HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-10-17, Page 10' •••••
• •-.44.•
ar.rars . a
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Alioit-one „opt,* woo, .001441.10 Ohstrite 050 with firet, tWO
444040ent ht0tIt1one# 300, "
• 09,020 ost Thinike Wit 14 Semor1#14,1S4..Per
140seberFe M140 tor Sixth, likteartage ant Death. totices,
VOA 14! '14iiesday 10104 interZion, tin
ehairile 01 oc for mil edvertUement 'will bet *Sae, Where U isk 0;00
---fhittsrslilliss-00-2,410Sasseds-to-sies-43tarslIoststhiMbers'istr 110110004-0100Friot
.100 )1004,
TWIN .13141T--iClaitii4i1e4 eiveriksemee4 "iititet bp' receive( »yWednes-
aft• 4.60 Partto entUnt-. insertion. •
tOit, SALE 1"0
, 1000 bUthels, .00ed spsaSed
apples at 000 ar•, bUthel; meetly'
-BMW VDUS' own eontainers. Also
istutlity $p, Inimd Picked, st $140
tier .? bushel, GEORGE, LAXTHWAITE,
Maple Leat Faint, 40013 Reed. 42x
• trame4we1ftnit. Vs Mile
west Of Drgannon. -Bis ores, /Mall
*S004 Water. ;Good MeCtarre
•rangsS tw heater/. Wishing ,Mitehnie,
sett., also ter sale. Apply to 3M8. L. E.
s CAMPBELL, Dungannon. 1Phone 53 r 1.
„FOR. SAIEJ.--An apportonity to secure
montS-Maker. Combination small
. Pool Alley, fIbbiteco Store,
News Stand ai‘t1 Lurieh Counter, in
thriving Weitern Ontario town, A first
•Oast imaineee mid money maker. Rea-
son* fer Selling's other busines interests,
-Apply BOW 33, ME. 42
jor, 110 RENTs-Frame house on
•=gin Avenue. Apply to MR.
401 -fir YOUNG, R. R. 5, Goderich, • or
"Alit. J. HUNTER, Market St. 4 -ti.
ff, one of the best loot -
thine In the c.ommunity, a good
"tracery business in first-class condition.
• Beet reitaons for selling, C'an be easily
ilnenced. Investigate this if you are in-
tensated. Apply Box 26, STAR. 40-41
• . .
VIM( FOR SALEs-rarm consisting
of 0,2 urea. lot 62, BaYneld Cons
IloWnship of Ooderieh. Good brick
;halloo and bank barn: drive shed; never
1, :eft
road, 'close. to sehool and church. Per
further Particulars Apply te R. B. COLE,
3, Clinton. Phone 24 on 806.
'Clinton. • • 41-2
TO _ brick house,
. modern conveniences, hardwood
floors, `centrally losated.ASSAY to mit
J. GALLAORER, Brock St. . 38-tf
-A classified ad in The-Goderich Star
• will bring you quick results.
• Phone 71 'I'HE GODERI011 STAR.
Stave complied' with Section seven of the
Voters'. List Act and that I have posted
- at my *Mee Colborne on the 12th
'day of 'October, 1035, the list of all per-
sens' entitled to vote in said municipal-
ity. at nninicipsit ,elections and that such
Iist remains there for inspectton.
- - -AND- -1- -1011023st CALL UPON all
' voters to take immdiate proceedings to
•„itline__anyZercora -or omissions- corrected
• ,wecerding to law, th.e last day for appeal
being the Ind day of November. 1025.
persons' Miring any claim against the
estate Of 'Jennie Yfttell Burke, late of
-the Townshil) of Ooderith.' in *the
- County of Huron, Spinster, who died on•
o ateut. the 13th day of- October, A. D.
.1935._ to. *wrath* to the _undersigned
on or bdore 2nd day of November,'.A. D.
1930, as on And atter that date the exe4
eutor of the 'mild estate shall proceed to
• distribute the *we; having regard only
to the cielma then filed.
Dated at Goderfeh this- 16th del of
• Oztober, DI 1035.
' HAYS ind. HATS.
Gederich, Ontario,'
Solicitors for the Executor
s42-3-4 ; herein.
