HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 8e charge ilant insert**, 1 „ per *I 'tutu charge , for Virtli, IN s Db N lizes., aid bp TkiesdaY tollawini 1orerilor4.; 044. ,,,idonal tor eaell advertiStiiient Will be 'made, Viliererit is desired addtcr„ssed to a Star ZoX Nuirier, an additionat charge Or 014.safie1 adverilsonnmrs must bY:Wedhes. o We Waat to:.$111.- YON. ore.. $aeils Just Reasi 004. 'lit: -..Pair a, eliding do,g,s,,,,,as and easing,. ...hut al *v. ..13.x Oran ,34f. .11cx 43,4$'1Unt OP.1100, Zslia ral'ABLIBUEO. ilo`SiNE3s . quires $1,000 capital. For Parti- MAPPlY P, 04, BOX eletiOrleh. < Tho VANTO..--To merit or lex% house, by lksavveh. modcrti-moveniertees and gara3 in goo price. 03000 nee,',„ They Alt CMOS OF THNNYAs Am mewart *no daughter, iaties Zoseei visit to extend their to Dr. W. Rev; Ix J. ane and their neighbors, sill of atom re ost kind during their recent loss; also those who sent floral tributes and those who leanedOrtrS fOr4t1ie iuxwr 00UntyAlenzlneti rattirsore* rePort- the **WI COnnell contained a lot, of inforniatiOn regarding the coat, g•qoudi- titn. and requirements on the reado Union, ' The report, read t "One' returns to the Popartnient Itighwt� i93 olow opolg4tur6 as follows: - 4401 Vollitenance $ 83,087 73 ' Construetion ••• , 00297 oil 4LPR1Y <INfAohlitterY gni l•erfairs 70437 4$ ettlx,,ritendence -..• • 4'.477 •NOTICE 15 101t(SEllt GIVEN to all roWnts having anY against the estate or Vitilliam IL 4)01%03, late of the* Town 4- Orderth in the County of Unroll, p died On cr about the 29th day t Novemberh A. D. 1936, to zend .rante to the undersigned on or before Itht do of February, 1930 ne 04 An* after that date.the Administrator ot the Old estate 101 plotted te. make 'btrtfon *Ivrea, kharkrz regard only to the, IN htE940110/4:61- tILD,S-14, loving Memory of'Oran% s,w departed thialife February .Arewid we often•stand, itli, heart both tick andsore, tt, In the *loom; the sweet- words OM '.;Net IDA -but -00ile before." 011)04 now how rnucli 'we miss you, Ceuiits;the ,tesirs we shed . ftfld 144spers'Oe 00.41;eleOPe, Your.loved- one 1.44.iiit dead," • lwiltrke- bia,Vel-dear414*ankr-7---- Apti3inv.tworar es* 0y and when ,IfeLto:ti.11, you , w3" "u'w t -he way. SIOTIllgt, 'DAD, SISTERS and . • LITTLE SON. outh "Did your lather complain ut my,stayitig so ;Ate lost night?" rl:Prionth "No. ' On the contrary asked ma how I could be so iOng1it106$ as to let you go to work withoUt, breakfast." pa..teo t Gotagb, mrx Y eneary,' I:4,, 1936,. EATS nu ILAIrs OC.dertiotrAor----- SOL:1.40 for the said $104,2$0. 47; ernitiont 1). sidy thould • $00,291 5 Zae. 3faintenance utnounts ere reati UP as lonows : Weeds ...... .„,....;........ .....,;$ 2 231. 38 .glirdit; ...._ .„...., ..„. ...... 1,4,: 1) ' -Drivzott; . ...• .... .. . .. .. ....... ..... 10,892 60 1437 .04, Culverts - ' Orldres .... .......,,!..-......... 836 22 po-urtachr4, ..................., .. , 41,103 03 Taming ,,,•••,,,'------ , .... , . -, 6,990 02 Snow /toads. .., ,., ... . ... ..,.„. 6.42t 04 Cuard'Fence 1.*51 94 nratns - -,". „......... . .. „.... WOO. 09 . Calcium chloride 6,09 -/$ Wow „Is. . 