HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-12, Page 3or Wedding of F�liesteth Middleton. arida GOMM" ed b : Pinkatt�et � ° ' . L� Powell : 13ridtip. T. . wait Little 14*'Middleton-, Dainty t oiverr Guth ew Book Bayfield Library Several Volumes by Best Authors 'Recently Secured PUBLIC. INVITED: ri. 'The following books have recently Iran placed in the Public Library: "Look to the tiSpring, by "Ruby M. Ayres; "Little Girl Lost," Temple Bailey; "The Rim of the Prairie," B. S.. Aldrich; "Heart of the Sunset," Rex 'Beach.; 'ywire;'ti B. M. ' Bower ;"Golden Dawn," Peter B, Kyne; "Passion Flow- er," Kathleen Norris; "The Gold Shoe," Grace L. •Hill; "Keeper of the Door," Ethel M. Dell; "Valley of Silent Men," .J. O': Curwood; "The Locked Book," F. L. Packard; "Ma Cinderella," H. B. Wright; "Bachelor's Bounty," 0. S. -Richmond; "Hilltops Blear," Emilie Loring; "The Flying Years," Frederick .Niven; "Lost Horizon," James Hilton ; "Young Renny," Mazo de -+Ira -Roche ; "Between the Tides," Annie S. Swan "Forlorn River," Zane Grey; "Pitiless cOhoice," Margaret Pedlar; "East, and West," S. W. Waugham; "Hill Top,,' Jessie L. Beattie; "Green Light," Lloyd ,C. Douglas; "Mulberry Square," Lida Larrimore;- -"T'he.....White-=Gate;"_-_Waxwiek Beeping; "Middle Age Madness," M. A. Dori -ale; . "Come and Get It," Edna Ferber; "In the Steps of the Master," I3. "V. Morton; "Retreat from Glory," R. H. Bruce Lockhart; "The Flying Carpet," - Richard• Ialliburton; - "The. _ Cat'tle . in the Btal1," .. Wine,„ Moore Jamieson; "The King's Grace," John Brrphan -"Inglor- ious Milton," Victor Laurison. All residents .of the vicinity of Bay- field are invited to enjoy' the benefits of the Public Library. "f you enjoy Thi' derich Star. "tell your friends VI/lLSON'S EALLY KILL e pad kills flies all day and every y for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each cket. No spraying, no stickiness, 'bad odor. Ask your Druggist, ocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? B WILSON FLY 'PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. �r AUBURN IIUrQn{A. Team Tin Filth Place Two Local Is Demonstrating At western Fair GRANDMOTHERS AS GUESTS • Auburn, Sept, 10.—•Mr2 R. Wilkins has returned to Goderich after spend- ing several Weeks assisting with the' harvest on the, farm of his uncle, Mr. Amos Ball. Mrs. Jas. Straughan of Goderichr is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. O. McBrien. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. - Straughan. spent Monday in Kitchener. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro and Miss Zeta spent Monday in London. Mrs. Bessie Lisley of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. E. Phillips. In the girls .j dging teams at the 'C. N. E., last week, out of 29 teams, the Huron - Co. team took fifth 'place. This week, the team, Misses Eleanor Wilson and Ruth Straughan, are at London Fair with their demonstra tion, "Cotton's may be smart". - Quite -se -number -of wadies -from this section •motored to-Seaforth on Tues- day. to attend the W. M. S. Presby- terial, of the Presbyterian church. - Next Sunday, Harvest Home ser- vices will be held in St. Mark's Angli- • ExtraSpccial! • • We -- have just received a shipment of Belgian Rugs and . Matts— all ' nice -.patterns -and color? Matt 24"x48" of .. $3.95 Rug 4'x6' at .