HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 4rol Owing to the cold stormy weat er and the condition of the ro we are continuing our I T itil SA1IJRDA.Y FEB. 15* SPECIAL PRICES throughout the store absolutely Save You tMoney. mom W. ea, w Schaefer Your Store- of Value Phone 56 DO BIG GAME ANIMALS SENSE OPEN SEASON? , A question whia-giiides, have often debated is as to whether or not moose and deerin some unaccountable way have knowledge when the hunting .Sean Opens and closes. It has been noted that where big game sanctu- aries are established, the animals soon,come to have knowledge of the fact that they are safe when :within 4litrionfines -of=the- preseriie. An `-ineldent has come to light in Nova ,Scotia, according to information reaching the Fish and Game Depart - anent of the Canadian National Rail- ways,. which has a bearing on the spreation. Five deer during the suinmer used to brolySe in vege- __ taVe gardens and apple orchards around West Gore quite openly, but as the big game hunting season ap- proaches, they disappear. The other day they were again sighted, quietly -gtasing. in a. field -the hanting..sea- son was over! How Not To Work Lady: You would stand more chance of getting a. job if you would 0 • shave and make yourself more pre- sentable. Tramp: Yes; lady. 1 ound that out year# ago. ANITARY MEAT MARKET NEXT HUNT'S HARDWARE , SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY PURE- PORK SAUSAGE . . .. lb. I SHOULDER, ROAST, PRIME BEEF . . Ib 15c .Ib. 11c BOIL DIEEF . . . .. . .. . .1b. Ile BRISKET _To • . , . . _ . . ;.. . lb. 10e.. ERESI-I- HAMBURG STEAK . . . . . . . . . LEAN, SHOULDER PORK . ,lb. 19c .FRESH HAM PORK..lb. 22c 10.IN ROAST PORK , .11._it* • 1A • 111 ; 23c We Deliver' THOS-. 'LEGG, Prop., ..._Phorie _ -Hamilton St. Ws yIvtafielkeld of London vit., fled With her patents in town On Sun- daY. ' Mr. M. Field of Toronte has passed the final eXaMinittien$ ,41 chartered accountant. ° Miss Mona ifarrison was in A- den attending the annual At Home of the Westervelt School, _ Ws, Charles WUrtele and Miss Wurtele are On their. Way south, to *Pend *feet weeks in Florida. MU* Mary Law came from Toron- to with Miss Gertrude Wilkes, and is staying town for kW daYt. ' Mr. " Co' O. Groves is this week at- tendinglhe-Feo-nWntte-n-ef-thirqqfll Faire and Exhibition Associations in Toronto. Miss Donelda McManus and Mr. Gordon McManus were in London on Friday, attending the annual At Home of the Westervelt School, Miss Frances Carpenter won. the ladies' prise and Mr. John Hussey the men's. at a. 4i500". held in Mac- kay Raii last night by the Sodality of St. Peter's church. A fair crowd attended the affair despite the dis- agreeable weather. • The local branch of the Women's Institute today celebrate? its 35th anniversary and a special program will . be provided at the meeting in MacKay Hall at 3 o'clock this after- noon. Everyone is welcome. A large crowd spent an enjoyable evening at the “500" and dance held in the "Masonic Hall last Friday" night by the Young Ladies of St; Peter's Church: Miss Maimie Page won the ladies' prize and Mr. Ed. Sparr eap- tured the gentleman's prize. • - ltuary GODERZCH A ouse a 'THURSDAY, FEBRUA e no Another Yeared N. mouton. Sustain* e r ions Afternoon y hies $10r29The, Thanks Terider for s y, Fit*on Contents' o Garage flaned-MISS L. lamor SANG MEMBERSHIP INVITED( lile e Homes aster 'Parent* Woviding °for , Children from Shelter FORMER RESIDENTS DIE Atter the regular meeting of Cen- tral HOMO