HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 3(Centinned .freni page'n well cared Or Olt the Ma ° Ainsuai the utter euils, a the ,repr,..rt mrs• °Ive7c,!' 1,0041.* 49.70Son, that 'toted, Or tone:: Mt It T. likivards. ,m1DekrilAteAdent: little tieete, The *lege oyu* dealing. the ebelter, addreeeed the :0444 and. With the Metter was -read over for' the eited 'tome particular ease. twitb rwleteh • lienein .tir the' new eel4telllor, eeeneeef had to deal. wbom tto that the ceenty 'Would 'Oe, Ur. 4:001;0 -tweed to It,eat a Ourclett that it had noon' spokc of ek. famfly an bis MtinlelPantlt roe to 4,404 Mr. rronte, eliairreen le•f: where. there Were •children and the the commitkee,, oppubaed that the eozn-, father of ;the familY was •st* and At Is mimeo felt that the ordinarer illness of A unlikely that he eV111 -ever be able to person last beyond 90 days Work again; The famOY applied: «�r .and that after that time the eQuatY Mother's AlloWanoe When 'Well Allt, 414111ne ebould take core et the at.1ent. to Hay ToWnehip 414 ;were told that Reeve Wort cmeNed an elnerldreent SIfl2a they had eearre ,freen the Western eh, etate_d 5,o410.at had to te pronvluze$ n they. toeldenet.. get. an allow. • eboven -be. b17, a nie ea, ltorArkveitarerit-lieine'Vellillulsory ',eetthorieee ge declared that some melte for a amt1y to resicle in Ontario for two might oenee aleng Sonle ethne and load years Oerere being al)le to receive, the e, burden onto the county when he had pension. When !thee apPlied at the end OW 'X1, . t . I , 141 POO :te MnirieillelitY , A, Meti00. . , liSistheriart" ."Ond .Oood Bod3 Cntttke, '. teendede 44r. Itee.tec 'ilkOrt,ips...td: by o 1,44for1er-oat• UP 'Ar(oOtitY, vote of 15 104 410, 15 naPts igaP*PW:go Puretsse. *t least: 'ettel' 'Orin4edel POwit*We'lltet.l*TT *ks beavy ,kmow 'plow outfit Wel* Ve.i4 SO". iii to renuhktrkiwtx '44nqUiry reordbag the 1 SoTo, operation ,b*in., Carried. . : ' ' ,i*Opmeratien given leieleitl. , Censtabtes• , 114.0§eN, 0.encitt-41t* the -4)**4 grant .: And".14 twliat 'a* OW ellettid,perry 'MA he Made, for the uplgeep et flower 'bnecis their *Intle4. The efdeer lialit, "County around the •Vourk, WitiSe. OinTliett : Cenetablee Xeeelee. .04 et 'In* ,eadkeeVeY , , . • . tgellali-M,thieSare-,Vilat no Member (other 4.41an the VireiXts0 Of 10. PV*911, Nvho. she...v. beete (the right to, Mele).' tshall (speak tette to the Ome Oneetiole twith" elit. ienNei 'etthe Oeeeneiti, 'etinleee In eit- reanation of a ona*ist PAre •ot his speech, Carried. .• ' • ' irlitleer4cie1iat Bteewee Weer be appointed' etimieniber of the Vocterieh Marine and General Weed* Board for irre Ciiid by, ovas thee,eleale-leetiee•arriedrs--------e.., : - tandtakenteee- bY -the 'ear" eon -a, , 'Atrathe$0114U14-4Xtibat ta bYllaW De 4i401:0., vino, Collected frera Stith tag,e.3 g drawn up that no ,mot,ion or resolirtiola are tpelabie to the eoento. el an (Kee, reeting Are •outzede. goVerning WY be dent' is sePerteCte * 0.11rtY constable • and tit does not reettlre inmtecliate inves- tigation by reason .et Serhno Minty, the Penstable calls ,-the eouraty traffic officer.u. he is not availelble the county con- stable may heyeatigateei t..1$ 000htt ' ll hos' Sti(* oordritith the sitteeMent seaehed t t*Deee(Oer aesslen let the. '94utit.,Y Counell. Re agreement ' Tezrh,, ncaL tr.ichoot and *Vied by the .11Venelere vet the Clerk and thte'additheriel, elet4o' attettoords signed, the mlttee .entlerses,,"'. The gonnelllers were net quiteIn ageetenfeit' with the Pot, elmg.1=, tbo Lor themsehms When the rinVegtiratien report and 'several ,wonted, im,ow 14iy doz$ not exL,eo two hews! tiiiratiou and the gotinterersheeld spend money to leave if it eiahirld exeted teee•.heurs they rePreeentatiVe on the c$41ete t i11. ceive So..