• .. • • .. $12.56 Special Prices- in Congoleum rugs. Window Shades at 69c up. Get Your Cushion Forms. Kopok: • by the pound; Chair Seats; Sewing'Machine Needles here. J. R. WHEELER Furniture Dealer Funeral Director Mist Settle Or Go To Jail. oung Mut Advised to. Take Ad. vantage of Chace To Pity WARRANT ISSUED Olin G. Foster, youthful resident of - Tuckersi ith township, seas a some- what forlorn - looking • young man when he appeared before Magistrate -J. A. Making last Thursday, Foster has, for the last few weeks been at- tempting to negotiate with John Mc - Leen, _.Staforth garageman, in order to make restitution for $3i., the amount of a bad cheque whish Foster gave to McLean. Last week the young man was found guilty of obtaining money by false pretences in connec- tion with the above mentioned cheque. Foster has also made good Or $44. which he was found guilty of converting to his own use some weeks ago, and which was the pro- perty of the Seaforth Creamery. To top it all off, when Foster appeared for sentence on Thursday, hes was handed a summons in which he was charged with •directly or indirectly being a party to,ari accident and fail- ing to --return to the scene of the ac- cident. The case was adjourned for one week, there being some doubt as to who realle was driving the car. Foster was allowed to put up his own bail for. $500. can -church, at 10.30 a.m. Rev: Po- - With regard to the mattes of -the - cock -will - f tire - cock -will- -takes-the• services Rev A. Cheque, - Foster stated that° McLean C. -Calder of Godericch will be in said he wanted "the whole thing or charge if the evening service at 7.30. nothing". He was given -three weeks Miss Anna Dobie - of Bluevale and - to fulfill negotiations with McLean Miss Annie •Straughan of Goderich, and was allowed ball for $500. spent - Sunday at their homes, "Don't look at this thing as a sort Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Needham and of a joke young man", said the Magi - Mrs. G. Needham of Ilderton,_ Mrs. strate, "because you are headed for Jno. Medd and Mr. and Mrs: S. Medd jail -if you don't pay". Foster paid and little son of Woodstock visited court costs amounting to $33. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mills, on Sunday. George Brown of Goderich has Mr. Alf. Rollinson, Murray and - Iso- three guns. When he had been fit,, bit bel, spent last _Friday at Toronto. overindulgent one night, he threaten - Mrs. Wm. Sclater of Seaforth and ed to do away with himself and his Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and wife, by means of one of the guns. Marguerite of Hamilton,- spent the -Now the guns are in the care of a week end with Mr. and Mrs.` Edgar local lawyer and George is on a year's Lawson. - suspended sentence, having pleaded Mr. and Mrs. J. , C. Stoltz and guilty to a charge of assaulting his Edythe and Mrs. Wm. Dobie attend- wife. Crown attorney, D. E. Holmes ed the funeral of\ the late Mrs. A. put in a good word for the accused Stoltz, of near Ayr, on Saturday. and th; Magistrate allowed him an Mrs. T. McBrien of Ripley is visit- easy sentence. Brown went his owe ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Pat- bond for $500. -- terson. - - ..Ivan Leonard Bell pleaded guilty Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carter and Reg. to a charge of disorderly conduct, the of Port Elgin, spent the week end reason admittedly being too much with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carter. , beer, and was placed on probation af- Mr. and Mts. W. E. McLaren, Jean ter paying costs amounting to $3.50. and Dorothy of Cromarthy; Ross Mc- Fred Beacom wasn't -at court, Fred Pherson and Raymond Jeting of should have been there since he was Grand Bend; - Mrs. McPhail and Mrs. charged with - reckless driving, the Gereguests of Helen and Goderich, charge arising from a slight accident G. It�lis and nd Mrs. Geo. with -Basi? Duncan of Seaforth. Offi- Bean. cer Snell called thrice for Fred and On Sunday, Mrs. M. Fitzgerald, then a bench, warrant was issued for Mr. T. Fitzgerald and Margaret, and his arrest. It" is believed that Fred Mr. and- Mrs. Bert. Fitzgerald, with may be found either in Seaforth -or their sons, Donald and Keith of. Kin- #Montreal. It seems he wanders cardine, - visited with' Mr. Levi Mar- from one place to the other. wood and Mrs. Robb. . - ' Jack Giddy of London strengthened tMrs. I-1. Faegan of Goderich, was the court finances, by paying a fine the guest of Mr. and Mrs. U. Hamill ton.. Next Tuesday, the W. I. will enter- EYE TROUBLE? Have your eyes : examined by R. A. REID,. for 17 years Strat- ford's leading Optometrist. Ex- pert work only at most moderate prices. Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Consult him at ROBERTSON'S JEWELRY STORE J OiAL4HISWEEKi 12 only Reed Chairs, regular '8 for $5.50 Everything for the home WE POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY W.il. BLICKSTONE St. James Church, Middleton, a4tl-t atically decorated With Pith*, flows ere sand ferns, mei the scene of an at- tractive wedding on Wednesday. Sep- tember 4th, at 11"30 a,m., when Marion Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John. Middleton,was united in marriage to Francis Elliott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pow- ell, all of Goderich township.. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Bugler, rector of the parish. . The 'bride, given in marriage by her father,• was lovely in a • becoming gown of pink Suede lace. She wore a pink lace coronet, long white gloves, white shoes and carried a boequet of Johanna Hill Roses. She was attend- ed by Miss Luella Powell. sister of the groom, who wore a gown of blue transparent velvet with hat to match and silver slippers. - She carried n bouquet of -pink sweet heart roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Bert. Middleton brother of the bride. • The wedding music was played by Mrs. Bugler, .and during the signing of the register, Mr. Clarence Potter sang, "0 Perfect Love". The winsome ' little flower girl, was Lois Middleton, sister of the bride, in a champing frock of peach crepe. She wore a wreath of pink and blue flowers around - her hair and carried a., lsoSe-gstY of the same colors. Joe Potter, nephew of the grootst, was the ring bearer. The ushers were Mr. Douglas and Mr, Ross Middleton, brothers of the bride. • Following the ceremony, -a recep- tion was held ter fifty guests at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Middleton and the groom's • mother .receiving with the bride and groom. Mrs. Middleton wore a Navy and white. ensemble with a shoulderette of .Briar Cliff rases; Mrs. Powell wearing blue, with a shoulderette of Briar Cliff roses.. The living and dining rooms were effectively decorated' in pink and sil- ver. Following the reception, p .wedding luncheon wasserved by Muriel and Dorothy Rathwell, Mary Grigg, Eve- lyn Wise, Bessie -Cluff, Lois Hampson and Margaret and Kathleen Middle- ton. Later in the afternoon, mid show- ers of confetti, the bride and groom* left on a motor trip to Muskoka, Wood Lake, Sudbury and points north. For travelling, the bride wore a sand crepe suit with brown plaid trimmings, and brown 'accessories. Upon their return, they will reside on the groom's farm, in Goderich township._ _. _ . rGODERICH TOWNSHIP BELFAST' Dramatic__Club BELFAST, Sept. 10. --Mrs. Sam Sher - tain the grandmothers of the com- munity. A. special programme is be- ing prepared. Those attending are requested to bring an old time relic to display. Hostessess will be Mrs.. Lawson, iMiss M King,. Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Miss Reta Beadle is attending High School in i Blyth, while 13 boys and girls are going by auto each day from here to Goderich Collegiate. The Presbytery. of the United church was attended • by some 60- members when it met in Knox Uni- ted: church, ham, last sTuesday. . W. Farrell was in the chair. Routine business was disposed off in the mor- ning. r The president of London Con- ference, Rev. W. - Walden, London, Rev. G. Rayner, St. Thomas. Chair- man of the M. and M. Com of the Conference -and -Mr: -Jno: Elliott, of London, Sec.-Treas. of the Layrnans Association of the Conference, gave outlines of the work along lines of church work. Mr. H. Sturdy. Mrs. G. L. Sturdy, Mr. E. Ball, Mrs. Jas. Raithby and Mr. J. Bennett, motored to Chatham last Wednesday and spent several days with relatives in that district. ST. AUGUSTINE (By Harry J. Boyle) ,St. Augustine,-Stpt.