The Goderich Star, 1935-11-07, Page 6ees
i4'w'y�%'"wt.'viwaq„,'141YNF•r••%A�t�7+IJX'MM:� Mi.'�lY¢�+%W+S!�u�•,.M.•
e . C�ntestant
E iia r i'„ , . Soak_ ,�, spelling
: . � - •:itat
' ' +ACRE ".�'.. O GUELPH.
A balance of $ d w,,asshown in an
itemized financial statement piesent-
ed by Rev. O. J. Lapeer treaasuveri at a
ne tin of tbe Church �a� � "Soft-
Assoc ation bold in, MacKay Hall
on Mendiry right. • Mr. Norman
Waat'k . presided' over the :Meeting
which, wan,. rather poorly _attended
only three churches -being .represent.
ed. The report showed that $18 had..
been collected in entry fees, and $31.-
30 collections at genies, the total re-
ceipts amounting to $40.130. Softballs
cost" the league $36.72, $3.60 was
as,pent in doctor:0 bills, $4.70 was re-
funded to Mr. iVark for payment of
lust yenr'a deficit and also .80 to Mr.
Lane for the same deficit, rpaaxking a
total expenditure of $45.72.
Int ,lee caiauso
tree*UM r a_
000. 44 :w to ucW acarol
other i eatitie eeNcii
polroai the system.;
ap cooks l'i fleie � aiu el
4r t sat ' l Tl e International hocl�ey league
pair. toda r's i ght.
aaslra:;,a °pone tie season tonight.
It Brielfs,
acid CQltzment
By C, ,K. S.
J. A. C MPHELL, DruglOst.
Man Who
Whether the Remedy
• You are taking for
'eadaaches, Neuralgia
,or Rheumatism Pains
is SAFE is Your Doctor).
Ask Him
Don't Entrust Your
Own or Your Family's
Well -Being to Unknown
; ER '•s yrn .-vaX1y repara
tion you don't know ail about;
for the relief of headaches: or the
pains of rheumatism, neuritis or
neuralgia, ask your doctor what. he
thinks about . at.--°•• in comparison
with •"Aspirin."
We say this because, before the
diecovcr7 of "Aspirin, most so-
called "pain""remedies. were ad-
vised against by physicians as being
bad for the stomach; or, often, for
-The heart. And the discovery of
"Aspirin" .largely changed' Medical
practice. thousands of people
who have taken "Aspirin" year in
.and out without ill , effect. have
prov that the medical findings
� safety Co
aboutits s fe
y were
Remember this: "Aspirin" is
rated .among the fastest methods et !I
'discovered for the relief of headaches
and all common pains .. and sqle
for the average 1person to take
"Aspirin" 'Tablets are made in
Canada. "As iriin" is the registered
trade -nark of the Bayer Company. _
Limited. L+eakier__. oname Bayer-_
in the force of a cross on every tablet.
Demand and Get
• 6TE L •
1aaLe •
Matt* 'Windsor and fa
;xxlo at" London.
the National league du) opens to.
night with Americans playing at
Kincardine, it is expected will ,en-
ter a team, in the O.11.A. this season.
,. -..,..1,,.,.,..
At a recent meeting the _club was
organized and prospects look bright
for a good team.
Professional basketball will be in -
traduced into Canada this season..
Windsor wlh
ilve the distinction
of having the first pro -basketball
The 'opening gram will be' played
-in -Windsor on November 23. --
The badminton club has started
the -season's activities.
Racing in Canada closed at Duffo-
rin Park, Toronto, on Saturday. with
12,000. in attendance.
O.H.A. playing certificates for the
season of 1035-36 are now ready at
O.H.A. headquarters and will be
available to all clubs who._ have paid
try0 in�yeuiberehip-fed- for the earning
- One of the strangest crafts ever
seen in the Detroit River, a "hydro-
foil", which the owner hopes s will be
capable" of a speed of •150 miles an
hour is undergoing preliminary tests.
Owen Lennon, left winger, of the
Halifax. Wolverines, has turned pro
with London Tecumsolis.
The Halifax team were last sea-
sdn`s Allan Cup winners and wero
slated to represent Canada in the
November with its rainy , and cold
days .has just about finished outdoor
games. so last Friday evening the lhdoor
badminton club air -assembled for anoth-
er year, in its newly decorated club
rooms. -
Supper was served informally at 6.30
ata .the sitting room, after which every-
one took part In a round-robin.
The walls of the _court have been tint-
ed a pale green, and the lighting has
been re -arranged.
Much enthusiasm was displayed by
the members and all are looking forward
to and wittve season.
