HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-01-02, Page 3Ars. insteneridThfl en ,tar der le t Vatted, Statese s4dre 10), • bliehe,d ,eVely ThortiiiiY *lien PtiesseetZanadie 14 in.ildvanee On arrtate .42,03t,t ar advauce. Sot Old end new tthen ehanp of skii.drees i$ re - MitAPATIONS.-Vite thel that raeot of our snilSeriberss prefer not, to have their ssulistriptione hatter -tinted -ince thOY to remit before eauirellen. Voices We are notIfle4 to taticel,'We sit-ssurriii the ',subscribe: wiehee the eerviet, Outlawed. snit will tend the PO& torA limited time , ItEattprits&ret ohottdd he made by registered leiter, money eler or eheque payable at par in Oodertch. 'Io .Godertch Star accepts adverttsina in ite 'columns 9n the tseileretiendine that wil Mot be lieble for any error in, -9 Wished hh ereunder unless a proof of' suc e . avitertisemeute la required in Wrilthe by the advertiter ond - "1"i4eted 11 good time to melte Another 'start, and` roitunaed tO The Star's hueiness °Mee atily dialled by adver- I tiser and with.seseh errors or cerrectione plainly rioted, in I fie this is only the dayafter- there la still tinie _ p . .--, 1 • writing thereon and in that casea aa5, errorsie not torrected seysTite- Star,, tts-liabilitY zliall not exceed finch aserveortien, A ciee , eit the entire. coet. of eucts advertisement ae the spaee emu- ne'se* nge a"geats a Pr.amiuM or Pr,te :of some pl 4 b the neted or heats to the 'whole space occepled by sort should be offered as an inducement to Citiiene to encourage them to go to the pelts and Vote at municspal .. elections. But don't about half the candidates repre- sent prize packages in therneetves when • it comes , to. ., electiens? be esught* tilos ' ion theme' Who are &hie.; n outterS. glory' lights if "y want ,..to Protect theMaelves and'Uthers.,Snow covered, roads- are ilioststo-follow at any 'time and 03000 .elally to after dark. You are only. killed. ewes, , . , 'Violent storms raged aeross Southwestern Ent Christmas pay, taking 22 livea and destroying an"ener., Mous araeunt of property., httheUnited Stats, 108 : - people died from exposure to,,ttie cold.° The der was not marred by any such zUties n Canada, eseseseesses-,e, Thies is the second day .of the New Year. Ilow• many. of your1930. resolutions have you kept? It is Mit too . . . late to turn over a new leaanuaek firal Stied TO be - such advertisement Advestising rotes on application. iltlittRIM =IBMS, C. HERR ErrEWART, Editor. ., Manager. Phones: Da:: 71: Night 84 and 331. Post Mice Dre,Wer 671. TEURSDA.Y, JANUARY- 2nd, 1936 LOOKING FORWARD . `The year 1.935like yesterday, is gorse and cannot be , *dialled; tomrorrow is not yet here, »- 1938, has hardly. eterted, Regrets for the past are useless; but 'hopes for . the iota° should be cultivated. With conditions aa chaotic, as the world sits • on a volcano, it is impossible to predict what a year, 'or a day, will bring forth. Whatever may materialize, it alsould be faced with hope, courage, and deternsination; —iirsything% short -of tliat-oneimasslisappointmeitit ...andsdes feat, outseisespleteresie not wholly dark, and , brighter dayS are,. it is hoped, ahead for Canada and theworld- at large. That strife and dissension are raippant on at least two continents, cannot be denied, with the ever- present possibility of others being involved without • Mitch warning. s If that good -will toward men, which has been ringing round the world in such joyous tones for the last few days, could be injected into practical life,the effect would electrify the universe. Vithatseffeet thieneve trade treaty between -Canada and the United States will have; is, sis yet, ordy a matter of hopeful conjecture, There are nunibers ef Americans Who have "Summer homes in this town, and with fewer customs, restrietione at bridge and ferry, their