HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-13, Page 6,
Fkur 1,*,,i40)404 304000
"Purse losriform
world* ton.. whoa
n for
Best for a
listisiaa; Parity
w. kr t1irty
wows* etooespimite
your Bain
:Hints That 11
Are Helpful
Cut cold boiled potatoes in half
Set the halves in a pie tin with quite
at bit of 'butter in itand a little on
• top or the potatoes; place in a slow
oven long eirough to beat through
and 'brown. They are delicious.
- Tielereeetettelay .that.nleeetreneAhee-e-
'bum be sure to see that the floor is
Iree from nails, even and smooth.
A half grip of vinegar and a half
cup of brown sugar, together • with
some eleires, added to ham when it is
being boiled, gives it a deliclous flay-
prevent diced fruit from goitig-
;to the •hottoin of a .gelatine mold,
• Chill the feint and add it when the
erelatine mixture has partly congeal -
When washing ornamental glass-
-ware andwater glasses, a very fine
volieli may be secured by using it few.
-drops of -bluing to the soap suds and
then, rinsing in warm water, to each
gallon, of which one tablespoon of
-Vinegar has beer added.
Jars for canning should have new
-rubbers each year. Old rubber
wastes .both the contents of the on
and the time.
. Screw -tops On bottling jars are
fennreed by using a warm
(Were cloth when trying to unscrew.
A little aided oil slightlywarmed
Veined-441;00nd the stopper is also a
„Street help, "
• The steel( left from cooked spinach
leheeld beetaved and used' in veget-
*Me soup. R contains valuable feod
•etropertlee. .
• Salt bakers will remain unclogged
*Ten in the dampest weather if a half
teitepootifel.of rice is mixed with the
Melt and lefeein the shaker.
Sliceof hard-boiled egg are ex.
vellent in letirley eoup.
'Me Stains oftea or coffee on table
linen or serviettes an be removed'
elikeily If soaked' in potato water be-
eeinall• child earnest invariably
elthrowe off his bedclethes in hie ileeee
-reverit three -Th -61W e
Optets f Ids cot eoserngs so that
'For elet.4hirig artieles Of artificial
• •••
Ytriu7 Doctor
If e !iPaite' Remedy
You Take Is Safe.
'Don't Entrust Your
Own lit Your ratnilyi6 •
TdI - Being to- Unknown
ti •, •
take *At
know *11 aboat,
of toclarbest tho
zikoutuothan; neuritis
whot he.
lat befOre the
104* MOSt 1104
remedas *ere ikdq*
" Ors Oftinit for
dlecovoty, of
51 s
silk, a little household UMMOIlia in
the Water is of great assistance, as
it not only, helps to-cleanee, but also.
to restore the lustre to the fibre. -
Feature Writer
-I ,• ' ah the Menner et ileYee $Cellii /
• I thirdt that Goa eiell .neer s4.14
A gift ee Oreetelle 05.a.eriend
A frimid wlie aiWays torda.rstenes
Aeitt (flits each needaa it demands,
Wien() ltiYeity well stand the test,
When rides are bright ,er oYereasee
Who sees the fatta9 Viet merit blerne, .
But keeps on lofeing Just the same ;
Who dots ear mere than creeds -could do
11CP make us good, !tole* us
Earth'e eifts a tweet tonbentment lend, 1
But,only God Oen give a fr«end. . e
Just for a, little ehanite frinn the win-
tery weatherwe have been reading the
at for winter tours. Ws a loveler indoor
sport and doesn't 1-ost allYthale• trir itt
Here's one whirn sounds as if t 'might
be differera. et's-fee OW% WA,0rndtee
tbe Itomant:o " Soteiesh Main: "The
Warm water and baking soda is land of th� bumming bird. 'tile refrigerator, After the soda scrub-
• eve
the bot washing compound for the glorious seines cin the world and trans-
nt. velvety niellts. ereerieril health
bine, clean the porcelain with clean
water and wipe dry.
