HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-11-07, Page 8• ."" CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISING miztlraum charge, 20e, eaelt ,00,StubqnefaliOqlWast, 200, t Oar* Thanks 00c, In 1,,leinorioni ltic per hue, NO Athiatesniatio ler 13irlh,.Mirr1age and Death Notices. - TERMS.. -11 no Jettd by Tilesdasy following tritgrttoesan adeitional Vii4,r0 10C-1�rch ailvertlionient. will be, made. Vtibere it is 'deeired %hitt strike be addetased to a Star Box Number. an 04(1100114 charge of 100 nude. TIME ,LIMITe-Classilled advertisements west be reeeived by Wedge, - day at 4.00 pan. to mare irisertion. • • *et two . lUK $,ALlici OR TO ,,RRN"I „ aklia-Geed drY wood-cheaP, $2.75 tingle cord. W. E. YOUNG, • 44 Cambra Road, Goderich. 45-6x SALE, -Two fire baskets for hotiee Ittra,tere-as good as nett*. They lis.Ye been lett.ost '1,112E SITAR OFFICE for inspeetiori; alsa a not point heater at your own price. 45stf. FOR ,WE -1 round eXiension tab16, 1' eh+, cabinet stud cupboard contbbsetirl 6 dining chairs; 1 itit,ehen cupboard. MRS. A. LININGTON, 53 Victoria St. 45-6x TO itENT.-Small furnished. modern house, , with garage. $20.05 a snonth. Box 39, STA.R. 45x iprousE TO RENT. -Frame home on fl Elgin Avenue. Apply to- MR. JO= YOUNG. R. R. 5, Goderich. or MR. J. HUNTER, Market St. 42-tf. yr() R.ENT.-Rooms for light house - 411 keeping, partly furnished. Ten - Eat ma), have use of piano. Box 36, THE STAR OPETCE. 44x - IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A classified ad in The Cioderich Star will bring you qulek results. Phone 71 THE GODERICH STAR. . , MORTGAGE SALES FTCRM-------LANDS FOR SA.11E CYN BLUE. WATER HIGHWAY --TWO - SOUTH OF GODERICH: Ilinde.r mid by ' virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which win be produced at the time • of sale; there willa be offered for eale by Public Auction, on Tuesday, the 26th day of November, A. D. 1935, at the hour of two el2ciock in 'the afternoon, at the Court in the Town of Goderich, by Themes Gundry, Auctioneer, the -follow- tag' property, namely : Lot Number Nine (9) to the nrst Goncession of the Town - !hip af Goderich in the County of , Nunez, e.ontaining 146 acres of land more or leas. There is eretted on the property a good brick house, bank barn with atone Thundation, concrete silo, a driving shed and other out buildings. • --The-soil:is a good clay team in a good' *tate of etiltivation There is a frontage on Lake, Ripon of -132tis levet still:able for the erection of summer cottages. TERMS: Ten pee cent. of the pur- ichase money to be paid down at the time of sale, 40 per cent in 30 days and the an (etorititenc4 frQui pep 1) wrote' that 'the proposed Q41(11041 mileage in this by -Jaw 4MOOnte to aPProFiltittfly -eighty Milea, and With , the amount Of money preVideel by. the County of 'Huron 19e the Resell of 1 1935, the Department felt that the by -lair 0141.44"k held in abeyanee, at. i least until 1936 when further coned - devotion will be given the matter. Tine letter wao left with the Public \Yorke Committee. Mr. Charles B. Kidd's applieation WANTED 1 for the position of Relief inspector f or the coming year (if such an offi- urmsrm.-A honeekeeper, between 20' cer is needed), will be dealt with by " and 30 yeam of age, by a single the Special Committee. No 1* axed to Vori Absence of tacky Path Highway Responsible Uts.104 Otiregeort reselVed word On OridNr.orthit• death Of her lather at h15 home in Creditoo. *44 ,Intriect Uist DetintheY Bend 'omen*. -N.•Nriter-entet°,4inett]*-10,0* her ot .0004 , Tuesday 'Mixing at 1).er hones when, ..the ...We' kitehen. 