The Goderich Star, 1935-10-17, Page 2GE TWO " GOVERIVE STAR .:D ERL (,Vetithlisheti,18-$,) „ kpe adept. newvaper *hashed 000 Aurtietay at Sar Ofli (ioderiehe ,SUbecroPtion "Weee-0, arteda . end Greet Priteder el.00-Per $eee advance 'On ae,reare 060 ; Alinited :4'tates, VA Pee ,y -ear in.edVence. Beth Old and It* dt.L'ist,S tllould Oven w)44•4•04,010 alidress ro- *4 , • . - 0,41sTOMATAMIS--,WO Ith4t nOst of. our 414mriber pogo not, to ,heye their subecriptiora,:intereepted ease they toll to unlit t'eefore fiatiratiore .thiless are notified' to eancel,,we A.estniae the subscriber wishes tile service 'continued .eed will send the' paper ,Ifee* tinte - ItENtrrallata tholgel be 'made 'by, registered letter, moneY order or (Cheque payable at par In Goderich. • The Goderich Star' Accepts advertising its columns en tne understauding tnat Wil Inlet lieble for any error in Any adVertising published hereunder unless a proof of such sktivertiseteente Pequired in writing bY the advertiser and returned to Stars ne: ss Oleo duly. Biped by adver- tier and with such errors or cormtions plainly noted In *writing thereon and in that ease. if any error is not corrected oy The Star, tts ltatlity shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire gest, of such advertisement as the apace Occu- Pled by the PAO error bears to the- whole space oocuOed by soh advertises:ant. Advertising rates on application. ALIARSI) WILMS, .. • C. HERR STOW'AIIT, Edttor. " Manager. PbOries: nitY 74444ight 84 and 331. Post Office Drawer 671. WA,. • . INI.1.1........ "..."....."."'""'""'"' THURSDAY, ObTOBER 17th, 1935 * IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF? ShadeortOf 1914! While the world is in a state of ax bus i tience and the reverberation of the . mighty 'iyipo guns, - Wasting a path of destruction through the ' land of.,Ahlopia, and shaking the 17 year old peace of Euro turn back to the days of great rejoicing- Nove .12NI: The present situation is not unlike that of.; 1*a/1! nett we read what Huron County spent ,during .4;;. kis conflict we realize what a world-wide avist todtWieould-4neart. IlUron_ County gave. a OW of $554,6594rAtifil the years of 1914-48 in Patriotic -..----Grantst-t:2-0tio.4 . t 0 oa_B.tar&mg_n_t_ae_su______c enditures is fonhd in t4iiAlarilsf the December session of Huron -County CoUnell•for the year 1918. In addition to this amount the NaVY;LeaOne of Canada was given a. grant of tia,000 for the year 1919, and the Red Cross was al- , lowed a grant of $8,000.fithe year following the close of the war. In Ms opening address at this session of the Council, Warden W. R. Elliott of Cecitialia spoke of "the great • • , ehaege that had come Edna; The last meeting in the peace "Whidh- had comeeaftee:10:liftwaturbittei a -struggle; The prolokm-S that would confront us in the repatriation of our 'soldier boys would tax our minds and would 're-. quire great thoug.ht and tact. Peace had its problems no leis great than war, and while governments ritight Make ,silans for the comfort and care of our rettUagilg soldiers; each separate community would have its, own , individual work and. we should work together and have- . patience Vzith our brave' boys!" , Such addresses bring back a flood of memories, mixed emotioes, embodying- sadness- und- Joy-all-jurnbled- to- gether in the pell-mell thunder and horror of war and - --the-sudden.serene-calln-of-a-world-in--p Despatches from European headquarters almost cause one to wender if a Waiden of.lth County will be speaking along this same vein a fel.v Yedris fiinn now. History re- peats itself perhaps, but the cycle ,of repetition would _seem .tnibeigrdwirig _coniparativeiy-5.Malle • although a .generation has Eiprung up within that time.... STAVING FOR' Tog WINTER, When the Middle of Oetoher errivee, ft is pretty' eere. fajfl that nelerlY a hundred Per eentof the summer viAlt tors have *leo, gone to their bootee across the hertleet. This Yesir, ,several fanUie have. decided to reinein,10 00'044 or the winter. Needless to add, their, dee- en meets with the Approval of every readout of. this „. • .town. Tbee Is quite a.difference between a 01$1.1a1 Summer Visitor, and a summer resident. A visitor, flits 100 town, Oa something to eat; spends*.