HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-19, Page 2-74. "414 see:seeerSASeesetisere ewe '
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ti ralfAM
'14A9B TWO.
trgStebled 1659) ,
saAn Indenenant 1wpp Plibliehed eVery TinixtelaY
The Star. 0 lie Ciederieh. SuireergpIlon Prise -Varieties and ,
Greet arita2n„81,60 psr year in advance (in' arrears 6240) ;
United 45tates; $2,00 per year in advance. Iloth old and new
addresSce erroald be given when change of address is re- !
• queeted. s I
0.4.1IMIATIONIFi—We kind that meet of our eubscriberre
Prefer,not to have their uhlcrlptiozo interrupted in case they
tO rediet Vetere exrairation. Unless we are notified to
cancel, eve asesurae the zubscriber wishes the eervice continued
eend the Ilmited--Lftne--
UMIIThNCS be made' by registered leiter, money
order or cheque payaleis at per in Gocieriele.
Ooderich Star:accepte advertising in its colunms ere
the understendine that it wil Inet be liable for any Orror in
. any nerve:liana Published hereimder tulle= a proof of such
- advertisements is required in 1.N.61111,5 try the advertiser and
reterned to The rater's business °Mee ztuly signed by • adver-
- tieer and with eueh erroro or cermet/ore: plainly noted in
writing thereon and in that dase. If any error Is not corrected
0 The Star, he liebility shall nat exceed erich a proportion 1
of the entire :est of =eh advertisement tts the space &cu-
. pied by the rioted error bears to the whole spate oczupied by
.such_Axamlisernent. Advc:tisina rates on application.
• Editor. Manager.
Phones: Da:: 71; Night 84 and 331.
Post Office Drawer 671.
iier of caistence: A.Pnarently the diatinetion of ualvers -
eal honentY ha'a departed frOm the rural. 'communiticp..
Loch6 and keys have beeeme important aeceasoriee in
the farm eqwpmenL Gutin,eattle read eitickelta aro the
'products chiefly sought by the Marautiere, It ie aliflicutt
to identify, those prodnets ono they heve dieappeitred
from the ftuan. However, -once farmer's are, aroused, to
the necessity of taking vigorous stem to ceMbat theft,
they are not backward in developing methods to beat
the criminals. It is regrettable t1tatePeCiai Penalties
cannot be impeeed tp check these rural forays, An ins
stitution of traditional honeety rreems to be threatened,
-notwithstandig the superior--police-proteetionrsPnlOYeda
by the public.
sows savollooK
RA'S soffits
Cistt ,64e.
A -r eirdler
Every manufacturer, merchant and business man Is a
firm believer in, advertising, but enfh hi more or leas
doubtful as to the best means: of getting their nriessages
over to the consumer. Radios, telephone*, hand bills and
newspapers, have been tried in turn, with 'varying re-
sults, and when "enough to i
pay for the advertising, and also leave a fairly decent I
margin of profit, some advertisers are disposed to give
up in despair. It is however, the persistent advertiser,
that wins in the end, and many instances could be cited
to prove that statement. •
Some of Canada's largest business houses confine
their advertising to newspapers; radios are. turned on
for entertaininent; phone calls are necessarily brief, and
quite often hand hills are exposed to rain, 'wind,
sleet and snow. When a door bell is rung to re-
ceive a hand bill, the lady of the house is as often as
not, angered at being compelled to take a number of
extra steps for something in which she was not at all
interested at the time.. If hand bills are left,on the
lawn, ateps, verandah or enerance, some person has to
gather them up to preserve the tidiness of their premi-
THURSAY, DECEMBER 190, 1935 . .
If that million dollar. park that constitutes the centre I
of the town, could be -illuminated with colored electric
lights during the Christmas season, it would double its
attractiveness. Wires could be strung among the trees.
eliminating the Cost of poles, and as the trees have re-
cently been trimmed, the park would become a re. al fairy
land. 1
• known fact, that there was a growing inclination "to let 1 ses: _
A speaker at a recent gathering emphitsTied a we 1-
A few weeks ago, a certain newspaper held up 4 sub--
G'eorge do it." That remark might: be appropriately
Scribers' papers when mailing the others, Before the day
sr CO thark, Where latterly, -at -all eventsosature,
directed- by rt, kind Creator, seems to have been Oleg
, . of the ilnProvinifs .
