The Goderich Star, 1935-09-26, Page 7+, Y
1411114 31'd; ° f1Qld McMlchaol, 1404)w in
eat or giving ,milk, lst .and ' 2nd. A., ,yr.
Lai* Helfer 2 years old in telt- or, pro,
ingn4 k, lst + and 2nd, A. •T, Lamb,
Melte;- under "2 year, 1 and 2,►. T.
14 n!,
in ctDlf or lying milk,
'Helier 3 Yctlm old, in c
Mlle, A, '.x'. Lamb.
CIRJ!i.+l�E CATT>~,F
giving milk or in calf,
ld.; J. Chisholm &Sons,
;Helfer- 1 year old. J. "Gl
0. McMichael.
Ecet .tender 1 leer), "1st
F. Todd &Bon,
consisting of 1 bull and
horthorn, Polled Angus or
Tbdd & Son, heifer
and "under One year, to
raised and owned by
2 shears and ovr, sheorlin
ewe 2 shears and over
a lamb in 1935, shearlin
lamb -All won by A. `D.
ilea Craig.
2 shears and over, A. D.
► Thos. M. Snowden (Z
ng ram, A. D. Steeper
M Snowden.- Ram lamb,
D. Steeper � Son.
and over, having raised
1. and Z. A. D. Steeper
ewe, 1 and 2, A. D.
Ewe lamb, 1 and 2, A. D.
2 shears and over, Orval
Shearling •ram,' Orval M
Ram limb, 1 and 2, Orval
_.�cve sliE;ars'and over"
-a, lamb in 1935, Orval Mc
ing ewe, 'Orval
.and 2, Orval McGowan,
2 shears and over, J. R.
ng ram, J. R. Henry. Ran
J. R. Henry. Ewe 2
having raised a lamb in
Henry. Shearling ewe, 1
Henry. Ewe lamb, 1 and
1 year old and over
1 and 2, T. M. Snowden,Sow littered in .1935,
over 1 year, S. Alton
• ' +,MflR..IDER ES
°Solid entltoidered .tea. cloth and
4 serviettes, ' Mrs. J. Howrie, . Table
runner, natural and coleured, Mrs. D.
A. Fowler, Mrs, E. Darling., Embroid-
ered "laaby pillow, white or Colored,
Mrs. D. A. Fowlers Sofa pillows , col-
oured, Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Mrs. J.
Howrie. Embroidered nightdress,
Mrs. J. Howrie, Miss M. Livingstone.
Child's embroidered dress, Mrs. D. A.
Fowler, Mrs. C. H. Humber, Embr`oi»
ddered towels, initials, Mrs, 1) A.
Fowler, M.. i se M. Livingstone. Em-
ni '
broidered 1)andkerchiefs, two, Mrs. D.
A. Fowler, Miss M. Livingstone. In-
fant's dress.and petticoat, Miss M.
Livingstone. Dresser scarf and pin
cushion, Miss M. Livingstone, Mrs. E.
Darling, Buffet set. white, Mrs. C. H.
Humber, Sam. .Alton. Centerpiece,
white, Mrs. B. A. Fowler, Mrs. E.
Darling. Chesterfield table cover,
Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. C. H. Humber.
Fancy a apron, coloured, Miss F.
Schoenhals, Mrs, D. A. Fowler. Buf-
fet set, coloured, Mrs. E. Darling, -
Mrs. D. A. Fowler. Centerpiece, col-
oured, Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Mrs. J.
Howrie. Vanity Set, coloured, Mrs.'E.
Darling,' Mrs. C. H. Humber. Bed-
spread, fancy, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs,
C. H. Humber. Pillowslips, white,
Mrs. E. Darling, Miss F. Schoenhals.
Table cover, cut' work, and 4 serviet-
tes, Mrs. A. G. MacDonald, Miss M.
Livingstone. Tea Cloth and 4 Ser- Landscape, Mrs. J. A. Miller, Miss
viettes; tatted, Mrs. J. Howrie, Mrs. Lucille Grant (Clinton), Marine, Miss
E. Darling. Tea towels, embroidered, L. d`rant.
3, M. Rader, Mrs. 1). A. Fowler. Card Painting in Watercolours - Profes-
-Cloth Mrs.. E, Darling Mrs,-R�Gond,.sianai._w4ny..subject,.....Miss.. L. -.Grant,"
Sheet, 'How and towel set, Miss F. Mrs. J. A. Miller. Animal, Mrs. .1. A.