$2.60 or iso for gas and is gene. On the other heed, eummer resident buys 4 home, rents an apartment, or stays at one of the hotels or homes for weeks, becomes acquainted with the local people, and visits their homes, joins in their joys and sorrows; joins some of the clubs or societies; and takes a lively interest in anything that happens to be taking place, When the time comes for him te leave with hia family, he and they are missed. Perhaps that is why some of the American families have decided to eceAnY their local homes during. the coming winter. While it 'might be an experience for thern to encounter, what is know as"areal old-fashioned Cemadlan winter" we can only, hope they will be dis- 'appointed on that point. Should week follow .Week of short bitterly cold days and long nights, the chances are the visitors might leave in dismay, whereas a moderate winter, with its invigorating atmosphere, should prove sufficiently health -giving and enjoyable to warrant them deciding to remain here permanently. And that would please everybody. 1867-1935 .A glance into the past, as revealed by looking through the early minutes of the County Council of Huron, shows that eonditionS were not so vastly different between 1867 and 1935, as one might suppose. In 1867- the country was in a different condition and the minutes 'disclosed that difference to some extent. For instance a fine of one dollar could be imposed for certain breaches of the peace, but in no case could that fine be over $20. Four foot wood probably soldWill:25-5r$ a cor it those days, but as it would now cost $11 or $12. per card, the fines have been proportionately increased, so theanatter equalizes itself; The value of education was evidenttappreciated in 1867 it has been ever since, but the cilities for im- parting knowledge were inferior to what they are today. Parents, trustees and children all were urged to be at school when the Superintendent called "so he could ex- -plain the-advantligeg-ef education " -.--- There are ,possiblY 'mime men and women -still living in this locatity who rernember those visits -they were only 68 years ago -2 -and they could doubtless tell some interesting tales of those days. The Star would wel- _ come them. Copying in examinations at scheels.was referred to at Ottawa, by the Deputy Minister of Education, as a seri- ous menace of the future. It•ne'doubt is to be regretted that -students resort te-eopying-but-there are-eircemstan-.- ces when it can be understood, though not approved. nervou temperment face examina- tions witii2fear and trembling, and this mental condition is intensified as the examinations proceed. They, are therekre unable to do themselves or their teachers, justice, and take advantage of any meats to escape from an unhappy predicament. Such pupils rarely make as good a shoneatiliarninationa as: Iihey'llo---duritit • operate to advantage. In the meantime, Copying is pre- valent and always will *he as long as human nature re - as it is. „ "trliat fools we worlds be". Everywhere in Europe, the fighting Men and fighting machines are gathering. It is a tragic commentary oh man's inability to sucess- fully grapple with his problems. In all countries, the basic diffieulty is the sane