* .mlie both ‘11:4. for their Or Mr. Althibald, ehalrineeeof the tenualt- and Rye an. our to Acht:itt lees they are, tee. felt that it would be wise eend entitled. tft. an egoident. Oecurs On a w representative. "Them .are 00." Stir- cOttilt* b4hAlre44, AU .1,0nediatte.'in!"1 dente front 'Mien Ceenty attending vesteration. IS heeeeearec Titi neereet Western hat. ereity present,'" he lea,. sCennty constablelpeetetieettes, it it is He Neu of the eignien that it the eest cf *clued. atdvi.E$410 Oharkles tileY AlniverSitieS is not helped by the voun- e$ inte_s_tiffatedjki_theXelyersitiea..._..5.0. r444 SONVerby, their eon interestspi Mr..Tinner IORT ALBERT rot ,Aiherti Ohla Cairlptell 'IVA'a INilf Seriteits-, (Verge tion- on $atnieilitY morning in Voile.' rich hospital. Iter friends hope she will soon he'vell All the .0. fl• I.; students of Vita community Spent. the *.eek end at their vesetivo homes. Owing to sterrey weather the Previous weh end, they had been obliged. to remain in Oederitle. lieeauee Rev. Penlerey was not in the beet of beaten, coMbined with the bad roadS, there was no. Service in the United Church on Sunday. Donald and Kathleen 10Kenele spent the week end in GOdekieh Township vieitinie their aunt, Mrs,' no right to do so. 'Mr, Grain stated he er two Tears the Board declared that peesee forthwith but twee, that it may did Pot think there was any nrenliber the lemilY A:midi not ;get it slam the reeehe doe moderation. and that .no who wouUll do a thine like that, but Mr. father*hod contracted his 'airless in the mak motion or ce,,eiutteu be mewed tor - Eckert considered 41 to be liniPlY a mete West'. Mr. 'Melliek (Wanted to etnew if consideration biter thau Thursday nem ter of business.. The yeas and nays were 1 this ;falnillr 01114 be lOoked after, oripar- tofeen on the stiblect and the amend- Valli so, 'under the Provisions of the. ta:eutino grYailIC.Vt 001 $-504)Tthao torVrti esairmiette. 1 raent -was defeated by a ivote-01-8-te 2). Childrenis- AV- A'Ite 174e,eln'94thme. ""1-M7 tetra ate, alseethe 4200ele :for Junior a:is to tho ,,or,form.iiig Riots 80. wweden, in his opening stidress, to on TteZardihif the reomt oe the Leglsla- !eneed ,,to oc4n'auttees tional Society' authorized at its 1935 level. ' /among reocammendavom: ree resole. cereanendebcol server, „..te...,2.vilarenibmwo taziarlo supenesion. canted. Regarding ari enquiry by Reeve Sher - 'card r Wanton Wk and' $15.0 to eaoh • , elety, Wanden Bowman. stated that it trol expenditure and keep the tax rate erect 'the representa IV° should report to lei broken about seven or olf.i.ht. the council orate a, year nt the Dee0M- WeeltS 400, and has had it in a vest ever sine has had it removed *OM Dhe isuppiementary mart of tiw, the east. has has knit well and liar- ber :session. * vey will likely try his leg out in a Executive Committee recommended that few weeks hence. no action be taken 4in the matter ot the The Y. P. S. of the United Church Inerease in sabrie.s asied for by the will meet at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc. County Engineer. Treasurer and Care- the Kenzie's on Friday evening. taker. in view ot the request of Mr. Clifford Ray who has beet 'Working down in the country since October, returned oe Sunday after - ,noon• lie had been engaged 4.,n cut. ting wood. No one will dispute the fact that we are having winter in dead earnest. The country roads are- high with ctlnullV drifts in many places, although the the $200 asked for. Mr. Erskine be had (*neaten the Depertment of Al to on at his present Wary. snow plou •h does a fine job in keep- tive Committee :which tentained the The AgrieUlbilreri .AdvberY e scar/ill fair under our representative s wa$ jet , by an aeretkparliainent hi 1032 to Pro- A good deal of time NNW taken up tien from Peel Votunty askbag Hurott '' to Toren as - delegate ' e n Leeell,-(3-eigee--That the council leave Cauntt 'Count% ,to endorse a reselution kiaioultural 001111eil. and that a grant the moving eit the beatories ih this to petition the government to :.compel of $50 be made the eon*. • farmers to cut weeds which fronted Ivo- Reeve Wail= t-eit'vart of West ---ee that wea.minteviy thbeouatbrodsle va„ Court House