'ehOleer: In hener, the „'neWlaSsaseci•hirI aver. Delbert -UM who Olt retelvitlit the guts tr-Te, briefly thanked. the eegtPanYt, The 'PliAaie of 'game* oecupled, the. Major part -of the 0'011144g, 01.1, Every eek Special Pikes on Necessities Mean a to iNci:vsive DUNGANNON, Nov. 5th. --Miss -Mara garet M. Darnels, an ascolint 01 whOsc inatrioat, to 413.. joe*Mallevin OPPeara in another column, Was the first In,*esidcht of the Dungannon Junior lostItute and won buoy laurels M the Huron OotialtY Competitions, In the Judging eompeti- . , in a me just outside of Lucknow. A number of aecounts were referr- ,. GOLDIE CARTER. • Lucknow, Ont. 45x lion at the Toronto Exhibition she won ed to the Flounce Committee. first plate, being high girl out of 265 The following Committee reports CGInDet`tbra' ' The howhold effects belonging to the 'WANTED. -14 bags large potatoes. ______-.........-----................... were presented and passed: estate of the late John IL Savage were lick:N WANTED -To train ter Positions Recoirimend that a further 0 Finance sum of a large number of people gathered " ' disPeeed of on Saturday afternoon when L on Dieeel engineering; must be $150 be advanced to the Goderich the sale. •The auctioneer Was, ltfr. interested in Diesels rind have mechanil Collegiate Institlite Board to be re- 01MdrY Of Gisclerieh. who Was kept 'until dark. After the household eff cal ability and good character references. pard by them on December 15th, out had been disposed of, the property Apply tax as, E.TAR, opmcg, 45-6x of the money due them at that time then offered. It consisted of a fr --------7--------------------WANTED.'-House to rent, five or six! irmn the County. dwellint house and lot in the vil ply Sox 35, STAR OFFICE. has paid the. sum of $164.40 as cost That a thirty -acre farm adjoining the eas caves. Garage and garden. Ap-' the Goclerich Organ Company with garage, hen -house and barn; convenrInns. exaztrally lacated. Modern .......______________ I tp the ratepayers last January. Portion of Dungannon; and a one -h of submitting by-law No. 24, of 1934, LONG ESTABLISHED- BUSINESS re- field. None of the property .was dis dred-acre /arm on Concession 6, Public Works ed of. The Public Works Connnittee sses ora an ported that tenders had been received f the leasingf the skatingink or e o er . fred Pentland, have retturnt fDeromt WANTED. -Room - and board with1 for the coming season from Mr. Rob- i friends and relatives. They were pleasant week -end. spen .w man. APPly, Box 34, STAR OFFICE. ' T private family, by business gehtle- ert J. Doak and Mr. Jobf A. Chis- ! companied by Mise Claire Pentland, LOST OR- STRAYED ----- Chisholm of $600 being the _highest, .holm and that the tende • of. Mr. had been guest for a week with her tiler, Laverne, Pentlandsstind • MM. - P " roond eitNn$10n, table, and eoniej other liouseheld furoitere is. wettifitifor „some."' per. appreetatea, egoect. .thhige. *rile address is -a -well tali to ,the ehtssified eolumn. The two "big Goderieh groceries will supply all your neederspromptly by phoning either one. 'Grade cowg; Pereheron horses, Tam- worth &ewe and impletnents, are going by. auction ,next Tlyarsday at Mr. Geo, se, or Hodges' farm. Qiuldry tlie '11;11, p.(t^ auctioneer. 