HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-01-02, Page 7• 0,04,, .“••••••,. Re, 1 'AO ••• • • ••,‘. • • ••••,.....,141.1.10Y•40 "t,ttotO•fi.4401•GOITHttlitT•41, 1.4,16.1.$0•100 et•mOltow•WOMIVVYIP..01.1V.A.,.....0,1P0.1.0,01..~110,1000.4,..0.11,Vtre•14 tier"' et•eart • eeo. For Co erich Star aders Our Own Cor,rspnricient It OStiield, Dec. 23.-,-MbS COlena. ic or _ Of P t Dalhousie *talking With her sister, Mrs. Mani!), ,M01)46*14. Irma 'GraCe Redmond of leirriVieed •is 14111110 tar 'the vacation. A happy New Year to ail, • Miss ,IVilfirtie Snell returned lionte *Week after spending a few dole: bertaUnt, Mrs: AIM R. Buchanan is attending the .2°,34 wedding tedaY (Monday) of mrac Ismter. MM. Mantes ank ieer, illirsinee Of Olyth. • .11ifeeare. alanlea and Glenn McGill of 'London -ArohOtne for the holidaPic Ur. *Thatteas Jardine is -Tending One holidays with be. parent,. in 11'07, xprIte. , • • . Mr. and Mrs. W. II Campbell ore • visiting their datiginar, M "'• W10* Crozier of Crewe. Christmas concerts a e v! for another year. Splendid 1,1,4si ani mos -were given at 3rd line a teed. wkat- • tield church, at 'Westfieid alaa at. the 6th line schoe , The barn of Me, Roba ashich was burnt in the fall e, hile ° threshing, has been rebuilt, and a ' Salt dance *was held oh i' -n *evening. ,,SREPPARDTON • Sheppardton. Dee. 24. --Mr. Cay - ton Foster is home for the feetive' arealion. . Re sails on a Salt water oili- binket Mra Mrs. Thomas Bogie has returned'', -'itreirn -Midland where she had gone .........4wing--40---thillness-40-IftIr father, ..aihat better. Mr. Robt. Bogie' is alke; honie atter spending the sea- ; 100n of 'navigation on the Great 1 takes. , 4/fiton Je4St CSOInerOn ix$ $1)0141.0 the h0/100 B. Young "its gondomits, M. and Mr. IL* Vrager of liViadeor Chairman.:of Board "ilboll WititOW •-•••4--;-• fMra., Davidson Retires. as Sicr. Anaong the Atrialits, 'wbo are. holi- daying.in Clinton, are MISS Eleanor ritonsteol, Mita Isobel. Lindsay, Alex. Addison. and tdward 'Rorke. Mt and Ms'. A. Gat -on and ,ehild- rea: 8_014 Saturday' iii London. Me. and hirtL, C. rielnho4f. tital Carl, 'Were alsti there_ ,• Miss Sybil Maeltenie has gone to itineardine, to be with her parents for the Lawrence Piturtsteel of Lon- deria',10 With Ids father; and Miss Margaret, Pluinsteel of Toronto is ala -a hero for the holidays. • The St. 'Paul's A. Y. P. A. are at practice' upon a play to be presented after N'ew Year. The caste will be composed Meetly Of the monal,ers. The new theatre, Whielt was exPec- ted to opon. at Christmas, was still incomplete, and it is not known at just what date the opening will be held. In spite of the fact that lie has al- ready visited the town on several ..ccasions, at the request Of the stores, Septa Claus paid his visit to the town again on Saturday. There were Many Children down town to greet him, to admire the community lice, and receive the advance treat - of candy from the old gentleman. M. • Pavia Glenn Ami Mrs. Elizabethi gireoble. were 'guests .of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Ripley:rep Sunday, t� see. Mrs. Jasrn Sr 'Oa )140 bet 111 fpr some tiMe, • • li011iNTGANNON, Dec. 30th,-anngan- non public ettool he'd its', inaugural meeting on SaturcleY, 'Dec. 32111,' with a full attendance. Mr. Wm. 11. tfiferntire, the newly-eleeted trustee, took his seat or the Iiretettmeteeendeater-lra the' deebration of oillee,, the secretary called the meeting together