numbers may inCreaSe, at least, it is hoped so, Becoming in- terested in the neighborhood, Some of them, or through them, some et their associates, may decide to locate ;business branches in Goderich; its closeness to • the rewarrantingssuchestepse ' _ Geogrelphieally Canada is larger than the United States, but has less than one tenth of the population of the senile. Canada also -hue iirdinsited-nritinal resources, - -seendstherugh 'Americans are already. heavily interested' in mines, pulp and paper mills,' there is ample room for mote. American -industries. But„.wherever you are, or whoever you are, The Star a luiPee the • New Year will bring' yeti and yours -both arerhappiness: . PROTECTION IN ENGLAND - The Undberghs referred to by some of the papers OtOteilt the line, as "Anieriea's -first family,' caenoteliv ,(colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh are not leaving their enistive land because they dislike it, or the. people; they res,Plietleally driVen out byia certairLsectiori of the .eritiiril-Prester wlifeltsPersists in publishing the most detelle of -their home life, - - • , there *as no protettion from this system .ot daily irecnt1on, cerribined with the receipt of let- ters' threatening the kidnopping of t their remaining threse-year..old son, Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh -have gbt safety ,for their thild, and quietness for them. A bill has been before 'the United States COngress on different occasions to provide two billion _dollars for their war veterans, and it comes up again in a few weeks. Though it is a trethendous sumof money, there is no country in the world so capable of taking are of their returned _men as the E. S. A, Cease warnings and begin arrests were the orders is - titled to New York policemen a week ago for people using their meter horns -too freely: In one day, 250 drivers in that city were fined for inking unnecessary noises; but fines did not produce the desired effect, ar. Lrestssicillowed, Ifsarreste etre required to discourage untecessarymotor noises, hoes much more drasttcit2st the penalties be- 'to prevent -unnecessary motor killing The financial statement of the town of Mitchell shows a credit balance for the first time In its history, It is only $103.35,.but it is something. As.The Advocate says, the townspeople owe the councillors a debt of gratitude, and more co-operation in the future. As that $103.35 is right in the bank, the Mitchell Councillors,elf they have not been neglecting necessary repairs,-certa.inly deserve at least the thanks of the people, as The Advocate sug- gests -',VOAPV PAjiPog 4Fi4s .1$4. -Mutt P1al4le 4111E312-. 00R610.1$ ikpiD EMBX1.101 vieit 40,4o4otiU1` teeseteRes iNge,}4:01z40.55tti4 .1Fost .V611401014 During Christmas week The Star received several re- minders of the Yuletide season, from fellow publishers in this district. These little messages had a double sig- nificance to us; new arrivals in the field of Iluron County journalism. We reciprocate the kindly senti- ments conveyed those messages, and would ask the senders, as well as the other }Wren publishers, to • pay -The Staraesvisittlies_fixatetame_ they are-instim-Countr- town. We are here every day, except Sundays. Among (mr-ehristmas-cards,-wassone-frosressornes"als sent -minded beggar" ins -Miami, Florida. It was a bathing scene, said to have been taken :3 days before Christinaa, It arrived here When the therememeter- was flirting with zero weather, and there were 15 rinches og, snow on the ground. Sending auch a card at er'4-Ishne-, was scientific erutshys -first-we-hoped he would get drowned, or ineetlaorne other violent end, but; on second thought, we remembered it Was the season of good will to all men, including those wintering at laimie-and ayes forgaveshinie tenapeiretrily at leak, - -- 31114 hahler