HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 234,50) ndeut noWeteeper 'pelnished every Thursday at t: 00.4ede1t.-401)tt3iPt1on Mee -Canada" end ae$0 per 'Seer in atiVane. arrearia *ZOO) ;. Uutted 40** 42,0 Per year .In oedvatnee. Both old and new $1rou3d be iiien hen ,ehetigeefeddreseLs n- :TIONS.r.We. And .that Mast Of our subscribers have their palsolptions tnterropted In ea.e they W1 to remt• before ,eltnitation, ffioesS We are notified to canoel. we 0.011140the alibsetther letiches the service' eontinued and I SW the PePer'tor a limited time MOPS Shold4 be made by Sheltered letter, matey �der orithemie peyabls at per. in Goderich, • The Ooderkt Etter aeeePta advertialbg in ks columns on the Understaedine that ft wLl Mot be liable for any error in sny eretishre Publiihed hereunder unless a proof of euete .a.drertleentents is requtred In writing by the advertiser and returned to The Starer business office e'uly signed by *Over. :tieeri.lend 'with Mich errors Or .orrections , plainly noted in wr1tin thereon and ha that case. 11 any error is not corrected oy The Star; its liability shall not exceed eucir. a proportion ..ret the entire OOst of suai advertisement as the space occu- pied by the neted. error bears to the Whole space occupied by gelch itdverthement. Advertising rates on application. JW Wilar.ltS, 0. KR . , Manager. Phones.; Da:, 71; Night 154 and am. Post Mee Drawer 671, IMP0RTA1411 RIOORTS $411041 ThsPectOr *acorn o West Iluren; Inspector Dr, Fielder Eat lluronr and County Engineer Patter - eon, last week made their annual reports to the County Central, all of which appear in this issue, and are of more than pegging interest. . Beacompredicts that, Entrance Examinations may be abolished,' and his opinion shotild carry weight. It is too much to elepect the change could be made be. fore the enfi of the present termbut it is a change par. lents of entrance class pupils, and pupils themselves will appreciate. The terveus tension under which those examinations are written by children of 11 and 12 years of age, often 40ring-excessively hot weather, must be bartaul to those who have been making a conscientious and de- 'itertifined Wert to keep Up with their classes. 'DOW Inspectors 'refer to holders of interim second Claes certificates, and outline' how those teachers must eekrantt0 their plans if they wish to eecure permanent tilfitates. ;Alai*? 'blotter referred to by Inspector Beacom was Inteueglecteet condition of some of the rural school grounds in West --Huron. - tioee' not seem to be Much excuse for unsightly rural school grounds, and the rhancee are, if the School Section ,would -elect Women fOL the Boards, the ladies would soon make the necessary Improvements, with of course the co-operation of their men folk, but that would be fortheoming, whether the ttleh liked it or not, if the ladies were in Control of the boards. --Fillritte that method. the Women s nstitu Willing to undertake the desired Oranges,. . e*-,eteld reporteAr-e-TilieWhat- better conditions East Iluroni-vid that music is being. -taught y eoni- etentJnstrqctort -in la -majority- of his sthools. T Should be „a mount) of gratification to parents whose children Might otherwise never *Nuke any knowledge otmua, 'Attractive -school grounds may not meen a teat -deal to the children at the,:moment, but in the years to ceme they would h1c1y recall the beauties of their own parti- eular echoer ,grounds, with grateful recollections. rtheeDepartmetat of Education repays the nations, the greeter ,part.of the Ontlay, it is only a matter of direction, and this should be delegated to, the ladies *here the men are either too busy or too indifferent to, Io the werk." Of course work of that nature does come t.