and tasked that a chairman be appointed. Mr. J. 13. Young, the senior member of the board, was elected as chairman. Vole lowing a ten-year tenure of *thee as seeretary-treasurer Mrs, R. Davidson re- ttred from that paeition and Mr. Charles Elliott was dmeointed, at $16 per year. Upon her thanks to •the members for their kind eonsideration during the ten years, stating that, with her noultitudious du- ties, she was glad to be relieved from L. 13, PEARSON thls responsible work. hearty vote g:ff On the staff of the high commis- thanke was tendered to her for her faithful solace throughout ° past dee- ...sion at London as counsellor ta the elide. it was decided to ask Jar tend rs Canadian department of external for the position of janitor the t de affairs, D. ,13. Pearson is mentioned retiring, Mrs. Davidson expressed Teachers and Swdents Returned For Yuletide „SOPIAIL. AT CHURCH ST. HELENS, Dec. 28, -Holiday NISI- " tors in the eommunity included M. and I. Jos. MeTattosh of Vineland, .with Mr. and Ws. D. Todd; Mrs. Tor- rance, of I4uc1rnoW, and Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Blue, Helen and Margaret, of De. +reit, wet -Mr. and VA's. J. 0. Anderson; --Mthi;e.11.0-limerbrterMe; ir. and Iltm_Teronte,ll04tat. Moore, Marguerite and Beverley, of Hensall, with Mr: and Mrs. Harvey; Webb; Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne, of Torento, with Mrs, John Webster. Miss Florence MeQuillin, nuree-in- • tesinine at Stratford General Heepital, spent Christmas Day at her home. , Teaehers and students home for the vaeation Mega:led Misses W. D. Ruther- ford. of 'Kirkland Lake; Dorothy' Mc- Ottillin, of Sandwich;. Dorothy Webster; of Landon, ZvIda Webster of Toronto, and Doreen Webster, of Carlow; jean Webster, of Wheatam; Irene Woods, of Waterloo; • Dorothy Miller, Jean and Kathleen Thom. Norma Weatherheud. Marie 1VIeCroster. Laurene Miller of Ingsknove Nigh Sehool; Messrs. Chas. McCatillin, of Clandeboye; Neely Todd, of London; George 1VicQuillin and Wil-. ,eon_Wleaclaeoof 0, A. C., Guelph.. • An enjoyable evening was spent at the United church on Friday when a social' ralrekt-tratterathe-attemet P. U. Mr. Stanley • Todd presided. -Comnattfrity s nginga-ivoutest and sev- eral games were enjoyed and readings were contributed by Rev. H. M. Wright and Mr. Ted Rice. Aspeeial feature of th evening was the presentation to Mr. to be received up to Tuestiaiy, Jan. 14th, in Ottawa is likely successor to Dr. when the next meeting will be held. W. A. Riddell on. the committee of Mrs. R. Davi'dsan gave her home last 18 of the League of Nations. This Friday afternoon for the Dec. me.eting is the committee. delving into the of the W. I., over which Mrs. C. W. Al- lotaresided. Roll_ question of league sanctions on iron. ........ "Tile name name of a place and what it is noted for. The secretary read a com- for the Blind expressing appreciation tutefero miinimtinh Itora_the-Canadian-Insti for a- donation in money-recerved from -11,1r, and Mrs. W m. Campbell- of Deamybrooke 'are spending la• few • days with their daughter, Mrs. Crozier.• Miss Deride° Durnin is 'spending the hoadays at her ,home. Mi. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin spent Wednesdity in Goderich: Fern Bali is holidaying with r gi and Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- tor of 1.11,1010W. A tramber 'Item Itife Met Santa Clau. 0 DOW/Innen on Saturday. The S. S concert was held on Fri- this braneh. The letter was typewritten ,aoderich Township, Dec. 23. -Mr. bv a blind typist. and `was • a masterpiece Geo. Stirling has been re-engaged to, nf perfeetion. