HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-02-06, Page 1ROCYti DeP1 ACC Of 111 tion in P
Themselves. ." Effort to Secure. Lower Hydro Rates.Gants
Made to Hospitals and Other Institutions.'
004:i1tln or tlie Ccunty Oa !considered. that; to much
Voetel:A oaf* *lot itlaehines in Huron a•ik at Ontee '
VevOtr:receiltea rata blow when Co(leatI - lwOltstiert was ,drawn, UP and'catssed
_ at the afternoon (seed= a the 1
”4*. 4r4r4iu Wr444c4'vu MVL MriterNOS it would appear at eL
bYlerz draw,aye dro Zee, pee" Power .00emaisete— rt,- 0---toh;
Solidter 'Whieh dee,lare'd Oat tato are iving electric current for :erw
;ehyana feeping, an aubseaatie eenebez tain TeueloSee And to2tertein
Machine a a type set out in the ls le 11)91°w ecst
tt'Illtduai°11' Be4b til°er°'re
ut' '1V011,eAtton..to the OeuniVi IreS.
for a 'heense to eep ,the fpower toeUch individuals at a tate be/ow
OeSt Of eprodnetion and---thateeavinge lee
eultant front'. eithesilecontinuance be ape
plied in ireeluoing the number :of use=
!PelYiefle wirtillin 15 daers't from date of event three per mile o two per atoez ,as
• . 144547A Was eXPleinetilhat this the tendency WOuld be to erea,te a much
baW WOuld not effeat loom and !neer- larger number of users in alerai mania-
'Pcmtvd 141444e3" Shaw Intinf0Pal1t1es Paaitle8.and; That whereas 'a subecriber
11**lng the POwer IA Ma* their own by- haring mere teem •one eontraot, be given
'issere Vegarding the
credit for the (power used over the mini -
Mr. *SIM* also tread s.a letter from mum of one Sentreet, a.(PPlied re -
the Iowa's - of whleh stated that duce the service' charge on their tecond
•the eeunc*of that town had passed A contract or a iportion• thereof. Carried.
hylsew Inechibittng slot machines. An•• Executive Committee r
hotel teepee of the alinntinalltY bad
'emit saseheqUesfor-'4500-toethe. ectinell as
TlaYaleat for a (Itemise fee for a (Machine
and ,the .00tmeil had refused to accept
the Money. ,The man was brought he-
!ore,- theeenegletrate, seshe found laim
VedtY of 'breaking the ibelati. The
.hotteireeper then appealed the ewe and
WM br011ient 'before Mr. Justte Hogg,
mho iesierreerChis decision until some
an, zezniejr1. • librariee in Huron County end' that all
, ' Igeellge Cf Myth said 14ba9'7169-sereceiving county grants
• Reeve
. be revisal -teepee -with the clerk an
that healed been Preselit.in megisteate'$ audited are:anent of their re:elpts and
"'COurt-the day that all " slot anacliinesi expen,datures.
,.svere ordered to beeemoved frometillneele rebate$25.00 be paid ;to the Belniere t•
Vosin:aby, and: he fele that the County iihway 11136. ,
The anneel lieense fee, to be
Cliamgect'veas"eet Me.byiew, at $500.00;
The fo.DAkingireport of the Executive
Coltunittee -404-1Passed--, -after _sorna..elis,
Odssion. /With regard to the /est. Islo4100,
, That $650.00 be Peid this year to the
Alextpeara' Marine, and General Hospital,
Gotletiebl.:qtlia,Wingliams(eveketl Ileares-
aal. The Soott Memorial III:metal, Sea,-
forth, and The Clinton PoilaitO HosPital.