140tice is hereby given to all persons
having clannts against the Estate of
• George Iludi' e late of the Township- of
004erich, Inthe County of _Huron,
Fanner, titeeaSed., to send the same duly
verified 1.0thee Undersigned on Or before
the twenty-eilthei lday of October, '1935;
after .which date the,Admizastratrix will
PrOeeed tO distribute • the said- estate
,among the per*** entitled- thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the debris or which
the then -*UR- he had nottee, and that
she will net he liable for the PrOdeet1s
of the estate so distritinted to any per-
son of whose chitin 'netlie shell not by
then have -bein,•-reetivett
Goderieh; r
41-2-3 10i the Adniinatalartk.
WOr1110.-1,1b rent a good farm.
Ooderich or Clinton Districts,
Must hove good buildings and water.
Apply Bee .32, THE STAR. 42x
WANTEW-slIoliSe to rent, five or six
rooms, centrally located. Modern
convenienees. Garage and garden. •Am,
ply Box 30. STAR OPMOE,
-Port' Albert, :Oct. and
Mrs. Den, Maltenize and ' family
turned Friday. * !pleasant trip
to the West. , •
Mr14 Jno. Graham of 1Goderieh
ted her son, -Mr. .PereY ,Graloun for
a few day*. .
-414firs'.0ratee-lticKenzieo IttkraO from
Toronto, has been visiting her slater,
Miss Mary McKenzie and other rot*,
• "
• Mrs, Frank, Upsluor of Tadmere,
Sask,, sister of the late Mr. Jas. nay.
den, IS visiting in this vicinity.
Miss 'Etta- Quaid, teacher near' Rip-
ley, apent the week end With her
parental h'it Wind Mrti. j'no. Quaid,
Heartiest congratulations Are 'ex-
tended Miss Matilda Quaid, who cel-
ehrates1 her nintieth birthday on
Sunday, Many friends called during
•the dayito wish her health and hap-
piness n the future.
-Mr. John .Thompson of VancOuverw
LoisTo E81ABL1SHED BUSINESS re-• B..% nePhew of Mr. Nelson Graham,
quires $4.000 eitP/tal. •?or parti. is siting in this vieinity.
"man apply P* 0. mx 171% aederieh•f•Miss Florence McKenzie, nurse -in-
- 311-t '
• training at Kitchener, spent Sunday
WANTED.-Roonr and ,board with with Ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
private family by business gentle- McKenzie.
mun. Apply Box 34, STAR OFFICE. ,
't The family of the late Mr. J.,A.-Itar-
rison wlsb aincerely to thank their
many friends and .neighbors for their
kind expresakins of sympathy during
their recent sad bereavement of a loving
husband and father. They also extend
thanks to 9,11 those who sent flowers
and loaned ears for the filneral. 42'
Mrs. F. Upshall will ,sell by public
. auction on
eomMeneing at 1,30 pan:
At j, 0, L. R.,. the home of the Itste
Frank-narluti, -The -Mowing articles :
Kitchen...4 Eanpire range, six lids,
reservoir; 1 Vendor* cook stove: 1 glass
cupboard; 2 tall leaftables 8 cnairs; 3
roc:sera; 1 set scales, 240 is.; 1 -Daisy
tburn; tub" stand and winger;- lawn
mower; kettles, pots and pans; dishes
and glassware; 1 spices cabinet, antique;
2' kitchen lounges; 3 guns. ,
Dining Roem.-1 chtna cabinet; 1 ex-
tension dining table, clierry; 2 stmli
coal heaters; 1 cabinet victrola and re-
cords; curtains, I ThilI tree; 1-ditiff-fitiad
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Graham visi-
ted Mrs. Dan. MePhee on Sunday.
Visitors at the home, of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Bogie. on Sunday were Mr
and -Mrs. Wm. Crawford and Leonard
and Mr. James Crawford.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock and
family of Pine River called at Mr.
Nelson Graham's on Sunday. ,
• A social eyening will be held on
Friday at the home of Rey, and Mrs.
Pomeroy under the auspices 9f the
Ladies .Aid a the United church.