For a brand-new taste thrill; try
spreading ehe tops- of cup cakes with
your favorite jam and sprinkling, have a velvet, night; so why go all he
Chine ItiVitiees under tunrestairted liner
ooneitions, etterM famous ‘NIXISthe." -(30
glad lt's world feaneus. leave You :ever
head. of one /that wasn't?). Pro -Wily
the sunsets aren't raw% better thqm onr
Cioderich ones, and ones In a while we
with Cocoanut or nuts,
.••••••• •
sew tci Brain ?
• , • ..
_ Another; one - *aid eerethee fekrini
hmeek Chapter
away with a winter holiday." Who. ssid •
we were (dolman yeth all this nice zero This is the newest Dionne baby, but she is not a 'sister'. of the famous
One of Oldest warm Ito be
weather we're toe 'blew trying to keen qUintuplets of Callendar—but a cousin. She is Marjorie Jean._ pictured -here
den Anyway, we ran in the gin'ms of Nurse Mitigeret 'Diedel, when. just three days old; and the
THE unwr$ illtlorg A NEW COWIN °
titurtslAY, FLTRUAR'S 13, i$
is licious
aPititorsdho.n, 9th tonceesion, West 'Wow-
. Among those who were victims of
colds during the cold spell, were:
Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Mrs. Wilson -
Irwin, Mr. Drees Campbell, Mrs. El -
'mer Alton and daughter, Miss .El-
mira Alen: All tree now recovering: -
The Hackett's United Chureh,4 W.
M. S. held -their regular monthly
meeting at the home. the .president,
Mrs. Roy Alton, when: the latrEingh!
favourite hymns were sung: "0 *God
Our Help. in Ages Past,' "Abide with
Me," and "God Save the King." The
• Precticaey every ;human being 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison,
wlie is exposed to meales will con- and_the minutes of the previoua!
tract the disease. ,Striking examples meeting were read and approved., A
of this. were Sten when measlesr was letter from Ms. Leveller' was _read:
intetidticede for the. first time, to cite by the recording secrete*, lireeSne,
tain islands in the pacific. Regard- Heflin. The following heralds gave.
less of age or sex, every man,. woman. reports: MissEileenCampbell' on
and child fellvictimsto the disease. JapatteeMiss Bernadine Alton, on In --
die; Miss Yea' Little and Mies EY-
- We do not know enough about
We do,
Itooweenbeabrl,e kunsowtooilocownt:ritosi miill turasAls, ra,n7ceraemenrootnpregasevent. a shori
effects may be minimized. We can- talk on interesting. facts concerning-
irot, as yet prevent the regularly re- Ethiopia. Mrs, Sam. Sherwood lead..
curring epidemics, but we can- re- in prayer, and 1Ver. Albert Alton' took -- •
duce the loss of life from measles. the -topic for the meeting, "Doulree-
-' ease l" varyie
thae sgyremapttedmeasi,omf eamyets daips: boroswiinn-g
Catlioatte s-tormy weather and
pears consistently in a typical form. bad roads, travelling has become.
The onset is marked by what seems very difficult, but the mail -carrier,
to) be a cold in the head, accompanied Mr. H•arry Champain, has missed:
by fever. Later, a! rash develops, to only two days since New Years. •
be followed by a branny desquamw•
tion of the skin during convalescence.