That $25.00 each be paid" all public
'Co• uncil tilteuld stand behind the law in That 40040 (be peld to Sea,forth, Cline
the 'Matter and not give keepers f til„eser' ten and 00=11 swing stook 'show oxid
=Zings a Chance to PAY a license lee $25.00 ear lemma Seed Show in 1936
but eintely • past a bylsw prohibiting and Itirkton, 'Clifford and laicke.ow re-
- the 'ThaphineS. lledre• IreeigerPrid-.7-4476.?d ceive 440.00,0e:o1i in 1936.
tads eueliedian• That $80.00 each be paid to the South
'The County Treasurer -explained that 'Huron end lierth-Huron Plow:dares
-if the laYlawvere 'passed' the °facers Assoelation: 'AA- audit:at-financial state-
Vottild not, have to disthigu4sh between
the different types rsi neashinci as they
-do -under the 'Act.' s
IlVfie 'Belted Made objettion to the fat
'that. the towns Old ineorPerated Villages
Will "have fhe Privilege Of (PreParillg 9Pe-
da1 Ovestavse ' He feet that In the'.' event
that .these Places did not prepare strict
darws the wit a the one passed by
the voinitaleeiVoilideebes_VISdinlee
*‘-stated-thatt the 'bylaw Was not
tirawn rtni.fitten a revtenue standpoint.
_Reeve: ....litei-"Does the bylaw
make t* snaelthes-lilegall" ,
- ,---Meseh"reichit-s"Certainatype,s..",
Mr. Matheson- "Will the paying of
-the Seen* ifeelegalizetheemaehines?" '
Mrs Zre1tineee411es, buts the license is
so high that it doubtftd if, anyone
p• ay it •• r..4.12
.Warden ,Bownaton.. 0,1
•Coutty has not the power to make the
snitchines-aleicautesly•ilideSA, that is with.,
t ohaiwinga eicenite-fe-e.-
'The treasurer'eead 0, letter from Car-
Pupil* of AsIsfield Town Best A
Boards Appreciate Competent T.040114:
.Urges Better Caro of Rold SelmaGroun
COMmendttd. Two
Years Advised.
-A: pivot ot the. urgent, -neeessity ter,
dodos to •onswer `galls, no Mutter'
whet the • conditions may he, was•
exemplified on Monday. night, iVben.
a beta doctor was WW1 to attend a'
dehlg Meat 0014 dz Miletrerla Re Aboished
.aot: Out with It% hors*
and matter, the -roads Whitt' 14405* r1,,,,tyor
Sable for travel by CRL, and get'about teiAslen
I half-Wey to his. desthation.. From; aeuhtY 01104' or Moe, 841'4 ill*
: then On he had 49 lead the horse zpottef',0'. '0. Beaemara. ti.A.t Oter4tted
I through the deep snow to the bowie -the te1io*M5: altlattel' repoete,,
where the siek Mart lay. ‘,. / be AO elibillit the f0,101,11414 annual
:Later Wiz joseph Brophey, a code -
'rich undertaker, spout, four :strenuous reIM't" 16r "tir Itir°11113'ttQn" ellnert111/
hours fighting the elements before the 0114126h Or the s°4t7'4141 et"Prtaillg
limerpulocbt.ed the stricken home, itix the rlooetorate of WeStIlittren, for th
year • IOU . ,
No v04130 has cecurred 'during the -
Storm uonunued Ver '414 the ntAre4er of 44100'4 ill +Vera -
11 A •
tiozi, Mere having been. 89 aural and 4
Another Week
urban %tools in Me ar4veeetorate Ellice
ittrirE:w.J powivrA-N-, -9e-stesseis -
ek3oted last week as Warden of the Coin*/ of Enron for; 1936.
• Shovelling snow paths or plough -
Mg it from roadways has just been a
eertilizatte, this reProeenting an in --
three weeks. No sooner would ,the ,erease et eex over the • vrievieus
roads be broken through, but a bilk- mu represent! .ebneee 60% of
zard swooped down from another dr- wilt* teatekene eareet..* the inzpeetevate
ection packing the paths and roads and is 0,•,,bi4ei.---Tontioentago 1nni is
fuller than ever, found in most distriets.
