HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-12, Page 7•
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Two Member, Presented With L'ife.h embershii' "e T ilex.
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"Tbe 'annual 'meeti'ng df gn.
'church W. M., S., was held` on Tues -
day uftez'noon, with an average at,
tendanGe. The meeting opened by.
'singing, a Christmas hymn, "As with
gladness, risen: of old", a»4 the Serie,
t lesson : read . by Mrs. James
sets wasp the story of the•birth of.
r Saviour: ,Mrs, T. Wardlaw Tay,-
,' Ior lead in -prayer.
A pleasing part of the meeting was
the presentation of two life -member-
ship. certificate$, -After paying a
very fine tribute to. Miss B. Porter
who Was such a faithful ,worker in
the W. M. S., and by whose gener-
osity,'`the 4uzciliary was able to pre-
sent a life membership certificate,
Mrs. larnet't called Mrs. A. D. Me -
Lean to the front and at the same
time. Mr's.. R. Walter presented a
Certificate to. Miss Anne McDonald.
The meeting appointed Miss M,eDon-
d as delegate to the rural meeting
•f the Presbyterial which will..11 1reld
in Clinton, in January.
--The-reports-of' titer secretaries of
the different departments were given
The Supply department by Mrs. M.
McDonald, reported that thealloca-
tion for the year was an outfit valu-
ed ;at $21.25, for an eight-year old
Indian boyand this was sent in Aug-
ust to the 'Indian school at Kenora.
The Literature and Library report
by Miss E. Wiggins, stated that 25
books had been donated to the library
as well as several copies of the Glad
Tidings and the .Presbyterian Record.
The Welcome Welfare report, from
Mrs,Me,IIonald gave -•she num-
, ober of visits as 56.
The Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs.
O. Clark, had a most encouraging re-
port in that, although four .subscrip-
tions had been lost through removals,
12 new subscriptions, had been added
making a total of 6$ for the coming
The Rome Helpers secretary, Mrs.
T: Wardlaw Taylor reported making
82 calls and that the membership -of
49 Home Helpers contributed $42,09.
Several" had ,, moved from town,. 'oth-
ers had joined up )with the Auxiliary.,
but she urged every meXnber. ;a"f the
Society to, try to get at leapt ' gine
new member for the Home Helpers
Mrs. Barnett reported for the ,Life'
Membership : department, four certi-'
ficates being presented duffing- the
year, each certificate representing .a
cash value of $25.
During the centennial week of
Knox church, an "In Memoriam" cer-
tificate was presented to Miss Mabel
Strang in memory of her mother. The
others receiving certificates, were
Mrs. W. Waite. Mrs. A. D. McLean,
and Miss A. 111 4.:::.nald,
The treasurer, Mrs, H. C. Dunlop
reported _that money_ received. from
all sources to -date amounted to $409.-
28, but expressed the hope that be-
fore she closed her books at the end
of the year, she would receive enough
to reach last year's givings, which
was $428, - -
Mrs. Lane re'+orted for the Mission
Band,' which' is under the leadership
of Miss M. Lane, and which has done
such , splendid work the past year.
They have a 'membership of 60, with
an average attendance of 32.
The secretary, Mrs. S. McPhail,
gave a very fine report of theyear's.
activities, t'he membership being 59,
with anaverage attendance of 36.
Each meeting of the year seemed full
of interest and papers from the study
book, current events, special music,
reports of Presbyterials, addresses,
Now Playing --SHANGHAI" featuring Loretta Young and Charles Boyer.
MON., • TUES. and WED.— -
starred in Gene Stratton Porter's immortal story.
"Keepee 01 The Bees."
As an additional attraction we offer the first of a new short series featur-
-bauble Feature Program . •
in an adaptation of Ursula Parrott's famous story
"There's Always Tomorrow"
• head a constellation of 30 stars in a musical HIT k .
"Gift Of Gab"
by outstanding'speakers, and the un-
tiring efforts of the. president, arid
her assistants, all helped to keep the
members well- informed of the vast
amount of work to be done by the W.
M. S., both at home and abroad. Three
of the members were called to higher
service ,last Year in the persons of,
Mrs. A. Horton, Miss L. Polley and
Miss. B. Porter.
