HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-13, Page 1'or
IVISAnieipsditiosa M e Mk�d to BearZcrienkal When
tratattn Answer Can for *Laiettintee SailkiktCheWari 1:$0114
RedeemedService; of Assessor APPI*444..41.
- •
,Zsteelbers e'f the Gocietich toisas teals, had sad en.vtlting about. having fiVen
in ceinMon with tOWA an toonty% 'Permi3404.
eotnilsillers throughtett.'the Prarinee. 'took 4,4174,;_v-4zrat.--HilboTitf;17044.'nfonit
' the',.044oX 4.1*Okuce -.Ter,Ir4hOn'gdi*ar4 and that the Ate chief told, ilhn that he
1= it their meeting on PriclaY night had received the orderfrom the Mayor,'
after .the toWn.,,elerk read 04 cemmuniza. The Depute added, 'I Sine net Sinding
ton r:roin the Department of Munielpel ""1""tt r481 4114 1.441."*"" a
mast be 800entleunderetiuldhig regrdel
Affairs 4v41°h 04`.°41.e# 4144 414 public tn titis matter and I hope that when
°Mel* in, the peoVince are 'reelliteed is fileouseed at our neat. Meeting that
take the oath In order to 0014 *Mee, It we will cone to an understanding," be
was otimirdstiered by tura vie* ci„ weir, oatd•
2\saYor 14°ElVan, maintained that he
the alernherS Otanding 411434 the had given no orders whatever Alld that
brief eerement . be did net even think they bad gone
Some Utile waa takexL. up following the when *),e did net hearthe siren. ,
reading of a letter from the tell Tele.: "allre21 14he.„11044113 irnml�ipality has
.or v12.000 uP eq
phone Company asking, for Pennistionto thee monitivalities. are Willing to PaY
continue the wet' of settind U a new a failterAble mice for ctoteition,", dee-lax*
ts3rst4n in Orkierieh._ The west side ed. XI', Tornietr, -Mr. nuMber recalled
of tbe?toW2/. 'Was done last year and a that ,o OW years so 4 favorable remlm-
numbor of i1/4114 council feh tau4 the work, eraticin had been refused ty neighboring
hati otponed the SPpeantnee of. some of "This InnOtion of Mr•
the town's streets. Ocemelilor Umber Reeking mai" on the °nestle!! IV. and
. 0.
ii41.01. tliejso-1010.ii ifiit' eie %mit should- get somewhere," 4 I
'Oe.;Preeeeded'arith at Once In orer.,2,6 Mr. fInckirs Wo4 Of the onitden'that
that men might. he ,ki,,,ien . employment . the to= iii should try to-letrrxteedt..60:rei
while they ,needert It most, .1te stated, Plan whereliY•:-Ft:
.!ctrotiver.„ that if the poles that are putj theOe„.___ „Till° ',,,,,.,1'4'.1! : et prottriotte; would
in, as eantearPlated la the wok program, 1 '9v,,„,‘,, .,„,....71,74 bad a mot104 Tet,,,atlAtig
4*0:-.14. Ihi.et, '..NOtkAbo,laloes,„.„1.t.•,_..wm,--im 1,-,4%.,„ "*""'..-,;*_'''-`-'147-f - 'in'-: taw, eetney," sal&
Juteesse*.,..,to- but. the heart out of eaob ..eeg 'eyeeel-eren ..x?...... , „_. ..e
tree - • .• . , ' . ' '. .,. : . tOouncillor Brown. and it was snaved
ITet... ,ckini: eald the Poles put in list ['that '611"612.11W grant 43° 'Pd ci*litelY
5'veir on Weep , Street spelled -the appear- tiftisteadon vev°etze,67ea4rt105% .ge9e:tirvie°rnirtf theeuere'9;*,. et;
'ante of the street by 'being ipub -out so
far on the boulevards but be ,,,,„.„,-6,11 ,,,„441 "House ii soon to meet and a reeommend
''''''' "- that the two inembe, rs be notified and
asked to .press' the Matter." ''' The recont-
enendatioie carried. -
0ouncinee, Arogra_ aiso theyaht titat„
-sineeethe'-etorachad.:bloilf but-IFiebidd1- --'-7-"'"-
be 'arell-to have the streets levelled out A
Mayer MaegWell stated that the Tele- bit mere even if only a skrigle track Was
phone. Company had offered to trim the. made.' Connelilee Oral& agreed with
trees . part way up if they .Were allowed the euggestion. The reeve answer4d .