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alton was read. thinking the work for Mr. Thos. Sowerby and ' son forf the corning year. Institute for a letter of sympathy re, Mr, R. Kilgattick furnished a plea. t • Mr. Arnold Porter returned . from _sant entertainment for the school the Goderich hospital on Sunday af- ACIOldren and a number of their par., ter an operation for appendicitis. dents. Mr, Foster occupied the. citai; Mr. and Mrs. Brock Orr, Donald' . and the little people acquitted them- and Billie of Toronto motored up and -aselves-verr well: ' . _ _ are -spending the Christmas vacation - 4 'Mt". and Mrs- Itenneth Grubb are with relatives. - Or/siting arnong their relativ /3 Be - The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. Aire her mane m e. • e- any evening With a good attendance Janes. Mrs. J. J. Rvan, Mrs. J. D. Web- of Union 'church will be held in • the MI - At lie.. v.... age, . rs. Grubb was e -sr a 1 reawk.- and a good programme. The people arclQou. Mrs Bert Bradferd and . Mrs. church on Friday evenin,. ratvtdoon condtrt their social evening' Mr. Dave Davidson of the S. S. ............11.,..,............... of this vicinity'. were well entertained on. Thursday Afternoon, when the first, as groups 1 and 2 were unable tol.rocolite has returned to spend the aet at the present i'One. Int -resting winter with his parents, teache'.1' am! intpils of the school en- tereai ned the in With a 'varied and ' milers wei'e rend by Mrs. F. Jones. Mrs- Christmas concert held on Fri- tn- 3, D, Riehardeen an.d Mrs. Wilbur' d. The eelved by them following their recent bereavement by the death of the ,for- , mer's father. the late James Alton. A i donation of $25 was vdted to the local oren -a ir skating rink. The In sti tu te had aim contributed to the community Chrietnute tree, and prepared the baee of Candy and nuts. It was decided to have Group 3, comprised of Mrs. P, terest Ira; progiamine. ay evening in Union' Brown Mrs C 'W Alton offered; herl ,Church, was Miss Lorrnin and J'. well attended despite the deep snow. . . spent M'ndn with Mins CdvDenridnonlianne hame tor the January meeting. A soi 1e:41f-hour was, en loved over the ten -enp3. • Rev. F. W. Craik was chairman for Tteieav • ndici.,,-prAtexam -which---con ' ITT_,_ Ye. , pc• m ••t 0 ' • here of the death in Western Canada 31 ted of the following, by the ptipils Fcr Rheumatic , aches .01 SC W ! i . a. %and Rheumatism Malloegh, a natve of 'Dungannon and ,,,hoor, Mre, Mallough. widow of the late David' "The Holly Song"; Merry 1 Pailit.-The pains a.nd of g-a.S. No. 6 school: chorus„ bi the . ! should be tre,ted•with Di.. Thm.a.tv 1„ brother of Mr4 S'e.phen Stothers and Christmas Greetings bY the smaller •1 i-aoyee oe The,s0,thing and heating . Mrs. Andrew Stewart. The remains e li i Wren ; dialogue "Recess Speeches" are being brought to Ltreknow. the for- preeperties of thi. famous remedy have 11 • ' been demonstrated LI airty year. Use Mallough. and the funeral se.rvice 1711 1 It also for insammatory palf13. "ritt- tie c onducted in Lucknaw Presbyterian fetes. bruism and see:alas, -either in church on Tuesday afternoon. before human beinge er I }IP lower animals. - interment in the family plot in Dantean, non (cemetery. The late Bni IVIeClure, • -*---•— whose funeral