HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 5a
• 4 a.a4c14.,,:-..
Folio . 'V44/Iitii0e4i .0.. 4:0o4.:...
. . .reeting .Cards wijt1
Asseciati;m Re-elected Dr. J.
Whitely as President
pbortittte Gamittroicti W DELIVER
The Goderich irriAtiag and Pacing
Aesociation returned Dr. J. B. White-
ly to the office et president at their
'annual meeting held in, the town hail
an Monday night, There was a small
turn -out, ROSOly, duo to the unpleas-
ant weather. ,
The President reviewed last year's
PPerat,1604 in4.1* brief ttddreSs, and
artatle. reference to the improvements
that had been made at the race track
and the surrounding grounds. '
It was decided that next year's
'race • meet would' be held on Civic
Holiday, August 3rd. The prograth
for the day will include five, races
for which the, total purse will amount
to *2500. The races will be the 2.14,
2.20 and 2.28 trot or pace and two
colt races, a trot and a pace; the
purse for each race will be $500.
-In the Ontario GovernInent Public
..p.oeaunts for the rive • months endlul
:March 31, 1935, are stme startlirkTflg
lees as to the amounts Raid in direct
. relter annntzipalities thronhout, the
. Taranto, of course, l'igiads the cities
with 0,20,242, 'Windsor second with-
.- $998,935 and 'In.nialtorl third. $465,20.
Wawa, received- $af.;.6,211, at wartior
$30,9,306., London $243,065., Niagara /rialls
°:$25.14150, ("wen Sound $26,240, IC.itchener
$96,740, IGalt $40,762, '
. Sandwich enjoyed the uneviable
tir$ of leading the towns with $170,-
144. Midland was in eacond place vith
490,510 and Eastview, an Ottawa surnrh,
$79,923. Some other Ontano towns were
as lialows: Cornwall, .$12,006; Lindsay,
45;322; Trenton, $50,098; Callingrwood,
. $41,721; Preston, $10,946.
Local Juniors
Whi. At Milvertmi
Come From Behind to Chalk UP
'First Win Away F10111 HiMle
.410 Every bey will want this Book -"Flow •to -
Become a Hockey Star" by Tr, P, (TomznY)
Gormarzi-coash and manager of the World \
.Champion/dontrealMaroona. Bimply take
.alabelfrom &tin of ' 'CROWN BRAND" or
the back Ann', name and address: -plainly -
and the words "Hockey Book". Alai I the -
label to The4Canada Starch Co., Limited,•
Toronto; and your book will be sent you
4 Send ih a label or -the front of a carton
from any product of The Canada Starch co.,
litnited Marked with yam- name- and ad-
dress and thSipicture you want (one picture
for each label)i and your,choice of the follow-
ing pictures mounted ready for framing,
rezeun-Montreal "Maroons",,Group "Lea ,Cana.
diens"-Group Canadian Olympic Hockey Team-. •
AndividuaLpictukes-oLBald„Northcott,-George- --
Maatha, Russ Bliacct, Art1eneur, Da Trottier,
Armand Mondouaarnobinson, frank Boucher;
"Act" Bailey.
• iEDWAiitnin111711,6
-.wit snort co* swam,
' Productsof
imenammumminmanimanimmiral"r(C) ° yearnings .outstripping earnings"
The Goderich Mgrines Chalked up
their first win away. from home on
:Monday night *when they defeated
the powerful Milverton squad on
their own ice. The game, which was
fastanddean throughout, provided
thrills for the 'spectators during
every minute Of the play, the anxious
kids giving everything they had for
a/wirt, iMilverton made things pretty
black for the locals :in the first part
of the game and at one time in the
second, had the Marines. 4-2. In the
third period however Qederich turned
ois_, the power and_shot the ' puck into
the net three dines to win the game
„by,„ one goal.
The scoring for 'Milverton was.
done by Honderick, who got tw
goals, G. Gowman and W. Gamble,
while Wiggins, Stapleton, Doak,
scoring two, and O'Brien tallied for
the Marines.