'Ooderich has ao 111911Y Mauled attractions, with park
in the centre otathe town, and another overlooking 414)
hikes harbor and river,* with high shore litien 4441 high
river banker' that it could be turned Into a Own Of lane
Suipasied beauty • but that would of course -cost money;
+4 which tit the present time, there is an abundant short
• But wiring and lighting the Square would not re-
present i very: serious outlay, and if its attractiveness
was written :abont, and talked about, people would come
to town to see it, with the result that more business
would be done by the merchants and the whole commu-
nity would benefit indirectly. •
• • But aside from the financial returns, the lighting of
the "Square" would be a public welcome to those Huron
Old Girls and Boye-whote return is alwayt3 anticipated
with such pleasurable interest. Former' resi;:ents like
.coming back, their relatives and the citizens like having
them back, but they would be more convinced that the
town was' aineere inits welcome, if there was some
visible sign of that welcome. Colored lights scattered
through the trees duaing the festive meason, would
leave no room for doubt on that score. •
Possibly some person will say it has never been
done," or "it isn't done." As a matter of fact that is
- the anOre-reaiton-why it -should -be alone NM-- There,
is no harm in disturbing the established order of things,
under some circumstances, and_ this is a case where it
might reasonably be done.
Municipal Councils all over Ontario will shortly be
Appointing their auditors for _another _terra. _The prac-
tice of choosing former members, With nothing to re-
commend them but their former membership, has little
to commend itself. As members, those men probably
served their towns, townships or villages, as capably as
many others have done, but their knowledge of book-
• keeping or auditing was negligible.
Bat often under' the impression that auditing was
nothing more than checking receipts for. payments, their
• former-vouncilecolleagues- offered- them -the position of
Auditors, and as there is always a salary attached to
• the job, it was invariably accepted. The auditorship has
in some cases been giventowould-be members a. a re-
• cognition of services rendered, and -the results have not
alweye been satiefactory from the public standpoint.
When municipal receipts and payments were Compara-
tively few, it was a simple matter, to check the affairs
of any municipality. To -day, with its debenture debts,
local improvement rates, county- rates, school retest.
• and possibly half a dozen other rates, municipal book-
keeping is more involved, and only people trained in the
• handling of. accounts should be entrusted- with auditing
• public hooks.
It is no reflection upon clerks and treassurers to aps
point chartered, or capable, accountants, to cheek their
wad; inafactssmany _otathose officiate have.expressed
• preference for experienced ouditors, rnther than those
who are appointed because they are good fellows.
• Offieials must feel a sense of satisfaction when their
,hooks have been pronounced correct, by traireed men.
rather than by men whom they had to advise and assist
• in the discharge•of their duties.
A man might be a suceessful breeder. Of sheep, or
• cattle, or pigs, but know absolutely nothing about
• thoroughbred horses. The same argument applies as to
auditing books, he might be a. sound business num, but
totally ut sea, when it comes to keeping or auditing
books. Municipal bodieS will be protecting their own
laCieste, andralso those of the Clerks and Treasurers, if
they appoint trained men to do their auditing.
nod life in Ontario has a new menace, Bays the
Chatitain Thieves are going about the country
robbing farms, and the practice has become so prevalent
sonte,parts of the country that fainters, have been 'id-
'vised to'ptit stout locks on barns; 'granaries and poultry
hou$cs As far back as anyone can, remember, there has
1)001 ertbili ViAti410of petty thieving in the fanning
diatticts, bat it hits taeter before existed on the scale re*
lied from titliAS"Part.4 ef sieithifeestirn Ontario
tut Month*. 'Pie explattation•of Oda acceleratiOti in
iS the ilattoMehile and the'ruotor truck. The thieves
It work and gett.awaYAniekl)t. ,TheY
arts oantitiesi of loot and, opetating
t the Gb, Aside from the losses infileted
fitrikiers, it is Unfortunate that snch
add the rural districts; The'r40;used,„,
aetarityen'the'fartna*','N;he �m—
*?Stek. essitioat
tomfortable mos.