was held on Monday last and Mrs. .Tom Todd of a mantle clock. Mrs. Ted Rice read an address and Mr. Dick • Weatherhead made the presenta- tion. . Mr: John Webster underwent a criti- eat -operation in-- thee Wingham -hospital. on Saturday. St. Helens, Dec. 23. -Mrs. Robin- son Wood hassaturried front a three - weeks visit with • her daughter,, in Toronto. Mrs. McIntosh of Vineland •is a holiday visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd. -Teachers and students home for the vacation, include: Misses W. I. rforde of leirklan-d-Lakoe-Dor the MCQuillin of Sandwich; Dorothy Webster of London; Zylda- Webster of Toronto; Ddrine. Webster of Car- low; Jean Webster. Wingham Junc- tion; Irene Wood of Waterloo; Doro- h f thelate Mr• and Mrs at N.ey Lassalene, Eric Speiran, Lor- thy Miller, Jean and Kathleen Thorn, Stewart Elliott, Roddy Johnston, ten, Laurine Miner Luclaiow; Messrs - Bile, Norma Weatherhead, Marie McCros- raine and Arthemise Laski] Pauline and Armand Lassalene, Jean George eMcQuiRin of Giielph; Chas. McAlister; solo, Mary Harwood; re- McQuillin of Clarrdeboye; M. Todd of eitat/on, "Santa ,, Claus by Harold London; Hugh MeCrostie and Gordon was a brother-in-law. Johnston; a song, "Sing a Song_ of LMiller of Lucknow- . e. Mrs. ,tinarew &tea..., o cal,/ hm a been Clinftinag tilik' taf-slic boys anTgirTs - -Tfie death occurred" on gattirday onto. where she will be a gest witia her bers and a well acted play, "Married Ernie Fisher of Goderich gave sev residing in Lucknow as housekeeper for dressed as darkiea; dialogue, "My evening, of a highly 'esteemed resi- al violin harmonica and vocal nup- �r- Mr. 11 McClure, left last week for Tor- Doll Louise" by Ma and Freida dent of this cominunity in the person Powell; chorus, "Christmas Bells", of Mr. John Webster. He had been Ode visit with Toronto relatives, your good"'. by Maxine McAllister' formed Saturday morning girls; monologue; "Christmas Pre- for some weetz, tit preparation for a . sents," by Elva Orr; recitapion, "If critical Operationwiridh was per - y sixteen a patient in t pati • he winghaan hospital _In_lieste'', finished the nrogram. The ' "44ughter, Mrs. Cartwright (nee Miss b;., the school; a ...Star drill b • I 'Miss Mabel Reid. Concession 7, Ash- . Eric • Speiran, Bruce Sowerby, Stew- year, is survived by his wife former- kept the audience in gales of laugh- ter. The partsofThe newlyweds were ried a .. adventures of a young _couple rear- takeit by Miss Alice and Tom Chant- , xter only a week of courtship, Iona stewarta . . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Richardson, June and Hugh, 'have returned from a Yule- mr, it..1L. Reed is visiting in Lucknow. dialogue, "Competing Railroads" Mr. Webster who was in his Nth six berg, while Lloyd Bond proved a re field, is suffering from, au attack of art Elliott, Arnold Fuller; a' rose and IY' Miss Lavina lintriphrZey, .Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Alton and son fr 1 e e.p by Stewart ETtiott; dialogue • Mitchell and Mrs., Ed. Smith and sourceful calored servant. Earl Tully ' and Miss Berniee Bond were friends ecarlet fever. . . _ flour drill; recitation, -"Fre -,°Couid datigaliteraf andtwosena: Mfa. Jas. Douglas, 'of Toronto, were. week -end , 4 Haree• your chifficeat.141 Bacomes llor,keY st'ir sat! famous hockey player oft This is a book on hockey *ban lot; • Catch of the. World's cae.ev, Bleck Hawks 19334. Every everything you should know • atiVertlsement and ger rut Cop),, Thls outstanding 0110.