HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-20, Page 4all Merchanibse SoldThisWeek, C Prices.. SILK y. WOOL KING Reg, to 95c, fort pct. i,»,., .».' .,..,, 4, .59e 'A.41.- WOOL, STOCKINGS, reg. 59e' pr. for. . ,`,49e SILK 'PLAITED ON WOOL. Reg. �' 4rlc. for .. , `'ry.39 MISSES' WOOL SKIRTS and PULLOVERS, R $3.56. Clearing' ng fol,». • • • • 98e SILK SUPS, WHITE and TEA ROSE. • Special QQ ✓'✓toned The Cash Stare aimisimnommovinumumannok •sal;p.N �X4,...M1'tKaYMR:•aafRYp•..- �.�. . 'SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY gg** Meat Market--New.location-Next J-lunt's +•.'r ,-i..'.i.. .. r..+=x "4'n .:-:tie. _ w-�na` vY�. 'w" ":'C7wr-Street ...,,w.....w..,e».u-:»..,.,nn, Hat ✓►are alrlitto� 5treet --- .SEF' LEAN POT ROAST -...' .'... ..120 BLADE ROAST 14c CHOICE BOILING BEET 10e FRES 11 HAMBURG STEAK. ,2 1b0.' torr 25c • SHOULDER, SPARIE ' 1)G1T33., . NEW SAUER KRAUT ...,. YEARLING -LAMB LEGS. ' 'YEARLING ' LAs LOINS $REAST _. TO STEW :.... FRONT QUARTERS OF PORK..... BINK► QUARTERS OF PORK.. SPECIAL P PRICES 8 ON YOUNG BEEF PORK FRESH HAM ..... ........ .... 22c LEAN BUTT .....:......20e FRESH' SIDE (Piece) 19e PURE LARD (by the crock)- 1231 e . ..,....... ... 3 ` lbs. • for ' 250 4 lbs. for 25c, Lb. .220 ..�� 19v Lb. 15c. ..... ,-Lb. 14e .....Lb. 160 BY THE QUARTER. ''i'#' reserve moot 3;`:d. for t Aunts `' nigh Tea at 10x ChM for fiirther. .pard! 1`3 la • t The Goderieli will To in#hl ill R held Meeting a t t bowie of Ws. 4. ''Whitey► Nelsol streeifi n Thursday,..._., ► With, at -3.30 .zn. regnier meeting of. the "Qtraneans Ac1at'on of the North Stree'United' Church will be held on Thursday;. 27th, at 3 o'eIock.. ,A Pee Pet tetek will -be served .ln the .Chureh 'Parlor after the meeting. ,All mews are urged to et n' , out and enjoy meet. - 14./X.0.0110*... Fcb; 19. -,,~The junior. Grose held its ,regular meetin• at %1, iday afternoon then• thO Mint dram ries pr' 'nted:;, Wil- :h " , J ''�a sem, $ermine id. tt;. +long, tea- Rutledge: .. !chapter. b.! f�. , "Th ' Vie, of Grow i Farrier.: ree , June Rut, Now'," Atli Story, Tom., 'Young; /poem, he ! 'Bradford; recitati!►ns,ez iia r ; ORO Cr! N> and The ch. Eta r 1. Yaic �iS ,. ► s. trier. l� ext \ vii tib were then a 4i:4 ed to all.' 8-; - Y...P, S; of. the CI t d chm'r.h en» .trtra e itt honor of . ,R! ��pN}iyp when. ,f,AIe. evening wit* nt. ,. Pro ressi as/ enjoyeddor the first Port- o' e evening,.1Ff which. rhe f4Re!w1n r . , . g I� s�ranz -'wad'•., presented with .. V, a. 'Mo. urnor presld -,. ` duet,. Rev: •; ; , a , .R► Map ..�l•'1`r J"r>!urns,l rot .� �viu i �t an Wl it d c otos , reading, •Claire Pentland._ Lu ieb. WAS then seed. St. Valentine ;decorations Were much in 'eelden e. - For theletrrth ,saccessive Sunday ser vices in Many churches at Ot tsirde.points have .been'F the +wn, Only at places Where there`• is a resident Minister have we regulars ;erg- been uninterrupted, even e ten very. few of the : gr!eea- Van bten. present, • A meeting',of the „ ublic 14brar, Board WU ,meld on' .Monday', evening at the ► ? , • e- of Mrs A. Davidson . for business ,Pabneetion Avith the ',library. Ten - tor the 1190,41021 of librarian, rovers sand tine 'tender of Mr. Roy Rut- rr,as accepted' for , this • position, e :Rosary will be moved to Mr. Rut- let!ge'e ahap w ch all possible speed and it' la to • i �irculm tom. is Thursday. Pebruery 2Oth, is the date of the Victoria Home. and School