HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-12-05, Page 2msssosss.:s, .1.14,4,1m...>41Alse,1/44.sil •••,. „ssi•spras'ssssmseSS"S"SS " e 44, iabilthed ) SPiPer Published, every Thursday :at 101/4 Stsbieer;Ption etel e;ear In advance aireara a2,00) oarin advance, 'Potts old and new thould be. given When eliente o 44107to le re. 0AlfticuATZ004--We'llaul that twat of our Isubscribere prefer not 10 live. their Subwiptionsehaterrupte4 In„cese the/ ,411, to remit before 't,ISSitet„We are notified to Outlet, WO Suistutne the SUbse-ribir **het the serviee tengnued and ',gill send the paper foe* limited tittle It•P‘I1TAIIC210 0,110414be roide by retilieted letiert'ooneY order or 'diem* 'PaYet4s at per in Goderieli. The Oodericts •Star sect& stivertleing In Ai 001onun; on the Undetateuding, that t wit inot be liable for any error in any adveit4ting ptiblished hereunder unless & proof of such advertisementIs melted JO writing by the advertiset and reb.sused to The Stara hissitsess ante Any .signed by *Over. tiler Vad with Suet; error$ or,00rreetions 491led. in %rating 0)0ton antl'in.thal, 'OW if arq error is net corrected 'lel The Stir, fts.,11ability shall not exceed inch a proportion ot the entire Oat or auth advertisement a, the apace 0e4U0 :tre •thirnoted tror beans to the whole *ace occupied by Oath stdvertisertiellt. ',Advertising rates on anyliention. Auvio' mums, C. ic,ZRU ATEWART, Editor. manager. Phones: Das" 71; Night 04 and 331. - Post Onlee Drawer 671. THURSDAY, DECEMI3ER Oth 1935 ON THE 'ROM) The average travelling _salesman of the old school will tell -you today, "The om- Grey -Mare is -not what she vied to be," or in ether words, Times and conditions on the road have ehanged. , Thiee dollars' st night for a bed; *140 for a meal; and another dollar nightly for car 'storage is something that can be talked abent by the average old timer, and whets they compare conditions a today with those of yester- it all appears *Ahearn. Members of the O. M. /. T. (Out Monday, In Thurs. 41V) are new_extine,kand 'a new generation of younger ellirexpenSsvi-rs *slilesmestr-ilteirt e xh-friirtiTies, Mit to work 4 days a week, but six and report in detail about ,each pall they make daily, which is written after their day's work is done, , The bottotil has fallen out of the good times for the travelling -salesman. In the old 'days of $1.00 tips and 25c *cigars, the salesmanernJoyed the life of Riley. Busi- ness was good,,MOney was plentiful, a fat salary check assured weekly and the swindle sheet was never ques- tioned. Those Were the happy days, but they have gone forever. Today the average salesman works on d`commission basis, the firm not, paying his salary or expenses, therefore- he is not .stopping at the .00 per `night hotels; the ofte-doilar meal is now a. 25e lunch; and Ins -gear -is not etrjoying a $1.00-- heat,ed'storage, but a cold bed on an open.air parking lot The happy-ge-lucky buyer of yesterday is the seri. ous minded business man of today.. Three thousand dol - Jar orders of 20 years ago, are now replaced with ordars of one hundred dolbars and less today. Conditions have chaniked,,,Amd. theamvelling „salesmen la the one. who 'mows best*: • DESTRUCTIVE AND DISCOURAGING *Some attention Will have to be given to municipal affairs' in a -Majority of Ontario municipalities, within the or4-1,---Vwee ea -tuna -le I -service in munieW • piiltinincile; *loot not bring the prestige it deserves Many ss Many men hold aloof - from civic affairs; knowing full, well their best intentions will often be Misunderstood fm,4 eendenined. it the criticisms to which they are etubjeCted; Were regir e9ptruetive, they woad have ,no" reaeim to complain, but the iverige. critic has tothtne better to offer, and his l'ault findingis-therefore only, i oustruogye and diaVOUratingt lainte Men, by fait1101 and diligent stewardship, have. V)1,- only enchanted the esteem in Whieli they were held, sa Private citizens, but have added dignity to the offices they occupied; if such men can "be induced to aetePti!le reaponsibilkiu for further, terme,_they_shool means be,returnoei. • , • . Locally the year 1035 has been i*.disturhinr One for the_1441or44 ivotoLemot.V4t7t0,1taikallioll-0_0:04.