HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-01-02, Page 9,
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.114 ehatiae mede'
ItitSif 'net *Id
tie of 10e 'fel
replece 03' Pal
made. ,
atie itenleti
4.00 pen, to ensure' hlreertio.
tokan Insertion, au: additionel *
de, Where it -hi •desired*
*AV 4114104041, 'Charge of
UZNZ-ROMILIS F-uitoblejor
Usekeephig. Hoard If req
4. E. Ifiettennle., iteaya:A
Vitristines 'tibet • enottt$filodbpa4Z7ro'' nsire.nt
• 0"Att Mrs, Voltvm Oast. PrentOti
tIon, Aspont -Vinistines whit ''the
te1'8 Mother» Mee, HAW reMeinen' to
t with tor ,mother. •
rs, D. ginAllit: of NVest zone,
t. a week at OhristMal With 'her par -
Mrs, Ca Jakf! and
ig their Ma 'trittil,nre'wisibtkoltr: end Mm F. ttlwarde spent.
Or their Wan eiei, of eympethy,/ °L1144tIlla'.5 WAttP10-' Thiehl
aidefor the *With* floreletrileato pro- tvre .3irec Watson. .
eAted th*. reeeaVeen *reel/04014» Saue Silent Chriettnae lie :VVeterlee
and rettetned home- svith them etor .a
Mr. end- Mrs.. Bavt. and fatally,
Vintotitps' ,efilrthTu TcAvn Oalincil of Undoet. Spent Christmas 'With Mr.
rt1t3100' and Nere, ,Pred •Baker. Mies ',Margaret
ri tor the 'gime. auct_tro,u.?1„„..0. and Ouster 13urt. rethained to enjoy their
tin peeparing and. eeteeetie Christines hoUdayS bete.
sales 'eeewe.vieeei. eididrerl tif Mr 4 4 if ehilar
-40 11110KINS,,..Chale- - , )114 C on -
sie or Veiadsor, are spending their Vacatitm
wlth Mrs. Pye's parente, Mr. and ,Mre
Chas, Wideotobe.
Miss Deloree Atwood,. whe has sieetit
some time in Detroit, retarned home for
Christmas. She Was. accompanied by
her father, wile event a few days with
his mother, Mrs. E. Atwood.
reola.Eiltott and Me David How-
ezeift, of Detroit, spent Cristinas at the
formers home with her 'nether:
1rIan. .,d4y erventnx, prizes Ruth (RmistOn and Mr. William
bY Ilene 01:114.YI, _ ?or. _;"1170.._it.14,orntee. .:4Ceviirtaeu:seme °..uf tt;;ILititV;;411'Lltrnit:'r:scereaitenzliCI lloustrine spnt
Spending Taito hatcleys at hts home. Christmas with Mrs, MeKenzie'e (laugh.
Ipar 888" -„you can driV
»Sedan home. 00
COO battery, The 0%
On4. Apply THE STA,
SatiE.-eTwo .1.Ve oaskets for 11014e
graieeras good as new They
have been left at THE STAR OPPIIM
for •inettection:
IfOTEL, Peen CoefFoRT
-te guests win enjey the home UI
,AtinosPhere of The Perk House. eplen„
deid 00410, waren, spaelous rooms. ancl
eotntorte Of borne. Baptize about'
ionr 'Week,IY winter rates. THE PARK
,elefths (treree noteepe spent aulatiros :ter, Mrs. C. Campbell, of Stanley Twp.
eiend's sleigh.' with te„ troic with .her aunt, Uoti. oeme Nair tetwrenee Towlie Came up fronl
If you hose one ssa ••aa tor. London to spend the Yuletide season
mu, write ow; 47, .1,11-E sr4at, unr, ikroitet Meer ivocis. her dauguter, Ethel
hvoisliiusisters, MisseS Prances and
Margaret, were -weee-end te of her e'
NYt001t. Dee, The
M. 8, will tnoet Itturzday at Mrs.
The Women'h Institute Meets at Mrs.
.las. 'Jan,. $th.
, P. a -held a Proaves*Ive <woke
• (corginued tom vow
thcir oid ltnildingS and putting. u
new onee. *
In bringing his rerharks to a $00,0,
-Mr. Tyndall' stated that this is * time
14n our lives when tiv, should wish one
aria all of us, not only Prosperity :in
the coming Yeer, but a high type o
citieenship for t'hat. would bo serely,
needed if the dread clouds, of war
eontinued to gather over troubled
M. JOineS Chisholin Jr., a -third
aspirant to the council, outlined 'what
be ternied the dark spots that cam3.