1 ez if thinking of setting' up.a 'home for I -wile Yourself just take a took at a furnished ame house ad. lage That you ean now sell those big mote - also tern un Ash- pos. That Kayser Hosiery is noted for its toes you have been holding. An ad. in the etassifieci eolumn. gives the name of the prospective buyer. quires ai,000 capital. For parti- Th Th Mi C Finnigand M Jerie MeDonald, and Ronald and • eulars apply P. 0, Bo; 171, Goderich. ouality, style and shade. An extra pair ar- ts always welcome, and if you can get Wil- that extra pair, free, that means without a costing you a cent. at Geo. W. Sehaef- rolt er's. Eris ad. tells haw it's done. ae- That a fire place it 'about as niee who thing at You could have in your livIng hro- room. dining room' or bedrbern. _Twe. ents esbasketssitatV Wen -Wit the Star Office by their owner. If you can use ATRAYED.-To, the premises of the be aCcepted and that the oominittee II/lid' '`..' undersigned, on or about Sept. have a lease drawn accordingly. . . 1Vir. Robert Stothers and friend w Detroit. 1st, -19a5, a bleak and white heifer. Regarding the proposal to estab- Sumodrta! pv,isinatorsss Wiwattis Elovoerar firrolmendsA.ub about ;a ' to 2 years old. Owner may! Ush a public lavatory in the...basement on Saturday afternoon, returning Cicderich. Phone 32-603 Pay- j sOef n ttehde , we lecommend that tha . - end guests with Mr. and WS. J. M. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson were w ing expenses. REG. STURDY, R. R. 1,1 sentatives • bcyoutrhtehoi!‘oseuntbyuilcdoinugn.diasrepperee: same evening. have same on proving property and PERSONAS, _ 45-61 Reve, the D ' y chairman of the PaseleasssCelnInitke. Mrs Lairtt-EILTia;:'-tilutlif _ __ . .s..........._........,....____ an e and . -, - - onlv -soAshfllo: Mrwltli. coneult. with thQ:Cciunty. Council -and. an unfortune.te-aecidente when--hes--was ., , bring:sin-as report: — . saeivels by the fender of a passing car •That Joseph' Clark and Douglas past -graduate course at Montreal and Is:Graham are trucking in town, wood . while returning frofil sehool. The acci- Goderich 1/4W. now ready to nurse adults- or children.' from the bush so as to complete the 1 1 home, :reek failed to see the car cora.; ! dent happened lust in front of his own . job without further delay and we re-ih d ine as he was walking backwards. He 45-6.; commend that they be paid $2.25 for ,' intlehehis:i'seloewft the shsin etikeern, nand uatlsott; TZEQUESTS.-Sse, gesest name will! the hauling of a four foot cord of ' -his •eollar-bone ,fraetured. No blame is •'''‘' broadcast Cowboy Etallads over MOM Wingham Saturds,y. Listeners wood from the bush to the Town' C: please send,a.requests to Ernest Fisher, • +tached to the driver of the car. Mr.' o OKNX, WinTh gham. 45x. Hall., at thir e chaman of the Commit - 4.. the geeident. 'It is Just another remind - tali of Lueknow. who sincerely regrets • rahet no provision is made on o tee arrange jointly with the chairman 'biShways for, a safe place for oedes- Psur CARD OF THANKS of . the Special Committee to have tri -ms, Mr. John Oke wishes to thank his i esoecially &shoo] ehildren, to many friends and neighbors who render- four foot wood at the town hall yard, walk. Other ed him such sympathetic help ' in his 1 " I sawed into one foot wood at once. ,, sabool children ,were on bereavement and also for the beautiful Fire Committee are very thankfnl the accident was not the mad at the time. and :Tack's's' parents flowers as well as cars for the funerall - even ,,more serious. ' of his beloved wife.. , The Fire , report that_ they had-. -Mss.- Ellen -Clufrxsses tailed to Birth --......._.