-It--aeaseeovhen,-farniere--eeo-buayrbut-:-stn-evening -or- 0 A'Wtek kt:iliket at foUr different grollPsi 00.4.ert 114, aecesetrily expert, but at least the direction otsante, teen who kiniws low to arrange „a -plot ot; grottnilt Would add to the general tone of the Whole scheotAlet. All teteltErienAtutOt do thet Alai* W'Ork even with be help of thepup114, hut thee would doubtless be evil- fritio assist, - - leer Patta4OVOil reporkaboWs-what..an enormous 'IamouAt of Moho was seent en roads. If they are to- maintaleed in anything ,like dieent shape, further aunts will be r.equired, owing to the inereas.ing motor fe•-• teglect them would vist 'still' more In the end, and only 'add to the burdens of the childrert of to -day, as they tieeotne the tat...Payers. A too rigid enrtayritent of ex - an be Just as detrimental' as squandering Atoneron-unnecessery-tirojett • • The ,statement *as made by 4 candidate, proloits to - lie 'munieipal election, that the Cottrity of Huron Was be elietiPest nut county In the . PreVince. Whether that . true or net; the cheapest attiele is not always. the , *et iiy aufy-inellftS, and that might reatonablraPply. to zroblIC' oependitnres. orders ontsidetheir bWit Plinielptilitie *eked to 'consido, end at' the. ,seme time to remember there are **eye .two „sides to every •fpiestion: • Ifere is pet one Vistsnee,:a man of tainte standing in. his" community went into a Own 0/0,0e. tO'Vompialn. about the Paper iecepting OntSkle'bUsineetc; By chence counter 'Check ,fer .14rell$180 at his own Store heti inSt reaChed the ,Plitor+s dealt...That counter check bore . the (Imprint of the very town he wee cemplaining`stholtt doing bilsinees with the. newspatier., "I eiMply never thought of it ill that ,light," was his. reply when .the matter *Wes brought to his attention. "1 must confess YOU 'halve luet, as much right" he 'added, "Nit accept busi. ness from that eit•y as X have tO ,gen any person who might eeme into My store from that Same eity, prepared to pa for 'Oat they wanted." So there was another little difference adjusted. People' are, net intentienallY selfish , natrow--eve simply don't always try to eee any side of a question but our own. ELECrING WARDENS As Judge Costello remarked in his address to the.. County Council, on the installation Of the 1936 Warden, electing -Conservatives and Liberals alternately to That position, might not always prove satisfaCtorY, Up to the present, the Cuunttr seems to have been for- tunate in its thole* tyt Wardens, and the -honors have consequently been evenly divided between the two politi. cal parties. But conditions might eatsilyarise where a much more capable •Warden was available in the Party that Wa6 not entitled to the Wardenship. In some Counties the position goes, one year to a man in the north or east end of the riding; and the next year, the south or wept gets the distinction of providing the head ef the County Legislature. That plan 1)0 no more if as much, to recommend it as the gum system. _ Ability, .combined -with business and municipal ex. I perience, are the important qualifications a Warden -L-eleotilditoseeee, whetherlitria-ii MilserViitiWOIOTLiber:" al, or without any regard es to where his home happens to be situated. Fortunately the Townships and Villages send some of their best men to the County Council, and that being the case,- there is no occasion for undue alarm. Introducing polities into County of Town affairs would lee a -serious mistake, -but so fiir as can be learned; The --Munty LegieIators dad their party labels as soon as li Warden Is elected, then give their unbiased attention to the business of the County. That is as it should be, A Winnipeg man claims to have invented a ea that will enable cars to travel more than 200 miles on an