over for this iyear in order peaty on the highWays. The tommittee warinah, asked if a man could be put off ,,,,,,,..11c, tginglxto7uroffrateollr anind" . refocemneruied no action. property When be was ereethig snow ,i`rer-iwe are ,oppepeed to jelnine up a Regm'cling „a resaluticei (hem BUM - fences: awl 5171:41-1114YPened t:t "v I pub* lavatory with . Huron County • ("aunty esking the government to coin- Pitrc! was done County Engineer T. Tt. Pattergon 'stated that the government 1 ra,Colut:et Mute% Referred to prciperty.com-• pel all drivers to carry insurance before being weneted a "license, no action was taken. It 'was approved that oil enquiries be seve that after November lst March 1st or- each yeer., snow- fenees may- reel leelick-Oeiger—That the clerk draft 'a Paaeed evny place ;which the miralci-. •resolution to the Department of U1- .. ++ that damage that -ways to change the act in regards to +he presented to the council in writing 0 is done mus.t be naidetiy the Couniy. He , airfPointment of members on the County without being referred to a committee. said that there have been two or three Roads COramisskm to reed that rtiembere The revisioa Of (the standing rules and eases ei the wet few years but they be appointed for one year 'only. Tabled evgillations and amendments of the haitie never been over $5 in any case. Mitil Jtme onsion. munldpal *ot, 'which 'will be censidereft Reeve- C-irdift prasethed the member e Haackeeeardiff—llhat the warden and at thl coming session, was left over for with...some MatIntosil Red apples during !alert be authorized to'slizei and submit the Jurvaession and the clerreWas asked tee"seision. -ee vtoeuthtioetiMinisof eel:rumor n'PliboolieunlyHigiews. ettycswintlige to suggest the amendments. - Re motion of Mr. Geiger the commit- Motions there ties been expended ° during the tee found that memibers of the County Carclic-Eckert--Owing.to the fact that lboads Coaronission /lave been legally an- tees County. does not tarry any In.sur- pointedethe Act goverenene -same stating. ance on -country truelts and owing to -- they- shall 'beeeppointed ifor-perrode o th,e- feat tha,t we have -had- a few Wei -- three year, two years and one year." dents in the past year; that we start a The Children's Shelter Ocenraittee. re-' shedng fund to be laid ael.de so that we port waS pa.ssed. It stated that there would ha,ve money a,viailable to take tare was little to report 'since, a report wag of such socklents in future. Referred to - giveo at the December session. There Good Roads Cemmittee. are at present 10- chiklren at the Shele Geiger-Turner—'That in future, mem- , terr_sevenlaoys_rangiAg... in 'age from 6 bers et the Good Roads Commission be to 14. years an•d three girls of 15 years. All are going to school except two of the- girls who are at home. "The report stated that the Home was in go ed con- dition and the children appeared to be year. 1935 the sum of $104.280.47 on the County Road Sfestem, and mequestine KM of the farmer's of On statue:Iv grants thereon... es provided by eidvantage of the hog in the Ifighways Imprevemeet Act, lereted° the Council to for tect the interests of song and story :viriters. Mr. Wm, Young of Colborne Townshin addressed the council at some ISngth .on the hog -industry of Ontario. He .stated when 1V1r, Erskine spoke. exPlainin2 bis reasons for asking for the advancement' and at the some time pointing out that he had saved the eounty- Many tides huf Fan Pairs within the county were tile' the hifghway passable for ve- • . agreed- carry culture (concerning the packe.rs and the . granted $100 each and the Women's In- 'hides. No more s_now is needed for a while at least. farmers.. The elerk read the answer he received from the Department in whic.h smut, of west Huron $75. , It was stated the grievance would 'he A fourth clause a the eepart, recom- . ., Oren every consideration by the DePart- din that towAshial clerks (be paid men g °lent. -.311-r, Yaang saki that th9 hag dh" $1.50 for each Old Age Pension %Ponca- dustry is the baste industry of egricul- tion they make out, received the =posi- tive ea Ontario. He declared that the tibu 'of some o1 -the members.. 