I -
On `Vednesd.#ty,_.'E'•arl"_-S_" efh4rt,_,
'tar N.ew. York Rain ,eir defenceman
i itul rr► atcl�iener anti as not re-
ported' at the Gothainites' training
!camp despite the, fact that the N. H.
L. season opens in a few days. Sei-
bert nits not heard from' President
Calder for three weeks and until he
does,•he will remain in Kitchener, he
At the weekly duplicate bridge tourna-
Iut eitl a weakened team by
loss, of otherpp layers 'turning profes-
sional signal the.. "Wolves"repress
may, not
sent Canada in the Olympics.
A new playoff system has been ad-
opted in the International Hockey
League this season. When the cir-
cuit enlarged to eight teams. the
clubs being divided into two sections
and the _.first_ tis o_ teams• in oaeh_ sec-
tion will figure in the semi-finals.
St. Helens., bls�v....-•Ir'� and. .Mrs.
Gordon McPherson, Margaret and
Billy, and Mr. Ross -McPherson were
at 13luevale . recently, attending a
shower- in -honor of My. McPherson's.
brother, Mr. Walter McFarlane and
his bride.
corgis Durnin of Fleming;,
Man., has been aR guest of his broiler,
M. Saaan,, and Mrs. Durnin, add ether
friends in Ashfield.
I1xr. John "Webster who has been a
patient in the Wingham hospital for
the past week, underwent a minor
operation cn Saturday,
Rev: E. W. and Mrs. Craw and
little granddaughter, Mary ' Evelyn
Mitchell of Dorchester were recent
guests of Mrs: J. H. Rutherford.
14 %1 :W.• Salkeld, Mr. d.." T. Sal-
keld,i. Misses Mary and Elizabeth
Salkeld of ' Goderich• wears visitors
with;Mrs._ft, ,� liille' and Mrs, Cor-
doh. •-
Rev..11. C. Wilson of Auburn will
*corny the ` pulpit in the. • United
church next Sunday, when the mini-
eters- of Huro zt Presbytery are having
an exchange of • Pulpits in. the inter-
ests of Mission,
A 1arrgo iWotid
The Spectator: "I can't understand
anyo r missing a putt• as short as
' The Golfer: i"I.`wt the remind you
that the hold is only 444 inches:across
andthere is • the whole world outer
ment held Monday, evenhag, the follow-
ing were winners:
North and South -.•-1st, Mr. and Mrs.
Jjf, Taylor, plus 12>ti:; 2nd, Mr.
Meakins and Mr. T. R. Patterson, plus
1. .
7 n: 3rd, Mrs. E." C. Beacom and Miss
B. -Hunter-,plus 7.
-East-and West -1st. Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. McMahen, plus 20%; ; 2nd, ''Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Nirol. plus 711:: 3rd. Mrs. J.
W. Fraser and Mrs. J. A. Martineau,
Ottawa. plus 31. .
Another game will be held next Mon-
day evening.
straps and _Exams
Are Out -of -Date
Abet Harhe..Work. isidhridual
struction Suggested. Manual
Training Equal to Latin.
WOODSTOCK. — "Opportunity
classes', "tutorial department",
`home teachers", and various other
features of Forest Hill Village'Cotn-
munity School were explained by. its
principal, W. J. Tamblyri, to mem-
bers of the Oxford TeacFers' Insti-
tute at Chalmers' Church. Summar-
izing. he enumerated some educe -
tion features .which .in 'his opinion.
might be abandoned and others that
should __l adopted,
"I believe", - he said, "these "things
are already out of date., the old
'fashioned free for all recess; the -
strap .'As. --,aa- first aid • treatment; the
.teaeher axillo is a specialist in sub-
jects of the curriculum only; the. tea-
cher who.reneats herself year after
year :.and calls repetition experience.
"Some ;things we 'must give con-
sideration in the future: Elimination.
of final examinations; homework
that- is -..tot tole, per cent. _Assigned
but partly child chosen; a school
•tlmt offers individual- opportuntles; a
•school that offers a diversified coatl-
cUluln with emphasis. on the things
-ltkealy-trrh r-nf- i 1111 '"'tr lzjy cot aina-
nits; a school that offers ..1nors time
and better methods in teaching Eng-
lish and social subjects; a school in
which music, art, household- asci•ehee,
and manual training are at Italia, Oh
I,a liar with latin and alitcbr-a •- n,al 1
am going, to add add aarritlametic * school.
board •eomiposed of educationalists
rather .than baiargirin bunter&".
irtiEtaitE OWNER
Mrs. ;Ambrose J'. Small, whose hus-
band -'disappeared from the Grand
Opera. ifouse, ',Potent% on Deceinber .
nd, ,1010, and has not Ante tan
seen. is crcdited.with leaving salt` tam
tate of $2,000,000.