„____ 45x, passed all building allplications .as oarrign a i3t/eontathmemfa4,Itortilat --- a referred to them at sthe last Com- lvr rthewrtiodaurZtalsr. CARD OF ,THANKS : 1 mittee'meeting. • a [ the sses, amen Carrinbell erei 1'hr-es aarIS re. iy4 a suffered a naraletie stroke thanks to his f . , Mr. Win. McIntOsh extends gratefull The SPecial. and Relief Comznittees /T all others who showed him 312211 syrn-1 riends axle neighbors, and I advised that a wreath had, been or- , Ottawa, where they will in future reside. ,lesve on Wednesday for Westboro, sar pathy and kindness during the 111 de -red for the poblic service at the ! " ------ 4 at. the funeral of his wife. s 46x1 - Cenotaph next Monday ata10.30 a -an. f . , RA ITFTELD . AUCTION SALES - • --, and that the council and officials will ' • 1,•e,ttend. i A report from the Waters Light 4. .- 1 rs., Delb-ert Haw _,____ -..-_____...,.... A . esorroNeeeleer or nalam &max, tuid-Irafber Committee stated that 1 - AND rktputzazrrs flooring and. the'1: Honored -by Friends . . freight ----------------------- ae dock re eing , ,...............- At East half lot 21, Con. 4, West Wawas repaired sh, on • Presented With Gifts.. Masked THURSDAY, NOV. 14th • 'Guests Hat16.1iiippy .Evening .. . commencing .at, 1.cecloek eharp- -- - . A . ere one or both -lust see them. That by attaching it hat point heater to your electric system you can have hot the water whenever you want it at a trilling eeks cost. You ean get one at your own price ,by reading the classliieds. . That, a --man .'itt Lucknow wants. a - housekeeper and some woman wants a Job. Tlaeir troubles, may be nearing an •end: - Dry Wood -the kind that, keeps you warm. ,See page 10. • That a ronm, w2thoet curtains to match the other furnishings, can be cosier' and more attractive at very smala outlays, F. E. Hibbert tells -how this can be done. s That you •ean save your hands, your money and your tempei by sending the family washing to the Huron Laundry. There is a sail for men 1,vith meels- anical ability. It. comes under a box anunber. babinee may •remain on mortgage -for a term of ye:uts Vs be agreed upon. • For further particulars and conditions ° arif sale Apply to -----PTUS E. DANCEY, Gorler'iah, Ontario, • Vendor's Soliritor. Dated Noveznber 4th, 1935. 45-6-7 no NOTICE TO CREDITORS • lipTICE '110 CREDITORS. IN Tseel,MAIslikat OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN AVEY, LATE OF :-TlItE TOWN OP GODERIOH, IN THE COUNTY OF • HURON, RAILWAY CONDUCTOR, DECEASED., TAICE NOTICE that creditors and ethers having claims against the estate of the maid William John Avey, are te- ,tpdred on or before the twentyafifth day el November. A. D, 1935, to send or de- liver to the undersigned, their names and addresses, the. tun particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the security if any, held by them, After sueli last mentioned date the lixecutor will proceed to distribute the =orb of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard aonly -to the -claims of avitith it shall then have noti-e. and that the said Exeeutos wflI not -be liable for the sald assets of. any Part thereof to eerperson orj One of whose claim notice shall not lave been received by the Undersigned • 4froe of melt distribution. • DATED -at London, Ontario, -this 30th All of October, A. D. 1935. DOUGLAS '4 MeCALLUIIM, • Solieitors kir the. Executor, • , 1561,6 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, -45 • 'Thieves were busy at Crowlandi near • Welland. -on „Halloween. Among • the ',doers was the mother at 'the Chief of iletieetdue_lastei5(Lhirtisethateeneble Bedford lIteldence--CeboUrg S is • Apply • 11X) • 'FOR RENT , or FOR SA.Lt Urld;r the heading of new busiliess Dep ty-reeve Turner reminded ozoes-,Percheron mare, 13 years old; Th(vil CH that he had made a motion' a Clyde mare, 13 years old; Olyde filly‘ 2 mo th ago that .4he tax collector pre, years old; Percheron colt, 5 months. sesit a report to the council at the Cattle.