Before the skin rash appears. there
are present, :on the nimbus mem-
brane ef the mouth, Koplik spots -4 -
bluish -white, pin -head in size, and _ At the last_ meeting of the. Gode-
sureounded by a red zone. *rich -Women's Hospital Auxiliary, it
Measles, is a• children's disease be-
cause most of us are exposed to it
early in life. The earlier in life
the disease is contracted, the more
dangerous, it is. The proportion of
deaths to cases decreases with each
year of life. Therefore, the first year
of life is the most- dangerous year
in which to have measles, the second
syosa (;.t.he; next most dangerous, and
Those who pass through an attack
of measles do not, as a rule, suffer
from the disease again. As most of
us have measles during, childhood,
the adult population is, in general,
immune or. resistant to measles. •
It is not only possible. but it is
practical to take Mood from a person
who has recovered from measles, and
by injecting it into a child, too-eonfer
on that child, for two or three 'weeks
aineamsirre of protection Against
Young children should never come
from Mrs. ewe -neon.- are or who appear to -have a head
in contact with other children who
awa. afre I'. Raines, London; and
Gave Two Be:Wings. cold. If there is such exposure and
I the ill child is found later to have
, measles, then it is advisable to inject
Mrs. Robert Neilson, with fine 'doom. I tlui child who was e.setpeled_with
lions* ability, geiee two readings, ;eerie blood sertun teken from conva.les-
New Church,- Menne Ito eGeenemies cent measles e. Vents Or with
• e oce one tit parents -who will al-
..jialirirotraand. Fling _ mostesarelyineyeeehad ureaeles.
injections are usually given to chil-
dren under three years -of age, and,
if given early, will prevent or -modify
the attack yiltich is iipt to be so
dangerous in -the early years.
• • winter holiday" at home. daughter of Herman Dionne of Spokane, Wrish. a brother of Olivia (Papw)
OnegatSunahlue Ceuise advertised first -
Committee Appointed to wham class —in ameommodo,tion "with a w!n-
Plans for 35th Anniversary' dow or porthole In every room.“. How
perfectly lovely! A whole window or_ ,,
MRS. LANE itE-ELECTED porthole- to oneself Just -Wage-, of- all— -
— the Scenes you could see from your own
Mrs. D. J. Lane was re-elected Re- better than from slime else's!
" Past Presidents Recall Amusing Incidents During - Their Term of
window' or !porthole. much more and TIIIRTY"-FIFT11 ANNIVERSARY
gent of Ahmeek Chapter,
at the annual meeting held in the very! often we -hear Myr know people
who live to eat, and who won't goay
because they can't get the same food as
they can at hale. Vere's a chance for
them to -haVe little change --"A rare
THE CAAtA01Aft witattat.
•ASSOCIAtiOtt. *pm Lior
INSURANC11 coteretnereas
it ow ektaskow
•••••. tt •
• Public Library on Friday afternoon. • •
Other officers are: Vice Regents, Mrs -
H. Ce Dunlop and Miss Emilie Buch-
anan; Secrete*, Airs. E, L. Dean:
Treasurer, Mrs. H. J. A. MacEwane gastronoraleal• motor rale, to the niv-
Standard Bearer, Mrs. W. A. Coul- era." Combining a short 'holiday 'with Over one bundred members of the
thurst; Councillors, Mrs. F. R. Red- a study of the fare and wines of the GoderlAbi bearkle*' of the Women's Insti-
ditt, MM. W. F. Galeow, Mrs. C. K. must gestrouonacallY nn"ned 'rtistricts tote were present in MacKay Han on
Saunders. Mrs. L. L. Knox, Mris: t'of Prallee. 'Van% 3em facture t-everaI 3"'"ursaa.5th. allYnivearfatairterroo4,44, thtoefreeorglebraniaaate tzthorte
G. MacEware Mrs, J. M. Field, Mrs. loathe well-eressed lad'..e4 and gentlemen here.
• ce. Origin and Development of Society Outlined. - Ren-
dered Waling -Service Durin g War. Tea Table Glowed' Witir
'Ligrfed Candles.
T. M. Costello, Miss I. Salkeld Mrs antleinating a most enJoyable little
W. P. A. Naftel, Mrs. E. Carrie, Jaunt? Probably. by the ed -of the
As 19,36 marks the 35th miniver- airot'cr 1:4941r the'v 'mild '2°1119efied IA)
saary of the Chapter, one of the old- settle down pernia.nently in the !reverie
est in the Order. a committee ann-
. from. sheer inability to move any further.