%VIVA, tray' force non. U. P. Hepburn
mum, l the premierehip' of Ontario. .
:EOR HOMEY SY.110014
2n n report covering the. hockey
situation. in Kincardine, the "News
atKincardine will .be in the
hockey picture this winter become.
more and More apparent . each lay
and the enthusiasm shown at. the
public meeting assures stl;ong ship
port' The meeting was held to dis-
cuss plans for the winter pastime and
to elect a elate of officers•
h officerswillgive the
new. of` i t v he
e o f g
hockeyLteam an exceptionally strong.
"front office" and if the „ weather
during' the winter is favourable good
games will be held in the local arena.
Mr. J.G.�Morrison was the unani
mous. choice as President. ` He, along
with . other. elected members ' to the
executive have pledged themselves
to their task and all that is needed
now is. hockey weather.
During • the past year there has
been a demand on the part of fans
for an 0. H. A. team and it appears
that it will materialize this .winter.
With `Tory" Gregg en hand to in-
struct the bo''ys there annears little
reason there should not be a. team.
The matter of appointing a manager
was left to the executive;
The team this winter will 'have
condition if nothing else'and in the
very near future the boys will prob-
ably congregate at the armouries for
their daily dozen. A capable physi-
cal instructor will put the boys
through the motions.
There is some doubt about the loc-
als being entered In the North West-
ern League this season and*s no ad-
vance information has been received
from. that league no' decision was
• ,,r..,,..4.4.'q%.4.F1V4iM!” MFS.Cl.1,404111 100,1..141#,RW ,
TI R$ Y,N VEIII1M1 7t ,. 1085
Clinton, Nuv 4, --.The Eighth an -.1
s• null, County • Cha.rplonshiti Public
Speaking Contest and Fifth annual
Spelling Match veins conducted In the
auditeriu n ,of the Clinton •Collegiate
Institute,' last Saturday a ternoon, A
recitation arion to t
e8t as al
e° conducteda
in which the aontestanttl. were pupils
of second class and under in Public
School. There were seven contestants
in the Public Speaking, seven in the
Recitation; 'Contest and•"fourteen. pup-
ils competed in the Spelling Match.
The. three •competitions were conduct-
ed under the direction of the .Huron
County Branch of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture, •
Cash prizes of $4; $3; $2 and 51.
were awarded to the four high pupils
in the Spelling Match and Recitation
Contest, T,he remaining contestants
received a consolation prize' of 50c
each. Cash prizes of 55; $4; $3; $2;
and $1. were awarded the five high
pupils in • the Public Speaking Con-
test, and cash priie of 50c to the
remaining two contestants. Cash do,
nations toward these prizes were re-
ceived fiiom Mr. C. A. Robertson, M.-
L.A.,,for North Huron and Mr. James
Ballantyne, M. L. A. for South Huron
and Mr. R. J. Deachman, M. P. for
r North Huron.
Miss Ruth Love of the Grand Bend
School Fair was the winner of the
Public Speaking Contest., It is ex-
pected that she - will compete in the
Guelph District Public Speaking
Contest which will be held at the On-
tarlo Agricultural College, Guelph, I
on- November -14th: At this 'contest
tha3 inning' pupils-4.xom- =eight -Wes
4 tern • Ontario Counties will compete
for the district championship.
The following is a list of the con-
testants. The firstfive in the Public
Speaking end the first four - in the
Recitation Contest and the Spelling
Match being ranked in, order of
merit: '
.Public Speaking =
Grand Beed: Ruth Love, Parkhill;,
"Rubber". St. Helens: Annetta Ste-
wart, Dungannon; "A Ramble with
my Favourite Authors:" • Belgrave:
June Irwin, Wingham; "Our Pioneer
Days". • Hensall: • .Annie . Morgan,
Hensall; "Our Pioneers". Iiowick:
Eleanor Carson Gorrie; "The Silver
Jubilee",. Ashfield: Horner ,Durnin,_
Goderich; `"Canada Our Country."
Carlow': Betty Young, Goderich;
"Rural School -Grounds." ,
St. Helen's: Keith Campbell, Dun-
gannon; "A Boy and his Stomach."
,t$elgraave; Murray McDowell: Bel -
grave; "`Tile Man -in the Moon.' Car
low: Billy Hill, Goderich; "Girls."
Hensall: Helen Rowe, Exeter; "A
Mortifying Mistake." Grand Bend:
Margaret Webb, Grand Berid; `-`One,
TWQ Three," . Howick: Jean Gibson,
Evelyn. Little, Lucknow; "A Little
Girl's Notiron."