Schoenha s, Miss M. Livingstone. 1st Miller.
prize, wo value $1.25, by J. H. Painting in Oils -Amateur
Vrooman, Needle Point Cushion, Miss Landscape; Figure; 'Flowers; Fruit
M. Livingstone, Mrs. N. L. Carter, .�P'ortrait and any subject on satin or
Embroidered table cloth, large white, silk, Miss' Livingstone was awarded
Mrs. J. A. Miller, Mrs. E. Darling. all the firsts; Dr. J. Greive getting
Log Cabin Quilt, cotton, Mrs, E. Dar -2nd for flowers.
ling. Painting in Water Colours -Amateur
SEWING Landscape, Miss Livingstone. Mar-
---'��Lady's knitted sweater, Mrs. 0. H.
iner -Mrs. s• O. Jervis, Fruit, Miss Liv -
Humber, H. A. Fuss. 1st prize, tea ingstone.
pot, value $1.25, donated by Hunt's'. DRAWING
Hardware. Knitted wool mat, Mrs. Professional or amateur -Original
J. Howrie. Knitted wool cushion, • not. copy -Pastel collection, not more
Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs, J. Howrie. than five° pictures, Miss L. Grant. -
Embroidered applique quilt, Mrs. Miss Lucite Grant won.. all firsts,
J. Howrie, Miss 'E.. Darling. Pair and Miss Livingstone, all seconds.
men's Pyjamas, Miss M. Livingstone, Any subject in crayon, Miss Living -
Mrs. N."L Carter. stone. Any subject, pen and ink, Miss
EMBROIDERED' and LACE.WORK Livingstone. Any subject, pencil Miss
.SPECIMtENS • (Finished Articles) Livingstone.
Tatting, S. Alton, Mrs, D. A. Fow- PAINTING ON CHINA
ler. Filet, Mrs. E. Darling, Miss M. All to be -fired and finished -
Livingstone. Netting Miss M. Living- Single piece, conventional, Miss L.
stone, Mrs. J. Howrie: Knitted Grant, (Clinton), Miss Livingstone.
Thread- lace, M. Rader-,-Mrs-„-E: U'ar-= Single piece, flofal, TMiss Lring-
l'ing. Hardanger, Mrs. J. Howrie, stone. Three Cups and Saucers,
Miss M. Livingstone. Roman cut Miss Livingstone. Three plates to
, work. Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Mrs. C. H. match, Miss Livingstone.
Humber. Bulgarian, Mrs. E. Darling, PHOTOGRAPHY
Miss M. Livingstone. Eyelet, Miss M.
douse,, Mrs, J. + . 'fgbertson. Tea. Bis-
cuits, 3 sodas,. 3 baking' powder, . 3
Graham,. Mrs. ,Stonehouse, Mrs. E.
.)Marling. Bund, 3 fancy, 3 plain, Mrs.
N. 1. q rter, C;. McMichael.,Cookies,
3 oatmeal, 3 nut, 3 ginger, Mrs. N.
L. Carter, Mrs. 0, Jervis. Rocks, six,
Mrs. N. L. ,Carter, Mrs, O. Jervis.
Dark Fruit Cake,'iced, 2 lbs., Mrs. N.
L. Carter, Mrs. Howrie. Light Fruit
Cake, Mrs. Hanle, Mrs, Carter.
Light ! Layer Cake, lemon filling, but-
ter icing, Mrs. Humber, Mrs. Carter.
Two Dies, apple and lemon, Mrs. Car.,
ter, Mrs.: Jervis, Two pies, pumpkin
and chocolate, G. --McMichael, Mrs.
Jervis. 6 assorted Tarts, not jelly, G.
McMichael, Mrs. Carter. Cheese dish,
recipe attached, Mrs Carter, Mrs.
Humber. Macaroons, Mrs. Carter,
Mrs. Jervis. Dougnuts, G. Mc-
Michael, Mrs, Carter. Graham Gems,
Mrs. W. Bolton, Mrs. J. J. Robertson,.
Dark Layer Cake, Mrs. Huniber, Mrs.
Howrie. Scotch Shortbread, Mrs. Car-
ter, Mrs. Bolton. Gingerbread, Mrs,
J. J. Robertson, Mrs. Bolton. Johnny
cake. Mrs. Carter,, Mrs. Humber. An-
gel cake, Miss Schoenhals, Mrs. 0.
Jervis. Baking with Blue Ribbon No
Alum Baking Powder, Mrs. E. Dar-
ling, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. R.
Judges -Mrs. J Sowerby, Mrs. T.
Taylor, Mrs. A. Higginson.
Livingstone, R. S. Winter. Solid, Miss Amateur Photographs, Miss Liv-
Fti Schoenhals, R. S. Winter. Russian ingstone.