Mr. and Mrs. McLean of Salt.
ford, visited the latter's sister, Miss
Mary Cunningham, on Sunday even-
Miss Barr will be attending the
teachers' convention at Ottawa,
-avhieh• will --be -held-orrollthursday;Frfr
day and Mopday. What a holiday it
will be for the pupils from their stu-
111rs... Ferris. Catlen and little son,
have .returned to their home in De-
Mrs. Percy Shield's 1 --not so weir._
Mrs. W. Foster and son Ralph,
have returned to their home at Port
• Albert
White sewing----maehtne;----1 fern istand;-2-71'hii-ser-VIce-iii-t-1;-Anglican church
hanging lamps; 1„ Aladdin lamp; set of will be at 2 p.m. Sunday' next Octo-
dishes and silver. •
her 20th, when Rev. 1VIr. Bugler of
Parlor. -1 :antique walnut davenport; Bayfield will be the preaoher. Octh-
I antique carved walnut sofa; 12 chairs;
1 easy chair; 1 Rosewood piano: 2 ber 30th •is the date the Anglican's
Doukhobor .rugs; /3001cs,, vases, orna- are having their fowl supper.
MOMS: 1 walnut table, tip-top.
Bedroom, -1 Simmons bed, springs
and znattressr; 1 dresser and washstand;
1 bedroom set.; 2 walnut bureaus, an -
time; 1 antique dressing table .and
swing mirror; 4 wooden beds; 2 feather
mattresses; 2 feather beds; 1 commode Zraorarr.404;04.01,444....4.84/4
chair; 2 tool chests; 1, roll-top office CILEARINO AUCT/ON A LE OF
Other articles too numerous to men- FARM STOOK and IMPLEMKNTS
tion. '17am-cash.
42• Auctioneers.
General regret is expressed at the
loss of our co-workers, Mr. and Mrs.
James- Hayden, of Christ church,
Port -Albert.
iaWr Titotatoto
• !"0- • •
Mr. Jamoi
• Win$ i5e*,1414etr
41*ber, ut Ooderich.Irtsitefr on Trourgl*ir,
With het friend. Mrs, W,'A. aurinbell.
WO Grime. Redinend, of Linwood,
liPerit- the week -end at her hortie.
Mr, anti 41b2rt• Walsh_
with .Clueiph,' Rockwood and Toronto
1+01; 11•014101, of Whitee'hurch„-is VIST
iting M, the home of her daughter, Alr.s.
Vineent. .
*Met Snell IMO Mr. James
ThompeOn left by traitor on MondaY
Morning for Alberta, Where theY,.*111
spend: the winter with IVIr.7Dave Snell
and other :Wends. o •
The syMpathy of thecommunity
extended to Mrs. W. H. CaMpbell and
friends in the passing of her brother,
Mr. J. Harrison, of Ctoderich.
Successful Service
The 4njvorsar eerviees held at
Westfield on Sunday.* were well attended,
Ane chino, being filled to /ts- caPaeiti
both attern004 and evening. The
musk: in the afternoon, was supplitcl by
the Welneld choir, assisted by Mr.
IfighWay to ,Gialilee" end "One SWeetly
Solemn Thought." Rev, Beyciaft, of
Stratford, the speaker for the day, took
as his text Psalm 48-14, 'Isar this God
Is our God for ever and ever, and he
will be our guide even unto death."
In the evening. the Blyth United
church choir led in thesservice•of song,
under the leadership of Mr. A. E. Cook.
After taking their places in the choir
They isang "Pesge P'erfect, Peace." A.
double male quartet rendered very- ac-
ceptably, "We have not long . to stay
-1seress -afr,,--,James--sitos--rendered---tne.
solo, "Have you been In the garden witli
Jesus alone in prayer?": and the full
choir sang, "Sun of ,My Soul Thou
Saviour dear," Mr. Russel .Shaw taking
the Salo parts. . Mr. Reycraft again ad -
reseed a 'Urge 'congregation and took is
his text St. John 15112,. "This is my
commandment, that ye love one another
as have loved You." ,A.t the close of
the service the Blyth char sang, "Abide
with me fast falls the even tide," The
church- -wasis-beimtitullys-decorated with
leaves and plants and foliage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. MCVittie and babe of
Goderith, and. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc-
Vittie of Goderich, visited on Sunday, at
Mr. and /vim.- Wm. IVIcVittie's,
Msg. Edythe• lkfcbdwell. of Goderith,
spent Sunday at her home.