Milverton: goal Deuneh; defence,
W. Gowman, Garahle; centre,G
Gowinan; wings, Cook, Honderick;
alternates, Bunscho, Berger, Gropp
and A. Gamble.
Goderich: goal, Worthy,s defence,
Staplton Young; centre, O'Brien;
wings, Westbrook, Doak; .alternates,
MaciDonald, Mamie, Wiggins,
Referee, Jack McCully, Stratford.
The game was held up until after
10 o'clock, the Goderich boys being
held up by the snow which made. the
roads almost impassable. They did
not reach home until Tuesday after-
noon, as they were again tied up_by
t ▪ .he storm.
• S
At the weekly -bridge tournament
held Monday evening, the following
were winners:
North -and -South
lst, ..11"frs. I- D. Eastman and Mrs,
W. F. Saunders, plus 71/2; 2nd, Mr.
and Mrs. Little, plus 7; 3rd, Mr. I.
D. Eastman and Mr. R. johnston,
East and West
1st, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Patterson,
plus 27; 2nd, Mrs. N. C. Lanaway anii
Mr. J. Johnston, plus 12; 3rd, Mrs. D.
D. Mooney and Mr. E. L. Dean, plus
31/2. -
Another game . 136 held next
-MondEty evening,. .
What iums up personal budgets is
D gritATFORI) 1
Local* Shaw Omit Form And Harl Edge on Play Throughout—
." rims Enthusiastic At Brand of Hockey Dalivered—F ask I
Counter Scored Within Two Seconds of Finish .to Tie Games
l'ho tool home game in .the 0. I Staplete* Still' d in time and the
aTitaier "13" group played here on Mites'tried,hard to get on Oen
lannary 84 provided the best hockey
of the seasen,-when the local Marines
and Stratford Mites played to a 2,-2
tie in everthne. There wasn't a dell.
moment and it was speed and more
speed with all the excitement a good
brand of hockey provides.
Tbe Marines played agressive
hockey and at times had the visi-
tors bewildered as they forced the
play 'and it was only because they
didn't get the breaks that the score
The secretary was instructed to was a tie as they had better than
send a letter a condolence to the three -to -one shots on goal and kis-
family of the late Dr. W,'F, Clark, sed some greet ehances in every
the. well-known 'veterinary surgeon period.
who had been Associated with he Worthy in the local nets performed
Trotting and Pacing Association in I like a veteran, and in fact every play-
Godericlb since its formation. For er turned in a good game. 'Stratford
the past few years, he was secretary showed plenty of speed but their
103! the Association., every Move. was 'covered by the loc-
The officers elected at Monday's as, and the game wasn't many min -
meeting, are: Pres, Dr. Whitely; utes old until the visitors found they
*Vice Rres, H. Edwards; Seer.- were 'being outskated and outplayed.
Treas., E. R Wigle, (the offices of and were beiag back ehecked to a
secretarY and treasurer were amal-
gamated at this meeting); Execu-
tive; A 1Vre.:
Goldthorpe, W°- 11, '4
Lean, IL er.-A. MacKwati, ,D. Munro
and C. H. Humber.
°Dr. 'Whitely left Goderich on Tues-
day afternoon to attend the Canadian
National Trotting and Pacing Asso-
ciation Convention at Tomato, og
which he is president. The conven-
tion was held _yesterdays_ (Wednes-
In a letter received a few days ago
by The Star, from Mr. G. B. Sturdy,
who is with Oceanic Terminals, - at
Portland, Oregon, he says he has
managed to weather the depression
so far and is doing fairly ,well.
In the re -organization of the
Oceanic Terminals, which took place
the first of thiS year, several chang-
es were made in the personnel. Mr.
George Powell is now the President
and general manager and Mr. Sturdy
becomes secretary and *assistant -to
the president, and is next in author-
ity during the absence of the presi-
The forzner Goderich boy who
started with Oceanic Terminals when
the docks were completed in ' De-
ceMber 1927, has never missed a day.
