HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-01-09, Page 4Olegly made. of
b • err u r, red , soles,
6 to 12. Species:
Mr. Thomas Legg is now quite set
tied In his new premises, an the sanity
aide of the • street -as hie farmer shop
and several doors nearer the square.
This butcher 'shop Will continue to be
known as Legg's Sanitary r Meat Mar-
kit- It is between Robe on's gro-
cery and Hunt's hardware, and is so
eqisipped that customers Can count
upon getting better service than for-
merly. ,
K'ha• West •''I 'awaaEnosh ICOUnell Weld
"Jag. Meeting Or the `y+at: torn
daYa age-
tiro. i..
. ! t n td Cocineillolrs 'Sty/A
asd MeIbillististhe Couneil', decided
to pltyI the u*uUl gi ata `to 1!ibraarie .:
i,r lis , urrl'ay', was appwntod
ool attendance officer" on motion et
au+rilit►rrs: Ait+eheson and Mc, uillin
Road 'Snit, was authorized to.
1purehase 3000 feet Of .snow fence< .
1110 folio ng, accounts were car-:
des ed paid on, motion of • +Councillors.
and ,Ai hisozi«
Aitcht for , salary, $45.; A. A4.
ria e, sal+ ',, 45.; Brown ;Smyth
solar $45y4y�y,�J. McQfuillln, salary $=hg45
►.! f'. . Stewall� ,, ba . .salary, 354
Beard,o Health M. Straiv,
Yr •'r u
than. ,refund on dog tax $2.;: B,
S yA.
riSm lt; ,-4.:1sfe-fiords`-wood 7 • Lorne
Ivere, hall trent for Division' Court
$20.; N. F. Whyard, Division ; Court
Clerk, ,$2,w 'Fowler, Bailiff Division
Court, 4112.; Dr. Yokes; Board . of
Itlealth $65.75; C. Foran, caretaker,
*10.; Jt, Millar, repairs t9• :Gaunt Dr.,
$3.; Il lenr Miller, care. of Memorial
.Piot, $7.; J. Mil�rt, weed .inspector,
$7.50; , Eady, bread, t3.; D,
Phillips , aal., Of' salary, $91.15; Robt,
Moore, repairs: to sidewalk, $5.84; W.
A. ;Boyle, bale of salary, $93.; J. R.
Murray grant to St. Helens Library,
10. Mrs.M�,. A. McKenzie, grant. to
Dungannon, Libra r, .$5.; Thos. Wil-
son, grant -to Auburn Library, $5.
Durnin. Phillips, Clerk.
Ite or molal lntermit ere in;.
sited "bl�" fir.. n You.
ve .gU ars, a ..Phone call. to S a.
:� ii their w
. •. � ia• xaama�c, acrid where
trier ; Ytte fro`, will, a �tppr'ecia o
t! . ,+tile,. ,you. Iea't gran ,.
on, a •visit or tris, your Wends
would• ho interests d. Every :per.
son reads° the ,Personal Coturnn .
a tow ne paper -We th'e'se.
fore want all . the 'personal or
asocial .. i�tyeetns.' , we, can'
*1 .get y and
thank /you in ad .ante fO tc1Iin
us ahything that will help.
��. ., r . ^!R'♦''filnfalvy has been in, Detroit
dor see days firer pare»ts.
B, 1�It1 r f Arcolar`, Sas3a,., L5
visiting with , ihis anter -in-law, Mm..
Husthn, Dr to ,
Mr. Jack tSee ,has returned fib the
Ontario Veterlinary College, Guelph,
after spelndang a dew days with Mrs. Bee.
Miss Mary Johnston spent• 'the holt,
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Johnston, Newgate St.
Mr,' Donald Lane has returned to
Toronto, where he is attending busi-
less college.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Edwards and, Miss
Mabel Edwards were New Year
guests of relatives in London.
Miss Isobel Matheson has returned
to her teaching duties at Welland,,
Miss Verna Barbour of ' Markdale
is en,ioying a vacation with her par-
Messrs. Wm. Webster and D. Ege-
ner haven. returned to their studies at
Miss Evelyn Black of Grimsby is'
visiting with her parents,Mr. and
Mrs. H. Black.
Mr. Alex. MacVicar has gone.
back to Western. University, 'London,
after spenrdi'nihc holiday with his_4
s Helen and Mary Bisalt i*e-
„lessee putting stood lino a stove ori
Friday the clot ng of Mrs. E. Cm-
ningharn. of m caught fire.
She was so severely burned.! that she died
an Sunday lin the Palmerston hosptta1.