up a mUllielpelity is; the More dispoSectits representatives appear to bp to help themselveh to what issieft.,, In A northern town where the Mayer has \been gettini_4500 per Year for a la* tin lies:and-the council. lors $5,Q0 .each per meeting, the Public Com- missions also decided to share in the spoils, and, voted themselves *50 each, and the chairman $100, Windage's councillors,' not satisfied with $5. a meeting, jumped their pay to 445. a month. If there is ,one place in Ontario, hundreds- of bondholders wish they had never lfemelife----gliuittis..proieeted_bi taw' and_ bY.Jhnt atilt greater foreess public opinion; Whereas in-tleses-Unie- litithethtesproteedings-in-sconn .\ -ted-Sta-tes-truit section ot the press; known us -yellowy— fray-Colleetor-still-sunfinished„ratepayene would he cou- nt) regard for any, eondltiOnte hc'wever int mate,. an suiting their own interests by returning pursues its victims with pitiless publieltY. 7,!‘"9 • • Couficil members, So that the viitele-iniater cairtedis- England has long been known as tte haven of hope- posed of while those most familiar -with the details are and rest, for harassed citizens of every country in the in office. The appointment of a qualified ehartered se- wor1d -while the United States isIropies* referred tO countant to assist the regular auditors, assuredly as 'ttluirleild-sof the free."' Freedom from the poison good business and should allay any 'mouldering suspi- . Pen Seemingly not understood by 'the yellow pre,0; " cion that all was not well, • Eiettieg courieil to-tenduct teesteessaisiesisesiesstealleeselectingssilirect tnitl_iltut the! 1)"ottletlotri:theY in* Itee4Ing', and On the affairs of a big corporation. New blood might be -13441-44r443.400*tm: -*Wit sAtilis-W4-0-4411116C-noissbl-under,someireimutfitielbuti4 e-ireierit •als naturalised citizens. , , ' does not seem opportune for a Change. Wilesse Our -MK woutea tloT OP4E, WAVLE. A,,,M1411444' 40 4444 trA+,‘ FokatAeRS Wotitto Pur RED tiers' se---ses,s-lieressa-oseti orro 1E eeltoe 10 0R)/4 oirrilm Vete-AM CRO.t.4 *irk; MILK Oise A. s ooele.cAu S.Sens sty:4 . alit Hose ve 4opeteestas 4roop-Rei4sesuAu1t,55 ,ss RuP4 4014A 14-5P.1•44.._ 04:04P wo.la t3411.•401.41.$ arviN4 LJsr fati'S 04roar.*54°'.P FAMILY o M..Fet4502DX, Vaiss04401V., it 000 ono 00" Pigs and Poultry Receive Attention (Fitinished by the Ontario De pertinent of Agriculture) - Breeds for Grate Feeding bloodless ears, and by the abgence of The best breeds of poultry for a healthy pink coloUr from the skin. crate feeding are the general purpose Deaths due to anemia are frequent types such as Plymouth Rocks and This condition is due to deficiency Wyandottes,or the heavy types such of iron in the blood` and is partici- - larly serious in larger pigaries where as ,Teksey Giants, , sets . . ...,_ rathteiopin.gs_ are...en ,ft ear!fu_lly balanced sses... ...., , .... . , -' cornBorer more... • _ The treatment used at the Itapusk- There has been a;striking- Come.. -asing 'Experimental 'Station, has back of the ' corn borer in Ontario proved very satisfactory and consists this year. The Protincial Entomolo- i of a powdered "reduced iron" which gist reports an average increase of I can be purchased at any drug -store. between two and three fold over last year. The increase was brought about thiefly by the very favorable weather for the insect last Juneesand July. In counties Where there was no clean-up last spring the insect Absolute acqueacy of dosage is not importfoit, and for practical purposes _the quuritity can be roughly measur- ed as -the amount 'which can be piled ro on a small Canadian one cent piece. Each pig is caught, the. iron - multiplied much more than whereplaced on the back of the tongue, the clean-up was made. This out- the pig marked and put back in the -break hae shown that the - borer is pen; this is repeated every other day, still a real menace to corn growingdarting when the pigs are 4 to 5 davs old until they are. three weeks old, or rather as soon as they start Some Hints on 'Roney to eat from a small trough. Granulated honey can be brought back to its liquid form by standing the container in water and heating it Poultry Killing Rules to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. A higher The following regulations have temperature than that is likely to been issued by government authori- darken the colour of the `honey and ties for the guidance of poultry pro- ve 0 aroma an avows.Als-deceremy id- shippers in order t soon as the honey has become Tico-ra,I, standard quality may be main me cool it fig/rapidly as possible„ but do and highest average prices realized. not put into the refrigerator. They shall have been starved for Honey-- absorbs moisture fie -ire -the siiffitientlength of time before -being air and -loses aroma and flavour killed to empty creps and inteitiness rarsidlY,. therefore, it should not be during which time -:,hey should have kept 'uncovered any longer than is access to clean drinking water. necessat-e. Keep extracted 'honey in They shall be properly bled so that a tool dry place, but honey in the no blood remains in the eittremitiess -comb should be 'stored where it is be undrawn With the head and feet eft-onesbe-dry prelied-withsallsfeeth as removed, except that, if so desir- ed, a few feathers may be left around the head, and wing tips; be, dry cooled W a r n r andrAir , a1"rogrpm••ee.....r. Cornwall Ploughing Meet „, Although offielal announcement will not be made until the annual having feet clean and vent properly meeting of the Ontario Ploughmen's t fin81, u, th h witaiti,vhh ei allibtto o tdremovedeye mfrpotoi. Aasociatith on at Toronto in February,' irds showirsg _feed in the crop shall ineffaliirs of Board of Trade x,-13 have the crop removed, preferably have been given assurance that the teyriatumai Ploughing Match ahd through the back of the neck; such crop removal shall, lower the quality Pant* Machinery- Demonstration the -birds atesleaets one -grades_ Its' will-t)e lield-at Ocirawallsin October, 1936, Courses are supplied by the Institute I !pull ef the Ontario pepartnentOf Agriculture.' I Two ,,PePuler types of Courses are being vonclocted this winter—three moths' courses or. schools -ef Agri- culture and Home Eeenomits„ and courses ofone month's duration. The average attendanee for the first a weeks at the Three Months' Vourses which cominen.ced in.November 26th. 1035, has .been 30 boys and 31 girls - Information about the course In any particular county may he obtain- ed from the local Agricultural Repre- sentative. The 'four-day event iss expected to wrapised. attract from 75,000 to 100,0 0 people, MeRae `Lochiel and J. J. Tier- The use of fertilizers, barnyard , While thousands of families are living and the Cornwall Board gave- its Minures arid Fertilizers for Vegee unanimous endorsement to the table Crops BARNUM WAS RIGHT scheme. ney. Brockville , 'vice-president and manure and green 'manure in the growth of cabbage and tomatoes has • U0Y Crop Report ' In south-western Ontario, the pro- ortion of this year's market hay crop s ill on the forms s es m at 00 ppr gent: The bulk of this is timothy mixtures -no. 3 'grade, The supply of alfalfa is not plentiful but small quantities are being used for :4'itiserlelihdttligr'oPTtehh4eisit:Pule:a4t1s'retnYtU-indatfilitimeszteniidn4h-rneies- diate vicinity of Toronto. Some of the biggest consumers in Toronto al- ready have large supplies on hand. Little increase is expected in domes- tic .or export trade next month. Present prices at Toronto for good eualitv hay are about $9 per ton and $5 for straw. Average prices to growers range from $7.50 to $8.50 for no. 2 timothy mixture' Om to $6.50.'for no. 3 timothy mixtures, and ,3.50 to $4 for straw. These prices areiebarrnseindellnlinak4rveertar freight costs to OBSEItVATIQINS (BY Searchlight)' To raise the morale of Ethiopia -xi allo.