Should conditions revert to normal,
Mr. Sturdy anticipates a busy Aye
Years for ,their corporation, at the
end of which time, when their lease
expires, he hopes to get time and
take altrip back home. Needless to
add, there are a lot of people here
who will be glad to see him again.
Friend: "And you have found a
law firm that is satisfactory?"
Widow: "Don't talk to me about
lavvyerS. I've had so much trouble -
over the property sometimes wish
my husband had not died."
frazzle. When the Mites did manage
to get through for a shot, it was only
f 'fife 'ef-
Toffs to bulge -the-twine. Yeck'drew
the first penalty when he tripped.
Young who had stiak-handled right,
-through and Westbrookalso got the
sign a minute later for tripping Neil-
son. Then Young joined -the offend-
ers and with Marines two men short
and the visitors one, there was some
fast work but neither teem scored al-
though there were several scrambles
around the nets. J. Neilson drew a
penalty and with the Marines at full
strength, they made it lively for the
visitors who were hard pressed.
O'Brien Scored First Goal
Going into the second period the
Marines mi bed some wonderful
chances and were in on the net time
-after time, apparently being over
anxious to score. Westbrook -missed
right in front of the net when he
took Stapleton's pass and as the
game proceeded, there were times
when 2 or 3 of the Mites were right
in the _net, assisting the gOalie.
Stapleton got a stiff body check as
he-was'eanght by both defence teen
and was, forded to leave the ice for
a time to rest up, Doak taking over
the dvtiea of the rear guard, J. Neil-
son got a penalty for charging, and
again the Marines missed. chances
te score. Wiggins after going right
through, passed right across the
mouth of the net, but nobody was
there to receive it. Stapleton
a second later *rent to the bench
for tripping, ,and the visitors played
- every man- up. It -was while -this
gangineact was on that O'Brien
stole the puck, and with only the
goalie to beat, drew him out of the
net and flipped the puck for the
first countee of the game, with only
ten seconds left to play. The crowd
roared their approval as the period
ended. Marines 1, Stratford 0.
Tied In Third
The third session started with
Action -seventy minutes of spark..
ling hockey -result 2-11 in overtinte
terms. Only a few minutes after he
returned to the line-up, ...Stapletton That wa,j what the fans saw at the
was sent in twain and once more the final home game on January' 31st,
Mites put on a drive with every man
Stratford Mites were the visitors
and from the first face off until the
final bell of the overtime, the game
was a
inside the •Marine blue line, and
while several players landed in the
net, Worthy held the puck out. Young'
and Doak did the solo act, but Steels
was doing a good job and turned all
efforts aside. I And speaking about bells did you
At jest a Cale better than half I see the bell the referee 'vas carrying
way through, Bob . lhNeilson, the viii. around.
tors flashy centre, scored on a • 4
shot from the side to tie the game. Of course you couldn't help but see
Putting on a power -play that drove it. as it was a real man-sized outfit.
the Mites close in an their own net.
When an off -side was signalled,
the Marbles again missed chances.
Mathieson worked right in only to you could hero it at the waterfront.
have his shot blocked and Steels had
several busy minutes. One citizen chtimed ies showed a great reversal of f0
t was used at
- —
from .their previous game.
the harbor in the early days before
When Yonng got a penalty, the i ..,...........--
was held in Marine territory, but Look up
Mites attacked in force and the play the fog horn was installed.
the records if you're in- rich to be sure of finishing in li
failed. When Young returned to the
The Mares will visit Strode
nlay, the locals again put on the lieve it or not."
tomorrow night.
ganging act and Steels had to adjust But to get back to the game -the
Marines turned in a great effort and
St. Marys will play at ..Seafort
on the play should -have beem-ahout
in Zipper front with
Collar or 'Crew Neel( Styles
in plainmicitef blue, nvarom
navy or grey. :
SIM 34 to 44
1 Stratford will have to, beat Oode-
all efforts to score and break the tie place _in_the. league. -
terested-it is one for Ripley's "Be -
`his pads which gave the players a
Ir.eather after_half _the blue _shirts
had piledLuo in the_net-..Seore,„Strat,
ford 1; Goderich 1.