Cross, Mrs. J. Howrie. Italian Relief Judges -Miss E. McNapghton and
Work, Mrs. J. Howrie, H. A. Fuss. Mr, ,T. R. Pritchard. ,
Swedish weaving, Miss M. Living- SCIQOL CHILDREN'S SECTION
stone, Mrs. J. Howrie. Venetian cut, WRITING
Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Miss M. Living- ' Primer -Beryl Sanderson, Helen
stone. Wallachian, Miss M. Living- Wilson, June Beachler: First Class,
stone, Mrs. J. Howrie. French Knots, Lillian Irwin, Madeline Shackleton,
Mrs. E. Darling, Miss. M. Living- David Hill; Second Class- Jean
stone. Oriental, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Craig, M. Rundle, Donna Drew. Third
Livingstone. Modern conventional, Class -Jean Proctor, Joan Moody,
Mrs. E. Darling, Miss Livingstone. Ruth, Cornfield Fourth Class -Max -
Cross stitch, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. ine Wilson,Helen Holmes, Lois Car -
E. Darline. Needle point, Mrs. E. rick.
Darling, Mrs. C. H. Humber. Long DRAWING
and short stitch, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Primer --William Viuck irs, 'Brent
P. A. Fowler. Lazy Daisy Stitch Mrs. Nelson, Jean Kershaw. First class -
C. H. Humber. Mrs. Howrie. Drawn Elgin Fisher, Shirley Baker, Donald
thread work, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Bridge. Second Class -Frank Ker -
D: A. Fowler. show, Teddy Thomas, Edwin Ben -
MISCELLANEOUS 'nett. Third class - Ruth Cornfield,
Quilted cushion. handmade for Jean ,lauding, Harold Hibbert. 4th
chesterfield, M. Rader, Mr.'. D. A. class (Design for Linoleum) -Luella
Fowler. Pair fancy towels, Miss Liv- Black, Elms Snell, Edrienne Johns-
in+stone, Mrs. E. Darling. Bridge -set ton.' Fourth Class (Health Poster) -
cloth and 4 serviettes, Mrs. E. Darl- A. Bowman. Wilfred Greenwood, H.
ing. Miss Livingstone. French Hem- MacLeod. Bird Houses -9 years and
med Linen, H. Truemner, Mrs. How- under, Gordon Lee, Robt. 'Alun, Al-
rie. Crochet rag mat, M. Rader. Cro- bert MbTavish. 12 years and under,
chet wool mat, Dr. J. Grieve, Mrs. E. J. R. Sterling, M. Bloomfield. Over
Darling. Hooked mat, Mrs. J. J. Bob- 12 years, Harry Westbrook, H. Doer..
ertson, Miss 'Schoenhals. Braided COLLECTION OF WOODS
mat, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. R. Good. 12 years and under, Robt Reid.
Kimono 11'; A, Fuss, Mrs.' R. -Darling- Giver` 12 years, Jack Baxter. Simple
Boudoir Pillow, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. Woodwork --9 yrs. and under, Doug-
D. A. Fowler. Applique, Mrs. E. Dar- las Holland: Chas. Durnin, Elgin
ling, Mrs. D. A. Fowler. Hooked Wool Boyce. 12 years and under, Raymond
Yarn Mat. Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mass Snell, W. Beattie, B. Burns. Over
F. Schoenhals. Batten work lace cen- 12 years, Allen Bowman, Ingle An-
trepiece, Miss 1nvingstone, Mrs.�derson, M. Bloomfield. Difficult
Howrie. Woodwork, 12 years and under, Ray
Judges:, -Mrs. M.. Green, Mrs. N. Nelson,' Raymond Snell, Over 12
Hill, Miss Parrish. years, Gordon Harrison. Knitting -
DOMESTIC SCIENCE 9 years and under, June Bloomfield,
Preserved Frni s, 6 varieties. pint Barbara Holmes, Claire Bisset. 12
jars, Mrs. N. L. Garter,Mrs. W. H. years and under, Freda White, Don-
., f .•---„c-sx. .iR-- .-'.Mms.-r-eeaec+m, ... va'n.r••
n . and am .
Tremblay. Ho'11ec'tion C•a ned � . p�Ge"li; Irene `�ioddari. Over
6 varieties, pint jars, Mrs. N. L. Car- 12 years, May Healey, Josephine
ter, Mrs. Wm. Bolton. Marmalade, 4 Bradley. Bedspread for a doll's bed
varieties, Mrd. W. H. Tremblay, Mrs. -9 years and under, Gladys Sieling,
N. L. Carter. Jelly ---apple. plum, red June Garrick, Freda White. Over 12
currant,, berry, Mrs. C. H. '`lumber, years, Edrienne Johston, Helen Hol -
Mrs. N. L. Carter. Canned vegetables mes, Eileen Ensign. ErectionCon-
--tomatoes, corn,, peas and .beans. struction Work -12 years and under
Mrs. N. L. Carter, H. A. Fuss. Cold --:Harry Westbrook, Jas. McIlwain,`
• Meat Sauces, 2 varieties, Mrs. Car- Raymond Snell. Linkbn Toy Con-
' ter, Mrs. Tiowrie. Catsup, 2 varieties, struction work -9 years and under,
V one of which must be tomato, Mrs. Jack Stoddart, Bruce MacDonald.