-teeWeepseessiesaspoieteER .— CRamiNtALS AP,PLY FOR JOBS checking- fingerprints 'tho 'United - States 0, men have Pam& A special de- Puty •theriff in Illinois who was an es - escaped convir..tt front the state prisin lieense applicant in Jersey City, N. J., farm at Vandalia; army recruit who who had been convicted of violating the National Prohibition Act, and another was a deserter front the Navy; A liquor - who had been a counterfeiter. Oregon, and applicants for Ohio State highway patrol posts wlth previous criminal records. spla said, It takes a Crook to catch a candidates in Clamath Falls, Crook.. THE HUMAN RAGE The -Dionne -Quintuplets have opposi- tion. The birth of quintuplets to a Nicara- guan couple was reported in the Mana- gua . Press on Dec. 26th. Three boys nd _two. _girls -said to_he perfect- Sliould children receive the , same care as the Goyernment-controlled canasdians.equintupiets, Dlorme quintuplets will lose niir hpf their popularity 'and publicity, also their earning power derived from advertising, 'There is always someone to take the joy <jut of life. "FOUL- PLAYERS" , Someone was aiDli6itIrtirliitvE7rinerry Christmas at the expense of Mr. E. Wil- liS of Florence, On,tarlo. Thieves Stole 16 large turkeys and 23 cases of eggs while his truck was parked outside of the St. Lawrence market, Toronto. That is not all. They also took Mr. Willis' truck, two buffalo robes and two tar- paulin. With turkeys selling at 35c per lb: and eggs the same price per dozen _Mr, Willis- suffered- a severe loss. We in Huron County are sympathetic toward you, Mr, Willis, and extend our wishes for a happier new year. • ireeter.4ealTectivelor-ttio4di been„underktigti0n...4.t11c,Ce1i.- ..,, _AktveY--haCkee)i-lheite and mntale A--4-8-54ertilizenraixture_s_sme apc lands found in the 'm2'666103_ Irie.nts pliedforeliiff cabbage at the rate nen-hfifeik.-no-rc%_,Thstotrow- volved. assurance _ that. 135 to .150 second, with an applleation.of 10 fi.9Us,, teams of horses could be obtained for the -match. With these factors settled, barnyard per acre; third, following the turning under of a they were in a position to state that green crop of sweet clover and fourth the match would be held near Corn- wall, ,providing they could be assured with barnyard' manure and green manure. The cop of tomatoes follow. Of Civic and Counties Councils and the eitizena in general. . ••• ing the cabbage was not fertilized. A SUMMIlit' of the results( of this egmento-shows-that-the-eoramer Crate -feeding Poultry , dal fertilizer increased the total '1%fo ern" 'inithodii7of:7 rOdifetiesi -Yield-of-the-cabbage-by 45 per cent. have so- s mpi lcd poultry - 1st s rig •---trthittoltst10- - - that it has been made possible for tis,edtilien tiirnconjuitin;tIn tionzerofagreenittithefertiliz. poultry meat to become in every day er, article Of diet. Too ninth of Canada's sweet clever cron proved of slightly 1)411:4:1drtliOn16, ffia:OketieteettleiLa:ri lidnkfrilit-Sabird thang4neuterarilb°peaniiitallietestreit.lo-rit: Oitclbtre tons of tough, and, too frequently, poorly dressed. Poultry- to be appetizing,ndroottsmbitotrrieltadoirynt40ife , tiheea105.'n*Inkeina.wil nsnreduerci must be well fleshed and properly dressed. • • • barnyard manure gave !argil inereass- "There are two principal inethodet Igsmagai's Assotiation, stated. that ArilLmb xperimental_ arm sinel- 113242; Changed...wow_ the jiinior minie.. ters of the British -government, in. elude, Mr. D. Hacking, above, se has been appointed under -secreta of state for Dominions affairs. , in want all around them, it Is reported that