-. but it is hoPad anek eooditions will never, occur again. tech Member has doubtless exercised hiebeat - t and no mart vOuld do more, should 'when no intors -11ews*UseOrd is1,4 Whytheir townbali rung t el tui isoven eoloot in the Morning; person goes 10 Work at those hours. ,bleho, WiiaU Csun.dist. ge along 1.4 16 member* In Ita liouse of Vineda heat 245 members euse arid � in e tYpper, Th inference uible to PnY his taxes, took 10O of itis brl.ks an4 lelt thent *tit- the *5*Tax ColIeetor p.yntent on Sweet*. Whit WoUld.',Tirot Coilector y do, say, or think, if mile Witness • left * load: Of .ite prodoets on his L What*‘4, „ world is in *a Japan tnakeli,64ther encroachmentsOlt° China; guso tbreateningPilinsi'*00 border,fhe southern rebellion raging in Brazil, apt thi, Wilms *Otte wit ikgeinatthe Ethiopians, That Vette vouchsafed to Men of good -will, will not apply to count - lea hordes during the coining Christmas season. If the names of the strftsts in Ooderieh could he played en On eornerlontiaing4 ttostg or trees, in addition to - those now in the tiMellt, walks,it would 1* a convert. ' -fence fo shatgere. The east with which people get lost n 'Oecittich, .owing to its Circles, is One of itsoarms„ but with snow' on the walks there, is no means of ideoti. Wog the streets, with few exceptioorix, 4, rean's services to community 1g the tritolon Mar to $o4te bis rititenehipt -Croft is- Utl.d' to prouder pl*te. While in Go4lerieb, her geeing bows an *dive work* in ierfty organisation that or htg Meet, the water* 01 the ct1ean *en of his Are on *00614 and G.4.44411toit wftl look forwera the *ion he ean atop out of the railway JIM* t*tiirrit it* titer iv** *Mt* Stirtlog -bls?ten Ykre **a* kit woo toipoltsion tot i0011, 0.4ta mr. In -coterie there ere ‘lenty,o 'f0pile and siso to) . manY Le*VhB� 11 * !uniform decerSesalary rite could• be, ettabliehed ler the 2. provineess; it Would pr4vent' ' teaChers, .offersig their service e ,for anytising °the Beerda will De The 'Star adds its wheltehearted en4Orsation to th OpiniOns ortuo speakers .14 the :banquet he,l4 for $, Croft,. On rridaY evening, Our' aequaintance with him cites-ale:I only overa few.. MenthS, but his Visit to this 001,0,, ehortlY ef,ter'istr .strrival, convin$04.13$ 1e 1w$ * man with a Magnetism that people want to knew bins, .We can 'readily underatand why SOPerintendent, Piggott,' should consetivt such a .man as gt; s. P. Croft for his own diVision,' 4oth, are tohe congratulat- ed, SisPerinteridept Piggott on his • foremight, and Mr., Croft., on his enlarged opporismity for advancement, 4WP1444 liE,14E12.5 40 1440(5 0'0 meow r A0+,04 -el Another giant chimney is deeorating the sky.line tkplerieb, a new one at the Gederich 'Salt 'Corniany's,' Plant, And that Chimney is only the initial evidence of further expansion at this company's wOrks. The pre - *nice of two salt companies' in this town, with their I long and active pay rolls, means it great deal to the in- dustrial life of the eommunity,. Boats,itrains and trucks • are required to transport not only their products, but the supplies and materials- required in their production. The extension of the Goderich Salt Company's plant is of vital and direct interest to every resident of the town and their' building operations will be watched with in- terest by the ratepayers. 