HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-05, Page 4•.4k VN,MW,!AtA1 y1�.'!�wrKt,�r4A+w..
i�ii�tfw•M��V�-'�'k.':`'kt.. k M * _ T1�''?'..$,. �t ,: `n. „
°Loyal, Dec..4.Anothet' life . r'esid[!'
dent in the .person of C`r.. ,Jaws, Stiehl
00414, hot been called. away, at the'
a 40 alnleet. 70 'Year*. Mr,: ,Buehan-•�
vitas born in Scotland anal. eaine,
ith his parents to this .country
hen five, Year'* •old« He leave, to
mourn the death of * kind. and gen,
trona husband and father, his widow
and :twos son»,' Allan,, in Sun :Doniign
N,. D.; Ind David, at 'honie«•.and two
da, ightere, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs, `Edi;
Montgomery, both of` Colborne,
Mit. A`mela ,Il*actin;, .of COIR
ents Mufflersuo= ooi
1Mks Ktuo erictit
10 doe. • Meuse' M. W. of 'Irene
Pattern or rain Oblides ,Sivicle,,
rine 'Geather Lined °loves
he fieri, Grey. or Black, primo
$LOOirnd $1. ='
borne Central- hu ' returned after a
month'a visit in Detroit and
mouth, Mich. •
Winter seem* to have set . in, in
earnest,' and sleigh bells are making
merry again.
The pupils of 5. No, lr are •Pt -
ting ready for their Christmas con
cert,: Which is to. be held on the 17th,
•Mrs. John Fowler had the misfor-
tune to .fall while house cleaning, and
broke One of her arms.
Miss Mary Redmond, R. N., is
visiting lifer aunt, Miss Mary Young.
Infidelity gives nothirg in return, for
what it takes away.
TS, shelves bre-richly stocked.with gifts Of every kind -- .
"standard' gifts, dramaticgifts, gay gets --for young, for
old, for yma n, for wom r),• and for child,
Imported Feueb I id Gloves
Shirred Cuffs, Padded Cuffs,-TailkreLe as, Black, Br ,_
Fine kid, warm linings
Bright" shades, l a r g e. cu
stripes, checks.
Pr. $1.95 to $2.95
A. large variety .of styles In all H__,
Pr. 49c, 95
Soft Silk Crepe, warm and neat
Real • Leather Handbags --=envelope or pouch style,
inner zipper or: dome pockets, extra change purse.
1v S` YL ►
Spirt Sets made of wool plaid In brown, navyand
black bckrounds«
t 1a
Beautiful 4ai51, Collar and Cuff Sets of
Lace, Crepe, Satin, nt white, eggshell and
honey. °.
.Se95e to.
Serfs of Crepe and Satin., ascot style)
novelty trinu1ungs 'of$10
>irtwwt tllic ,`
. e °r.r
rri turd3
re 4 «" !nntLoI� o
�t dge fl
� .
the week -end at the home Mr. and'
Mrs Chu. Parker,
Mir.* • Maude Pinker . made a short Visit
with her Parents. �y:. y
Mr. and. ., .If. .A. � Ionic a oki
Atwood,�yOearn*nwere week -end guests
°Oen aMrs, s, fd t Parker,
The hone of Mr, andMrs. E. F'. Met-
lcmer, Dios Inca Lam,Stanley Twp., fob-
erXy .0 Bayneld,," was*the +scene of
Pretty wedding at one o`elock on Satu:
day, November -30th. when their .eld,
daughter, feettaa Mae, became the Mid
of Mr. Quentin Ak, iln14nn!, + N!e
Dundee. To the ,strains• of the wedding
Mar'eh from Lohengrin, played • .by Il41ss
Mary Htllborn. of New Dundee, the brd
entered the drrawing room on the arm
of her father who gave her •9n marriage.
The ceremony ,was performed by Rev.