unemployment,' stagnant business, and the unequal distribution of the necessaries of life. If the money, the ingenuity and the energy that are going into. instruments of death and destruetion-for use on land, on and under the water,. and in the air, could be utilized towards providing feed and shelter, there would be enough and to spare for every living human being. Man has the energy and also the machi- nery, but has not the intelligence to use them, because the law of the jungle still predominates. A short story in last week's Star was badly mixed in the' composing room. Of course it'wasn't detected Un - :tit the last paper was eff the press. It had been Ptoof read and corrected in the ordinary way, but the right hand of the make-up man seems to have got in the way ..of his -left hand when it came to placing the story in the forms. Ile may have been practising that injunction Ita teftli ierifiS doing, but he carried it to excess,. and his efforts *ere . misplaced. Neither do we think, that the injunction was .ever. intended to apply to the composing _room of newepaper office. , '14 04 SCOTT i?A*P:Lniaort.11.11o14P?''rt.Y.A.•"°0'Fod"41tfrPINOH' 1-#411/Adi.S. tON1411#-E glkVs5 W+4,5,04' $1414'',Prititt,,,fil•rviu:0411';;11'w44.1tt"741*tAIIPR/121 'enirrilea4 OF WoOp wom,Ket, 11000 moi.s ii4 woo c.en465.cu11s/E- •-T- flotiR$ m'res FiRS•r 4REAL Betri1414 telAttaldItott m 1809, Atri- e(He IXSK ekLeio51' Kni-50 10P4 oiakt. on,* ceee tee Aeeeeewee • - .4; 'MFFV, 44rratc. WW1 • NKec By REACH'P14 Folk Foot) 0148 Bizir.molEs ' • ,VO, term and that is where promption on Term walk coul d • - MONDAY'S° RESULTS AS ;Alit; campaign progressed, the different leaders urged the-, POrtle to vote. 'This advice' was adopted ea, literally that thet enservatives in power, were practical- ly. obliterated, to be replaced by a Liberal administration with the largest majority ever given tlny Federal party. Variousreasons can be assigned for the change: That, the prolonged depreselori was first and foremost, can- not be deed 4 No government can stand tha continu- otits asatallts of years of -dePreetion, and though that condition may be world wide, as in the present in- stankpeople Inuit have somebody or sensething to . blame, 111?„. they automatleally Maine whatever govern- ment happens to be in power. 110. Stevens' deflection from the Conservatives, un- doubtedly :weakened that party's chances. While the Reeonstructioniets did not arrive anywhere, the momen- turn of their movement, after a' brief organization, shows what it !night have amounted to under more nor- mal conditions. • no presence of so many candidates • and policies Stems- to havesuggestedthe pestibility of a stalemate, and jit order Aek avoid that, a general rallywas midst . *to the Liberal pally, with the result the people 'spoke iti. no untertAin sound. deeriand stable government and the new administration has beei6tiven a mandate. Poieibly-a smaller majority Voila .have-beert better, but the people did the voting so they cermet complain. . They Should now support the new regime to help Can- ada as a Whole. ' '4 • FALSE ADVERTISING While every newspaper is a firm advocate of Adver- tising, here are three instances *bete it sterna to ,have te; "Cigarettes that improve your wind"; "Household appliances perform Automatically while the lady of the 4itii1S0 plays bridge". . We leave 11 to these who know if 'whiskey is A cool drink for hot weather" -from eases. we have seen of .sthisv eyes and pafthed lips, *ate morning after". we dont think there is mueh truth in that statement. Then 'teigarettesitnprove the wind' is just an attempt to mislead young boys. Cigarettes are not drugged As they were years ago, and Aber moderate use (lets net beittre any person, but as