• 13y, Monday afternoon, several The teachers as a whole have given
s.treets were at least passable, but awidUcus attention to their duties ,dur-
that night the gale broke loose again ing the yeox and the pUplis in all but a
with greater „violence than ever, that few acheols haie made gene seatisfac-
time ire a teniperature below zero. tory progress. The greater buttes:mind
Car triteks were obliterated within of academic training now received by
• fivenatinutes of a 'Motor struggling ,mest teachers is undotibtedtv having an
through, leaving, no sign of wheal effect on the general 1:alibre of the In
marks to show• where the roadway etrtta1011 beteg given in the schools,
was, or wasit't. • especially 4n the higher forms. There
in town, while driving in the country
schools especially, to remain for a long-
bt:nsdenteoeyn Ittlainr thg',0 ttliteeachtts line7tErzr,n
Cars were stalled in all directions
AT, EAST HURON- S OOLS was an imposiiibility. Trains opera-
1930. 'The ;sense niunber of toasters,
126 are otoplo:red ill these tschools. there
being 101 teachers in the rural and 34 cation, *were etu given An ()wort*
ke• 1e2/410 tia0
tion ..entire0 40 -
Scheel: 41000$ SitOoldf1d:
to, retain.ti* .leeelte$
echool, 'rather than • ookpeeebahr
the topeoicka
ehaeses WW1.
eflaracteregie . rttrea
Duriet,g. ,the leo .
veY of edocationai *ndit
Troy/me V1,5niatle 4.-Meens..
mitten vneettibea to. the .
Points throughoa, the lireolnee
trustees, nuniktOS/ enthoritkai,
officials and anyone cietereeteds
hi lnedu-
th urhon sehois, irate =utter of iresent their views 00 odutatsookt
tetaehens holding duet eh= certilleates ten. A great you=
mitino3 to Incl'eaesIn ttbebirdartee formaticet stUs thus scented and
Education to 'require higher ouaillicot- the neo eession ar the,.
ons on the part of the teachers. There Assembee: It is believed that
re now 73 'Wadi -ere heldinR firstc1a.s'e•omprebensive lehartge$ will be sd�t-
in our school- system,. Nthieli. *41.
given due considetation be 00 trko011e
elal members or ParlizitOlt4.
"nie total enrolment itetbo-SebOOUP for
the last schoot year WM 3440, whien
Presents a decrease of almost 306 ovft
the previons year.. This, hOWeVerstu
be attributed to the fact that
teachers' =Una/ Tavares are no*
initted In .Thne rather than Peombe
as a= been the case till this Years
pupils, therefore, that enroll in li.elet
bee for, text first. time MIA ItMe
form3r4* been included in,tht tot,
will not be counted till next year.
fifiurc given repremits a true picture:
of the ertrerment its the eche*, Or a§
-4(love"s labor 1O3tT during the' islet
ted from one to three' hours late, and
mail carriers, notwithstanding their
willingness,' were beaten to a stand-
ment must be filed 'with the Cler still, gtruggling to the town limits,
• That $150 be. paid to the Salvation Study of Music Becoming More Popular. Taught --in Alt Urban and
all they could do Was to struggle
Army for 1936; .Twelve Rural Schools of Inspectorate. 'Small Number of back again
• That $100.00 be paid the Canadian
National Institute "for khe Blind in. 1936.
7That 425.00 be 'aid to • the Berwick
Tows:tele* tibrary dn 1936.