New Yorkers are paying wish prices ler prayers to witches, one weinan racketeer getting from $500 to $600frOm clients. Oftimes we' have read about eecentric people leaving a fortune for the eare of their dogs and pet catS and Pause to wonder sometimes if these eccentrics fire not eligible for the insane asyluire And old saying was that "money is the root of all evil," Wit today there is, more evil and crime committed on ac- count of the lack of it. • ETHIOPIANS BEHEAD ITAIZAN WAR 'PILOT troops, -an -Italian -War- Pilot- .Was be- headed, impaled cm a spear arid. exhibit- ed to 'Ethiopfarr-solitiers, When tar. iviussolini learn,s of the above what a bombing -p117nic is in store for Male Selassie 'and his lion tamers. During the Great -War Many of Ger- many's crack battalions of the Pruss lha Guards lost their prestige through cruel atrocities. Although. Selassie's.. troops are •not to •be compared with those- of Germany their barbarism will be criti- cised throughout the world and their cause lessened in the eyes of the people. In Japan, when a dog barks at night, his ov,mer sentenced to work for those whom it disturbed. The Family Phynician.--- The good doctor is always ;worth his fee. But it is not always possible to get a dostor just when you want him. In such cases common sense stiggests the. use of. re- liable home remedies, such as Dr. Thomas' Ezlectrie Oil, which is_worgier- fully - effectiVe easing-inflammatorsr _ pains and healing cuts, scratches, bruises and sprains. The preSence of this remedy iiitaie—family—medicin hest_ saves many a fee. j. W. CRAIME - Insurance and Real Estate DOMINION, PitOVUNCIAL IMUNICIP AND BONDS - Ph�r 24 • TETE 0. F. CAREY CO. Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE - Rep. The London T.,lfe 1nsura1. Co. Office,: — Masonic Temple. West St., Godericb Plante 230 NELSON IIILIL. Mgr. Lpirru$ DANCEY, SIN'S COUNSELLOR To those correspendentti who got their copy in early : Ainonetlie Cjialstmeis OW received :by- lir. -L. t%, --enough te- week's SW, We' eXteird our MiunteY ot CrOderleto wits au sulnouncement from 'the thnnse, we realize it meant an effort on their part dor.' Department Of Oriterles Attorney -General, that he had Ing the busiest week in the Whole year., That made been appointed s King's Counsellorthe eorly arrival of their copy alt thc niore. appreeitted timitey is the liasident of the County of Boron and useful, 'as there NYttt thittirilltlese space required Bar, and during bis 40 years erpractising lavr, hat been • for advertisement; owing to the closeness -of Cliristinas engaged in tatiny Impertviant owes witb signal success. Doe It Wax *.mighty herd thing to AO, Write eon/ He 1* therefore one of .the best-known lawyers in the, with the turkey needing attention, and something for county of Huron, • Mr. Naito woks one of the 47 Ontario barksters 10 10 'honored by the Ontario Government. In no clige Wig the diatinetiOn more deservedly beetewed, AN ENVIABLE REPUTATION pezdn requires to he told there is a shortage of 0ne in ciru1at1on, everybody realised that months il not veikqi ego, But the County of Hilton doestot .0TriBit 1Ar1ift$9 OPIN104,13 • ..„sota10 be included in tIm shortage belt.. Per 1035, the tote eminty rate was 043,401,40 tral the--Mitidle-of'-Vetembone,--the-County Iressuree-14041--tilpete-reports-Inere rearrieges,...and...interprett tved 014,000,00, the remaining $20.000 being due , sign of improved business, We *hope .it may be top but lute° mutlicilegitik% and their theques were believed to :hive heerd et young people getting married 80 thid, they hive been delayed by the congested holidtiy - would be entitled to relief. Blot the above was written* another $1.90000 hos been ?aid, *Wag only a little eVet 4/00* tmspait- iturmk Cow, Imuticislities have * reputation tor paying, ther way, and -they