imperial gallon of gasoline. If this claim is justified, what will people do with ,the money they have been giv- ing for gasoline? ' • 00Attrt$ -00440140, NAUC Amp aa.a en4topar, 5Y1ks, 'PLAY114 4 nr caoKitt M11$i4 iNg44,d4t1Ettfr‘*'18 go Ara* AtON1144 MOLARS •rot445, # ,ove, no uce, !kelakt4011o14$ vrAmo svAesoutts dspottfuokt. finely*? wefts Lasre 6),,CM l$flH,1/ tlItt4gb,A:ji,',,*.t.iiiiittiaty",00 ias 1 dent think 03. at, beeallaeaortie of ire neve Ideas' Of our 04 4Q000ranit the. peritl %and weltare of the' old twit, tho - , wo are any the ieSsintepMted'itri it4 04 ' vencezneni. and Aieltare, • It l's truly lbe old .14044 044 Ohleagii. is as old but 0 ,14.)v In leeetSt 4147 to* grasped. opportunities- . to 01* .41Wn .a.u.: Vantage, while We...ValtSt.„4*- Old trashionl ed and satisfle4 With stfent) bt.e4P! and, tourlsta and our populitiell what' it .Wait, forty years ago. .Z hope, on your net . vtdt to Goderieh this IX*Ofr Will., have - been completed, the MOSt. or our throw, ployed working on the site of a nation park, AS coal heavers, gee01140, hargter , and sat weekers, atitt that wee', will be able to reach the promenade per 04 bathing beaen without, heeding, vele nose, those stnelly041sh-ahaeles-haiving— been rem.ved, to the north, side of the ' barber. . . Yours fcr the prettleq town in Can- ada, havir4; Ps PC041;404 twee as 0 large in 1946. ' J. E. iivoicalz, ' Ooderich, Ont. xlistrIct40 Serve; let him figure Otis ,one one' 7* Shell 0,11 co. with. get tanks at the etoek' here, and with ,P)arine tank s at POt Stanley, send their suPP1,1 bere by traek from Port Stanley and reetruck in this district, thus Poderlch, for' its scenic leauty, makes 'Werk -for .Port Stanley ] have the eueuraitelrom Shelk.Gas that they are `Ideitn.ttelY Planning a. =trine plant here. The .01160 will then be on the otter foot. We tran tr.*0 our own salvation only if 'We are 411Ve to the opportunity as it 'Presents itself. Old Tirne'r, you admit too numerous trucks rattling through the streets of the north side of the tONV11, and in the next breath eet men inathematical pro- filed of giving the figures of such a scent amount of business left after Owen Zound, saints, Collingwood et0.; had'aiot theirs (I Include Port StanleY). Now ,five CCane to the meaty portion of okt 'timefs opinion. This matter of publicity. Re has a. deal of SymPath1; with the -editor, in that he thinks there has already been too much publkty. He calls it wrangiings and clamor (its new name). 'While 1 admit it does not look _gmitc_pasLadministratioas that 4 not mean that the truth b uridesirattle. M to outside investments, all the more reason why we can reasonably expect to receive enquiries, since we have a Aiide owake adintnistration who have pledged themselves to discard these old ideas for dOdeni UP -to -date methods. Old timer, 5rou $13,y constructive criti- blson Is always interesting and coanmencl- able. X feel that is el, 'but -I also feel ths4 twhen. a person undertakes to write constructive criticisms, he should have faith enough in his own works to attack his or her own signature, and please necognazett es a leading 'ePeclilc for the destruction of wo_rms,, 'Ayother Graves' Worm Exteraninator has -yawed a boon to suffering ehaidiren everywhere. 1. W. CRAIGiE Insurance and Real Estate DOMINION, PROVINCIAL ;w AND " MIMCIPAL BONDS Pho24 • With sideroadi filled to the fences with snow, the people of those disricts will be forced into the fields. The sides of the highways are .also blocked and then feet of snow, is At snowless winter, we 'have it. Groundhogs saw- their shadows last S,aturday. Feb- ruary-ISVand tradition says under those iircumatances, -the weather Val TeMaill void for anOther MSC 'Weeks. Groundhog or no 'groundhog, it is stormy-eriough, and unless there is an improvement, some person should Intact' another .breed of groundhog. When the pupil:Chi two schools -the eizeof_thetViet' ori St. and Central St. in, Goderich, can accumulate $3,161.