The devotiOnal program of the W.M.S.
held on, Wednesday afternoon was Under
the leadership of Mrs...J. L. McDowell.
The opening hymn *as, "Speed away
on thy mission of light." The scripture
lesson was read from -St, John -15, fol-
. lowed' by prayer' by. Mrs...J. L. McDowell.
By/3111,- '"Xte :morning -light is breaking"
• was sung. Readings Were given by Mrs.
Blair, .:11rs. &rah, Mrs. J. • L. Mc-
Dowell, Mrs. W. 'Walden, Mrs. Rs Snell,
Mrs, J.,. Cook. Mrs. Wilson spoke on
Christian stewardship. ‘,`Giod Is owner
of all and man: iS only the steward of
God is owner and man. only the stew-
ard. Man is happy in getting but haps
pier in .giving, for in giving we are doing
a kindness. The JO cif helping is told
of how Jesus cured the man with the
lekrosy. We hear him say to JeSus, 'If
thou wilt, Thou eartst make me _clean.'
and we hear Jesus. leldngly .say, '1. will.
ba thou clean.' God is depending on
• e,ach one to do his- share." The presi-
dent oscupled the chair for the busines.s.
Matt. 5:3-12 was read, followed by
Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll was
ealled, responies,'being` heard from 15
Members present. Minutes of the Sefe,
tember meeting were read and approved:
Mrs. Howatt gave a talk on temperance.
It. was moved by Mrs. Walden and
wended -by Mrs. 'rred J. Ccxik, that the,
piano be tuned. A letter was read from
Miss Clara !qv:Iowan, Of 'China. .It
was decided to b,ave the November
InS'eting a thaziktiffering -
i`0011,1004111. ,15,04itiervi?
P*Ssod' '040.00fultY 'ewer • on ,at
-•»,Oon, Miss 4041.00 Burke, „et the 1,100,
Water IfighWaY, after a *if -and tyJng
'Ohs* Over Ott ate MO* Burke
'.went toon400: hoc -4W; where ,s
'oPereted on to the hopes Of egaining
her tomer health, but she ito4u-SlY
, *mit , 'worse ,sp.ite, Of, *It. that Mectieel
aid and, kind .zturainit..00-14*,40, and the
end eeMee.e* UOPPY PIesse 00* Pain.:
, Pie -wee,* kind" :Wend and, * rood
neighbor • ••
fowl' supper to * held °rage
ehureh 0t. 33r4.. On Sunday, 00t. 27.
anniversary 'Services -will be condncted
by' Rev., Randy, Of Varna, In the morn-
ing, and Retr, Farrell, of •Clinton, •atl,30.
(No etkame le made 1;0 The Stec for
notices about fowl supper* or enterttiM.
ments, if the. bilis or tickets are suPpiled
by this onto., Under all other condi-
tions the readers are charged to the
person sending thein.10.,,o-E4.)..
• -,,;.,...,e,-,•-•••••e-•-••-•;••••e,••••-....
,60th- Anniversary
Tinian Church Services Drew
Large Coisgregations. Religion
1* pia ,But Ever New. ,
Ret5148 Willgttanz wil° sang, "°11- the -thontinued from page 3)
well and drank the refreshing waters.
The gospel is deeper than any Jacob's
well. It has the same power in this
church, as: the day the church was
dedicated. There are not many here
that were here when the church was
dedicated. Many have passed on, they
11.7.Ye done their part, they left a
torch for us to carry, and we are
here today. in the old- church, , and
many convicting converting messag-
es that have been given from the
lieskraricloothe-lessons-that mizet•
still continue to give. • Cither ways
will not suffice, just accept the fact
that there are nn 'other things in the
world that 'will satisfy the soul. If
our life has not been all it might
have been, get back this morning,
and decide for the rest of life to
be a witness for Christ. Forty years
are left to complete the Century..