Mr, Fleming of New Dundee, before an
arch banked` with flowers to. shades of
white, yellow and gold, in the presence
of about, 30 guests. During the signing
of the. regtatter, • :Miss Miriam Hillborn
sang, --- .„O ,-Proms: Icer �' _after`_whieli . the
clergyman introduced the bridal couple.
analthe ,theyguestsre. ived the congratulations
Toe; bride _s:ttractiv-ely-gowned in
a white seersucker satin fashioned on.
tailored lines with a short train, and
wore a short veil held in place with a
coronet of orange blossoms. She- wore
swmtmer and fait neen ” In Bayfield, rem
turd to tb-hente in Stratford :Men-*
�• the annual' meeting ofthe Girls'
Wri r'. et TrinitY, 01114:0* Was' held at
the borne of Ma, LueY WOOds on Sat*
relay afternocfl : when the lolloWing of -
ere were, apponrted; Vres1dent, Miss`
Zrroaqa. .sturgeon; "Vice -)resident, Miss
Lucy ' Woods, Se,!.xetary, . Miss; Anna
!i chmer: Treasurer, MISS Bertha
StUrgeOni, Dorcas Secretary, Miss Bort:
atherston; Asst, • Dorcas Secretary•
Lisa Mary e .idcombe; Literature Secre-
tary and PlantMiss Vera Pease The
girls are Making an appeal for second
hand clothing to 'be stet to the Inditans
gat Kett la . lnt rm 1othin Y,• fr
Chi en up t fifteen • years Is partcuo,.
larl'. needed:
Comb, Brush and . Mirror
Sets $2.75,,, $5.95 ,gyp
Ivry' Shaver»Electric
or,`. $16.50
19c to $3.00
20c, 35c 65c, $1.25, $4.50
I'a or's
t4• = r..
Endurs F614nt04 tiOtusi 50+c
the groom's gift, a• handsome gold wrist
'watch and egrrled a bouquet of Amer -
lean Beauty roses, She Was attended
by her sister, Miss Eeith leterner. who
ore= -dale; • r=eefi- eill e - St anzae reern
with, pointe .d'espritand black, velvet an
earried yellow . mums. Mr. 'Morgan
-Hallman a- M. - she
bride's mother, Mrs. E. F. Mettler, 'seri
bleak lace and Wearing It corsage of red
roses, and • the groom's mother,' Mrs.
lxaumah, in sand crepe and wearing a
corsage of pink carnations received with
the bride,
Followingthe reception the •wedding
luncheon was served. The bride's table
.pas centered -with the cake and decora-
tions carried out in yellow and mauve
tulle caught with lily -of -the -valley, yel-
low tapers in silver holders and silirer
baskets of yellow and mauve mums.
l Margaret Reid of Bayfield. had
charge of the luncheon and was assist=
ed by Mrs, -rt. L. -Bassett and Miss --Jean,
M. • .Woods of Hayfield, Miss Martha
Nrchol 6f London, And Mrs. W. Pinning
•of Clinton.r _ ,_
For travelling the bride donned a blue
woollensuit, wine: colored coat trimmed
With grey caracul and hat and acces-
sories to match. Amid .showers°•of..con
feat find Cor e -`the .14Peer couple
left on a motor trip through the .e eer
England States. Ontheir return . they
will reside at the grocnn's farm nearNew
Dundee. The bride was the recipient of
many -beautiful gifts.
Congratulations and_ _best_ wishes are
rt 15'[tiary 'tom
en Mond , reeeiXpg aveeiing oi"".Ilio
orange Lodge, No. ' 24 wast, lheld air4
following,•"arlf4cers. elected'. eeeleere r
t035-36. ,. r
•W. M., Fred Watson; ni• .D, M.,
mals. Otrnedt,r
Cliatplain, ie., E. Ere.
vin; See., Ninian .Heard: -1,10, Sec- .. E.'•
A. Featherston; Treas., f Stineon :1st
Wit.;-Wite-,- e -Parker; lid, Narrr DEar-r
row; Marshall, Lindsay, Smith; , ;Comtnit-
tee, " Emmerson "Heard, Win. ' 4,'':ffiliott,
Robt. Orr,. Wm, eestlaice. Wm. Orr.
Mrs.W .
There named to peat at her home in
the village on, Thursday, Not nth, one
Of Bayileld's '•moot respected citlaees et -
+ '4 ' ..' 12 - loner
dile, or 'William Weston, in her sixtieth
Year. The deceseed, who was the sec -
vied daughter sot the late John; Illak,ona
a ► eMe d, was born In Hamilton
on January 2D 1816. later ecoming to
Bayfield with her parents where almost
her entire Iffe was spoilt.. A member of
the 'Presbyterian ohuich,' the was of a
genial, kindly nature: deeply ' devoted to
her incline, and her cheery smile will,not.
only be'greatly palsied by her family but
also by ,a large ,role of friends. • she
had ale4ys enjoyed good health, until
Sept, 7, 1034 when she Iliad a. severe
paralytic etroke from whieht she' partial-'
ly recovered and was able, to get *bout
fad well " ninth about- .Midnight on
Wednesday when ° she • took another
stroke from which she , did not rally.