The report of the Nominating
Committee w.as,_then..give4i .13-y, Miss
M. Gordon, and the following officers
were appointed for the ensuing year:
Hon. Pres., 'Mrs. W. Hood, Mrs. A. G.
MacDonald; president, . Mrs. Albert
Taylor; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. D. J.
Lane; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. F. R. Red-
ditt; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. W. Herald;
Sec., Mrs. S. McPhail; Treas., Mrs.
H. C. Dunlop; pianist,. Mrs: G. I3iss t;
press sec., Miss L. Ferguson.; Hothe
Helpers Sec., Mrs. T. Wardlaw Tay-
lor; Life Membership; Mrs. J. H.
Barnett; Glad Tidings, Mrs. O.
Clark; assistants, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs.
Wallace, Miss Ferguson, Mrs. P. Mc-
Donald, Mrs. J. Baker; Welcome and
Welfare Sec.,Miss Annie McDonald;
Literature and Library, Miss E. Wig-
gins; Supply Sec., Mrs. M. McDon-
ald; aassistants, Mrs. McNeviri, Mrs.'
McNally, Miss Gordon; Convenor of
Social Committee, Mrs. R. - Walter;
assistants, Mrs. J. D. Wilson, Mrs.
Schaefer, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs.
Crooks, Mrs. Edwards; Miission Band
Leader, Miss M. Lane; Auditors, Mrs.
Redditt, Mrs. J. Bisset.
After a short, impressive service
b'7 Mrs. Lane, dedicating the officers
for the coining year, the meeting
closed with prayer by the• president.
Progressive merchants are offer.:ng a
. wonderful selection of seasonable mer-
chandise in this issue --read their ads.
Jacques Cartier
The -New- 1etar'SpraY' r. Tuties.......
Give Longer Life
fLORtonequa1ityit is-
in a class by itself.
Improved coils give
better short wave' dis-
tant reception. Its full
vision larger airplane
dial, -With each wave
band illuminated 'adds' .
to the easeands accuracy
of operation. r
Deni�nstrations Dail.... ..a
Local Members Appointed to
Assist Others
_._ .. goodly. ,Iluxnber of .rhe men froth.
the Goderich, Kincardine, . Auburn
and Clinton- Baptist Churches, sat
down to a supper meeting in the
basement of the Baptist Church last
1 Monday evening. After a fine supper,
sponsored by the Mission Band, Rev.
S. R. McClung, the chairman, opened
the meeting with a song service. Mr.
Fred Beevers led at the piano.
After Scripture reading and pray-
er, the chairman called upon Mr. Hol-
land Pettit, of Toronto, the President
of the Baptist Convention of Ontario
and Quebec, who spoke in his own
simple and forceful way on the need
of men in the work of the Church,
and the building of the Kingdom of
God. "Jesus" he said, "When He
wanted to turn the world upside down
I chose twelve men, not twelve women
as most often is the custom in the
modern church. So as of old, Jesus
wants above all else, men for. his
program in the Church and the
I World." He pointed out everywhere
the need for Christ, and challenged
the men to the new and greatest joy.
that of _ leading others - into the ful
ness of life in Jesus Christ.
Mr. Glen Lodge favoured the men
with a cornet solo, that was much
The second sneaker of the evening,
was Dr. Vincent, of Beverly St, Bap-
tist Church, Toronto. He, is an able
and challenging manner, urged 'the
men to re -kindle the spiritual fires
within, so_ that they might go fort
to win risen into the great fellowship
and life of Jesus, the Christ; and to
lift up thus, individually, their re-
spective communities into the stand-
ard of life as laid down by the Mast-
er. He pleaded especially for action.
The chairman challenged the men
not to allow their enthusiasm of the
moment to cool, but to "Rise up and
be done with lesser thjngs,"He
pleaded for definite actjon b1i' the
men; which was followed by the var-
ious churches appointing men of
their own number with the special
duty of seeing to it that something
was done.
The Goderich men elected Messrs.
Gordon Lamb, Fred Beevers and H.
Griff, to see that the men of the
Goderich Church went' farth toward
Christ's objective for them.
Rev. Mr. McAteer of Kincardine
moved a hearty vote of thanks to the
speakers and voiced the opinion that
much good. had • been accomplished,
and would be in the days to come.