25 47 ''' 286 86 ridges TENDERS WANTED. Torliivolur OF WEST WAWANc!sn. Sealed tenders wilily received by the ;understated until two o'clock P,M,Mon; operatep6 tOwnship crushing plant. o...0 7a' The contractor to !olVIS' men 'and The corporation will furnish oil and repairs .tfor the crusher. A. marked 1;:heOne for $50.00 must ac- company each tender. - Lowest' or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work will corninenee -(Lbout the 15th of 'May, 1930. - J. C. FTYRDON, Rd. Supt„- , tucknow P,O. ...Ont, BORN CARTEP..-At Toronto, on Saturday Pobruso 1, 4938, to Mr. and Mrs. a -1:Laymond Jearter,'--(Miss-.---Evelyn-Reed), 141 Alberta Avenuk. a daughter. mlvoun • 1/013:NERT---r-J e2rnri a nosPita . on February 1st, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rohner, Croderich, a daughter. _ Coestrueibh 'No. 16 Westerly from .1.10vveth$13 . • 1,1,q4 65 No, 19 northerly from • •-•, orr=4,-Orey--Alownship,.- •10 No, 26 OPPod.te Lot, 40. con. 18, Orel, and Afertillop 1,102 46 No, 27 Northerly froni Con. 4, --Ashfield-Orid-Arraw.-•----,4,550-32- No,' 27 Opposit,e Dot 11, Mb - field, culvert ... . ....... 684 93 No. 36 OppOsibe 'Lot 36, . Ocderii,1 To 'whip 1.083 88 , S2gns . . .... . ....... _ - 14?! 47 The receipts anti 'eXiienditures on et., 'Count the- Year* %via' fellow Receipts tram municipalities for Inaterall,, work, etc..... 4,748 88 Sinxdry refunds, trnd ... . 1853 46 Trak. Pines _640 4 -iThtSubsidy - -- 1,843 86 - 'I -IMPORT) :In Colborne Township, on Tuesday, February 4th, 1936, Williarn ord, his 64-th year. The turteral aerV:ce NMI take Vate_st his /ate ra1den171e. 'Utke Shore Read, Ort redo, re), 1th, al ZOO wciock. In. rment-at-Oolborno-CetneterY. KINTAIIANiddenly,, at -Concession -4, West 'WtiwanOsh, on ThtuldaY, %Jon., aged_5 1",EX00-41iretratford-,-orr on all‘ 1936, tinily. It. Vitspatrick, beloved %Ile of Robert 1.1ea, *04 74- ,years, 1 . ,linsiness W118 . uhusilally, tpne ' ° ' ' ' t througlunit the Week, it being impos- sible. for producers. to get 1110 tOWA, No meat or grain -was , ottet_03, gild consequently ,the dealer* dul not change the prices they Were willing to -neY. - t, - ". Rah eggs and butter took Jess Money into.the poeketa °Mose who had either or s'alel , Chickensi-0 to 0 pounds .......; 14e Chickens, 4 to ; ponds .. i . . . . . lge Chickens; 3, to 4 pounds ...'...;*. lic thicitensi under 3 pounds '.....„. loc ..._per. -11). ,...0....-,.....* — 120 auve-..460 dressed ENO-- “A'Llarge GridC'eA,” medium Ice Pallet's . 41 * 4. 4 * .4 16e Grade "kl" 15`e Grade -1'011- ". pounds (dehvered) 12c Hens, .5 to 6 pounds WeliVered Ile :Butter, Creamery,. lb. 26e , 'flacon Hog, F. 0. owt, $84,5 Butcher Cattle 44,401'444404; 40 to 50 Veal Calve* . 4 * Lanibs 7616 . 4. 4 4.,;* 4 ,4'.4 4 4 *14 A, ,4 4.. , Potatoes, per ba 1.25 Turnips, per bushel; Spys 4 * 4 *L25. Grain • BUtkWheat • w .4 044* * *4 *4 4:;* '4 4. 4, 4 4** 4 * 24% to- palitleY * ;4-* 474; 4',4 6,404 4** 4- -Flour' *04 Feed $14 Shrets44 $1. liffanitobt 1our 4, 4, it* tiy---Metrethents ... 1-69 Outstarldieg Accounts . .... - 009-94 Levy 531,126,41, 'Das tax refund, estimated 1.100, 90 -Ormernin'ht subsidy, estirnat/4- *44149 Defrolt. * -.2,011 48 Expenditures on 'Co. ROWS -41•04.200 41 Traffic Patrol - • 2036 20 Tworanle `Premluar — 425 Likhts 70 00 legal' Pees " 17 00 Work -and .finaUrral for ming - 4,748 86 Damage Claim „ - 160 00 Interest, ChargesI,- 3,227 23: Oomanittee tt.:10 Mts.". .. 