Score One Each In Overtime
-kr ONE would_ dream of putting
- 11 a thatch roof on, a modern house,
and Chevrolet followed the very same
sound reasoning in developing the
amous so stee urret op roo
for all its new, 1936 models. Pressed
from a single, seamless sheet of heavy
steel, the Turret .Top,makes possible
smooth perfection of streamlined
beauty. o It completes your safety,
too, with its up-to-date overhead pro- ,
tection; and it aids in keeping the
oar war& in winter, cool in summer. ,
Come in and inspect the new 1936
Chevrolet with it Turret Top Body
by Fisher today. Let your own eyes
„prove it kilo Only Complete_ Low.: .
Priced Cat. Greatly -reduced 7%
GMAC Plan time .payments.
_four. goals up. . , ti,)e_same_ev..en
The game provided all the excite- These games conclude the r4
inept of high-ilass hockey and the
The overtime period was -another crowd gave their tonsils plenty of
'hectic session, and Stratford narrow- exercise. .
I y - missed a penalty right at the \ 1.•••=1010410.....ft...
start when they had an extra marines easily had the edge three-
man, who slipped off before quarters of the time -,--- they, skate&
tire-- referee - "TRYtided- - litill. - -Sall eheeked-anit siick-handled in great
squads were travelling at topspeed style.
and Sterling broke the tie after two
Bowling News
The following is the standing or tizt.
sent everu man on the attack and Mites, didn't look much above the
minutes play. Again the Marines Neilson, the classy centre of the
P..)ive of David 24
., _ ' Oanle.5 Point0
i, 21t*
teams at Drennan's BoUrling Alleys :
although they drove shot after shot ordinary in this game, and several lf21
on the net, luck was against them. the local hors turned in a better per- 00-0etters
Toiler s 21
As penalties were handed out in formance.
.21 ,
turn to the teams these tactics alter- Marines .. 18.
nated and it looked like a win for the Worthy, in the blue shirts'. net, had Lucky Strikes 21
,Visitorswhen with less than two .
a ing night and performed like a vet- Highest; average for three games-. •
seconds to play, • Stapleton picked up eran
omm.............n•• . Percy sion8
ston, total 72. .
the puck, when Worthy come out and
Steels, the visiting moan°, was also
cleared it up the ice and drilled it Moe il-li e had to be, for he stopped THE "BRONZE NyOLF"
into the corner of the net, and ,the e
goalie got credit for an assist. Just hadthretimes to handle.as many shots as Worthy Official announcement haS ben marzt
as time was called, there was a short by, the International .0onunittee of t1:0
'argument, but the game was declar-i Every man on the Marine line-up Boy Scouts Association of .the Instittt.-
ea a tie, 2-2.
STRATFORD-goal, Steels; de- i did his part and did it well. tion Of a new world-wide Smut deco
tion, the -Bronze 'Wulf." ' The ne-4‘.
CeBri011; wings, - Westbrook, -Mak;
fence, J. Neilson, Preston; centre, R. Lady Luck ___;,........_showed no favoritism award is somewhat, similar in forrn'to>'
subs, Vritt, Cosens, Sterling-, Peck. 1 by a good margin.
fence, Young, Stapleton; centre,1
Neilson; wings, Goettler, McFadden:: if she had, Marines would have won the "Silver Wolf" of the Aritisil
GODERICH-goal, Worthy; de- !
Stoddard wasn't on the line-up in caiLtien will be awarded,by.the Interrtzt
• I Prikrarroe; narrow aribinzbDnot yeliclaricovr. green
.neltil,rkt: -
subs, Mathieson, McInnis, 'Wiggins,' through with junior hockey.
this game -. ih fat 'Harvey is tional Committee for c:xceptianitl' s
Stoddard it seems. was born 24 1 vices to world scoutinfs. -
, hours too soon to be eligible for
"HARD-A-LEE"ijunior hockey in the 1935-3B season.