was over, each of thosesubscriberhad 'phoned Or called
for their paper; three of them stating, they wanted to
see what merchants. were Offering. Did any person ever
hear of another asklig for a band bill? A newspaper is
taken into the -home; whoa the lady - who does the buy-
itna, makes' comPariserm qtr goods. and Articles, and buys
Having heard the plea of the press that Santa Claus
was short of cash, the Ontario Government, has extend-
ed the time for the payment of next year's motor licens-
es, until January 15th. It is a timely extension:
Mussolini is not taking kindly to the peace •overtures
suggested by the League of Nations. He seems to have
thought- that Italy was not getting enough, though 220,-
000 square miles were te go to Italy in return for 3,000
square miles to be added -to Ethiopian territory. Ethiopia
also rejected the peace terms. At this distance, the
suggested peace terms do look like rewarding Mussolini
for being a bully.
Dr, Alexis Carrel, winner of the Nobel prize in 1912,
deelares it will be possible to extend the natural dura -
'tion of life by postponing death for a century, if not two.
Better health and longer life, would be quite acceptable,
if Dr. Carrel would also introduce a more elastic sys-
term of earrency. Whe_would want tolive thro.ugh aacie• s
pressito)fot two -centuries? In the meantime, the average
human will be content with the three score years and ten
as established long before Dr. Carrel, or his long-
range life, was thought of.
• 4,44$0*, U811001E4 NE
ease,....satattssalsere, st rottries
t'S 1i4E ttEtaraiit* '-
t1/4 um efelt
raw a. .DA4tialsite.
• taiatta A Meet -pate rn 18,1
setip earl' ss mem. PIA)
0 MERCURY eINCovEreese
NEAP. A cease.see.
, afflict% tie if.Hoo4ir1'wAS
5Peo..ap- VAPog OF
-riVIE.RaUgy ISRcas4
c,u'riSin. plaroRa kst>
ast A Re.earevasaseas.v
WoP.L.D MoDamti
aro 4 RikPily
old qwen Senna •YoUili arreSted at Letters to uie ii�uor
the lunge Pt a former aweetheart.
feeler tc,':,the theft the Owen Send
youth:V.704'one of a drinKing,party at h
oniter,herno on Sunday,. Pe. 1t. It
.is alleged 'wille:DoWed like the waters of
the river St. Lawrence and 'aglitter feel-
ing the effects; of the (currant) * luiee
flashed his roll of $3,090( before' the
mem makers. Itte 4eoySeen). *Owen
Sound' had a 101000,0 'Atilt his old.
:sweculeart at 13. John and $3,000 would,
'help hWi. on .hi way. so 'Presto . and
Mr. Coulter Was that inttch. short in
cash; gr. Orinioldhy no doubt told his
St. John sweetheart that he .was now a
stiecesatir-Olitarte—bitsitiess man- arid
owned several shares in the 'League of
Nations, but when 'Provincial Constable
P. E. McCoy of Goderich arrived for his
man the bottom dropped out of Clifford
Grimoldby's holdings and ambitions.
And to eau, Mr. Jee Coulter ? ? ? ?
$3,000 flashed in front of any man is
asking foe trouble and youno doubt rea-
lize your lotly now.
' OEEK 5.(AM? iiiow5
-Ata.e..4oity HEAutitg
l'OtiGua tri Pt5ii
r. G. McDowell •
President Y. P. S.
Copoi*, �.bp CuAtal run AmeclAblo..lac.
Mr,. W.. F. Campbell is Supt. If
Sunday School. Mrs. .Jas,,
McGiII Heads W. M. S- 1
I • ' • '
Westfield, .Dee. ,7.—Tho . „.. ti.
held their meetiii-g— last Wednesday .
tian Citizenship convenor; Mr. Lloyd
evening. It was in charge of Chris -
Walden. The topic 'was given basltrs.
Wm. ' Carter on, "The Christmas
Spirit." Scripture lesson was read by
Mr. Douglas Campbell! violin solo,
rendered by Mr. Harvey McDowell,
accompanied at the • piano by Mr.
Graeme McDowell; a violin duet was
given by Mr, Edgar Howatt and Ned.
