The Goderich Star, 1935-11-21, Page 4vN
Oro. r''4.`.•$4 •Mr1."'.*xh•,bi4.4NtiM,44'41'44* r°+M'tP[Hyy+tF/)•+
IOW r.
With Heavy Red Roll Edge
Soles. Sites to 11 • While
they last
Grade "A" largo . R'. , . k t i , 33o
Grade "r4" medium .. , , • . • • ••• rale
Pullet's •.r•r *....r..r
••.ri.*. 2 e
Grade °,Ba ..♦•.'•.«,,.,,,.•..r1, 22e
Gra dor +"0"a r •r+• •,rx. •\;,r:d . f....: +° Moe,
Hens over 5 'poundo (delivered) Uc
Bens, 4 to 6 pounds (delivered) ..9c.
Butter, .dairy, 1b• . • , .. •.. , 22c
Butter, Creamer►, 1b. 25.e
Bacon nogs, F.O.B., cwt. $7.4t -7.60
Butcher. Cattle 4c to 5c.
Veal ,Calves •.............. kc
Limbs- .,...•....... ,. 6e tc 6'ac
Potatoes, ver 'bag
.0 , $1.00
Turnips, per bushel . 40c
Apples (Macintosh Reds). bus. $1.85
63c to 65c
80c,to 33c
23c to 26c
85c ---38c
St. Luke's h, Buff14e;'Eleuu'
ulll e+ of *ted' for W04 -
ding of M Cs.
A very pretty 'weddingwas solem-
nized on Saturday, 10i/ember nth, in
St. Luke's Church, Buffalo, when
Miss Cecile Forbes,. youngest Baugh
•ter of the -rector of the' church, Rev.
J. S. Cal re B. A., was married to Mr.
Roma-i,enaard Weeks, junior partner,
in ,the firm of Ross and Weeks, bar-
risters, Jamestown, N. Y.
The church was beautifully decora-
ted and the !youthful ° bride looked
very` lovely in her gown of -white sa
Miss • Phyllis ' Cooner ' Js visiting
friends at Port ;Elgin. 4 : '
Mz''. C. ',R.. Wyse was a week end
guest at his home in. London;
• Rise, Josie Saunders is in Toronto
andwill likely spend some weeks in,•.
'that city! "
Misses" Oral and, Helen Cooper of
Port Elgin were guests at their home
ovr the week -end.
Mr. Dred 'Belfry of Toronto. spent
the week end wth his. brother-in-law,.
Mr. Reg. Needham, McDonald St.
Mrs. James Hamilton has • gone to
11`incardine .*sere she will probably
*main until the end of the year.
Miss Sylvia Salkeld and Miss Anna
McKenzie of London were guests
over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell motored to
ilnonburg-s-oir---Sunday---mand- -°eve
Shorts ..• ........ •...... 1..15 --$1.20 in with long -train and the long l
� guests of Mr. and Mrd. J. E. Stedel-
Manitoba Flour , $2.65 to $3.10 ''sleeves pointed at the wrists. Her Bauer.
• lace -trimmed veil was held in place Mr, David McIlwain, who suffered
BIRTHS with braid of net and caught with a, fractured arta a short time ago, is
Hogs were firmer this week, xis-
_ _ --Um-to-47444o- 44o-.. $7..50, -.while other
meats remained the same. Grade '`A"
eggs dropped from 35c to 33e, and
--grade`!A,,►_:ned.iumvfrom..32c.._to . Mg.;
other egg prices same as last weeks.
Grain prices were firmer; wheat
is being quoted at 63c to 65e; and
barley 35c to 38c. Butter prices re-
mained. the same. b
Chickens, 6 pounds 15c
Chickens, 5 to 6 pounds " 14c
Chickens, 4 to 5 pounds 13c
Chickens, 3 to 4ounds 11c
+Ciii cans; . .pounds-...._ 10c-
�__._. Ducks, per - fill. _ 30c
MTIVNELL.--At Guelph on Tuesday. orange blossoms. Her bouquet was stall confined, to the hospital, al -
Nov, 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. DoclaA. roses send gardenias. though he is feeling much better.