* grolde la Send In one lahe. from a OW or Ifilvainisburg tteflOWN 11104400 and a label from any one of the Ott inedisstely send you the "IlOCKty player you select from the group When sending in the nett**. la name and address BENSON'S CORN STARCH. CHALLENGE CORN STARCH The CANADA STARCH Co MAFEKING and AtoroiStArogo., • - you* FAVORITE hook on hockey. Vow to ial autographed Pleture of ,FREF.. p.rreromio Gentstr#341Minite And ms-Matoone 1934;$ and Chicago want this hoar)" book. It tens treckei. Show your pottiest chili 3 of forsada Starch products onlY. Group 14aroonss • 1930 Group "Csrisdiens" . 1935-0 goidy Nordicarr Pane ivinntlis Crave Trottler Art. Lesieur Russ Blinco Armand Mondou Earl Robinson Fronk Boucher ,SELECT YOUR . ,PlICYORES FROM • THIS WI' nal, WHITE" CORIg.,,.SYRUP products listed below. We Ma ire,. • K" and any Orton!, of the team or • ght. idakoyourchoiceport. to the. address below, write your PAN^T Imtredt, Taverns, MAFEKING, Dec. 2. -The se concert Thursday afternoon at No and the Sunday Schoole•concert B hall Friday evening proved to be popular events.They were well at and the programs at each were well ceived. Miss Olive Anderson's p and a number of the pupils of 'Be school put on the first part of the day &hoof concert, /and their so recitaticars-and-tlialegnese`she careful training, and won hearty efollawesle_by humorous plays by local talent: ASFIFIELD Ashfield; Dec: 24. --Teacher e home. f w• the holidays are, Miss Elizabeth Macdonald, Nile; Mr. Malcolm Mad- - • Lerman, Barrie; Miss Isabel Mac- donald of Waterloo; Misses Anna, ' Lds and Charlotte Mackenzie, To- ronto; Mr. Charles MacGregor, Wet- „seicIA:ohr...egant,e cerroratid 74AttenbfdireoT1.ii. taSi2arrysdask. ian Church, on Thursday. evening. Miss 'Margaret Hibbine is home r. 171•71rtri Kaaera.affie„,..a..........,............._....._.......................................... Godfrey -Hall wag again the tentre, of attraction forthe children, . to aviom'I each year hedistributes a large ba*et ' of oranges. Mr. Finlay Shackletonct- ! . . School Report . to the success of the evening. Among those hotidayeig with itieir Sr. IV. -Agnes Lednor, 81; Helen. parents are, Miss Grace lake from 3IcGee, 75; Norma Murray, 7T.. Jr. koria, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Shackleton. , Sar- ',. e, IV --Eleanor Petri 69; Horace of Arthur; Mr. ancteMrs. Fanner Keane(rawford 60. Sr. III. -VIII. -Verna Petrie : riekeeef Toronto- Miss Jean Anders:on. ' 7 1; JJe McGee, 68; Roderick Mc - from Stratford; Gordon Anderson, IVItss . Kenzie, 65;• PliVilia MeCreight, 62-; sold Adams, 54. Jr. III. -Frances Miss 69; Rose Murray, 66”; Le- msMuriel MaryBBlake, Cranston Mlss Vfreorma L.Loarsenbknny,,. andand, illa Mr. Richard Eilpatritk from Sheppard- Roy Draper, 62; Gordon •Martin, 59; ton. PORT M.,.R2IIT cc t as chairman and added eat lkie . -• Harold 'McGee; 49; Dorothy P'earsqn Miss 'Pearl Irvin is sPen.ding the hl.- - 45: Sr. IL -Charlie Adams, 60e days with her 'brother. et ' Harburn Adams, 50. 