Mrs, Cunningham. was 64 years of age.
and was: horn In the Teams ilp of Nichol.
Fresh -Ham Roast - Ib. 20c
Fresh-Ham--Slrced - lb 22C
Pure Pork. Sausage - Ib. 17c
Pure Lard � 2lbs. for 25c
Head Cheese - Ib. lOc
fairly *teak this week, the greatest
A' meetingf' ,the•
Womkees . frail'
Club 'loll be held in Maclly ,Sts : base.
ebange being in egg prices whin'
a sharp
,deeliine, Bacon hogs Q re- .
dined the same at $7,85' , $8.00, 1
but -apt" riser is etc as a result of
the ither
d oof u
i of .
ou e
#S x. me Court p
the: United States with.regard to the
A, A.A.
6 pound -.. , , .. , « R . , , 10e
,chickens, 5 to 0 pounds
Chickens., 4 to 5 pouuda ..... , ....1.3c
Chickens,' 8 to 4 pounds... , ..... llc
Chickens , under $ pounds . . IOC
An interestins0r4
has been
ray104 •
The regular meeting .of ,the Goderich
Towiiship Hospital Attxliarr will .
held at theh of , 0. Gi t,
atm, Street, on ' Thurday, January 1,6ti4
at 2:30.m.
Dr.. brster; Eye, .lir. NGS and T114.04,
Spectali§t•-next ' visitat Bedford Holed
Goderrich, Wedn ►ss Jan, 15, float
paps,. till Thursday, Jai 16; at ' 1 p.m,.
t Ducks, per lb,
12a alive -16c dressed o e 90 SOI
7 Eggs
Grade "A" large 22c ..�..... y_.. ;. ,. .
Grade "A" medium 20c
Pullet's"*- "
, ,«, ,... , , .... , , , 18e inion shared in the lucrative trade
Penslar sl r. White ;l' ne..an&;
e Balsam 2 .'5c, ;
S roc
Bu.k.l.'s Bronchitisnchitis M
IX. ;
ture . , ,,,40c,
Chase's Cough ;'Syrup
♦ , .. , . „,,,,;350, 75C
Masson 49 . , , .40c, 7Sc
Ca;�aa Bromide �ine
'n, s "rQuinine,
Tablets. ,.,♦A,.25c
Grover . Lax . r.0
Quinine , . ... ,_ ♦ -25c
Norval's Cold Tablet „..25c
Penslar Cold, Tablet. ., ♦ 25c
Margaret Seeger -Club is gives eard
Wednesday . erening, January 15th, A
mission 25c Everybody welcome. -2
The regular meeting of the Vdctoria
.Roane .and: School Club will held
Thursday, Jana ;16th, at 8 p.m, , An
terest ng program has been arrange
and a goo:t nttendai,' a is hoped for.
The Christian S Group of Vic-
toria Street Unite Church will present
a • new minstrel program in Peebruary,
Twenty young men will take part in the
Minstrel entertainment. Watch for par-
ticulars. -2-
rich 'B» , , , M .. , . � � ; ..-•'''''-";-•-•"1.8c ,. ar and uebec breed-
f�>t -„although Ontario Q
Grade C . , .... , , ',"•.' . , . , 17c ars contributed the majority of the
- Hens over 5 pounds elivered) Ile cattle.
Hens, 4 to 5 pounds delivered) l00
( A particularly encour Wing feature
Butter,. dairy, lb • .. , ... , 23c. was the general advance in. prices
Butter, r'
u r .0 eriine l c
on � b, .. , ... , . 28
.Creamery, paid throughout the year. Starting
in Meat in the spring, gains were steadily
ci Bacon Hogs, F.O.B., cwt. $7.85-•-8.00 registered with the result good ,indi-
Butcher Cattle . °4c to tic vj�dual stock now commands at leas
Veal Calves 7e-- a 50. per cent. more than at this time
Lambs . 7c last year.
Potatoes, per bag , . ♦ , , .. ♦ . , , $1,35
Turnips, per per bushel 30c
Don't , miss the 'Virginia Jubilee Sing-
ers at North Street. United . church on
Mo n eta y, January 13th. .Admission
adults 25e plus tax; children 15e. -2-
The Goderibli, Women's. tnstdtutae are
holding a five days' "short course in
Needlecraft the week of January 13th,,
in MacKay Hall. The instructor, Miss
Evelyn' Frisch, is sent to the Institute
by the Department of Ag'ri'culture. ' The
c as are open to all the ladies' ort e
town and anyone "wishing to attend
plealse Ildtifl 1Vli's lir ' Tioaxht7krie -""
ve tt; Don't forget he Euchre and >•ance to
StrMr, Albert Baker• has returned to be held .in the Mrisonic 11a�]1 'on Friday,'
mai !whoa
where he is attending Nor- Jana 24th,. under the auspices of the
7inal school. a Young Ladies of St. ' Peter's church.