to tint them in bile. 'Councillor 04.30- -that the men are going over the whole
ham elid. not think Itwould be Wis13 to town With shovels but that the . paths
"place them that way. - .keep ipling In:. '
Deputy -reeve . Turner said that while • (-6n-finlieci_:oiri;,,age 8) -
the weStend-of thetevii_lias_been. done
the council was , not getting anywhere
concerning the east end of tlie town, and Ilifve"*.dis. :le, Tr.
that he did not .thb* the * company TV 111111)Vi Jo n.1110,"
. ,
should,be held up any lenger. - • 1
Mr. Huniber ;stated that he ,would net ' ' '-iiiiroti -County
vote to have the Poles Intt in as they are
- , ,
Humber .that if they were ptitAn
'line with the trees that it would necessi-
tate. the tutting .of the -centre of the
ereee„ He did -,•-tieft 4411k........the- nutter,
shoulcrbe left to just 'one committee.
on Wes e Street. Mr. *riff, be said: had
assured:hew teox,e in no place w9u1d.the District Paralyzed_ by Long -drawn
Poles be more than two feet- from the
line of the trees in the new program. Out, atonal
Mr. Humber anammeed that he was
-est1fte--301/W-g-wVrofv,-71;fie work to Oro - Co TIDE
coed, under the. supervision of the whole 4
COMV1I +41' such was the case.
Coukicjiior *Strong winds continued to boom
6°1e clainte4 thwt-Jeach- Huron County all last
Street should be taken into eonsideration week,and7seaseh-e-lidin .olimast on Sun-
00,tiseP7,66icatiaeltelV #0,a, odask,w4its-411*1400440,64-1t0A4-1111
OGmdllIor Baker directions at different tithes, the
around', snow blockade contila ed with a tem-
Priff 1dewIng the streets andJ4)aratose„,.hosterle
wag - 111--fasvorf
- o -the -Poles -Vern -g- lo -Faced
g,.abut ten - below
eb°utIzero, Churth, congregations last
trees. btr". Ble4lanalwindediarithe edlintehar Nortiltbe Sunday were heservicest,IteeablY8maliera4wdine
Street liatl'been rnin, edsonte
.n°W" ,shortened so that people could return.
by the
A tra4clen tw. Mr.Thiuther.
, . 'seconded to the warmth of their homes, -
'&01.dr-reevethat the to
; until
name a day to get in touch with the of Bell Telephone Com..
pen* and -go with him Over each street
in question regarding.the erecting of new
poles was passed.
'll.,X '0)0114c -tor MacKay -advised -1W
ter, that he was returning the lmeolleete
. ea lex rolls. .at WAS suggested that it
be. teferred 't,O' the Phiandist Committee,
but. ladtihidller ghtdber 'asked, that it be
congidered by is eedurodtue yyr the wicole.
' o'r","1 to be _deatt.--witte-imitiedititely-a
the ,Cieee et the .iiesedart hi Order that it
*vitt be AvetimitKOALth,e_assessor. .a.--
motkm. to that effect, moved lay Ite" eve
- -Moverlituxi_.siYAritRW byCouncilloriffing-
-'11i4re-seas iliiTied, '
mfrs. Arthur Johnston ot Toronto it,
quested that her letter, disappreving the
' pavement On Wellesley Street,' between
, Queshee-ant.., _ _ _ O- Lighthouse Streets, be writ.
Peblie Works.Conunittee:
A trOmber of accounts were referred
to +11,a lalittanee Conimittee.
Muteir, thet liep.flori/t .of her‘ business'
Councillor litteldnet brought in -the fel-
/swing notice Of itnOtion seconded by
Reeve Moser: That at the rtext.,regular.
---ineeting-Ottlii 'Cialineff: t intend to move
that the, Ottier .anotien.4.,stotrilxititer the
• - lirecouterien+' t. from -leaving -*Pens ihneita. '
be resninded.
Mr. Hiielcine recalled the fire the bri-
gede had been called , last , year to in .
Celbortie, when they hattibesnl
promised „rehnboreenient lie titelf-oirok
and Ind saved both the owner. Oif the
arsrattv and -the liseticance conapany 4 .