Thonipson, with Mr. Norman Rod-
gers at the piano. Rey. Hugh Wil-
son' rendered a solo, accompanied by
Miss Winnifred Campbell. • As this
was the Christmas meeting, Christ-
mas carols were sung. The election
1 of officers took place, the voting being
I done by ballot. Mr. Graeme McDow-
1 ell was elected president. Christian
•i Fellowship, Miss Jean McDowell;
Missionary, Miss Verna Vincent;
Citizenship, Mr. Alvin Snell; Literary'
Ir. Harvey McDowell; Sethi), gre,
Ray Vincent; sec'y-treas., Miss
Mary Cook; assistant Sec'y, Miss
Margaret Vincent; extra members of
executive, Miss Gene Cook, Messrs.
• Lloyd Walden and Norman Rodger.
The annual meeting of the Sunday
School was held on Friday afternoon.
The meeting,sealentd_witia,s sin nsagaagssearess, _t_...1031,e..„9--.14ssie ..tion
-"Take the name of- Jesus- with you, ' V.D.4. ,,,ii'"'"cinnati. .-. National Broad -
followed with prayer by Rev. H. casting System. . Wagon wheels; clean=
Wilson. The election of officers waS ers and dyers. _ . an right, all right. _.
made by open vote: Supt., Mr. W. F. Plash "Mussolini. . . hides behind. the
Campbell; aSsistant Supt., Mr. Net- pickle counter. . . come come to 'ttie. . .
man McDowell; Secty,- reas., le he shoots; he scores; Moses said unto
Lloyd Walden; assistant Secy, Mr. Aaron come forth. • • • he came .flftn
Alvin Snell; Librarian, Mr. R. Vin- and lost the race. . . by using, reena-
cent; Temperance Sec'y, Mr. J. Mc- mint that delicaius laxative. . . from
Gill; Miesionary Cinninittee; ItIrs. R. the Church of. . . thet popular almoun-
Vincent, Mrs. W. Blair, Mrs. J. Mc- cer Bing, Crosby. , . This is Wingham,
Gill; Teachers, were _appointed for .Ontarile, , Underwear that keeps you
en. The Devotional Leaflet was read
bv Mrs. Stanly Hayden, andproved
very interesting. Mrs. Graham read
the Scripture. The election of off, -
ears then took place, and most of the
same offieers were returned. Arrange-
ments, were made to hold the annual
congregational meeting; and a social
on the evening of January 7th.
"Work for the night is coming", was
the closing hymn. A pleasing fea-
tare ofetheameeting was the' quarter-
ly birthday -Party which took place
during lunch hour. The ladies whose
birthdays have been in the. months
between September and December,
sat down at a table .prettily decorat-
ed for the occasion. It had beengar-
ranged at the first meeting of the
last year, that the ladies would give
a cent for every year of their age.
The birthday parties, have proven
very interesting.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes of
Clinton, who recently have been mar-
ried, are spending their honeymoen
in this vicinity, visiting friends of
the former.
Mrs. Dan. McKenzie is not in as
good health as her many friends
Mr. Tom. Bogie is side at his
mother's. His friends will- hope to
see him well again soon. _
would wish.
(By Searchlight)
See your dentist. . . for sausaget and.
toothpowder. . . has the cleansing qua-
lities. . mix two tablespoons of flour
The execution of Mrs. Elizabeth Tilford on Tuesday,
at Woodstock, was the first womtin to be hangel in
OnVirio, En 62 years. May it be the last. Of course it
is the law, which is supposed to be unchangeable, but
it is a man-made measure, and therefore could be chang-
ed, at least to exempt women, though they may have
shown small concern for their victims. Callous people
will contend as women are erilveding men in the business
world, they shotild also share in its penalties, The argu-
ment is net -to incurthem.
The 'annual effort of the Lion's' Club to carry a little
joy and gladness into the lives of crippled children, des
serves very possible encouragement. While charitable
-dales are many, there are few with stronger appeals
than those of children, and when those children are
handicapped by deformity, or some other physical or
mental defect, their "claim upon thegenerosity of the
public is stronger than it otherwise would be. Members
of the Lions Club, are subscribing from their fundd as a
body, and also individually. Tbey are, in some cases
perhaps unconsciously, by their contributions, honoring
• Him wheee birthday...they ate soon.to celebrate, and
ep treasures for themselves in heaven, where
• moth"' and rust doth not, corrupt, nor thieve; break
through nor steal.