,What is going to happen? Is there
going to be a strong faith? If we
continue to advocate faith of Jesus
Christ, we will be strong. Jesus is
the foundatien of our faith and
without Him all is undone, and,
through Him we eoMQ to God. It
would be unanimous that this church'
has bean a great credit to the com-
munity and has not been in vain. It
has -serVed the community and con-
tinues to serve it. It has not been
satisfied to' serve its own interests,
but has given help to the whole
world. Be true tothis church, Con-
tinue to support its cause. Often it
is discouraging, but numbers are not
going to -count entirely. - It is theiii-
tensity of purpose in the hearts of
the members. They have passed on
to us an Ancient rite;Nurse sin -sick
souls; make way for ell who dasire
to be free irons wrath to come; to
• eep _the snoralsatanclard .high, Thank
.God,_ for tthe spiritrof,optimism. that
may develop in church life. There is
Only Few Remain
work to be done, and if our ferefath- In reviewing the history of Union
ers had faith to build ,this church 60 church, only a very few of the pio-•
years ago, surely it has been made neets remain. In 1875 Rev, Sieveright
manifest that ther had true vision. founded the church, then a country
We cannot value Christian ,character appointment in connection with Knox
in the comnitinity, the church must Presbyterian churoh, Goderich. Dr.
keep the souls of the people buoyed. .Robert Ure followed Mr. Sieveright,
As wecross the threshold in the last then Dr. Turnbull, followed by two
At -Lot 60,- Hayfield Line, Godercih
nshlp, 5 miles smith -west of plin!
ton, on
commencing at 12 o'clock noon
Consisting of the following:
9 years old; roan matched team, 3 and
0 years old; general purpose team, 5
years old; general pUrpoSe mare, 4 "'ears
win sell by public 'auction, at Lot 6, old; team of geldings (inatched) rising
L. R. E.. Colborne (114 miles north • of 2 ,and 3 years; gelding,• rising' 2 years.
Dunlop), on
3 of the above mares are supposed to be
• iri foal, ,
FRIDAY., OOTOBP:R, 18th. Cattle. -5 'young cows, springing ; 15
commencing at 1.30 sharp,:•
cows, milking good, due to freshen in
Roan, bull, Cloverdale Perfection, March and April; • 5 Holstein heifers,
No. 206667, born Aug, 6, 1930, bred by due to freshen in. February; Hereford
Oeatreieher Brothers, Crediton, Ont.; 1 heifer, due to freshen in March; Dur -
fat -steer; 3 roan heifers, . 2 years-, old, ham heifer, due to freshen in February;
Supposed to be in calf; 4 steers, 2 years 60 bead of one and two-year-old steers
old; 7 roan heifers, 1- year old; 3. steers and heifers; 10summer calves.
1 year old; 7 heifer calves; 2 steer Pigs. -York sow,.. with 12 pigs 6 weeks
-calves; 1540 Hart -Parr tractor; 36-50 old; York Sow, with 10 Pigs 3 weeks old;
George White thresher and straw cutter York sow, due to profit In December.
attachment; Eureka stock rack, as good allithinery.--131aatey-liarris, binder,
as new; Cockshutt riding plow; iron foot cut; Deering binder, 7 foot cut ;
roller; set of sleighs and fiat rack: setof. Cockahott -mower, Si It. tut; lvfassey--
wagon springs; 2 sets of single harness; Harris fertilizer drill, 15 -dl, nearly
sheep clippers; sheep feed rack; cross- new; Massey-Ifairla manure spreader,
eta 80W, and other artilles too numerous nearly new; Miesszsy-Harris hay loads",
to mention. nearly new; Massey-rfarris side delivery
The grade cattle are an exteptionally rake; Massey -Harris 10- ft, steel rake,
good lot -all sired by purebred bull -and nearly new; Massey -Harris spring tooth
everything IS to be sold, as proprietor is cultivator, 13 -tooth; Deering spring
giving' up -farming. IIIRMS--cash. tooth cultivator, 1.47 -tooth; dist harrow,
I6 -plate, with fore earriage, nearly new;
Massey-04rd% two -raw ,temftier; steel
roller; set diamond harrows, 4 -section;
Massey -Marls 24urrow gang plow:
ke 2 -furrow gang illow, both
*tarns. plows nearly higoi„ tellipeed. With skim-
ICEANE.-At . Alexandra hospital, on MOS and roller coulters; Oliver riding
audit oitoher .13th; to Mr. and Mrs. plow, single furrow; walkhlif
Aa. Keen% 11.-11, 1.. Dungannon. it nearly new; 2 larnt wagons, truck wag-
datilth*, ' bar. 2- sets-Manttobabol slelghs;cutter,
Steel th* buggy; 2 hey -racks; gravel
box; Frain grinder. 10 in. 'Plate; fanning
mill; sets team harness, set single
harnees; set of 2,000 I lb. *dale*. whiffle-
atreendlitutoneceZteeoth. Istyrrksiutic. Pliales.117.• shrivels,
Tres, sale Will start proorPtly on tithe
and everything eciVertised to be,soki.