Carter, Mrs. W. Bolton. Sweet Pick- Paper. Flowers. 'best collection -12
les, 2 varieties, Mrs. Bolton, Mrs. years and under, Ordelia Fisher, Lu -
Humber. Sour pickles, 2 "varieties, ella Black. Mounted- collection of ed -
one mixed. one mustard, Mrd. C. H. ucational pictures -12 years and un -
'Humber, Mrs. N. L. Carter. Mince- der, Jas. Mcllwain, Isobel Taylor.
meat, one pint, Mrs. Humber, Plain sewing on cotton, 8 inch square
Mrs. Carter. Canned chicken, 1 pint, showing patch, button hole and but-,
Mrs. Carter, Mrs:. =Howrie: Jar 'of 1936 ton, 9 years and nzunder Claire
honey, John Salkeld, 0.F. Edward. sett. 12 years and under- Betty
Maple Syrup, 1935, P. M Snowden, Straughan, Freda White, Luella
M. Rader. Vegetable Salad, Mrs. Black. Over 12 years, Jean Schaefer,
Stonehouse, Mrs. Carter. Print" salad. J. Bradley, Edrienne Johnston.
G. McMichael, Mrs. Win. Bolton Cold Childs aprons. t9 years and under:
meat pie, 1Jrs. Bolton, Mrs'. O. Yet- Florence Riley, Claire nista. 12
vis. Mickel) pie, G. McMichael, Mrs. years and under, Margaret Hall„
Bolton. Beef loaf. Mrs, N. L. Carter. Joyce Sager. Over 12` years, 1i velyn
. McMicl;al, Two. Cake$ hslt'd loop, ,. Steep, .Edriene Johnston. Eclbroidery
home-made, Mrs. J. J Roisertoon, Colored Centrepiece, 12 years and
Mr's. Bolton. Soft Soap, 1 qt., 11'. A. under, Betty Smith, Louise Morrison.°
(Fuss, Mrs. 3. J. Robertson?. Best Over 12 years,- - Edrienne Johnston.
working man's Manch, Mrs, N. L. Car- Embroidery, Colored cushion -top, 9
-3--iter; Aman. R. ,1 oad... ° : years. and `: Mader, .. lntene�e
AMMO TG Over 12 years,.. Betty `'Johnstone, .lid...
Bread, white, hoihe.-made, 1 loaf, rienne J'ohnstorr, - Miller, Ent-
BreAd.,,brown, Inonie'mado,. 1 loaf`, G. under, Claire BL set, `egiir ens w.
McMichael,, 4„.Mrd, Carter., Nut bread, 12+ years and ander, Jessie Croft,
.�:. baking- �+,f +r-.�$v-^ ij.._ .... �•} Mow- ` p�-��ryw�. yy.�w��, y■�•�■,�,y/�j �rJ�
baking'.- 'lY '4Ml lV ; iL1Y., .... RI, oY,'G .Y.xvit CA' 1.40,.. 'FJ..Y.Vr.,3, �'A.i%�(•:Mir
lie, Lois . Carrikk, Marjorie
:Miller. Johnston.,' Tie' Back for curtallns, 12,
years and under, , Jessie Croft, ,euro
Black. Over 12 years, 'Edrienne
Johnston; Runner or dresseer'Scarf-,
12 years and under, Betty Straughan.
Over 12 years, Edrienne Johnston,
Luncheon Cloth, 12 years and under,
I buise ' Morrison. Tray Cloth, Over
12 ` years, Edrienne Johnston, Wilma
Griff. Modelling Clay, Etc, --4 years
and under, Helen McLean, Jas. Tam-
an, Donald Porter. 12 years and un-
der, Jas. Abell, 'Pauline Johiiston,-
Over 12 years, Betty Johnston, Ed-
rienne Johnston. Bouquet of garden
flowers -best arrangement to count,
9 years and under -Betty Snell, Ber-
lye Sanderson, Douglas iIolland, 12
years and under, Rose Bowra, Isobel
Taylor, Kathleen MacEwan. Over 12
years, R. Barker. 'Baking and Candy
-Taffy, 10 to 12 years, Jessie Croft,
Donald .Campbell, Rosella Willis. 13
years and over, Betty Johnston.