-Durhain grade cow 9 years! first meeting in Islisvember and stat - old, due to freshen Dec, ist; Durham •ed that he wished to have the re- made cow 5 years old, due 10 Dec. 14th; Durham grade cow 3 fyears! es en., port given before adjournment. The Friday evening when a unique shower old, due to. freehen Dec. 19th; Difrham eouncil went into •'Committee of the under the auspices of the W. A. -of irrirs: grade cow a years old du to f I Whole. for 16 minutes while the ity ehurch was presented to Mrs. Delbert Haw, forznerly Miss Nina Heard, their one -tithe secretary. The rectory wa.e tastefully dezorated in Hallowe'en colors, and after the arri- val of the bride a number of masked goblins rayeterfously appeared in the hall. After guessing who these queerly dressed creatures Were, masks were re- moved and each one was presented with a slip of paper which instructed the party, Ied by the guest of honor, to look In the variotes hiding plates about the rectory where -other slips of paper read, by the leader „ were found direct Ing the seekers from place to place. A the end of the search a slip of p_aner dirdled The bride To the dining •roo where a large ptiropkin .was lit. Th mouth of the prumpkin face held anoth BADMINTON OFFICERS itAYFIEI,D, Nov. 6.-A very jolly Hal- lowe'en party was held at the Rectory on April 12th; Polled Angus cow 5 years old, port was considered. due -10 freshen Dec. 1st; Blue' cow 9 The council session lasted about ap years old. due to freshen June 22nd Black cow 6 years old, due to freshen hour and twenty minutes. calves. posed to' be in calf; Hereford heifer, 1 - BELL, -At Alexandra Hospital, on Durham steer, '1 year old; 5 §pring Bell, Rs R. No. 2, Goderich, a daughter. June 26th; Dan. cow 10 years old. sup- 6 Year old; -Dille Wm heifer, 1 year old; Tuesday, Nov. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. -Fred PigeS-alturehred Tamworth so• w, du; daTffy. OMPSON.-At Auburn, on Wawa . , Oct. 26th, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 8th; purebred Tamworth sow, due Russell Thompson, a son. Jan. 20th; purebred Tanzworth sow with litter at foot. Implements, Etc. -1 eatiasey Harris binder, '7 ft. cut; 1 Massey Harris Inewersailteatssellte-1--Massey-Harris cut t itzterr 1 Massey -Hurls drill; I corn • MARRIAGES ORSER-YOUNG.---akt Dungannon, on Monday. New 4th,. Amy --Mildred, daugh- t9r of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Young, Dun - cultivator, 1 Tinthaspe. rake; 1. disc har- ga on. to Stanley Orser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Orser, of West Wawa - row; 4 zeetiatui diamond harrows; 2 nosh. harrow stretehers; 1. Verity walking plows -1 00.7katintt .sulky plow; 1 McCor- MCNEVIN-DURNIN-At Seaforth. on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 1935, by Rev. C. C. mick Deering manure epreader. nearly !Caine, Miss Margaret. Maria, elder new; Tudhope steel truck wagon; Bain wagon; 1. _set Massey Ifarris - daughter of Mr. John Diernin of Dun- elelithassi, noare-.1-eoete-P111Per Karmen, and Mr. Jospat_Matev.ln,_ Tanning milli 1 set breeching harness: 1 set backhand harness: 4 horse collars; zets of blind bridlo: 1 pine tank, 200 gallon; 1 wateting trough; 1 Beatty enurinejsekeelegravel-honeitequanti -corn in stook:- theinse-tvitlflretries, and other