That no action be taken in regard to
•Motion 37-1-36, The Ontitrio Asso;lation
That Bete jOhileten of- Zurich '13e ,,ap-
Pointed:Corn Borer Inspector of the
County of guron Icar 1936 at a salary of
Failures at Last Entrance Examinations:
Inspector or. John M. Piet made
following rePort of the condition of
• Public Schoels ef 'East Iluron for
have been the same number
schools and the same mmtber of te
the few years there will be but "few teachers
the in the rural eohoole with. Second Class
Certifirates. The majority of the tee-
tilers in the urban &shooks have Second
45c iler filar- and that. he furnish his ert9 as the prevlour year. There
etV11-tralepoirtAger; - -- only sWeen Ilhanges of teachers at
, ...._e_elatefere,,,Xer:9_84_• summerearnest'otethese were lovers_
That tenders of- nvet be &implied by ced teachem, but all had first class
D. M. trOrien. l,O the.,saor at 71,60 Pei' tailtates. '
Pbund,:..I? i'93,1!:•.,L ___,,,,°.,,,,,,* ,,' t The number of Pupils attending
sAlliltet4Mcleelgeesscsr.11'-P4, ',ese.4(11.„,---e,'(;:eie'",4evitrie4s-etclsehttselrenreArted pract
-Arthur 'roster at -uee Ter *au- 4.4_x_ nu: etaleortery for a nuinber of years;
That groceries 411_,_d--Orev4s_Lens 4-74„,"“,'" P.M1174 SOh001 continues stud' 1 and
'pned-hy-calv*--41044 -accOmuk.g"---' is atria ones continue to have a go6d
tender. ....,
tendance. With few exceptions,
County aildne them to endorse a Tenders For Auditing children of this inspectorate , have
Intion petitionint the Goverrimbentto [ That the offer of -J.,-1V-.---1VIontelth- or -ways attended regularly. There was
On Tuesday morning a thaw arriv-
ed for a few minutes, and • rein
streamed down 'trees and the -sides
of buildings. The nand break was of
shOrt duratien. That afternooe, the
wind blew from the four quarters of
class oereureabes see), have moretthe -compass, fillinwup_every crevie
of permanenoy of employment. • and corner.that had keen overlooked
_Reduced Grants_ I _ *an _were, e„pedeorehinder
reaestri s -n
ach- earlier in the storm.
vere The ordinary grants paid tilts year, by ed„ upon their way, by the violence of
mid- the Government to tetanal. schoole
nndti across
Tien- =Pirated to $8386( in 1029 . th" tello:riwiersnd,
cer- amotmteci to i$20,577; the decrease as due times in directions they had no
to the lower salaries of teachers; at that tention of going.
the _
time, too, there were ho &nts on equMilk men, bakers, meat and grog-
1f14-4^11411-61411°° 4114-' 'Wetent 44-Tile'"erlitare'liffd'itOthlite but troubles,'
katre, fetal' •grants for othet tolitsta-eirtivittee, and though deliveries could not be
the such as legrieulture, Music arid Reuse -
made on time, they reached Most of
at- hold Science h.ave, on the other hand.
their ctistoMers. '
the increased. Residents who take pride in keep-
al- . • Have DAmded Land• ing their own, and the walks in front
in- Amloulture is- taught in all the ,of their premises free of snow-, wer
schools; the expenditure to the Boards forced to give up temporarily at least
for •equipment )and school fairs is re- and wait until the blizzard exhausted
_ .
burned and tlxi teacher receives a grant itself. ,
fer extra 'work and cetialifleations. , A fev.71- rn -the meantime, the town snow
1nCerg Sehorie haVe gerflensi. in isOlne plows were out early and late, but
• anieud..the Wet idearnt 'With -the borrOwe
$250.00 to "eptlit,theeboold: a the couniq creased -regularity this .year due la
• line' nrqvgre Otint4S` EP' 'Oat It 'w411 be of Huron. in 1936 be actePted. Tenders to better weather conditions and .
possible -Tor • were so yeeeleed arom1PIATIIM -Gibbs;
extent ot zoogo 4:of its' Year's eSc'eitses' and John W. Harper _ce,-, at the same vhiedal Attendance Officer, Pto-
. "INM--eirded - Aims, ehasethiseto say -cf---eontlitiens--M-emes 5--snuarpieciroi-i,a4_11,3,
.„ .
-been iocomutive-engines-would---hav
No 'salon was taken on the resOlution price. , - - vinceJefide survey cf attendance condi-
-W.noe-tiuntrfelt-that-it-:---was-not-t •
• Em6-• tole was kaken axo in the dis. We suggest that "Bylaw 1$, 1930, -be this Inspectorate : .
fenced in. thing like the usual hour.
besseaw ha Ole coiMtY.. - rented from an adjoining property and required to cover the town by any-
,estasito te 6, bill /or $35, balance on an I amended as fo-ows, Improving Attendance' ''
II. that section 2 ehall
inlvymooatitoz4ette, itrber btitilserdeetict tif ..:steie_riert- ii, -rea401, _t oti.4941:00,unwa.,,, pa- 7.' Ito" 1.,,..eostot licaz:1, staaninLi°asetiettaltdEeein th'Ilthetpasevent ry-tathr: ' Mimic More Popular .
