t, 4,, , gether with other bulletins • (wertirg t h:c : the faintly thrown light of the candle T slIM. bre! . arid- -wine' 11144'44.44- ILLe 7' she does- well made another fic-ctly stei.perate ef- as they stood there panting. desimini -1 I Leglinie--1-11"-u-lati(m fort from his new position. There ir)g, desperate as trapped animal.; 1 This time cf year when farnters are for :Refill -1u, the was a ripping. searirlk ' Pain along, Their iinaginations told them flu: making PreParaion the length of his end Folks Past 40 Woi i 1 d This PAGE $E111* • QUIET. COROUOTRO, CONVENIENT, wiewstmo led ROOM ROTRL-.116 WITH RATR WRITIG FOR FOLOIKR TARR, A OR 14UXE TAXI FROM ORPOT OR WRARIF-nallo 11•Business Directory DR, F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ozsgs- 'thalmle and Aural Hospital afizioank. eat Mooreflela a Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. Eyes tested, glasses supplied. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Telite phone 267, Ne .,c visit Wednesday. March 181h, from 7 p.m. till Thursday, March 19th. at 1 p.m. At. Hotel Bedford Telephone 149. PROFESSIONAL CARD 1 T W. MONTEITH. . -- -. .............4440...r.,....... ........ - . , CHARTERED ACCOUN'I'ANT. 89 Ontario St. •Stratford. Out (Member Firstbrook, McLeod ,a, Men- • teith. Toronto, Ontario). . . i — LEGAL CARDS , se, .... __,....._,— i .F. If y lu are traubled with a burning een.sattion, functional blac^der w:'akries, frequent they annioyer.:e, disturoed sleep, dall pains in bask. lower abdomen and dewn through groins—wet sh.ltild 1 )0U (+LAS R. NAIRN. try 'the splendid formula value of the Dr. Southworsh "Uratabs" owe an0 Fee who a won.d..rful dAfference It makes! If this grand Old fo.tintila of a ksa;,..wri physician brawts you the swift and satisfying comfort has brAntlit to dozers of others, you sureW 1.01 be thankful and very we'll plva,)ed If it dies not satisfy. the drug -ie..' ttra' supplied you wl,:h "Uratab5" is author- Sun ized to return 5our mroaey on the first box ptr•-lalsed. This give; you a full 10 "Ura,ttabs" w.ithout risk of pi,e170,ect wt..,t,b, result 3. If ylu w-iild know .thr! joys of pea-eful re,tftil and no•Tnal healthy Bin iler ttm, 'a -t timt lathy. Any tr d-.7.riest tan 9.upply you. Barrister. and Solicitor. Office: Hamilton St, Phone SIX VRNEST M. LEIE. LA ST. AUGI.TSTINE HZ11'1,.. am being tested. .h!liale ;its arid rliez &t the annual St Pltrt-k's Witht frliri Several have reported seeing rob ns. ane many ate making preperation for 'he " The nyvis re, yet are and we twat*. envto-at-lv 'that the atilt.) roads have bem -petted f arg The cal,Ftl'an of ringing th- "Arrgelus'' has 1.,e-ra hed S; Ati.nrstine Thr h 'Th - 4 ! 739 • m and 6_ la ai 3 .tr,•ke4 3 OlIce. ''.1111.1•S I'S- -ft tlevrytion inz wh:rh i'mvers c e of .the Birla of Chriq are said s foot which he dis- • regarded in that supreme attempt 'A? b't',jr, rI 1935, t'llirty and suddenly he seemed to slide for- hev.rage att.,:iorities have been cancelled oy the On a lo liquor officials, a 0Yern- ment report in the Legislature states. Tree -IT -one autherrettes which were east- rcied a' one tams. or another since the begirm2ng,01 the beer law, have been re- newed, the return Staled. • Worms -'in eleildien, -if-they be ,not • 2nde1 x. cause ...larrvulsvons, and oft/en dz-ath. M7:her Graves' Worm Extentei,n- a!or w:;11 motect the children from these _rsring afflictions. - Why Cannot I Get A Good Night's -Rest? Sleep is essential to our Very exietenee rTa Aire we repose vie are collecting energy to go forth to another day 's, work. Loss of sleep is a serious matter, and unless we get proper restessooner or later, the nervous system , is bound to eollapse. Tone up your nehcius system with Milburn 's 11. 85' N. Pills. Then there will be no more --broken rest; no More disturbing dreams; no more nightmares; no - Mee° getting up in the -morning feeling an tire41 as when you went tio bed. MUGGS McGINNIS -.31.367 caP JUST SAW °WHISKERS AI;t0UND 114' <4.2ftNe.R AND HE'S LOOKINI1 F*01 SeA! I -1E GAY6 -To BEAT* YeR, EARIE, DOWN Mare. 6HOOTIN' le -41K4 Wrr" YER SUSJC.7- SHOT! FR APWADE OF HIRAI! "on warci wniie 011CKoZ nim came a crun- ching, grinding noise as the disturb- ed rock which had pinioned him set- tled down into place. He crawlea de- sperately forward. A light Eared in his eyes and he felt strong hands thrust under his .arm pits and was jerked bodily out to the floor of the drift. 