'Streamline trains, . streamline cars, streamline dres- ea and streamline hair cuts are more or less everyday sights, particularly in the larger cities. The latest streamliner asking for recognition is the turkey. Smal- ler bodies and shorter legs are . wanted, and already American breeders are trying to meet the demand. Some day -there may be a demand fora turkey that will divide itself into the required parts when it makes its final .appearance_enAbk, dinner_table,_At this sea- son, a bird of that advanced proportions or intellect, would' be of more practical use than the proposed streamliner. iThe frequency with which the expression "it would be good -6r Goderich" is heard, shows the presence of a civic pride that is commendable. That thought seems to be uppermost in the minds of the mem*s of the coun- cil, as well as other municipal bodies and- voluntary or- ganizations. The expression is heard so often, and under so many different circumstances, that the most skeptical Must realize the existence of a vigorious civic spirit, based on eivic pride and ambition. At the present time, when conditions are said to be on the 'upward trend, concerted action Ts needed to revive one r two former ihdtistiTes. It is understood negotiations are under way in that direction. Every citizen will hope they will be successful. • The fuel question comes back every year with the cold weather, and is never any nearer a satisfactory so- lution' than it wasithepreViOns year. It u pretably the most serious problem the average householder has to 'consider, and it will likely get worse as the future dis- closes how near exhaustion wood is beeonting in Ontario. The peat bogs in Ireland, furnish heat of some sort, for the s eller housesin thatseantry, but CanadiaiL-pea f.f3efris to lack s'orne,' ingredient that the Irish commodity possesses. Perhapsethis"..country'S peat is ineapable of throwing out heat in 'suflicent volume to .cOunteract the low tensperatuos of the Canadian winters, and has con- sequently been rejected. Substantial SUMs have been spent by individuals, corporations and .governments in ati'ladat to obtain perfect peat adapted to this climate, a but in no instance -has the result been . satisfactory. Peat bogs: at Alfred, in the Montreal. --,Ottawa district . and at Bradford, 40 mile north Of Toronto, have been experimented with' on several oceasionsi but without suceess. 'While other countries are getting results front pent, it seems Strang, that -Canada Carina' get this "Inard.tinsubsttheLmarket 01110 PAPERS' ,OPINIONE ing Too Far. The Ilanner,..13rown City,. Mich) 4elenit *outset*, has had 1604 earthquake shocks since October 18 Vepeisdie; (Montreal Star) Few. arts, have made greater progresain thiscentury than that of the isur. gotett it le within the merapri *of the - older pneritioni when * visit to- a dentist was regarded for - weeks' *heed with'tearfnl aPPreliension and was often, -PrOdttetlett_of stry_realagony,„, .The_dentist,in-fstetrwas regarded as an unavoidable enemy; to be ,encountered -only AS a last resort'. Compare that attitude with the prevailing:idea of that„ their dentlit is their friend just, atrnizelt, as their 4Oefei; *i*ert preservation of their health, an& should' be regarded With equal tonfidence and frinktess. peciaI attention is given to-atild'sdentistry, 40 It is recognized that a much fuller knowledge of what teeth mean in childhood will be invaluable to yoting mothers, trod. to ,otiters who hare the care of children. Modern researc), for losoce, has completely revolutionised fh old ideas about 4 YOUng &Wel teeth behrt rehrlivelV uniMportant.