Certain classes of meats vvere heuses.;el
. boadkcitt.14, ee haseetee Reeve: aa. oVitadizablon.ln 0,101,44'110 22°4414" atter has been Improved upon fii this report. inrzebccstudyis of‘ecomininusie tmmoreder ropucompeiartenitt thireagetseathr:ier asSia'ubglItitetTle:r
Sveeitzer said that Itelralbeen warderet-ne'haa,--recalIvea iNinetor fila..V3:-.....tre-a.. turent: eatnee49294ourseellools-WeeinetileenSi eaetatight in -all theeurbaneaslieolseande-M0-4 -Inelt_hoiseeer _ we.te hl _a
at the time and iti-Inikt he had aelthe"l'el4eeees-11 And that, G44'51411160 —dinge_lecennts cl list with 90.6 in Yebruary, 1131. 91.89 in 12 rural schools: three other schools! position to fill other orders, without
the ers . ..etrapatients come Ull r 'tap Cy aw.
the tbarr-law re- lq * Illate'lmrtb-Y- advance " and "617 have-votedato have-sitetaught this year , delay. "It's 35 or 40 "ears since I
is-, sae goading slot-nnwhines bepassedas read. __,,,,... ,,,.„ Imes_ tal _..,,,,,,._ _______ The schools teaching ' Household! have seen so much snow," one buteh-
-thernnderstandint----that-ale_beJburiedt as Melkk-Cteiger-That — - township is in the honor list. With the
a (Person who.'had died dn 41' lingb+411-"-- ri d ' 'Wuk'''''''''. '''' ' ‘11"VI- ' vu'L'''' Science ave found it worth while and er remarked to The Stat'. yesterdaY.
OW- and that the blirial-fee alloired. IhY Car e • ' ' were of minimum account. I have are continuing but there have been no I Plumbers were cal ed upon to
' statute A'ag $39. ileeVe BillOtt field that (Continued on page 3) nothing but faverable votenment teentake additional ones this year.
the frost having penetrated libm.as
'1 work ovbr-time in thav,ving out pipe e
had conferred with .the" UndertekerS . on the efficiensy of the Ieaehers' iwork
Better Class Rooms
that had never before be:en effected.
had Ulld liim that thee had been 'both from the point of view Of reporting
A few schools were painted and de- The hockey team that played at
given U. ittntlerttand -that the burial was Councillqrs Guegts and ealculations.'" I may add that ere -
emoted this year; at present. there are 1VI'l t t b k f
ii.""tirmtfircutmtrehout -um-- -LitOni'7Ci S .
' to be aebinial eadi. at would be givert
teVides or a fee Of 4850 To
settle the matter Mr. ' Elliott titatedi
tat he would have a representalt*e cli"Banquet at End of Sbort Session..
the -firm opear‘4etere the tomm.ell on _ ,.
' '''''..-11Frldfirtcreicplairi,the AMChet .,,altid 400gs Provide
veahiters_.witla....1rdedUt.,,P. e...eldat,,,resds_ta_the_bundin . determined or anxious than the rest
A letter .vial read from Mi. T. R. Pat -1 Totertamlint--- • certineates win, :mid it dinkuit to
estereefi, the Ooinsty Engineer, in %bid/ ' -
he ,atfzed to? bow Ws tolltY resthred to : NEW ME1VIBERS
Its foi-ther iiiie; --lefii-Prittrersou *fated- - - - - _ .