Eebees From The Fog Horn i • And secretary Bill Hewitt of the.
All sails set and a start of sheets. 0. H. A. notified the club to that
The Marines Club on Wednesday. effect.
night, January 29th, gave a . euchre veramm.o...••••mom
wa nhdo dwaonuc led, 2w5i utatbhiee a p playingrizesg1 vtoou sbeye
'Sterling nut the Mites one up and
Going into the overtime tied 1-1,
Mrs. (Capt.) Clairmont. 1 ten seconds before the •close, Staple -
Miss Francis Carpenter, with a full ton tied it again.
and by, won in 11 games, a perfect I ----
score; Mr. Mason on first in his; And it was Worthy, the goalie that
class; and Mrs. Tobin and Mr. FredI shot the puck down the iee and
Ross won the consolation prizes. Stapleton nicked it up and drilled it
Fred Robinson and Chas. Stowe could into the twine.
not get °away to splice the main
b hi •
eet.,..„ALIMO,,StewartAlonny_in..4. .•••••..................
rr-VirS")4. 0 0 (1-.".-.--a—li 0 e key a-Tarrheir17---
s regalia, assisted by his waiters,
served lunch in a scow to the guests, 1-
then the deckhands- swabbed decks
and dancing- started; Some old tar -
sang out, .Stand by for stays, "Hard -
a !see" and every sailor got to his t
, to assiSt in turning the big
(1) Hydraulic Braltee • (2) Solid Steel Turret Toii Body by Fishoi .
(3) ViallitoitAleild Er1,041.6 . . (4) Vorteeg.Actlon =Master Del.thte Modali
. u. (8),Tis1t014.1)rate trentilailott .(8) Safety alass throughout.
Have your eyes examined #3,
R. A. REID, for 17 yearn Strat-
ford's leading Optometrist. Ex-
pert work only at most rnIderatt
Eyes 'Examined -A-- Glasses : ittee
Consult him at*
Now Playing -Wheeler and Woclsey in a musical riot, "NITIVIDSP .
drum and I ,assure you that those [
sitting around did enjoy themselves
by _the revival of the old time dance,
and shanty tune callers, exported for ,
The Boatsman and his mate, wish ,
to thank all who assisted. and the
donator of the prizes. It was one of
the best dance the club ever had. ,
The Pork Barrel
A generation or two ago the com-
mon way of supplying the family in
town and villages and on the farm
during the winter months, was to
buy -a quarter of beef or side of pork
and hang it in a good cold placo.
Pieces were cut off and epoked'as re-
quired, or salted down -for use. This
practice is. almost entirely stopped ,
in almost every home except out-of-
the-way places. where supply is ditli-1
ettitIti titurtj. ' feadiTY.
MON.., TUES. and WED.. --Double Feature Program!
Sonny Hale and a talented east in co-starred in an hunsct
a great rnacal
• I v
'I HEIL , FRI. end SAT -
Gene Stratton Porter's
pupular rotnan-.e is on the talking s':reen„! Each ei
b:;;ught ta life in an entertaining picture! . .„
Tom Brown. Carol Stone and Virginia, Weldler •
Ccming-"Imitation of Life" -with -Claudette Colbert.
Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3.00 p.m.
(Standard Series Oast Cartel)
Mete Models from
$905 at factory.
Deitrared at rattily. 011inia, Oat. My
ewiset ,treighl Conernmest
itstidtsdis Fes s:11/ Wm.
44310tINT Feb. 1 Feb. 15 Mar. 1 OA:. 15 Avr, 1 to Apr. 15 :1; 1$ ___..
$10.00, . • • • 0 • $ 9.80 $ 9.84 .. $ 9.89 $ 99
60 - 49.4d " .411.6t —
a • • . 4. 49.26 '
„Prepaythent Receipts must he presented along with t936 Tax Bills during the first ii.
stailment period • ..-
Bank ibterest is only 2 per cent. Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have'
our money earning' 5 per cent. interest.