HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-11-28, Page 51.4kA , 'ilrh��l'dY^4L%. 04.,0, 4.i F•M,c 44Y0.04 4.0.e shite- i4` tigtry;•tiVOf1!Se4;'d.'i-N.� N 1V35 We have just passed into .stock ,some very smart numbers in Skirt$. Tailored styles with 'pleats..and tricky pockets in all • shades and sizes,. at each $1.95 and $2.95 See the ;new Gored Skirt, a actical style for every pur- pose, complete range of shades and sizes. 2.95 Girls' Skirts, sizes o to 1 4x. Smart styles for the Junior Miss and very reasonable at ea. $1.95 Pre ,ti 4,4,rr1NO, G1"iTAN'W`'! 0•w".X1 1 "'i4,,0'Mi'*Ui' ' •!01() 4'lr • ti t"., t4 Wool Pullovers The largest range we have ever shown. Fine wool Pullovers and Twin Sets, in' all the Fall shades. $1.49 to $3.25 each Girls' Crepe Dresses Sizes 10 to .14x in, •bright shades, new high neckline styli's. HAVE YOU JOINED OUR KAYSER HOSIERY CLUB ? GEO. W. SCHAEFER 'Your Store of Value MIN Phone 56 1 Abralp. Approprzarle- A Christmas Gift Suggestion. PHOTOGRAPHS always please. A gift that only "You" can give. Please- llow-Mr --Trvsaler� to �riie_a__ your personal gift problem with a Gift that will please and a Gift that is appreciated.. Trussler's_ Studio GODERICH, ONT. =y" Cor. Hamilton St. and The • Square SIAL' AND- PERSON. I 'terns of $oe'•lal interest are, las* vite,t 0y. The Star,' *hen .your . #lave `bests; a - phone . call 71, giving thee! Beres and where they % Come tern, . will • be 'appreei z.. . Shckuld YOU be leaving ,Loan • Qi1 • dr,. visit or 'Aril' , Your friend would be' interested, Eery per.. • Son reads 'the"- .Personal Colunr 4. in a town nett'spaper-We there, fore want all, the personal or .social items .a.e , can get and thank 150U dvain an:e •fes telling is . anyti ►t will help, , 4 Miss' Mary4?e3r, Cambridge Street ePen'G the week endrin London. Mr. Robert Johnstgrti is this week at* fending the County`"Clerk& and Sheriffs' Conventions in ' Yard°. • .i>*Maay MacViear are this 'week attending the Royal Winter Pair in Z ,Tonto. Mr,. and Mrs. A 7ph' Walters left last Saturday for VanDuver where they in. tend to reside, Mr, Wm. /min and Joseph, of Luck- ire Visiting with Mr. said Mrs, R. • Mr. J. A. Snyder is ' attending the Dairymen's Convention at the Royal York .Hotel in Tortnto. • MIS. S. E. McDowell, 44 ` Britannia Road; Will re: eine for the Arst time since her arrival Ir Goderich, from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday. December 5th. --liTil... -w7-t , r1 r, of WhiteelilxrCli, and` l 's: Sam Reid, of Lucknow, spent last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Phillips, Mrs. Hugh Ross suffered a fractured hip on Friday afternoon when she slip- ped, on the snow-covered sidewalk at the crossing at West Street and the Square, She was taken to •the hospital where the injury was treated. Mr. E. R. Wigle was last week elected_ chairman of the committee on by-laws, of the council; of the Ontario College of PhartrraP T" s,W_lale `..';el Stse# to -the (above position when attending the semi- annual , sesson .of tile council in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Salkeld motored to Toronto and visited their son, Mr. - Jack and Mrs. Salkeld.. • M 1 s s Pauline Johnston;" youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert John- store, Waterloo Street, suffered a broken collar -bine on Tuesday evening When she fell while out playing, with one of her • friends. rauline was takers to -the hos- pital for' treatment-: and stayed there over night, returning to her home on Wed- nesday morning. The Christian Service Group of W- toria United church held their monthly social evening at -the home --of Mr. _and Mrs. James Adams .on Tuesday, Nov. 26th. Rev. Mr. McClung, minister of the Baptist church, was the guest speak- er and gave an interesting talk on'"Duty and Vomti+on" followed by a helpful dis- cussion. A social half hour was enjoyed by the guests.. Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. 'Marshall, Rose.. heath Gardens, Toronto, announce the engagement of their only daughter. Doro- thy.. Elizabeth, to - iffy, John- Arnold Mc=- Connell of Goderich, eldest son of Mr. John W. McConnell of Woodstock ' and the i late Mrs. McConnell. The marriage _will take place at St. 'Paul's Presbyterian Church in Toronto on Satz rday, Noveln- -{ger-y0 hSkt- 2:34 p:m=--shesseremony fosse- conducted by Rev. R. C. Nfe:Dermid, pas - 1 for of the church. • '''.'THE BAPTIST ' CHURCH REV. S. R. McCL NG, • Minister. 10.00 a.m.-Bible :School:' 11.00 a.m.--"OBEDIENCE" / Ordibagnce of the Lord's Supper 47.00 p.m.- ., "TRAMP ORT ` `VELLER?" 1, Ow +T1 V.YR• ' ,a, :T.A 4... 4 4. ..v,... .4 %@.!I'.�LIiG�M�RiiA.IS'1M'.'�,h'4i�i�l.A•7��wi�.��,�i0ik�4+,�"wp,•,L„liirD`1R�* AT �'�r.� ± GOtiERIbri `. 69004x Noptiog A pretty :wedding of'mueh interest took place -on Tuesday. November 26th,, at 2 p.ni., when Miss tall*it.r,Orena Anderson. daughter~ .01 Mr. R. W. Anderson ` of Guelph, was united In. Marriage to Mr. Arthur Whoroas Ooddard,' son of. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ooddard. " The ceremony was performed by` Rev. A. C. Calder, in "the rectory of St. George's church, Mrs. Hild> Wilson acting as .hridesd and 4'« John Videan as german. The bride look d. cluirMing in a plum colored transparent velvet ,dress with matching aeSessories, and wore a corsage et orohlds, whilethe_lrride maid wore wine colored transparent velvet and a cor•+ ,saga of Yellow • mu.; The' groin's gift to the brtidesmaaid Was or ~purse and to the groom man,, a sea A .reception. WAS ld at the home : of Mr. and Mrs. Ar M Ur • 'Goddard, Quebec Street. -Ws. , ,. rd re eived in a black %transparent .:r.; t . gown and car- reed . +American Bea k roses. LIttst Vinee and yrs. , Bruder poured tea from a table Preto decorated with pink carnations" and ; dies of the same color. A three -s wedding cake grac- ed the. centre of, , e table.. About 40 guests were present The bride choee •%a her travelling cos- tume, a brown crepe'.dress, trimmed with. velvet and corresponding accessories, and -n-brown--travaitng•-coat.-,-- Itiends from a "disstahle attending the wedding and, reception were:, Mr. R. W. Anderson, Mr. and Akdr'a: Prank Hill, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Florence R.ichener and Mr. A. McBeth otGuelph; and Mrs. Bru- der of Oakville. ' Mr. and Mrs. Goddard left later in the afternoon on a motor trip to Washing- ton and other l oust#. They will reside in Guelph upon their return. C ., DUNGANNON- CAPITAL THEATREGODERICH Phone 47 0111pare E. 'Brawn in "Si of a.&Wor" with i nk .141e 711. __'M ArY 1V _ - ONLY-Ban-i�l�ite: • - HUGH HERBERT and HELEN BRAODERICK A new attraction brimful of crackling humor and sprightly -rcimance. The men h'.,s_best.speetl-show "TO' BEAT THE BAND" With Erie "Top Hat" Bore. AMOCO; Goderich Musical Society. T '•"ar; E.-- MAY' ROBSON, FAY WE AY, VIt 1 ORt ° JOE, in "MALLS OF THE GODS" TRUKTRInd ',* WILL ROGERS ANNE 13HIRLEY, mytx S. COBB, EUGENE PALLETTE and STEPIN FETCHIT in'vite'yof1 to voyage along the 'stream of content and wholesome' -humor "STEAMBOAT RQ, l KID -THE BEN D" The amuck!: n 76ri FlN7� a �..,.,......m,..., M. ,,,-.,,. .c9,...v�u......