articles too numeroue to mention. Everything' triuit be dispoeed of with- out any reserve as the bon on thte farm, was burnt. sub* of $10 and under, cash: over that amount el* months' cre- dit will be given on tarnishing approved Met' tiotee, • A stistotint at rate of 0 per dent.. per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts, 01100.0E nonoz, PrePrietoe, Auburn U. R. 2, V. OUNDRY tt.SON, Alletiotkeers. . P. IL .M1411.11tOW., Executor .14:r atierioh letel,k teineest:4ora 7,' Col- - Eggs Grade "A" large ... .......... ,37e. ss Grade 93"-medfum e Pullet's er plies in the form of an address which Grade "C" I Grade "B" read as follows: Dear Nina: We, of the W6menSe Auxiliary of this Trinity Church' branch take this opportunity Of expressing our congratulations and good wishes to you and Mr. Haw (in ,absen- at-for-many-years of tealth-and hop - pines% richly blessed of God. Accept this little Shower as a number of little • DEATHS momentoes of yout friends in Hayfield. MeINTOSH.-At Goderich, Satur- My the friendship for which they stand ,dess-,trovssand1-1935-e-Ellealreth-Cat - latigssatter-Illister Wfoliitdt6iarUVre-- VlibheTnf,':beioved, wife of William Mein- rished and their, ineitories after faces tosh. have helm forgotten. On behalf' of the MoLEOD.-At Detroie on Baturday. Trinity church A. -Elsie Bugler, Pre- Octobei• 26th, Mrs. James McLeod (nee eddent. Alice E. Mwkins), formerly of Port Al- At eah side or the pumpkin sat' a bell, in her 00th year. miniature -butte and groom StirtoUnded by a number of shower gifts. Atter the bride had extended thanks, lut" sPPIe Wooing orite.st took place. Rev. .Dele Bugler then took .charge of a httheber of humorous stunts and games which were ranch enjoyed. • On behalf of the inembeter of the A. Y. P. A. of the, parish of Hayfield, Varna ,and Middleton,. Mr. and Haw were recently presented with a :diver pie knife and Addreta expreoing the seetinteets and good Wishes 0! the young people, 'Mile visiting in INstonto at the home of. the groom's Meter the young 'Couple were the reapietits of ,inteny beaiitlful. and 'useful gifts the fkirm of 'a miscellan- eous shower. . • Rot and Parke, who spent the stmuner at Paradise Varte, have re- turned to Taranto Where they. will SW for UM winter. " • Miss Mary Widepaibe has- returned fiord Visiting her sisto, Um. Ailen wind3or. Mrs. If, Ositdriet end her .datigh., ter Betty, of London, Spent the week- - Um. Tom Brandon and children, trant7. Mrinan *nd Barrie are visiting Waterkio 14t, .fonnei'f's mathetee mother„ Mrs. Vora .fterett. mr. autt mrog. J. O. ,OOldthorixe left Oh Monday for A littfithlr ih the North. Moors. Wilber W sstWinian Heard Robe Penhale, Fred 1101,14.0. Mr, Jack Howard Clinten, and IS* sre. Itentitielt of Oteseph, kfft laat s '• Your stray heifer may be calling to you from the elassified ad. col. That 2 days after a elassified ad. appears in The Gode,rich Star, ad- Lyertising a "House for Sale", it wee sold. Should you have anything to sell, you mass also find a quick pur- • chaser by using that column. • Fur -trimmed coats, handsome, coseY, emnfortabie-those are the -kind Mr. Cornfield is offering, this -week, as well as a lot of other s,peciaIs. That a cho:2!e lot of colts a,re going to se---aasass Ititia-KeesKee Tho great Indian. Reinedy for purify- ing :the blood. • $1.00 ens Luxury 11,Shaene, Crim 4 TOOTH BRUSH Special19e First of 1-t• fqfre;;;;; Iroreliound Cindy g5c lb.- coiratIE;,s ,TOOTH PASTE • 19e• HOT WATgRm.."" BOTTLE (guaranteed) • 69.5 PREEZONE For Corns • 29c 'Woodbury's Cold or Facial Cream Jars 25c -.60c CHASE'S SYRUP . Linseed and Turpentine. 