The Goderich Star, 1935-12-05, Page 1eek
see. .esk......s.sesete.. see.. e,SetteetteereaSe '
49 ,
preientatives of Various Organizations Pay Tribute to * Good
Citizen. Transferred to Brantford by Canadian National Ran -
w ys. His Willingness to Help Won Esteem of All Classes.
pers and Manufacturers Appreciated His Services,.
neoniws fa, thick and feet, Open"
.Croft at a banquet in the Bea-
rd. floe on ,Friday evening when he
34. the :guest oZ the; Beard of Trade and
e isms, Club.. His transference- from
derich to Brantford by the C. N, R.
the reason for the gathering of eome
repretentative citizens and visiting
ailway officials to ,wish him and his,
ealth and happines.s in their' new sur-
Mr. /GS L. Parsons was ,chairman, and,
stiliteeteelly did he discharge those
uties, that two or three speakers
sted he should be appointed permanent
hairmansof--Goderich-forssuch gather-
gs, Mr. Parsons' aptitude tor that tits-
ctive positithi vras proven by his brief
pointed Introduction of the various
peakers. In his initial rem.arks fie•
fated he was not going to inflict weari-
e introductions. upon the guests, and
e didn't.
Songs by Mr. Frank Riley and Mr.
Charles Meakin. with Miles Gene Con -
'mei es pianist, added -to the enjoerment.
of the diners.
Important' Cetlieeic e
'Referring to Mr. S. D. Croft. the
guest of the evening, Mr. Parsons said
he was one of the most important men
Goderich; he was _active it church
work, in fraternal societies, in child wel,
fare, the father of 'amateur spore?, a
golfer and a 'tfisherman, in the actiyi-
ties of tie town. Mr.- Croft was always
there and Godericli was, losing one of
the best of men by his removal.
Mr. G. le, Jackson, whoisueceeds Mr.
Croft as C. N. R. agent\ in Ooderi•Oe.,
was, with Mrs. Jackson; welcomed to
"the ,prettiest town in Canada" by the
Prom lmprssslons eathered on visits
'to Goderich, Nee Jackson stated he was
Atu/ally_pleazed .oh antainted -to
4hii:town. where he believed Mrs. Jaek-
' /Ts -son -int he would be happy and 'core -
tented. Ready
U Mi'rank •Hibbertpresietint of the
Moard of Trade,. claimed it was impos-
5sible to All how deeply that Board re-
.4gretthd Mr. Croft's removal. Anything
Alle Board of Trade had achieved was
[Woe. very largely to the energy and
activity of lktfr. 8. D. Crett, who often
"set aside his personal and eocial duties
to assist the *Board in losing him.
Goderfela is losing one of its most valu-
e le eeititene. in behalf of the -Board o
ila 'Ivstish Mrs, and Mrs.
facetiouslY remarked that he only made
fspeech when he wat mad, and he
wasn't mad tquight. He eulogized Mr.
Croft for hie efforts in Cennection, 'with.
the Centennial oelebration, and added
tha 'they had alwaya been able to Settle
their difterence.s, without any trouble.
Mr. Connon hoped the visiting Cana-
dian National officials would apprepiate
Mr. Croft's efficiency. The best e cat"
01=14 he could pay him was that "he
was a good neighbor."
Entitled to the Best
•Mr, Charle,e Robertson, M.L.A., said
he „had been delegated by Premier Hep-
burn to attend the dinner and convey
good wishes for Mr. Croft's future. Ire
could say a whole lot about the guest
011ie -evening 'ha Instead- of -going into
details. all he was going to say was
"Amen to everything that had been
aid." Mr. Croft Was entitled to the
best, and Mr. Robertson hoped he would
get it.