to "improving the wind", elearbt an -appeaI.toArabitioni-btim-it doesn't sound reasonable. A 'household appliance to, perform, automatically, while the lady of-the'house plays bridge), won't get its appeal 1t00$8. Web as ladies enjoy 'bridge, (and why shouldn't 600), they couldn't be deluded Into believing * inachine will gather up and wash the dishes, ;clear the 'dining room table, straighten up the kitchen and make the beiis, though * wobble might, do, the -family -wash* log; Stiblett to supervision. It is, extravagant,and grotesque statements that dis, vourage tome business people against advertising. They 16)4Weiretofibottld remernber That Mae Advertising IS" jui as dettlinental, to success aslahothly goods Advertised goods, .hatied ur) by merit Atul tair‘dealing, ete bound 01 ist4h4eet4.••. elfin torulon'en, V the election closed. Three hundred and -thirty two teachers applied for a Joh at Vergus that beearrie vacant . after the school term started. That meant there were 831 teachers still looking for work with small prospects of getting it. There Is no setret aboutteachers being underpaid, some Beads beinkforced to take, advantage Of the ireheip ten the dearest in the end. The importance of their duties cannot be estitnated in dollars and onto, and it is -unfortunate that their services cannot be more lido- quately rewarded. 'The straight forward, intelligent and gentlemanly speaking canipaignconducted by our candidates is thi way an exchange appealed for support for its favourite in its last issue. Every tied, party paper would Wm made the sante Immo!, it: told to ,do O rrovloold papers with minds of their ow* covered' the tainpaign, from an independent standpoint, but there were afew who dared net display ono. infilvidnOlty, Some one pulls, ed the strings and they did as they *ore toll , Iltig pipes have just been officially elassed 48 rillittititt. thsLtuments$ootoluittra rejelee and be glad that their beloved pipes have at last beet' Oren official re- ogiution man In Pontiac, Michigan, jail, hanged himself, ter having drowned his two stepdaughtos, tfad he reversed 'the- ptikednre. his-,c4ridfiet *mild lift* 'been more, eommerulable. as tonditiet4 got,his jol) back. tn "tee Iteen rs will receive * v,titeAtitt a , .1 FIGURES IN NORTH IIURON HURON -PERTH North Mien Wawanosh Ashfield 1 55 . 55 3 55 4 43 5 103 6 79 106 I-- Total • 495 1 0 II 1 14 100 33 74 -42 75 13 68 21 13 19 16 6 35 • 152 371 tyth- ' 102 25 68 2 66 31 81 Total , 168 Brussels 1 2 3 56 149 65 4 , 541 87 4 811 106 4 71 Total 258 12 206 Clinton .1A 52 15 77 5 60 2A 78 14 59 2B 75 17' 86 3A 65 12- _70 3B , 65 11 67 4 92 19 HO Pr..* ;r0Val 484 93 559 Colborne 84 ,18 62 2 52 16' 51 3 112 31 55 4 76 16 21 Total 324 *80 189 Goderich AP'4 1 2 56 17 53 2A & 2B 83 30 115 gA & 3B 113 40 86 4 66 23 40 6 100 19 101 -----------------------------------66. 12 44 7A -B 122 27 89 8 82 11 '43 9A -B 97 ' 33 111 10A -B 110 40 105 11 62 . 8 57 12 75 28 12-1 Total -------------------1036 289 967 1 43 12 108 2 80 21 84 3 36 76 60 4 55 25 28 5 86 28 28 '6 - 50 TOW__ 329 Wingham 1 74 21 132 2 105 , 12 114 3A 64 20 70 3B 71 13 57 4 67 23 79 5 59 16 66 --63 - 6 93 Total 503 111 611 168 323 Grand Total Majority for 629. _ _ IVIajority for _son 4845. Majority for 4216. 6,500 . 1,655 5,871 Deachman over Spotton 'neachraan over Hender- Spotton over Henderson Huron -Perth Grey 1 -82 17 69 2 , 88 3 -----6 '--3 80 11 46 4 121 8 37 6A -B 128 41 86 6 85 14 42 -7' - -65- ----- 6- - ---42 a Total 680 100' 364 Goderieli". Twp, - I 56 15 90 2 34 15 '56 3 67 15. 96 4 - 34 • 14 118 5 . 49 SO 60 . 42 21 49 Total 272 110-•-- ;409 78 ' 24 95 131 18 ' 85 3A. • 42 16 90 3B ....... .... .........-, 46 20 99 4A-11 1251 27 140 5 112 8 '16 ' 73 4 el 165 20 /4 er.wm.464, #110IAT 182 Morris 1- - 97 23 46 ° 2 ..... ....... .... 