..couticterable' mount of 'motieV and le, t
010 had *act revived anstaing.for'
going.. He 441 that the latifor had
.autheilzed thelnefrade to attend a fire
in Colborne ToWnelaipt last ',Week aixt
.. While he wee not Orltiditint UtiVor .1tecs
. lgivan's'actel,Oci, the reiieon for his-teotion
Was that if one Of the trellises had been
seriouely, iii:aned, or perhens killed, at
Well, 4 She, the 'protecting isautattee
would be of no 'Value, In yiew, of the MO -
tido prohibiting the brigade to leave the
'town limit% ,. .
Mayor iafsellivart- explained that . he
had not Ordered the equipment to be
talon' to the tie but that Me. 'Mery
ivreOreath bad ealted him and be '(the
mayor) had referred hire -to the their.,
men Of the. ceMxittkee :ttihtv he stated'
, t '
was the One to the' the ikuthatitY. Vitt
, Wershin stated that be had 'called Ser..
- tomtit Pere and 114ted WM to get in
tire% leili the 46004 -reset if lie could
and ,Wheri it was linable to commune-
cefe with Mr. 'totter he telled the del,
peteN4eliaterem of the conatigtee, me;
**et WItO Itat",a his Perinissiert to alloie
tlie ' entiaritto, to be taken to
the Are. EI1s WoriWp *elated At to be
a ter/ zre'ghboriy art eri.,01
"itOW2t.----,He- cor
*Pent for ,
etio the
the 'de* .
.Vere good settletima
--;..essoperit,,4 sidd Ur,
MC Itatititte Said be
;both the
Every night the weather probabi-
lities were the same, "more snow
and low temperature.". This applied
to some extent to the whole • conti-
nent. Victoria, B.C., where flowers
ate in • bloom - got--down-to-within 2
degrees 'of frost, while at Edmonton,
Regina, Calgary, 'Winnipeg and
other -Western seitieef -the temperes
We was between '30' and '407, iP
for days. In the mining sections of
ortherns-Ontarid,---itsregistered. 60
below. Happily the men down in the
-except- wis
they came up for meals or to sleep. e e things of human interest.,
Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto ' vie l'aY---(r°r being a li .ttle guy my -
were all in the grip of the gale, with self, these are the things that appear to
the United States in the same state. me most.
Goderiebites on their way to Floi- - After beine literally blown off our
Ida, ran into Weather_ no better than feetsin_ Buffalos we arrived -In 'Washing-
Virginia. few taxi cabs or street cars plow hating_ rim off the track ahead of
were mov4ng and a - party of four our train. Do we have adwntures ?
travelled in a- hearse from one see- That cyclone or tornado they blenv on
•tion of that city to another. Traffic us in Buffalo was an experience to last
was paralyzed, the southern cities not a long tiroe. They, called it a 70 -mile -
being equipped for snow storms and an -hour wind. -T &mos thought' that
they didn't know what to do to., get we produced a ,preCtkp_squientir.-variety,
rid of the iliftigettea-iiioliiicie• ----br ooderielt, but I'll never mention our
femble eff0Ith again, Hats, 1 newspapes
_Locally Provincial ani,,plows ond .151,6te glass igierect_the streets.
Saturday, a canal had been cut pang in maw owes. whk,th vole; a tr406
Beginning his reign as new monarch of Great Britain, Xing Edward VIII
has a change in residence. From his former home in, St James' pa1ace,-13E-
:Wri-ithig-Edward now moves to Buckingham palace, TOP.
Never had riehool work been done solast late 'Willard thromette, is asking that
or the Past ill,0, WipekS 040, peOpie
Excepof Goderich have been trying to
keep Want by •plteost every' moos
1 DeOrenesiwn and
known to the.prOent civiltzed world. ,,ik.
fers104.1.11ido. sveem.h,ve4inil'041vsed bionoill1":110' d.loultrt,i., Waiting R90104 404 Grounds of Collegukte
I ,over wind.,burnea faces aS 'thee Wire.
try 'Vests, swooped down. neon the Teaching lit Satisfactory, NOW PrieCipsil it p an
MeiraliiekInst Reputation of -Schools. . N e w Science- 1V,Iiefreit
c,,viaing , Improved : FacilitiesEulogises Chairrnan.-
country, Threughout. this Ported, the, ....,,,,,........„.„...........„
toWir elock braved' the shrin ideeoug - InSpeetor F. P,-Gavirt 'Visited the ie qeality', the spellilig hi I.