Montreal Instead of Brantford
Mr. Chas, K. Saunders, responding for
the local industries, believed the 0. N.R.
officials, when they Teamed of the many
sterling qualities of 311r. Croft, and
what -theseltizens---ofs-this. town -really.
had made a ratstake in sending him to
Brantford, but should have transferred
him to Montreal where there was a
larger ssope -for hieeabilities. Though
railway agentwere netessaell ycircum.
scribed by regulations, Mr. Croft had
used such good judgment and discern -
Menti on many oecasions, without sacri-
ficing or jeopardizing the interests of
his -company, that shippers rarely had
cause, to • complain. He appreciated
what Mr. Croft had always done for his
firm and was satisfied other .shippers
were equally grateful. Personally and
In behalf of the others. he therefore
wished Mr. Croft the best of success.
- - Sorry To See 'dim Go
Mr. Andrew Porter as a bowling col-
religue of the guest of the evening', was
sorry to see him go. Sometimes wan-
der lust induced a man to leave sesplace.
cases -green -pastures -prompted
Win to fold UP his tent and depart, but
not so with Mr. Croft. It- was the call
of duty, not opportunity, and while they
were sorry to •see hem go. they reioiced
to see him climbing the ladder of suc-
cess. As a bowler he enioyed bowling
with Mr. Croft or against him. He (the
speaker) had fend him ready to do his
best in besillese 'and hoped he would
ye the best of luck at Brantford.
Croft 'the best of lutk and happinees.
1Vir. 'Douglas ,i3rOwn, a member cd the
'llovvn Council, in behalf of Mayor Mac -
Ewan, who was to speak, later in the
,e'venine, asserted that Mr. Croft "knew
Iris stuff" whethef golfing, fishing,
ling; or sornothing for the tovvn.
'Humanity" said Mr. Brown, is divided two classes;,, those wlio did' things
,nd those who at back and let George
• it." Mr. Croft belonged to the
rges; he wet one of those who Milled
ore than his own weight in the boat -I
ne of the best. As a member of, the
wn. Cotmeil, he always did what he
ertOok to db. and usually a little
re. irlIe-samepplied on the wel.'
re eommittee and other activities.:
Broaes. expressed the hope that
hen Mr. Croft's period of service on'
Cs.: N. R. was eompleted, he would
urn to Make his permanent home in
. Many Virtues -No .Vices
Mr. J. H. Taylor, Chief of the Lies
, said the success of a Club depend-
:UNA hoW the. ineinbers to -operated.
. ;Croft Wets ant ideal member and al-
es wilUng to his share. Mr. Tay-
, had. known...Mr. Croft since his arri-
1 tete ibtlr years ago and had fotind
to be a man With many virtues and
vices. , Ite Was glad the Canadian
enta Od, wished him and his every
Lilaegnees. lex the. Oki* tt.
Yey aM Regret
Of, joy and regret, leo that 75 good
ifOodlthhigli that had been .sakt
10. )0toft were due to his hetne
d, thUreit ttsOchttioni. He was ax*
Ver. of Mk* tinted'• the highest hon.
in the_ gift ,Of his church. " A. good
is not 'knownby what,. he gets
ot life IiiWV/but he pats into,it,' Said
' no ehurelt.-wtinid al.
renunliber M • Cligt 'with the
deet rec011eetiong...„
i4.00te1ed for Support,
Mr 0 'N. Dower recalled 40* .read -
Mr had gone to the 4.Ssistance
the BO &MA's a tOuple of years ago
4 4104 then the Scouts had ' never
,60 Attlee. ,de etumerOtts as the are.
3.ft.*.Dowker appealed for sup -
not netessarily MOtiee, but moral
eu. I t a the citizens It behalf of the
At the present time they had-
% ChairMale brit were Trasking for
Orie And Would like to get. in contact
*tiiseine person veillirig to ocoupythat
A GOO d 'Neighbor
Contiott..-Of_the...0,...i._ XL,
When asked to reply to '1:cit1zensh1p.'
AC' e
1 t
Any teakPaYer Of the Town, of
tioderith who*reOlired his be her.
tax*dos( fo1'411' a the years
to -Mt • ,ibOtia
any arats litarked. ,feit
Ithullyget hi toot, person.
'bS' 0601 or Utter. With the
Pt'e'ent tax oTlctor, or the on-
et *rot valet station,
here, or 1tb.