�-..:ems,�,a,_,..•...a.,.�.�-.P,-......�,.- ...,..,,,,.�,.. ,.�..�,x.,�<=.--.�-.,.. . .., iris! 11. 1111NERY Month-end Blearing of Fe]t Hats at greatlyreduced prices. Reblocking and Remodelling Care- fully and Reasonably Done G'OTHAM GOO) S111PE ROSE Service or Chiffon, at 75c per pr. We mile .your patronage. M t�: ►.: & S-McKINNON_ _ Plume 155 . SQUARE GlrIs!. - Good news for every girl at Goderich and vicinity DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! Beautiful "SI IRLEY TEMPLI" Dolls 4:very woman and. child lows this sweet -young lady of the Screen. She bas made millions of children happy. Girls admire ,this "BABY DOL." ' Mothers make your own baby sweetheart happy -Every • girl would love a "SHIRLEY TEMPLE D()LL" for Christmas. Give a Shirley Temple Doll for Xmas. A beautiful picture of this sweet child given"F "' , away . . rr Doll. Now on- dri�Iay �.. Allow sur to soirgost for Used G'xftei- ... _ ' O.'V, N$$ERVE and I YREX. ' "Come in and inspect oar Complete Stock, " r on Teh uToyow:..... • A4'. 0,44 4.2,14 4.......1;..44410•it,. �. Many people in ,this community seem practically unaware that there is in Dungannon a complete and up-to_date library whose shelves contain some -2600 volumes, or mores of such types as fiction (aaetilt and juvenile) travel, adventure, science, agriculture, biography, poetry, religion, economics, and. history. To tins • will be -made an addition 91 new 'books this year, amounting in value to about $60.00. The memt,ership fee is '50c per year, :less than 1 cent a week 'for as many hours' instructive reading as it, desired. The preferences of readers are considered' when new books are or- dered: To those who are not ,already members .and pay the subscription fee now, the balance of this year is given. free. On Friday evening. Dec. 6th, the library is sponsoring a .concert iri the parish hall, they program to be presented' entirely by local talent, and by the pupils of Dungannon school, An evening of fine entertainment is guaranteed to all' those who attend this annual event. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDermid -are _among those in attendance at the Royal Winter Pair. Mr. ' and Mrs. Carman Hayden,. of Port Albert,, were guests on Sunday with Mrs. Hayden's mother. - Mr. Charles_ Elliott..bas . r-etgrned from icifuntinfrtrip in Nal there Ontarto. + e succeeded . in shooting a fine deer, which' he brought home with him. The five -dollar tickets offered by God- erich hospital are to be on sale here during the month 'of December. Pur- chasers of these tickets,' or certifimtes. are given one week's free treatment for any member of the family during twelve months following the _ purchase.; The M tickets may be obtained from rs. R. Davidson any time in December. A unique method of ,assisting In the teaching of civics. vghich - ]s now on the. curriculum of all public schools has been adopted by Dungannon school. An election for president, of the Literary So ciety of the school is - to be held. Nom- inations were held oats Tuesday, the can- didates nominated being Miss Alma An- derson and Richard Park. 