° Proper in'StrtsctiOn A* to the care , of` thildre0 teeth has led to a vastly improved measure of health among the young folk, Xoesn' Look Good. (The Barrie P,Ximiner)-.Mein. beza of the *Wind ItoaN of Vocation he declined to. necog PO for their strilCos. "Ite, It I. Thompson* one 1 'tile trustees, wheo, the matter Was up' for consider*.' tion, 50411 °These are (‘,1fts,t, when men thould serve oot' of public .spiritedoess„ and not for nioneY they' get out of it. It ig strange th*t who tin*, were good, 4104 were wifling te serve fo'r; nothing„ and now that the town is 100- V., ihtY-10114 tatt P*W% 4114 s- the Way it looks to an outsider, In tootit .04 ether towns of the tountry- whkh- hote potitt- their ***school trugttectr- utititieg oMmissionera niehil*rs of the ToWil Silo With the exception of the rotayori tervewithoot re moneratiOni but inMidland; whichltika 10 dealt 00 its bonds, merol*ps Of the. Town. Council have been veld, on. the'1**1,* $15,00 a meetortbep*foue�r**54 tbe':6114tO-litiltiiii fOo: tbe voitelet * ,b3r4W10 proirlae them with * honot*ritun 01 *100per mother *I141 #00 tor tho*theirmaug, spe Sklik under lialland's tire*** DE111* iketC*.14-1-uAned.irte-reThit., .ifORMesfloNou gee. l'irA:v1:7.14*$v4s!")47")( 454.Paki-t..M. WHO iiatitlarstn 114liee4e4 0,4110s I STAMP OF wiltas Rakoti *PA Doessot ICA sosso, sok Osti4ItY PON4 (sostt IScSeAlc ettisti4i.4,4 Wiffi. $1140,K1 of 'IV Sef1e14$ MR. 5, D. cRorr happiness, pArliquErrEt) wirell-Regrt* Rev. It (Continued from page' 1) 014fisilnir 41g.ani-71)ethliregretted4bta bywire that Superintendent. MCICeoagh of ,4trat- he could not attend the banquet and ford also landed gig. crows rfiffrolitling; asked that Mr. -Pisaaes -1yreakins Shetad :he had been sefth the a N, tor, 32 sing "that our ctsog of Mine," whlch Yeare, as telegraph operator and 'travel- was .done . w• ith ar vim*. ling freight agent before being sent to. aint v• olleetivetr or : Separately Duritaan arid Oederich, lre %115 11°w! AllAYor-,g, UtOtwan, before pre- . dstone bag voulg.• te- a uses oivisAors, a tertain S1321senting Cron Wlal U. that the *Metals appreciated his worth. ,,..;%nd a beeviers kit „bag. itated, they were .not accompanied by an erebmedJed ea se en—b—aSs-Ze-arsrfrionai: lie recalled the last time thetown had spent money for embossing •an address. Supt. meReough had no hesitation in mmertding_Mz..,Jacksorrzto_thr-b ness people of doderielis Mr. T. Wrenwiek, Mr, AI 8. Munro and Mr. p. Broad. all of Stratford, also paid f It was when...a delegation bad gone te tributes V the gueet othe Ing. - • Rev. A. C. 'Calder hadn't known Mr. Croft very long but what he did know of him was to his credit, extept his golf. even - Mr. Calder referred to some of his ex- . 0 awe to siritervie* Hen. IViifeKerige Xing. They were introduced by Hon. James lVfalsolm, who also had a delega- tion with, him from; itineardfne. • Both towns Wanted something, the Goderich delegates asking-, for harbor improves periences in the Ontario Legislature !milts and got them. It .was on. that oo- when Judge Costello, Mr. Chas. Robert_ casion Mr. Maleolm declared "those son. and he were Members .at the sa.me ooderich men would hang conectivey time, at which time there was no man or separately but they would stick tos on either side More respected; than Mr. 'gether until they got .w,hat hey want - Robertson. As to Mr!' Croft, eontinued ed.,, _His Worship added it was that therector of the Croderich Anglican MAW of action that enabled Ooderich to chiirch, if he is is esteenied in Brantford .„ir,,,,.. ,,, „,.__.,,,._ ,.., ,..._. as he- is in OOderiell. bib let -Will be very s'''''..7' ""- 1" -*-'11''''',Y."' ."