Proud of M. Croft
• # 5,4'; tvpr.(14 (44",..?!.. (te (In
Next Weck
The annual' Chris*** shopping
number of The Star will 1* Issued
next Thtirodoy, Dec, 12th. -
edltkm ,w111 contain 'the
messages of the merchant* of Citsk-
rich* and the movie a the town and
nearbytownehipe should tube ad-
seentage of the offerings end do
Christmas buying In their own own.
naanity. Read the 'advertisements in .
The Starmake up your list, and
then visit these store* You will
find a wonderful oeleetlen of gifts
offered at reasoneble prices.
Buyers are not leaving everything -
to the last day or two; so merehants
are asked to have their copy ,ready
when Star representative ealae
which he will do befpre nersi next
Tuesday, -The object is to have The
Star in the hands of the town sub-
scribers on Thursday afternoon and
In the homes on the rural routes by
the firet deliveries on Friday.
- This will be -done if the raerchants
will cooperate by haying their copy
ready as early as possible in the
t, week.
Town Wood Pile
Not Yopular
"Knights of the Road" Will Ad-
_ _vise Pah_to `Stand' Clear"
Two lads, on the lurch, arrived- 'at
the, town all the other night and
asked for a meal atid bed.They -were
given a meal and a meal ticket, and
after they had eSten, spent the night
in the bunk -house at the town hall.
The next morning they wilted the
chief of police for a meal ticket. "Did
you cut any wood?" asked Mr. Pos-
telthwaite. "No," replied the tran-
sients. "Well go out there and cut
some then," the policeman said, try-
ing to be toegh with them in spite of
his good nature.
The men went Out to the yard, and
in .at ehart time were back- asking for
I -their meal tickets. Mr. Postelthwaite
evelsteoutto the yar'
i was cut. He found a little more than
a Wheel -barrow full. "Oh that's not
1 enough," he said, "you cut about half
a cord and then come back ana
give you a ticket". The men began
to grumble a little. The chief said,
"Well it's either that or you beat it".1
"All right, they said, we'll beat it.",
Now the word will go around among!
the 9enghts of the highway,' "Don't
go -there, -thaes,--where- they-anak-e--you I
cut wood," •
place. at the 'town hall one morning
last week, is the story of the man I 411111,111116111.111.
Who slapped his pal's face and was t
thanked for doing it. It iereported from China that
The two men had been out in the I Japanese troops have crossed tile
yard cutting wood and were waiting Great Wall and entered the so-called
for the chief to make out their meal
tickets. One of them began to stretch "autonomous state" which they de-
clare should be set up in the five pro -
W.=.4; *gatof, else Lendon
-firllieflr'it?''vrat• 'grateful
for the invitation extended by Mr. G.
L. Pareons. who had gone to London to
ask him to attend the banquet. It was
a source of gratification to him to hear
cilzens in all walks of life sneak eo high-
ly of Mr, Croft. 'Mr. Piggott added that
he had been partially responsible for
sending Mr. Ceoft to etoderich and was
wholly respons1ble for his removal to
Brantford. He had been a good rem.
sentatiye for the Canadian National in
Goderich and was satisfied he would be
eseallv as good, or better, in the larger
field where he was now going. He pre -
di -ted Mr. Croft mtght eventually find
himself in Raninton or Toronto, Mr.,
Jackson had also had a succeesful
career with the C. N. R. at Norval and,
Listowel and Mr. Piggott knew that
Goderich would have no reason to com-
Plain about his appointment to this
0. 0; R.
I View of the Gre4"Viteill
M. A
14 C H
11 0 - -Z
• %MIR -
0.,,.40.tese,seeeeSeLeesstees„,),. ae See esstesse. fes-treekeseseeerseleseatereseeetereeefeeeteonseeese
alogiaggee 'tillisaailisia
County council Homing Last Session of Year. Official. Re,
ports Presented. Clerk J M, Roberts Congratulated on His
Efficiency. Purchase of C ar for Commission, Absolutely -
Above Board.