Spelling Match
Howick: Georgeane Hall Fordwich;
Howick. Grand Bend: -Chas. Atchison
Grand Bend; Grand . Bend. Public
School. - Ashfield: - Kenneth Gauley,
Dungannon; Ashfield. Howick, Eva
Horsborgh, Corrie; Howick. Ashfield
Bertram Curran, Lucknow; Ashfield.
Belgrave: Thelma McGuire, Belgrave
Morris and E. Wawanosh. Belgrave:
Mabel Coultes, Belgrave; Morris and
Wawanosh. Carlow: Douglas Mc-
Millan, Auburn,•• Colborne. Carlow:
Mary Gantwell, Goderich; Colborne,
Grand I ear d.;_ 4abeL: Tarlton, Dash
'weed;-Step°'llen. ° Hensall: - Norma
Cook, Henshll; • Henaaanll 'Public Schnhl.
Hensall: Annie Morgan, Hensall;
borne. -- -St. Helens:--Howaard-Martin;
Lueknow; W. Wawanosh. St. Helens:
Jean Wellwood, Wingham; W. Waw-
Heavy -Sleepers
Missed the Quake
Light Sleepers Not Auctions for
Another Experience of
Same Nature
AUBURN. Nov h Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Williams and family and Miss
K. Williams, Mr. and Mrs, ,E. Farquhar
and three' children, hil ren from nearClinton,:-
spent .Sunday with Mrs, 0. L. Sturdy.
Mrs. G. Snell. Sr., is under a doctor's
Care at present.
Mr. -R. D. Munro last week made a
business .trip to Toronto.
Miss Theo Riddell, left . for • her home
in the West on Monday after hQli'dayjn2
for some months -with Mr. W. T.., Rid-
•Congratulations to Miss J. Weir,- who
took second place lir -the. London --ama-
teur radio contest. -
The threshing - in aichines • iia the neigh-
beriaoed : have 'concluded the season's
work. • .
The Auburn pubis school had a Leal-
l tier .;err.. srty.:a - bbets�mol' -Jast-'>L'tttira
day afternoon which quite a number of
parents and friends attended. The
Pupils presented a short "Health" play-
let. : ° , •
°Mr. B. Jervis. Mt°. and Mrs. C. W.
William and Mls5 :Annie visited at Mr.
Wm.• Stratighan's on Sunday.
aNext Tuesday, Nov. lOth, the Women's
Institute will ineetl at the Forresters' Hall
at 2.15. Mrs. E. Adams, Londesboro, and
Miss L. Brigham,' wild givea talk on
their trip to Europe. - Roll call "NV
Favorite Motto." Hostesses, Mrs. Bean,
Mrs. W, Robison and Mrs. Mogridge.
Mr. and Miss. Wm. Mayhew and Les-
lie of Thecnaesville, -spent the week -end
with the latter'r'a brothers, Messrs (7, M.
and W. V , Straughan.
Mr,. and ees. Bert _Marsh had rte.'
guests last Sabbath Mr, and Mrs. Stan-
ley ,Lyon - and two little daughters, of
tondesboro, , '
Mr, and Mrs. Er Lawson, Miss perigee,.
Miss Sadie Cartel' and Seek Wes.. anent
the week -end in Galt with • Mx..and Mrs.
Mrs. J. H. Johnston Is home from
Stretford Hospital, where she was a pa-
tient for several 'weeks. $he is still
confined to her bed.
'Next -Sunday the Presbyterian church
-rival- hold anniversurttervices `whir v:_
A. L. Budge in charge, - - -
Several' from here' attended the spe-
cie raally. im Metropolitsb church In
London last Wednesday,
diiT'C zir; arise$'
and Mrs Lloyd 1t 1thbv visited Mr, and
.Allison, of Paarkhi'II.
Mo', and Mrs. A. Itaadfbrci, of L/ondes-
boro„ were guests Of Mr. sand Mrs. Lloyd
Ferguson. «,, . • ,�.
Mr. T, Marwood, Mrs. Robb, Mr. and
Mrs. R. 31. RuttIedge, were recent guests
with M`r, and Mrs. 7 .. Chamney, man,
ock. •
�y�y.a�'s� Visited j�
,Mr.. K. DiWsoit Visited. tit Pewit witiaa
tltr. and Mrs, Jas. Dawson.
Mrs. Wilbur ,lohn storx 'rates a guest of -
Mr. mord ?ors, Russell !home son,
The ea rtl quaake was the general. tople
of- om rissrsait%rt fast wee)c-end. • `•I•tetiaa'Vaa'
aleepera feet aattghtiv theited out -of at
new experdtfce, Those who felt' the
trimo °caste! * fished not to Wish for any
return of the ''q taike.