- 10.—Coming -WOW"you 'b s rt 'flew esliffseWairderit, 1 hope that I can give you a clear por- trayal of tire• news of this locality. At all times, you are invited to send me any interesting and suitable hap- ,penings. Owing to the fact that the - school was getting a new coat of paint, S. S. -No; -3, did not open until-Wednes- day. ntil-Wednes-day. Miss Marion McCaffery is again in charge. Donnybrook School has re -opened under the direction cf Miss Elaine Bamford, Fall seems to be .coming --by leaps - and bounds. There is the busy hum, of thresbieg maehtnds, arra we see the lands e be' _.Y ... }.�aca P,. xng once more decor= Gated' with Fall Fair placards. , Miss Loretta Kinahan is visiting With friends in • Detroit . -- Mr. i -- Mr. John Connelly, Logan, visited here on Sunday. Women Fall to . Reaikre . Seriousness of B kache ° Women!. _ Are N you. dragging. around,. day after day,with a persistent, nagging_backttchet as it occurred to you this may be a warning of disordered kidney idiot or bladder irritstiont One of the simplest and most effective remedies for the ,.weal, Ia . and a hin c _�_ ...�. a ►� '.�,...• .eased The resa s lmnlantidinre acting directly on the kidneys. They help heel the delicate .0 - and redne the inftuismat1 of the D MMS lia fl< Yatt of $5 and $2 costs imposed on him, for speeding in Clintpn. BANK MANAGER RETIRING Mr. C. H. Joy, manager of the Bank 6f Montreal atZurich, has been granted leave of 'absence, before going on pension. He serveover- seas with the Canadian Engineers and has been at Zurich for 13 years. . ✓/!Jf y✓J/I/I e Will Broadcast At Mrs. Gordon Orr's at October Meeting stiNg -Kellogg's PEP Bra r :.Eiak are opular with active a ` e r , titer. They contain enotteh -extra bran to 1,e mildly laxav tive. Always ready to eat. Delicious with milk. orecream:. Buy a package from year grocer. Enjoy these better` brain" fl tke for breakfast, lunch or sup. yjter.Vitul6by. London -Ont. MEMORIAL SERVICE wood spent . a few clays with her., daugh- ter, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, near St. ilel- ens. Mr. Isaac Nixon is ill and receiving medical attention for throat trouble. Mrs. Chris., Sanderson and her daugh- ter, Miss -Margaret, and M. .jack .Black, of Goderich, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mullin on Sunday. - " •- • Mr. John Mullin is out again after his serious -illness. Miss Agnes' Maciauaid, nurse, who was with him ror two weeks, has returned to her home. Mrs. Nelson, who also was ill, Is somewhat better. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ferries Mathers, and best wishes for a prosperous and happy mar- ried lite. Mrs. Mothers was Miss Maizie Hackett. Goderich Township, Sept. 10.— Gordon Orr had the misfortune to lase a valuable 'horse. - Mr. Robt. Davidson attended the meeting of the Presbytery, held in Auburn. Mr. Orval Powell attended the C. N. E., in Toronto. - The 'September meeting of the Dramatic Club was held on . Tuesday evening, at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harwood's, with 30 present. Harrold Gardner presided and opened the meeting with community singing, led by Mrs-. Harwood at the piano. Mrs. Mary j'hillips read two humorous ar- tices; Messrs. Craik and Gardner sang a duet, 'Long, Long Ago"; Mrs. Harwood - also rendered an instru- mental number, and Rev. F. W. Craik gave a description of his trip to Mon- treal. The roll call was responded to with a proverb. Mrs. Gordon Orr offered her home for. the October meeting, which will take the -form- of an amateur broadcast. Mrs. Arthur Tichborne conducted a series of con- tests. • Lunch was served by Mesdam- es, M. Phillips, G. Orr and R. McIl- wain. The Y. P. S. held ,a corn roast on Friday evening, at Porter's Flats, with about 25 present. A huge