541 96 candy 'Bormdaries ....... 2,486 17'7 _ • _ . • I -may say that ..special effort rWasmado to 'keep -the expenditures within the limit, and thiswould have been abeam« Wished, but ?far a bekrodarY aleourit that was submitted near the Close of the year. and'had to be takk - No Relief Griot , it:will be seen that mikes more funds are -provided:. eomewhat iess WO* leali* 41:14456111.14-ftbeC-691tetit 'Oetit4 S* 'OM SOIX be no relief giurit, and as credit for the refund of 1935 gas tax was Ohm to that Year, mist' be kept itt Mind, too, that a *age Part ot our ,exPend1-' tures go to pay for Initerials,'. such as. *tiltartr tatL-8.04-*0200-4enteer--oskium. tailorklei .etc., *14* 'bOroe mt.been re, uced-hi.-price-fmaterially-AturingLthede,.. Moreover, the • Alemandsfor snatrrnuiteright ia ilyeregarti4-enot-other- inatter4 have to be neOected. to 'provide. for them.. . improveniontit-in-lted, „A'intents.-, the -iworks:-,thit-oseHwaiting be 'carried :out on the county remds, are Aithrieta Townehipoi. ConOletion Itintai) eideroad, sev- «'al smsll britticav needed. Stabil daitiOrt Inuatannon-uokianv . Mud. •• ' Inklorrgved•anaintenance ontouth balm - borne To-wasitip Beirmthear .1111403enMillei4t44,- MtaiV Oalgt. • on ath comes - ned improvement cn Ory low coat I/Atom-in- t ra:te thrOughoet. Gx*de'improsernents end daalOing cu 1316411441ton B041,, Grey 1*m** . Grading- ant ,dralnina'''On read eaSt from **IOW „ _ Ale° on lifeNaUght, ;vs urnkrry ade Road -No 31 (Ind' 4(4:6 ort dary-' mttitz?rs)on nee& a -lot of. Ivor*. gnablp rach.ng and 41**1410 troaci soetir .•10041 tte$144netwow -berr00212 and touc tr.i4,04411r_ trod and -A • Uretto, Edna "4 - And Nero* eurviiring ao are two Eh ind Mi. John 424clhots* ght4o/ Weit ancL Vine brothers, 'Will on, el trelt.-and. 4)oderlett , Intemient • .10$ ftt the ••• •Censeterl tirct Church. oriole Satred St.„, AutitS- •t•ine, atith the OilcWilig pall -bearers: 'Rounerict, LeddY, Jack 1 i'LeddY Everett Bert •Cninordnt and 41,111110r4 'RethriOnd, Tlie42111061,. 'OentVegatiOnat 'Meeting:et rian-4thUrch- Vas hold on With Iterr, 11,(0, ani Ms. R. Davidton, .etfri. *e. ',Secretary. 'Encouraging,' re.t• ports 'WO), reetivAti IrOnt.rthe ,-srations Or- t na showitig !pod- . work had pten aoconnittboo 'tbrouoicint' tht: year. treasurer reported : expenditures had!" been met and a, neat balance on band.. The congregational missionary secretary .0104,10„,,0,04, north of .rotI114011.. reported .re;eipits Or' 810049, .Whicla was axivw .41,04404. require .4.10deriing„" •,forwal„ vied to the church °faces In Tor., • t„,,1„, • onto- The W. 0,.:.Seeretary,,,,mrs. ""'"*""' • 1111tr.geuld, reported reeelyts 'of $58.29,, In itddition there are a-n*0er Of .the anoistion of,450 being more than .141,410 Ipay .411 a;:t• any time, and ;met. Daltid-son reported". -receipts of .require-re-Oonetri$00014 And no 'e0e,ount' $42•58, ,whith Vatt..$4Moient 't,O•nieet re+, taken Of Abe .00411141..00. ' quiregier#41; -tor t; 5.1101.iesr et., ',41441, 4iVe Otterte .0t the: ;fle*r.reai..*; $401.Y.t4-'40454ena.: . i...rtoese!'aret but itUnplea fat' tike work" 8. E. 11411i,Ps. 2410 441rOes the . . Tetitrinr coranagens were re,eleeted.. that •snaOt Atntlerbaikelt?t`gni• thre''-voinwf.: O. E. `filtothers. appointed es enurell: .