Though the public buildings, owned by the County of
Bruce, had been inspected by three Grand Juries during
1935, a fourth inspection was made last week bY"' the
County Court Jury, contrary to the advice of the presid-
ing judge. The Walkertoa Herald -Times criticizes:the
Jurymen for "each grabbing off the $4allowance as ex-
tra day's pay," considering it, as the judge &lid, an un-
necessary expense. Are the jurymen really to be
'denied? Of course there was nothing to be gained by
four inspections of the County buildings, including the
jail, bet living as they do, next door to Miss Agnes Mc-
Phail,, and her constitutency, of Grey County, they
neity have imbibed some of her entlinsiasin for jail in-
spections. That extra' 14.00 would help them out qp
their Christmas shopping, so who can blame them at
this joyous season.
0:111101t PAPERS'
r -L,= - •-
Those Geed OM Days, (Iifilverton Sun).—An old day
book wasrecently discove'red in the rafters of Leslie
BitidIeyrS Store at 'Trafalgar; -that recried the nanies
of purchasers of store goods ninety years ago. There
was not then such a variety of commodities sold as
aro now to be found on the .helves of the modern toot-
ehatit. There Wad not neat or emitted'
goods offered for sale, but such staples as tee, sugar,
salt, vinegar, and among the best sellers were Wolf
candies, needles, thread, leather, dry goodd, paint, nails
and tools, especially axes. The footers produced .most of
theitrOwit:feed,'"-Vggi werrfart-iinsateibre-COMMidlif.'
Sugar, sola for 15 cents * pound; and tea for 048; ttna
the monetary aystent.*** in sterling* The present, d*.y
14,0.-tili. prepared catons Arid
er*ry*rtic1e offered or a
a hall tentitry or *Ore *go.
• fi
wbkh aln
i4 'iprcnn
s'�t dEl1fli id 1
44 O.
- -TCO -Iveselemt-CABBAGES"--
The city of Stratford has too many
ctibbates7-1n- fact 7,000 more • than It
knows what to do with: Cannot give
them away, and they cannot sell them
locally. An offer Of 350 per dozen was
re^eived 2..om a wholesale house and the
offer was gladly accepted, 'The cab-
bages • a%) grown in the community gar-
dens this year.
Cabbages always remind one of sauer-
kraut. The .ever favorite German dish
of weiners and* sauerkraut must be los-
ing its popularity. There are numerous
German towns within a few miles of
Stratford, such as Brunner, Gad,'s
Breslau, Baden, Wellesley, St, Jacobs,
Milverton, etc., and if cabbages cannot
be sold,in these towns for sauerkraut
making, well, the German dish must be
losing its flavor. •
•. It is reported, that the Walpole Island
Indians have been buying bad whitkey
In Michigan.
Good whiskey is bad whiskey for an
Indian at any time and it may be jug
too bad for the'person that supplies the
Indian with. good whiskey. es
A' nineteen -year-old bank teller at
Hull, Quebec, was shot and killed by
gangsters after obbing the bank ''' of
8,15,000. The young teller tried to pro-
tect the bank's money and gave the rob-
bers a battle but was shot down. Eleven
arrests have been made in connection
with the slaying and one well known
rnderworld figure from the U. S. A. was
shot and killed by provincial police offi-
cees hi an apartment house raid. The
Canadian .10.:* does not fool and the
gangster and crook from across the line
should bear these facts in mind. Can-
adian police are good hunters, have a
deadly shot, and specialize in wolves
(especially the two -legged ones.
A, •
The Family Phydefan.—The good
doctor Is always worth his fee. But it
is' -not always -possible -to get a doctor -
just when you want him. In • such
cases. common sense suggests the use of
reliable home remedies, such as Dr.
Thomas' Eelectric Oil, whith is wonder-
fully effective in easing inflammatory
pains and healing cuts, scratches, brui_
ses and sprains. The presence of this
remedy in the family medicine chest
-1--Sa-yes-manyea feea-
the various classes. .