bon- fire was made, around which games were enjoyed. Corn and marshmal- lows occupied everyone's attention. Community singing was enjoyed and the gathering broke up about mid- night. - The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. will be held on Friday even- ing, with Orval Powell's group :n charge. The September meeting 6i the Vv . M. S. will be held on Wednesday afa ternoon of this week, at the' -hor6 of Mrs. A. Tichborne. Mrs. James Young will have charge of the meet- ing. - There was a small congregation at Union on Sunday, owing to the had wee. er. Rev. F. W. Craik occupied the pulpit and delivered a helpful ad- dress on the subject, 'The Turning Point In Life" from the text, "I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies", (Psalm 119:59). During the service, a solo, "0 Mester Let - Me Walk With Thee" was sung by Mr. Harold Gardner. Next Sunday, on account of the Memorial service at Maitland ceme= tery, the combined service of Sunday School and Congregation will com- mence at 1.30 p.m, Rev. F. W. Craik will give the address at Maitland Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. NILI ONE OUT OF EIGHT SECURE DIVORCES IN U. S. CREWE 'Crewe, Sept. 10. --Ms: George Mc- Quaid is not as well as 'his many . friends would like. Mr. Donald Treleaven of Toronto, is spending this week with his uncle, Mr. Bert Treleaven. Miss Elia Whitley spent the week end with friends near Belfast. Mrs. John Menary is visiting her daughters in Detroit. Mrs. Earl Blake and children of Benmiller spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc- Whinney. ,Mrs. Stanley' Fines of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Voden of Toronto, spent the week - end with Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick. Miss Mabel Reed called on Miss Ida McQuoid of Whitechurch on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Palmer of Wrox- eter, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Shackleton. Mr: and Mrs. -Wilfred Drennan and Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Treleaven atten- ded- the Mathers—Hackett wedding oYdit• Miss Beatrice Treleaven is spend- ing a few days with friends at Bel- fast; Mrs. Annie Treleaven of Dun- gannon and her daughter, Miss Fran- In the United States there is one divorce to every eight marriages. Col- lege girls make the best wives according to the statistics as in their class there is •only_one divorce to 55 marriages. The college-educated girls , evidently show more ° judgment in selecting. _permanent partners. TRUCK DRIVER'S SEAT - - TOO THICKLY POPULATED For carrying a . fourth person - in the driver's seat of his truck, Alex. McCorquodal"e of Lakeside, was fined $10., and also had his license suspen- 1 ded for 10 days. NILE, Sept. 10 --Otey Mr. Wiley, of ,Senmi49.F cpnducted .-the seryl, Oat Vie. s, .., en '°lunday evening and gave an 'inter- esting address,• strongly advising the ' older ones not to criticize the young as in his ophnion the younger generation could tell the ollIer ones something, sometimes. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy .gave a lecture on Monday evening, which was, humorous as well as instructive, his theme being, "Putting Life Into Living.", .Mr.. and Mra. D. McOratten spent Sunday at Brussels. Miss Ann Tabb, of Toronto, has been home for a week's vacation. Mrs, Loramie, of Malden, cis • visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Pomeroy, and is leaving for her home to -day. Elmer Draper - is back on his job at Mr! 1 . ���n sr Il ViDgmen.lei d up with a slight attack of fiu. -- Mr* .%ac Tabb is painting his house. - ,tri fs'Cantwelists-e thelet ._.---- Mr. --...