• peeed of Miss E. Buchanan, Mrs. H.
C. Dunlop, Mrs. E,'L. Dean and Mr'* After reading abeut these alleirIng
W. G. MacEwan, was appointed to whlter attraetions and going into the
consider Whet seecial „plans could be 111" -one' earefigbe we care 'with contented
made to celebrate the event. minds.. stoke uP the furnace. draw an
Mrs. if. J. A. MacEwirn, the trea- lunrehair clear to the .11re and wait for
surer reported that receipts for the ethhmer`
year were, $284.92; and a balance -on
caul of 807.62.
"In presentIne the 35th annual re-
bore" said Mrs. W. F. Gahm; secre-
tary, 'sit is pleasing to note that the
ectivities of the. Chapter have gone
steadily en, though -he en unobtinsiee
manner, the membees all exhibiting
a zeal and pleasure inethe work. TWO
of the oldest numbers,. Mre. C. Seeg-
er and Mrs, R. C.„ nays? passaretway One.yen hemliees are popular, again,
eureig the year. Twe new members . and SO are the norm or short suit jack -
were weleonted, Mrs. E. L. Dean and' ets•
Mee W. G. MaesEwatt."
The Sum of $100 Was set *side -as
a nueleus for an Endowment Viand
for the Ainneek Chapter in Alex-
andra Hospital. Prizes were given
entr_aseetepepileeeet the annetal-
ectiool ommenceinent, arid a gift to
the graduating nurseteele a fie
ontiteil to Central School; and $25,,
to-the-Ntrilfareettoivic relief.
Donations were made eti the NOT
Marlene Dietrieh, In her latest pictute,
wore a black crepe dress with white ergs*
'frills around neck 'and throat,
Hollywood is adopting the fashion.
The new eprine fashions are leaning
towardl the Chinese, fa color. embroid-
ery and dtCorabiOn. The materials will
be glazed and have corrtrastrng shades.
League; to the fund for the education
of children of deceased soldiers; the
King's Silver Jubilee Fund; the
Manitoulin Hospital Fund; besides
Feathers are being used 'in the hair
with evening dress; brilliantly colored,
Grease spots from veleet can be re-
lightlo with merits of 'turpentine and
teromeeengeeiltiree-eleeneesortiehrus •
To remove ereates. and ;to, fteelien the
surfaee stretch the velvet Was' before
the fire, /with the Pile away' front the
heat, end the wrenig side. Migrate dame -
ed, Crushed P:13 1110 "be raised by put-
ting several folds of Wet citith over a hot
• The program fronr start to finish was
intensely hitereser; featuring as it did
'mamical nuenbere. of„ -e. high order, and
bright, entertaining reviews of the past
thirty-five years germ" by former presi-
dents. At the_conclusion_4f the_meeting
the guests adjourned to the tea -roorn
where tables daiiitilk ornulged occupied
the..laiger portlerV Of the hall. The
head °table was Centred with a three -
tiered birthday Cake. *Stith its golden
hoed letng and 35 bite candles, the
Institute colors, whiell weer later a• glow
of light when the candles were lighted
by Mrs. A. D. lVfoLean and 3/Ess M. E.
• Salkeld, pastAresidentS.
tire. Jgees lksSett, the president, was
In charge of 4 short business ineeterg
•end then after thanking the membere for
their attendante and coeeperation gree
clously extended ta eveleame to the vest -
tort -She annotmoad ..that the tlistrpt
President would be present at the March
meeting„ and asked Miss tikakerct Mra.
Hanle; Mrs. P. J. Maellwati and mrs.
Gordon Bisset to prepare a progrant for.
that occasion.
ilvieS. Bisset introduced M. A. D. Mc -
teen to take .c,harge of the program
LonteAeo" rendered by Mbsdinnes A.