Hol p) a Her attendants were her sister, Mr. R. W. Anderson announces the
Mitchell (nee Miss en ,
MaoDONALD.--At Alexandra Hospi-
tal. on `Sunday. Nava","°,• + °r • 1'
and Mia. John T. MacDonald, Goderich,
Mrs. Edward James Cogoran, matron engagement of his daughter,. Lillian
of honor, in peach colored moire; her ' Lorena, to Mr, Arthur Thomas God -
cousins, Miss Marion Forbes -Robert- ) dards the ,marriage to take place
son of Detroit, Mies Flora Hartman shortly.
of Columbus, Ohio; and Miss Karolyn Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lipsitt and their
MIL.BU tN,--At Alexandra hospital. Turnor of Buffalo, were °bridesrn
on Monday, November 18th, to Mr. and - wearin rust colored moire with
Mrs George Milburn, a ,son. g
--- ---7, - .._. �--___.- .. _. _.cling turbans•
The bride's mother was,dresse
brown chiffon velvet, and her gr
Mrs. E. .W Carrie of
aids daughter, Givendolyn, motored to
mat- St. Thomas on Sunday to' attend the
-Golden wedding annixa rsary of._Mrs
d in , Lipsitt's parents.
and- I The many friends of Mrs. Larkin
mother, Gode- a will be glad to know she is making a
r,oh►°. Ont., in grey chiffon crepe. Mrs.: very satisfactory recovery from the
E. H. Ross of Jamestown, aunt of the accident that happened to her recent -
bridegroom, • was gowned in blue .1y in her home at Riverside.
crepe. I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brereton and
The bride's father,. officiated at. the daughter Frances, of Calgary, are
ceremony and the Organist of the guests of the latter's parents, Mr.
church played the wedding march' and Mrs. R. J. Doak. Other guests
from Lohergrin. lover the weekend -were_-their- -son,_ Mr.-.
Mr. Stanley A. Weeks of James -1 Eriiest and Mrs. Doak. of Detroit;
own, was -his brotherls -best man,:,
• REV. S. R. McCLUNG, Minister.
10 a.m.--Bible School.
11 a.m.
Sabot -••SET -BACKS"
7 p.m:
Subject ---"TOWER"
The trend Is from fours to
° eights. Haw to obtain -Divine
Rib Boil ....lOc
Lean Boil :. ; 10c
Blade Roast .. •. • ...12%c
' R. B. Roast .. 121/2 c
Round Steak . • ...18c
Sirloin St ak ..... . ... 17c
Wing. Steak . .
Rump Roast 15c
Breast .
Chops ...
Shoulder. , . 18c
Butt Roast ... 20c
T f ♦.
Ham 22c
Fresh Side 19c
Lb. 18c
PURE PORK SAUSAGE..—, , • . • • • .
HOME-MADE RING BOLGNA ...: .2 Lbs. for 25c
SANITARY MEAT MARKET Thos. Legg, Proprietor
P roude of • Goderich, ,secretary. `of
the Huron r'reshYt4V " . 1?. U., was
the spec* speaker.
Mr Wallace Avery of .1lenmiiiler
speent•>Sunday ; with' Mr, and Mrs. r-
villeodges•. .' p.«
Mrs add rs. W. Sterling : were ire-
cen • visitors with Mr, and 'Mrs. Har-
old Good of •ceiler.
W. ]' . S. booklet of the Prem-
byterian Church,. "Glad' Tidings" was
the topic suje t at a meeting of
Knox, Church Auxiliary, ou Tuesday
afternoon, when a number of mem-
bers .described what they considered
to be the,most host interesting part of the
book and offered suggestions as to
its sale among the Auxiliary mem-
bers. Mrs. D. J Lane maid that she
had found the article' entitled, "A
• , . , ., a r". ,taken from the writ-
ings of the . late ' Calvin Coolidge, to
be among the most interesting in the
maga2ine.4 A short poem' by John.
Greenleaf Whittier was the choice of
Mrs. F. It. Redditt of the poems that
had been published in the book. The
president of the Auxiliary, Mrs, Al-
bert Taylor read a letter from the
"Glad Tidings" secretary, Mrs. Oliver
Clark, in which •she outlined her rea-
sons for her enjoyment of the maga-
zine. ,Another letter read by . Mrs.