„ Roads. and Muelt. 40..4 um* be 0040. be" 010014 '00740 %WOO treasurer year .oroad-stioraCe that SS demanded'to, ,cengregstionar secretary, Allen Reed' 'as tote tw,triorre, ..taw'getet.1* deitlees *11-14 'chinch auksimie, .140,-14.- Davidson as der. • Stit it is arioV 00000404 to OarnfregatiOnall treaSarer„ and atadeattre mainfAiti Aro type ,of road on lvotoairtMLIIITIVY 1414 9101% Elliott as auditors. and Lenor dr841164 f41110444": • • '1=4: if:fgleeliii,rattl-ag, organists for Dust -04.1.'attres, or :IOW' the Sunday Siiihoel, Ur. •Aohert,;,.00lit, • are needed on or *.ntt• 250' .Y.' oo mutes Maln'n•C:iiiin,„1!,,eintorfOot,lirac.11:, sunerurtendent.''andt.Ilible' Class -beaeher, . ; Mrs. .R. 11.0ithinney as tissistairt. •' The itstial-laoriorathuir was lieted7to',ther. In 010 . Oven* of 4414_ StbOreit erka,antS, cortgregettee. hae ,structiona relitag anew; lareoltati ,1(,40.0a7'.-„etrery reason for. gratitude throughout wok. in, this:tors,004,101,1,0, bee#,,..tuneer- tii0L4Tlitatur._...10711,therec tentionto=mireme4.01sis,„_ tain.-Vre.--,bemov,thuwever,:'-thrie., plt; .,,,p00404.4._040,*.epog ,owtt, ;,rprt;roe* ROY. 0 MoReparldi, • is now we4, os they itte, sue,- 0.. „tooloci ojiip eitr' ,Into-hb7efeVenth" Year with the. o4).n,gre.„7 .i3,60401.),thnos, 0910 pre tplowo aisotrigat.40400. en..coart to lingattulLen'..renceatacilielit'unby lreep••Coen--,-meartif',01 014' tY. Wail church,. -London, ',ideehned the roads. 94 'the, heti,* of ei*t.Y 4 : same CteeldVi_ 1'ernsin ;with .the• Inv -eitott potty- lyear And: et -4-, 4 :-.10006Teg*tions--of.-Ur=row-and---Jarragsn. per day ealzh, [this *441, Would ..he 9000 per .aniiinik. Or net . much ':niore. The Goderith Aural' Telephone Com - than Ite-titino'bm',03,0*.*.Pet",soro'1", :oritifleV1115 6,0t11451* -1 'tear itsqvientit4 4Ittee414,2ziegilaierttinget5.114eret-I.:41611:go,,111,1r111445;. cost Avpittki, .reOresen. , • iP4Its•'1.4 taxes' ?rt. -1°0 "?)°17,4 '<trent- elZt.'storeis, et.' The -.folIowln VbelieVe, be,-'.repaidi,rolanir-1.,_-_thne3',Oilleens were elected:, Presiderit, T 'Tovet 010X0., Charles whitely„ unusual as -Fite bave yin Cutt, Mi • j*.b. expeoleico, 7711T -111W. not be Bride;: John Dristorw,• W. J. 'Parks, '-Wil;••• ro4-1114P-711W°t.'1' *r°473(' 16 L*744 .NRat' :fienW11:442174.4;'. .T4C11:1111:e: . Stothers': The executive:consists a the poring' the '..-!preent:ivinteronirt..1... STStoth-- ,er has 600.. opet'atint.,nobil :rece4P15.Ti•;ers. •41,1ditOM •0.' W. Alton arid Cr. "C, wid• two of Our ,,strisOki I*Ve„ 'SWI*0041.*_seeretarY-treasuror and .0.1iief to-adden-the-grade operator,: F..-Whyard;-:-ilineinark J. D. itt swainp at onoeIon 13 on the R1e1lardson. lairjoaen'bh.dlvislline between Easb and West Mr. and Mr3. Roher Davldsc»t were ion' r • 9U as .. Thursclay - evening wheI3 about twenty- -.250 per Yard' in *044416,- '14-'4,'"•''" friends:droPped -'exterici ciatidn 03, the, triick,S,;-it;0 .net SnUch ',tenons ;upon. -,the..thirty-sixth anztiver, ,*_00000:ar, muly..44 * '.411:ntjee!NAtfberAv'el-Tenliig rcii.'8(rdetlicious--via°21giunchvaxt13' • • . • ... 13UNGAISIN(M., •_sextrd" t.y. adore the party LaviLe up tee guests, of, horror -were. our.