11----Ingginsen, A. More, IC Tiettext,. 131-. J.
Ittel.)Mvstn, G. Bisset and' E. 0. Rabat,
son, accompanied by Mrs; 0111111 Young.
and sacrifice and money making and this .
branclia did not shirk her part.
HAPPY NffinnOriEt3
We ofder members of the Institute
have some veil happy memories of some
,good plirdeq, oyster suppers, etc, and,
last but not least, our home at the 'fait
grounds. Always at their posts, a band
of veneer workers, and a good time we
had tom
' Sting Banished -Sorrow•
If any cross -looks or words were in
evidence, Someone started the' opening
• ode and an waesereoe. 0
Time war not permit to mention the
faces who are missing, but we miss them
just the eamte-
Help To Many
, I know the Institute. has been a great
help.to many and no doubt will help
others. My wish is. that the younger
members .win carry on in the spirit the
older members ffet..
Messages from Past Presidents
Letters from the following past presi-
dents were read by Miss M. Salkeld;
1VILss Andrews. eeoclerieh; Mrs. Fred
Brewster. Blyth: • Mrs: aermes Lewitt,
' Wm T. T. Salkeld, a charter member, Mrs' Charles Yelzhn report of her
gave -a very comprehensive history of was fan eT athievement and
the "Origin and CDetrelOpment of -the varletY* She sale '
I It is a real pfeastne for inc as one of
ex uling.4init, the lelet• Oretttents to be here at hi
Women's Institute."
urehttsir_ig_et trim and holding the back of the velvet •
etrretrittrte'ea the W•Orneres
urms ings or t e hospital room. .. —
Besides a wreath was placed on the ' Yoe Win toon. be buying your new 'through(hos. coun CoatIpbell 1
Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. mettles for sorIng, and if Von tool Year came assmiated With the rntituteThe
president at that time was Mrs: Flora
Funds were re sed by a "Theatee budget You Mae haVe state money left
Hold, The meeting as held in the Oda
Night" ,by '•courtesy of Mr. $uther. over. 'V $xeir house eroves it het thee,*
renews' Hall, the hall teemed tarp, for
land; and by three bridge parties. 'wtwo for the summer months, vby net
to -few-epeOple -Stid-it-Crsii leaded that
The memberehlp le...__„•24.-- - - --• -- e -- - - 'eset-,•sorne-etebleeteoters? --Threolateste are
AelYseiterV "-- --- - --- '-'' iiiiiite 'Of•Witiere'llifireefeitle--.giery---e-oltee
nen attractive than ever. leen can get
the anyiniferst. " met- •
the ‘821eathags ite_,10.11.4„tAlie_ho lof
the theUlcier of his deneing pert clothe with tteght •berdell* "Them" are
A Yoting--Man noticed- a*- ravel en obordert and fretiged-edttese-or_ eolered,
beAcciring tlh,le pteledent.
y-ounlia—gela3cr -nyetnbers' arltri6bar t!hllenetioufnor t
and .ptilled it. Ily ,the time he suPer-t tlanbitvevira.rsitynis„, kceigholl*red"e'llitrit. al% !belle:" our activities were. rcitch-on the- SAM*
rendered her to another partner -he uled tro‘re. too, anti,.it-uir goel ee, nitt)te lines as they are to -day, only od a, swat-,
had a ball of striegin his hand, and a, orpKtiglike attelesnhert: • ler .sealte
1.. „
When l'' heard that each past ptesie
for a number of yore attended the Pat -
titers'. Testitute meethigs, where subjects
of hitemst to women as well as Men.
were 'under consideratem decided In
1897 to form a Wornani Institute.