'They -fell-together -and' 'the candle, falling with them, was extin- guished. -They were overwhelmed, Las they lay there in the darkness, gasping, by a terrific crashing im- pact as if, the whole mountain' had given way and at their very feet, huge rocks thundered down. They drawled farther along on hands and knees and the falling rack seemed to .pursue them malignantly_ , For an age it seemed as if the whole drift would give way as each set of tim- bers came to the strain and failed to. hold. Then again all was still. Strangling, sweating, spent, they got te the side wall and raird them- selves up, gasping for fresh air. Their senses wavered and swooned in that half -suffocation and slowly they comprehended that they were still alive and that the `. dust was DON'T KNOW,: IF WERE You -1 wo'opetw Ler Him FWD me: He MAN'S HE CIZIMES FROM %ME MUGHEGT. Tovvki "n -t, we.sr! vii-4,6zrb 1-1-rwAhie • oF rr? ;itteillbki,cd1 e- .V4.1:4=4 - . - • ' kJ) 5t. 440 f Ito fOr Vt• ell, 01(1 man • Bill's voice sounded with exceptional softness. - "thev (Ii(lnt eytpnil t1 '• farther, All we can do' now is to go up and sit down at, the foot oT it, and —3"veauit'l t.Iit 'won't take long, Bill," Dick replied. "The air, you know. It can't last forevee.". They trudged forward for the few - remaining yarda- and then,- abruptly, the candle they were carrying gave a little flicker. This time they stopped in their traCks and shouteci_Bill sud- denly loosened his hold on the young- er man's shoulder and begap hopping forward, and the light threw huge, grotesque. strangely moving shadows on the wall ahead of them. Dick ran after him, crowding on his heels and shouting meaningless hopes, _Ahrept.-. ly they came to. a right-angle drift, andethen, but a few yards down it, they discovered an upraise, crude and uncared for. but climbing into the higher darkness, and down this, there streamed fresh air. • It was such a one as prospectors make, having here and there a pole with cleats to serve as a ladder, then ascending at an incline which, though difficult, was not impossible, I'VE FORIGOTT E.14-\ -n-11 'JAM M czoP. IT se , ' and again rereiting • .ke foot. holds at the l'p this • -t .1 his partner, thrusting a shoulder beneath his haum hes and straining upward with the exult -a - than 'of 'reaction. They were• saved! 114, knew it The fresh air told that, steiry to their experienced nostrds. l'p. up, up they clembered for a long slanting distance and then fell out --on the floor ni', anothei drift at whnse t•nd was a shadowy light. Again they ' hobbled down a long length, ever ap- s' proaring their goal. fl11 topped and leaned againSt the ede v alI and volceI 14'' exultatioon. ! "I knovi. Vtrlieve We are" bre ex, ed. "This is the blacksmiths' tun- ' nel, They made that upraise follow- ing the ore, and that's why the mine _was opened for the second time here. .. They Mil t «min e e '1 l cause they knew the tbld work useless. . Dick, we've been through smile pret- t•• hard times together and had some nalTOW haves; hut 1 done care for many more like that Come on. Help me no, 1 want you to take a look and .ee if my heed is any whiter than 11 was at nine o'clock this mormn when we went into that other hole." (To hs continued) WESTFIELD WF:T1--,-IFT IX Mir h 10 -111e Y,P.S h • '.1 Wedne id iy et en- '•• z T1 h '.1 MT Alvin STle'.1 I• w•as :,.d by Mr. Ned "l'htmnp,011 B:',14.1!e Iterry and Mr Edgar 11 *a" had cllir4e of the dev,•'ional pc, ,ir•nm The was given by, Mr ella Sir'Y'' r -t1 "7 he V4V11,1. Frienthli,ip." and a v lin solo by Mr Harvey .MeDowe.11. a, - ( rapstilcd by Mr Clracine M.1I))w '1 !h. p. T1 ) in-e•ing el:.sed NI 7 :1'1 w't h a few w -re fo4-1,-,-w4-4- by a ,(11:; Mr and Nfr, W F' C.lrn,3': • . 4' on Mtioria.y ry the horn" of Mr: J 'l'trn- blyn of • t•A 't ed a numi)er 9f their I:1cm'; on F7-. 