and School Club on Tiles - Auburn, Feb. $.0- Mr. arid Mrs. daY afternoon at Central School, the ilam, Doerr spent the .weekend with annual meeting was held, friends in London. During the regular meeting, Miss Word was received .here, last week Leah 'and rendered two delightful of the death: of Mrs. Rowed % at the solos and the reports ot the different, I hegavesali:014"4,,tt tit:/actruteho'sal. :::timst'ar' orltihe hiiiiie--orliet --daugliterriVirs; -1-,--- fb,,---oifieemwere-ligtened- to, with:bite/vat, t tradeltiofIii-the 4 iiiiigiaralk'S-081e at the - Cook, London. Mrs. Rowedswit0 was Mrs. F. Saunders retired from the in her 85th year. was well-known in elialr at the close of this meeting, Cmt Ream on TuesdaY night. There are 10 children in the Shelter here and this neighborhood, having . kept a the Nominating ledohnunamittcepenvenor sof -sent. there Is one who is being paid for by the Tneral store, where the Baptist , Au. saeleby in, a prwate home. There has c urcii now stands. ' i ed the slate of officers for the en- • been one. legal adoption and there are Mrs. Jas. Howatt went to Seaforth Suing year, which was unanimously eight new cases now being attended to on Friday to visit her daughter, 'Mrs, ' accepted. , '11. ,Chesney. , , 1 The officers. for this Year are: Hon. 1).51 t'119 SuPerint'adent These eight G. L. parsons; pros. cases involve a total of ax children. tilleMgr'uo.Esdt-Yee4.0ealrilil*f p°airtt-hoef Whiest"stWWeea8k I, Plesi4ent' M. "' pointed president of the Society which i ent, mrs F. Saunders; _ist vice Rev. J. H. Barnett, D. D. was re-ap- of his'nieceMrs. R. '0. IVItinr.o. 1Presidnt, Mrs. J. A. Graham; 2nd There are .0a chikuvii tat 'present un -- der the care at the Children's Aid S3- . eletY in Huron county, 40 of whom are 4111; fee honies wording to the reportof Mr- T, Edwards, superintendent 01 '1, Mrs, Wm. ,Plunkett who has been! Vice President, Mrs. E. Pridhara; 3rd ill for sorne weeks with bronchitis is 'Vice President, Mrs, C. Lana,way; improving. Miss Stella Rutledge Is Secretary, WS, D. D. Mooney; Tres., taking care of her, t surer, Miss D. Durnin; Correspond - Last 'wedeeseay evening the house mg. See,' Miss M. Robertson; Press occupied by Mr. and Mrs. N. Handl- Sec-, Mrs. R. Sallows; pianist, ten was destroyed fire, it Nkts Mrs. R. C, Hays; Flower and Mem- noticed abmit three o'clock in the af. bership Convenor, Mrs. Jas. Reid and 'ternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. W. McMillan; Welfare and Re - little Lorraine were away at the ljef Convenor, iMiss M. Bailie, Mrs. time. . Nothing was saved. There L. Thornlce, Mrs, G. McDowell; Visi- was insurance on both house and -ting Convenor, Miss E. Buchanan and cOntents. Mr. J. Youngblut's garage Mrs. A. P. Sturdy; Social Committee was also burnt down at the same is composed of joint convenors, as time. . follows: Mrs. L. C. Chapman and . There was a- notice in the daily I 14".W. G. IVIacEwn.n; . Mrs' W. PaiterS ,last,Weekothe "deatlf-of-Mr,--t Tiehbarne and XVI"' Oallowy Mrs. G. Oscar Rogers of Toronto. Mr. Rogers ' Young andIvlas--Vr-PrattbrICIVII-4.-- taught school at U. S. S. No.•5 some 1 A ,. ''' Sturdy and Mrs. F. Riley; Mrs. R. 30 years ago, He leaves a wife and Tufford and MrsWFras three children. , 1 A vote by ballot was taken to de- . . 