'They were encoureged and assieted
Hitmiltesee tettle dee Ate eameep think
*if: the Tliaren-kirf einiati6it krineit'in
toney -creek in-110?-~vtould. extend t�ei
many tountries. Lady Tweteltrentire oar
Governer Genteel's., wee, et a member
and was so in terotetand, and Ls &each
interested dn the Ctknadlarr Work.
lergettere. 1:901at a Meethre of the
11'4m:dere Itietitote lied at the home of
the late Trarrv Morris. Whorl* irmnt-
Oil% 'die WOMerils tnstitute in West
'dent wIts to speak of her Work. w*Xle•
office. the' first thing' earth) to my Mtn&
A. FOOD PROBLEM Hum ems oreeribed br: orss 1.)!,, Wet the °lister' tuOoers otsd' of
*forth Ree4iirter
he feeding of that courstry'a WO odd. short 00* iitt,tt*STO, *VW ine0444ng 11.44 Ifitt Siallreld *kind* tent tray the
illiont of people. It* area of tbe.tetriaettin4se him the ute
Unable for, .cultiVatieri la• only. 12 )ford of, TittslotyKtv41110. *AA broil vrvi.j.,.
tea Pitt 0404 *filch falls far abort dont. Um. ofinii#.0it. *meteor lour
(producing * sulfides* food supPl$0 the iste nits, taisat itteleelte treeentee
or that many people, loccording to we hose renntrialfor the Itelett lent
Agrkulturat Department .of the to 1904. Vet * short time the breoebee
eleunilien Nattneetil. It did not handle any. mow. the atoey..t.
light be Maintained that Mori hi* tree/lone- troldint the tome **trek.
4titive cultivation of the land would *Moll 404 ivot. tyro* verv..aat,44*-torv +46
item the situatiost but the Indian • itse. bean" prkrehets, Aotet *wall
oesaant ice stumbling block in that brands held their Mee 'tweet, ite tee.
direction, Oat with Atte natural irt- u'ele elektre tee. 4.0%;$44ienV tin 4,1.%10,1 .,u4;
crease In pmulation, it is estimated thet sime 400.40.011 0,..44.4*.4*.v.1
India will have ilik.poptilation of 400.. 01* (P'stkote tn*-4`inow Emit whet ,Istes
fiVol, 44040 +111,ft`iNt 1016W„ 01400,*
tha eleeeeotien O'lielteh."eicalthraki
Vie!, 04004. tooteee me emote fee fe,
,Womettot ritiottityt-0 *AA reijOetn. Prelt,
tete iniTiraterti 4.4teintrtes, +ohne tint i dent. OreeltnAdt prelkseet
tote)* deoh.ntte, aim to health Itmore Nestle Otiforkst.
litti*Ittea of government his beer.
on the downward trend 'ince this,
tt.t`' talon* tladorok, of irsie40.
re 118(1. A seriotte PeOhleM is facing, the ikorw.ft 01*.en, nor„ple, .ibirirtar. no while waiting for„. the p ,ple to *Attie?,
R4 (n Mis.' *MIL' *I/WI M. 1-X0111"tif
Rat India, with regard to I /§46.s.. „1:),Irce) .was elected tireeldent. A
threw' ie. In the corner.. The neat t
morning the 'eung‘ lady . was telling ln
her mother about the dance and said A
"I had 4 'perfectly wendertul time, ke
but, mamma, caret figure out what
becanie of stiV union suit.”
erif VOA mod Peletsble, aWoth.,','r (trues*
Wenn Xxteraiinater aireeptable to
eleidren itted it Oft W4f4 atrek? wet •-
00,000 when the nett census is talo,
en, in 1941. The birtiurate in Thal*
intreesing In ,Inote than propos*.
tionate rat'. With the fatUng 'birth
oternaut is one of the' Peirkell)ii
deities ef India‘ This
out in procession Periodi
*Mt Of the faltIsfal
,3PV tb.m*eFM before Ills tar,
UCh was f great weight" and wart
'it,ks ttoses addresaw she etressed
s‘ert shrine* the ;• keete:trit of eirle At
beoie initelitnI *etne oet tato the
eres14 to Mitike * *bile eihe etikd home
keftlrtv beett4 *elm tiefroleve ott vlitt
• mvtions mem then. the trend to the
• elteit ewe its home eosin and
th'stic the .ion§4e.,Instillies hoe '4,0
AAA Ociperionttoha s1cmAir fiat
*Alit Nek41
We Wolk. and an old minute book is
Werth referrer. • It brotteht beck' mem..