, Mr. Wm. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman McDowell were London visi-
tors o'ne day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook are
moving this week to near Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Walsh were Lon-
don visitors recently, •..
'ME and Mrs. -Wirt Taylor and fam
ilv were Goderich 'visitors on Satur-
The devotional programme of the
. M. S. 'hold on Wednesday after-
wenn. . . Halle Selassie takes it, before
breakfast. . . Station PD.Q. cincinnati.
Well folks, here's your old friend Santa
Claus at the blacksmith shop getting a
tire repaired and that Monotonous voice
of Cantor, wishing you all good night,
Station P.D.Q., Cincinnati. The above
is a fide representation of radio recep-
wheirstwo- or -three stations -are- try--
ing to use the saint appliafices at onsee.
Gentlemen of the Goderich Elevator I
in charge of Mrs. Wm. Carter. The that you have be 1
days away fem Christmas and sincerelY
been seeing thinks
noon, with 17 niambers present, was
program was, hyme "Hark the Her- at the dock. We are quite a num r o
ald -Angels sing"; Scripture lesson, o
read from Matt. 2, chapter 1, _ 15 • have seen a sea:erpent. Is this report
that you havnot been celebrating
verse, prayer by Mrs. Wm. Carter; ahead of time. It is reported that you
Mrs. J. MeGill; hymn, Maiwere plentiful and could be see
"While .Shep- s
herds watched their flocks by night.„ ' ewratemresntolisf 1%,/etakre-
The Missionary fiells were brought
ds n
tdaruiel: svDeurirainming gtheineurunithe
. wish
Huron off the -shores at Goderich. Then
in, amounting to V7.00. A quilt WaS again et. may have been .a.lake. trout_
(plated for needy of our community. looking -for Reddy 11itcnoriald ,to
The election of officers for 1936 took him a Merry Christmas. Most fish in
liefird er'nea
V'ratVice., Mrs. J. L. McDowell; 2ndmiles off daderich hav
eep: ,president, Mrs. Jamee.MeGill; /sake guron within a radius of thirty [
Vice, Mrs. -A; 'Walsh; rd those ecording Secy and he hasn't caught are Itickv to
' -ie.
Mrs. -Charles Sanith; Cor. Se*, Mrs. be aliVe. • liroba.bry through gratitude'
Stanley Cook; treasurer, Mrs. Mait-
land Henry; Christian Stewardship,
the grandpa or them all came to extend
Christmas greetings to Red from the
Mrs. A. McDowell; Supply See'
Mrs. W. McVittie; Temperance Sec'y, gang. There is a good btmeh of boys at
the elevator and I am glad to learn that
Mrs. N. Radford; Missionary Month -
it anis a, sea -serpent thej saw instead of
IV. Mrs. Wm. Walden; Mite boxMrs.
Wm. Blair, Mrs. R. Bleck. Strang ,- snakes. Before wishing You all a Mery
Christinae, please. please, do not let
ers Sec'y, Mrs. F. J. Ceok, convenor;
pianist, Mrs. Fred W. Cook. Mra.
Wm. Howatt gave. a ripe?' on tem-
liort. Albert, Dec. 18, ---Mr. and
$ Mrs. H. W. Cunningham of Walker-
!ville, spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crawford.
Mr. 'Will Crawford who has been
recovering from an operation in
Goderieh hospital, was brought home
on Friday.- His many friends will be
pleased to hear that he is progressing
very favoilrably.
• Wirt forget the public selmot
concert to be held on Friday evening.
The teacher, Miss Barr, and her
'pupils have prepared a tint). program
and would likeit fine turn our of
points and friends.
Miss Irene Graham is having her
tonsils out .this week in Goderich
Mr. rotiest Crawfoord ef Shit -
ford Nomad tame bottle Saturday,
'Sheppardtott public school this week.