Unto or SAL* -411 sums Of *15
and undericash; over that amount 40
per cent of the purchase price to be
Mid ou day of Sale, balance 10 Months'
eredit will be gliren furnishhig ap-
proved Joint netee bearing bank interest.
A. 1g. TOW1401BiiND, G. IL =AGM
Proprietor. R, R. 3, aoderlich.
O'UNDRY & SON', Auctioneers.
U000„---- In Auburn on October 14th,
Ur. and Mrs. William Moat, Auburn,
daughter, Marlon Ruth.
MOriolc OP Dretiox.1J*7014 01^ •
Partnership lately subsbting between Y
Benjamin &Mita and the lite Walter
W. Sallitik el.trylog on business so 041oe
tvanvinknts undet the Jinn name or
Non* 00*1 Oompany." in the %mi. ot 7
$11,11100., -At tioderich Tornship, on
tuidaYa 00tober 1314*, 1935, Jennie
mks, danghter et the late Mr. and
Arlt0Thia21e•-3n Ciederiehi On Monday
1413*, 1030, Joao* Freeman,
.4--Ooderich. tat this 300h, d*It ot &seta -
Ur, 1040 Oserk„Ultsolved, The holm*
in. /Ott* will be tattled on by the aatd
Benjarnki 4. 8au)tz, and A. 1"..'
under tit- Arm name or 443allitst Coal
all debt* due to the *aid nrint
leather Soth,. ifOsis, must
dtattly„ due to the fat that under tlie
dueolutioii ittosenlent the imitate 01 the
late Walter W, Saul* becomes 440 own-
er of the eald outetanding .tioeotat$.
Dated 'fientembet 30th. MS.
RAYS and 'karat
Ooderielt, Ontatle. '
.Solleltota for the stuns, Coal
• otx. and the W. W. Saults
irOlt SAM "
Bedtpi Ititildenre..tobourtSL
F. go. rata Execitt#
The Towb has a quantity of
good -body hsxdwood direct from
the Town Bush for sale at $8.0
per single cord of Otie-fOot
wood, delivered. '
• Also a liMited quantity of
good bodyatdwto at $8.60
Orders 1*.ft at the Town Ball
11 be attended to„
Deek emit steemaeay Order.
own Oft
10 toe* *
• .
It you *ant a good Muse, SI young
cow, rattling good pig or some
firtit, class implements, attend Mr. A.
X. Townshend's Auction. •
Ashfield, Oct: 16. -Miss Belle RO$S
of her sister, Mrs. Duncan MacLen-
nan, lts
spent two ,Months at the home
returned to Chatham. .
Betty Macdonald i0. recovering'
from. the effeets 'of' a' fall .from a
_truck a week ago.
Mr. M. 0. Nackenzio w'ho spent
two Woeks with relatives in Toronto,
is henfe, •
" Donald Mackenzie of Chicago
is visiting' at the home. of her brother,
Mr. John MiteThie.
Mrs, Senngth,__Maelvor of 'Detroit
the guest of Mrs. Jim West..
SeVen.congregations were repre-
sented at the Sectional meeting Of
the W. M. S. held on Tuesday in Ash-
field Presbyterian church. Miss 14e.1-
Maleolm presided, and addresses
were given 1)y Miss taint:Mitt Veld-
MacLean of 'Ripley. Refretihmenta
,were served in the basement at the
close of the -meetiiig.
Lowed grade bread. advanced last week
a tent a, loaf In London. •
Treasurer's Sale of Lands,For Taxes
.County of Huron;
• the aale will owners* at the Ciourt House, Goderleno on Tuesti*Y. November
2.111,i.190....ett41to hottr.of--tietk- etslotk-In- the aitternomir • - -
o A. IL, Meta* *tearer,Thironflaunt,.