."' S deligissUul. Mr, Calder. '4;19P1,Pleted' his, sA. Man_of Part% remarks by reading the f011ewing, the first letter of' ea.cii line being those of Referring t� Mr. Croft, the mayor said Mr. Croft's name. , he was a man of parts, and Versatile. , Christ be thy captain and defender true; ready at all times to help any person or Right be thy cause. as- it is His cause too;. Onward thy aim, though oft times sorely tried; Priendiliirr thy treasure, thoUgh elehes be denied. 'Ittist„-and ,thy soul shall find all need supplied. organizations •'His promotion was Well deserved end knew Mr: Croft woeld carry with him the best wishes of the whole town. lif they had wanted to get all his friends together, the Court -House park would have been 'required. ' His Worship then presented Mr. Croft with the two gifts "from the manufac- turers and industrial plants, the Lions' Tants by oeverner ,. club, ' the town council. his fishing, Mr. T R.._ Itteynolcs,:--governor--of -,th)x111411_4, golfing and other-Ooderieh Ti ,,antrwt_sivetatit...-tior,-..a_ratrout lends-as-reminders-„of-the_goos_ttmes. COMPoSed er Mr. CrOtt, Mr. we have had together," adding Parsons, Mr. Praiser and ibboatIl. had .egoyed many ibiL.444.fiess and ,keep oo e64,,, shlo, Their experituces from ,the foto of tile eoncluded Mayor ac an, amid. ap- pests, the Governor retailed some Of '"Ta'"-ASSII: -G9dthe fine games together and regretted that Mr. croft's remeval weadd break Up the uixra,..'„Irgxr:-.4- ' Now and for evermore." cembination. To .the enioYMent of the "Tha.t is the wish of all your friends," hill *hen a back lo the land movemtnt Pla'use• . „Wass diseUrssed, ' . ., - • 'Good Wishes -Appreciated . - Ali were True Mr. Croft espresied his appreciation Judge Costello was not yet a Goderieh o1. the many kind things said during the old boy, having 'been here only four pr evening. He eicknoWledged Superintens live years. ., He was consequently not as dent Piggott's interest in himself and Intimate with Or. Croft as' some of his .older friends, Out he knew enough about the guest of the evening to know° that overdrawn. He erteTimitt"statements tenthe time hitavvier: tame for him to leave Ciotlerieh, which he trusted would not be until he was Lee, Mr, Chas. Wurtele, mr, Chas. and Carried away. that PeOPle could say the Mr. Prank Saunders. the Good Road. sameand'as deservedly Wait "blre, as mr.,*thiriery co; ft?, tioderieb Manufac: they had Omit Mr. crott. The first turirtg Co., the Coderich Planing .lvtills, time - hi mit Mr, >Croft he formed a Neil the toal and the oit men, the merchants opinion "Of him and that opinion had and other business men. As A member never changed. ' lie. beard Rev...1:). J. of the town cotmcil for two years he was Lane's remarks about his long acquaint? Indebted to Mayor macEsvan and , tile i_ ance With. Mr; CreXt, ML Mit he didn't knew town ,clerk, Mr. L. .- Knox, for invalu. that they Were trite, because be hadseen able s-ssistiusee. He and Mr. Thos. those °tWe Men shaking bands as they' Millen -tit the C.P.R. had got to know' cable In and lie believed they were Just each other and were the beet of friends. i being introduced. ..tadge 'Costello, how:. Though both were after all the business ever. ,a0Preeiated the heart aeheg of they could get for their respective roads. these. who had known Mr. Croft, intnn-"i he had never known Jklr. Cerinon do .an atelf:Tancr lair Plitee - In Iliar -eaten ittitife-act.