, The Lleceniber session of the Countyi ehould flat become obligated where they
Ooancil sopened on Tuesday afternoon, i have no right to pey.
With Warden Wm. Sweater presiding.
Ills Worship congratulated the mem-
bers of the Committees on their expedi-
tious dispatch of matters under their
A Timely Suggestion
Mr. Ieiberts suggested that some con.
sideration should be given to any plan
so that those who are earning Might
contribute to a fund for their protection
jereediction, and expressed deep regret when sickness or old age confronts them.
at the passing of Reeve W. W. Crosier •Preeent taxation did not cover that !eat-
er Seaforth, who is sueceeded for the tire, but definite donations to such a
balance of /.935 by Mr. Hudson.
The Canadian Bankers' Association
advised that the interest charged munie
cipalities depended on the market price
of their securities.
The following counties endorsed the
resolution of the Huron Council favor-
ing the abolition of Provincial Legisla-
tures. namely Water195, Wellington, Lin-
eoln. Leeds and Grenville.
Wellington County declined to en-
dorse the resolution. Brant favored the
retention of powers by County Councils;
Wentworth took- no action; Welland
promised to lay it before the Council at
its next session: and Perth favored-- the
centraheation of power. .
The County of F., s„
ells. .which since their establishment in
1842 had been inexpensive adminietra-
1. Ove bodies. with the members in close
touch with the people.
The County of Dufferin sent .a copy
of the following resolution as passed' by
It last June: "That this council views
with apprehension the spirit of the Gov.
ernment regarding relief, orderirig muni-
elpallties to pay without their consent.
They recommended that the granting
of relief be left to the councils of the
muni inalities. -Theyurged he Gov-
ernment to discourage the co.,13. laints of
refused. applicants who write direct to
the department.
'Kent County asked co-operation to
fund would tend to create self-respeet as -
every one would benefit from the fund
to whish they had contributed.
Mr. Roberts referred to the registry
oftlee in hes. report. Mothers' Allowances.
Education, Libraries. Regarding stte,
dents who are wastires their tene In
high -schools or collegiates. he thought it
would be fairer if the County set a limit
on the years they Would pay for those
• Old Age Pensions
Number of applications received fronf
Jan. 1st to Nov. 30th 109
Granted (including some not pre-
viously dealt with 128
Refusea 17
Increases granted 49
Cancellations '2
'Applications forwarded but not yet
dealt with 9
Reinstatements , 1
The estimeted pension bill will amount
to S15.500, by the end of 1935, which
does not include amounts to be paid the
Grant Not Paid
As no notification had been received
as to who is the secretary of the South'.
Huron Plowman's Association, that grant
had not been paid. •
Finances in Safe Ifands
The County Clerk added: "Mr.
Erskine, your treasurer, has given you
very efficient service throughout ,the
be in better heads.-
messetee Legaslatin., iv abonth The. year andee
svee may fl assured the 1in, .
Ontario Municipal Board's fee for law stamps - an applications to issue deben- errial affairs of tthe County could
1 tures for neceesary expenditures arid po.-ssibly .
! that such fees as had been paid should He also thanked the warden and
-tette-refunded. 1.
members for their assistance during She
' muni !pal clerks forward to the County ' - J M. Govenlock, Inspector of the ,
Hullett Township asked that all
Clerk a list of all births. marriages House of Refuge at Clinton, reported
and deaths for permanent records and , that a number of repairs had been made
that the County urge the Legiswhich is no40- years old.
Legislature to. by the Property Committee. to the build -
make this a provincial ruling. inn- w -
Fifty -Nine Prisoners
The Lucknow library haying discard- The report of Huron County gaol for
ed a lot of .obselete begets anti made the past six months, submitted by Mr. J.
other improVements, applied for a B. Reynolds, gaoler, showed that there
grant.. -„most of their readers being resi- had been 59 prisoners committed in that
dents of Huron.