- .:IniNGANNObt, inefite!. Urea meeting Oit'gthe- pleenthr organi*-4 -mum' arattehoel---Olubk 'maw bad._ On datS1 evertibit_ in the Sunday .aeliool ;veer a the 'United Church, vithere 1t bas been • ealdWlo ithenr-during-the--winter ,MOnthe. Mrs. (Pr.) „ Voices, the, Oresi.. Vent, eondisited the .sneeting, ,wbAch °Pelted 'with chotnees by the **tool Glee -01u1b, *Nth PrineVal Kidd Oaring the aotOlnoetlimerrta. IVA (Rev.) T.. R. Utrner resid: 'artstemlue:amtatie, -on Volt a the Home and Wive' o. '11*0 members Or .the -Club are made- re- sponsible tor the program each meet-. rounded 4iii,a large circle by the 'visiting friends, and Ovaries W. -fflton in a neat speech extended the congratulationsand .best. wishes. of the gathering. upon. •the balmy occasion, and all Ionic& in sing- anIngci " otberPer 1149:wen-knAreorio'naqsitg°s!pditrs°e,ligwsav: &ism wit -i,- P4Or 40 her tnarriage;Miss Margaret M1014steY; Of004.04011 71111) The January meetingof the Women's 1:nsbitute , was held, Thursday afternoon at Mrs. 0, W. - Alton's,. with about a ,dosert_Inientberr arid three Insitort Pres- ent. Tile . first vice-president, ,„ Mrs. Lorne ri;e0rSrkWettPledthat theltd.1;11thechairria.., torolsa Illig;-..___.-MI*;,...._ .,,,,....-,..-21e4±1214114...., 4....----°*. .'76—Yal.!-,...+4,it°- be,..i"sthe-aehoot* bell4nwhoseing41Pare9titifr desTeilsant 4:7430,..7,,,,,,,olt,....v..!:',d60:.1.1`.4....2,u,2i,ur, .,,,, . atar4rtg,,v_44-=,...7.7, ,,,z. ,rgiii,nytenOtiooaelradYpizts,,receicainved, pp. eArnotreakIt... 1 the wu S *Votes ilt be Ia. tert try -wile board'wlakIn an" ft4c6al*litr0 maik,.....S'4,4u.„e lira. ibtAserwitoicet.iy$1,, .rinjtuldtbadatili: neeessary, cognacs at It!)5,11- 43 ""'"",4**-* ittration, vsalrich wilt QC tree A demon. permlta -- uon--ort--eroehet--rags--loras--gtvert., - A -letter Avas•••-reCeired:•from ult. J. C. los; obtis, 411,4t4tt was 1,61.6t. Outti_i&vgient kot trAY vicsorla. Mine and slhool Club, °octet -Kt, lit which'ithe loiter .-mminended-the-DumearnlonT-Ifoni and school' 010 for Ate inftlatile in er,-: gardisg a Oh* In Dungannon. A. stedtril eXendriatian or all pupIl or-thefOunaminon. school Is proposed itre, tribute to the late 4th* was read by Ms-Akoo---Atwerso.' Mist /larder, the teaelrer, Were Made honorary' presidents, and the Meeting wasbrought_to a close wtth ,the sirtging of the. , The atmual meeting of Dungannon agricultural Soeletyryas he3d 44 the Vaeith. Halt ett-lor4daty aittemoon,- [when- tbe-foot0* the "aat ear was,ter**64- and._Plana tOcthe_Ottlittle YiNkt Were .d1S Otielect The SOWwaS knifortnnate In having Inclentent.yeather for its annusii. tfair at yr, lintt It, was -vette** to tiOatit404 the itottvit*te a the -seqond day, lthaolt were held' Oki 11, day some tam Week* baber. AOil eiloceeittil fair IIOLMESVILLE of Their nephew, Junes Minion, who is takbag a course itt baking at the 0.A0., Guelph. }ft was -maned to the Guelph hosoitai where an, operation for appall- anaY be neceseari. „ .01sintto 6AirIgged mall service from tor eral important` itetits of news are nCeu.atily. 