Club birth , ... party. Reports of the ° yokes warka 11 i,e given and a splendid' vezz a e'n • tgram"is being arranged. A shower f t .cups' and saucers will be received. i ft rents will be served, Interdenominational World Da y ' Of Prase will bo`' observed in Victoria. St. United aC7huroh on 'friday, F'eb. 28th, at 3 p,nL Tie program this year has bean arranged by Senorita Jorquera of San Diege, .Chili, and is entitled 'Via ' aa�th, Peace. C�dwill. to_ _ Men." All Oa ladies in town are strongly urged to at- tend this world-wide Day of Prayer, croup 2 of the Women's Institute will b,. -- :hQiSV°•a�-le5ftd `""ttt`1'VIa,C"'y"�: on Monday night, Feb. 24th. -8- The regular meeting �of the Mission Circle of North St, United Church will be held at the home of Miss Laura. Johnston, Newgate St., Wednesday even. ing, Feb. 26. This is to be a social meet- ing. All the girls who have work out are: requested to bring it with them. Everyone Welco B e sure tai attend the "Minstrel 'Show" by the' Westminster • Guild . of Knox Church- to be held in Knox Church on Friday, Feb. 28th, at, 8.15. Admission 25e and 15c. ✓Remember the •----a—.... e of St. George's nual' High Tea in the Parish Hall on Tuesday:= 25th; -under- the atispi ewes: of the Church Women's. Guild. -8, The regu:ar meeting of the North St. Evening 'Auxiliary will be held on Tues- day, (F b. 25th, at 8 p.m. The roll call Win be -answered. by -a verse on "Prayer," --1'-•--•• The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will take place at MacKay Hall on Thursday, Feb. 27th; at 7.30 -p.m. 4'"The higher one ihas climbed up the aA - prisoner, known a s No. 68989► has edticati • ladder, the lei► one is in- disappeared.. from pent in Co - +�• � to look down. upon those wlio are ambits, Olio; Who lean penitentiary 1 blame & fellow p ly - ) us * . � " -- Iferolclu Bell for d:•sappearing with that?• such a number as Refinements have t reads! for r„ . - t a week. The board is mem- - , C ail boob in the . pts s atid Zan -meters be returned this k the cheek -up which is being th „ The financial f ns�incial ; statement of the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1 O. D.. E., sub- mitted d at their annual* meeting, h. u xne zn held. d on February 6th, in the Public Lib- raised �y, shows ,that. about $lop was raised during 1935, most of,, which Vis.. . - nt.' 6 l!oc l pe � o e 0. .a- r s Ot ► A C,hildren's Ward was furnished at the . Alexandra Hospital, and an endowment fund established to keep the `equipment in, eonstant,repair. Worth while local activities re- ceived .donations while the National Charas r of the: organization was recognised' by a gift of phonograph records for the pupils, in the Dena - meth, Saskatchewan school, by. a contribution to ,the; work of the'Can- adian Educational' Institute for the blind, and by the, collection and des- patch to, the Public Library, in Sask. atoon of 470 books; and 1,304 magazines, for, distribution among the drougth affeeted *people of 'the West. ..With the wholehearted assistance of the catholic �� omen's League, and the Women's . Institute° a successful tampaign was waged in support of he Canadian National Institute for -: e Blind by means o � , of -which more than $200.was raised' for the work of hat body in, Iuron:.Connty. r The annual summer variety show as successful _.sta ..