, teat i of King Winter and dared him Gederieh 'Collegiate Institute an Jan..
for the work they are doing. inVeri
*ate good, that ot 1.41„ below
age. The teachers; am all -on ,
.-UreaerYeiV2e: nt4,1teW2111441r '411X:h1O4i- i:elilltt 1,Vas tor Gavin adds, !The 'new ptincliesti,
;Re Owed' all buibling$ sand teelp ; Mr. A. R. Scott., formerly of Arn-
4nolesnuts in the e, ,bleirs.esstiagrele:,aeso9
Xe.e,snet.tohtle, .grillactdelielpgilly:Sinetil:nlelstteisalentilgotivnitgottrionglitt .
the reputation of the sehooL ' Tho
with the, gymnasitun and otglably Bora need tame noliesitanv in 0
hell also in that elases the waiting itire that under his management, the
'oiled Rink rooms and school grounds are graded school will continue to Make, p.m,
as third *less, '„ The class rooms and gress.
1144 McDowell, the new seteriee
Coeds 'Iof Mt, John- Chibulm rail, and to eeleritifie apparatus, and experimental work by the '‘pupilsi •
To Children 44'''s '4" reported 44 being "Olean,
tidy and in geed condition," , _ Master has taken charge of the labs
oratory with energy and'enthuslastris
Pupils .4f .TOW.,ii Sciools . Were The rOOPeeter states some suitable He is working out .plana fOr.Prearidt.
-additions-have-beer* -made. to the -11h, ing improved facilities for individual
AT SATING ARENA ' considers the proposal to make an. Which it is hoped the 13oord Will mr-
Mail additions, to equipment as corn- courage. . _
meildeble, He Suggests high stools me competency of the staff, es.
for the laboratory lilatead of chairs. peciaey those in charge, of middk,
teaTerost111841,011010040d,putaiened . the- aer an g. and Upper School -subjects, and the
capacity and industry of the paid*,
tio of pupils to teachers is 288 to are evidenced by the .highly aittiatike-
19693rg3i2r,IstoirilsattTenhedra0ncarsse 125.. bPys and- tory reeults of the Itepartmeistat tee., .
antations. The Inspector concludes,- ,
Oho paragraph. 'of the report reads: his revert with this comment, "$' had, _
"The tetehhitt, on the whole, was the plettsure of meeting' Mr. Cold;
thurst, .Chairman of the Board* Who
is as deeply interested in the welfare -
of the seheol as the Principal." -
o o . werst, Early Monday mor.
ning, the weather man was triune,
phant. The bands of the clock /ceased
to Movet and the boastful Booming
of the tnuepieee eould not be heard
counting out the hours. The elock
wee frozen, proving that he who
Sate: lest strikes best,'
Schoolk was done in record thne
on. Mon terrtoon at the indallo and
separate ools of Goderiels and at four
o'cloelc ere -was a veritable stampede
of ..yo. dereat the skating rink where
a free- afternoon's'skathrgs--was- behig
giVen them by Mr. -John chishohnTh .
Points who behaved themselves in (mite satisfactory, some of ft quite
1 and did their work carefully Vete superior." The writing in bothfirst-
teattY short/3r after 3.30 to start en- year classes was above the average
: the treat and quite a body of them
rushed out on the ice at the opening°
the gate at four, o'clock. This numbert I High our .
kept swelling until in abouk half an hotir
°the lime of their lives" as they filled
8.,. 350 beys and gir/s litre_ liam:ii,gi , Opens Tuesday
the area with shouts, shrieks and ..