,ides her Sorrowinghusband and one
son Pied.' :at, _home„ she is survieed by
one-and-W%o -- ers, -varies'
y►lconerr-�st the villege, - Margaret, -CMr*:
Wm. Green), Oolborne Twp,, and Edith
(Mr'.. Joe Hermon), Goderich. •
. The to acral, which wits very *gels,
attended„ was held frau her latest 'relit,
dente on Saturday afternoon. The ser-
vibe WM in charge .of Jetv.11. M. Osile.
vele iiahie address bated-,bn 2 Vint. 4::
64, 'Tor f am now ready to be offered,'
into the . time ,Of my depattine ' is alt
hand, t have fought a good fight, x
have '.finished my course;' paid; a glow-
leg triblzte to the strong ,faith and hope i
of the +feccd and her Christian Parti -.4
tude: In her illness.
The many '�rlttful floral tribnntet. ' '
:Spoke for thereselvyes of the high loge
land redeem in which the late Mrs , 'We±s4
ton way held. ` t
They ' ail eatets were Mess. lrtugh
C'ilmou`r, ,"fohn Jowett, Jam' 'Berton �,,
'Vi%illiant, Clreen.'OtOnre Weston stand Wil.
Yia►Tn neon Uterine/4 was msde in..
mid,temetery. ,
st tboat boot a die wha
attended the firner were: Mr. •.and
u. •
mouton, Jock and +Catherine
Bat J. J. MMtcltaoen, Isita., 'Wright,
. Dare Welton, Mrs 'floss '" rlibcarne,
:ek kiln . P*rea • s
lam. Mrs ' McDinamiiionald.
WY `d.k
---clintgnr Dec, 3. -Miss Irene'- Lay-
1 ton spent, the 'reek enol in Toronto►
as the guest of ,Mr. and Mrs Jack
Mr. and Mrs Bill Pinning were in
-Bayfield on: Saturday-'- -to-attend the
'wedding of Miss Merrier.
✓Miss .Marion Gibbings who sang
over the Kitchener broadcasting sta
tion laet week, meets to be, heard
over outer stations soon.
lMr. Gordon Hall, son of Mr. and
Mrs. G E Hall, Clinton, and pub-
lisher .of the Cayuga -Advocate, has
bon elected by acclamation to the
Cayuga Public Utilities Commission.
Friends of °11/is,, Bawden, are
Pleased:_:to. hear .the.t-skids-somewhat.
C. C.• 1. Commencement
-'-'pe-arrrival--G C. L commencement
exercises were held on last Thursday
and • Friday evenings, , when tee
school auditorium was crowded with
parents and friends of students.
The' program consisted of to musi-
cal play, dances, gymnastics, etc. 'On
Thursday evening, the cups and
shields for athletics were presented
by Rev, Mr. Farrel, The graduates
received their diplomas on Friday
night, from Rev. Mr. Cosens, Miss V.
Fremlin .was presented with ;the
"History of the School" prize.
The teachers and -Mr. Draper, on
Friday -.evening -were---presented -nth-
gifts of appreciation from the stu-
deon��ntso•fforththeire workm. in the prepara-
A small danceprografor the students was
held after the last performance.
The graduates were: Clara Ball,
Claira . B'runsdon, ' •Constance Cluff,
Sadie- Munnings; Virginia; Harris,,
Fred Hovey, Gladys Radford, Alma
Carter, Elnore Hudson, James Rey-
nolds, Robert Thompson, Harold
Johnson, Mary Turner, .Myrtle Thom-
son, Helen Glenn, Andrew Mackenzie,
Rex: —Merr nes; Geo Eilfnt; Kutlrl
Calvert, Wilma Roweliffe.
y #SPOrt19'T•,
Eclipse Razor, Special. ityith
5 blades, 98c
$6600• up.
Phone 90 GODERICtTt We Deiive>r
E. U. CLEVELAND, The Baker. 14 West St. Phone 114
You will 1ike our
• „PIXASSE...,DON'T FORE ; tlL.MA.1,?. .
