HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-05, Page 10kV,
..,41.1.• M., V,
0.100 over,
maki your selection
Per's. WaliejtnOn
Boohs and BOalts 4 or 'Everybody
Christmas Cards, Seals, Togs Tissue, Holly
Canales and Christmas decorations.
*WO ronr'pervela by. 11 N. R. Itspv
The liffe*, 1$4,41, express We will save you
Money. A mere* elite andqtilek Mil/Cry
service. titleuri.nce $30.00 free.
Phone 8. PltANIc RILZY, Ment. 4gt
.14Amsfon, the barber. Oen linik9
your hair stand 'atrilitbt. It you Want
a real eleSe shave and s4tieractory
hair cat, go to Onai JOHNSON, , the
Barber. tramilten' St. 49x
• foe'i„,tee4tf., k.sete.
HAVE YOU SON ME MAW, ,105$ $144 Sind Vit,:1)141W*119/111* $68493.
00•141),E. PAsiti )141, other work was 'Plaaged *
tor* lAiYiner your 19$11 rar look at Mitintetieneee The' two, mike, of etalet,
t. Kettle Point. Worm clothing for lied toed built in 1934 and after' a
0 gull Da 834 Year and * ludfi appeared f4"be giv"
4X% ?4,43" 8194 40'4 int greatly improved service* 1This
The, .;e1,,exe. ifortu, etroet ve r 88 Mlle. 14' of road had beentreat
won .
MLu, 47:fiflotJnited °13.74,110144A"zusi, tAnovat lemit4 144341.060:,. :Ityr*,!mlxirorr i'ctintos'erle'rUk'h1011:1401."
D 4 eaVa SatisfactiMs.
114)(Yet' rebtlin"d*V0410 0g4 Olt" r
.111;egrem(11* firtrlivii0111 One mile of road was treated with
Evelyn Cooper 101 WI or her trip. to common, salt, donated by the • Gode-
lout• rich Salt CloMpanY., Different Mixes
Hen,eerienee 'Do* 'were used, and so far the results sp.,
Ohestettlelde re.upboutered,. swis pear to be quite'good, The road 1105
Made to fit Yoilr,nsedie OW. Yourresi 01/Qt4ebeeternintehlalYteleatteurreSsutietieitints-htoinly:
be pleased With ll'eld",* work.'
reasonable. WM. ' *COX Upholsterer, tugrnefliddviettaile Ptro"tusir'coaninamoit it is
on all gravel roads, it will provide
considerable market for' salt that is
produced. in this County.
Mr, :1; S. Evans, Clinton* tendered
his resignation' As a member Of that
'tOwn's Oglegiate Board, due to de-
feetive hearing. • -
The Department of Education ad-
vised that Huron County is not re-
sponsible for any part of the costs of
student from Zurich, attending the
'Filtnira Collegiate.
" Mr. John Ferguson, • Liquor En-
fOrceM6nt officer, reported since
January ist, 1935, 104, liquor search
warrants have been executed as well
as eight criminal search warrants.18
Arrests were made and 64 informa-
tions laid. The sum' of $810. was col-
leeted in fine, as follows: L. C. A.
$675a 4Jeiminal—Coder.$100.-; Highway
Waffle, $35.' ,
F;'0110Winie the reading of his report
Mr. T. R. Patterson, County Engineer
stated that there were at present 367
miles of road included in the County
Roads System. In answer to a ques-
• tion' by Reeve J. M. Eckert of Mt -
the Province had authorized
the taking over by the county 29
miles of toirrictlip roads, -
lengthy discussion took place
following the declaration by Reeve
that he thought the county *as pay-
ing out a let of money to the Provin-
cial Sanatorium. Mr, Feagati stated
that last fall the county clerk had re-
ceived word that some patients were
ready for their release and that new
the council received a bill for these
patients whom he believed had per-
haps been'kept in the hospital after
they might have been discharged.
Reeve Murdock Mathieson of Ash-
field thought that the clerk should be
given more authority to handle these
eases. Reeve Eckert suggested that4
the *county appoint a doctor to go
around to the sanatoriums and report
on The Patients. "I think they are
keeping them there too long," he de-
elared.--Reeve- Hepree-Keys--- of Grey
townshipt eiPlained that he had often
Hamilton St., next Troggartit'S CiArage,
• 40x
OROODINOVE• IlIttl‘tfANMT WAVE; • • ..11t9,18.1KOK STOlitg
$2,95, $3,05 and $5.99 Christie% ,Crisp Brown .and 'Pig 'Bars,
A 410.00 NESTLE WAVE, Atteciol 5740 011 ao .004 and you, to, .''sv **Y.'