29c , 'Williams' • SI1A VINO CREAM Bottle of Aqua va Value 60c for 35c Cuticura Soap Cake 25c 2 Pads Linen Writ- ing Paper 26c. - GRAPE SALTS • 50c $1.00 BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUG STORE Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle'.s DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE DRUGSTORE WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL , ..The West Wawanosh 'Township Coun- cil held the regular meeting on October 15th, with all the members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and accepted on motion of councillors MCCullin and Smyth. Iie contractor's 'time for the comple- tion of the work on the G-irvin Drain was extended to November lat. The by-law fixing the date for the Nomination on November 22nci, and the date for the election on December 2nd, was passed on motion of councillors Gamie -and Aitcheson. The different .rates on the dollar for 1935 are as follows: . County rate, .0038; township rate, .0025; highway rate, .0028; general school rate, .5032; Dungannon hydro, .0022; police village 01 Accounts d , . . passe for payment are as followsf ,,U. Thompson, _ sheep inspection, $7.50;• T. 'Webster, sheep be sold at Clinton, Friday, Nov. 15-th, at I. claim, $61..;_ Jpdge Costello, Coiirt-ot 1 o'clock. - - - ' - - - - Revision, $8.80; J. W. Joynt, sheep cla,im . $22.; Thomas Dickson, Girvin Drain, • sigs; W, H. Jansen, J. B. Young Drain, Local Market Prices $444i95; Goderich Star, $3.; Mrsnielpal . World, supplies, 1.64. The Coullells.ftc_11911r.Siedslo...meetRoj ember 12thr at 1.30 p.m. • Grade '`A." Orgssasentiffi ta- 37e. and, "A" medium to :34s, during the week. Dealers stated yestarday there was no' change for chickens. Pdtatoes vary from 90c tes$1,15 and turnips are plentiful at from 20c to 30c. Apples, according to variety and con- dition, range from 75c to $1.50 -per bushel, windfalls of course being in "the 76 cent class. No changes occurred in the price of hogs, tattle or meat. Very little grain is offering, and wheat was quoted yesterday at 63 to 66. Chickens, 6 pounds 1.5c Chickene, to 6 pounds 14c Chickens, 4 to 5 pounds 13c Chickens, 3 to 4 pounds 11c Chickens, under 3 pounds • :0 10C Ducks, per, Ib. 10e 34e 26c .. 23c 20e Hens over 5 pounds (delivered.) 11e Rens, 4 to 6 pounds (delivered) 9c Butter, dairy, lb. •- 22e Butter:, Creemem 26 • Meat Bacon Hogs, F.O.B.) cwt,',.,. • Butcher Cattle Sc Veal Calves 7e .,Lambs, „...eeeereeee..e.erepee- Potatoes, per bag 90c-$1.15 Turnips, per bushel ..... 20e--100 • Apples (Macintosh Reds), bus. $1.85 Grain Wheat 63c -66e Buckwheat • 33c te, 36c •'Oats . 22c to 2,6c • Barley 34c to 88c Flour and Feed Bran $1.15 to $1.20, Shorte $1.20 to $1.25 Manitoba rioter $2.60 to $3.85 IN Atthhotritm YOUNO.,---fn, loving memory of James Voting,' Who passed away gOil. 9th. 1933. Two year, have passed' since that sad day, When one we 10 -701'W -it called IWO Cod took her home, it was His will, iltorget, het? lite we never WM Sedly missed by her children, ram, JANE, and TOM; 45x • Ctrpeater mut Ge*er*1. 'Repair Warit-suistatut*Oliftet.61 FRED, WILSON xt on want a )06 *ii-eu 'done traosz keetuc0vt,0 No. :44 Alto** -000,Litten'r-ONT borne Itailtahipt:,• three'slustterl of 111 Mlle west of Carlow, on WEANVOleele l'flOVENCHER COMMencleg at 1.30 eiharp: Aletreet Yearling before arid stem; Otiet Massey-Itoris binder, 7..ft.„ cut; tent pattarris incia.tr: One Moseyenar, Pyc ris *tett One .ttriesey-Itarreit haY r;,eine Wagon. 