0 will be home tillafterthe Christ.
ailiolidays, • -
The regular,pleistin
was held at Mrsl,
vour feet she at Christmas. time, but do
Searchlight a favor and pat more water
with it•
A hit and run autoreobile driver killed
a ten -year-old boy at London. (Werke
The ear Was stolen machine and its
driver with two other puserezers were
believed to be intoxicated. Failing
make a sharp trim they ran on te the
sidewalk, hit and killed the child and
then eiecle
Soon, behind prison walls they will
From Bartle Townships, to l'brt Erie e
Mr. Berry Apt brought green OniOnS
from everlasting multipliers planted in
Weber. These onions he stated were
evidence that the winter was going tobe
a mild one.
4 -tarry you are apt to make a mistake,
and pate do not plate too much. faith
on your onions is' weather prephetli r
rementher on One. Ocaelert. eating spring
onions, said the day was OurttlaY.. Was
ft my slathiglike breath? or italtsisy on
Part Of the Oar& eongregation. Mire
cvereiteev$4„t..telt like 40 below ero.
Onions Atte de4kiring and I 'eta' believe
the *inter in Unton Onunty wJl he cold
'Patronize The Goderish Star Adverti-
sers, and shop early.
inSertion, of letters does '
ileeeeSarilY Mean, we endorse the
opinion of the writfrs, , but wol-
Ceme letteis"on natters of public
The Editor,
The Goderich gtar,
• Goderich,
Dear Editora
BehoWITOW-The flbty'Nave'
Goderich, Ont. —
December 14, 193$
Poor John Ruskin for these many
years an immortal, • merely wrote
"Silly, childish 'stories."
The Great Christ who preached a
new WAY of life with such authority
that the people were astonished, now
must 'leave things as they are; for
the old way after all make i for man-
•Ancl-legte_hat hY no
the brave 'defender of the Empire'
has run so low in vitality Qad cour-
age, that he is, after his glorious let-
ter writing, merely '"A" veteran.' 0
tor that "courage so fine...." t
• Yours Sincerely,
S. R. McClung.
(In fairness to Mr. McClung, The
Star 'wishes te state that the verba -
ton report of his much discussed
sermon was not published in. these
columns at his request—Ed.)
Mild weather and scarcity of snow
permitted rilowing on farms in the
Goderich ;area up to last Saturday
December 14th. Ther e^ were a few
days, late in November, when such
work was suspended, owing to a
storm, but otherwise, plowing was
done without- interruption.
Last Saturday, from 4 to '5 inches
of snow fell, followed by a thaw on
•Etealth ecannot he looked for in the
child that is subject to worms, because
worms destroy health by. creating in-
ternal disturbances that retard develop-
ment and cause serious weakness. Mil-
ler's Worm Powders expel worms and
are so beneficial in their action that the,
systems of the little sufferers are restor...
ed tO healthfulness, all the discomforts
and dangers of worm infection are re-
moved, and satisfactory growth Ls assur-
Insurance and Real Estate
Phone 24
Fire, Accident and Motor Car
Rep. The London Lifensurar.reCo
- --
Masonic Temple, VVest St., Goderieh
Phone 230 NELSON HILL; Mtn
Barailton St. Phone 242W.
49 • Our prices are the lowest in town.
How about those Storm Sash you have been 'figuring on—
Better call 61 and let us send a man to get your measurements
and qubte you a price:
-Angelsea St. • Phone 61
heer .
HAT would give more Christmas cheer than to
send a gift of cOal to a person that is suffering
from cold for the want of fuel.
We carry a full line of Anthracite, Pocahontas,
Steam Coal arid Disco—which is ,a coke with the
gas left in it.
• When wanting Hardware, Plumbing, Heating
and Tinsmithing,, call or phone and we will • give
you prompt sOvice and an work and material fully
House 112 CHAS. C. LEE
Phones •Store 22-
The Hardware Store aid Coal Yard at the Harbour.
-*wpm, Ittougumiatiouvootvotiettpouvitmlotsouccouceetteutetervaii.
Mar Your Complexion
. • .
- that -
ter 'or
Vliatis necessary for those who
are troublea with pimples, bells,
0.na *hi eascs, Ona who Wale
bave itclean, dear, smooth, healthy
eotaidetions and a. skin tree. from
'Islemes„ is to put their blood into
a. good coalition bY baniating trots
through the tipsters,
'Outdo* Itiooaatittens hatillthei
Volt lonll «Ttaanly raki no oda- -
tate -It'