,.....,4itlid6 41010'.°14440zidbtenthal.t/h1"iolcirstaltivreseiliT When thetions1121) held their
‘.•,07.donot 4.40; eitturr whaehi.. as. ULsregular monthly meeting on Friday
•then the,sthat,untthitt it was tvgrOed be evening in the Bedford Hotel, they
wo,ukt he pmid.,it ,21,6 „ozood remaixtin, beg had as their . guests, the members of
resume.. soot team, aim Irg 0E0 ditiv ' the'CouritY"d0iMeil of Huron. Presi-
. -.7" ,to tile fad that cokicone.thatt dent 1 r. E., Bibbed Ocetipied the
TinuFrY 00pits - GIRLS' 1RRANCH OF W. A.
a 105 ..3.7 ds, paAd. * ee catit*.v, The :chair, and Mr. It C. Hays introduced
itttor wa,,,,teerred to fee , Eatemtive th‘Courieillora. Mayor IL I. A. Mac- ' SAVING THEIR PENNIES OF ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH
conunittee, , .• . Ewan addingthe town' Welcome: to
. .1
• the Legislators; Warden R. 0. 130W-
' 'The **Meer *resented bts ninort to
- tits cotnell, wit& *axe, va the rke-4 man and ix -Warden Geo. Elliott, re -
tion ..Of the tevert dealing 'with StiOv, 'seonded.
vietteb.s. Attr. Geiger, E'ensall's octogen- That the welfare of crippled chit-
n'eve. said, "DY. Jove, in dki.Ys goo drert, occupies a warm place „In the
by feet oeopie insedIo 'get, out and 'dear hearts of the Lion's Club was dis.
a little. 0 the, Ono* -themSelves. 1 don't closed by the remarks of Mr.„Harry
kntot whait's get into the people of to- Griff and Mr. H. '1'1...Edwards, both of
deir. Imty doze seem to want to de whem referred briefly. to, the Club'S
anything. if they'd wake up 6 little activities in that direction.
• *oaten% ineed to 'tome here widask .-Mr. Charles Saunders " Presented
, r _A- 2stwere :prevented Rev-A..._...4.„..._,L7 '
Calder attending the memorial eerVice
In St. George's oilmen on ;Si.artdalr
- --
• morning, in which he had taken sucheri
Interise Interests At the ' Vest moment" -
The Ven. Arch -deacon Jones-Bates:wen-
tonductbd the service.
By .Seoute with crepe -bands upen
,,thrir 'ilett.?..anner.omopied--Aseveral-of 4ba,„1
front eeets. Two of their number. Bud
• Johnston and Chester eldleall. bearing ,
• standards-, -remained- at the ehencetestel e
until the choir -arrived when they prow
ceeded to the Comment* Table, Wein
which the flags -were placed by the
Arch-deaeon. --ic freeing tentperattinit
tit into the bared arms of the SOU*,
but they orcepted the discomfort With
eelitterlY indifferenee.
, Ore° old and ever popular 12)=1
Were rendered, in addition to the an-
them "Souls of the righteous In the
bend of Ood" (rertlus) followed by a
well sung rA)lo by Mr. -Prank Riley,- "
"Then shell the Di hteous shine." The
hymns were '1) d our help in igei -
past," "Abide -FA me, east falls the
open -tide -ance`...la‘an thotted Alines
telt thOlLSOOd."
The Arrh-deaCCretl TAYMTIMI WIZ bele_
ane to the po!na Ile recalled hew fer-
tunate the British Empire tad-beW - -
during the reigas of Vittoria the good:
. Edward VII. the peace -maker, and
Few in the sorrowing crowd that .George V, whom Suture historians %Wild,
lined streets of London, as funeral' likely designate as "the father of the
cortege of George V proceeded to
in 1TLOst eases cOmfortable and attract- that havenot attractive, bright and s a,/ n't 'en- joggle loose, and fall to the street.
ing. On trying for hobie a few hours nawationng." George
dit ds due to the parents ins seeing thet
and to*the itruste.es in bating provided, woul—d-rffiae ' ofo y pt- t-*-1---mit expense, r‘Tr"r"-nrtlie'eettr- - - W ` , Str.-traTriVet—Intrntethltingla-erOWn ilk." mesienthereborrand-Passed-tigottele , ...L......