Up in the work of the 1935 ceunell,
He then turned more directly to work
done in his own division. Ire stated
t at a fair amount of money, had
been spent there, but that they had
not gone beyond their eetimate.
Mr. Xeleofi MetartY, a new men on
the tOunell for 19354 felt that re-
lief in the munieipality is being a-
bused. Re said that there were some
on relief Who were living better than
some of the people helping to pay
for them. Ile had money spent o
ith regard
**nay efileillle mentiojwl by Mr.
GoldtharPle be /114 haar4 that ono oZ
them had refused *
heeaugke a his spot» ito the coUlitY.•
,and. that Huron is still the lowest
paying CountY in the Province.
-Mr, Tyndall said that the, MIL
David •Croll, Minister of Welfare in
the 'Provincial Government had de.,
glared that, in any work that he had
to do with the Counties, Huron was
one of thebest, in the province.
'Reeve Williatri Steseteet, of West
Wawenosh, was asked sneak, to a,
neighbouring munieipality, and 'ex-
plained the matter of the equaliza-
tion of County assessments. Speak-
ing on the subject of the salaries of
the County clerk and the treasurer,
Mr. Stewart said that in 1930, the
Old Age Pensions ',Coninlittee had
cost the county something over 0000
and that these officials had taken 4,
over the duties of that 'Committee,
and that any difference that *as
11---inade in their salaries was in reality
pay for the extra work that had to be
done in connection with the Old Age
Pensions. .
Mr. Arthur Culbert, a member of
Ashfield township council, also ad-
dressed the meeting for a few main-
baekroads m his division, where no
money had been spent for years and
. these road e had to be maintained he
declared. ,
Mr. Harry McCreath, the fifth
nominee declined to enter the field.
He was quite well satisfied ..(vith the
Past year's council. .11eplaming Why
he had asked Reeve Feagan if the
matter of the taking over of the
township roads had been pressed, Mr.
McCreath said that he, felt that the
townslern grader was toe light to do
any good on a much travelled road
such as the one from Benmiller to
Saltford, that the grader Was not
taking out the bumps and that the
heavier country equipment could do
this work. If the road is not taken
over the speaker suggested that salt
be placed on it to keep down the dust.
Mr. Albert .Goldthotpe, reeve • of
Colborne altIteheeeeen..a...neattacthek..
present reeve,. George Feagan,
--whenehe-esaidethat had noticed
Feagein -ilitd-eaid._nothing his
address regarding the raise
given the County clerk and the
broibet Atr, 4,0,!cie moms 1.., - , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atitinrori and
—4411% 14;010. Eilitrar-Por pare- Niaxen. of ,goorzeht vient christihas . 'Mrs. creirclner and Bette'. Of li.enttiPnee,
_LONG ESTAatzkoreri BUSINESS re- ,_,Nfeatict„_mrilk„,oerimmlimmei,'.,_7.fainilar„_.are.-v,Uiting-40-,Det•rottri--------
• eillare apply P. O. Bot.,t•-71-Q-Oterigh.---wffeirli•-0.6-1vonit.,,,,31-43---.10.-la. = are- spending---etererar' 'iriSif -at their
40E44' ' 38-tf . - , father .
• •-_ miss ...leladys Jefferson n 1st mut Taus•"Afr. H. Mins= returned home on Pirt-
.e attended the
ve efferson. 2tx,
email brown change Ours
•Containing a sum of 'money. ,be
teletext Pabberies arid PeopleStore
, Finder enease leave at OlearkeS Oleo
bsee esearnso y from Toronto where 11
oo stock.
_ Miss litariorle Campbell, anneeeen-
training* at eteatford 'Hospital, spent
Chrisrinaf , „yali ',ter „parents, Mr. oind
Mrs Albert Oaratobeil.
Mr and. 4r$ W 11. Campbell have
I, returned trOrtti tiLlit With their claUgh-
t I ter. Mrs W. .P. 'CroAcrrtirewe.
• y ovrc )3UMperette off rear ot tar, in
Clederiell on or about Dace ?0th.
Pinder pleao leave at STA,R, OPFICZ.-
• The omUal. meeting of the Goderich-
..INttstriel end Agelaultairol Societe' will
be i1d 4n'theTti Hall, ctoderith, on
Monday, January 20th, 1936, at 2 p.m::
. catovws, Serretary,
11011ee - -given to any Person
aur: •,ht, against, the' estate of
telen 111214%• lotto of the Village of Say -
In the County o! Widow,
• edeeeneore-abeat the -98th day' or
AngitSt.'1036. to send &IMO to the under-
.1ned on j.tauliary litle 1930,
eanel -th
ter the /ininfilie-
fOrs of the eeld estate shall 'proceed
40 make distribution thereof, 'halm re-
g• Dated ard only ea Iheyelednui then flied.
at 04 this 30tle day a
Decembr, 44... 10$5.