Taylor, from Mrs. James Dickson, a
former secretary, asked the members'
to put -forth -it supreme supreme -effort -and -get
more subscribers to this worthy
booklet. '
In a -brief address, Mrs: T. Ward -
law -Taylor traced the history of the
booklet from the first publication
in 1876 up to the present time, de-
scribing how members of Toronto
Auxiliaries spent long hours copying
letters from Foreign Societies and
sending them to other branches of
the- society. This was the beginning
of the magazine and from this effort
it has gradually grown -until- in 1924 -
and -the ushers -were Mr -Alex Como, -and--Mr: amd--Mrs;--Ai;:127-Brereton-are -there•--were 42;460 -subscribers- to --the lius, Geneva; Dr. Richmond Moyer of 'spending this week in Detroit. publication. After• 1925 the name,
Lockport; and Mr. Mervin Misner of 'Miss Reta C. Clark; registered "Missionary Messenger" was -replac-
Buffalo. After the ceremony, a rp- nurse • of a .Toronto hospital and ed by "Glad Tidings."
ception was held at the family resi- daughter of Dr. W. F. ' Clark, V. S., Mrs' McInnes read the Scripture
dente, 193 Norwood Avenue, when of the Bedford Hotel, is taking a .spe- lesson and a nominating committee
the spacious rooms were beautifull-y
decorated with autumn flowers; a
dainty lunch was served at flower
decked and candle -lighted tables.;
Later the happy couple -left on an,1.
extended motor trip. The bride's
travelling gown was a green en-
semble: with hat to match. They will
be at home after December lst, at 12
Elliot St., Jamestown.
There were a great many out -of-,
town tuests and the •many beautiful
the popularity testified to � n Y o
the young .couple.
. l
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
will drive Wo -ms from the system with-
out injury to the child. because its ac-
tions, while fully effective, is mild.
Silkand :actin Lingerie.
We are pleased to announce this selling--
such value, style and service are rarely corn-
,x f;.
-so seasonable too, for it is THE
`or nearly every—girt 'rt ar woman -oto
+ o
your Christmas list, -
Pitted Gowns with lace app11q' , little
qap sleeves, original styles
T.. tored: or4acc trimmed,. princess_or bias Cut, in
1.49, $I:.95
Gleaming,f tted Satin Slips, exquisite lace,
moulded, lines, white And tea rose.
1.95 to $2.95
' Panties that 'cling smoothly with match-
atch valuein Pyjamas, elabnte
ing fitted,brassieres;
decked with lace or Remarkableyj
demurely fagotted;in crepe And satin. with lace, dainty styles in pure • $2.95
.♦♦.»...♦$LOO to ,$1.95 Set silk crepe ♦ .•.••.,♦., 9a.
'estElo�mer Sets
. ilt .uIupshouTder srat)10 $2.*95hine
$100 ,
p .
Panties and Bloomers
A large assortment of style, tailored
lace rinlme 4 Stno9th waist ban
..s_and-one-pie- ce ,P a.n ,
.Two- .y�
shades ..•.,$1.00
tial course in public health nursing
at the university of Cleveland. The
students had an examination on Nov-
eniber 15th as to the standing and
Miss Clark obtained 85 per cent in
psychology and 100 per cent. in., pub-
lic health nursing, leading her class
in the subject. Three other girls, all
from Mexico had the same perfect
standing in the subject.
Throngs of ladies called on Mrs. A.
R. Scott, the_ charming wife of the
new principal of the Collegiate
stitute,when she:recekviedlifst Thurs='
day afternoon, for the first time since
coming to Godeiich. Assisting her in
the living rooms • were, Mrs.. W. A.
Coulthurst, Mrs. W. F. A. Naftel and
Mrs. A. L. Cale. Mrs. J. W. Fraser
and Mrs. Douglas Brown presided at
the pretty tea tables. They were as
listed by Mrs. MoDowell. Miss Mar-
ion Chapman. Miss Roberta Johnston,
and Miss Norah Costello,
Clinton, Nov. 19.—Miss McDougall,
a former member of the C. C, 1. is
visiting Mrs. W. D. Fair. .
IMr. and Mrs. Sam Kemp were in
Blyth, owing to the death of Mrs.
Kemp's brother, Mr. Wm. Wrath.
'�• Miss Sadie Elliortt_:.spent the week
end with Brucefield friends.
Mrm, John Spooner of Brandon, is
spending the winter here with her
sister, Mrs. Clara Rumball.
Mr. Jim Dodds of Blyth, who has
been in the Clinton hospital for a
se riou8 . prion has recovered' and
returned home.
Mr. and Mal, Bill Pinning spent
Sunday with Bayfield friends.
Mr. Beecher Streets, youngest son
of Mrs. Vesta Streets, who has been
}-.lin. ill-health_latelx,..is_o-at_the Toronto_
General hospital for special treat
ment this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and little Miss
Betty Lucas of,, Toronto, spent the
week end with Dr. and, Mrs. Shaw.
Mr. Lucas was formerly ' with the
Clinton branch. of the. Bank of Mon-
- - treial. -
composed" of the following ladieswas
appointed: Miss Gordon,- Mrs. Herald
and Mrs. Barnett.- The members of
the Auxiliary expressed regret in the
illness of Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. J. B.