- .88.in one bank, it is a eretlit to their thriftiness. Throughout the months of -1936, When the depression dkl, it's worst; tln4 far, their total streirees were only redue. 6211_Whameyatter....pupiie have on de in ot er a ks, is not known, but it looks - as though those little p ople" who have savings in the government tontrolledeinstitutiOneltoririltiVe preserve the COMMOrldable virtue. especially in Wring Chlidteti. 4. y which increased the demands on the household purse, veeple-watched-thedtewspaper-advertisereents-witle*.-4 cial care. The papers brought messages as to how otlikr peop e -were faring during The blizzard, 'hut the can ous earefut wives, estied most -of -them ar*--ite-Y devoted more attention to the adyeetisemente. They appreciate the weekly announcements," because they en- able them to -make their selections before" they leave their own hoes, thus enabling them to buy mere intel. 1JWYFLARI3 , AR130It gliiiil*E111111TTS (The insertion of letters does not necessarily mean, ' we endorse the opinion of the writers, but We wel- come letters oil mattere of eieblic in- terest, -Ed), 're the Editor oooderich Star. Dear Sir: -Io -7,ho Goderich Signal of 'January 30,...1.936, there appeared, a letter under the _heading, "old- " hope you nocced the prominent set- a thiS4etter. First, bed Tinier sees an agitation among some members of council. 'Mat is the first ftkate 1have :heard an ordin- ary motion. pat _through its proper pro- ceodure and carried unanimously, ,Called an agitation (ampug some- members). Old Timer intiznatt that he resides lin Teihnto. If z may I would -like to say to Old Tinier, If he were as well. sup- plied with iria,t,rial reasons why this road--: reasons why.. it shout:t not, I very mueh doubt If he would have penned the let- tn-to-Thei-SignaLL-I havalscr woridera-. et. If he thought the matter of suCh im-, Pontaiim, why, he did tot write to4The iStar- or are ite readers' unimportant, any matter of such major importance as 014 Timer, thinks this mixt-ter is, should be cligesta by, everyone. „ "Old 'Tesler- .e.syte41zat. seenenne 1.s Ids- illusioned up hem. Ilut when he talks of all the 1otaetwe- - cane&s t„eva or an . or switching lines, h. ;nest be some time eince_he tekl his nose going by the fish ;shanties to the pregite-tiede pier or, bath- ing beaCh. T sincerely hope that the lidera:trent, be go kindly stiOolied-the-rWrt from the mOtitift 4ti the 0319,1 the eetteittlY 40113-..11eati it-ftilThe Olientil) I BUYING ATHOME. , Buying at honte 'is litkaye a live issue in city, town Or' -vflage, end it hes ituneltio•tominen.Cit, iterchAnt& who are ,in some cases, among the heaviest tax4eyers, ake daily appeals in the larger eettite$ a Petaehttierlai and in titans, their messages are tent out weekly,: . Par away fields ,,oftert look yet*, and inviting And the terther away they aim the more inviting they I:6h. If people. Weuld only stop to temper*, the overhead ,Nlerines, of the Toronto, or Montreal tores,' with thone iGodetich and towns of about the same * site, they would readily see the odds werein favor of thc town serb*nt While toarty Merthents Cannot be expected o taro verietys of 'choice, 'flu/ can and do eany the sase Vuslity, often from the same roanufectuter as the city tores. eeng the identical% ertieles you are buYiiitt has its end though no exceptiest can be taken to the eeries red‘by the city' 'stores, they are ,juitilled In the"purthass price If the goeda were tiocal merchant* are accaetorated to are all terest-ad in obtaining. sites there. Onice