HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-12, Page 101 '? 10 Jaicu pt•1."`-'!uN'"A'.'tx'::fKtA".r,c'*"G1,2.A-^.^M"Y`.s'".k-,z1»' SdI,�� .Orange Pekoe BIencI will prove a sheer delight to lovers of fine tea. as . ST, PETER'S CHURCH LADIES. s s ��d�.�'irt . SCORED SECOND 'SUCCESS' The Masonic Hall was packed to capacity on Tuesday might, when the young ladies of St. Peter's Church held their second "600", euchre and dance, of the season. Cards were played in the early part of the eve- ning before lunch was served. The winners at • "6OO" were Mts. Stew- art Oke and lair. Stewart McBride, while the victors at euchre, were Mrs. John Hussey and Rev, Fr. Fallon. Tony Farr supplied the -music for dancing which lasted till *wo in the miorning. - Everyone wa. delighted with the evening's ente*lain_ment. , !!void that last minute C 1zistnaaa rush .--shop Barky. :EXE T OUBLE? leave your eyes examined by A. REID, for 17 years Strat- ford's leading Optometrist. Ex- pert work only at most moderate prices. .Eyes Examine? L Glasses Fitted, Consult ;him at" ROBERTSON:: JEWELRY t TO1RH ..47404. sarassrrr ETTER QUA[ITY BETTER VALUE Irrir.41..111- 1'IEFFORD-McCLURE DUIb GANNON, Dec, 10,---A pretty wedding was solemnized -at the United chureli at 6.30 on Saturday, Dee. 7th, when Laurette, Mildred, second daughte1 of Mr. and Mrs. William H. McClure. was united in marriage to Alfred John Herford, of Toronto. The ceremony was perrornied by "Rev. T. R. Turner, and Mrs, G. C. Treleaven played the wedding march. Toe •bride; who was given in marriage by, her father, wore a becom- ing gown of wine chiffon velvet, ankle length, tinned with gold fagoting and flowers, wine velvet hat with black suede shoee and -match ng accessories. - She carried a shower bouquet- of Sun- set roses and fern. Her sister, MLss Winnlfred McClure, R.N., who was bridesmaid, were a gown of royal blue velvet trimmed with •brilliants, with hat in the same color. Her bouquet was or orchid chrysanthemums. The bride- groom was supported by Mr, William Featgears --o f_____ loderlek,_._ _During ---the signing of the register, Mrs.. Turner sang "0, Promise Me." Following the cere- mony, the bridal party and guests who numbered about twenty, repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding dinner wag served. The din- ingroom and table -were attractive with p:nk and c h:te-streamers and long pink runner, extending, the length of white cloth. The bride, who • was 'popu- lar in churls and social circles. was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. indi_ cative of the esteem in which she was held. After a short visit with relatives In Dungannon and G'oderlcli; Mr. and Mrs. Hefford left ot Monday by motor I for their home in Toronto At 462 North- cliffe Boulevard. The bride wore for traveling a rose bramble knitted gold medalion hat draped with brown veil and brown fur -trimmed coat. Mr. Hefford, who spent .much of his early. I fe in tl,e vicinity of Dungannon, and later served in the Great War, is em- ploved in office work for the • Toronto Transportation Commission. and pr.,- vious to his marriae;e', was presented with a' dinner set, gift from the office staff. Progressive merchants are offering -a wonderful selection of seasonable mer- chandise in this issue ---read their ads. s If Miller's Worm 'powders needed the •support of-testim rials they could be got by the thousands from mothers who itriow the great virtue of this excellent medicine. But the powders will speak for themselves and hs such- a way that there can be no question of them. • They set,, speedily and thoroughly, and the child to. whom' they are administered +Ill &how improvement from the first AVflogiSfAl-AVA—ai is jat r=r • • very 'Viewer* if tom, �Ity Mow «„m tbM!' . w.rld'`s -best whe It -- b always uniterOf d de 'pendable,,rfebds uourIs eflt and bread. A strong flour ithat goes farther. • IT liesi far a[� your r3aiun�s• 1i . • terfly rose and piece of fern. There are several articles of ::ancy work an 1 aprons Left, and the ladies will offer the e for sale at tariff's_ tgrocery store: on Saturday after- noon. Read every advertisement in this issue and you'll have little trouble selecting gifts. BETTY'S BEAUTY BOUDOIR Phone 340 64 Ellin Ave. East Christmas Special, Shampoo and Fingerwaves 50c Christmas Gift Suggestions for HIM or HER, at ROBERTSON'S the Jeweller Here is a charming informal ,cam- era • study of . her excellency, Lady Tweedsmuir, chatting with Mrs.• Her- bert A. Bruce, "wife of the lieutenant- were entertaned at - Chorle,- Park, To- governor.''f Ontario. Canada's gover-' I ronto, during the period of their visit nor -general and Lady Tweedsmuir to the provincial capital. Helpful Hints By A Feature Writer -SHADOWS The tandielight dings funny shapeless shadows on the wall—And when I put the .candle out; the queer moon -shadows fall --The sun :acts shadows on the lawn when there are trees around—Like stripes of blackness pA nted on the green and shining ground... And in the country when a cloud obscures the blaz- ing sun—across the golden fields of corn the dancing.__ shadows _ run—And so - it seems in daily life the shadow come end go—We cannot have the light- without the shade—this we know—And so when cares depress you and you cannot see a gleam—Remember shadows are not quite as dark as they might seem. Now that winter seem to, be here to stay. winter hats are the next problem. The newest ones are chfefl"v "shape"— high and quite pointed, others spread sideway, but they are all erceiting and a change from the sameness of the usual cold weather ehapeaux. Fur hats are being worn again» and fur is also used for trimming and looks very smart. During the week we heard some wom- en d;scussing children's books as pos.: sable Christmas gifts. Some of those mentioned were the good old stand-bys like IXipling's '"Just -So -Stories" and J. M, Barrle'a "Peter Fan." Another love- ly one is The Secret Garden" by Fran- ces Iiodgaon Burnett. .One that many grown-ups. will enjoy is Kenneth Gra- harces,•-'«Whad in the Willows." There are dozens and dozens of stories which children love and should read: ','hey -cart-be obtained at matey _any -g©od bbdk store., • • Quite the newest gifts in • London, Leland,. ---are clasps and buckles for dresses. They are made ' of wood; nat- ural shade, or painted. or with colored stones. They make lovely gifts because eteryone has some kind of dress which requires either. The Duchess of Kent. we saw by a recent picture, had a pretty wooden hat ornament. And talking of parcels t Don't send xialk driannlidly kagerthrotzgtt tl mail and escpeet them to `arrive at their dstinations. They are hard enough to loots after, at any time—bat . del u .tile hhristnaal nith. there is . great danger that they will`pe' n &1ltty lost. _ : f the present is very email. wrap it iniis- sue paper and -then put it in a fair sized hex, which ohould be wipped in Heavy paper and bound seeurellr by strung string. Jae mire that the b string won't elide oil' the corners and lets the ends onto unwrapped. That happens, some. Imes, with all the rough usage in nail bans. Add'ressa the parcel very clearly end put potilr own return address on it Just I iii ease ! . Here' Ekhig lk�tls► ives$ thert's to need fo. -spend Tong how's,Ila-tllc . ui