Cream Candy, 10 to 12 years, Jean
Schaefer, Margaret Hall, Shirley
Marwick. 13 years and over, Eunice
AlIin, Jack Bell, Elva Worthy. Bis-
duits-10 to ' 12 years, Donna Mohr-
ing, Dorothy McDonald, Lulu Benja-
min, 13 years and over, Josephine
Bradley, Lillias Milne. Cake, 10 to 12
years-•=Rosella Willis, Jean Schaefer,
Helen Howard, 13 years and over,
Wilma Griff, Elva Worthy, Ernest
Kneeshaw. Muffins, 10 to 12 years
-Phyllis MacDonald, Kathleen Mac -
Ewan, Jessie Croft. 13 years and
oder, Eileen Ensign, Lois 'Carrick,
Elva Worthy. _Pet,..:10_ to- 12 -years -
Lulu -Benjamin., 13 years and over,
Wilma Griff, Josephine Bradley.
Small cakes, 10 to 12 years, Jean
Schaefer, Jessie Croft, Mary Schae-
fer. Over 13 years-Lillias Milne,
Wilma Griff, Elva Worthy. Con-
struction work -Ten • years and un-
der-. Baskets, decorated, or plain,
Arthur Adams, David Hill, Elgin
Fisher. Window Decorations, moan -
.ted on_drawing paper, Marjorie Hays
Arthur Adams, Elgin Fisher. Silhou-
ettes, mounted on paper, Francis
Schram, Phillip Willis, Irene Bradley,
Clothespin Dolls with crepe' -paper-
Betty McNee. ' Vegetable parade in
paper cutting, David Hill, • Donald
Carrick, Gordon Lee.
Prizes given by Dr. Hall .for
greatest number of points obtained
in Sections 4 and 5, were won by
Jean Procter and Maxine Wilson, and
sections 8 and 9 were won by Frank
Kneeshaw and Ruth Cornfield•
r+Specials by Twentieth Century
Club -Writing, Juvenile Klass, Max-
ine Wilson; Illustrated __nursery
''Syme, IferylSanderson, Gladys Sid-
ing, Allen Thompson.
Mounting on ark paper of free hand
paper cutting, Lillian Irwin,' Chester
McArthur, Edith Donaldson.
Flower drawing, second class -
Florence Riley, Teddy Thomas, Max.
Printing, second class - Teddy
Thomas, Peggy Brophey, Edwin Ben-
Health posters, third class -Betty
Snell, Jean Moody, Maxine Martin.
Pussy Willow drawing, third class
Maxine Patton. Billy Lanaway,
Helen Bell.
Flower drawing, fourth class-,
Betty Johnston, William Beatty, Ed-
rienne Johnston.
Stallion, any age- over three years, on
line, Dr. J. Benson Whitely, T. M. Dur-
nin (Dungannon). Filly or gelding, two
years, T. -M Durnin, Brodie Bros.,- fPort
Albert). Filly or gelding, yearling T.
M. M. Durnin, Brodies Bros. Brood
mare, 15% hands high or under, with
foal at side, Dr,' J. B. Whitely, W. T. Mc-
Lean, Dr. Whitely. Foal of '1935, lst
and 2nd, Dr, Whitely. Pair of horses,
in • harness, 15% hands high or under.
Thos. Gundry. Special prize gi'veri by
Dr, J. B, Whitely, for colt or filly foaled
in 1935, -.1st and 2nd, Dr. J. B. Whitely,
McManus Bros.
Brood mare, with foal by her side.
Garfield McMichael, Wm. Green. Foal
of 1935, H. R. Montgomery, Wm. Green.
Brdod mare with foal by her side, Nel-
sen Keyes (Varna) , H. R. Montgomery.
Filly or gelding 1 year old, Nelson Keyes.
Filly or gelding 2 years old, Nelson
Keyes. Jordi 'Cliislialln & Son (Crede=
rich) , 14, R. Montgomery. Foal of 1935.
Nelson Keyes, H. R. Montgomery. Team
of mares or geldings in harness, John
Wright (Auburn), O. F. Edward. Spe-
cial, best individual animal, eligible in
classes 3, 4 and 5, John Wright.
lin fon oily s ge; fr. ivr'D14rein, 1V'elson
Keyes. Brood mare with foal, Bert Mc-
Lelland: Team mares or gelding in har-
ness, John Vodden (Londesboro) , Bert
McLelland, Pilly or gelding 2 years old.
John Chisholm & Son. Foal of 1435,
Bert McLelland. Matched team in clas-
ses 4, 5 and 6, John ' Wright (Auburn) .
Bull 2 years and upward, W. C. P.
Oestricher (Crediton). Bull 1 year. W.
C. P. Oestr%her, R. M. Peck (Zurich).
Mr. H. Taylor (Belgrave). Bull calf
under 1 year, W. C. F. Oestricher,
R. M. Peck. Cow in calf or giving
milk, M. H. Taylor, R. M. Peck, W.
Oestricher. Heifer 2 ,gears old,. R. M.