about four o'clock on Tue d• had entered the 'MeV
ttendance no sahools, except the fow• 012 Whiith it 4,...,,,, ,e e., .. Westminster Hall observed the little
f,--f'4,---il ft -hear -I -At
. ilard on interim seconag 1 with dark and tattereti blinds. ,the ranite, like any other boy, but solely _
ience. discipline and self-control met
ive schools. , later, they got as far as Holtresville, cross witish ,unslater restored to the
An officer picked up the „ jevvelled 0/1 lea mesee go there /earned dbeds ,
- cheerful class roome. There are none
There are now 35 rural =heels that took his duties so seriously that het •
'but were agaie stalled. Two more sreybol of empire.
later wrote a book upon naval affairs.
turtle teatt,hinz they must nrst the when was appointed inspeobar. there trudged to .their homes m Go eric , EX IN UNUSUAL -MOOD - • Tteoquiz si
which it, Li y
was dray one urban school having them; 'hut the other boys.went back to Clin.
exairdna,tion of the Upper Seim', then
raittf the proffeekanal -examinations- for muser more Imre .is being taken in the btosnardwnherfree titrhhety_trawiner,eanedeif.mhliattllyed jet
:61hief of Police- Postelthwaite is tets. By introducing obedience, aid*
. ed a, valuable authority on slug mat.
en Interim ' ds ure- ef-'1-fmt and q're sore. Ire doesift mind the school pline and self-eontml 'tido his cam
drat yew' trnivers4 et4uking and then; Medical Assistance bwk. childreirowballe und-hatr,---howetteld,-tho-Kimer_Aeith. tho helei or
manent ,EIrst. 'This is no easy task and clang more • active work in echools; its told The Star that he did object thenr,elves to their family of four e0,15
the eundeations. and tests tor a Per- The Depaitment of Health hao,bee_n DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE
rmagt have beoonie discouraged. In a (continued on page 6) .strenuously when he found them and one daughter cone son having been
picking the flower from the rase valet): early in life) and that hinut'uw
I. O. D• E., spent a delightfirl evening
Members of the Ahreeek Chapter bushes at the pillars on the highway for good was felt throughout the Eute
one day last 'week. •1 -
on Friday, when they' were etertain- —
or 030,4 thittect the Neditors' report of the Lion's
re* ore teeeressed the eminal I Club for 1935. '
A flute solo by Mr. Win. Thotriphon
and a song by Mr. Cecil Attridge
enlivened the proceedings; Reeve
Cardiff contributing I'llotrie on the
The sporting. part of the yeti.**
work was explamed by Mr. It. Stone-
house, Who stated that, about 80 boys
of 12 years age Were lined up' as
tihior Iteekey, pla, ere,,,, with (work
-0ernincthe motion that was Tea
,li Wet/MOM to the. Hydro Electric
'Verwer'bornmission of 'Ontar10. He add,
"The ti•ouritY e-ounta is a tar more im-
: portot body then its Members II** it
is. A great deal of the leeesiatitin Col
our lotod is the evert,1?-t County Oottit-
tiW Itt oedmitted that. he .. Wes the
Man ti142titl (the Methelt And eXplabied,
that Since be rwSS !not a inertatt Of the
courrillziat --leo
%lit: best *It 10 britt,the Mager to theib0' Pv°81)ftt- al'
at*ition of the goterranentt„ It thee, ittitite Tent eptedsters.
-were. tedeeei relere:. the owxgtisttottl _me,m1:1,,,k A. Ni0010 the recently ap.
, vouldtbett 4rtiloi, itittottlaotit6 4°t '106* tortaWiss* .711 1616441,rt 13 I Weitlurgaint, alltr Mr. F. of the
1, Bank of
71tXt 1,1.44,t tot, ormottore iht ioeskete des trettl,, to asetime the management or
,_ ver to hot rowel too tor otto : arrived -8 few weeks, *go' front Men:
tuettit ito Tot of, ate opirtwri ow, go the Goderiell branch of the 'Baulk of
40er attoot iget 4ii, woo,* soordlog* to f Ceinnterce, „Wert.- enrolled ,41it Priday!t
, 400 tootriito iono, 41.0. tl,*, mort: .4011nioreultirig, rot tnetebers, o tfictieleft
that be thet0;
AO rtie 6,0105 iir- '
d 'goet*ie teiri. )44fle
In at least one Ontario school,
every pupil placed -a certain amount
of money hi the Penny .Bank during
November and December, 1935. That
school was Fergus. in other 'schools,
the percentage that laid away some
of.their savings, was as low as six.