Lades, tae advantage of these at. ,then1;, 001errthet4,1104 yone.,r*Oxt 'or.
tractive prices. Make .your • aiwointinent der; they are your children'S' favorite.
notV`.''' ;Mena 12: .TTIP -1•10MYWOOD! ''''OEct.' We' BAP.PIILER, ons,
MAUI'? SHOPPE, West St. Next ,tel Phone' 369. 49X
Capitol Theatre. • , •
• There will. be tt 500, Euchre arid Dance
"WE PLEASE 1E0Vit PALATE". on Tuesday evening,,' Dec.. lOth. irt..the
808,-1W fire 'has -140W tOrlibige
grates—es good ae ' new. They
have been left at .TEIE STAR OFEWE
for Inspect:1bn; 45-tf.'
froextztrr. vast half of Kelleher houee-
-L Oh Bruce Street. Rent reason.
able. to}17 to HAYS and HAYS, °ode -
rich, (Mt. 49
rent. IXOt and 00Id runirnig water,
With Or 'without meals, Apply frrrz
Ur. W. J. Symonds acknowledges with
the deepest gratitude the help and sym-
pathy extended to him during the illness
and death toteh -1a:,wifee.;--- 49-
acodatvin Club Contest eoncluded Nov.
20th, to extend MY sloeOre And
-ctirdial thanks;
_litintlY of_ the late Mr. Oeorge
Schram' wish to thank all those who ex-
premd, sympathy in any way (luring
their recent bereavemertt: also those
'who loaned tans for the funeral and who
sent floral tributes. 49
NOtite hereby given to all persons
--havitixr-any-elstim-agalrist-the estate of
if4leeheth Logan, late of the Town of
Ci•edertelit in the.- County of Huron,
Spinster, wive died on or about the 18th
day of November, .A II 1035. to send
nine the =dere:tined son or before
-Deeernlier iftk1035,14 on and after that
- date the executOris herein will proceed to
• make diStributiott of the assets of the
estate, having regard only to the Claims
they hoe teolvertnotice of.
Dated at tiPderich. thie , 26th 'day .,tf
November. 1935,
•-• --11.AX-84nd
Oodetich, Ontario. ,
• aolleiters or the Executors
47-9 herein. ..
Buy Tour Christmas Chocolates and 'masonie Temple, eir,_ 11,10red by the Young
Assorted Candles at thd VENUS CANDY hic1103 of St., "tees church. TOY
SHOP.. All home mad% deli:ions, and Parr's. Band. Admisalen 350. 49
purest of ingredients. Please your palate ----.06-0-m-
. with sweet ;neat satisfaction. ' Oxf The ..lunlor W. A. and Church' Aoyist;
their annual bazaar on .SaturdaY. Dee
St Georges c.,liumh will ho
• You will enjoy shepping at . the
-VICFANTED.-----nting girl &sires home- "PEZPLEFfs SrToRE" for eourteous and
" work. Some experiente. Phone reliable service. With Clirlstnitts. iust
291, Ooderieh. 49 around the corner, we advise yon t* dO
MEN WANTED.—To train fqr posi..1 Your shopPing early. Your moy needs
.4,4, cons on Diesa engtnenx.ing: must' supplied. "Shot) early, shop often." 49x
i)e interested Diesels and have mech-
anical ability and good character refer-
enees. Apply Sox 38, STAR OPFICE.
41•4 quires 41,000 capital. For parti-
New stock of Xmas cake rruitse Nuts,
Oranges and /Candy. If you are in, need"
of aroceriee, Phone 145. ORTPP THE'
eulare appl,V P. 0. Box* )71, Goderich. ,.. CALL *ZINN THE, RADIO MAX ‘.