Peck, W. Oestricher, M. II. Taylor.
..3.�.e•_ier 1., vis
Oestricher, R. M. Peck. Heifer calf. un-
der 1 year, 1st and 2nd, W. Oestricher,
M. H, Taylor.
Bull 2 years old and upward, G. Ken-
nedy. Bull calf under 1 Year, G: Ken-
nedy. Cow in calf or giving milk, 1st
and 2; G. Kennedy. Helfer 2 years old.
G. Kennedy. Helfer 1 year e1d, let and
2nd, G. ' Kennedy Heifer' tali - 'under 1.
year, lot and 2nd, Cl. Kennedy.
(PtI 1 ) y,•
Bull 1 year old, Todd & bola Muck -
now). Bull -calf raider' I year, .Tddd,4
'Om - Clow lira -calf -nr giving ilk, Veld
ii. lfelf 2� year's, Todd & SOP.
`del* 4141,,': ral :: al a
= r 'r ear•: "fid+ dz ben.
4 :::a;nym.. , . 1st :.:: d.p..A .., ..
Cow' A, T.
Lamb. aIf or
Caw Gordon
1100onnG. Mc-
Baby and 2nd
(Herd 3 fem.
ales, S Here-
ford, F calf six
months have
been bred,exhibi-
tor, Tod
Judge -H.
Raink ram.
ram Iamb,having
raised g ewe,
ewe laSteeper &
San, A
Ram Steeper
& Son, (Zurich).
Shearli & . Son,
Thos. 1st and
2nd, A.Ewe, 2
shearsa lamb
in °1935, & Son.
ShearlingSteeper &
Son. Steeper
& Son. -
Ram1 Mc-
Gowan, coow-
an. al Me-
ail: having
Shearl McGowan, Ewe
Jamb, 1_Blyth.
Ram Henry.
Shearli n lamb.
1 and 2,shears and
over ha 1935, 1 and
2, J. R. and 2.
J. R. 2, J. R.
Judge -Bert
Sow having litter-
ed in' 1935,
Zurich.T. M.
Boar (Lucknow.
Bo littered 11 1$35,.,I and 2, S‘ Alton,
Sow. l year old and over 'Sevin Uttered
+1zt ISS, '.;: and 2..S, Alton, Bow. littered.
lira 1035, "1 Alton, Thos. M. ' Baowden.
i Boaar over 1 .year, 8, Algin, Warner &
(Sa eid). Bow Uttered M *935,
James ;S. Cowan, Warner .& �. Sow
1 year old and over, having littered In
1936, Warner & Sons, J'as. S, Cowan.
Soar littered in 1935, Sam' Alton, Jas‘ S.
Saw 1 year old and over, having niter -
ed . in 1936, -JAS. a Cowan, Warner &
Bons. Sow littered . in 1935, Sam Alton,
Jas. B. Sterling (Bt yf eid) ; Best pair
bacon hogs (any •breed), John Sowerby,
Alien Betties (Bayfield),
F;ymouth Rock, Barred --Cock, 1 and
2, Letherland & Bentley; hen, Lether-
land & Bentley, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay ;
cockerel, Letherland & )Bentley. Mrs. W.
H. Tremblay; pullet, Letherland &
Bentley,. Mrs. 'W. H. Tremblay. Cockerel
-Letherland & Bentley, Mrs. W. H.
Tremblay;, pullet, Letherland & Bentley,
Mrs, W. H. Tremblay. Plymouth Rock,
white --Cock, Hilton Trueman Zurich),
Thos. M. Snowden.; hen, Thos. M. Snow-
den, Letherland & Bentley; co 'kerel,
Thos. M. Snowden, Hilton Trueman;
pullet, Hilton Trueman, Thos, M. Snow-
den. Wyanddttes, White -Tien, 1 and . 2.
Letherland & Bentley; cockerel, Hilton
Trueman; pullet, Hilton Trueman, Leth-
erland & Bentley. Golden -Cockerel
and pullet, Letherland & Bentley.
Wyandottes, Partridge --Hens, O'Brien
Bros. (Zurich). Any other variety, hen -
1 and 2, Letherland & -Bentley. Rhode
Island Reds, R. C. -Hen, Letherland &
Bentley. Rhode Island Reds, S. C. -
Hen, Letherlandi & Bentley, John 13.
Hockens (Zurich) ; cockerel, John H.
Hockens, Letherland & Bentley; pullet,
Geo. Beacom, John H. Hockens, Asia-
-ties, -,Brahma. A. V,,,.-Cock,._.I.,-B.r.-.Miils.,-
hen, J. B. Mills, Letherland & Bentley;
cockerel, Letherland .& Bentley, J. B.
Mills; pullet, 1 and 2, Letherland &
Bentley. Cochins, A. V. -Hen, John H.