this area, is opened up for development no one .can foreeast the ex- tent to which fi can be finally; utilized; We have considerable unemployment and consequently a largo number ofl on relief; -Our- first corisktera- tion is tor the community as a whole. If by development of our harbor we can overcome a large proportion of our un- employment we could saVe ourselVes a large -expenditure for rater MpOses. Much is behrg made of our tourists holcorne here durinl. We certainly like to have thenk and like the idea of our town being termed, "The Prettiest- Town in Canada," but when we have a large number a unemployed, it does not treed them and their fami-. lies, or Pay their taxes, rent, etc., when they watch tourists 'viewing the beauti- ful scenery trom the paths and banks With regard to we inropertv owners who are holding the bag; and the C.N.R. are out how we came to be the owners of a railway at -all. Just rthe old story, owe it eeated to pay elisd&nds, env= _cored harve -He %O&M% IgnISalt Tinier.i.' Let lthn ruminate on the vast change that has -taker weep since he was a bete and if he doesn't realizethat the concrete highway, the highly or- ganized trucking system, . this 'economic 'system of traniportatien, even the air - Plane has already started to go -into the freight passenger and' men serviee in g -and -bps system; .all spell the dooms of the rail - Ways, Can you, old timer, turn the Vatet, iseieliWird?'Wonldyou 110.77044th6 Prettiest .town Canada stand stilt while c!ther'tawns realizing ,their °mar. eseekeenepece.--with-the----rapidly CHESTNUT AND STOVE ANTHRACITE, POCAHONTAS a n d DOMESTIC LUMP COAL, AtiBERTA LUMP COAL from the Foothills of Alberta. DISCO this wonderful coke with the gasses left in it. Alt orders given prompt attention and all the coal is weighed on the Town's scales (your scales). Phones—Office 22 House 112 CH A a Coal Yard and Office at the Harbor. ' d-t12mer.-w111--ece4lown:it0-thei-- herboi and take ..ohotos of the east end] of the harbor, of those nasty smelling tanks and nneightly toal une wise vatint nrettertieS lie M.-Thlvo freight sheds that now ' Whit' reeeutee, ttethiing Me for so ilnanrigir—e, iffere-many -hien e-elfe henest wages during th navigation , to e-ooatAtunities-4,114..-tiro-ou In beivifig eiseh a cOmmracus harbor, whichAtae-COrt-Millioili „sit' itellate-__;_te eonstruet, , gm -tinter went to a lot of trouble pro- euritrif measurements, prices, 0,0. to Shaw Why a vruck road for transportat4on • 1----'-oeat.-bihibett-leasolinoo.---0 • ., should not be constructed: and he liette you good citizens will never allow itlfat ars% to be marred by ewer projects Ho tiallee of the ..beautiful view from" the parks and banks. .. Next time he l In The Toronto )30051 Of Trisle is making repitenta- tions to the Provincial Govetlimeq, regarding Federal, Provincial and ?lunicipal taxation, which ' the Board htints-:bas-retiehed-a--point-that-ise-tonfiseatory;--'rhere. eau be-rip-argninent about -the deferent effect high taxa- tion bee on industry, and every person will agree UptM the desirability arredeeing itToronto-le-Board of-Thid-e- nrgea goverliniental economy,- WU be hoped that economy would net mean the dismissal of a few Iiiindred Ws Valerie '010 dreeee 400 or $6•60"ii week, and the retention of the present parlisimentary repretentatiVee with the long list of Senatore. The eeenozny shottld start at the top at the stone time ag it starts at , the Kkttollit BIM PAMPA* OPINt01,1:1 Gold own yard, (The Listowel Banner) A intip Who was eripplekirom thildhood en& nimble to move otoePt in * wheel chair, bemoaned her 111004 to, get *round and eft 'the wOrld. It she could de tha4 she thought, she oluld, valte storks. A friend suggested to her Met people Were people and very much alike any. where In the world, lithY didn't she try writing stories about 016 people, and scenes with sibleh she was tamt. 