4C*odeirteh. Ontario. -
- eolieltoef- iffielhe
Attibittiettet,aes herein.
02001ThataVrows sAtx or most-
The ittoktot.--or estateof
will otter for aidebi
; at :the Pronitse$. on tot
14 the .INtavn: of OoderIch.st
In the afternoon .
TtraIDAIP, tith. 1036
'Ibe north 'bali o( It 060 In the $a
Town of Ooderith on which: there is
KeNosi-rtleTi, ClIT.;---Jack., miner and
Mrs, Miner ''Oelebrated ..,,annittertiary Of
47th wedding day- Thee' Wee married
at Kingsville, Ur. 'Miner le rioted nat-
uralist and founder .of game sanctuary.
FAVINE -At Wontert";s College Hospi-
tal; Taronba, on Thureday. 13ee. 12t1i4
1935. to Mi and Mrs. Stiward---arvine,..a
sen (wnliam John). ••
MURRAY -At Godericb. on Friday,
Dedember 27th, 1935, MindOck 'Marra
sod of the late 'Me and Mrs. John
Murray, Gloucester Terme.
-0v Oatuitlay. 21#, 1935, JOhn Web-
ster, of St. Helens In his Salt YeaZ• v•
uneral • of his brether-dn,law, the late
David Prentece, who died in ,the Toron-
to General Hospital (Dec. 23rd after an
illness extending over several weeks.
•Mr. Prenti:e had on many occasions
been a visitor to the village when he
spent I vacations -with his wife at the
hozne•'of-her parents, Sympathy is ex-
tended -to tehe, bereaved -wife -and atee` +45
his two ehildren. mies Margaret and
I3avid Prentice.
Itliss Isobel Osmond, ho is warkite
in Seaforth, spent the week -end whit -
•her parents.
Mre, Maxwell and two children spent
several days in Preston.
'Ilhe annual 'nieeting of the School
Heard Was held on Dec. 26, Miss
Mande _Sterling waselected-to- fill the
vtiCancy caused by the expiration of
Mrs. cteorge Elliott's term of office.
Miss Sterling promptly sent in her re-
signittibm so another 'meeting is called
for Thursday, Jika. 2nd, to elect another
'Owing to the weather and roads t1e1 r
Pladinitoit Club. "A'hicil Wtts.. to have t
sponsored 3 dance on the night of the
21th, pestponed It to eeme future date.
- There VA19 a -good attendance at --the
ProsperityIealt-b and.
can help, to preserve ;:y ii, es*
it itt prOSpArOV* W Ill• you r
agate,* acfricep reviews' the sine
Our Prices Jo lOti
Cop• 1)IYEII 0114
Airith Maittext.
1 'pound 470
• *pound $1.25
NOW Price$
500 75c
$3c jar for 59e
A Vew Left Overs
Stationery- in boxes
. 25e 39c 59e
• Port Albert, Dec. 31. -The joyful
Christmas seasore is nearly one, but
let the memory of this event .linger
with us in the year that is to come.
How many of our readers took ad-
vantage of hearing the splendid, and
helpful address of His Majesty, the
King, to his people throughout the
, world, which was broadcasted over
I the radio at ten 'clock a.m., on
su4laristinas Day.
2T-fery hrcrpiroSperous ew
-Year- to- everyoneeeLeteus, make -use
•c'f.S.,„veu-oPportunity that is -afforded, t
tours in- the be -Ming yeifr Of 193-6, and
may it be the best year that we have I
eVer had. • ,
ais Mr. Howard Quaid who has been
s 0 in the West for the past 15 months
sly returned to his home a few days he-
ms fore Christmas.