'Reeve Stevens' i Price' Spreads Cominission had Itkert felt that the tee should be struck found .- in - -a years, Canada- Peekers off and- that -the -malting outp-of -the-so- had made a profit 'of $33,000,000 and plic,atione Shoukt be added to the duties that the highest salaried (elk:leis were of the -clerks. Reeve Davidson said the paid $70;000 a year. At the same time clerks Would. not do that and if °-tb,ev the f-anmer. was being paid as. low as would not dO. it the Government would three cents a pound for his hogs. not pass the applications. Mr. Eokert The spea.ker was of- th opinion that put his cbjeotion in the form of a me- rle can take tion and it was defeated. ley 011 vote of try and he 26-2. -rd a resolu- - -The foliewing. report of -the -Fixrance Ing that the Committee carried as read: from the That R. N. Rowe, Exeter, be paid $30 Your Horne Medicine ,,Chest.-4ra0ng the standard homebred remedies that should always be on hand M your home medicine .onest,. none- is ergero important than Dr. Theraas ec rue manifold usefulness in relieving pain and healing sicknew-da known by many thoiesande theaughout the -land. Always nee Dr. Thema' Ecleotate 011 for reliev- ing mareturratia and etiaticepathe. treat- ing sore throats and chests, coughs, burns ecalds "cuts, brilisel and sprain,s. �. ' ENgtheson-R. Turner—That In respect won :to the ge-Yernment farmer be given protecti to motion of Reeves Bowman and Aralfileald setting old age pension fees for clerks at $1.00 that a 'bylaw be diesel up setting the amount at $1150, Exeoutive Committee. 4. H. Scott -W. •Archibald —That the appointed ete5F* one year only. Referred- Good Reads Commission be requested to to legislative Committee. Vattheson-R. Turner—That in future all delegations, and tindividuals desiring a hearing before County Counoll dn ses- sion melee arrangements beforehand at • the Clerk's office and that tills' meter) be -now pieced in the form of a bylaw. Carried. atheson-Feagan-'--That we insbruct the clerk to =Ice a_ enrvee of Previous m ons an reso ons auffelrejne order that the current regulations and rules can be readily thailable to (council members. Carried. Oeiger-Mellick—alat ties county will consider' the matter of revising the re- bate agreement with the town. of Sea - forth and report at the June session. Gcxi xRoads. • packers. .Mr. Young elo "Just as soon as the 'farmer can get a 430 saying. r I 1 s; A. W Robinson Blyth, $7.50 for advertising; Seal orth decent living and is protected the 1 ar-twews. $5.40 for advertising; Ontario mer will be able to balance nis budget Hospital, account re Gordon Wm. and /when lie can do plat he will)e 145.50; -Mothers"' Alliiwance Boa_rel, -Dee- bark on the market and as soon as that ember accotmt, $1660; Old Age Pensions happens the towns and- villages will -be - placed on their feet. The Warden euggested that Mr.' young meet with the members after the session and draft a resolution to be presented. Queen Alexandria, Sanatorium , $583,50. Follewing tne reading gr the Finanee Committee's report the Council rose and sang, "God Save the King," atter which Bryans-Grain—That we recommend The Children's Shelter supplementary they joined bands and sang "Auld Lang that the County Roads Commission report . recommended that Reeve Melick Syne." The Warden moved that copies fpurchase more snow fenees this year and Mies Jeckle, representative of the of "Auld Leng Syne" be distributed and that it be distributed where most local Mothers' Allowances .Board inter- arnong the members at the June session. needed. Good roads. - view the Board at Torontoregarding the - Bev,anseLovell—That we recommend te Illay Towle...1111P fareilY• • the Good ReadCommimion the coin- fanthy in of the cutting of what is imoarn ecnron-ended that the provisions of the as Meffeattahlin's Hili by 'cutting. the west protection Act, be exercised. side to prevent snow drifting In * Good Roads. , not introduce any_more new (*unto, le _Elliott-W.