deserve. sone *roan still not ready, but the, chugest, people are always able to do *little more. We are grateful to those.. who tried tei CO-Operetts hut tsUeceed, and we ace cot the will for the deed. With the opening of a brand Ile,/ Year, we extend geeetings ar.41 good wishes to our eorrespondents, and hope we wilt know them till better tor from now, titan we do at the moment. : A :$1fi1ster Suggestien, al* Perth Expositor). Wits. MATCH rie of Ciltlitati'S leadi thefollowing ea ni 110 tates.,» with whkii friendly, TM it fork** e . How,. about -those-Slam -Salk psis-have-ireerrfigurino Bitter ciiI1-61 and let us ten,tra Irian tot yon' measuretnents • and quote you a price. "- 1HE COMO MANUFACTURING M. Andelsea St. Phone 61 of finishing poultry-- Pen -feeding andcrgaetifeeditin_gu„se4orThitfotiakrmretrymii4ndeth. Courses AgtriThis eultu_winter Home taisnerti waterfowl, the latter for thickens of 'LShrtC°48e itt Agriculture kilagts.S°eetaf:141thetviilibr134:n con- practiceefpenfe dirr o*0UPieouciye00;nty and district 111 of weeks and then qinith off" itt •Ontario this winter. The opportunity crates* 'Batteriesare c°112imilY used for young peeule on farms to receive in intensive plants, but for ordinary tin inseo caw are equally ,ettiefet. further education On airrienittiral ar tory and ar6 inexpensive. The toot. subjects is offered to at least one and t ters where .the 'Weds are to be "En- eLmnettlyrneenseht3;:are.°InnitmtAipralt.4ciarmroleae'eh is lebed" ShOilld 10 dry, cool and well, drafted to include the subjects that ventileted, and the birds should hoe 41rtttly nolo to the !type teeseing cluitt and freedom from excitement. practised. in the, dhittiet, ilesides e gebetid 'Purl*" bettv3r agricultuq,.instruetion is girt 'i weight breeds best sultcd for ..'.English*,.elvictr,u,sie•andiother-Stib- erstefiesling- end' elk be' jects, expetted only where strong,' vigorous sturliy..type birds are used. Seto* eulltuherethlthtrIkii:hntehPetwAtgrallett°1uroAl gritel."- sfamtig the finishing period, the presentative Branch, provides tom., birdisshould las dusted with flowers vttient, lectures for these tottoes, while the levet numielpilittes Atm their support by supp)yingthe inteei. tory seeomeslation. That these cours- es are -.offering mitt iifiteWieistTeittpe" 01 education is demonstrated by the fact that nearly stOno junior f*rnt- ers have Attended one Or thete short courseAi al,aNyt_boy were titat mote1912. tome Eononuics for edids Cheaper, tiettritityi (This Huntsville Pores. of sulphur or, Wile . ether suitable As 14. result the a re -wilting ibt quetter power 11)g:11k:ion to ...ensure their ,freetiom raelS, the- ttinnual or ..totor totett., e* ri toth $10,05400* to ogepoo, involving an au - vitt of IS8A40.000. The, stolen* of power heis, beenttedated,bitt the pet* hos bon tut from 15:00`per, No; to$12,f4 ter hp. The period The ratio hat also been reduod fro* toffy to ten As retult ef the eanollaition of the ld iontractst 13* * *WA te. 44/00101 04010 -***lisitloit will bur fvelitisit of tit to **MOON ''Wilt-lltreily 10 Anemia la Pigs Reports are often retelved 01 !erg* mortality' jtntong little prior to the age et 'Ortall little rigs whithohave issue doing 4041. orka putting aaJd.nly bittlinite With itreleht. hair CIIESThtJt AN.0 STOVg ANTHRACrrE, -.-rocAtiouTAs. a ad- DOMESUC . LUMP Com., ALBERTA LUMP COAL from the Foothills of Alberta. ' • °\ DiSt.34() this 'wonderful Coke with -the gasse-- left- iit. All order,s gve prompt attention and ail the coal is weighed On the Town' scales (your scales).— Anyote who has, or its, sure*: froze bo)l* losoirm- how sick 'atia **table the/ make you feel, sad the worst tArt is. that ag won au Seers to'e tia:.•of trle° tb take its plSea Wee- utgt, 0117 t4 prolog YOor Val Mntiaer P ** eased by MO* tite blood vortileai vitalised 4 111.11,