A doter. ti Lam, Antiele3 .is eredtfed
with wring devised an instrument w
will -enablesu�yrgeons, t* ermine, ttie in4
side e :the Fe hum body.
e ''out'' ey a _ a
. A. RID, for
ford* kitding Optometer G. 7
pettj�*lvort only at •11ndet moderate
Eyes Eximathied. GlitaSeS l tted
COnatkt Nee, at
WEL tY 8IX6tii`
. 1$1.010iPORTAGE.
aGON' r.
•.s r
.,r .
R<pagrAR;N` ;•:r•r :s::::: Fl:ii'.=•F:. r. .xir.•
Tt -
Ill1A : a"" :r: •=.r r ..rr. rJ,=r{••:ra :rr:::
ruff ol
N.0 )4715711 711 -4.
By changing the course of the Ogoki River in -New Ontario from James Bay
to the Great Lakes, the Ontario Hydro Power Commission announces it will secure •
an additional 218,000 horsepower of electrical. energy. The Ogoki is a 'tributary of
the Albany River, third largest in Ontario. It falls 1,220 feet in 410 miles to James
Bay. With an expenditure of $3,000,000, the commission states that it will not
only secure the additional power. but w;11 also benefit shipping in the great lakes by
raising the Level of the water. Map ABOVE shows Where the new operations will
take place. providing assistance is forthcoming from Dominion government.
�_ An among hent to ` th.e Ontario
lg7iway Art provides that dlI Dings
Highways passing through munici-
palities of less than 2500 will in fut-
ure be under the full charge Of the
Ontario Department bf Highways.
This will mean, according to the Act,
that the Department will 'license and
regulate signs, bill boards and gas
station's on the highway, even though
they be within the ntunicipalities.
LISTOWEL, Nov. 1. --Thomas
White of` Listowel, while assisting
W. A. Gray to load gravel, received
• injuries to his less and body when
t o tonsr v
most burying him. No bones were
broken and Mr. White is resting at
his home.
-B.ENMTLERRr-Nov+_ _ -lt;=Mr..,.." .gTir
Vanastone, of Toronto, visited with his
mother over the week -end.
Mr. L; Oke, of - Toronto, was in the
village on a short visit. Mrs, Ida Oke,
w'ho„`ape thhar =past--nientil lirT •to .
returned home on Saturday.
The Y. P. Congress will meet in Ben -
miller clitu h on Wednesday everting,
when a large ordwd 2s .expected.
Afr. and Mrs, J. Jewell left, last - Thurs-
day for..'Florida to end the winter, 3
The 'Y'. P. 8. met as uauaI1 oil Sunday
Mr. evening With MCarman Stevens in
charge. .
gp°o are extended to Billy
Pan on third place n the reels
tatiean co�
tea Clinton on Saturday.
Viscount Ryng, • governor-general
of Cansidi from 1021 to 1020 left an
estate valued at $155.000.
o Lady Ityng lie left $25,001 and
the income for life from the residue
of the estate, except for eertain lega-
cies to his servant,. '
- Douglas' Egypt iaun Liniment is unrival-
led for seedy re of in muscular rheu-
matism, lame back, inflammation, burns
The United Farmers of 'Manitoba in
convent/Mu at Portage La Prairie reject-
ed a reolutfon to return to politics.
All trails promptly attended to day
• or night.
Phones Store 335, House 355.
torrn a s
How about those Storm Sash you have been figuring on
Better call 61 and let us send a man to get your measurements
and quote you a . price.
Angelsea at. ' . - . Phone 61
For Furnace and General Repairs
The oposty Weather is Neap -,
Prepaar e Now for Gold Wesither Driving Cornfort
stop at The Sbtillervice.Statitin
Kingston it St. David's Sts;, Goderich, ant., for our
For Instant Motor Action Ask. for SEALED SHELL GASOLINE
HARVEY EtA,X.TE'R, Mgr. Phone 536
ThatStab-Like Pain
In iheSmaII of the Back
Those sharp pains, those ,quick twinges, those dull,,
aching pans are as warning your kidneys ars weals
and sick --a warning that should not go unheeded.
Do not delay when ythir back starts to ache and
pagin. Prompt action usty,savo you years of suffer -
mg fromkidney trouble if you will only put your
lkineya • right ht and keen them right by using Doan's '
Kidney Pills.
Others have, no doubt, been saved froze years of .
kidney misery by their rise. Why not yout
by WALLY 131$H _
?ia4�p ;ire-: z