—Turner —abet Treasurer roads, owing to the depreesioia. It is a Erskine be abeeented to aaareeew ens Persian Balm Priemotes -daintiness, charm and beauty. It is unrevalled in its anagIcal ,effect on the skin. Swiftly It was decided that little Miss Huron ofteseeeke beetheeeissuee.„ it,. leaves- never will be looked after as at present until(' meth and then she will become a wardtto 17;stige sekin.°f istiakinStimulesesti. ngDealingdhtfull2nvirgo'c°°rat rtt, the ChIldien'S 6heltek. 'Softens: and Makes the hand burden towns and vfflages as the Honor the Judge in cormeetion With ad- A resolution was passed by the Coun- ministering the oath of allegiance to the el asking the protection of the members cf the County Council. Car- government against large packing firms rind taking runfair advantege of the hog In- dustry in Ontario. The supplementary report of_ the_pood -Roads Committee. which Was passed, re- commendedethat" the motion of Reeve W. -Turner-0: Heneehewan—That the 'Geiger to have. the road front leensall feelowine Wadded to the recauticm, along the Bluewater Highway was filed. sed on Thunsdav re Rural Heck°. "mali The Proposal to ineprove McIaugh- we feel- that- the -raraie- enrunicipalitieefell will be considered by the com- shoulTd_ have a. repreFentative on the mil** when the road ,program is Cent - H. E. P. a so that the needs of theipleted.- rural consemem Ivroe4d -be presented In The committee recommend tile with - their Teener 41,e4ht. Carried. holding ot the purchase of more snow- -" letatheson-Ar-hetaitt—That a note of feree until the cash is availaSble. . thanks be tendered, Dr. Pleld for hisre- The property committee report was pert to the men. Carried. . taken up clause by ,clauso. and an Turner -Axe balld—That the Procedure amendment was anade to the filial of "Detainer „Cteenty Counell with - state , Clause, It advised that the county audi- ,eprayers-avasesamoheameteiateek and that tareeeporte,4 having recently checked all the (+Tit ine aiehorized to have a creyv -Mute:Lao that thiS custom- May be con- had found everything satisfactory. •,„ grnomelowiellei. NORWAY PINE SYRUP Shivcrs indSieezos . Then the 'Cold Begins You feel sneeie a few times; nose starts to run; then comes the cold vehicleIf not attended to immediately) shortly w.orks down mto the bronchial tubes, and the cough starts. On thee litAt sip: oa cold get ft bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. You wilifind it to be a prompt, pleasant, reliable and effectual remedy for your trouble. It has been on the inarket for the past 44 years. Done% experiment with a substitute and be disap- pointed. Get "Dr. Wood's." •••• • (Enflott-Matheson—That the „balance of $35 be paid to Sutter and Perdue in connection vs-1th 'Staneake 'funeral. Oar- riel. -carr-bity-Everything- FOR THIE 11911011E county property insurance and that he tbeetl. Carried. Turner-leeefean—tica t we ehe flieribTleit of, thie iiatintv Oomvel wish to exoress our thaeifi-'rend---eporelationete Rem,. Cardiff for his treat of very fine orioles at this seed= of County Council. Car - tied. . yenlege„-MeNii,II—Thet, the Women's Institute reeeive ti. erant of $100 carry The eommittee approved of the Live- -totes froth the upstairs- te the base- ment as about $000.uo- has been saved annually by moving the magistrate's °Mee and room is required for w1tness room' upstart. "We concur, however, with the motion that we keep the county building witlen the hands of the County on their ork. Piled. The amendment, whieh was a motion w Mcleall-Ervarie—Thet a vote of thanks to leave the /natter oVer . to the June be tendered to Me McCoy fer hie very session was brought in by Reeve Eilliott satisfaiNtory eeralenatteo of the action of j al ter Reeve Geiger had 'objected strenu- the. xelfferent (*notables cf the ^ountv ously tb the filial clause. We-Positittely-Saveney: at ti utthee -.C*.Th'irle-Hd•Pritlav'ee-tsio'n' caviled with the oollitieve-une.1 illvarehradtltathretle treethsivtin BLIkeKSTO E'S reading of a letter from the Denartment trimmed and axe conternplatirig re -sod - of Municirea1 'Affairs &elating that everir ding the whole park tend patting- In rcen oreetoving -a-poteee -ofeeee twat, walkseineetheeepringe- elLeestated.