laughter. 1 Before Hon. Mr. Justice McEvoy
There were all sizes of kiddies there- .Five Civit Letions
from pupilsn in the upper forms to little
toddlers,,whont one would think hadn't
been walking any too long 'without at NO CRIMINAL CASES
etinoy these
agtr±the_acefurinl arkatat ofd,_ nelmovvertint Five mm-Jury
civil ameba will be
year and there were others who had not
haps missed one night's eltating this breughl before tale Ron
arable Mr. Justice
been able to go .skating at all this year afeEvoy swhen Supreme Court opens here
�r any other year for that matter. How- on, Tuesday.. There are no criminal
ever care and worry were forgotten as cases and no Jury eases on the list. Two
the students. glided about the smooth of the ',:ases, Oeromette vs. Geromette
surface or, if they wereonoteteste stlatilt141e;:i
In the isport; walked" nan
and Bisset Bras. vs. Crieh et al. were laid
wouid. seem must' break, so far were thee,. on
thverfeitsro-nt havingak
tg. otherwhociases
bent. e of
The teatthers' viewpoint was every bit +h. ., ...,& A....,...... , t_ •
as liwous as that of the pupils and their -- '''''''"' "4"4"15 w-"4" l'eurt was held.
oks to %fr. Chlaho just as sincere. JeseithlhO aerentette. 'Widow of the
• Plow off Track, Storni Kinks Efforts in
-Ctrpnred to_Tlicosn_That_. Rigyed--Atiosi-
tharnieGini. Streets Roped. Fifteen .\Inelles
in 24 Hours. Street Cars Rushed 'to. Barns. -
vay mass Ann
nal not going to write of historical
Interest and scenic beauties of the
places elated, because in the first Place
fwe'll assinne that you kiwi Your. his.
)tory (what have knoetn I have. mostl
forgo -lien ansirwail aid in the sellond
place emu can read of the beauty and
'arlite of each Ills4e In an ae guide -book
travel d'older, 'set forth In far more
graphic ')imono than could usc.
tr-deWeletadirivitirthe mull things that
happen in the course oz the
61 6
, joineatat-the-orst,part-of-tha-rweek-he--intends-
of snow Feu' to give the children another afternoon's
skating this cornhag IVIesiday.
_end Tee so Correctly, Never ,had_the her- -room
children been so -well behaved. Only
mote turn over he th
one thing Was wrong. The tree eggatIng an ins' urance pto olicyi held by the pla1n-
„brAtata044 -
thee eentirnied to be the same as It was tfine before bet ',,,tjuband'a death. At
taated' that if 'the. weie; "11/44144' boon** OP Until -a abort
ber son to name
her (the defendo.ntYla'S the imneft4ary of
the thousand dollar pokey. elle further
alleges Utast her bustxuid WAS net, it
fullAY counter-dateirn'1118briA°Irns.. Noah Clew -
mate asks that the plairitiff give up the
contended policy which she now refuses
to give the beneiltiaty named.
Bisset Brothers are stilm Williem A
Mich of itgelifieh and Pred‘,A. Odell of
Ooderich for $900, the amount ot a note
DUTIES DISTRIBUTED jaikantsety,y issignith,edumby. anetite,whiehdettendisantitanegrd
to. have fallen due six months later.
One of the most succeeful parties
01. Ihe The claim also asks fer interest from
among the jainarr,4424 1433,;_tonseptembe
r ard;-
people' of Goderich, was that enjoyed 1.035., amounting to 03837.
should have been annuonced about a tiff's late husbend and in whiett she
r proceeds of
. .
can have the whole road if he likes.
He's had little brushes with other mot-
orists who don't know him, but all the
other cab drivers watch , out for -him.
Elaens he's never got used to the mach-
ine and wishes .he had .this horse back
- -
As we passed him,. 1- took a good look
at the old man whohact the courage to
carry on after the motor had- ousted his
horse. There he fiat, behind the wheel.
white -hated. Perks?, covering,a hundred
to a Inindred_ end flfty each "day,
fair-westiser-lar-foul. saluyou,
Washington's oldest taxi driver.
We have seen od Richmond, Vir-
su• th as We produce ;"Clanada and in
equal 'amounts. (And we shiOped the
ear ..tit!s far to • escape it. Lola
though the laugh is on us), fifteen
turbes have fallen in-twenty-fourliohrs
what te make of it or how to eope with
it the streets. After a con* of
Street eats jumped the track, We saw a
line a block long all making tor the,
barns. A couple of silly little wailers
'went &ft the hotel this morninte attach -
eft. lo_the front.of kooks., _Afts_loe the,
sidewalks, thev denend on the nedAstrlans
to ilest -Path, _crlie see:11_00i AmPlest.