Miss • Lilliaa� adacVicar left Gode- Admission 35c. -2-
rich on Saturday for Welland,' where-•�•-Y-
sho is teaching. The annual meeting of the local
-.--Messrs." Donald•and Kieth' Murison -branch oaf the V. 0, Bible Society willbe
have gone to Toronto, the former to held in MacKay Hall on Friday, Jan.
continue his studies at Osgoode Hall, loth, at 8 p.m. Reports will be given
and the latter to begin a course at and officers' els':•ted. The address will
Shaw's business college. • be given by Rev., Mr, Calder. A c811ecy
Misses • Margaret Redditt and tion will be taken to defray expenses. A
Eileen O'Brien left this week for hearty invitation is extended to.all.
Oakville, to resume their teaching
Mr, and Mrs. •Cuss• Morris have re-
turned to Detroit . after visiting "the
Tha annual meeting of the 'Church -
woman's Guild of St. George's church
-was held Tuesday of thfs 'week, in the
letter's. axnd• Mrs. Doug- i guild root, when reports of- the pas
parents, Mr.
las McKenzie, Cambria Road. year were read and adopted. Office
for the coming year were elected: as fol-
lows: ;Pry ., ms's M: Ba•1ke1d; 1St Vice;
Mrs. H: J. A. MacEwan; 2nd Vice, Mrs.
H.-Tthhlibrne; Sec'y, Mrs. C. •V3•dean;
Treas., Mrs. D. Browne Press Sec., Mrs.
C. Thomas; cahoirthers,_ -Mrs_ Palmer
and Mrs. Brown. It was decided to hold
.the annual high teas, on Feb. 25th. After
the business was concluded a social half
DAYFIELD . hour was en:icived.
Mr. A. A_._ 11 1, manager _ of ..the. local
branch of the Bank : of Montreal, has
been transferred to the office of the
superintendent at ¶i oroaitii for the next
two weeks. Mr. Harold -Young, accoun-
tant of-the-1)=1(A_Gederich, is aorta
manor during Mr. Nigcol's absence.
The Week, t3Iii Prayer •was observed in
Bayfield by -three- servces-, the first
being held in Trinity church_ on Monday
night at whteh Rev. 1t. M. Gale gave
the address:, the second--4n--St. Andrew's
shied---c!hure --on-.Tuesday_-evening; at -
which Rev. Dr. Douganwas the speaker,'
and the third in 1 nex -Presbyterian
ehnroh on Wednesday night when Rev.
W. G. Bugler addressed the gathering.
Rev.. -and -Mrs: -Mrs. W --G Bugler and Ber-
nard returned ort Friday from London.
Miss. Louise :McLeod arrived home on
New Y'ear's Eve after having spent sev-
eral weeks in London,
Misses Elva. and Anne Dewar return
W. H. Doak, James Away, W, Cott
- Or r, Interments
and Hector ego wig
tirade in Maitland cemetery.
Those attending the 'funeral' from out
,of town were: " Mrs. E. J. Forest, of
Sherbrooke, Que.; Mr. John ;1Taleryr, of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs: Hector McGregor
of Bayfield; Mr. Wan. Mott Anel the
Misses Elliott and Mr.' Wallace; froni
t Ooderich Township.
Apples r(Macintosh Reds) bus. $2.00
SOS ...,..,,.,~.,., , 1.25
e $
Wheat 65e to 68c
Buckwheat 30c to 36c Mr. G. Everett Henry, whose death
Oats 23c to 26c is referred to in Another column,
Barley • 33e --36c was. a hero of Paschendale, -where
Flour and reed he won the Military Medal for brav-
Bran $1,10--$1.15 ery. He went overseas with the
Shorts $1.20--$1.25 147th, Grey County batallion. His
Manitoba :Flour 82.75-$3,20 sisters are Mrs. Howard McCauley"�---------�-- -- and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy. He was
Barred Rocks Lead a County Road overseer for some
Barre time. There were many beautiful
Sl - 'lya +truth Rnekq eun;t nued lera1 •tributes; ens••--thein---bei•ir
to hold their lead at. its end of the one from the returned soldiers, and
twee '
�...�..k ofwtkteS�xt....t�anturia:w'4U�est-. ,,,; ��,, _�.. �.,,.. .� _ h, _.. > .,ons from the (lurlirrg �r•:ink�,� �„arithcontester: ubich_ -Ebbe. which• -he was associated.L4' Among
at the Dominion Ex- those the funeral we, Mr. and
perimental Farm at 'Harrow. Mrs. Geoir=ge�Irwin, Mrs. R. Fitzger-
• Production for the week' for the ale, C.at A. Alton, Mr. ander` Mrs. Sam
Rocks was 48.1 per cent; that of the Alton, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor,
White Leghorns, their principal xiv- Alexander and Thames Hackett, Mrs.
als, 30.9, aper cent; and that of all Geo. Hunter and James ^Henry, all of
birds df all breeds, 37.2 per cent. Dungannon district; Mr. and Mrs.