1st -excellent, TuMesrcia. avndwitMrh Mrs. T.. _Ja.yrdA. ndmrsers.on HAservene; ,• e . Isobel Lednor, Maxine McGee; good, George Barger, Vilda McCreight, Feerl Martin, Elwin ,Petrie. Pie-- - road, Margaret Adams. Teacher. Annie Birr. Webb, St. Helens. AV-L.ORIS- CORNER -- Taylor's Corner, Dec. 24. -The nual Christmas concert was held the school with Rev. Herbert chairman. The opening number a chorus by the whole school af which recitations, solos'dialogu s, duets, arid mysical numbers coref ed a splendid program, Mr. Jarfl Young contributed several, well plauded violin solos accompanied Iris- -daughter, Miss- -Olive Yowl Conv.eted of rzckless drivin4 RaV - Sawyer of Windsor, is snending, 30 days n in the Ellgex jail. He figured in a head ,I•• oncollision and stfeack a car in which S were a mother and five children, one ✓ receiving a broken arm: Bring in' WO: Tultliday season and _they 4re The most perfect tone- -of ay . Radio naanufacliied- today., . Why bother with a neat • Rttdio - if it ..distbris and • abuses your favorite pr4- g4ta4itz--T-Let--u*-prove--:th' statement. -Listen to .one • 'your own- and be on vinced. We will gladly in. ,Olie on trial for you. Liberal trade-in allowance • on your old machine. I HOW ABOUT THAT WASHING, MACHINE MOTHER ,HAS BEEN WISHING FOR. FOR A LONG TIME. - - WE HAVE THEM. nom - ibi4xt to Sithaefeea" Ladies* Wear ON THE SQUARE " uvSlitit a Refl*ble P1*uuber for Yotti Repair Work or New P1urnbing Itturaii, can, CARL W. WORSELL guests with Mr. oaid Mrs. Charles W. "The, Three Cippres," Harvey Las- Miss Zylda, of Toronto; Mrs. Will salene, Roddy Johnston, Eric Speir- McCrostie, of Belfast; Miss Dorothy r AlAton five-foot close -board. fence has been an, Viola Tichborne, Armand Lassa- of London; and Miss Dorine of Car - ere -ted around the open-air skating lene; Christmas tree drill, eight boys low. Will,- -of St 'Helens; and El - rink, which is expected to be ready for and eight girls; instraementals by well of Wingham. The funeral ger- • skating early this week. Eric McAlliatir anda_Ataatitea...Bar.-.• vices held on Taesdey afternoon --Deuglas-MeDonald, a -student College, Toronto. and son 'Of tbe pastor I T lemi mot '5 Pon.".•L 6.....! lusa"-aatra-; -en -a; -, • a" nd .- g (4-Kh"PwOod; a mil` eif PITY entitled, "That's iti:Itif-tire-TIOiti- ..-iiiitharlie Were perwes in Erskine 'Presbyterian church Miss Marion Colwell: Mrs. Gordon interment in Wingharri cemetery. ' mi154thdaYi . Orr, Mes. Art. Tichborne, Mrs._ Piu:1- • ariastnia.q. _ _ _ visitor's tvith ws. Eliza lips, Meski a:1,s, Haru- Gardiner, Ever.- Carr and family were 14r. and Mr eee AleIlwaine Doug:. 'KeNiell, HerVi. aeoYd meWhineey and family, Mr. Jas. Johnston, Dirs. Gordon- Hitrwood was ,. SchooI_Report - MeNVIiinney and har. and ears. • Carman Ilarien. the accompanist for the evening. `U. s. s. 1, c °Lamm •Santa Claus. distil -hated gifts and Miss Norma meWhinney is enJovine a candy and nuts from the well laden heliday visit with her grandmother, ears. Carr. tree. Much credit is due Wass Esther Mr. -3 and Mrs, Parkie Wiggirfs are McIlwairt eche trained the children. holidaying with the lady's parents.' Mie A silver collection was taken and- roid' Mrs. Week, near Wyoming. ' amounted t 10.40- , --7-1, trtie-Clearge•-amtleztote-is--spentian )),r.i.,,Ititirle .with her son at Taicknow, Av. yr. R. turner,was chairman and Sr. 1V. -Tested in Literature, Gram- mar, erstery, Arethmetic, Spelling: M'ary Cantwell, 70 per emit:: Jack Wil- son, 63; Elwin Ryan, 80; Arnold Yeung, 55; Mae Kerr, 42. Jr. IV. -Ruth . etteivillieetlin ... as eecre are el" the annual inciting Of ilia.rateriayers Of 8, •S. No, 8. Aehfleld, on the 2Gth of De?, Mr, C. W. Alton. the 1935 chair - mate of the Board, reviewed the year's Work, a flag -pole and a_o flag. raising Wine Initeortaxit featuree and a manual \ treening elasa was established at an initial outiav of 440, which Will be re- turned by the Departmmt of Educatien. it Wes were bonght for both. rooms. I The Auctitore teport given showed the beaks had been eserrectlY and earefully tteet. by . the secretary-trettsirter.. Mrs. R. raNvlitton. It*tai retelpts. Including a balance of $2,103.07 from ioas, amount- 1-- to ssatrstint• ..tatAssienslittetts., ..