� Mast ed _A nt ust= e Paviiion,. when some hundreds f citizens' were entertained. A flag was presented. to Central chool; school prizes and Christmas ifts were distributed; and-_ nurses- graduatiirg from the'local. hospital ere presented.. with 'hypodermic yringes and . needle sterilizers.' t the meeting, the question of es- bushing a troop of Girl Guides in oderich was considered,. and , . the gent, t, Mrs. D. E. Campbe�il and 'Miss faire• Reynolds, were appointed to e ' what can be done about it. The meeting voted to -lend. its as- sistance to the plan to secure the appointment of a school nurse for Goderich� Officers for the coming year were follows: -made. eomott d�:_br Dr. Vokes, Rat✓'. T. R, mer'and Gordon S, , td,. ibr. fornw ,uog a new ode ,t ethics for the conduct of the .library, which will be pass upon, bythe beard, w an dater e�trw . a ''r'a the brat' is 're -opened. %item- o i tiers +'will: be $devised of the 'newir rales, and • regulations. Mrs. C. G. Brown and Rev. s T. R. Turner Were elected as auditors -for • 1930, their duties to be, retro -active for g 1935 in the absence 01, the auditors 1± the past year, a board discussed var- W Vous phases' of µ:'the work of the, library s and: It was felt;:khat the• ieetin�g was a prof table one. The meeting then ad- to 8:00 dt. meet next Marida►•yt night. at G p Mullan. rho underwent, a<n,opera- r'e -C Se - tion... f`or.,.appendicit',s. in G aelph,: Gezieral by his aunt 1vi"x CJsheaya. - blab nearly ,three weeks, .ego, return- ed los home. here, (being .accompanied , � s.. Lorne Ivers, who spent about ten d InGuelph z: Lorne'McKenzie, .local dealer for Gen- eral Motors return Monday__fxom a or`tn h 's stay in London. ,Firom there he made several business trips to. NILE, Feb. 19.—Mrs. Dan. Mc- Phee is not as well as . ler Many friends would wish to see"' since. her'. accident a couple of weeks, ago, when she fell down stairs. The Box Social on 'Friday night did not draw.':as large a crowd as: it ight have. The night Was bad and 'there Wagalsoa dance in, the rage Hall, . which drew quite a few to it. • `There were prizes_ for the. °highest contestant; in a contest. Moss \Oral Finnigan receiving first prize✓'` for the ladies, a bureau ornament nts lst prize, Wilmer Rutledge, a lea her belt, • girls ,consolation,, hand : er. chief, Ruth Canntwell; gents, Ca n Kerr;,�;a box of • :cern flakes. e boxes were auctioned, several gob to the limit, 50c.• Mrs. Etta Jarvis from the West visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm.. NV -at son. She intends to stay the winter. Mrs. George Rutledge' received word that her aunt, Mrs. , John' •Schwanz (nee Catharine Blake) . of _Niagara-ton»the-Lake, had- passed away. The funeral was on Saturday; This is the, 3rd one of the Blake girls to have passed away. Mrs. Schwartz was formerlyof Colborne. .elected as Regent, Mrs. D. E. Campbell; vice Regent, Mrs, D. D. Mooney; secre- tary, Mrs. (Dr•) 'Hareld Taylor; trea- surer, Miss E. Roberts; Educational 'Secretary, Mrs. -E.'C,-Beacom; Stan- dard Bearer, - Miss 3i. Hartwell . and Echoes Secretary, Atte. Chjis: Kid, Councillors. appointed were: Mrs. I. D. Eastman, Miss Ann Wurtele, Mrs. A. F. Sturdy, Mrs. , R. C. ° Hays, Jr., and Miss Claire Reynolds. The treasurer's --statement is as ik _- RECEIPTS - 'March 2, -Bal. on hand' $314 16 `March 21—Maple Leaf Party 9 60 May 4 --Rummage Sale. 77 05 August 3 ---Variety Show... ' 479 00 October 19-eRummage Sale 72 45 •� Refunds.., .. 