have time . for a 'little ,ttristIMS, cheer iurelf it „ou; Det us d� your baking. Our Pies,,' Cakes and Breads' are ~made froth old.fash, lobed recip6 and they have that h rt ade goodness and fayor that you want a . J a t ii�latt ; C - ,, per dog 15c, 20c t Com., ►, boas, 20e,pee oz. it Coke, lb. 35c , kinds 25c tut' Sdc ''pie Nerves ..... health and Ager iia kisfoe dos of >iatr+, st>rsii.:4, Ivory wryest. &i.ou1t1 buffo gear naves,In the best eoadition `he neir-reipt. etergy used up. up• with the 1 pcc' of modem leases soon deletes the terve forte irsad i t, is sot ens brio ole it Ott the 'verge of as Ifs lira ._slit ' e a ed uei're to ce; day a by tlas - ., ••• • . - . s • t.hi ). .A photograph of one of 'the. 1'toyal Wedding presents let 'us into the secret that the household name of the Princess Elizabeth is 'C l:' t—quite that ni+eost of the diminutives of as rather intractable tante. Perhaps that is why, in spite of Its great associations. It 'has lost favor. Most of the variations, from • Lizzie to Bess leicee atet h of sawkwardnesi, but 1,illbot `has both' charm and thb atinp111,1 Gomes of a ohild's own limit - tion. SPICYA l t oAs ColX)S' O1;PORIC CoreCie 'atVleS toei tut In qusttem . Either pie Or*ate the skins on, as luidetted. Make a 6Yr1111, of 1 cup sir to 2 sapsa r, 1 et1 k f Pitemp*,. o`hafzlcrxi , lcor1, s t !p.. '. 1lr►egar, sad ,red xna ' itIsbeai. at orsges In thkk es. C a pu t fry cf woo oat ell ves, til the 1te ou and: •cam#� a 00tuttot tis' ah a�w 131 .bikked APPIiES WITH CRANBERRY Core apples, cut in thick slices, but do not pare, Cook till tender, in a syrup made of 1 cup siigar to 1 cup water, and colored red with c:nna/nott :undies. Skim out carefully, and let Coos one a platter. The outside will be glazed. To serve, pile with cranberry jelly, and gar- nish with sprigs of parsley. ' CHRISTMAS COCKTAIL In the double boiler, cook 2. cups cranberries, 1/4 cup sugar, till tender. Oq nbine with ,2' cups d:wed pineapple. 1 cup diced banana, and chill. SA -USAGE STUFFING FOR TURKEY Soft bread crumbs, 8 cups. Finely chopped celery, f cup. Chopped _parsley, 2 to 3 tb. Sausage meat, 1 lb. Onion, 14.0. slit. 1 t. - Pepper, y t. Crumble the bread. add the finely minced onion. celery and parsley. salt and pep-_ per, then stir in the sausage meat. POTATO STUFFING , Specially good for crown roast or park Or 'Lamb Cook the- potatoes till tender, and marsh or rice. Season well with salt, pepper, paprika, and mimed parsley. Allow .1 beaten egg yolk to 2 cups of eluate" Add a little hot milk, and, beat till daffy. DARK FRUIT CAKE Butter, 1 ib. Brown sugar. 1 lb. Eggs separated, 12 Molasses, 1 c. Seeded. raisins, 2 Ib. Blanched almonds cut, 1 lb. Sultanas,2 lbs. -Citron Teel; 1 -lb, Orange peel, % lb. Lemon peel, te Ib. Fruit juice; 1 cup Flour, 4 d: Cream the butter and brown sugar. Adel the beaten egg yolks and molasses. Reveres 1 c. of flour to dredge the fruit. Ado ;he rest of the flour sifted with the spices, salt a.rd soda, with the fruit juice. then fold hi the jelly or jam. then the stiffly beaten egg whites. Dredge the fruit and nuts, reserving the. cltren peel, and stir in. Put a layer of batter in each pan, which has been lined with wakeid -Mae sprinkle_ over 'it wine _ et_ the sliced citron, and repeat till batter - and citron are used Many tx lovely lady wants a new hat Allspice, -1 tb: Cinnamon, 1 tb. Nutmerg, 1 t. lepce, 1 t. Soda, 1(, t. Salt, t. Currants. 1 ib. Candied cherries. 