- " On the i4roadway Of Godericheebeole. trite -teas. etc.). in the Prorinee to finieh their work in the park before dem. countellors, clericstreasurersat they would like the county council ee rearm°. Se reeeired to take an oath a allegiance to the new Xing. The nee ter was tabled till the afternoon seeeeen and on motion a Reeve 'Elliott, seeiend.Pd by Reeve Matheson, the treasurer was eaetrueted tarrarign to have Judge T. • dosteno siet tinixia-tle 'tee Vile wawa (members and the officials. flawlessly white. -Subtly fragrant. Im- ports youth and loveliness to the coin- plexion. Persian' Balm is the ineveable chtece a the woman who esaaTs. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICII TOWNSIHP, Jan. 3.- 43...eneieri94 bee _tem pretty well isolated, iv,eth the roads practically cloied for traffic. Two snow ,plows worked on the Bayffeki Read on Thurs- day, but by Friday evening they were drifted eull Again. . - 'There was ne eervece at Union on Stmday, owing to the absen e of the pastor, Rev. P. 1W. Craik, who was in -Montreal -attending the funeral •of eine. Creek's mother, rs;E Peterkin. The February meeting of the Drae meek Club will be 'held on Tuesday evening at the home of Dave -Davidson. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U.of Union Church was held on Friday even- ing at Dave Davidson's, with 20 mem- bers present. -The new (president. Doug-. Moleeill,- presided, and opened meeting with .the hymn. "Abide With Me." The prayer from the "Pathfinder" Losing lootiosst.... lea*, friooeleeteellei .a*Var 11,04 Oat MI 41, alwaytifisa *oat hot klo10034, thotts of her hloovi,thet Tteervlavl DelaysIMMSho tea( Diell Resioieiti to Aeieseil ° Idys cleared away. 1101.110,00.14 headache' .leeekeetifie 110 • tocidcfsKidnevPills- Htivo You avaviamvaavvviamai Renewed Your . Subscription. To The Coded& Star. was read by Marion Calwell. etre- Seripture 'Lesson Mt. Matthew wn read by Norval Pocock. The hone "Blest Be The Tie 'that Nude arreL sung, followed by the topic, 'whieh read by Marion rkxter, A mouth Omar duet was played by Arnold INarter ar 'Everett McIlwain. . n talia. decided i" have a Valentine party at the nee meet:hoe eThe eneetingoleeed kann. "He Leadeth me and the Aitz., pa.h benediction. Unwell was served are games were played. until after midnight It is ho be hafted that the regnlar sere vice will be conducted at. Union rex, Sunday. Olen Lockhart is very ill (eitet prim- monla at the home of Mr. and Mr. FY013111104. It is honed he 'will haveer - rapid and teammate recovery. - -For serving liquor in her beverce", - room to a Man already intendcated. U.* Innerrietress of the Queen's Sabel 1 Walkembon Taus fined 450 'luite $10.4' eiee. The magistrate -emgested- 413' , the bareiender should also be emoseeet- . ed. Keep Your FEET FIT and HEALTHY TF you have a lot of 'Welding or walking: to 1 do. like the average housewife, shoo anis- tent. or !actor), or agricultural worker, bathe sour feet night and morroug and rub Zani-Buk — herbal ointment, well 'Into the aides and toes. This- -regular treatment --keeps -the -Values pound. 11, Tamar. nada flexible, and Prevents awel"ng n.d ve,Tbest. Sohll hs an& aka boxes by alt draws's** an. atera•. Try also Zsat- Bab Saba. •,••• • 1—mportanrkmouncement ° We take Pleasure in Announcing' Yon May Now riP,ve ALL THE READING YOU WANT FOR $2.10 PR YEAR 4. °Assure yourself a a year's interesting, dteerted reading and 'SAW *WET by taking advantagre of this special tow Rate Combination Wet of The (Work& Mar etrith the Peunily Heraki and Weekly Wale The dioderiels Star "ghee yei te° Mast Minute Decal News: Comte* News; 3porieng. Neal: Cillirch and Prateinal, trews. . Family Herald and Weekly Star guts yea: A Digest of the Latest lAforklewide and Ca:warn News; Modes; Home • Henlifati MIAs on glum ?Otter*: .Agtieultursj News; Young„ Peeks' Pages: Family Wobble AV". feriae Eateday Heading: PAvorite 9Ongs and ritTans, liteigalar SideterlptiT trite goodie Sebettlytiett Price ..