19 28 -Pees ,;......, ' SCORES OF IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERED I� � AND EIGHTS Oldsinobi a tor 19 6 retains a. seat too;.4...,..., , strong pe, well illustratingthe new treaLrt#ty B'eid`�vf the stat-cytirider style leadershipwith front-end+coach w t i 'trunk 1`an anew re - the new dl models .. _ effect .stt�rined by the • e « , ., . y just nnotmeed. rounded radiator , grille,high, 'its niers have be Yn+otuil bane and 1 Akre, the eighty finder rumble p , into the -1936 ' mounted htal►dlanY and louvre tldsntobilrs. sis, been built r Donations15 50.' ` 20 821 Sale Calendars '...... .....:1 60 Bank Interest 5 00 i . DONNYBROOK, Feb.•18.—The W. is. met last Thursday afternoon, at the home of Miss Euphe#nia Charnney. The business 'part of the meeting was led by the president, Mrs. Bert Taylor and Mrs. Geo. Nay, for, a iod. The chapter .in the Study k was taken by Jean Robinson, Mrs,. Charlie Jefferson sang a solo, and ° Mrs. Jefferson Sr. gave a ^reading entitled, "No Sects . in Heaven." ' A social time was en,loyed, fourteen be - Inc' present. -- . Mr_, and . Mrs., Ernie Doerr of -Au.:' urn `"spent`` the -Week Andy with her parents► bfr, a d4 ri3. inney. .Mrs. Albert Campbell visited over the week end in Stratford and Gode- rich. Asa pig* bucked the drifts, oh one of the Iotas highwaYo, the other day;, it cut down, several 'maii.'baxe3;, the posts being Wished a little above the .ground: ° • 81'01446 EXPENDITURES Officers and. Members' Pees. $ 28 70 1i1e`°Leaf Party 19 20 lag441. L. C.; 1. O. ME— : - 20-'amage Sale, May 4 4 10 ' °were 4 70 'mage Sale, Oct, I 1?; . nge f nd--Stationery. - - 9 74 C 4reir s Ward.... 174, 39 Va a Shows a,272 08 '..q tee "Wreath . .Y-' - Central School _ 3 SO Central 34 re., . ... . :5 40 -chjljren's Ward:- 3 50 mid Christmas Gifts . 7 86 �hlidren� .:: 10 00 We.., a ... 5 00 taduatbon 5, 70. ttsx. -. .:$ 20 DO tl+umd... 100 00 zhoel ,.10 Oq the Blind fon ,x 500: napiyta1, .London— .- 2-6.00 Fla Gale Lm'a, Prize Shoos Child Nurses Dona Boy -s.. Cancer Endowm. Debut -lett 0. N. ' I. f Canadian Children's -Burst' ` Fu Navy.Leag Goderich $778 66 $235.80 $1 0,14 40 F. Roberts, Trea- Chapter, 1.4.H.E' ' TIES TE KING Le Sok9► Qael , Qdest, evol- f end ✓wise, and mode�ra late King (korge,.V alp , the dent of his mtx�t' prtt• history. Nev`ertheie ., with his 1are#&on, ► `, 'ell 'tioglith is empire -underwenta nges as .,, 'were prrxfouncl, of whir they con'eglicane . will be felt t on ll � • *s hl $11ustrio 1 `tom ,part., tbrou bi The ' 1, .the is ; In , ,A rlt military .6S a,niX :earned����.,,tyyh�e t� of Vide His end stittit Maki !l :denrcer ', ' . olldati..: ed li nfonar .a, 'mit. When ail other tupelo . cen er overturned. was' to conciliate.49'46'7,6;""t tc of 1 el three ► . ou. Under the three- ' lily VII and , - . , ,.. » . 'low The annual reorganization'•arneet- ing :of the Goderich Musical Society,. slated for last Tuesday night, has been postponed until Tuesday even- ing, March 3rd.' . . The 'executive of the Society hope for a large attendance of citizens, particularly of parents of band mem- bers. r5. No pxactzs es have been held so far this year owingto lack of a bandleader; de la r former eade r Huckins having resigned at the' De- cember ttne.ofthe SotieteThe future of the band being at stake,' the ...ofcer � .. hopethat . .. . #zt marry citizens will attend the meeting and show their interest in its welfare. BELFAST VWAR.DUN ', 'Phe marriage. tit' .