64 13 69 4 . „, .„. 82 - 26,92 5 ..... 46 28 78 . 05 ga 24 -137 731 Total Tortiberty woon5tb. a 480.4408. 401 884 188 79 , <, 0 90 11 ' 4 271 21. 49 40 '10 10 41' ' 44 a 0 • ---121-1. A) Tuckersmith 1 - 26 2 , 24 3 17 5 30 6 25 Total *149 !ittnett 2 i...„ . .. .. ..... ..... .._ .......... 20 77• 26 98 3 25 70 4 . . 15 , 1,21 6 16 35 8 10 13 1 35 15 17 THVASINit O4I D14034 1PUPILS WILL, BE PASSED ' 76 • 'ON WORK OF TERM 29 8 At the annual tOrreotien of Lllaet 13 Sleeve T'e'acherre Institute at Opldweter 5 It was announced by '1n,specter 0000n, of Celina. all.finaresaminetiens for the public school would he eliminated. The Finns passed upen their stand- ing for- tile year, tests being held .aver3 two months. The chenge Win come In- to effect this year, Total 4. •144 553 154 Killop. . 1 16 149 2A 21 60 2B 27 48 3 52 137 ' 4 60 107 176 eel 13 36 54 18 40 161 Seaforth 1 30 124 36 2 52 110 32 3 33 121 24 4 _ 35 87 29 5 30 . 63 49 6 .. 36 85' 32 ' --- - - Total .. .216 4585 193 Grand Total 3220 6265 • 1513 Majority for Golding over Donnelly 3045. Majority for Golding over ,MeMillan 4752. Majority for Donnelly over McMillan, 1707. • ' REFLECTION ON PAIL PROVED LIFE SAVER , Pedestrians courting death by walking on the paved part of the highway between Lambeth and Lon- don after nightfall, has brought pro- tests from motorists.. Twieo within the last few days, one Londoner has narrowly escaped hit- ting pedestrians walking en the high- way with their backs to the oncoming trafficrand carrying no ligats. Only the headlight reflection on arridesaved _a man on. Saturaccident - -or - possible death, when a driver was temporarily blinded by 'headlights. Motorists claim is not a case of ,trying to contest the pedestrian's rights ,on the road, but simply a mat- ter of safety on dark nights, when the headlights- of cars from the ether direction make it difficult to see un- lighted objects. Proper iro-a, In order order to" produce pork as econ.; omically as possible, farm products, vhick would othertvise have ' little or no value must be -utilized for hog feeding. A ration which is balanced, or nearly so, must be fed, however, if dauteiedsfe. ctory gains are to be made and if a satisfactory carcass is to be pro - Experiments have been conducted to determine the value of potatoes when fed irecoMbinatien with, ground erains and skim -milk. It- has been found that satisfactory gains can be e w leo 'potatoes -are fed -at -the - rate of four pouads for each pound of grain. Skim -milk should be fed lib- erally with this ratioa for best re- sults. Potatoes are fed, preferably cooked. The grain mixture may con- sist of almost _aay_mixteieof com- mon ground grains but it is to include °son & barley in the mixture especially during the latter part of the fattening period. Where grain and milk only are fed, a suitable mix- ture consists of equal parts -of midd- lings, ground oats and ground barley until the pigs weigh about 120 pounds, and then add one- extra part of barley. Where notatoes are fed, one part of barley should be omitted. In this experiment, where the meal mixture was valeed it $1.55 per hun- dred pounds, potatoes hada feed value of 25 cents per hundred pounds. 103 49 115 60 80 41 102. 28_ 87 30 108 20 595 229 Usborne 1 32 39 29 2 20 51 30 3 22 87 7 4 33 62 6 5 , 57 67 25 0 63 19 21 , 7 51 34 23 -- Total 2.78' 379 141 Exeter 110 71 51 2A 86 41 11 2B 58 64 go 3A ' 49, 65 /9 2B , 60 59 14 4 40 24 25 Total 383 324 145 Stephen - I 76 58 13 '2 30 31 12 3 52 95 4 43 128 , 20 "49 , 61 , 2 MO 105 13 7 „ 32 54 6 8 45 37 22 w Total 5/3 684 122 Hay 1 18 64 23 2 =, 14 64 15 . 24 104 4 3A 311 - 4 5 6 7 8 51 110 10 46 172 10 29 89 8 67 100 '1 10 51 1 24 85 16 Masan .1A weir* '4288 -1845 -84- 71 113. ..P 57 128 Stanley . 