eePhe'-West-fitiron--W:-..-1- asked --for-u ItZseenati,Lind thatthere are seven there at
egrant of $100 and 30 Huron residents L. C. A, • . _se_ ,
'Isleerthat the' Otte Iiii* in 'Grey Town..i .,., ---:::: , ,
ship should be kept open during the, Traffic Act
winter. ....le,
. . ' I 3
The Department of Mines requires all, 2
ABOVE show the locaton of the
drillers of water well. ae well as gas , ..preaking and entering
Contempt of Court
Great Wall; the shaded area in the
lower map indicates the demilitariz- and oil wells. shall meld records of all , Assault . 1
ed district, and the lighter shading ,
drillings to the Natural Gas Commis- i Deserting children 1
the territory added to control the s'cinfr•
Receiving stolen goods 1
•The rxighwav Department wrote 'ap..t Cost of daily rations psr prisoner was
railroad and roads between P'eiping proving of the takinrover by the countvl 1014 cents.
and then opened hs mouth in one of vinces of northern China. The maps and Tientsin. •
those delightfully long satisfying ,
yawns that give a person that "Oh i WINTER 'STORAGE CARGOES winialn Stewart of West Wasvanoah
- of three sections tif road. as passed in Under the heading of enquiries. Reeve
bered by
ARRIVE AT GODERICH stated. that the Ciunty Roads commis.
so comfortable" feeling. The yawn emem
June Thaey were in Hullett, McKillop
and Osbo, seven other stretches were
ended, but the man's mouth remained
open, and he was trying to say some- '
thing. Finally the words were dis-
tinguished. 'alit it, hit it!" His jaw -Associates Regret Removal of Mr.
had become stuck, so enthusiastic '
was his yawn. His buddy who was I S. D. Croft
stithrling near, drew back his hand
n me ow on e ,
side of the other's face. It didn't
and landed a reso
u di bl th
(continued on page 2) work. He repeated the performance ; On Saturday afternoon, the people
and this time the jaw went back into ! associated with Mr '1 D. Croft in his
MR. CHARLES STOKES miumunred a gruff "thanks", at the . t d ' 't •
place and the recipient of the slap I .daily occupation, as a railroader, pre -
same time thinking perhaps that the •
Charles Stokes was appointed -School
Attendance Officer at the meeting of
the Public School Board on Monday
night. The duties of caretaker of Vic-
toria who& and attendance ealliter MVO DEATHS NEAttLY-DOUBLED Every- branch of the weal service
been combined for some years.. The IN NOVEMBER OF 1935 of' the anadian Nation*/ was repre-
sented on Saturday afternoon 'in the
Deaths retorded in Cloderich in Nov- freight office, when Mr. W. G. Mac -
.ember of .1035 amountedstosalmast twice .Mititkil4r.e4it the addreesearid_Mr. jack
asmany as those reobrded in Novetnber GraVelle presented Mr. Croft with a
of - Qrding,todgufe,gtbcred_ at.floor_lanipt.„ .staff, section
the thwn eferk'S office. The munber of men, car departmerit. yardmen, and
way freight crews were all there to
wish him good luck and happiness.
lob might have been done with a little floor lamp. -
less energy being used and without His removal to Brantford was re -
the accompanying grin on his gretted by the different speakers,
friend's face. who however recognized the move as
a distinct promotion.
property comMittee were given power to
'Awe Mr. Stokes some assistance in his
Coneraunications from Central Home
godeeichoa PIA and from _the Goderich
brands. of the W). T. stated that they
would contribute towards the cost oil
giving histructkm in mimic In the
Schools. They were laid over for futUre
The total attendance at Cehtral School
ler NoVember wee 218 and at Vidteria
370. Requisitions for supplies were re-
ferred to emninittee 'With power to att.
The inembers preaent were Rod John-
ston (chairman), John Cutt, 'Mrs. Geo..
Johnston, 3tm, D. D. Mooney, George
Schaefer, Dr. J. A. Gralituti, .lioWard
The regular meeting of the Knox,
church L. A. was held in the lecture
room on Friday with a good attendance,
Mit. Ai D. McLean, Prasidetit, opened
the meeting with devotional exercises.
The ,seripture lesson wss read by Mrs.