'er. members, and a house committee of cide whether afternoon ,or evening three. The five members of the mem- The, annual meeting of Knox.1 •United elxurch last Tuesday showed , meetings would be held, and the ma- bership c were in a prosperous state. Mr, Alex. ings, which will be held the first was in favor of afternoon meet- the subscriptions to the Society and will ommittee will have charge of the various branches of the work 1 'clritY tile -Kenzie was re-eleeted-to the ses- Tuesday in each- month, -unless other- have the privilege of appointing sub, sion and also Mr, ittees-if they are necessary. The Lewis Ruddy and. wise mentioned. It was unanimouslY finenea and property committee will 1,Nelson at, decided to continue with the group have isomplete. control a the fi MrN. eWm. PLoritePginaonn.pf, London was system rather than revert back to the the society and of the P . roperntly.ancemes of ;the guest of Mrs. M. Mugford and old program sYtent( house committee of three wcmen, will Mrs. Hunking. , , I ,,,The total receipts for the year confer with the matr5n andassist her Mrs. Ed. Lamm). spent the veil- amounted to $123.39, a . and expenditur- in the matter , furnishing . the home end in Seaforth with her mother Mrs. I es were $82.60, leaving a balance on and clothing the ' Children. This com Sclater - hand of $40.79. Miss Bailie report- Mittee also has power to add to their . - Mr. and WS. Roy Farrow of Mit, ed .540.40 had been spentinWelfare numbers. ehell -visited with Messrs. ,T, H. and work and $129- had been Paid -for The report further recommended that ThosJohnston- milk, although a great. deal of this a per diem rate of maintenance per . . Rev. apd .Mrs. Hugh Wilson visi- ainount was paid by the pupilschild should be worked 'out as required R. j. Winter, Seaforth; Mrs. ' W. Mt with friends in Stratford. A vote of thanks was tendered to by the Department. I Mrs. Frank Saunders and Mrs. N. C. The mongers of the Executive and Ament, Seaforth and Mrs. E. It Miss Loretta Kenihan was called' Hodgins, Kincardine. One sister,s home last ° Thursday- by the suddmi Lanaway paid. tribute to the success other committees are: Pres., Dr. Bar - Mrs. Henry Lippert; Ifensall; and as deathof her mother, mrs, Wm of the Club this year under the pre- nett; vtelares., all the resident min - brother, Samuel Gottschalk Seaforth 'Kenthan of StAugustineThe sym- sidency of-is+Am's of the townsecretaryMrAM Mrs. Saunders. Mrs. A. F. also survive.. pathy of _many friends -around- Sturdy an Mrs. E. Pridham thanked .„,..; , . . . , , . , b 1: -..r . The -funeral took -place from -her Auburiv-is---extended-teLtire bereav ilkers their fine work during the year, in which there late residence, on Monday, Rev. H. family, several of whom are well- were ten regular meetings and three ‘C. Feast,- of First- Presbyterian knee/11in this locality. ecutive rneetings,_with-paid up hurch conductinuthe surViee;--In= Urs -and --Mrs. N. Hamilton and " MRS. ROBERT WINTER The death occurred on Saturday last, in Seaforth, of Mrs. Robert Winter, 78 -year-old resident of that town. Ms. Winter, ferraerlY-TaTratV Gottschalk, had been ill for two months. The deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and ,Mrs;--touls Gottschalk; and was born south of Zurich, where she lived until her marriage 60 years ago to Robert Winter. She lived in Seaforth for almost the remainder of her life. Her husbandpredeceased her. by, 14 years. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, Robert of Goderich; noW functioning under its new 0.har- .ter, as an incorporated society. 1 a V The meeting opened. with Rev. D. J.