°ries of 'meirp oreole *o?he hvve trwor41
tbelr reeeird, who *AretiOttre
the lerstitute while r oreedeit ,Yrita in
meet*It *eel lPke io ne.* tribute to,the
firostreev ot MIss Okentt-driet *iron's
roetefor Met, C. Peed, Mrie M11YPr. Vet
teeo. Item* Morreee Mrs. G. tair.*1.
/0.4.4 lAtioteluitd. tirttut. rtyrieri;
Allot V(44.04,14. 104, tiviAltott. Urtt
lii,Atotiti 44'04 IV. 0100,0 "14**.k 10464464
014*114111t, tkor*It 11`
leteetie Mee fOracries. Mee letelettee and
."'dtent4"11,rxte' 111114trotstPit' "ItlAfet; *frttker4* 3"1.1701.43.4 T*;14.11
1*13qv* re,1100"*. At OA i1100441011: ittle,6
tire leiteht Who eiree +e'er an eerier"
•ionteutneeoe teteses. lee breoeht, a . efierre
belle end eirewed the ureeer way tit Ott!
leer it, to* fleet 4,411tiskt At vletent4
ig',hoAt toiste Vow ler. Medd.
tee name eirtie often
otteiter het home tor Any
4* *440 eathintoot
the minutes- we 'tmrted
0440* the riexelott
eite1't4 4141,, xitmovti
eietT le.erreet.
firA,6t 4,.*It*liovoteOtittirit t,tnetit:tittio
41, 111•24011V. **04
et the ieleeehrirt fee
de 144 to bete
et‘t le hied tor the
was decided' to -hold a drive to raise
funds to provide a Gas Okygen• An- .
e.esthietic Apparatus for the Gode.
rich Hospital, which is urgently'
needed, the Hospital having to bor-
row the apparatus from the Clinton.
Hospital several times lately for em-
ergency --eases.
The Woments Hospital Auxiliary
have set $25.00 aside to start a! fund
for this purpose, the. sum of $500:00
being needed to •'purchase this
machine, and hope for the co-opera-
tion of other organizations, and: the
citizens of Goderich, in this under-
------ DODDS 1/.
• :tee' ,
e t
per E. f4
1 t'Ais oAcK A-cs4r.
t'ER Tnoti°
0, •
in bed;It is the eomplication of meas. -
les which kill. Proper nursing care
will " do much to Ward off :cOmplieste
dons, or ta meet thetn, should they
(Ottestions concerning health,. ad,
tlressedetoetheeCarillrdhetr MedleAO;•-•
atilt le answered persozially ]et.
I • •It
• BEIXAST, Pei), 10—Messrs. !Mat..
slat Davis and Sam. Alton, spent a,
ifew days in Toronto. .
Mise :lean ,Cameron spent IaSt
- To eliminate wash day
I call
r n aun r
for prices on your 'family
You will be surprise&
Wile It coils to have your
'Washed, Ironed
and Miiair
We call for and deliver.
tam* VA besiesicii7 sold& St
ustz mato
20 to 00 watt !Aiwa now only ,20c each.,
Guarauteorli 1400 hours.
ydro Store
The Danger of Cough,
Concerning' Children
' In young children s. . . cola it not a thing
• to WI dieregar4t4i'm It �tett * grave matter,
**4 ta.*tot *,tt,tif144., fe0. , catsi‘serlests --
- freithie,' -
ella the irsotleer