County treasurer. He said that
had nothing against these • ofilei
whatsoever, "They are fine boy
Mr. Goldthorpe stated. "Probe
these men are not getting too m
--but what about the poor farme
asked the former 'reeve. Mr. Go
thorpe declared that these men ge
lot of iiickings"-overesnd above -di
Mr. *Goldthorpethen, flayed the E
ecutive, Conamittee of the Coun
Council' for the way in which th
bandied the tenders for meat su
.plies in giving it to the man who p
in the `highest tender' He also wan
ed to know where the 1935 coun
got the authority to settle with M,
.14.11in of Colborne, in tin aecide
case. • In 1984- he had brotight in
motion that no action be taken in t
matter, and. that motion had earri
"That motion liever had an amen
ment made to- it," Mr. Gokithorp
• tated. He .then passed around t
Com snapshots of the whe
he =ideate rr A these oL
eta! phetogranhs?" asked Mr. M
Creath. "t‘Pe* answered the form
r?), Dr. R. W. Cunningham of Walker -
Id. ville, spent part of the holidays at
t a the home of his sister, Mrs._ Chas.
or Crawford. -
, •Mr. Sid. Gardiner is holidaying
x_ with his parents, near Lanes.
ty Mr. and Mrs. Jim Quaid spent
ey Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs.
p, Jas. *Kenzie.
ut 'Miss Mary Cunningham was a
t_ ,Christmas guest of her sister, Mile:-
ea Will _McLean of Saltforci.
Tr. The Christmas concert in the Pub
tit fle-Schoor Wal a happy succesa. It !
a • was held on the evening of Decem-!
he her '20the and $8485 was realized. !
ed. The Young People's Seciety met at I
d- Mrs. Kathleen Crawfard'
oyal otelut
Get a Room by irlek or
Don't wait citric! don't lomat.
the Waive ofetheep
thhir 440 from the
70r furter hpartictilars
A The Town has a quiititity of
--„the-Town-Eush for-saltrat-Utts-
per single .cord of oneefoot
..wood,. delivered.,
Orders lett. lat. the Town Hall
ill be attended to:
Cs*h1E134 seesmapany Omer.
'to t: KNOX,
-Town Clerk.
. Mkt -night. Etzebarise,celebtated 'I'rin-
1tY e1).147104.„. on _ChtiStmas. Eve__ The
:Choral eemilee•commenced at 11;30,
'there was. alsr; eelebration of II•oly
• Communioa at nine o'clock cm. Christ-
i)** Mooting. Vile special Christmas
• music, and earols which were sung on
• the Sunday before Chrtnias were re-
Peated- Test Sanday, the choir Singing
the anthem, "Harkt 'Whet mean' those
liclY voices?" •
Santa ("lamb visited Bayfteld on
Christmas Eve at.- 7 -.30! ---arid distributed
nd/es and nuts to The Village children
at *hi oornmunity-Chereffnaa tree.
• & BrandOzt acted -in -the -capacity of
,Santa Claus and the affair was spceloor-
,:ed /the
N. Dec. 3teeeMeseeeilberte-Tha
In In i I V nYfiirteliffeilt: =th---
parental home over New Year! i where
Mr. ICernieth *Thane also visited at Mr.
:A. _1(caermictis-ever-Ne*r-- Year! ,,
'Atiss Mk* Shephard was tone for
iChretnes=4:'-itial remained till after the
1°Iiewisalregl,A1iee paineroy visited her home
On 7 Obristirtas and returned that night
y tins, ,
Ur,. and Mrs. Thos. Laramie. Visited at
the lathes lam= for.teveral days.
UM, RO$S McPhee met:v.1th .a very
painful accident while cerrYin a la
r. platter parted In
_tutting the loth
tie teinpletelye eift
$0...Thilete Currie is a busy man -these
Oh 'habthig up cattle and hogs, telt-
Mr. PeratIon% place for the *Inter
he Is, vititini in Merida, He ship-
ped a
• carload itt- es -At* fromMcilsw on
1 today to ;Urento.
The Christrasa tree held on Dec. 30th
was * full hoose and * good time,
ztapa Tien% taiitvell it with her par-
ents for a.frathight. • '. '
iMiss Anne Tabb, Of *TOON lVent
Ohltiitaft 'With bet* INItienia,
Fdx bay iceel by the ton
41001 It into the Ittettake
' c,irtding to the heat You tau get
out of it, "ft'or a bad
hay .at Way price. Ahdoss You
ore slut your coil, will meet th
entenoney of * bIlistxrd, you pay
tort Cali ter the /fest Ittolks.