The Barred Rock entry of Hugh C. Thomas Agar, Brampton; Mr. and
Elliott, of Galt, was still in first Mrs. Feuster and Mrs. Evans of
place for pen of 10 hens, having pro_ Stanton. The service was held in
dohn's Arnited ,CfiurcE, Plesherton
with Rev. Mr. Scott, officiating.
duced 639 scoring eggs to date, 'and
sharing been credited with 066.1
points. In second place is another
nen of Rocks,- the entry of Angus J.
Urquhart, of Greenfield, with 427
eggs and 464.7 ' points. In third place
is a pen of White Leiorins, entered'
bv W. S. Hall, of Oakville, with 419 The funeral service for the late miss
eggs and 448.8 points. The Elliott Haley was conducted by the Rev. A. C.
hens were the best producers during Carder at her late residence at 2.00
t --week,-.the--i0--hens- laying 66 eggs -f o'clock --car Saturday, Jan. 4th. 'A private
in seven days. - service for the family was held at an
Best individual layer in the con-. earlier hour. The pallbearers ' •mere
test is a Barred" Rock from the Ur- 'Messrs. J. A. Lawrence, C: W. .Worsen,
quhart entry. She has laid, 77 eggs
ih the 91 days the contest has gone,
and has been : credited with 89.6
points. In second ,and third place,
are. Rocks from the- Elliott entry
with 'scores of 81 eggs and 81.1
points, and 80 eggs and 86.1 points
respectively. - - --�-
.. +....__._ a.
Bread is again down to 8 cents :,a.
loaf in Godet'ich, after selling for a ,
-few-weeks at cent`s. �...:.__
Potatoes are scarce and some far-
mers who last year fed potatoes to
cattle are this year baying them for
theirown-tables. - l
" There is nothing more than coinei
ed tO-- Tmcmito on 1 a a'fte'r lu'I
Wilde in the ae7e0tiQ loc�iughs;
-with their parents.sten._ at this festive season, .as the subject
Noss • Grace Webster, of Lucknow, fs for considearatibn. Hiccoughs are not
Reid; and other relatives in the vicinity: serious in themselves be most annoyiang.
Acting as a partition between the
THREE OF "FAMOUS BABIES Officials of the
. . chest and the abdominal cavities is
a pai•tticulairl:�, strong.. muscle, ..the Association of �alioletetFritefeiana�cTaic�anor
visiting ,her aunts, Misses M. andL:th 1 but they may
Record for Holsteins
BRANTFORD, Jan. 6. -Canadian
breeders- of Holstein. ,cattle exported
u total of 8-102 head- to the -United
•States, during 1935, more than
double the . number exported during
1934. The previous high was in the
year 1932, when a total of 4,896 head
was shipped.
� d
the, ionne q,uint�ts starts
the new year by adding to their
weight, but the other two --lost slight -
ly, Emilie showed. the -greatest in-
crease, 2 ounces since December 30,,
and Annette held the weight cad by
3I ounce. 'After his visit today, . Dr.
Allan Roy Defoe said all the babies
remained in excellent health.
The weights and changes since
December 30.
lb. oz.: change oz.
• at
,ari onne -22 .. 14... 1,.. l-oss' ..._
Emilie 21. 12 2', gain
Marie 19 5' i 1 loss
dia hxagm• Through its action he estimate the r_evenue•,�fr Nathis trade
chest cavil enlar ell' -or contractees `�� -to mores
y g � , a fin. 000 UOOrn}
ld us" 6".-"tp ragm p�Iiiys an im- , W Torre` oiil "'a a million
-portant part- in Jbreathing. •dollars snore tha> the previous
e 'ich_. the. di year.
tend- wwhhich controlssupplies its move- Practically e'vervi part -of the Do -1
meats, mes 'from the upper part o
the s,%1 cord in the region of the
neck. A hiccough is' really a spasm
of the diaphragm caused bv some ir-
ritation to its nerve supply.