'omitted from this week's -PaPer but will 44Vear in next week's 1,1 - sue, among them beingthe celebration the 04th birthday of Oungannon's grand old lady, Mrs. I:sold °Irvin, and an. stecount, of the death at OklahomN of Charles,..don Oirvin 62nd 110; - 7* titeS: Robina Catitabell 1 a patient itt the eociaricir- hospital -following' an operation on PridaY of kust week. , We* 'wish her speedy recOrerY. For Colds., T h e kind in the red box.. 20e Nose and Throat 1).ropp colds in the head. „ 35e OiI of ' BUCALYPTETS 16a and 25o bottles, -SAL IIRPATICA. Medium 59e CYSTEX 50--$1.50 a, box. , IPANA .TOOTH. PASTE •.39e 3111M: Smolt Chases ..Kidney Liver ring 29e BUY DRt noto,sTolite DRIIGSTORIE )411,110STORE pniuGsuAtt., 30MEESS, (14 in each' k • Aga. 4 Sloan's 140111ifICIT Atqc ItELLEBOR0 Pound, 19e Chaso's -0STrui% Linseed and TurPentine, 36e brit% s Xa tar4a. PILLS 23e• Nursery Talcum, Vioet " gan 19c ugilLT11 SALTS Lb. tin 39e Woodbury's FACIAL' SOAP 3 cakes 25e, , , IT WORKS-. Yes S 14. RI Snahr's ItemedY works quickly, safe. , ly. Sure *hem treat, ment for colds, eat, arrh eoughi, tonsilitis, throat troubles i needed •you. Just ; bettet. try i. RAN Sit E Suitable for.use in Ranges, Quebec Heaters Small Furnaces CLEAN—LONG LASTING- ---.The--,..MostEcontomtaarrtial Ge l your share of the, liargains_ye-are-ofteang--40--4 3. C. Carrie •stoCk. N'•ou save‘niones,every-purchase. _HARDWARE, .PLUIVIRING,-44EATING,-TINsirnapier --- CARRI_OLD STAND ON THE SQUARE. Phone 284. Mrs. P. Young is with her mother. S; Lockhart who was visit- ing her Mother, Mrs. CorbettatDun- &lir, was called lionie owing to the serious illness of her son Glenn.' Ws. lowdeh of Olinton, is nursng her bi:citber, • ',Mrs. David Pocock who 'went to Hamilton for, Christmasi. - and, was 'taken, very ill. there; his, returned' to her, home this week accompanied by r da fsw-tlelit; witoAtiter returned home to Hamilton!, • The— annual Meeting of Grae urch-AVas--held-.1astrI-Thursday., Mr. HarrisonWiliner was eleeted-steivart„. in place of Mr. ,fferhert pox, who re- signed. * „. Helens, Feb. 6. -- Mr. Cecil Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hyde and little son, Jimmy, returned td Kincar- dino on Saturday, after a ten-day stay here, owing to the illness and deatjj of theirmotherMrs, Jas. Hyde. tiditoni Present- Encouraging Re. port Covering Year 1935' COLLECTOR'S TIME DEFENDED : Mrs, Robinson- Woods-- wes-called-tor Itrucefielti;,,on.,_PridsY by the *daerk- -death-of=her hroher,in-law, Mr. Thos.. Campbell, following * strolO. ._ The lantern lecture under the aus. pees of the Y. P. IL on, Friday eve- ning, was well attended- and the views . on "Atrosst Canada:* which Were loaned' through the courtesy of the C. X. R., proved interesting *Si well as instructive, An enjoyabld program. Of games And contests was carried out under the leadership of 1 Mr. Ted. Mee, , • f ' Y . Mr, John Miller of Toronto was a week end gt..1eat of his brother, Mr. Wallies 'Miller. ' . Her nutty friends will be..gled, to Itsir that Mr*. "George' Stuart return- ed on 'Saturday from Chicago, *hem she had Spent the past year receiving medical treatment. ” • * Wits Ruth Itaintii; dontaner of e Christian Pelloinoltip :committee, presided it the inediat Of the Y. P. 11. On Sunday evening, Miss Greet Weetherlitad read the Scripture Us. Son and Ruth Item*** contributed A reading. The topk, fitittemployment and War" was take*, by Mr, Durbin. Phillip, After *Web an interesting discuasknt was led 10. 