HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-19, Page 10'� 1�ioPoo r iS oilit iM °l� �11i.,"rJbfiC�1, 's 'wl�'��ftM9 uron AMR Mr. Golden Opportunity is knocking at your door. How him to enter :- - - - He has good news .for you • Subscription announces Star nd Prosperity iPJtnt and .-Interesting-Work WITH SUBSTANTIAL CASH PRIZES weekly_ candirlwtpa will not work in vain. .Every candidate will be rewarded for his or her effort. Full cooperation and assistance will be given to each candidate. Goderich, Huron County ,and Province of Ontario is your territory' -to secure -subscriptions during this' outstanding "Circifation Cam- paign." It is your privilege to solicit subscriptions anywhere. Wonderful prizes await you with weeklysubstantial cash prize awards. ANTER YOUR NAME N0w IN THE GODE.RECII STAB SUB SCRiPTTON AND . PROSPERITY CAMPAIGN.. " Do not hesitate, fill in the Nominating Coupon today and mail jt to Vite---Goderich Star C$ntest Ili Mil Cam' 14ssiste-ewill be given to-all-candklates- The Contest commences on Thursday, September 56, 1935, and closes on Saturday, October 26th, 1935. S:even W......±.eks - , 7 , (4\ Ask your parents, brothers, sisters, relation, friends, to helpyou in this interesting camp-aign to "win. one of the wonderful prizes to be given away. OMciaI assistance and cooperation will also be given to all candidates to help make their efforts successful. PRIGS THAT WILL LAST FOR YEARS. PRIZES THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED. MERE IS NO EXPENSE IN THE GODERICH` STAR CONTEST. SOK AT THESE WON IAF L:±P..RIZ.ES....-.....FR]E..E! THIRD PRIZE 4th PRIZE • Subscription Rateg $1.40 per year for 'a new and renewal subscriptiomr,._ in Calx. .4* and Great Britaiba $2.00 per year in Unit Mabee. Cask to be submitted tooGoderitik $#_t►r with all #io�trr . :fuY'.+pi a>�b<IWG:i%P#.t[Y .Jss: A. nYlbf .Y .n• VOTE COUPON 2,000 Votes TOE GODERten STS Prosperity and t'iireulatiw Name of C n,efldaato ....... Caunpa.ign. DINING or BEDROOM SUITE 'Ry LEADING CANADIAN MANUFACTURER CHEST of ROGER'S OOMMUNIEV PLATE --"34 Pieces" 8 Tea Spoons - 8� Dessert Spoons 8 Knives 8 forks 1 Butter Knife 1 Sugar Shell Amsomislistrinosemmaras. Rules Governiug..ThG�eriih.SiarContest Sni person of good character residing ,at Goderich or in .rioron County over sixteen years of age, is eligible to eater The Goderich Staar eligible tor Crit Prosperity . Ciit+esitls►tion Contest.To be e11 ti entry you are asked to fill out .the Nomination, Coupon good torr 25,41111 r and mail or being same to the Contest Editor of The. Goderloh Star. Only one nonlnation, coupon Will be allowed and credited to any one. contestant. No regular ,lemployee The Goderich Star or relation of same is allowed; -to enter this Contest. Vote coupons to be deposited in Ballot 'Bon at The Goderich. Star• Office or mailed to Cont Editor, Goderich Star. Coupons age good` for 2,000 votes and tVi11 appear steeldy in The Goderteh Star. Candidates are not se1rOwed Co 'purchase vote or -accept pur- chased coupons. Penalty for this infraction It rules is cation. Con is maywork anywhere they new and Cash be sent to Cawatest, Editor with � tiea� e�� ion renewal ��nbsc�ptlons. t Final count will be auper- via+ed b . msti: ti udites sum ai Oo edch b ualnesa: &' �.:: � , - - dee been s milt .. x .. � _ na,.. _ , a �. , ��e+Ritcxatiasxn+►L'i� .i►i� ° ns g the seven weeks of 'o the candidate securing the meat- number of new and renewal tr1)ts O jrz ptie►ans.....With highest ataatount,,, ofcash ma men the ntest will 'be •awarded the Area 2ND HIGHEST WILL BE AWARDED 2ND P_ highest will be awraard[ed 'sikeX Vie.. 4th highest will be awarded 4th Prize. • ' Zth highest win be, awarded sth f►riu►. Cash prize a niirdta hi accordant* with sinotint of° All candidate*, 'will be reswardea 14 r thew efforts, a►sibmitt�ed will be given to every sotivrs candidate at thew' close Special . will be dim *way each Week to ra►trdldate s se cutin the most money . in nrew or renewal subset -biking. • RCraennbety zoo triesds will Wit yea wilt. • a SPECIAL ENTRY PRIZ. Two Beautifill ' New Haven Chime Alarm Clucks In cetera /wee, t1`ne, Green, With high lighted nick* iiia will 1* given away abeenattly free, i,at-wit New Horn Chime A1*rn Clock; Will be 'g en to this' *nen the antetashat cant whtuing the 1st major rite in this iii., and ,66160eilielleit can si sign. ''latae Tool: candidate rpt" 2nd—A New lime* Chloe Morns Clook`*111 1* given to the cftnell-' ddte ht the that nievrh'`t'iptInn .acsa�.Ys� te"s donees t4 conned:en with this intenStilif csrnpogii. ilaibottlAgOA to Tilt GDDl ZCIr SVAX as ntiw anbetriptien 1$ worth tort to Vete 5th Prize • 1 Pair of Famous Benmjllej R_-All�.Wo�trnEFabTc���=R NOMINATJ�N COUPON Please enter my name in THE GODEnten STAR siibecription and Prosperity Campaign. Candidate°a name stektr41W r Wi o fer wining renewal wahnertPtlottl "+ be et tem tel e -VOX Vit p