11‘ evening tst a dance Xf'11(.1's NV 'cm Teruel- lei .1' 't k u7/1 in the, F) Tsui •h and in I ,'.n mid 11 4 w 401PW' to ! 1 h Barrister and Solicitor. Life Bldg Adelaide and Victaria • Streets Telephone- Elgin 5301 Toronto 2 CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTIriONER, OHIROPRACTOR A N D DRUGLIZZO THERAPIST, OODERIOH. Equipeed with eleetro-mageetic Electronic electric treatment and. chirp. practic Chronic; organic and nervcat hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 pm on Tuee.W. Frigay and Sahli -day, and on Wednee. day 9- to 17.' a in only. Consultation inay be hi.el by appointment. • Monday and Thursday at Mmehell A. N. ATKINSON. residence and office, corm r of SoUth street and &I - tannin Road Phone 241 VETERINARY 1)R 0 E MYERS, VS, BV, Se. VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of the University of Toron'o and eladitaie of he Ontario Veterinarr College Office in Mr T T Mil ptlY'S 1111111:C1 St , CiOdeT .4 11 Telephone Day Mk night 249 A PCTIONEEItING riOM AS 0 tt NI)flY la SON. . _ Live Stock and General Auctioneers. Elgin Ave.. Goderick. S -ales macre- everywhere and all effarta made 'a. 44::,e you satisfaction. F'armers. 'Sale Notes discounted Phone 119 • - INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILE. FIRE, PLATE GLASS. BURGLARY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT Oilararreed Bond,, Low Rates with At., them an e Th,*y a rc ' mike(' Financial Strength • REPRESENT -1111;E unhea7 hy • (••014. :tins ht 'h. d' gang thal. Invite and en -,.„-1 7.0 11 F'f' in4 rete•• ions that are rn 1•!••4 ficial to !Ile i.,,T•rwtli of the (•1..'1.(1 '1 ;f -MVO -ift`t..1:7111 1114'ii, .)r);,,vt-r 41 witarri,1:, cives and 111 ail time, ar(', •ti tru1.w.rrthy - PICTS krio BIG VEGETABLE SEED' ......dnetivougetimer 35e back on next order Tandragr.ular lull ci4.4 \lc intl 1(10 frukats VegiattiWea •1; Drat. Int% relf1,1n1191=01,:t;I:.ttt`:":.:1),"4,`,,r.,%:Z1°,:),)bv(1.41)741 tion.y °Mr) proformll 10 4 cr.11 or vamp) t 7408 Al) 00d got-, Large Packet Beautiful Flowers— FREg - on.f 11,1`41,44. 1 494,1 1.43()v., t's040•4 414.1 te tor rm,ko• 47*w ttrial coal r,.., k.t. da.4.1 pa, 4e.1 No 04410111' Ootnn,,ton cern*. re,r,144, tirs-o71 mood All now rrop, 44o,41 ojova nture•r MAIL TtItZ)17)14'7.2tt.11/ti)Z114.“4Van" 4017 '""4,4 MPTAYDEN BigOversizePackels SEEDS On/q3c-4cPkt. by WALLY BISHOP z BUT 1 Kt -.1o4 HE sAit) eveRyeopy tNi IT WAS owLY ONE, LAP AHEAD OF A Pq.-651e, /1111111;h'irtitr!' 4!:„.44,anoliet --.4,1p311 , Coeytieht, 1636, by rerieleal Prost AidtetiiiititOi, • , • 4,1:•44:1••'--, -•=t - -5 eieseee..2Oares-eneesesee• Niqual Life Itessuranee Co., owned est The Polley Holden f.OW R A Tu.s BEST OF S'ETTLEM EN TO !Worn:1'ton ,;:a(1:$ Call, wine Phone WM. B.EATTY, Hamilton St, Goderich.g FlICE INSURANCE }tate 1 a '4.11d4.11 '14 145 t WEST AV V4' %NON!!! MUTleti FiRle IesURANCE ('0. Established 18.711, Head Office: Dungannon, Ont. E. :tees 4 kert,. -11,4yrtstd. Presidents 1)am M. Kay . Ritaey. VI( e -President, tz addtbtaxn *0 the President and Vice Pre- stdent the following are Dirtritarit. Wm Wat.-ioR Auburn, W J Thontyr, Auburn Geo M Stthirt R. El 2. Lack- , t, Harvei, AnderF.rn Lucknow . Salkeld Godert( Wilfred McCarthy, 11 R 1 Dtmgannon, Robert Davidson., rtios STOTIMRS 'Treaa CECIL 'IREIMAVEN See. - — ileKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY, . - PAR4.1 AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO- - PERTY INSURED orpremts*, President. A,lex Broad - fore, Seaforth, VI e-Presalent„ John Z. Pepper Brucefleld, Seeretary-Treasarer, af A Reid, Seaforth Broadfoot, Sea- ficrorothx,. Juoaannedamallmirook:IteecieoWttealtontie0; Wrthilitje4mt Dublin John E Pepper, Brueefleld; Slut Connolly, Goderich. Thos. Moylan, Sea - forth. We It Archibald, Seaforth; afeEwing. Birth • L/ST OF AGENI"Seel,V. J Yeo, ttel- ton R R No 3; James. Watt, Irkig.-1/4 John E Peeper. 13retelield..1r11, tflik;T: mcKercher. Dublin. ft. R to. I': Chas. P Hewitt. ttineardivie: Sart meth, Bona -toles, It R. No. 1. t Vttletirt4404V,Att, $03 ts---44-0Paix4r.,„,,,Cututk,,t,terefthoodoztrbel,-.,—!,,,-,0.4.1:.: The Royal ttlnk. Cl/titbit, or J. tiayfleld. •••-•,.....41240.4,r,4, • • 4