'Itoro U. M.. wet had, upon this *task)* the Acea4,' trat4 stwoutttIM rithew„:1 nouffavatx, Feb, 4MrJW the dedoer elhttAte Ukkett 44 4640 Vat ,Patter VICtirlitt OYdO the, earlier date. lisle soeittlY. Park and london. ' - . ' ' - 141, O. Iroatttiluti ot ,CIOderieh, Is', toe, cg the tett which Itlaiditt tit,"elt visublit iil the lillar_.- -hundred (pet out., a law '!.-'briMittletIlt.,-- lei the 0416. mrc ..t. Yeo, ot..4140016-1004,1,5 .1114t1i. 011,,,. , eits. "M.Vted Dretintill is oitAle littet4 00114 in bettt4t. ..._ 4 ._ ter to,tla the Itacsanto, curd by, the %It ',ZOOM 0700610440,74 WeeZing '0,, , um ot mon., Tbothoo. t,„ the Mited,ilitteoli was WM on Wednet.' huott, iod likivitt : Tyro, ' dtit or aOtt socount . the ciild'; 'aa madeosoeitom ..direttors,I incletheri the Itttendarketi was Ivo *lowto -ow tote. not se gOod AS -Usual. but those tend. , ttitatuter So, enoteed Olathe ;nit *NOW an atonoat const.Ung of ' * row* vets, Alo. ,r0Poda 0! the Yarlotakotgatdast and art tbas :1" $146 IPMit101'.. DOOM Will$ • the extre beir!Oa. at 'the Chiltdt:0434tt*****11°14 6Un4 t* , . Ut" ' Vitt 'of me told�t tra tot :410. Morning* listened to 1$1thf: . aloe_ ' sermon delivered by the ' or.,:ltev.1 Sunday, he ase his regular i the children., P.Al. VMS. in t#1,• and ittaig: '4 Wright, 0 An ill"keisite Mernorial Service for the late King was conducted by 7. RAY. It M. Wright at the United. Myrrh, on ,Sunday morning. Thai fa*. **itm lwrona of. the 'ant wort • atom .**4 t.ohtregntion %Wed ..?*, „-Viirently the, Dead Ifareb,-Itt • SAO, was playd. ,"Ta his reldross. ' Itov. Wrfgitt eulogk.d the manyster-. :!lInK Christ monaue _ with .tho sloe* thorn, in AlOinteavilierArtSt .- AS ,reciuirW-by-statute,--all mem hers of council andall ofgciale t0Olc the oath of alleglipicelto otir Save - 1111, Gracious Majesty, Xing Department of Highways acknow- ledged 'receipts of, schedules of ett- ,:penditure on roads during 1935., Bylaw No, 4 to borrow meneyfrom the Royal Bank for current expend'_ ture during Joao, WAS read a third time and passed. Audit - Yeo' and presented -- ors o their _,report showing credit.. balance of ;1,016.23. This repert-vas-'adept- ed. The Clerk was 'instructed to Or. `der seven copies .of municipal World for ,offleials. , The 'Collector's time was oxtentled for one more month, The following accounts were paid: Wes. McLean, relief supplies; $8.33, •Mr. jenner, relief supplies* $2.50; R. G. Thoinpson, reg. 'birth deaths, $8.00;. H. L. &Weld. POataffet etc., $18.00; E. A. Yee.; auditing, ;8.25: C. Ginn, auditing, $8,001 Sot, Par Vonelter No. 8, -.$18.26.• ' Council then Adjourned to; meet* .on. Monday March 2, at 1.80 Pan. G. Thoirotiott„ Clerk. TAI(Loit's CORNE4. Totyloes Corner, loelt. A. of Zion 'United Clittreh was pod. poned from Wednesday of flit *oak until next week, at Mi. :itor Chazn- ber's. • , iht. Lockhart who NA& visit- ing her Mother at Durolatik, WAS Call. tistl home last week 'owing to the ill - nes of her *on Olen, who it suffer- ing from tinelamonlit, at the home o , Mr. and Mrs. Fred tIlIott, Voter's Rill,' Ills eititer,14rs,„ Itowden of 4//oltrovaville is with him. • Miss ary Sterling, , 'of Strattford Is visiting At the home of ber paints, Mr- And Mu. D. A., .liottk *I.._ Ralph daughter Piot*** of 'Colborne stso irialtad her paraata, liat *oak. , lira, 0. Newton Is *tilt, tonilnad to the 41014,riek Traar,tital.