, '38 -ti T 'During ttie ;long winter months Yon
- Will enjorlY,Steiri riValbrivoi—Td$ radio
WANTED.—Itoom and board -with program. Eiajoy the hotkey broadcasts
" itrivate family, by business gentle- the opera and the world's . leading con -
man. Apply Sox ,34, STAR Orle10E. certs and entertainment. A .radlo in
your home mean S contentment for the
family. L. H. ZINN',- the Bailie; -Man of
Goderich. Phone 636, - 49 GOpERK:11 TOWNSHIP
You win enjoy cbil3orne's Chocolates Nall. 4th Con., on Friday evening, Dee.
:SA.TISET THAT 'SVVEET TOOTH There will be a dance in the L. a L.
and Candy.. (live here a 'box of "Smiles 6th. 49
SHOP. The Square. . 49 • . # •
(10MINO.--Prof. Loadstone, .Fsy:holo- Alchard Olbb, tor.mer Sealorth mer.
`1 gist Palmist. • tohysi:al Trainer, The annual meeting . of Kilos' Chixrch cluMt. now a resident of Stratford, 'was
Healer, says you need happiness, power- W. M. S. will be held in the lecture room killed and two oompanions injured in a
ful eyesight. .robust health. Monday 10 nt thei thyroh next Tuesday., .Instead of crash which occurred Just outside Wind -
to , to. artrrrax EXOF.,ANGE HOTEL" the M., .At' 3 p.in,, wej the secietatis sor city Ulnas Nov. 27th. — Huron Mt.;
49 - of the-infterent departments kindly hive Posnor;
their reports ready for this meeting.
- FINANCES -OF cotitittir-sAFE
"The annual meeting of the Hos ital , WITH TRVAS ER.,:gyNE
-dieaLliate vseek.nd_special,_.$1.49„
Association will—be =held—iir Mee oY You will be surprised at these outstand- . ,.......,WM , ... i .. 4- . 4. . '•
Halt Goderich, on Monday, December
9th,, ing ',elite*, Your' inipection. iiivited.
A-Iull 'attendance c't lill'eltizene Inter. lia_ aS ZAI: ,rt. gacVICAR. Kingston aL ris Township« were told by one deale-
esteo, lit our hospital.is requested." 48-9 BP.Or.orcl-.81!)eic ...........:........ , 424-itilat he, wotild give them ssoomr-.the old
car and they felt. tliat this' was the best
Utr„re).14,11/A., .._ _T. . •xiV/A„ _ fe_c_Agi._ offerther ,potaa, get: . ,
A- rine new 'stock of Christinas Cake,
retina ,tooto just arrived at "Spares Mei Mr. ITgilfkureasstteltaeedintahnatv.'.Mtior.baDdongaslka-s
Orocer." Hbusewives will enjoy shop. MaeDou
,ping at Spares, and.thst Christmas cake 4 viedowthdetallestoittien niatatttehre innoviniezgatteiond. b;I..
Will taste better if made With Sparr
take -fruit.- -ElPARIVEl OROGERY, Irani,
tSt. -. rhone' 146.... -
9ST.-4A Pearl bracelet, four-stranc.
j`4 claee. between Brock -Vic-
toria, Elgin and Britannia Road. Finder
please leave at STAR OFFICE. 49
isth. the -Wrist*
Tiae"regUlaefdeetIng Or the'''Wbittene
Association of 'North Street United
Church will be he'd in the church on
Thursday, Dec, 12th, At 3 p.m, Note the
change of date.
ifit.ret;doT.aild PING4R, WAVE 50c.
Ttegular' 050, next -MON., VIES- IPVXD.
Ladies if° you want save money
Try shopping at, Tat: 0001MICII
o*AtYry mop, West St. Phone 555W.
• . 49x
melodies,'" will, be given in North Street
United Church by the Mission Circle on.
nidaY, Dec. 6th, at 8 p.m. Silver -.col-
lection. • • 49
TiCE IS HEREBY Orit'EN that a
, Coed' will be held, pursuant to
The Ontsrio Voters' List' Act, by His
tle.tior the Judge or the county Court of
00tMty .of Huron, at the -Court
u"- 00deriehi on -FildaY. „the 20th
y of t?ecember, 1035,444.00 o* -$0c
inethe afternoon t43 hear and determine
eerriplairits of errors and *Missions in
the Voters' List of the -Sturdereeality of
The wovvo or Goderich for the year 1935. ROYAL SOW-LUC° ALLEY, West St'cefliber.