'MacKay and Mrs. J. Hunking. The
meeting was, poorly' attended owing
to the inclemency of the weather.
Now made in: Canada
sold at lower prices.
Jiatthetiniest amount of Minicar*
on a4 dump cloth keeps nails in the
pink of condition. Dead cuticle is
removed withoutscissors or harsh
Weld,&,:Han wilts, brittle nails and
tucked mails ue *voided. Stains
vanish quickly. Ma matte keeps the
cuticle soft; keeps nails healthy
and for more. beautiful.
Luxuria Fac e Powder
For those interested in these goods we have a limited sup-
ply of free. samples --To . adu Its only. - -
We are in the market for POULTRY and EGGS.
Mm. Farmer ,•you will enjoy mare profit if you sell to
Lighthouse St. Phone 13 Across from Library.
Five—Inn -Bowling is now under
way in full swing; and judging-
ugthe scores of last evenings tourna-
ment, the players have already hit
their midseason forrp• Drennan's
Bowling Alley is the scene of much
activity nightly, and competition
among the teams is keen. Eight
teams are competing for special priz•
es, and players nn the respective
teams are determined to .carry home
the bacon.
The .teams are: The Tigers; Lucky
Strikes; King Pins; Go Getters; Toil-
-Gm -Bankers; --irl 'iarres; --House- uf.-
• Get your Car in shape for winter. driving.
Expert Repairs on all Makes of Cars
St. Augustine, Nov. 19.—With an
open deer -season in the North, local
hunters are out "en masse". Here's
luck, boys." '
Miss Mae Boyle of Chatham spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Boyle,.
The dance which Was to have been
held here on Friday evening of this
week has been post-poned.
I. Mr. Cecil Yanhorne left for To-
'ronto on Wednesday.
Mrs. Knight of 'Bowmanville, is
visiting her daughter, Mrst A. Haddy.
;The annual -Clinton. 'Collegiate._ In
,stitute Commencement exercises will
he held. in_ the antiltorigm on the eve-
flings of November 28 and 29. d : mThei
,program•,will consist of plays, music,
exereses, , . diplomas will lie pr
sensed to the -graduates, and prizes
awarded for the best essav on the
history of the school ° year and for
tho best garden plot.
The Masquerade dance held in
the parish hall of St. Joseph's church
had a fair attendance, • many at the
.young people being In costume. •GVin-
•`eters ref` prizes were: Misses V, Bozell
and I. Veneer, Mrs. V. Huller and
i Mt A. Glues.
The man friends of Mis; mow.
' et Cudmore of the Pt abtic School.staff
will be pleased to heir that she is
rrceovering after her reedit operation
for • nnastoid.
Tho Oddfellows are 'holding a
goose supper to -light fol.• members of
the order.
Mr. and Mrs. ° Gordon L. Hail and
faiiilly of Cayuga, Were week end
'visitors in town.
lira. Amos L. Cartwright who bas
been iufferring with serious eye
;`. trouble Is taking `treatments front h`
.... lc• , .,..
spool ►lhst m Lond'oi..• a.--
Phone 136
See and. Hear '
• A new note in cabinet beauty, with butt walnut
centre panel and oriental walnut wings, capped with _
crotch walnut and genuine inlay. - The ' 5 -tube chassis'
covers 3 -hands—ovorseas, domestic, police, -amateur and
aircraft calls. - The aeroplane dial is equipped with dual
ratio •control for easy, positive tuning on short wave.( Full
automaticvolume control prevents fading. Tone con-
trol. Live rubber shock -proof amounting. Metal parts
- long- .. inches
cadmium plated for lung life. Pull s>�� xQ
dyriatnic speaker. -
.Taylor's,,Corner,• S 'ov.--1,0. T.
A.. of Mot United cliarch held a
businessrnc�eting and quilting at the
home._ D.
d . CommiA. Sttees were m ed
made ire a sozia,'Averiin ; .
On the 911i of l 'nvo4nb€ r. +i
Nte. Rex. Duoka*orrtti of Cartels . -.
was a week end guest of Mr. au
g+rl i
Mirk. Orville Rto'd's. '
ll fist Mai terling R. of Strat i
fard spending a. week with hexa.
-. A fewfro
ri�u lhia di,itrleb atter d+rci •
the, ..
villa ea lra. tberh' 11 .iss ar o
Came in td: iet us Demonstrate. -