W. G. Mectewan 'and, rt. BisSett led
The meeting was th,en under the lead-
erehiP ofMts. J. A. iSfraiteri's group,
Which Put on a very clever 'skit, being; ft
presentation bra meek ladies' aid meet-
ing. Mrs. V, (3. Daulop acted as the
Very effitierit President, Ma, K. Emil
Meted * very worthy secretary, her
mitultes being ittv entertaining. while
Mrs, A. Stratton's treasurer's report
correct- 10.....,tent..0ther niteabers
.the Aid contributed as follows tattle
meeting's program: nerinoniza
Ott by Mrs.' Cen, tilssett; recitation by
MI* Kathleen ttectWari: vocal solo tolt
Dorothy Ctreene, and an address by
Albert ,'14* lo's; 'a„ditet_blr,,,Mesdataes
and aelforat hp thc ntire group also
ere MO% tunch' was served
Y the MOP to 141 pristecor,.
births, on the tontrary, dropped to al-
most half the number recorded for the
same period last year.
The following is a comparison of the
Deaths 6
1934 1935
Mr. I H. Taylor, manager of the
Goderich branch of the Bank of
Commerce, was notified on Saturday,
that he had been transferred to Galt,
to assume the management of the
branch in that city.
Mr. Taylor has been in Goderich
for about five years. Be is this year,
president of ;the Lion's Club, which
under his presidency has done so
much for ,underprivileged children.
Ile 'is an enthusia-tic golfer and a.
member of the Dienlayteriairelittrelr.
Hie transfer:ailed from Croderich is
I regretted by everyone who knows
Mr. Taylor's suceeaser is, Mr. r. J.
Little,. who comes to Goderich, from
) ROBBED - OF $3i00,01
, ......... ,
PrOta the eiroutrostainceS colineead" .
with the distappeaianee of ' about
$3,000;-poliee-are .4disposed'tor 'think
Joseph Coulter of Via, *as "rolled"
itt:44a;Ato . 0••, -.,4
When ladles undertake to do some-
thing they. invariably stleceed. They
have just achieved another triemiph.
Wlth the object of %Whig 11200 in be-
half of the blind of Huron County. the
Mated ,Leef Chapter of the tra.ughters
of the Empire, the Catholic Women's
League and the Niromen's tustitute made
certain plans and are able to announce
they have that suns, and $2.00 more.
Their receipts were 4211a4. from which
$9.34 had to be deduttod for expenses,
leaving $202 to be tent to the Canadian
National institute for the blind people
In liuren county. •
Gratifying as the result a the cam-
paign is, the, proceeds are not yet enough
t .thLti_e_cessa,_ry expenses of
The blistrfoundland Dog "tuff",
owned by Mts.' 'Outwit, Arthur SI.,'
was killed bont ten days ago on the
C. N. IL tracks by a 'freight train,
-neer the old' 'Polley Parnt,---The- dog.
had been the object of a ,erlde *Arch
111 tO11,11,Y‘ but nothing iotta
heard ofit until Friday of last week
when detAllg of the Accident Were
4.72 it1.41.
k;hiago'byfhir . Wiggling;
for his toile*: Jim ...Ciirviten, and his
loss it felt keenly 64 the 'family.
&alteredOn Sunday evening.
teat officers art investigating".
. • xtt(.4(444;(tIttttt,(..
et", See
e.41441411,4 -11 ~44 .4* 444 41140 2 .4 '41441.11111114404.
disapproved. Including Cambria Road in
sion have been a cuscd of taking money
-- ---- the town of Goderich in a car deal Mr. Stewart declared
The Beumaho arrived in Goderich
}net Thursday, with 105,000 bushels County Clerk's Report that he would like to find out wile it was
Mr. J. M Roberts presented an ex- that accused them. '
of wheat for winter storage at the haustiye report of th.e County's affairs Reeve Wilmot Haack°, of Coderkh
Western Canada Flour Mills. On Fri- for the year. endingeNov. 30th. It show- Township, in reply said that the allega-
day,' the Nayodac arrived light, and ed that $4.037.84 had been reTeived from tions had been Made at the nontinatiert
desired With 25,000 bushels pf flaX, the /1 ale of hogs; that the cost or htigs, meetleraTfolmesvilte after he had Ss
and 70,000 bushelof wheat for Mon- I bought during the year was 81.574.50, i viewed the Work Of the council and *had
Satu Saturday, 1 itnhee for
hpeitiael that there were 55 hop on hand valued ; asked if anyone wished to ask ally quie,3.