outfits on people's feet, Most 4Io not
have goloshes and eye ow fur boots with
amazement and envy. One man had
his feet tied in sacks: math, and snugly
tied too. Said they'd keep warm andsY
that ?way.
itiervnne +impish -A- in a eoft seuthern
drama that It's the worst weather in
ti-e'rte vars. &Yin dare even whisper
that were Canadlorbe for fear they'll
think 'We're to blame somehow.
ru, trvk to write *Ain es we get far-
ther south.
inieked the -drifts- isr-vaitri -and may- to Whole gore fronts and windtms were
-.get stuck thentselites. A. Saltford blown in-oi out and signs were tat).
through, . but by Monday morning', elan:inn . omen elled bv the
Was .tiglit,belare the plow' regalia& irfee'she could regain her feet, she was
there was no sign of a roadway. Itfrote !It the. ,vhitti2L.t.b.e_ettft _end he -
the top of that hill and then a truck *rack bv a inotor Whieh was powerless
was 'required to 'elett it. added mom- to atop owing to the lq Tad,
Su -ter° weather sprit 'people to
their attics or dunnage bags, look-
ing for fur caps, caps with ear -Taps,
or Wipes, that had long ago been dis-
carded as relicts of those good old-
fashioned winters that the present
generation may read. i.bout, but
didn't -hope, or particularly wank to
Cars were Stalled on sense of the
most travelled streets of the town
and were only released with the help
of trucks, other elope's', and ehovels.
Widening the roadways Was being
done on Saturday by heavy 'teams
hitched to plows, but there progress
was slow. The horses were of the
crass. that cavorts 56 proudly at the
Royal Winter Pair, but the stretches
of snow were too netaelri °Veit for them
and after moving a few feet forward,
it was necessary for men with Shov.
els to clear the Plow before it 'could
make another attempt.
On Theiday znorning the tempera-,
ture had raised and conditions were
tlightlY better but not" triutli.
A Mari lost, Ws hat and :his feet /enrol-
ttinecinsIV tiVing: to board a ear. 'Was be
surprised! It was all right watrh4,10
front dooriava as long as you didn't
have tO ge.,Out in it.
Otit One effort to cmts the street. UM
Made 43 OW of a chafin-gang bansenC
to 'policeman's arm. And it Was all he
dr). to tow hit human- dank() ertrws
In tafetin In_exxine putt of the city
then hed Tones Stretehed, from blinding
to builatog for peeple beng on to
evoo ,tes'eur dil'orv was told on a florists'
messenger who tried to deliver a got -
gems laineh of /towers to divwn-fewirri
hotel. Virst the Wratntr wciat sail/no
then the heads of the flowers as he
struggled With the twinging deer.. Ile.
allet alter beine ihtonien rmtad rind rownri
n 0)4 dor 'tnebibiror at *hitt itileS left
of the florters, he fatnid ?ate -
plaited teeth into the etreet. nithhele
the remitting stielke evely with a re-
eigned sir. lit "derided toward hie trees.
Isa Wakhhigkti there is, of cote:tree
With to See, but 4t was 4 too 0014
t time to sysie'_iiro*eet,..p4,.LT
TO-Tatetageyn-clenieterti groin where
esti* bragounette meat last ,Ateribtice
My: 'ten*.mbet0), to me, the most. in-
teresting Mew lit Washington Walt ,the
(Ad taxi &Ater .whe used to delve a hOtos
Atiticiedent mieetlile4 At -Co foi---1.0*-- ithirtset, re1loO04 4frvillt
Connell of Grey, an application for li.tiieS,Ste Ave. and *h4ri 1**
to the Grey and Brute Touritt. Ina iklq, in Which the`
eille" Seven meinbers
Lad• ies Assisted that time. in a fit" mental condition to
Boys at Banquet
Spent Afternoon With Toboggans
On Golf Club Hill .
by the-Says---Mission--Cirele of -Knox red-Sellem-of-Votonttria-disputing-
yterkin_ Chtuth, _en____,Saturday the. will _made by his thether,_the _la
Christina 'Sellers. , The plaintiff claims
afternoon.- The twenty-four mein- that the will is void and that the men-,
bets spent a joyous time °with their tor, Joseph Jcoulter of Myth, brother of
toboggans on the Golf Hill, ami later Christina Sellers and defendant in the
en oyed a delightful banqoet in •the action, used his influence regarding the
The tables laden with geed things sellers) was met/tails, and PhYsieallY in -
was lighted with many red candles, coroPetent.