'with boot end etwaves; R. S. one *NMI, leith 'ItioNel hex: one uteriag 13.0.Yeereace-oneeetoanttee-epreaderr-otee reeler: one Ootkaluitt riding plow; one Plenty plow. no, '21: Otni PkiW, 14o, .13: One two-torrow tang pito: two 10 the ts of dist' berms's; One set ot three- PUDLtO sactien taktrely*; One ideel. tire * cutter: one *et ot trip I; new: one ,ittock rack; one aentrier: VISION, 'rowz 01? ooitcu.' one *et, *cots: one stnutotone: set Take Matisse that the Court of Iteirieloa .Obe bet Otealtrerel me Of' the Wien ot aoderich will* Sold tts heellnktrnw; a. number o4end and telate not titling in the ,Council chttnint. week la Mr" ttt*ek t° go deer' ; tivite*: groin b***; Toth NAIL Oodetieb; lot the 0100006 hUntb* '1"41 "' 14411d* net*Itikedi; tnabtr; beta* *pool* otstrott. tho AmeittmoltOn Monday omen meeth* or tut mot*: lobant .0 Able for the_ltmn, Oolterich the .e'tikTuvl_ut Itatdmin ' 't41)1) 141441 'held 11114 trrLf.or itt„ &tilt 11--reizobtt4z.trommit*eere' Mutter 0 Alt partite interetted are requested tann and *WM, ° be 6lspoied 4)1°. A ITOUON BALE 'Or BOOZES. , C. J. Wallis has authorized the under- tigned to sell by public auttion.--et choice lot, of wits, Perchetinte, Belglans, Blues and Itoeus, mostly fillies, reaming from two to live years old, a MiMber Of tnetehed teame All stock gueirantOd. To be told at a J. 'Wallis" 'been, North Street, Clinton, leRIDAY, NOV. 1.15th, at one--0.1oelte-eftietetikehre-----ee---- CeJ. Wm:4Am Proprietor: Ittaxtyrr atid NA.1RN, Auctioneers. Durnin Phillips, Clerk. versary of the United church, held.in Metropolitan church, London, --en Wednesday. Misses -•Olive Anderson and •Olive ailpatrick were week end guests of Miss Flora Andrew, Lucknow. Mr, Ivan Switzer, Misses . Grace and Isabel Anderson and Mrs. Atkie of London, called on Ashfield relati- ves on Sunday. •Miss Bernice Blake • of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Mafeking, Nov. 6. -Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Pattori, Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick attended the conventon celebrating the 10th anni- The Town has 'a quantity of good body hardwood direct front • the Town ,Bub for sale at $3.00 per single cord of one -foot -wood; delivered, Orders left at the Town Hall will be attended to. _ Cash must accompany, Order. L. L: KNOX, TOVI1 Clerk. Dr.G. E. Myers,- V.S., B.V., Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON", GRADUATE OF, THE. -UNTVERS' ITY ToetteNTo AND 04ADteATE OF THE ONTARIO VETERINARY 001.1sEGE. Office in Mr. T. T. Murphy's 1E14)1111ton St., GODERICH, Ont. Telephone: Day 206, -night 249. ___—__ -10-order to-obiaiir thelAst-resulta- it- -is- 'iVetestiairro--- I fury the best fuel.•. .. • „ . . . May we add_ you to our hst -of many -satisfied , customers, • .. ,,,,----Only....thejtest_gradek-...ntHard,-Soft-amt:..Cannel-COal---- and Coke sold. ' . Agents for the cerebrated Lehigh Valley Atithra ite'. "The Coal That Satisfies" This de luxe console, gives nine—tube performance, employing the new sensational "ft" tube, enablin if toequal in performance sets selling from$104 elefe$20.7.-highadivtivicc--7 - — Double expander for variable selectivity negative type tuning indicator. Oversize new type concert speaker. Cabinet has a front panel of modernistie 'Moulded treattnent with matched butt walnut with striped walnut overlay, moulded pilastos. Curved wing, panels'of figured oriental walnut 'centre With ..crotch walnut top. ,Top,—Itaised centre piece of sliced walnut ends. Gables -Sliced walnut 6 Other Models roma v. saassesesseerstaieMiiaVats