Imperial Oil ompany. On Monday, at $508. The net profit was 81139.44e tions. A ratepayer had asked hole many
M,000 Mr. Roberts expressed his appreeidtion; cars the colleen had bOUght M'the pest
the Bricoldoc came in with 240
bushels of wheat for the Western of the assistanee given by the manager,' year. Mr. Haaolte refe.rred to the report r. J.acob,s, who hhd /urnIshed the of the meeting as it was given- in. The
Canada Flour Mills and the Super-
ior arrived about 5 o'clock on Mon-
day afternoon with a 'ergo of pack-
age freight, and cleared with a cargo
of salt from the Goderich Salt Works.
The Cedarton arrived Tuesday with
93,000 bushels of wheat for storage
at the elevator, and • the Royalton
with 376,000 bushels of wheat for
'storage at the Mill.
At the regular meeting of. Court
Goderich No. 32, Canadian Order of
Foresters, the chair was occupied by
Bro. Mayor Ht. J. A. MacEwan. The
following officers were elected t Chief
Ranger, P. E. Bowra; Vice Chief. H.
Viriemer; Din. Secretary. A. J. Wilkins:
Treasurer, W. G. Wtlson; Chaplain,
Howard Wilkins; Rec. Secretary, W.
Price; -Senior Woodward. Wilson Me.;
Creath; Junior Woedward, .John Par-
rish; Senior Beadle, John McGraw::
Junior Beadle, Robt. Williams; Truss
tees, John Bell, James Wilsen, D. Sproul ;
Auditore. T. Drennan and ta. Barker.
On May 16111 of next year, Mr. A. .1.1
Wilkins will complete 20 years as -Milan- '
cial Secretary of No. 32 C. 0. P.
The Jersey cow. Masterman's SU-
verlecka, bred and owned by E. V.
Lawson, Goderich. has completed a
record, at 3 years' and 34114ays of age
In 305 days. of 7,164 pounds' of milk,
419 pounds of fat, with an average!
test of :5'.145 per. rent. ° '
0,0 01141.100 kw 0 • 0•0 ••••••
The delfki wood pile has been some-.
witg, tlaalited In appearance owing, to
the cold inap of the put few days
brtnging- transients. to. town. As eaeh
atati Lit rekliditrd tO work before given a
1211611 Matt tite pkile_of tut wood has
grown the past for days.
jrswth of habit. Tilde Charming qua.
lIty requires, pratfice 11 it is to betosne
too lasting.
above figures. No deduction was made
for labor, which was done by the in explanationlie, seserted that -the -Com -
mates; or for insurancemission had eonaidered it geed butiness
Hospitals .,...„.-to change the county- engwer's -ear be
tailte the -'old one WOtild have needed
The Clerk acknowledged the , lot of repaits. The tiommtssion wanted
hop. given, him by the dirtertni .1110-r41- -tc• low.prieett oat mr;--irsiseice-stated;--and
bers, than enabling him to eaVe the
the inatfer was left with the chainicsin
county smnecessary exPente. Orilit "1 -of the. Cernmisslon (Mrlisseke). and
constant eare can hospital and saw- out, oounty rnsineer. ti„ deo with. The
tartan casts be kept doWn. There ire chiannan coditt, not of met.
man3t.z.ecole ,unable to, PaY their Ige8 „- -
hospitals and it is essential the cOuntY (continued, on page 10)
_ ,
Goderich Star fOr the!rehlOinder of his
Volley in
rire*VMOr.IPWO'Ykt' I #•/•'‘ ti,"4