and decorated with daffodils and John E. Damvson asks that the estate
pots of white livabinths. The place of the late stargaret 'Dawson be admin.
cards were tiny red toboggahs with ere lay the court. The plaintiff claims
small baskets of home-made candy. he is entitled to $2000 as a leglie.v tinflor
_ Harold Doer was toastmaster and the will. The maker of the will died in
introduced a Tine- progrem by staking * Augt5t '11032 and I'l* 1)111 -Warr 133"liet.
D9nald TbOmpson to propose the ; recOved 'the legetY Yet.
teast to the King, Whi4h was respon- 1 -1/141' ,deren4c0-4 Gt*ge 17. 133wain.
tied to with the singing of the Nati. claims he ba3 been limbic t° realize on
onal Anthern. • Ithe ''asAts of the estate as yet.
"Our Church" was proposed by ' n' ti* Kruse claims $15°1) fmra the
James Abell, and responded to by town of igeaforth for volution of a streitm
Gordon Walter. Bob. Pinkfiam pro-. Whieh he utilizes in the running of he;
posed the toast to "Our President." ettptoompbor seamilifort: hiCitivsenowedallliewureges ettitta, flaw
In reply, Sandy Milne, popular presi-
dent of the Club said he considered It 'It'd' "1° stream making it unfit for use
an honour to belong to the 'Mission iThehe8eafutilorti horCrfoeitr mheurvinanhasemlaumbeen esidPticiend.
Club, and to be its president, which as 0, wee party end if the plaintiff .0+,4
calls forth the best every boy cAn mwthing from . the town of Seaforth,
give. There could be no higher aim that oorooration will demand a like
in life than to follow the, DiAne Com- amount -from the Creanicry.
, mand, "Go ye unto add the world and 1 ............... „ ...._.
Preach the gospel to every creature."'
Sandy proposed the health of the PREVIOUS Pr.C.nRDS
leadcielfss Edith Taylor and her as- HELPED BOYS OUT
sistant, Miss Jetin _Walter who were
greeted vvith applause sind responded
The case of J. lin:ward 'Robertson,
former assessor and tax colleeter
Cioderieh„ tharged with conversion of
trienitipal fends, and which. Was to be
tried **fore Ms Iletior Judge T. M.
elottello het IttiodaY, hae been Peatioon-
ed at 'the reemest et the ,d4etwe. cowl.
tio"co:ogrien. nottieneto, tonvorsinthe ad joantunitondn the
the ease is now on the docket for
hearing before Judge Oottello en March
10th. The notitIon sent to the (tavern-
ment aSking' for a government kodit of
the d'orPoietlAn's hooks has aneatently
not boon deelt with vet, no reit hay -
lite been sent te setlierities here.
Itagt and wrenpitiegiS Nadir* fire
from a torch. while thawInot out trOZ. I
en pipes at Mr. Andrew Straughan's,i
Pqk St.. tent the brigade to the I t
scene last "Thursday. Smoke did at
blue ' oitereolise by
happily. Only two cases were preoented at
The speeches were interspersed fre;,rsdbef
ore MaglArate Makinli 1°n
with choruses, especially written for Jo.lrbothehreofth.stlaOni. eyand.rohwnsit-vhipoun,trehser rcrbretto
the oceasion, and the Club yell, and ther,
the happy evening was closed with with mutilating a tollie dog were fined
the singing of Auld Lang S e.
Each boy ,had some part to lay in r4tl,nOtenaneed. cosTre anbovad oil:leaded eadon siguigriPiltyndAtt:1
the carrying out of arrange eau. the charge performtna the operation
The meMbershin was divided intoland leaving the dog to die in the Snow
four groups: one to assist wlth the sievieot the animal was not a pure
program; another to assist in setting bred dog the farmer that owned it vat -
the table; a third to serve; and the ued it at a10 be,•ause of 'ts esefelness
fourth- to yfish the dishes; and the r"1 th0 fartn eOlirt bit tha
succes of the function was largely tion was not at all excessive and order -
due to the enthislilastie co-operation ..‘1 tee defendants to Day the mone17.
given by the boys to the eplendid His Werkhin Old that the feet that the
wleattditeterahLp 1,of lilia,ses_ Taylor , and beVa Ifid -never brtnih troWe before
-red Abirrit lir-124M-stt.