Dated l 1935. attneggioZe..3rd „day of
Clerk or the Municipality
Ot the Veen 'Clotlerieh.
4loor hint or her." 411ow us to sug-
gest Travelling Bag or Suitcase. A
gift that is always „appreelated. It J.
MEER, Leather Oeoels, liandltop St.
' 49e
loco youweir nt and ,enW real exer»
else. Ladies' you will enjoy the aexio-
-sphere-if you bowl at "Lloyd's." THE
uTomatittik to ,
imultotmum, SteaNaSe. CCIMINT-
pumanice bonds,. tow Ulnas with Abso-
' -Iiite flnerteig Strewth -
Matitai IMO AitiArliAte Co.. owned by
, Polley. Itoblere
Lcyw Tiltfi.-101sT Or EitrrumENTs
raformokti tis41$ them, call, -write
1St .
try, Hamilton* St„,
geitlaiiill... - - —
jUdgi John Ilt-tfONard..
1**Ionar on . the Ontario
Control Board. from 1923 un.
tent of the Ropteurt govern.
.14Toyernbir 23rd, in To7,
sdr* Blvd.
poled; stablish your
th�1d 'we count thein
tee folks hurry with
.the first' cold en* ()theft'
, hot* .learned the secret of
even Summer ovnto'rt the
year *round, right in their
own homes. These are the
knowing. inaivkluale who ley
in * suntsly Hest Folks in
admit* sad then laugh at
A, little shovel
tart?* and * little *boy! late.
IWO bouhe keeps* 041 the
trig clay wait. Witt your
HetEA* $40, *Ser teity.
the *oft, *hoz -
mow*** thket keepe
root es *cattail,
rosesand Utak. in,tb
'When ordering your*Xnias Cake please
- Verger.•Phone- 110W. ,. 49x
Change to l :Winter tUbritation now.
Anti 14voczo. Car Heater. HARVEY
SAVittR, Prop, ,ICingston Ste„pavid
Ste. Phone. 535. • 49
THE TrpRE, or suorrtso , ,
irr les 01:trite, the housewife tan
secure all' her teem' itements With 'good
things to eat at WAThluirOtisa
itIllooprzitrA. Troth „ideek- and file
Aces. Phone 333. • 49x
The new ' ber ,rate liirprise you.
SPeerly delivery service to your dears
We 0011 for end delfter. Juit call 'It, le.
Viler* 4. tend your pared; hy
to $5&0o *us.
free. 4. M. InitairM,,,apont., !Ilene t
• 49x
VIAITEir 611011
Reduced luites unt4 Christmas.
koZtr0110 WAN1116,, 81UNE-4
PO% and AtiOnallltd16--tetulSr, Wk.
500. now Ste .401.'1 IONA it
13=14. MUM( SOO?. Phone.
eause. it is throwing-hisheuations at the doctor knows little--abeut.
=fission and -1-46iet—thirtle ',%it is ' Warden Swietzer brought the (Ilse
taw. ,said Mr, Haacke. ' , -cussion to a close by suggesting that
Mr. carclitt batct that Mr. Haacke Vas all the reeves keep the County Clerk
absolutely clear on the matter. "/ claim posted on these Cases and the wink
4ABV'S , QWP14
11,11.0 390
SLOAN'S' 'LINIMENT .. • .20c
PENTINE 35c, Large '70°
ittrOgi;Ers int o mins
MIXTURE- 40c, .7'5c,
6TU 13TH
oi et Sriecialls
MP rrattAlkt mitt.. 29e
0/30 -.40 -NO . 35c,
. . ..
Williams Shaving Cream 35c. an
• Williams Aqua Veva g5o
• BOTH FOR $$c
. - $1,00 •
35e to, $4.50
. $1,00 up
PAPETRIES — - • • 500; $1.50 • At „Attractive Prices.
Dunlop s Campbell's I,uder's -Wigle s
11%10:i ,Wgirgiri.