Hochens. Langshans, Black -Pullet,
O'Brien Bros. English DorkIngs--Cock,
1 and 2, John H. Hocheps; hen, John H.
Hockens, Letherland & -Bentley_ .Dork-
ings, A. V. -=Cockerel, John H. Hochens;
pullet, John H. Hochens. Orpingtons,
.Buri Pullet, Thos. Bowler. Jersey
Slack Giants -Cock, Hilton- 'Frdeman;
hen, Hilton Trueman, John H. Hochens;
co:kerel, Hilton Trueman; pullet, 1 and
2, Hilton Truemner; Sussex, A. V. -Hen,
1 and 2, Letherland & Bentley; cock-
erel, John H. Hochens; pullet, John H.
Hochens. Cornish -Hen, 1 and 2. Leth-
erland & Bentley. Sumatras, " Black -
Cock, 1 and 2, O'Brien Bros.; hen, 1 and
2, O'Brien Bros.; cockerel,, J. 13. Mills,
O'Brien *roe,: pullet, 'O'Brien Bks.
Meditcrrallean, Leghorn, White, S. Q.
Ooek, Letherland &• Benitley*, W. Hume
G1\ttton; hen, 1 and • 2, Letherland &
BekntloY; cockerel, Thos. Bowler, W. 13.
Clutton; pullet, 1 and 2, Th,o3. Bowler.
Leghoi n, Whiter R. Qe-.«Hen, Letherland.
4 'Bentley; cockerel And pullet, ,-J.• 71.
Hochenns, Leghorn;n, Brown, S,C.-Hen,
Letherland da Bentley; pullet, 1, end° 2,
Hilton Trueman. Leghorn, . Brown, R.Q.
-.-p'ullet, totherland' :& Bentley, Leg -
hams, B1aek--41en, Wm. Dealt •da Son,
Leghorn., A. 0. V. -.- G'ock, J.,13. ilridl c,
Letherland & Bentley; pullet, 1 and 2, J.
B. 'Mills., and cock-
erel. O'Brien Bros., Letherland& Bent-
ley; pullet, O'Brien Bros. Anconal,
A. ` V,r.Coek, O'Brien Bros, Letherland
& Bentley; hen, O'Brien Bros., Lether-
land & Bentley; pullet, O'Brien Bros.,
Letherland & Bentley, Minorum, Black,
S. C.(• --Cock, Hilton Truman; tether -
land & Bentley; lien, Hilton Truculent
Letherland & Bentley; cockerel, John H,
Hochens; pullet, Letherland & Bentley,
Joh pH. Hockens. Minorcas, A. O. V. -
Hen, Letherland & Bentley; cockerel,
Letherland & Bentley. Homburgs, Black
Cock. 1 and 2, J. B. Mills; hen, J. B.
Mills. O'Brien Bros.; cockerel. O'Brien
Bros.; pullet,. 1 and 2, O'Brien Bros.
Hamburgs. Suver ---Cock, • O'Brien Bros.,
J. 13. Mills; hen, Thos. -Bowler.; . J. 1.
Mills; cockerel, O'Brien Bros.; pullet,"
O'Brien, Bros. Hamburgs, A. O. V. -
Hen, Letherland & Bentley. Campines,
A. V. -Hen, O'Brien Bros.; cockerel,
O'Brien Bros.; pullet, O'Brien Bros.
Polands, A. O. V. -Cock, Letherland &
Bentley; pullet, Letherland & Bentley.
Old English Games -.Dock, 0. `Beacom,
O'Brien Bros.; hen, O'Brien Bras., Geo.
Beacom; cockerel, O'Brien Bros., Geo.
Beacom; pullet, G. Beacom, O'Brien
Bros. Pet Games -Cock, Geo. • Beacom;
hen, G. Beacom; cockerel, Q. Beacom,
Letherland & Bentley; pullet, G. Bea-
com, Letherland & Bentley, Games,
any 'other variety -Cock, Geo. Beacom ;
--pullet. -f Gorge-Bearom:--Banta-mae- Game;
Duckwing- Cock, Noble Young, Mrs.
Robt. Good; hen, N. Young; pullet, Wm.
Doak & Son. Game, A. O. 1i...�Cock, N.
Young; hem N. Young. Letherland &
Bentley; cockerel, 1 and 2, Wm. Doak &
Son. Ornamental-Sebright, A. V, -
Hen, 1 and 2, Letherland . 8i" Bentley ;
pullet, Letherland & Bentley: Black or
White, R. C. A. V. -Hen, O'Brien Bros.
Cochi'ns, A. O. V. -Cock, B. Barton,
O'Brien Bros.; hen. B. Barton, O'Brien
Bros.; cockerel "O'Brien Bros., B.
ton; pullet, O'Brien Bros., J. B. Barton.