Housg ENTEREn mated for his kagetiv vath them.
to/et-loiter, charged with
rim#Verfotinfritz an operation on lr°°L5 1S.veir.44 orltOith hl, Ploaded salt'
Theh' ouoe ortnootth tir'444hi frenditet4weettilitnittltlY0e/r6tredt"theweeptIreviofutot
he Maitland Itoad was entered some. ioNsit ani elected trial by judge and ..leirY
IMO during Saturday :ilea, and a bot ehanxed bit elettion etstctdom re-
of.toolsestolerr, Therpotfoir-teitettai ittheetrigir
are investigating. Orate.
Inaugural Meeting
Mr. Wm. Beatty Appointed Atteu.
dance Officer. New Shelves
And Stools Recommended.
At the inaugural` meeting of the
Collegiate Board, the secretary, Mr.
'J. P. Hnine presided until a -chair-
man, ,,svas„ appointed. He steted that
Mr. Vr. A. Coulthurst had been ap-
pointed representetive of the -Separ-
ate School Board for 1936; Mr. G. L.
-Parsons, representative of the Public
Beard -for page_ Air, CAC.
Saunders, representative of the Town
Council for 1936, 187, -38, and Dr11
Taylor, by the County Council for
,193.6, 37. 38.
The following officers were ap-
pointed: Mr. W. . A. Coulthurst,
chairman 1111r. P. 'UtterWart.
etairmals;_secretary„„Mr.. - - -
treasurer, Mr, Wan. Beatty; Property .
Committee: Mr, J. P. Mactwan,
chairman; I. Itobertzon G. L. Par-
son and C. IC, Saunders; Ssup ly -Com-
mittee, Mr. J. W. , c airman,
Dr. 1!- Taylor, C. E. Asquith, W. A,
Coulthurst. Mr, Wm. Beatty was*ap
pointed school attendance officer for
'1036. The meetings are to be held
the first Friday of the xnenth. The
report of the Inspector was reads.
recommending -the erection of suit-
able shelves for the library, Which is
being rescatalogued_ and also suitable
stools for the science laboratory. The
Property' Committee will submit In-
formation as coit. Accounts were
resented and passed.
Miss Mabel Powell was granted
cavo o a • einee-iiii her requeat for
he-acatlernie-yeras-1-03ffiurd-1037-,--spshe may pursue the study of the
French pronunciation and converse.
tion in France.
At the February meeting on Tues,
day. of the Board of Directors, of
the Goderich Industrial iNhibiehm,
President H.' L. Salkeld, presided.
Dr. 1 whitety arid- ivre. C. E.
Groves offered several suggestions
which it is expected wilt pro-ve heTp-
ful for next fall's exhibition. Both
had recently attended conventions in
Toronto, Dr. Whitely that of the
Canadian National Trotting and
Pacing Haniess Horse Association
of which he is president; and Mr.
Groves having been a delegate to the
Ontario Pall Fairs Association.
Dr. Whitely's suggestions referred
chieflyto the horse races which fore
such an attractive part of the annual
fail fah; in Godetich, to the auctees
of which he has contributed so large.
Mr. droves explained that, certain
'classes of exhibits no ,longer appeal
to the public, but they can be replac-
ed by other's of a more suitable
nature to present conditions.
The next meeting of Boardwill
be held on March 10, when the vari-
ous Committees will make their re-
ports on the revised prize Mite,
Suggestions front any authentic
courses will be gladly eonSidered at
the March meeting.
On Friday, the talirses' ‘211duirintet
held thebi annual meeting at the hos-
Itegular leisineae Witt followed
Ie 'election Of otilters„ they are: Hon.
It N.; Hon. Vice Pres., Mss M. /1.4at1z.
erson. U.N.; reeaident,. l*i$$ a Dun-
keld, E.N.. Vide Wealtirit, Mo. R.
illrtuttr, 117.144, Iltid vitt, Miss
Priddle, ettelistirer, MVO' '
Ritchie, ILN'4 Cor. Stec Miss
Curt, 1t.1.1.; Rte. See,„
Manus, It tit
01, Mi$s