-oi- tOrii. -I Sheri Ciiiiiiii16 get would bet.illtkareeir towastill, glad to tee Mr. business. They had therefore' become The Matta; Robertson' back among his Gederleb Itiends, and asserted that no, roleinberr. trritlif:ltn4T /*borer rumor; iitittoire ,rothei4 i5trrieth%ds4pImittbuewintesteimmiorifs,, 0.mrliitxt,rrtson: diti Witi)e they Were in thi . getvrtieg to the guest of the evening _ __, the " 'eonunlied. Ur, crixD *toned a 140 -Con some future (=Aston. ' The to belong to WOO, ing but the /Amite' thairitaii thanked Miss Connell; Mr. Aiti and the ,,ign of Columbus and if hcatayed hers kink enough lie might Join both ,ot. them ' On behalf of his oorre family- and eORY nnitik wentith,and.thild ht °ode - rich. *fudge- Costello wished him every .1) thanked him for his latest promotion, He bad enjoyed his ten years in ,Ciode- rich, 'where be had receivedthe to.op- eration of the naruntfactures and shins PerS. Ws associations with Parsons, mr. 3. W. Praser, Mr. a C. and remained the best of friends. ,While lie regretted. leaving 'iaoderich. toolcr:notrefue. ,thepromptien to srantford, but he itiouitTnerier*forgitthi friends be Was Ieaving behind. - tne, Iyareor*,-. the chairman; - Stated that 'Hen. Devid Cron. „Minister of Wel- &reit bad been 'unable .to attend the gathering but promised to pay. Ooderleh Charles IVitakine and Mis Prank Isiley, for their generous contributions to the program. ' .fir'Nelson Hill WAS the secretary, who looked atter the :natty details in tonneetion with the gathering. ...v. • rpm ABERDEEN ANOUS IN ORAND,CHAP41011, aal af, 4.6.0 10 • tiers "to the Editor s 'illaertien of letters does not necegiverily mean, we endorse the opinion ,of the writers, .but We ,cOme lettere' on matters of publio in terest.--Ed).', a TOWN WOOD. PILE ,Ctoderieh, WO. soth,, 1904, The Ooderich Star, . Dear 441tor,I-,-,While reading a certain local newspaper, ,f was Surprised to see a recommendation 0 the taxpayers and householders. to refrain .froM giving men who. are out of work a meal, or'beoct-out of something to eat, no doubt ledging is ineluded. If they are in the town. they are to be referred to the town weed, pile to earn their meall or lodging, t artia Suit wondering if those same ad - veep,* were ever ,dowrt and out or if they .were born with a .silver spoors Adindsalso1 should be pleased to know if .1 they, give donatione to their chinclie.s for ,.„ _ ".foreign renel" or if it is to advertise their own Soscalled Christianity, T am surPrised, and *think this form of relief, has been suggested.. Why not leave it to the 'generosity and good will of the ta* ,I3eYera , -Many a t goad respectable' young man has been, alsd others. will be, out of work and funds and appreciated geod honest 1 help. it seems to me, we could stand more goad honest ehristianity_ and true samaritans with harmless disvisaand-Out /mile -Men and women_too._ s is there a "nigger" in the wood *pile or is there serneone who is quite able) to pay, getting free wood both sawn and split, "sitting ,pretty." . The writer would be glad to • hear comments from others of an unselfish nature. Thanking you. ,Mr. Editor, for space, I remain. A TAXPAYER. s • Oh. 1030 pal El *eking •• for, the '19 p -partment of lasbor w eh rote.regard' ing the parnfeq O'ream of water 'rates against the ottage ,ind' Col- borne apattments 0 the ;iisnee130ch,f, anan estate. It wa referred to OW solicitor and collector to take nee0a,. Pixy proceedings to have the matter settled Without further delay, and it arrears are not paid, the service bee cut off: , ,A notice from Mr. Middleton of that assignment of Mr: J. C. Carrie was, referred to the treasurer and collec- tor. SEVEN MISTAKES IN LIFE" 1, The delusion that indl1 rof- ' =cement is made by eruS,g otbers down. 2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or eers, reeted3. T.114.isting that a thing is ImPosSibile"„t because we ourselves' cannot aceompitsit It. * 4. 