AS/Ingt,D- TOT/NEHIP • .
Nemo Description - • Thsei Oats *mai
as. Sennett * pt. lot 1, 814 7, ti.Vt. pt. 104 2, on II 310,..$ 2210 $ 2.$1 $ 05.21
. aletthews„ 8.1140.14,ot 1tt4155 6•41, I Lk
-- • '4.4A 245.•
PiA4 oon. 1. W. 104 841.01
(lrMWefler, 50-414. 14,
'13,15 .2,33 1,11,,et
000141R0711 *Ix)" '
• T.F4.11t81*Z OOT. 1th 105
lose Well Spent,..When YoF Pause
10 .Read Something Worth While
Our Prices -Oct. 1841 to 25th, incifisive
• Freezone
29c ,
440' ..
• ,Snia1125c Large 60.
• Woodbury's •
Pkg., of 5 25.
Pkg. of 10 .... 50.
3 Cakes' 25e
Pad of Writing
Paper and Pkg. of
Envelopes, Linen
16 oz. bottle .. 69.
01111611111W .4111MMEMMMI.
83. jar for .... 59.
•Eeecham's PILLS
• Dental,
sPEcuti Tomo.
Ipana . • , 30e
ginty's , 230
Colgate's 18.
Listerine, 2 for 48e
Pepsodent .... 39c
Forhans , „
Kalynos 4
•?eine(' 490
Dodd's "
Campbell's • Dunlop's Lauder's Wigle's
• dregs from year to yearv the minds
of the people even change, but when
We come back to this theme, we are
peril. We are in a new planting day.
Help The Helpless -
Our intei4national relationahip is
changed. There are some' people in
the Torld who say that this world is
the survival of the fittest, but Mr.
Walden's answer to this was, "Bosh".
The weak are • to be helped by the
strong.. Other people have a right to
a place in the sun. No one man has
a right -to -the- whole -works-not eye
Mussolini. The nations of the world
should go hand in hand into Ethiopia,
and offer to help her, instead of per-
secution. If the League of Nations
win out in this contest, there is a
dawn of a new day- What right have
we to stand in the sun light of noon,
when some poor fellow has to stand
in our shadow? It may take a long
time to work this out, but it's com-
ing'-'. During the service, a male
quartette sang -,an anthem, "Jesus
Savious Pilot Me", and two quartet-
tes, "Some one will enter the pearly
gates" and "I want my life to count
for Jest's", were sung by Messrs.
Charles Breckow, John Snell, John
Sproule and, Harry Whitmer, of
Gciderich. As an offeratory, Mrs.
-Harwood played, "I know that my
Redeemer liveth", from Hand l'
-"Messiah'. -
• portion of the centuary, be true to
the word of aod. No matter how
great we might become, if we forget
,God and forget His word, we have
lost everything that counts. Make
this church strong. When we come
to the house of God, forget the
.preacher and concentrate on the wor-
ship of God. Come in the spirit of
worship and when we satisfy ourselv-
es that we are in the attitude of
worship, the words of the 'minister,
the: singing of the choir, the time of
prayer, will all contribute the more
because we are in the sprit of wor••
ship. We can't _have a more happy
meeting place than the church of
God". During the morning service,
the choir sang an anthem, "/ must
have Jesus with me",- a 'solo, -"Some-
day understand" by Miss Helen
Snell of Goderich, avid a duets`Whis-
poring Hope", by Misses Pearl Roupe
lid Porn -Cranston -Goderich.; At
the evening service Mr. Walden took
as his subject, wilie Dangers of
changes", from the text; "Moab hath
been at ease from his youth, and he
hath settled on his lees, and hath not
been .emptied from vessel to vessel,
neither bath he gone into captivity:
therefore his taste remained in him,
and his Scent is not changed'. The dif-
ference between action andinaction
• cone -ming' the' world's affairs, and
said "The World's laws are not, cared I
for through sat attitude of indiffer,
elite.-- lye- have --to• lteep-grOwing.-Virt
do not, wish babes to remain small,.
nor all our days to be' the same.
Whether we want- one thing or an-
other the -fact remains that we are
in a world Of change constantly,
Change Is Laws of God -
That. is God's law.' it is the moral
condition of life.We must not be.
come excited hecau46 changes come. ,
We do not know what the solution is
going to be, but changes are coming.