An over -dilated stom;aph. is . • often
responsible.. This condition is seen'
typically in the overfed baby .whose
,ds -when, --having
been placed paver -the- shoulder~ of hia
ted,hdieer_ nbrinup" r h ig - nurse and bu i back pat-
: air'or milk, ireliev-
ing the. pressure and curing the hic-
coughs at the same time. In later
llife, those Who avvexelit or' who eat too
..,ue e N...2 Squat Giga, tic .
pups u
, .
ham Sale of Milliotry
Two �l grams in ¬
Velvets awl Felts,,. at
0.00 • $1A9.
The G irrlorick Freack DrY
CJeasiag i "�rtkt
;,� � lt«�tyjr�acala�r:
wit, lig G
The proposed Ontario income• tax
will not include "corporations, itwas
announced at Queen's Park,
The new levy is designed, totax
individuals only: it was eXplained•
The "Province already levies a tax
upon corporations and has no inten-
tion of increasing the tax.
About 100,000 people in the g'rov-
ince will likely pay a portion of their
income to the Provincial Treasury, it
was estimated.
..R ter.w
Cit+iJlr?O, �tfs
- 10 a.m.-Bible School.'-
11 a.m.--Children's Sex:vice
Sermon by object lesson.
7.00 p.m.
"The kingdom and " Man iage'v
All calls promptly attended to day
or night.
Phones Store 335, House 15&. •
Newtocation-lfiemiltan St. Next goats Hardware
-Specials Friday andattrdy
Choice Corned Beef,
1211 cc lb.
Our own Pure Lard, 16c lb.
Choice pot roast Baby
Beef . ' 14c lb.
Choice Boiling Cuts Beef,
Tic -lb.
Lean Roast Pork20c lb.
Pea mealed Back "-Bacon,
.. . . ..„29c lb.
Pea mealed Cottage Ro11,
Jewell' Shortening, 14c Ib..
. .. .2 lbs. for 27c
Pure Beef and Pork _Drip-
Drip=ping 3 lbs. for ' 25c
Shoulder" I oSst milk fed
'Veal .. ......... I5c Ib,
Veal for Stewing ...12c lb.
quickly may suffer in the tame way,..
but relief is not so easily obtained.
An irritated stomach ma-- show its
irritation in hiccoughs. Stomachs
may be irritated by certain fowls or
by undue amount -of alcohol. Furth-
ermore, the liver and the gall -bladder
are not far away, and if these organs
are upset or diseased, there May be
such indirect irritation to the diaph-
ragm anis to cause spasms of hiccough.
Hiccough mav be * symptom of
.some disease,"causing an irritation of
the brain . centre, wl,ich.'controls the
action of the .diaphragm or again
pressure may be exerted on this.
centre by'some• chance in the brain.
Here, Win all other abtformsl con.
ditioins, treatment should be directed
at the underlying pause. .Soiaietianes
as slap on the back,: holding the
breath,'taking a sip of watts or suck.
;ing see will suiiice, if the cause lies
in an ,overloaded stomach;: then an :
emetic will usually bring all the dis-
comfort to an end. '
When hiccoughs persist the usual
remedies are tried, it is. advisable,,
to secure medical rare as they say I
be a syniptont of #Sado condition
which should not be neglected. Tho l'
wto suffer from repeated attaeiks are
advi,ed to slog down in their eat- .
Wig, or to avoid highly spiced foods or
titre excessive use of any psr t ulte ,
fwd or beverage at both,' *re apt to ,
be irritating When used to excess.
f+ustioins cot ruing he*lth allow ;
Wised to the Car aadia t Medical As.
tion, OA olle St4;'Irotorkto,
+SII be *rill** id peratoatlly by ret#
All are made from all -drool materials ---Lavishly
trimmed with Sable; Squirrel, French seal, French,
Beaver - Smartly styled -- Warmly . interlined. •
The,'e • outstanding low January Sale priced.
Men's and Youth' Coati
t.Smartly Tailored Coats in brown and blue silver=
tone --blue and oxford grey silvertone Elysians.
• We are Continuing the sale of M sse ' After-
noon slid Evening Dresses.. , Smartly styled'
in novettyveaves and crepe
Materials.egn. ul. r+
,.i � 6«9
'and $8,9.5.. Specially priced
'omen's Afte. root Dresses
Fine materials, beautifull: cut, exquisite
y ex q site
trimming. Black, and ,rich dark colors. to
si s
18,1,4te'2434, Theme
bresses. we `r lariy
$10.95 and $11.9. J'ery .
special f, . ♦ter w • t.. r N Ai w .