/and &' Bentley, Le horns, A, " .&1!.
Pock, I •and 2, W. H.1041. Oluttonn; *0,4
And 2, W. H. Olutton; karel, I and 2,
W. H. Mutton; pullet.. W. glutton, Allen'
Betties, 'Rhode Island Bed+ .A.
- Letherlanat , Bentley. ?aico itan►, A. V.
-Hen, Letherland & Bentley; One, doz.
heaviest 'single Yolk hens' e`°Mrs.
Oliver Jervis, 'Hinton; Wm.. Bolton,
Clinton; Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Oodertkrh,
Toulouse --Gander, Wi erne- A Bons
Sam Alton; goose, Warner • & Sons, Saran
Alton: gosling, male, Warner- & Sons;
Garfield McMichael; • female, Garfield
McMichael. Klnbden --- Gander a n d
goose. Warner d.;• Sons. A. Q. V..--•
-Gander, Goose . •ac)d Gosh/n--Male and
female, G. McMichael. .
Muscova, duck --1 'and 24 Dr,, .Grieve,
Seaforth. Pekin :Drake, Warner ds
Sons, T. M. Snowden!; duck. Warner de
Sons, T. M. Snowden; duckling, T. M.
Snowden. S. Alton; duckling, female, T.
M. Snowden, N. Young. Rouen -Drake,
T. M. Snowden; duck, T. M. Snowden,
G. McMichael; duckling, male, Lether-
land & Bentley; female, Letherland &
Bentley, T. M! Snowden. A. O. V. -
Drake, Letherland da Bentley; duck,..1
and 2,. Letherland & Bentley; duckling;
male. Dr. Grieve (Seaforth), Garfield
M lMichael; female, 1 and 2, (Dr, Grieve.
Breeding Pens: 1 coci., -3 females,
Leghorns, A. V. -W. H. Glutton, : Lether-
land & Bentley. Anoonas, A. O. V. -
Thos. Bowler. Utility--Leghorns, A. V.
--+1 and 2, W. H. Clutton. Pratt's Spe-
cial --S. C. White Leghorns-Hen, Leth-
erland & Bentley; pullet. Thos. Bowler.
Pratt's Special, Barred Rocks -Hen,
Letherland & Bentley. Pratt's Special,
White- Wyandottes, hdin, Letherland &
Bentley:. pullet, Hilton Trueman. Pratt's
Special: Rhode Island Red, cockerel, 11.
Hockens; hen. Leatherland & Bentley.
Special, --,.C. Vldean, .Beni.-. bird. -in,. abA
-J. B. Mills (Hamburg pen). Special,
C. Vldean-Best breeding pen, Thos.
'Bowler. Special, W. M. McLean --Best
pen light breed, young' or old, W. Hume
'Clutton. Special, Wm. McLean --Best
pen heavy breed, yound or old -Thos.
Fantails, pair, old - Noble Young:
Panters, pair, old - George Beacom.
lens, pair, old --•N. Young.
Peck of Irish Cobbler Potatoes, E.
R. Cooper, M. Rader, T. Gundry. Peck
of any other variety Early Potatoes,
named, M. Rader, Mrs. R. Stone-
house, •Mrs. N. L. Carter. Peck of
Green Mountain Potatoes, M. -Rader,
( Continued on page 8)
Wyandottes, A. V.- Co , Letherland
& Bentley; hen, Letherland & Bentley.
Plymouth Rocks, A. V. -Hen, Letherland•
& Bentley, Mrs. ,W. H. Tremblay; cock-
erel. Letherland & Bentley, Mrs. W. H.
Tremblay; pullet, Allen Betties, Lether-
Active candidates in The Go- d-ericti Star Circulation Campaign have
expressed a desire to .take cash commissions for their efforts instead of
thep rizes offered. Their wishes hav ` been considered and from now until
• )
the end of the contest that will be the basis- on which the contest will be
operated. The response of the reading :'pubic has been very generous and
candidates have been very successful intheir efforts in adding many new
readers to The Goderich Star. The volume of news and the many features
offered have in the past few weeks brt ght ,,The, Star' prominently to the
front rank among the weekly newspapers of the province and the people of
Goderich and district were not slow in recognizing this
Contestants in this circulation contest are finding the work very pleasant
and profitable and with little effort can realize a neat sum between now and
the close of the campaign.
VOTE COUPON 2,000 Votes
Prosperity and Circulation Canapairn.
Name of Candidate
The vote Coupons will be discontinued after
this week, but remember it is new and re-
..n_ew_. al subscriptionsthat will bring up y oti r
total and real .cash , inyourpockets, as• the
putcandidates turning in the most cash will re -
.HOCA li sioi a r'Y::'t- ' a dnmV •a