Fifty -ono per cent. of the Goderieh
pupils made deposits. They had
saved $3,161.88 up to the end of De-
cemPer, as againet .3,2'241.49 on
December 30th, 1934,
A girls' 'branch of the Woman's Aux-
iliarY. to the Mur,eh of England in
Canada, hat been formed in St. George's
Ohue-h. This • organization will ,meet
every Thursday everting from 0 to 7.30.
The birsiness period will be conduoted
a,roimd the table duririg the supper hoar,
after WhiAt the"gitis will carry oh their
work aetiVities.
The alne of these branches ,13 to de-
velop the interest of girls tie the misstep
'week of the (hurtle at home and
The erograrii is built up by the co-
operatkm a the members on a religious,
educational, tooth1 and physieal
A supper opened the proceedings, fol-
A.,„B. *Lean was again 60- lowed bv a short address on the aims
peint,ed chairman of the Board of and ObieetS of the W. A. and the elec..
I:loath at their nieeting On Monday OM offickrs., as fellows.: Leader.
eterhoon at the town hall. Alt ° the miss E. Brown: Becietary, Audrcy Wie-
mentbers were present. It was decid- land: TreasAtcr. Nance Otal'k; menir
ed that the- Board 'week!' meet on the berthin accretarg, Mona, Itarriseni Aa:*'"
first.Monday,Ot.-etteh,menth-at„four Plaitit, Jean !So -
P.m. 6. -nortald; Der- *retat7".-AU Farran
Dr. Whitely, M.0011.,"reported that Assistant 'Agnes Oittittabell.
in the pots month .thoto itswo bpotit A layette was ehosen at work for the
two cetset tearlet fever Gode- 41 15t durIng. the inhilth'is* *11161
rich, and setictil people have bon rearding and ttile°161611 °Ice tilax°'
inealtinixed° An application of /elm. elitist/pm:it
sten Brother e for milk Worm two, "It r""Glrir.
Pissed, subject' to inspettion., IN P. N. R. YARD
Copies the Aor>
and Regulation,* will be procured for
each Metaber the Pool
While at'elork itt, the C. N. R.
yard* Emerson Bishop wite„etruck by
4VAM tActint,,.
3WIL4d, *to tisk-
ri-tsj the laosP141 for t41.4004Piltit.
ed at a bridge party, at the ome GOOD LUCK TO YO U,youNG FEp.ow
'Mrs. D. 3. Laneregent of the chap. .11`c:rist7,y
ter; Mrs. J. M. Field and Mrs. Gal -
low. A eommittee of the following
ladies attended to the comfort and
entertainment of the guests, while
they played. bride and five hundred:
Mrs. D. J. Lane, Mrs. W. G. Mac -
Ewan, • Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. J. M.
Field, Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst, Mrs.
C. K. Saunders and Mrs. II. J. A.
Mrs. Gallow, Mrs. W• F. A. Naftel,
Mrs. • IL C. Dunlop, MiS5 Emilie
Buchanan, Mrs. G. A. Nairn and Mrs.
Macklin, were tea -hostesses. Mr.
and Mrs. 1. D. Eastman were the
winners at bridge,' while Mr. Don.
nelly Johnston and Mrs. Carlton
Worsen took the prizes for "500''.
Blocked roads and old weather
having prevetited people ,frorri get-
ting into town, Mil GOO'. W. Schaefer'
has eXtended hig mid -winter sale to
Zatprdny, February iqhj one week
longer than intended. •
-Firernee on Sunday' itiftefriloort
rt(ilted„ the icicles that, had, formed
trehr the elves ot the Britisit lx -
bot. Thoi%$17o,,and wcight
tstolot A. titmice; and they Wore eon.
toquently ,hno,oked down, * 1