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The Goderich Star, 1935-12-19, Page 6
Irx+ :k...' . .`.r 4 Y,.1+ oar Christrncis Dinner � ALL CANADIAN SERVICE The British Exchange Hotel THE BETTER PLACE TO EAT MG(`iESTiON ` ANSWN'Eli At.0w cur -Chef to take Tile Christmas Dinner mise wife's pine IV me cook s1-Ovc . Val -taste 50-‘,-411.1elf,better. h et and Eat at '‘The RITISH CAFE' Arrange Your Party and Enjoy Your Christmas Dinner SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR PARTIES Pone 591 GODERICH Phone 591 THE O9 ER19 STA. ,Arfropets AGAIN ROS 'ALBERTA 'FOOTHILLS d Made by EMPIRE The.Empire . SIINERA 'with a Perfec Oval Fire Box and Oven• The Sunora has made thousands of women happy in their daily kitchen task; no more worrying if dinner will ;�1 be ready on time. or baking done to • - \ ill the satisfaction of the household. ,A Range built to withstand the wear and tear of many years!113rd usage—a range that is up-to-date, the porce- Uhl oven can be washed •clean, in fact the whole range is in full ,.porcelain lintel can easy be kept clean, which is rust proof. The Quebec type fire ?cox means always . a warm kitchen. The reservoir -top -and cover is porce- Ta.fa_iinsh--.this. prevents rust, A wood grate is always suppI.ed for burn - tag wood, .A range with •beautiful colors harmonizing with the most modern kitchen -def Stations—THAI GREATEST RANGE VALUE IN CANADA. FRED HUNT to,, Ar' it niay be *Wined: from the. county Agrioultuarstt Re aresentative CORNER Taylor's corner, .Dee, 18. ° - The,' bowie o;f'Mr. and bits. Orvillilk Bodges vas the •,scone of a joll .event ,nm Monday evening,, when a ,out d0' of their friends and neighborssurprised them at their homme. to bid Xrs. Rod- gee' welcome tothe r community and to •wish them we]l.in their new home. Theearlier part of the evening was spent playing _progressive euchre e -=prize winners being Mrs. Reg aid Sturdy, Mrs. Calvert, Andrew • Holmes and John Yuill.' A, splendid address was read''by Mr. John Yuill, and Mr-. and Mrs. Rodges were, pre- sented with a beautiful Aladdin table lamp with hand decorated parchment "shade; a beautifully dec- orated table mirror and ornament. The presentation was made by Mr Albert Oke and Mr. Robert Fuller. Mrs.....Rodges_than visitors for their much appreciated gifts and kindness, after which cof- fee, sandwiches, cakeand tarts were served by the ladies.' The gathering broke up at a late hour. Prior to her, marriage in Septem- ber, Mrs. Rodes was Altalind Mc- Cartney of Holmesvill©• The annual Christmas tree concert will be held on Thursday evening at this week, '° on Wednesday, as er- Ironeouslyr stated last week. .. The Proniced Horn Antelope Antelopes have been proteeted with a brag limit of two. In addition Almost extinct 20 years ago,1 siosdngf hunters .since 1910. An oven the animals can be shot only on occu- pronged.ho'ned antelopes . are now roaming the ,Alberta lecithins in such ,few b numbers LI to cause alarm; conceirn_ of it ing food supply of; tittle and weep. i ;season was acetated on antelope, but pied .fenced lands with the consent of the owner. Flesh of the animals mak- miters.. have. taken advantage es good eating which, accounted - for by paying the $5 license fee. The the protective measures `taken. In is from Nov i. 1 to Nov. -11 r dians were- kdUin' - them wholesale, a ed. Defective trees should be utilized th uro u. ti r+ n 4:Partners as• Rften their valuex;3e decrasing.. The les` valuable species (weeds) such as ironwe,Qd, blue beech, poplar, pin Make Good Showing cherry, should be largely eliminated from the woodlot as they will if left -�' continue to seed up the bush . and take up space that might be growing valuable white ash. sugar maple, pine, spruce, etc. The trees are generally too crowd- ed in a second growth stand. A thin- ning, that reznov_es defective, crooked; weed trees and trees that are shaded by their more vigorous neighbors would result. in a marked improve- ment of the woods, These polewood stands are often clean-cut for fuel - wood, when a judicious thinning would yield fuelwbod and increase the value of the woods. • Crops for Silage tario, but up 5,000 in the aggregate For eleven 'years, the Field Hus- for the province. Beef cows have in- bandry Division has been conducting experiments with the ensiling of var- iou_s crops.. Of the crops tested, corn is undoubtedly the best for ensiling. Sunflowers are recommended on heavy clay soils and in cool climates where corn does not do well, Mixtures of oats. and -peas, or oats, peas and • vetches make very good silage crop � but alfalfa is rather