$2., 41,1427; balante on .letint, $I,tellittee rilee balance es $255.34 leSS than the t balance. ef 1024. with the tartrate, r- - toms* Installed, stili to be paid for. The seeretarv.treasurer read the iterated etweritent of the receipts and experidi. Mr. M. Culbert was reapno2nte1i .audi. tor. R. 1W1)otralft bid at auctipt ler ,tho P4..ru1ihing at $1/ was accented. .703. Petrie will stutiola• the school With 30 earda ef laoliteh toed at $3.30 per cord. 0. W. APon'a,. term aka trttitee havitia orPoria. Wfirt: V. McClure was apno!nte.1 to lite °kcal_ .3.g_ Mrs,. tideirhsn Startlers tiltd Mesta. WEn, tothers. Wns. Wewart. WiOins, it, J. Vail% JArnr5 VAVICt3OD rssdPDbert DEkVid$011 attended the funol cral 01 .the laterileti McClure In tuck:, , 4.tante9, 1.4 taking a course I in -bath* it 'tit' 0. A 0..;,"11001111.4:11 het* fOr * three NikeOts! Vatatkm, A Val SteeestUl Oltristrnss concert Was ptesente4 by the erand0 School of the tio. icbattxth ou )teildaY etthibg,. large riinSier of new *Oka haat been placed *Oa 4aUblbe „Mr. fIltdOta *M. and Miss O. Farrler ire en1n! 9* *Mai *OW At thelv zt". • at tka% and area 1We1en1ght, 63; Lillian Cantwell. 56. Sr, Gbiclerleh TownshiP, Pee', Trf.--xfa Feastin. 68; Violet Prep, 63* 4115liTY brrvark alt e eri Free, GIL Jr, Youne. M1'. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and 72; Mary Peagan, 10; Hilda Kerr,64. family spent* Christmas day with Sr. TT -Lois Feagan, 73'; Wilma Pent. Mrs. J. B. Graham at Goderich. land, 70; Bernice Matthews, 72. ar. 11. Mr. •and Mrs, Albett Barker and -.Donald Wilson, 62; Itoy McKnight, Edgar of Goderich, spent Chriatinas 50; Tommy Cantwell, 521- VarOld Knight, with mr, and Mrs. Chris. Johnsten., r Class -dot -don Matthetvs, 80; El - Brussels, and Mr. Wm. Alcock were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Campbell of ht 'Fea,,Tan, 78: Donald- Echlin. 72; Chrietmas gueats of their mother, Party Merlwain. 044 piny tanieht, 49. se. Vehaer-saulah Ratight, 13; Jean Mrs. Aleoek. Masan. 72; Marjorie Pree„ 68. Number Mr. and Mrs. Geo. *MeIlviain and -011 MI -12-` "era" attellthIll" 27.08. family? and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Me- EMaeDON'ALD, 'reacher. Ilwain were at the teme of !Virg. AL. luzehanan Ooderick for ,Christmas. -There ;vas no Y. P. S. meeting at *Union Church, on Friday evening. The annual meeting Of • the rate- payers of U111.00 SB11001 seetieni No. 0, was held in the schoolhouse,. last Thursday morning, with a small at- tendance. Mr. Ge(),, McIlwaire was chairnian. The re -tiring trustee, Mr. Reg. Johnston was re-elected for a, three year term. -Mr. Iferta. John - Stott got the contract for the wood, and Mr. ltobt. McAllister is the care- taker. Mr;-Harrvey-Fuller-hag-thad the hydro installed and turned on the lights last Thursday. • 3(i'. Gordon Harwood, returned on Salado from the Goderich hospital. Your Correspondent wishes all the readers of, *TWA Stir, * bright and prospertras New Year. and Mr3. ',Choi. Bowler o Goticrieb, spent ChristtniiS with Mr. and Mrs. r 11. Setnersalla Mr. and Mrs. Cloold of Clinton were Ohristroats- guests of Me. and Srm* 144 'Cooper, Miss Esther Metlw in visited oderieh with Mrs. ,41Aeltanan. ../tessros, Mervin " tee math*. ter rit Sunday In' •lborne, At Mr. 1%."