Arid ykir "Mee toe over. , 1:40 •
the wind roan let ths
'drift! 'Let; the reettUry btritatt
the IleAti, 04 of the ItItumotn-
eterl ViIcare notttln* Ptetty.4.1.1
• ;,tolld comforti, _
e day, with 25 present, where Rev.
he Romeroy was in charges and the
re meeting opened with the Christmas
- hyrnn, Come, • all ye Faithful."
e- Margaret Crawford read the beauti-
er ful_Christinas story of the -birth-0r
The zioininee brought up the Ma
of 1114 Protection forthe town
ship. In 1933, the township coune
sent Mr. poldthorpe to interview th
Goderich Fire Deportment, to see
they would sign an agreement
come to Colborne if they were need
ed. They would not sign the agree
ment, . but assured Mr. Goldthorp
that if trouble arose they would hel
Mr. Goldthorpe, then told of eas
when Colborne did have a- firef an
thee brigade from Goderich spen
some hours trying to put out th
blaze. He claimed that they -save
the owner of the property severa
hundred dollars. d"They never got.
cent for it. Is that fair gentlemen?
queried .the speaker. After that tim
Mr. Goldthorpe asserted, there was
resolution passed that the fire bri
de could not ems the bridge.
Aleferring_to,__the-tenosavned- Alli
filifeee—al-er7-311-dt orpe---sita re,"
never had re chance to settle that eas
and neither will the present council.
Thee --speaker would not say Wife
his .intentions- were, -regarding- -hi
nomination, but at the close announe
eri that be Would drop from the run-
ning and save the expense of an elee-
t- r
if w
to i
- i
� 1
d 0
t a
0 di
a E
a a
hrist. The secretary's report was
eget ,endeaLkiptede The -hymn -"Harlr..
he Herald Angels Sing," was sung
nd then Mr. Win. Sam sang pleas--
ngly a beautiful Clistetituie carol. It
as decided to hold the Y. P. meet-
ngs every Friday evening if possible
,the coming year, -Kathleen 'Crave
ord was elected president; Char-.
otte Crawford, vice-pree.; Sid.
ardiner, secretary; • Marjorie Mc.
eniie, treasurer; Mary McMillan,
rganist; and Mrs. Pomdisiy. konor-
ry president.. The convertors of the
trent groups were Elmer Gra
am, Mrs., ,Lorne 'Johnston, Stella
ohnston, Margaret Crawford, and
thel *Kenzie.
The Christmas hymn -"Joy to the
arid! the Lord is come." was sung
nd the devotional part of the
eeting closed with the Mizpah ben
diction. Crokinole and other gemes
g evening is to be
eld at Miss Etta -Quilitre:-
Mr. 'William Young another noini-
nee, Who announced that he .would
not be in the field, urged the fatentre
and the reeve to voice their opinions
have something tangible to 'work on.
Hirsleklerathat- the farmers' confi-
dence in the packer Must be restored.
Mr, Alexander Youni.., the grand
old man of Colborne township, who
stated that it was just 50 years ago
that he was serving in the -council,
was thenext speaker, lie said that
ijs 1$80, he had entered Colborne
township council by acclamation. Mn
Young, who is over 80 years of age,
Said that he would not be in the run-
ning this year, but felt that be tould
still give sOlne„of the ineri a good run
their money, The ;25 salary he
dyed for sitting on the 'council,
d his take*. * 'That- time, Mr,„
ung deplored the lad that the
Ves of the old pioneers ' in the
nutty 3ete not kept Up, and express -
gratitude to •'t.c government
their sot hi sending an inspector
Ur& Pomeroy's sister vim she hadnotr„
x'''ert tor 20 Years, so:Prised them with ,,av,.";„
vWst over the Wertide, •• ,v42
Mr. °annum ireagan,has.gene .join
bushmen for a wild*. gra
Seek IWO* * nursing ssere hand. to
lie tell and in some Way hurt his hand ,ed
pft,1.1 **On • •
Sir& litadwin Pentland spent
ZflAl Week hot son; 41:farveyon 1.0110
litu. bold .2410ratten, Is under the
citte's, taro outfering with bad at-
tack tt
The vantegig ou of the S. vas '
• iWd by thIviveAsti
ttrviWt*fa and iss 10r4tiy by
*mug a. table 041 to thettooyto., It.
spientUdis arranged
Yonnif OtOOle make a very
C05.1013( DROPS
5c , 10c 15e
55e and* $1. ,19
for 'Coughs
' '49c -.. 890
Try This „Medicine
Sybilla SPahrs
For trouble in the
bronchitis and ton-
sil ailmenti, goad
results or money
back. •
It Works Wonders.. .
50c and 5150
ave Money
You can buy E4rythintancl Anything
We, Positively Save You Money a
On the Bro.. way of Gotferich
2111UR.; FEW -and SAT. -
Edmund Lowe, chi* , or, Axlrienrie lime* and Tam Brown
•Take•us aboard abin. to de i• father's struggle to 'ipcleem hie son.
gripphig adventure story.
1100 000 alr,