difficult to en sile and should be used for hay creased 2.000 head and beef yearlings 1,400. For the fifth successive year, sheep and lambs record a decrease, being placed at 94.5,700 on June lst. 1935. as compared- with 962,300 on June 1st, 1934. Brood sows are up considerably in each section except Southern Ontario, but other pigs over six months showed a heavy 'falling off in numbers, with the result ,that the total swine population over 6 I where possible. Buckwheat, cut in months old decreased by,3,000' head. full bloom, yields 7 or 8 tons per acre Swine under 6 months are on the up - of fairly good silage. Experiments pard trend again and are 50,400 are being continued with these -anti' higher than a year ago. The number of sows intended to farrow _ _in the. next 6 months is well above last year. Paris Wins Society Class Guelph Hens and chickens show a rise of Agent 'tor the Empire line of- Stoves and Furnaces Hardware, Plonmbiing and. Tifismithing 1 "A _ Eii OD SECQN» ►ND e: OVEs .FoifiAt 11 REDUCED -FARES' nehmen all Points in Canada, Christmas and New Year's FARE AND A QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP tlllt1S'TMAS HOLIDAY: Good going December 23 to and Including December 25. Return limit to leave destination not later than ,midnight 'Thursday, December 26, 1936. lam' YEAR'S HOLIDAY: , Good going December 30 to and InclUd_ij g. , -waxy-- .Return -limit -to leave es a on not Fater than midnight rT'huri day, January 2, 1936. THE ROUND TRI, FARE AND A. THIRD FOR P : 'Good going Friday, to Wednesday, Jan. 1; inclusive, good to re - tarn leaving destti;ration not la r" -than midnight, Friday. January =10, 1936. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARES. ADULTS Sac �.- CHILDREN 25e Tickets and complete information from any agent. • CANAFIAN PACIFIC With 164.200, being 21,731,200 this June, Winter Fair and, 21,567,000 in June, 1934. W ath a total score- of 458 " point the Paris Agricultural Society , was Dressed Poultry far the Christmas tested_AgriculturalSociety Glass ler ' 0 at warded first place in the keenly con- Ted Thousands of "birds are destined for _ §ociety of Georgetown was a ere the Christmas market as dressed second with 4551. points. As floe poultry_, but, to obtain the highest possible was 500, these are consider- prices, most of them should be well ed very high scores: finished by the pen or crate method, This Class hns,€aroused very wide interest as the members, of each coin- feting Agricultural -Society must co- operate, in this venture. Each exhi- bit included 5 lots of grain and seed and no member - contributed more than one lot% As twelve Societies competed, the display included saam- pies from 60 of the best Seed Grow- ers in Western Ontario. Other 'winning Societies mg)mg)given in order — Peel County (Brampton) 48816; Carrick. (Mildmay) 447; Tees- water 439; Scott (Uxbridge) 437; Richmond Hill 434'.x; Markham 426•' C mal „ ted for lice and- starved for at Livestock Figures ` • least twenty-four hours. It is advis- g able to administer 'a dose_ of laxative, In Ontario the horse. population ! to clean them _outh_in the form of If the owner is not doing the cut- ting himself he should mark the trees that are to be cut_ by blazing -or daubing them with paint. Care in fel- ling is very necessary, as the small trees have a high potential value. A bulletin on The Woodlot will be sent on application. to The Forests Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toron- grain at the Winter Fair. Esquesi0• since the quieter the birds are kept the better the ouiality of finish. The length of the finishing period, may vary from two to three weeks, de- pending on the condition, age a.id .feeding of the bird. For the finishing work, tht • selec- tiori and grading of the birds ac- cording to vigour, conditio , size, age and see are extremely important. It is usually advisable to discard the non -vigorous birds and invest extra capital and labour only in those that will return profit.- Before the birds are placed in the outh Huron (Seaforth) 424, crates for feeding, they should be shows a reduction of 800. Mares and geldings are 2,70a less, due. it is be- lieved, to the reduced fodder supplies available last winter, but colts and fillies are up 1,900 reflecting the stronger, demand and higher prices cannot be over -emphasized. In" killing prevailing for horses Cattle have and preparing noulti'Y for market, the dropped 25,300 head, lleereases occur_ birds should be starved for at least rifts in bulls, milk yearlings, calves, 24 hours before being killed, have ac - and steers our 2 years Milk Cows cess to clean drinking water, be pro - Epsom salts dissolved in water at the rate of one pound to I00 birds, The solution is used for mixing the• first feed. The importance' of proper dressing are down_ 1.075 head in -Eastern Orr= You Can Save Money on ris mat and at BLACKSTONE'S- AN IDEAL GIFT BOXES OF ,CII000LATES 2sc ter #,O SPECIAL t1S""i`7KA5 30XT tllte Czt awto Jdiks .tae auttehites JIt. LISA y SPECIAL Sill' :dare EXTRA! EXTRA! 