• be done away with. Reeve Bowman
aereed , with, the suggestion stating
that censideration should be shown
the• inmates:due to the conditions that
placed them in. •
The ape of an indigent patient
from Stephen township, who had
• some length. Reeve Mathieson asked
cl)eci. he a hospital, was discussed at
to what extenk-the county was liable
• for the burial of such a patient. He
was advised that indigent patients in
hospital shoeld be left to the care of
the hospital authorities, and that if
a patient dies while still in.the hospi-
tal, the authorities must arrange for
the burial of the patient at a eost not
-to exceed 430. .and- to be ipaid by -the
.county. If a reeve anew the body.
these patients are such that the -Po-rje:tetraPhme-thOdiftligiesillhattllinliet!ibuilitr
found- -conditions- -in--the- -homes- el- be -
cannot return to them. • arrangements, the county is liable
•Reeve Pryde of Exeter claimed that for the full amount of the bill sent to
diocworuldarobuenda -to ehoethe
f . rn.
• council seemed to be quite clear op
Few of the members . of the
UM and money, -becausie the doctor the subject before .the rqatter Was
would Simply take the' report of the exp .
authorities at the institution. He de- In answer to Reeve Mawhinney's
dared that tuberculosis is a •special query Elg 40 how many of the muni -
branch of medicine that the average cipalities are paying their share of
that we Saved the county $100 OA this
deal, and More than that, we got a guar.
antee of seryiee on -the car. I. aSStifel
you r receive any Money on the
deal and X, knew Mr. • Haacke didn't.
Mr. Eckert and the Road Superintendent
were not even in a positron to have re-
ceived any money even if they wantedie.
" Reeve Eckert of gc1011op exposed
the wish that the Men who had Made
the Statement would collie and prove it
"and he is up for libel if he can't prove,
Reeve Elliott of Clinton said that the
statement had been branded as a rumor
,and that he thought that it should be
ignored. He didn't 'Think there was any
reeettion meant on any member Of the
C011111311. •
RQeve Eckert chi:Mired of the Clerk if
the Department of „Education had re-
plied to the letter sent asking,That the
Department esplam When- the public
school' Inspectors Were appointed, and if
for Arrest.; 011sneln`OPtregl,t°111-rem0 'tillatterrkatani°12 of the DePartment of PUblic High-
Ittr. 11. T., Eaton, District Engineer
swered .that no SOW had been reteited ways addressed the council 'with re --
and Mr. Eckert sagtested that the clerk
would be greatly simplified.
A resolution that the, Minister of
justice and the Secretary of State
he asked to take steps to restrict the
Canadian Rights Societeefrom imPos-
incr any fee whatsoever on any town-
ship hall or public "meeting plate
within the/ limits of the County of
Huron, was referred to the Legisla-
tive Committee. The resolution gave
the explanation that tlth' Canadian
Rghts Satiety is at present attempt-
ing to impose a fee of $30 on such
nieces, and that in some instanees,
the fee exceeds the total annual ren-
tal of the buildinge, which are often
the only Plates ---Where the--titiiexis of
•-the- :communities can meet socially..
Itwo.s felt'tlifit if the fec was impoS-
ed; manfr of the meeting plades Viroula
havd_to be closed..
.•Engineer Glies Advice
gardito the estimates of 'road expen-
write and. 'Pl444„ for 4nrwet. .ditures of the.townshipi as sent in
Yureove Tor.Aer okect What to theadvised the
Department. e
nosseps yea at pro. -,t, Iliu'Od county.
Imola she county, system and reeves that if they fOresavir that the
what It was under th. Plovinattitoidi 'etirditteA were. going tq.be exceeded,
irile -vaunt* lifrieneer was ini:t.t4ey shouldsend in * stipplementary
atcted to procure The retylinitt infor-1 bylaoorhiithea.souvblyb subsidy granted ot
mation at ,ear apportunty, would
044 CM
iriaitan4tawIkli to
,M1Prits-oitt *0-0-44,11- and o congra-
tulate our County OW* *Wale very %f-
ficient manner in,,Ishlotilis hat eniuloY..
ed-his,new method • tt tabulation.nfthi
Minutes -Of Our June -'
Wheiollowing report was, received
;from the -Children's "Shelter Conunit.
teet- •,
„ At present there are 11 :wards in
Retakko,to.d be I/noon 44.4.L motat the Shelter; 4 girls and 7 boys, rang-
' 'to., Ave. moot* lug in age from 6 to 16 years. Under
00,0,1010,13440 f(i :0341, Tome& l'the regulationo, all' of these .1t**
been e**4011114--br a. doctor and pro-
nounced tobe in :,,perfeet health.