'Attempting to compel other per. - sons to believe and live as we do. 5. Neglecting development and re- finement .of the • mind ,ty-,not, ,gtoquiring the habit of. reading fine literature. ' 6. Refusing to set aside trivial pre- ferences, in order that important things may be accomplished. 7. The failure to establisia-sgrayabit of saving' money. ^ Excellent for croupy Clilldren.-When tt child IS suffering with troup it is a good plan to use Dr. Thomas' Ecieetric Oil It, reduces the inflammation and loosens the phelgm giving speedy relief to the little sufferer. It is equally rewse*,' liable for sore throat and chest, earache rheumatic pains, guts, bruises and sprains. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is regarded by man Y thousands as an dispensable of the 'family medicine chest. PRQP-ERLY--TRIMMED-TRELS WOULD IMPROVE RECEPTION 1, A letter from A. R. Clinchy, Radio Inspector of. the Marine Department, stating that radio reception in Gode- rich_weuld be greatly improved if all trees were properly trimmed so as to clear all primary lines, was read at a meeting of the Public Utilities Commission on Thursqay. The mat- ter was referred to the Superin- tendent to have the primary lines cleared. ' A number of applications for elec- tric lighting services were passed at this meeting. _ An' application from Mr. J. E. Huckins for a five H. P. electric ser- vice at the coal loading yard at the dock, was passed. Mr. A. -M. Robertson was appointed to prepare the December 15th finan- cial statedient at a remuneration of 05. A letter from the H. E. P. C. of Ontario-, regarding co-operative ad- vertising, to stimulate the sale of 'Hydro lamps in hydro municipalities, was fyled., A boiler inspection report on the boiler at the waterworks plant as II % 4• orge-Dmans °claim 29th, was read and will be forwarded to the Boiler Inspector 01 the Provin- eiarl)epattin'ent of Labor. liitter from the Ontario Munici- J. W. CRAIGIE rimiuf 71? nil Nee DOMINION, PROVINCIAL s. AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Phone 24 TFIE 0. F. CAREY CO. Fire, Accident and motor Car INSURANCE Rep. The London Life Insuraeoe co. Office: Masonic- Temple, West St., Ooderich- Phone 230 NELSON HILL, Mgr. 3. ft. Wheeler FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND -- EMBALMER ALSO AMBULANCE SERVICE GODERICIL ONTARIO All calls ntomptly attended Vs day or night. Phones Store 335:HousC 355. IIEEVER'S SERVICE STATION 40 Hatantan St. itume „242w. . FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES BATTERIES' TIRE CHAINS- . DEFROSTERS SPARK PLUGS CAR HEATERS ANTI FREEZE ICIRFS TtIBEF 49 Our prices are thi lowest in town. How about those Storm Sash you have been figuring on— Better call 61 and let us send a man to get your measurements - and quote you a priCe. THE GODERICO .MANUFACTURING CO.; ' Phone 41 Angellsea St. - ose-tainful ils— • Au suffering !ton! Rwho.....Mbati,ioser _411!.• how sick and "- miserable they make you feel, and the worst part IS that .fts iss you nein to get rid of ono heather crops up to take its &co*, seem- ingilf 0147to tOlOng agony' mistv. Done are ceased by,„ bad blood, bet when the bleed is :purified, cleansed and vitalized by,11.13.11, • the 'belle quickly disappetti„ your miseryetetohatinisopseaveddi;yatoora hycousurh soutvna becomes clean, smooth and free from eruptions. just try bottln, BURDOCK LOO[) =NM DITTERS I 011 a 1 Ooai The mines report that up to the present there had beeti vory little coal shipped and that they will not be able -14rtake-care-ofthe. demand- Wliefilltolcniiiitherseli rn Put in your coal NOW. no., not have an empty coal bin when it is impossible to,get coal. ,We handle, ThE PAMOts roottitus ALIIERTA. COAL. DISCO, *lath isa vet, Peoilst (*TS et 6014 with th.4111*,*101t est cllE$TNUT *54 STOVE ANTHRACtIE COAL 'PA YOUR ORA s t14.4 L4.,t4,"4'