> s. ' . lym f d: • Dun'ke1d, aa,oa* c ocioti xy to Ur,. .Tames William Maalrioar, also of Pixie - rick ,ode -rich, t Awe° on P Vary, 14th; " a« 'Calvary Maltedeinueli, i ;t re l Rev.. T.'W, Jones, ,A., R.M +ducting, Mr. and Ms. mac -triter arrived £vcd xtao' 'roderiii., en Ttres¢a t evening: BELFAST, Feb. 19.—Well we are all living here yet, the world did not come to an end on Friday night, nor did Gabriel sound his trumpet that. day, as Rev. Harold R. Varney, form .er_.. Methodist Minister, • and now founder of a small congregation, un- der the name of a Christian church of Toronto, would have us to believe. We are more likely to be frozen "or, snowed up. Mrs. Geo. Lane and Mrs. Roy Al- ton received word on Thursday, that their.•, sister, Mrs. Will. McLean of Saltford, underwent a very serious operation on her head in Toronto General Respite!. Sh is doing nice ly, Mr. Purvis is threshing clover''see around here. - . _, , a FEB. 24.-.-• wing to . 'e" condition of the roads, every meeting and church servicerwas withdrawn, for the week. The Bayfield Road is again passable. A caterpillar snow plow opened the road on Timrsday, but by Friday morn- ing the cuts were drifted full. The Valentine party to be held by the Y. F D. of union church at the -home of Mi•. and Mrs, Geo. ;Miwain last Fri- day evening. was..pos'bPoned ovmin' oto the blocked condition of the roads. CANADIAN BUI DING UP S- _AW _ _ 33 P. Con.tracts awarded for building and °engineering 'projetts in Canada for January amounted to $13,610,000, an in- crease of 33.2 Per cent over the total of I per cent over January, i934, awards of $10,220,100- for January, 1935, and 103 par centover-January, 1934, awards of $9,702,900: These figures shower the largest total. for, January• in five years were compiled Eby : MacLean $ullding Re- ports, Ltd., of Toronto. RE $ H.. A. MVM'ARLA!F Z Pastor. SERVTGES IHV' MacK4;Y - HALL sUaunAY 3.00 • p.m. Sunday School; 7.00 p.m.—Preaching Subject—"The Greatest Living Person in the World Today." The Goderich French Dry Cleaning. Works • J. H ' V .. RO A **�� VMAIy Proprietor. c� West St. 'Phone 122 Goderich. _Allow us to Clean aand-Preps your SUIT and -OVERCOAT Be well dressed. Look well dressed: We can keep you looking prosper- ous and your personal appearance will pay •dividend, in. nosiness. LADIES' WORK GIVEN SPECIAL • ATTENTION AND CAH. Send. your . clothes to.. The Goderich Tench Dry Cleaning Works. where liquor - is under govertnment con- trol, a person is not allowed to' buy liquor unless he -can produce a receipt 'showing that his,, taxes are paid. This is a sane regulation; but rwny not make the liquor buyer 'produce eviderv:e that he has provided food and shelter for his family All mothers can put away anxiety re- garding- their. suffering ahitldren when they have' Mother- graves' --THE BAPTIST CHURCH - REV. S. a[L. McOLUNG, Minister. - 10 a.m.--Bible School 1 . .... - "MORE TIIA.N CONQUERORS" 7.00 pm. "TIJE'TRUE GOAL OF ')LIFE" Where are you going ? .Special Prices ON '. RAIL SLIIGHS.: DOUBLE RAID: SLEIGHS it $2:25 Jewel horteriing, 2lbs. 25c Hamburg Steak ( fresh ground), 2 lbs... ' 25c Our+, hard, per lb. '......15c CARL W. • HART WA ,I'I„1.iMBMBII+rG HEA` ING, TINSMITHING • CARRIE'S OLD STAND,, gal THE SQUARE. Pliant gal . a� ,r B" -pmt or I'd coke hits` become e,, Win Ontsirin.but there nre g ,. aver r ,` coker,; .