Eight of the children are attending
echooitle'iv;floor and 'elWering has been
laid in the kitchen of the Shelter.
This fall the Children's Aid Society
*at incorporated under the Com.
peniet° Act) to *IV* it legal stand-
ing in the courts.
trod'4unced" filthgr;csolr5dstiri' of1,1"4/ktrin:
are Made in accordance with the new
requirement. The ollice tit the Sup-
erintendent has been moved to the
new titukrter$ in the Courthouse.
The new regulations reform *
merlicatestamination Ore*Oh *Ward of
the, Society, in ctoster home, as well
ets those in the Shelter. •
The Department hsi raised the
itandhit of the society for its pro-
gress in the Vest gin monthsiandthee
httileen increased from $1.00
..The tomniittee commended the
Mrs. 011v�r si.nd ,ths fin
tsiient, Mr IT. "r4,
alf the-hoSpital feeSe-the: clerk
vised that the fees were coming in
very promptly and satisfactorily.
• Ex -reeve Albert- .Goldthorpe of
Colborne, briefly addressed the coun-
cil and renewed a number of acquain-
'- •
County Roe& Commlssion •
The Commission expect that the
expenditures will be within the
amounts provided when all receipts
are reeeived.
Unless the council aproves of the
purchase of the necessary equipment
the. Commission feel that it is not
practcable to keep the road oast of
Brussels open for wheel ;traffic, as
asked in a petition by the ratepayers.
Regarding the resolution • of the
County of Bruce, that the road east
• of Antberley, be assumed as a Pro-
• vincial Highway, we recommend that
the •petitionbe endarged and that
the Minister of Highways be advised
accordingly. •
They recommended that the Min-
ister_of, Higimaat „beozequested to re-
consider the bylaw of theCount of
Huron, making additions to the
County Roads system, and asking for
the approval pf the remainder of the
roads ,included in the °
• (As the Council is still in session,,
the balance of the report of their
proceedings, will •appear in next'
week's Star.)
Good has but one enemy, the evil; but
the evil has two enemies, the good artd
itself. •4
If you enjoy The code,rich Star .
"tell your friends,"
. and do ,away 'With the drudgery of wash
Priced d
ity. See , about our De FOrest Crosley,
from and La Salle models, latest safety devices.
Balloon Rubber Rollers. Silent When in,
use. Porcelain finish.
-our •Oompany-stands;behind- theirguarantee.--
See them and try them. We 'give free"
demonstrations in
*it &Ado; triosoted
fitn‘neliel report *hewing, the ?eters*
40 have been ;ityt,,stus, .sad tbe
ron4iWts, $10 16.. The chief
the )suies and gentlemen of 4:tode.4 feitta of exPendi 11/1"0,14,4)thele't
kb and 'rkInitY You will el** Shonnlag Allowanceek, 41.04 .50; Sheilceti
at ttoratekte. Oltiztmesis Just *round 45/39; Administration .Tuotice, $14, -
the corner and your event flerit eta be 82249;,.,01a Age Potisione, $12432.01;
!erred It you shoot Cornfield's, '
PiOtn reliable and rourtOns $110-
'Read ditnley advertisements 011 tdirr
fiti00 COANYTOILIA the store on
he boatel with best in latifts' Wear.• 40
Tidos returned to TOwn* ION $11,, -
The hat persgroli of the Treasur-
er's rebOrt Tee&
, IThee " reports ittdicate that the
co:60y 'IS continuirog to liquidate its
debt *rut at the: *ad or 1936 should
show "nothng but ttlie balance of
VighwaY ipethentnreis to pay. In *tow
of the 04 thintctitef .
15 been
loVrOred, it augurs 11 for the tate-
payers of the Co *diet that,
next year the be in *
pooltion,,fo, of.**
Ictithito Count
Ili way* mill And
hoki the lls.
,The 'regular tne,tlnt t the tittctotia.
Rome and itichool <nub *di be held at
* home or the rizesiderit. Mts. Cabin
t, on tnnrad*Y,, tWit..,12111, stv4 rint,
The 1/eForest Crosley Store
Next Drention's Pool ROOM
The Square •Goderich,
(101,6111018 DRAWING ONLY TOW MORE ,IvErt
Christmas Gift,.
It 0441,