-Vre&l.foae - Q0111.0. Those interested in the stook markets or Canada (industrial and mining) must feel trarch hapVer these days of advs.m:. frig pfice.s. 1ntertationar tickle and copper have gained a lot of lot ground during the last few weeks and the in, dustrials, e.specially oils, are like a bal- loon aecenelon, "going txre" The stock Market gambler who stuck with the balloon until it ciaslied 1921, will be well advised not to fl so high, but sell while the balloon is Ira; flated for safety* ruld'Arat wait -man eter EYE TIZOUBLET Hay 0 your. eyes examined bye R. A: REID, for 11- years' Strut. - ford's leading Optometrist. Ex- pert work only at ir.ost moderate Eyes Examine: -- Glasses Fitted' Consult him Ift - -ROBER'rEON' - JEWELRY STORE At the close Of the program, Santa ' arrived by aeroplane, to, distribute a great many gine from the beautiful- ly -decorated tree. A sleigh load from Hohnesville attended__ the heistmasaeoncera rsatitaallaidgesaaaihaaadaitin with her parents, Mr -and Mrs -Mc- Cartney over Christmas. _ Mr. Gordon Armour returned -for Christmas hoii&ey,a, I3ecause the first NiTediresday of. the month is. New Year's Day:- the W. A. of Zion church', wilt hold theit annual meeting on the second Wed- nesday of the montha Misses Jean and Herm 'Whitely of ' Toronto, are spend- the holidays with their parents, r. and Mrs. aleeArliit rraYiarta-e01; ltwr7Detr:-Mr: ttgl- ihiddle ofWestern University, ton. Try Ub—Why Pay More? Full Court; dm,„ SPECIAL CHICKEN D Tat -EVERY SUN don, was a recent visitor here. Phone 392 49-54. • Mrs, Robert Rodges spent a cotmle_______• ______J___ 'o of days with. her sister, Mrs. Pri dle, 4111Pliensmana. f Goderitia- . .... t Miss Elsie Bell is holidayin at her home in Ooderiela , ,Miss EVelyn Hill of lienitill r is visiting Mrs. Robert Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodges pent Christmas with Iltrs. Rodges' pa ents 1, Mr. and Mrs..Currell of Saltio •. The, anrt-ual school Meeting was held,nt the school on Thursday orn- hig.. All the trustees, George th- n, Win. Chambers, Mrs. Albert l&nd will sem another year. Mi. and Mrs. Irvirt oke were eh:Kist-inns visitors with Mt. Mrs. 04rrell of SaltfOrd. ° • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodge spent Christmas with Mr. and Mtsskell of Colborne. • neer. Douglas' tgypilat ° iinej handy. IS. sure, speedy rem y' for! burns, sprains, felons, blood * gt.t! sott-corrt.s,, warts, scald teedluable for Intiammation and, ntusculaz rhert-1. The annual school meeting , was held on Thursday morning with a goodly representation of the rate« PaYors. The retiring .trustee, Mr. Reg. Johnston viag retained,,AS,eare- taket-at 'a salary of 400'. Tho January meeting of the Draft,* attic Club will be held at Mr. and Mrs, Rat. MeAllisterr, next Tuesday ete11,- bore was no ehureh service at it/Wow on Sunday, Win* to the ab* atneti, of the pastor, Ileov. F. W. Craik, lotho IS in Montreal, Sunday School Wait held at 4 NIL MIA Ire**Open4 On da Srd. Thatiidrp pinj thoo quick twinges, tho *WI* L-srtids are it warning your kidneys : tiaPapiirt°,,sinelici-alraltor3:77titiotli.g4tjtutiliii;:teh'etie:::!y;:cciel$Ittu:ntty,t,,etton$41;) and keep them tight bi not ANA*, beta *Oat Y theit Why not t i.e.:a:ea-ewe** Mete:.