This was -also expressed by Rev. Mr.
,Sherman of Clinton, and • Mr. H.
Griff of Goderich.
The meeting closed in prayer, fol-
lowed by a few moments of informal
be—wife—ration and el scussion among
the men.
The annual '.meeting of the Eureka
1,, class of Victoria St. United Church
li was held on Tuesday evening, at the
home'of Mrs. H. Breen, Huron Road.
During the business part of the
meeting, presided over by the presi-
dent, Miss G. Worthy, the treasurer,
gave her report of the year's earn-
ings, which were much , higher than
those of the previous year.
The following officers were elected
for 1936: teacher, Mrs. Bryon Wil-
son. easistant teacher, Mrs. Breen;
s, Hon. Presidents, Mrs. Craik, Miss
Worthy; president, Mrs. G. Baechler;
vice-president, Mrs. O. Miller; secre-
tary, Mrs. Fred Wilson; treasurer,
Mrs. ,T. E. Mutch; press secretary,
Mrs. R. Goad; pianist, Miss G. Wor-
The little hospital near Callander,
Ontario, home of the famous Dion-
ettes or-;quintuijlets,"how "reseiriiiles
a Hollywood set .en the grand. scale.
Movie technicians, cameras, sound
equipment, directors, actors and act-
resses are working daily in tempera-
tures around- 30 below to turn- out a
motion picture called "The Country
Next Saturday, the•
Sunshine Club
will hold its annual White Gift ser-
vice in ths, Forrester's Hall, at• 2.30.
Mr. Chas. McNeil of Toronto visi-
ted with ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Asquith.
Mrs. Ziegler of Goderich spent the
week end with her mother, Mrs. Eck-
hart Youngblut.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shephard and
Reid spent Saturday afternoon in
.Miss. Laura. Phillips was in London
on Monday.
The True: c e. Class of the Bap-
tist Sunday ' �,00l presented a piano
to the scho t Sunday afternoon.
After sip program the pre-
sentation' zrmadeat`; s- Eliza-
beth -Go ► a. and Mr.`' :as, Raithby,
ed the
,gift pts behalf of
gg . tev. Mr. Sharman spoke
ffoits-and sacrifices made by
the alis to) secure the piano. Mr.
Frank Raithhy was chairman for the
The usual carol singing service
will be held in, the Forrester's Hall on
Sunday evening, December 22nd.
Mrs, Chester Taylor spent a few
days •with her mother, -Mrs.. Jno. Fer-._
Next Tuesday,,
17, the Wom-
en's.Institute wit eet in the Fores-
ter's Hall, at 2.a. oll Calle,, will be
an exchange of gats. Hosteses, Mrs.
Wm. Straughai). Mrs. Wm.. `:Thomp-
son, Mrs. J. Taylor; and Mrs,', _ H•
,Youngblut.' Anyone one wishes to
donate fruit to the Shelter, please
-bring the fruit to this meeting:,
Mrs. Wm. Howatt, Westfield, and
Mr. James Howatt; Hullett, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howatt.
Mrs. George Snell
Last Tlhursday morning' at her
home on Concession 3, East W'awstn.
osh, Mrs. Geo. Snell passed ,`to the
great beyond. She was in he 77th
year. Mr. Snell died in June, 1930.
Seven children survive, Robert B.
Snell, Mrs, Jno. McDowell, George,
Minnie. and Jim, at home; John. A., of-,
Doctor," -based on the life of Dr. Al-
t fan Dafoe d th.e._ . Dionbabies,
.Tcaan 'Hersholt. famous chnearacter ac-
tor, is playing the leading role. of the
doctor, while Miss Dorothy Peterson
is acting as one of the nurses. The
quintuplets will be played by. them-
selves. The layout above shows the
Dionnettes in their crib as cameras
Windsor; •and Mrs. Elwin Taylor.
Another son, Eph II, died in 1918.
Mrs Sne1'w h 'd
clicked and a scene was shot. Her-
sholt and Miss Peterson are down
with then. As to the . identification
of the babies, they moved around no
fast that even the photographer
conidn`'t pick them. out. LEFT, Her`
shalt, Dr. Dafoe and Miss Peterson
enjoy an outing in the snow.