• I Lane acting as chairman in the absence of Dr. Barnett, who is spending the winter in California. Rein W. P. Lane offered; the opening prayer. The Med of the Ztecutive commit- tee," which met on 'November "25th, was read and adopted. That report stated that the society had received a new grading from the Department .which ack- vanced it from "EU class to "D" class and whicli meant an horease in the grant from $100 to 8500. It was recommended that all citizens of the eolmtal, should be eligible for membership 0_4 • fee of twenty-five cents; that there be three committees, a Membership committee of five; a fin - ante and property committee 'of seven SUPERIOR STORES Win srtc!AL VICK QUAKER e. pkg. • stEcrati stiOAR.ctritEn BACON, Elgin brand, lb.' 2 11,006E IsP.ADICtir • MACARONI, 2 lbs.... HAPPY' VALIR ' DILL PICKLES, Jar - COltlitrele t : # IAL NAPIERVILII GOLDEN LX BEMS, cut or whole, 2 tins 15c BOVII014 `IMAM) CORNED BEM 2 ett 3 Wr 1 takes Tomatoa- CATC1ItTP 2 12-0*. Lt. 27t PRUNES 2 lbs. da 14 rt. - _ was, made in Maittandbank hlitstlepadraenutgshtmer,r. aare d at pHami t rpresent_with_members. i. Cemetery. INTERMENT DR, COLBORNE The funeral of Dr Harry w. col. Auburn, Feb. 2. -The annual bust - borne of Winghant was attended_ by Miss meeting of .the. Baptist church a nurnbor of Masons from that town as well as Goderich craftsmen last Friday afternoon. . Numbers of other citizens ware also in attendance, the late ...physician being widely known throughout the district, owing to his LOYAL - LOYAL, Feb. 5. -The Y. P. S. held t4eir. weekly Meeting at Mr. John Treole,s on Thursday. night, With Art at - was held Thursday with quite a largzeif atendance„ and Gearge....,Raithby i , .----. tendance. of 18. Miss Webster presided, charge. The following- officerswere' .uougtas Feagan read the scripture ies- elettecit trustees, James and - George E4012 and M.r. Wylie led in prayer, Miss Webster gave an interesting paper from Raithhy, Jasper 1V1c13rierr,_Alfred As. tii,e,_„1,ehr Fander.., A sodai tirm, was 401111,..----',Stinekltokkirtifiin; secretary. professional military. and fraternal irellaumr, Alfred .Asquith; hon. des- spent- at tits • ewe before the -hostess served itiosh. cot:Me-aloha. , Cons„ John Ritithby and W. C. Rob - Ministers of the. United Church,'. ertson; deacon', Sawa itaithby; .or.. A memorial service was held on sun- ed do'ioPen an aelcount and to transact igailiet. Para. R. J. ' Phillips; . 'choir "Rettl'4;. Initir.thvr'6'erdia."rtalisiteew TaYlleirgehrireveli;ehistbadet '''Oou'Iiit7 einhti-drthe4n'silatne.aid- &id. ill etthy.e Huron -rlev. J. Andersen of Wingliarn; and oRneiv: order by raembera of the de., James Raithbyl. teachers, Rile. G. W. dre43 on the life of our latearang, George 4114, „Elmer Robertson, _las.' ltaiths Questions regarding two legacies left W. P. Lane Of Goderith, ton- leader, Mrs. C. A. HOwtioli;8..S.; Supt. sucted the service which was folio*. Sherman, Geo- itaithby, Alfred As- v. There was a good attendance. to the Children's Aid Society were re- ed by the burial service of the --was- ...y, _ . C. Robertson, Mrs. the--‘iss.hcs:zit:nlaan -d°Ntunde5airsel' underwent 011:ere;e: Lloyd been-cwell. -ler SoMe time,- was removed to The funeral took place from the 'Ferguson, Miss- E. Elkin, , Frank for (type/re-licit:0 on reiday merreng. Xt ' A Vote et thanks for their untiring feerred to the aloes& of -Directors. 1 seased's own lodge in Whighem:, l' Mrs.W. rt 17 „sieritiori,„ J titt.tkr.,..,,mset_Einteritaterteeht, S. EL, _bovect,theirt90..immat.a...good.vecovery,z, wefridrptssd.edintothlvre rws.