$1*54) per Year . $1490 ver Veto This $4orgaitt Offer You May Have th . Pa rs., or $210 ,,, Ith4: Nornmi rented•nt/ th, sten ilt%vrt. _ . . , low Ontter of tillitan. meneared befote 4 Mita lieetial ever *Weil ec letietew diteetta ex i-eree are treeibled 'With ii, *mine i - tion lied taken 4:0406 ierilor In the so- lellsettlon. Mulder 1-060,,, ' frequent d*lYannoyanete getting -tee nights, dull semi end '10%AI:tined his 'iltle of the dere. etteseve Elliott istaWi that he AhoiNht thtoolit 640,101,„„ast14 'Itntatntiungl 61141 d"ntiv3 ft„edOtt°''''eeetrlt_,e_'hae_feellr 010.P.e!a3 ahml4be Wet' bend Whet -,of flee_ Dr. Pedihweeibea. given:Soo mineral% - "11:47teekee' formula and see .* t a wen - Mr. Meitheten took:ad uome the matter dertnI tikttenenee they, nate I this a neetnideretandh* and wao in favot grand' old ZerinUla of a well kn. •h "teeeeemeeeeteelemaioe„eemogrilietern_browiz,ebeeniketoritiiiithisteratitteit _mutt. .e.51, i ri','",,,,„It et tt,,,,,,,I ma ,A3-Aloplinekl' , tbalttla 04 very vitt *teased. I t — 7.7/71417'1;‘, .,a,"...7 67 i;';iii'w*oyi:e14..44 4 4 ° S , not salstIrt tile "dentrti3t the, Ati 'dine"- he asked. inoney on too box purobased, , I • ..... ., .....,„ ',........, .......... „ ptioht ., *at iit lattlitottokt ,to tt tun For Home and Country the other work is begun. Mr. Moser thought- the town should have a public lavatory in the court home and Depute - Reeve Turner favored thee oteggestion. The report tarried as amended. Judge Costello came to the connell_ diarriode- adminiii4M tite &di cef allegiance to the tinetnbers, who stood in a body during the teremoty, and to the clerk and treaaarer. A emenneteeatenit • from the Weet The eaneaLen oaanniebee report Was 1114fitl'te "4 '1'4'1'1 presented and carried. It read That Canon Arppleyaed 01 Seaforth be county representative on the Senate of the University of Western Ontario for 1034-103$. Itegardeng rebates te pupils attending ttiehnical school in London, we recom- mend leaving the matter in the hands 01 tbe County Clerk to arrange a settle- ment. - Re feat of other pupils attelading teth- !deal school in London and Toronto, We g one. tt deeesiebed as a sour4v el-ear- emlorge the arranements made in each l -tette oresteeation and oil the funds ' . * to charitable eallte4. There are 12 branches in lemon Counter and ' IMadder Weakness 1, to Careeer rump. siftk Troublesonie. Nights dt,nats. tis felief in their re- Obiltleeres Hoeeitele, Tuber` eulesie 'Gana - and referred to the Exeoutiee Commit- tee. The Weer sfatod tint it% DeNen. bAr the beeetete had been aelteel what they nuroosed doing 'With a *rant if 0114 was niade to them. The work of the Institute was outlined en the letter *Web explained that the (motto of the oreanizateon is "Por Home and Calm- tre" and that over. 4000 women are Affiliated. Her lefejestv Owen Mary is an active member of the Institute and bratebee hate etorang uo all over Ent- the Appointment of ARL W. WORSELL Carrie's Old Stand GODERICH on the Square As "Paint Headquarters': for Phone 283 SHERWINMILLIAMS Paints-Narnishes—Enamels Here you will find a complete and up-to-dat -stock of these famous "Cover -the -Earth" pro- ducts.. . . and the helpful advice of a paint dealer able and eager to assist you. Known the -world over for high quality, Sher- win-Williams paint products include a paint, varnish, stain or enamel for every purpose. Consult "Paint Headquarters" on all your painting problems. TIIE Smanins.Wiumus Cof Peed Olice AfeetitAt THE COVER.THEIMITH TRADEMARK IS THE •• 1.•*;t41,15C,.`,,rxt.1