1 Candied p(neapple lei lb. Grape jelly or strawberry jam, 2 e for the' merry Christmas season 'and Miss MacViear's is just the place to go. She 'will find hats to suit all her dres- ses, not only in color and material but in 'moods." There are perky, saucy 'hats, -and soft, shadowy " ones. The "tailored lady" can be well pleased, too, with , the large assortment of pull, on felts and small "sports Aims. There are only about two weeks left until Christmas, and if you haven't ors dered your meat for the holiday you had better . do it right' away. Legg. the butcher, can provide you with any kind of fowl and will draw it before deliver- ing int, free' of°charge. Somehow. the family seems to' - get Wed of turkey after a few' days anditlhey all long for something, "plain." 'So why not phone your order-' into Legg's now and ask for a roast of their baby beef which is always so delicious this time of year. You can also buy a variety, of cooked -meat eeehhxcha are nice --t have on hand when you don't feel like cooking. We , noticed that they had honey for sale, too, and that makes a nice ao.dition to your Christmas breakfast Dainty Articles Sold Readily Ladies of Baptist Church Held Successful Sale TABLES PRETTY AS PICTURES The afternoon tea, .sale of work, and home baking by the L. A. of the Baptist church, on Saturday after- noon, was quite -s •suceesa The -base- ment of the church was nicely ar- ranged and warm, which was in it- self an attraction to busy shoppers on such a wet day. The table of fancy work and aprons was a lovely sight, and was in charge of Mrs• George Johnstone and Mrs. James Campbell. Sholipers • were many and prices reasonable. The baking table in charge of Mrs, Chas• Humber and Mrs. Harry Griff was a picture to please one's appe- tite for good things. The- cantly --table -Witt '"sweet' , -The . tea room in charge of Mrs. Charles Petmington, assisted by Mrs. Lyman was lovely. with its. small,-.lace-covered- ables each centred with a single but - Rings Clocks Watches Toilet Sets Military Sets Rolls Razors Wrist Watches Watch Chains nn ' 4 -�o Charms Cut Glass Bracelets Vanity Cases English China Dunhill Pipes Chime Clocks Crown Derby China Silverware, 1847 Rogers Bros. - Community Plate, Tea Sets, Etc. ,CHRISTMAS CARDS, '2 for 5c, 5c, 10c and 15c each We welcome comparison of price for goods of equal qualify from catalogue houses and city stores. pWe„itivite you to inspect our new stock of Christmas Gifts. IIERTS-0 Diamond iaman Merchant E.- • _ and JeweIter �• •k E5OGOPERICH yya .. vka.1 HOUSIWI VES! Now is -the time to. protect those lovely hands from the coldwinter winds. Send your laundry to us, and you will be surprised at our low prices. - Try our "FAMILY WASH" at 4c per article. The "FAMILY WASH" must consistofat_.least 20 pieces, and -include the following, all washed, ironed and mended; Sheets, Pillow Slips, Towels, Aprons, House Dresses, Table Cloths, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Under- wear, and not over three Shirts. EXTRAS Bedspreads .25 Dress Shirts .20 Blankets .25 Curtains, pr. .35. Silk Dresses , :20 We call for and deliver. HURON LA..LUN;D::RY Phone 224 �.. South, St.... BIGGER FOOD •VALUES AT YOUR SUPERIOR sSIQRES SPECIAL CAMPBELL'S TOMATO' FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION DRINK Soup F15C ins loyal York . Coffee, ib. tin 39c RAST, or I'RAWBERRY LAltGEITI ' C 2 -oz... jar SP> C1Ab ''GRRUNORIE" SWEET MIXED , Pickiesthe.• 210 e. SPECIAL 1 YELLOW - SUGAR 416s 25c A GOOD ASSORTMENT CHRISTMAS d � Carsdies 2 Ib s -2546 SPECIAL ,n0ARDEN PATCH!' born Vas LIC SPIECIA1.! 400 bristma' "s.Nuts .2 1 Christ forms ,FRUIT$ at -LOW PRLCES .Sultana lbs. 230 Currants, Cleaned 2 lbs. 210 Bleaehied Sultanas lb. 19e Lodz Raisin* with seeds.2 lbs: 250 Pitted Sale 2 lbs. 250 Peel. irrenunt and Orange- lb. 210 CHIPS() Per 21C