2ifixedl+ arnily , ....:.... lbs. tae 150 35e. Jittr..ry,.Ai ',a ...yl•. ;;-cuestA... to i�M.Y�. V 6 , ., W ` Stpckt ai as +i1 N ile a and Cigars Blackstone's Furnit to Shop IRI$ j,MAS SUGGESTIONS -- Alt new rnerchhndlae. Kindergarten Sets.. VV.25 up Crokinale Boards $2.25 Ileal Doll Carriages' $3.06 tip Reeking Hotta and Child's Desk Seta Cod Tables Ilfaitarine Tables ,.•.Y., Smelters liliiek s Lame ,Deli teas KW*, earn, dial Kiddies' Wag ,tea CON(10 EtYM 1 GS AT .. • 3tAttsItAILL zitttritzsgE4. i►w • elal �' One Le ►.. $28.88 Hrtiner118.84 tilt 4DI0,it.:.1. *1.56 np. $2.50 83.58 99e 6 .4 •sidlwrely ante you itiiitie . perly bled- so. -that inoblood--remains in. the extremities, be undrawn with the head and feet left,on, be dry plucked •although• .sa -lew•-feathers may -bo left around the head, be dry' cooled, with"- feet and v silt clean, all blood remov- ed from the mouth, and the crop empty. It is preferable that the heads should be wrapped. All the body heat should be out of the bird before packing, and every &re should be taken to keep poultry from freezing before it is delivered. z. Cutting the Fuelwood Farmers who are fortunate -enough to own a woodlot soon will be cutting fuelwood for next year. Vie fall and early winter is the ideal season for working in the bush. as the ground is frozen and there- is usually very little snow. �_ Before starting the 1, ,irk it would Abe advisable to look over 'the woodlot and decide the locution of the;seasbn's. operations. The future should always be considered in woodlotmanage- ment, as the nutting• done now will determine the composition and value of the woods 10,50 and 100 years hence. Owners who. have. not 'fenced part of their bush from stock should con- ' aider the advisability of doing so, as the value and often. the preservation of the woodlot depends on whether; ,stock. --are ~;dint rte,= AS' lumilr Iaiagay. and saplings of decidtious trees "fnaaiple, aom, beech, ete•) will be 'brow8'ed and the evergreens will be broken br Stock. The fence taughtbe -constructett in hel int ifiz ng the trees as posts. The wire should he fastened to strips that caro nailed to the Beal,. The fuelwood nada .:.cut front the part that is lett in with the pay • ture. Oath the fuelw d; luny be ent a id the= toodle t fb lrr' yib1 is taken. - r* trees t�,.,.,. interferingaid . i troths back shire is 'oast t :`/l ' bepilitiet. .. r • ` it.a SD4 Y, R CE14BERR o: 1.985.. ..-,..,...m-.r ,. M.... ..�n+frnrP•-. ..'nr my ..: , :f.rAR.... .... .IT RETAIL NOT !ILT'' ►F LOTTRY VsgiStra,te 4. As on Saturdaay' kalltUd' Joseph Grea:nberg, president of the Stratfoa'd.taij 9r044t ' 4 so;- dation not gaty Qt conducting a let. tory grin conneeUou,' y ^with operation of Otratfoi'd, ,yN' sales., vidence in the. case was` heard Dec. 7 when it was . alleged that the contest of estimating .the number of coppers in a store window, was a game of. chance The charge against_ -the—newspaper-- 'tatpublished the advertisements way also dismissed. our Piano Is Worth Money LET ONLY AN EXPERT WITH YEARS OF FACTORY EXPER- IENCE -T -UNE AND ADJUST IT • J. W. MOORE PIANO TUNER Goderich Phone 527 43 Years' Experience •AtitECOMPAPPLASMOCCCOMMtegtet4 Real Genuine Bargains in sed' Car Specials THESE CARS ARF: REAL BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE 1' 1934 DODGE BUSINESS COUPE 1 1930 DURANT SEDAN 1 1930 FORD COACH 1 1929 PONTIAC COACH 1 1929 ESSEX SEDAN ' 1 1929 CHEVROLET ' COACH 1 1929 DURANT COACH 1 1929 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1 1928 CHEVROLET COACH 1 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN Special—Practically new Car Radio (Westinghouse) ALL ABOVE CAR;; 1 ' EXCELLENT CONDITION AND READ', FOR THE ROAD There is a SANTA CLAUS See w. • McCee- DODGE and DE SOTO SALES Hamilton St. Phone 379. Goderich .• "And:1 can .call you EVERY WEEK?". Ti.lat's the loveliest -Christmas - preseAt fve,ever had, dear!" given her Mother the privilege of telephonin` g her once * week with the "charges reverstgl". . This 'fiiansnal-gittls the kmd that 41 hang Itii4t-Dors,Ittsigesta similar remembrance for ikotrieone you knoiv? MUT '11.4kT BEGIN AT 7.00P.M.