We think that the world will swing
upward•to a bigger and better Wald
than ever before. Jereniigh tas con-
cerned about Israel as SI retrograde,
rfe tries to plead With them that they
turn' to God. Jeremiah *as under the
eye of God. In the matter of these
cluinges, let usi not grow confused,
for there is * spirit of ontiroism.
When everything is stirred up, there
is no time for us to go asleep. We
Are being-Puod trom-,:irorktel to,trit-
set we are moving on from gm ex-,
periente to another, we ale moving
ri front Orke social Order US another,
Whetiter we want it or not. If Can.
d* oVir needed 'trains in regulating'
thi gloiteln Of living, we need it now".
eferring to differences of the sickle
*A 'binder; changes in educational
Lloyd, Lots 1,41542, *. 31.-- ° WI* 1,52 .01210 0
de, Pt, Lee 14, -00114, SAO 2,23 5.*$
obert Omit& Pt, tOtil 4440,,•
..tta -21411 *
t *640
" *de, if neetasert will be ld.on lit/ember Oilith, UN% at
and es gore **atoned., .
above *we piaterited.
c'tf, lfiglifftf:44,„Vaaguret.;:ibit;4.0otaitgt„
.oncott. is*
students, Rey. Andrew Neeley and
Rev. John Anderson. Rev. James
Hamilton then faithfully labored for
28 years for the eoegregation. Rev:
D. Maxwell and Rev. Harold Whit-
field then followed, bringing the his-
tory up to 1923, the year of 'church
union. Union church joined the Uni-
ted.chiireh, and became an Associate
with Victoria street church, Goderich.
Rev. S. Jefferson, Rev. M. ce Parr,
Rev. Gordon Butt and the present
pastor, Rev. .F .W Craik, ministered
to the congregation.
'Under the ministry of Rev. Harold
Whitfield, a Young Veriples' Society
was formed, and is still a active de-
partment of the church. Miss Nora
Sowerby is the present president.
-The--Wentens"---Mieskinart -Seem tar
with Mrs. Porist McClure, as presi-
dent, will celebrate its 40thanniver-
sary in 1936. The Sunday School.
with James Young as Superintendent
is another Worth while branch of the
chtirch. In 1933, a -Dramatic Club
ssas formed to add to the social side
of church life, and this club .is mak-
ing wonderful progress under the
leadership of Mrs. G. Om, and 111r.s.
-Mary-Phillips;:-The--elioir, under the
leadership of Mrs. Harwood also,de-
serve credit for their faithfulness.
The members of the session for 1935
are -Messrs. George Mcilwain, Robert
McIlwain Robt. Davidson and James
,A Great Success
The fowl supper held in connection
with the anniversary of Union church
was a delightful suacess. The supper
was served in the basement of the
Orange Hall, and almost 1300 sat
down to the well -Jaden tables. Fol-
lowingthe supper, the play, "Here
Conies .Charlie" was presented by
the Young People of Porter's Hill in
the chunk. The cast of the play in-
cluded, Mrs. Ernest Bell, 'Mises
Helen Cox, Dorothy Cox, Elvo- Cox,
Dora Harrison and Wilmer Harrison,
Ray. Cox, Allan Betties, Glen Lock -
Mixt and Argyle Lockhart Between
the first two acts, a beautiful birth-
day cake wes.,vat by Rev. F. W.
Oraik, and"distributed to eVery pne
Misses, Rtzth and Betty Harris of Tip-
perary, sang "Sunbonnet Sally and
Overall Jim". Between the last two
acts, Maurice Harwood and Eric Mc-
Allister entertained on violin and
guitar. Almost $100 was realizs,c1
from the supaer and play.
The autumn Thank offering meet-
ing' of the W. M. S. will be held this
(Thursday) afternoon at Mrs. Jas.
Hamilton's, Newgate street; Gode-
Carpenter and General Repair
Work -Satisfaction Guaratateta
, If you want a job well done
"PHONE Wits' ON." No. 344
7 Ithscks stt. Gooration,
Hilisotreofintrilkist eititaiier
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liTittzipti ROUSE & BELL GARAGE • al*" 38
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