°rIcOlveli the and8°°A/friet.Y Ed - home an st, 'Helen Ferguson; assistant, airs. W. 14 Young spent the week -end • ' home of his mother inAte ..._ . . torment baiiirs iiii-diany the Maitland '''''s.rg CeMeter. .. Uarolci .Reid. ' ,---•-------- 'h-stee---ireether„--mrs.=Bennetti----an e treasurer's- report showed- ee_,friends_lin etrathroy. retitrinng_en tle.er a _ $42.09. tifanday. . ' Robertson; treasurer, A. H.- Erskine; fin- ance a, . property cosittee, -Dr. Bar- nett, Mr. Robertson, Warden Bowman, Reeve J. A. Bavans and Deptity-Reeve , R. Turner, the last three member/ representing the „ Children's Shelter Committee of the- Cotmty Cotrcicil. It aa --suggested- that -Mr. Edwards -and Mr., Rabertson be appointed .) to confer with Mrs. Olver regarding the matter of asspointing a house 'committee: Mem- berthiP„ committee, Miss Saunders, Mr. Griff, Miss Prouse -and' Mr, Mood. The fifth Member was left to be chosen from the local branch of . the Winnen's_Insti- tute. Board of directors, Dr. Barnett, Rev. P: W. Cra.ik, Rev. D. J. Lane, Mr. A. -M. Robertson, .Mr. ,A. 11. -Vsldne, Mr. C, Robert= and Rev. s: 1B.feeltmg. The treasurer was empower - CLINTON WiLLIAWFULFORls- The community was surprised to learn' of the death -of Mr. William - Clinton, Feb 5.---A-fathei and:ion Fulford. of ,Colhoine Township, on baespiet ..was *held in the- Sunday Tuesday -night. Deceased had not School room of. St. Paul's Anglican been in.the test of health for some Church last Thursday evening. -Col. H. B. Combe acted as toastmaster. WANTS NEW AGREEMENT' fMo6rdn4aY"kfand girn-aten!esekirintngri"atuttalate Miss Amelia Meilwain return44.011 ..-...........„....:.-.-:-.... COUN'rlr-OF-GRE#- , * ' - her and Eveline Millian in obtaining . . diplomas from. the Training School liveclitio"thtn a frrnitel4;7•Mon .thsreiBliitnle Wrahteadxs- 'th*Dhri""itt60%Gtre9'9;48124-4:17-"ttla"Ydeftile-t:ilut tat'lrels°11re...1211!000'41t114:02.1.- --14341-11"eWt711resad:Reorei51;11.PW"sleo'vilereltd 'hiellyi-Setekra.'f:nrdd: 11 s• ett.144,"4"":144-6"a-were-ilt highway for a munher.of years. Mr. its oPerations daring 1935. . •rne` 1934 Mr. John. Redmond h" left f" The tlinton Community Hospital ifillt, ittobrod eescfrempiedort.itrihoesne,viwabht eteewe dedpit los $2501 Etwssite costs of London Where he bus secured a posi- I card party atid-' dance ' which had hit,. Re. never_rutiriect ittd is_itur. bighwaY construction In merit years .in tion- ' • _ _ _ ., , WO. County are revensible JO a great January is only .4 meznory, but of the.King, will be held in the town been postponed because of the death iskit-lbrsthe-liei-Vfoli time, but his passing W418 unexpected, viva by-liii-sister, Clirratran wo brothers, George and Archie of this An, effort sii/1 be made hinnellatele hy Ithig"viilt"till-b°16-4" * :. , xiiiiie -iir -ThlirlidayT district__ ,„,.. _ _ , ,._ . tne,..tomity. -a Oro tci. enter into mintew ..,...„______-,____,._ -- is weieoree.. February ath, at !3, p.m, Everybody I _ . • - ---s---,,,, .--.1.-- - agreement. t-wittk, the City -ex -Owen -Sottrida-- - ,1- . • ' The ,innier-Hoolter Club are artell. Aviv mby BoaK The present e.greenient. hair been An: ex.* .. k jomil2 vents , soring an ice_caritival in the arena. I ' istenee for fifteen years, or ever since . . . on February 8th. Attractive prizes!, ON AFRICA INTRODUCED &ken Ssund stpsrated tram the cotifity ' 'NDBUSINESS BRIEFS - - are being offered and special enter- . . and became a 'city. The county *Atha, - - - .. , tainment will be a feature- Of the, ' nriem claim ' conditions have , . .. ° evening. The proceeds will go to the AI% Wn;etg"tena'itatittTvar. II:Lit:Le! ,-,,,i1;;;;Iediiiii;t1t=ie The first agree- Watch next rizIC 8 isSrtle r°1* .4n- Junior. Hockey Club. A carnival which the eosiatint, mil, ,ye.,, lio,„ mate *exit was-1*We,, and that. 