1 2 J. W. CRAIGIE - Insurance ad Real Estate DOMINION, PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Phone ?4 • CENT- A MILE BARGAIN EXCURSION ROUND TRIP Rubs out all st,Orti. rmiscUlar pains, 'colds, coda SiOn 1.1l jibes. Keep a bottle handy. DENTISTS Dr. L. M. Mabee DENTIST N. Side of Sq. Tel. 30 GODERICH, ONT. bEN.Tis.T - 1 Hamilton St. Goderich Tel. 262; Res. 124. Dr. H. R. Hall DENTIST__ 3 West St. Goderich, Ont. Tel. 147; Res. 396J. THE O. F. CAp,EY CO. Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE • Rep. -The London Life Insurar,ce Co. Office: • Masonic Temple, West St., Goderich Phone 230 NELSON KILL. Mgr. For Tour Convenience" Arrrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5th, 1935 Leaye--Goderich east -bound daily 7.30 a.m., 5 p.m., Standard Time for Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph and Toronto. -Arriving-Toronto (pay St.) 1.03 p.m., 10.55 .in. Connections at Climon for ,Londan , and Kincardine. Itineraries planned 10 all points in Canada, United States a n d Mexico. Consult Local 41.gents , • W. T. PELI4CYW, British Exchange Hotel. Phone 690. G. 8. LTIT, Bedford Hotel. . Phone A23, Central Ontario Bus Lines TORONTO MO, (Minitrom Pares: Adtdts 76c: Children 40n.) Sat Oct. 26. frotriGOIDERICH To Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fermi, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine,,, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchel), .Niagara.Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines St. Marys, " -Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford; Strathroy, TORONTO: Walkerton, Wiartort, Wingham, Woodstock. 1 I ALSO ON FRIDAY, -OCT. 25 To Oailawa.Pnrt HoPe, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston, Gant:aim:me, Brockville, Prescott, morrieburg. Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsey. Peterboro, Campbellford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, Meaford: Penetang, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge„ Huptsville, North Bay and all intermediate points. ALSO TO Al] Towne in New Ontario on 1 ineet.of Temiskaaning&SNIorthern Ontario Nipissing Central 'Rly. ind on C. N. lily& to Kapuskasing, Hearst, Parry Selina, Sudbury and lionglac Mining Fields. MAPLE LEAP CARDEN% TORONTO, announce the anattgement 01 REGINALD STEWART'S SYMPHONY ORCHE4T8A end THE RADIO CITY 0ALLE1.. Undat ihe direction o 1 Florence Roes* with Patricia Bowman, Solo Dente,LitOrlidOffa Prodecer Fridey itod Setarday Evenlass, Ontaibit 215th.26th at 0,30 diclock. .1119.100•M•111.10111e Fares, Zokets, Return Lindh! and Troininforttotion from Agents. • .4401k tot Handbill. yet= 127 • CANADIAN NATIONAL 241 ° 19 Atit Aglaia Fel parilcalara oi"Canada's Mepis Ceat co;fita", You may *IN 5100 011 int one leaf - 117 ....11••••••. 10 34 ° 60 17 20 40 4 3 4 . 40 00 12 4112 32 31 47 25 7 4 5 44 84 - 10- 51 I 77 6 8 ..... ft ....oars s .... ill Vita ............... 459. 70 Vali*/ *u 10,......ske ....... ... ,00.•••::13 2 35 ... • 01.-N-41." OA. 4:r 44 4, ..... 30 49 ...... 21 47 120.- . P7 118 1 0 23 i» 89 co 44 lbt 13 .124 90 11 Coal I Coal.. the mines report that up to the present there had been Very gale coal shippedand that theyowill not be able . to take care of the demand when the cold weather sets in. Put in your coal NOW, Do not have an empty, coal bln ,when it is impossibikto get 'OA We handle THE FAMOUS ALtIERTA COAL withz the galoet left out. • CHESTNUT and STOVE AMRACITE COAL !agile -LUMP' COAL FOR YOUR ORATES, 1.1ta - (steam, hot wiliter-ortitt anal. Titoknoith oit at to& All worli fu1l gootikotoot litto evry :at "toll 'lino of She! Urdwai'e. en-Sciire , tik A 606,6 la 1.0 111 -1` _ „ •