-,Mr. Carmichael, who has been em- ployed sr-ith ens D:, Mc'Tairrnid for the hatted, has returned to his home at Seaforth, Mr. Stanley htft ratteen spent . Sunday at Nile., Mlns Velma Pinnigan ,has started teaching at her new charge at _pedax Valley. Pet`akth Ilitl:th —the perfect aid to bee. lty. Essent%I to real feminine d - tinT,tiort. Results always in the highest �'xpro��n'L'�' `-healthy.'use- keeps the.. handsY�aiwaya *oft and flawlessly; white. tedispent le to ,the whole tangy. !m parts . added ehari to tb;l & Ji '. . t..,0_ t1tt , i�at er 4 .'1 fiJ .. ? a$ 41,t34 coollns °al'tav� lotion, and protects the tender skhr of the child.' !Persian Balm ' is the tri5e toiiet rCgarislte. ' �at�1�Wa 4 ces Courtice of California, were, guests of Mr.. Bert and Mrs. 'relea- von. .? Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan and children visited In Goderich, dur- ing the week. BENMILLER Benmiller, Sept. 10.—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor and Mr. Alex. Reesor of Markham; visited with - Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Vanstone, over the week- end. Rev. Geo. Wiley is in St. Thomas this week ;attending a convention. A number from here attended the Decoration Service at Colborne cem- etery, on Sunday, when Rev. George Wiley conducted the service. , Miss Ethel Hill is spending a few days in St. Thomas.. Some of the Young People attend- ed the Y. P. service at Nile on Sun- day evening. REV. FATHER.._ROUAN_ LEFT ESTATE TO COUSINS - When Rev. Father John Renis of St. Mary's died a few weeks ago, he - left-�an--estate-of-$'18:,000? but _ r • $5,000• was being transferred to the Roman Catholic Church and $11,000 will be divided among eight cousins, all of Los Angeles. California. DO YOU SUFFER WiTH YOUR FEET? a . —Then You Need . irnBu Swollen ankles, corns, sore aching feet, ebd similar foot troubles are not only painful and unpleasant, but as any doctor will telt you, when_neglected they often cause heads aches, indigestion and general 111•health. So, if you want to, keep well and walk In ease- and comfort' bathe the feet every night in warm water,. and after drylug thoroughly, apply Zam-Butt Ointment -to the ankles, insteps, soles and between the tees.' The refined herbal oils in Zam-Buk are readily absorbed into the skin to the seat of- the trouble. - . 1 1, pain. Swelling and Inflammation are -quickly relieved by Zam-Buk. Hard . skin, corns, and bunions are softened and joints, ankles, toes, and feet are made easy and_.comtortable.. Start now with Zam-Buk and use-lt regularly: "Mr feet became sore, tender and painful. and were aeon tired% Avairinr Zata- b'ek atter - washing theta with Zajn-nuk Medicinal Soap brought great cemtert and made mn feet tine and beattitp,..., -Dlrs. D. Hushes, !Sense!. • Rub ZAM i BUK 1n Every PighI' [LEADING PAINT MANUFACTURERS I 1 ANNOUNCE �E .:REDIH TIO 1 First Quality Ilouse Paint Now .75 per gallon . _ .. $1 The Quality Remains Exactly The Same. Only The Price Is Changed. Dating from to -day, the price of first quality house paints manufactured and sold by the undersigned companies is redubed-frons $4.65 - to $3.75 per gallon. There has been no change in market condi- tions or Manufacturing costs to justify this step. We feel, boivever, there is urgent need for action that avili make it possible for house- holders to obtain the highest quality paints st th low ® e est price consistent arith strict main- tenance of quality. Thoutattda of people all over the country have been forceef to put off much' needed paint- ing. Thousands more have been misled by " bargain " prices into using inferior paint of little or no value. We want to make it easier for you to enjoy the. edvaatagea of painting with first quality paint only, and are confident that thee o g nee us reductio® in price now, , announced is the best way to accomplish this. THIS IS OUR CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS NATIONAL RECOVERY THE CANADA PAINT '-CO., ° Limited THE INTERNATIONAL •VARNISH CO., Limited��, tl PILKINGTON BROS. (Canada) -'limited Elastica Punt "Canada Paint" THE MARTIMENOURM Limited-. TEL-SHE•i Ctiy tale 'Pure" Paint 2 • •