'The election, which will be held on Friday afternoon. and. at which every pupil of tire school mil2 be requirerr o pari 'his -or -her vote. will be conducted' ]n the. regular manner of an election, with returning officer. poll clerk, scrutineers, etc. Preelection speeches will be made by the candidates, outlining the various planks of the re- spective platfortns, which will • include such ideas as health, campaigns, skating parties, the division of the basements as play -rooms, etc., Alma's party calls Itself the Independents and Richard's the Progressives. Voting day is being await- ed with much interest. AUBURN I,( ii r II I Al G'n hrl „.Please allow ztslo Suggesc dies' Hose are AlwaysAppreciated • .Waw long da your. Stockingslasi? HAVE YOU TRIED " Santa Claus will soon be here Your- Christmas Gift to. _brim ;_ ,•• (live ORIENT HOSE to Sweetheart dear Then a loge tom..s>ae_tvillWsins.:. _ ORIENT STYLE 110 SERVICE SILK These sa Stockings are Famous For their wearing --qualities and -tr m -taiorcd- - appearance. Ask for style 110 at our Hosiery Counter S1 PMR The ORIENT HOSE is - the ladies' choice and the new Autumn shades are very popular. When . buying Ladies' Hose insist on "ORIENT HOSE" --they please the most particular... t.. your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING early and enjoy the pleasure of time to choose before Christarn*s 'rush begins. You cannot make ,a mistake' if you give her ORIENT HOSE. Phofl 86 in HI B B E RT g=ciCr e.h - -Shop at HIBBERT'S = Ladies' Wear -Mr. AIex. McKenzie 3s visiting his sis-1 ter in. Bayfield. "Mrs. Archie Rotilnson, Sr„is able to - be around again. Her daughter from , cHRisrmAsDttroit has been carie for her.G��TgsuGGEsTioN . Ed_ -Kurt henski-motored unfrom • Detroit on Friday. Mrs. Kurschenski and children, who have been 'visiting her parents: Mr. and Mrs. J. McBrlen, for the pastthree weeks, returned to De- troit with him on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Bean has been in Toronto since last Wednesday demonstrating the Murphy products at the Royal Fair. "Mrs. 8. Doerr is under a doctor's care at preseh t. 'Mlgses- E. Wilson and R: Straughan attended the Leaders' Training Class- of the ,Junior Institute at Zurich last Tues- day. Any girls wishing to join, will -please make arrangements early with either of these leaders. BAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Nov. 27. -Mr. W. J. Bug- ler, of London, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. W.- 0� Engler and return ed on Tuesday, ' • accompanied by Mrs. Bugler and Bernard, who spent the day in the city. Miss Bugler and Mr. K. Tbten also spent the week -end at the redtory. Mr. and Mrs. DaVld J. Stephenson, who have moved from the Goshen Line, Varna, into the late Robt. McMurray's .' house, are welcomed to this village. Miss Emma Sturgeon is spending a few_, days with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Stur- geon. On Saturday , Mrs. Chas, Parker had - the great misfortune to fall down the' "steps, breaking her a'trist and giving her- selfab s - ad hake All u her friends will P• • t',' wish M N' i<_. Parker r AUBURN N v 2 � a s d e�.ove . ..� Q .� ..if,-,�.ta_.recent.. meet<:......._ .. __._ _ . -.. .1� )'_ .... �"y .;4:. Ing of the Athletic Club Keith Arthur Messrs. Wm. Hall, Robert $enhale and' wag appointed•' Secretary -treasurer in Wi '. T'albbt,' motored to ror6t W "td VIMt: place of W. T. Riddell, and Wm. Craig The Royal Winter Fa.r. was given the right to make a skating rink for the coining season and also to 'm'e^nage it. R.J. Phillips was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Dr. B. C. Weir. Mr. and.Mrs. Jas. D. Howatt Spent the week_end with fritends in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Wightman and Mrs. A. B. Carr of Blyth. were guests of 4Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby. • Mr. A. Webster, of Lucknow, was a guest of Mr. and, Surra. Geo. Beadle. Mr. Beim Keyes intends to spend a couple of days of this week in Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs. Alliston and daughter Bettq, of Parkhill, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wamsley and Mar- garet, of Clinton, were with Mrs. Robb and Mrs. ,Marwood. Miss Edith Stoltz has been visiting in ,, Toronto with her brother, Eldon, and , GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Nov. 26. her sister:• Miss Effie. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vfcllwain spent a few Mrs. Wilbur Johnston, of Nile, has days with relatives in Toronto and also returned rom a week's visit with ; Mr. attended the Royal Winter Pair. and Mrs.' ussel 'horn n. Mr, and Aiirs, Dave...Eil1 t ,ani._ iii ti las _ _. ... Qt Mike ment'. on a contractaiietof taking ou> tireir ploer a Mrs oving this week into the' house- on Wm. Johnston's farm on the sixth in a swamp about two miles norh of St. concession. • Augustine.. .. _ . .. .. __ s .--Mr,=Cordon--Orr--spent -a few days with Rev. H. and Mrs. Wilson and family relatives in Toronto and at the Winter and Mrs. , >. D. Munro spent last Wed- •Pair, nesday visiting friends' in Gerrie. • The regular meeting of the Y, P. S. of Mr. and Mrs. gar ?Amon spent ' a' Union church will be held in the church creek in 'Dorontb and Ilaanilton, as guests on friday evening, with Arnold S'orter's 4f ,Mf. • .and, Mrs. Walter chore. group in charge. ...r .: ...', , l Cr. and Mies, ..:twho* and son re Sia as good a'tteiidance at , the Leslie, motored Up froom `Ph*ntesvlile on , dance in the orange Hallo- 4th Conces. Sunday and Anniined with Mr, *lid .,slon, last 'yriday, when a pleasant even. - Mrs. Wm. Shushan until Monday. ing Wirt Oiled. . • Leslie remained to eat Ms o+isin<. ttundor. Rev. ,I", W. Craik conduct, Chas, W, Wrlltataus, t ' .h00 raote4 ed> . the sservfee. in Eirtit ri church aid de titers. .. 3,airam ,---1 , i'W'0,B' '<z rWx i~ 1i3 ''the.it ',: ,1"�' its north of SCA A,Y;,;• _ .. �k.+aAyN•yy•g�.+3 ,�`4r 1-thhat rma � �a9.r t• _il j• .�l��_ nI I Dowson-itlaayter A quiet' wedding was soleun nlzed at St. Andrews United church manse on Sat- urday at the noon hour, Nov. 23rd, when Hyl KSthlen Hayter, daughter of mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter, of Stanley Vessuthlp, became the bride of Cecil John Dow,son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johli Dowson, also of Stanley Township, Hur- on County, They were attended by the groom's brother George, and Miss P'hyli Cornish Clinton. The bride was beautifully attired in a dress of blue silk velvet. They purpose to reside . on •the Babylon Line, Stanley Township. GODERIGH TOWNSHIP tueM ' i #Mrs=Pied IWO, therewith to be content." Phil. 4;11. • , Send THE GODERICH-STAR Best in •News Value $1.50 per Year iii Advance h - f OUTSTANDNC VALUES Al YOUR. SUPERIOR STORE Your Grocery Order Priced to Your Advantage Here TOMATO JUICEReg. O z oz. tin 4 FRY'S FAMOUS COCOAI b ';Ln. . PALMOLIVE SPECIAL. 'GRANULATED SOGAR. With an order of , . $1.00or more of other Groceries. SOAP .,. 3rR ARS :1Lio lbs, 49c For Your Christmas Cake ! New Cleaned 2 lbs. 23c Sultana Raisins MAGIC WHITE Bleach L.17c SUNLIGHT Soap BARS 23c 1 R1NCESS . .Large. FIakesi 6c HII.1i CREST TOILET" r3 1.o1. slue 1611. 5c New Currants ...: 2 lbs. 27c New Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 25c Lexia Raisins (with seeds) • • 2lbs.25c Bleached Raisins .. ' . lb. 19c New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 19c Lemma I3lf O?*irite- pe-ot lb c Citron Peel . . Glace Cherries . . Shelled Almonds". Shelled Walnuts . Pineapple Rings . . MOSEL- 'in , s-oa�mt : part 11!. 33c It a .Yl f iI ..r '1 W rjr