'tart She adopted the suggestion and began 'writing teries e.,f the people and Scene* she how. Today, pest sixty, she Is teported to be earning *MOO a year with *her pen, She found gold in her own beck -yet/ ,Surtiy, that it* lemon or us to mike the best vie o our oppor. tamities matter 1,4 ,1114Lbsoditios are thookto ntivet Hot thlusloos tGlendele, Celitern, Itsista)-t-One oil Company *in southern California, usa Its **hots toiloftse*,Esoolino to any intWeatesi 'OW po- nk that lute of field *gasses and, make es note of all that ' e- sees, In the ciress or Iseeatiftil -dente- 011,_ the area %Leder .dreettssion. , While we, as residehts of 'tioderich, thrill •Wth the retied that " chainol,Aiti hodea nt,n1r on, ,;,nd tv that algae TO- thl. . .0 1 ' be ,. - eoteeed, end *We od"Tirner sets • forth the -figurel'In obiection to the; I *coxed, resdewatr, he would Amite ,i.".; turned 'into al natiOnal . Oa*. Obtf., roaring', Metother. : bethint, ete., where the Ole rich trod fik, euttallt..1t0 .400. tiot? 0,1f0the. Mentes for the Colt of the 'Worli., or:Suitet *St he* arer rreteeteat be Obtehred. I So Muth for the inettunetit why riot:to . conettetet the mopbeed zrotaiirty. Let if be left to Old 'Varlet to read The, elocleriett AO for a treirere„' tralts ' there find these teatensOe areteneata ' *lee kW treed eteelid he *One On With Ot, Is .matter tifm dealt wIth in 4041'0 •the Istecit* Ilell sneeking by some members, of the tonna, and the 4004 titian*goe flee* tnembereelielr sUPPOrt at the pails. Iltole &bent et - u1. '(stibieet, 1130* cermet:Ion) 1,000 I bows, l'hookth the different*. in **ter, 'tre*dt and ridi, it; would 040A lead% brottotbaider, to. be Ooneertaitiroei- $16 aitimailly, meant** a loot* tit *20.- 000 .to ba. noted to ool. two*, 4011tet , WO* tt4. Want lii,1adina : of '45 mUre tron Cloderieli, * 4 There are few people who eeeape trouble with their stomach in some form or other. The impairment of the stomach is of serious consequence to other organs of the body, for only by properly digested food is the entire System suotainecl and nourished. We have no hesitancy in recom- mending B.B.B. as a reliable remedy for diseases and disorder's of the digestive system. It helps to etimn- late the tteeretion of geee, ethe -main factor in -digestion, neu- tralize acidity, tone up the lining membrane of the stomach, and re- store the natural, healthy, -painless process of digestion. CANADIAN tiriEllt, INDUSiltigS AND rREIR BANIC • EXPORTING • Illtrciirratt brought yoe ;down hete,Wiiiiism, just to give yon Idea of hoe' much we fre shipping 'abroad even in these dap.* 'ifAIVFACTURat It *stabiles nte* Erlwerd, and h mites me Wender if4eiletps. But 1 neva exported leything in my life and ' wouldn't 'know how to An about if ve bce.11' minutatt;ting things, tot twenty years, selling tot Only in ray hOme thy, then o!vcring any CrOir province and aq*. *It over ,tsrmula, but $s for abrOede-t" You cm lark *illisnOthe best rarittreatkof maneeer, Ile hes tesilible 41 sotts ' *fat% sinV tics, credit stem:116g of firms, abroad who might want yourvas, aria wort. The Bank negothtted my first Shipping docunteets and has been tile. • teg este of my export !melting 'itch Mfg/14e -$Orne of the wayithe Bank tentrefe use(ol swim to Canadians engaged in Exportingr Purchases of lent of exchange repteseining experts; proithilog comntercielerediti tor 1)1141100 ahtoadr, purchase and old 'a 'halt:sego "Comets° foe protection altattte price #noustions, in foreign currencies; • pedal wire tennealons yith the itripottiot ex- diange Markett to speed tam s. thatiatie ommettisl and sasiop &cej4ng am:m*14as.