Allow "CLEVELAND" to be your Baker.
.,..� 'id girle' basket
ball „teams 'go to, London tomorrow
(Wednesday) to play against the
teams of Westervelt school.
The' following officers were elected.
by the - Clinton NL• awn Bowling JIub m
p e ident, L Heard* vice -prey.,
Rev. Mr. K. *Gown;` She: -Teens.,
..;14f. 'Sehoenhals; grounds committee,
J, Zapfe, A. McCartney, J. McKnight,
C. Draper; Jitney committee, Rev.
Mr. McGown, J. Lovett, -H. Monteith,
H. Clark, ' Fred Pont; tournament
committee, P. Livermore, 11 T. Johnson,
G. •Lawson, :Dr. C. !i'hompson; mem-
Knig mmitteei F�, Pennebaker
Knight, W. S. R. Holmes, F: Bawden.
. it �; d
.,-.�e.hos p a1 -.boat-meets.,:tonighb
(Tuesday) lin the "board room at the
town hall.
Last night burglars ransacked the
Kennedy home, next to the public
"school and stole money and other
'articles. • •
The Liberal Dance is being -held
in their elutrreonne en ' Friday, even-
Buy your Whipped Cream Delicacies from the Goderich
Pastry and Confectionery Stores.
Ask aur driver to serve you with a Cream that can be whipped.
Fhu'ne 1 ,
451 W The .oder�cl D cry Halton Sty
Mr. Carlton J. Worsell- was elected
president of. North Street 'United church
choir at their annual business meeting
held at the home of Miss Esther Hume
• n. _br"` . ay_ ngl�t Other- ,members elect --
ed to the executive were: Vice -pies.,
Miss Hume;. See'y_Treas., Miss M. Rob-
ertson; Librarian, ,Miss ,"Helen ' Lame;
Convener of the SectaLcominittee, Miss
Gladys Brownlee; Conveners. of the Re-
creation Committee, Miss Olive .Forster
and Mr, ,S. E. McDowell„; Gown Com-.
mittee, Mrs. R. Henderson; Membership
and Lookout Committee, -Mr. R. Player;
Music Repairs Committee; -Miss _-Laura
The affair$ of the chair were found to
be in good condition 'and the pastor ex-
pressed his appreciation of • the work
that has been accomplished. 'An enjoy-
able e'oning was spent, in games and re-
freshments. s-- ;
UG•irf3TIINE, -DEC.. .3. --'Phe "get
together spirit ,of _-St._,Augus tine Was
plainly evident last Priday evening when
the surrounding (community gathered in
St., Augustine hall for a euchre parts*.
After a pleasing round of seven games;
the winners were: Mr. Mike Cummins
and Miss C. St. Marie. The consolation
prise was a "seedy" affair, being a skele-
ton mead, with a rack for matches;
Lunch was served. after which a frolic,
of old. And new dances, was. enjoyed.
Everyone seemed to° have a_ happy time,•
and it is hoped that such pleasing :,coin--
munity "get togethers" will continue:
DONNYBROOK, Dec. 3. --The St
Augustine W. L mestsTcn_ Nitednesday
f *ilei`• eon a the home of tfrs Hugh
King. Ct
The Y. P. S. held their regular meet-
ing on Friday evening in charge of AT.
nolo Craig. Donald, Thompson read the
lesson and the- topic was given •by Harry
The Meeting of „the W. M. B. will be
on Thursday. Oec. 12th, in the
basement -of --the church-. -'zhe-president,
Mrd A. Campbell, will be in charge and
officers for the coming year w111 be
elected. W
Mrs. Ellen ISompson spent a few
days 'with her sister. Miss Euphemia
Chamney. • .
Mr. Gordon cRobinsein made a short
visit with his grandparents, Mr. and.
Mrs. John tteolinchey.
Mr. _ and Mrs. Ernie -Doerr- were Sun—
day guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. e
R. Ohamney. .
Mrs. Cunntnhgnn is- •spending_a_-few
days with lar. end Mrs. 'J. I. Johnston, r
Seaforth. •
SNELL.—In East Wawanosh Township
on Thursday, Dec: 5th, Jane Bradford.
widow of the late George Snell. in her year. .
The funeral will take place nt the
family residence, Lot 30, , Con. 3, hast
Wawanosh, on Saturday at 2.0 pin,