'the elty, ls inh°011nAgnitth. t of Skating etriliVal. 1,1it queen will be oheeen and the band , . ,Pftsided.' Atter the ePelling exercises net 1107 Paying lift' tali' 1.1°I." )61` t-11° . -s". will be in attendance: . • and 'the buskiess abpssee, or, .Ntiss m coat of f.h.e attniin, i..4tration sA! -justice. The C. C. I. students are holding, summit tonic, ehme it -eft -the,setstv.ixad- ttrideit tht- lerrns,Of the -:-.1sTlaPc.," Pa_Sled- .0 r...-_tiii_, date of sSt. , satorgets. --ft.-akaticerVarty to -night (TUeSsliqr)s. led in. prayer and Mrs, ttstfeeln riga 'sift When thb agreement , 'Wm' triadtk. the MAUI High Irta; La' the Parish 113,11 on ,, Miss Kathleen Carneron is supply.. W*01* teUlb4. • "'tr) '''`* to*,.._ e°41411 de entrilea .'!°.".k - for'14', ts1.°*1114e940." Feb. 150', Under the ao-114:0-1 ing for Miss Etlith`Gibbings,. at the sss zendere.1 by Mrs. zi'ne 0034 mit„ streedat. . - 1 of thd Church. Weraete,a Ottad. . s'es latter's school this Week. .. -C. If.t., osbetuon introduced the new ,„..,...,,,. ....,;,,.... - . . Clinton /had its first 'chance to atudy book, NOW •terles." 'Miss E. *unimrati maim I lisetneirtber the. Arttiue Circle Silver watch the N. W. It A. team play a D.......i.,..., Tett on st, va*ntme's pay, Peisruary game last Thrirsday night when they an ,tave ten* tntemting nil** 'COMING TO GO Irg eil *moo otereilt, events and MI* Blair. 14th. Tea Served from 3.30 to 8 D.M. played against Parkhill, in the local Ito cooduck.d * ih.eqydisenasiort on . ,... , , 0 , tA thoke Inutleal prograntswill be given. *roe, defeating that team 4-,--2 in new lines Of ettiVities Ind Service for 44Saiaracr`1)44$6 in nritant ,a IntiS4• he selletsi‘ Reserve ItidaSil l'iebruarY 28th,. tor an 4iXtiiitig battle. The Clinton. team It Isla Otided ,in hold the tes, in mill will.he presented in the North, St. sensx osnitosi . , 1 tal travelogue of . 6.7 lion Of two hell" players, "Skipper" . the, Old Ceuntrsro minstrel &bow by- Westminster Guild 'of ba a been 'Strengthened by the addis , ct the thurete fleeter fund at th(t.par. Mites' Church, 011 Tuesday, Feb.. - . Macdonald, and Scrimagoeur, both toeste on Monday, *wool Mx M. 'rusty 18th. It iS ,,sponsored by 06 The mderielt hospital birthday Party. members of last Year's Vtoderich '111- Uwe dosed t thut silth the ,Surday, Sehol. 'Silver tollection. hen • ' The program will include motion Pictures in 'colours, and also slides AS 0 and soft& This presentation is node 'posaible by courtesy of Canadian Pottle Steamships. ' .15.. 40 ' MIDNIGHT OtititHICAK ' 1* atat ti ThIMi AO o 1444 to THERE IS SUBSTITUTE F NATURAL Needed to Correct Constipation /ylost people rieegn,ise the Seri- ' oarless of conatiPatjed.' HUt tees often they dose themselyee With st*iig'1-attoo liart4riocsnico -thehth-lsoftirantroir- .- afly 4 The natural way to dwelt Cow men. constipation, is to correct the condition which causes at -usually, insufficient "bulk" in meals. - Hose ean you get "bulk"? Fruitz and vegetables have oome. Bran has. More. The most popular product of this kind is Kelloges Arz-BWT. The -"bulk" in Atz-BeAts` is gentle - in action. Au -Bums also supplies vitaminnsdBeiaicionduirsocn.ere.al is a wh*- some food. Serve As.14,,Baan regu- larly for regularity, with milk or - cream -Or use in cooking. Two tablespoonfuls of AU -BRAN daily will Usually correct constipa- tion due to insufficient "bulk." If not relieved, see your doctor. ALL -BRAN gives you gentle in- ternal exercise. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. *Constipation dui -to iiffident-"burk" „ LOBLAW TO OPEN . MORE STORES, --Loblaw Groceterias Co._ is plan-._ ning a further expansion programms beginning in the spring. says Cana- dian Grocer. , This will not only take the form of modernization of present stores, but also the opening of new units in the chain as well. There are now 111 stores operated, 40 of which are ef the, market type. including fresh meats,- fruits and vegetables, as well as groceries. This number will be. gradually extended during 1936. This will mean- the outlay of con- siderable money for new equipment, such as cash registers, scales, meat slicers, display counters and mechan- ical refrigeration. According to an official of the company, money is being made in the meats and in the fruit and vegetable departments, and benefits of the ad- dition te the plant for warehousing these products are nowbeing realiz- ed. BAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Feb: 5.-11VIrs. G. W. E2- 1iott is visitingr friends in,Latidon. Mrs. Dalton smith, of West Lorne, is spending some time -with her parents. Mr. and lvfirs. mt. Geo. Little is visiting in Windsor. The menibers of Trinity Church Dra- matic Club are spending -these cold nights_practising for a play entitled the "Night Owl," which they hope to have ready to present -vers'i ish.ortio. This is a inystey Plat_esslii_Vromises to te_ mystery play and premises to be a real thriller, • NOTICE Subscribers wishing to The Goderich --Star told -Tim London, Free Press are reminded Visit the combin- ation.price IS...$6.50, The Free Press having advanced its rates to agents to 45,00 from 0.60, the former rate. ,Mr.-Newrich-Yes, sirtefln life a batefooted boy. 1Vir..01c1fars7-I, too, -was born with- soiff-shoei. Us SURPRISE t b get *Weil usintibei taktCstgatet termediate team. stili be held In Ma.y,, on or about : On Monday " night, St. Marys play. Illorenee the ed a return,game with the N. W. 11. ipre,Attrer being inclement and many a A.i meeting with more resistanee these mterosoci in.the hospital are un- • than they ,bad evidently expected. At able fe attend, the end of the third period, the ,SsOfe stood at ,Ten' minutes overtime, 'five tanutes ii ea& goal and the Vitae to the Clinton team, the sore being 6-5. There was'a fair atten- q, date doispituthis vold-isria 4I 11feity »e theleiirn inleit wtll ere even dies wil o the pe- an 'rt to this "coming" -Olbstost tolte-detested RI n * tuttrro,.. owl *ph st Frida3P, this Seatertit intern*. itSCiht0ift and WO* 1ia4I: the Colt*, -thu score ire aol ke 'Oat A 4-74 te :The Griderich French( Dry ;J. 14. VROOMAN proprietor, . West Si. 'Phone 122 ciederich. Mow na to Clean and rims your 413T ,and pVERCOAT • - V • 'vvelt•dreise-d.'teoit dressed. -1fr.'esurikeelr-forldgEW:11-rio'sPer- out and'your peraoial -appea'ranee Will pay dividends in Ibusineas. Lmmes. CIIVEN* gl'ECAL ATTENTION AND CARR: Send Silt clOthes to Goderich how Dry. Cloning, ,Worii, , sArrivr REV S 1t. late00)140, Minister; 110 Selsol Cbli.'-'-o*tu' roma; or THE ' 1•*.m..,,,-"APOSTA01*" Caft Ole be Saved and fest AMMIS#M#1•01,01########0111101•Sros0.00.17.7a#Mas#0,,mgemstssast### Special 'Prices iL SLEIGflS OuuLE "S•S.