, ore mar en name.
was Jaime Bradford, was born in Ash-
field 'and was married Novetnller 1st,
Rev. H. Nilson. had charge of the
funeral; service on Saturday after-
noon, fro BalIs cemetery. Miss Ruth
Straughan sang, "In The Garden".
Twp brothers and one sister, survive,
Mrs.: M. Thompson, 'Hollywood; Mr,
Geo. Bradford, Goderich; and Mr.
Henry Bradford, Pleasant Dale, Sask.
Mrand Mrs. .Roy Farrow. Mit:hell,.I
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H'•
Miss Bernice Lawson and Miss
Margaret Fergus -on, of Stratford
Normal spent "the week end at their
homes. ,
Miss Annie Straughan of Goderich
was home over Sunday.
PORT ALBERT. I)ec. IL—Mr. and
Mrs. Win. MrL'an• cf Sz1tford, spent
S.unday w.th Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C raw-
The W "M• S. of the United e?rureh
will hold the monthly meeting at Mrs.
Farcy Graham's on Thursday_
Rev. Pomeroy on Sunday gave s beip-
ful sermon en "Faith and the resuite
that follow." 'Because of the d metre-
ableness of the weather there were not
many out at church,
Christmas is just around the corner.
Mas Florence McKenzie, RTS., from
Kitchener, arrived home on Sunday to
visit her parents, Mr. and M. ,aides
McKenzie, till after the holidays.
Mrs.. Thos, Dougherty is not at sem"
well. 'Her rhany fr.ends will be sorry to
hear of her 111 -health. but will hope that
she 'will soon regain her health.
Miss Annie Young, of Detroit. called
on her grandmother, Mrs. Alex. Y?tg,
ASSISTS NEEDY FAMILY and .other relatives on Thursday. '
The Women's Institute decided to
send $5 from their funds to a needy
family in the West, from whom a
communication was received, which
asked for aid. The money is to be
spent for materials and further don-'
ations are being made by members
of the Institute.
The meeting of the; Institute was
held in -McKay Hall op Friday with
Mrs. Bisset, the president, in the
chair. Owing to the Christmas holi-
days; the January 2nd meeting was
postponed until January 9th.
Christmas carols were a part of
the musie of the meeting, and Mrs,
ri T. Lane gave an informative ad:,
dress on Van Dvke'im book, "The First
Christmas Tree:'
At the close litike, the
me» �rbers enjo
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is elpc-
ciall 4'Wommended for sp;der, or 1nPtie-
tioi of r eotv's teat. Invaluable also in
Pins, curbs and. eplints.
Before the (told. 'weather sets.
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Allow "The: Gedeiieli French Dry
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To clean and prem your wli rr
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A retired colonel had been advised
by his doctor that if he did, not give
up_ whiskey it world shorten phis life.
"'think so'?" asked the colonel.
"I am sure of it, colonel. If you
will stop drinking I am- sure it will
prolong your__dayn.'4. .
"Come to think of it, I believe you
hre 'right about that, doctor," said
the colonel. "1 went 24 hours with":
out a drink six months ago, and 'I
kover-putin -such a -long -day in -ray
r -
tCk1"rw1 •'.4nC'4ar',3 tet. teCtarCrtt 5eZtillM1igttfi stat SteV,Z•1i•'.5•'If'kVt atZi•C"1Y°-it:ieZt.1
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Creams, Jellies and Chocolate.,
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Mixed Candy .. 2 lbs. for 25e
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50e Chocolate Mixture S9e
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itlsiiiinas S>£ocldngs and ?novelties.
Gift Packages of Cigars and Cigar-
Binckstone's Furniture Shop
All Betio mef0handise.
Kindergarten Sets.. $2.25 up
Crokinole Boards 32.25 ,
Real Doll Carriages 33.00 up
necking Ilertki and Child's Des1c,
Card, Tables $1.50 on
'Magazine Tablea $3.50
SmU':ers 83.50
Black Boards 75c
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Kiddie Cars, special 990
Kiddies' Wagonettes 6Qc
' ' vial -for one week only:. S20.0`3
Die :serts $10.00 up
Drop in-, hese are your stores--ose.them We positiveiv save
you moneys.