HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-12, Page 2ODERICH, STAR iltetetnisised,1450), ekri independent newspapre.rniblished every Tinmefey .• Gederich; Subseenition PrteesseCanaria, and ritain $1.60 per par in advance arrears 42.,00) ; *sited States, PA* pe r *Owe. Both eld and new iddinssesf sheltie be given when change of address is quested- TrONS---We find -that most of ow snbecribers prer net to naive tbeir sterscriptions interrupted in owe tbey 1141to Veva beroTe eaulratnere Unless we are notilied to olioe). ice assume the seincribeewlehes ttie service Outineed enid win spi4 this peer fez' limited time ItEMITTANCES should ne merle by' registered letters isenelt order or +,7,03eque payable at OarIn Goderiele. ' 'The Oederieh Star inters advertising In its column+, on the lindersteuslinle that It wil iniit be liable for any errer in an,nniveKtsiiiii Published hereunder unless a proof or Such ,litKertineultnte ivniiired in *fang by the aevertiser and returned to The Star's business ;Ace duly signed by adver- tiser and with nen errors or correction*, PleinlY noted hi Writing tbereon and in- that case, if.atty error I* not corrected by -The Star, its liability shall not *need ouch a, proportion of the entire coat of such advertisement at the space OM - pied by the noted error boars to the whole space occupied by such advertisement. Advertising rates on application. - AMR= =ACES, • C. KR STEWART, Editor. Manager, Phones: pay 71; Night 134 and 331. Pod Office Drawer 671. il'HURSDAY;SEPTEMBER 12th, 1935 NATURE'S PRODIGAL GIFTS In this issue two letters from readers are published. Some Of the improvements referred to in Mr. McCreath's contniunication, those about the beach and the Blue Water Highway, are of par -amount importance te Code - rich and. the_smounding district. The beach has unlimited' possibilities, whili the of the Maitland River, within the town limits, could, by the expenditure of money, be changed into natural ter- races, with inland lakes and _ponds, tropical gardens and tourist camps, but the money is not available as yet. The plan Is a -ilidenary one 6! the future, but under a Par Commission, one or two of the members of •which should be hobbyists in that class of work, the prodigal gift e ef nature to Goderich, could be increased to such a -degree AS to be made nbelievably attraptive. Park develo.pment; by the establishment of Park Commissions, is entirely under the control of those Com- missions, Town Councils being relieved of any work or responsibilities in that direction, beyond providing the funds which are secured by adding not more than one mill to the -rates. A great deal tould not be accomplished by one mill in the first year or ,fwo, but a start could be made, and plans developed upon an. organized basis. The same policy svotild bel continued from year to year, as Park Commissioners aee elected, or appointed,' Tor terms of one -years two and three years, thus securinessa con - :amity in the procees of development. Some of the northern towns enjoy probably a con- tinentsivide reputation by reason of their parks, which are equipped with hydro lights; municipal water, baks ing ovens, wash rooms, police protection and sanitary conveniences as well as community halls And telephones. Tents and floorings are rented by the commissions at nominal- rates, and so perfect are the parks, on the shores of the ,lakes, that. the campers have numbered 2,500 on several occasions over a week -end which is followed"by a holiday. other week -ends average 1,200 to 1,500 people, many families remaining in the parks for July and August, the- tnen returning for the week -ends. Of; course we haveift seen all the towns in Canada, but we have seen enough ta realize that Goderich has .attractions far beyond. the average. They however need development, and sowing to the town's closeness to De- troit and otherl American cities, it is a certainty .Gode- . rich coeld easily become the popular summer playground for hundreds, if not thousands, of visitors from across the borden. The second letter signed, "A Citizen" speaks for itseIfSueh an event may have occurred but the writer heads his communication, "imaginary Incident", 'which ---rai,-es-a-doubt,---thougirlanything might happen at this age. There is one certainty; it would not remain a se- cret very long under the cenditions so aptly described by "Citizen". ••• 4 DECORATION DAY Next Suaity Till-th-w4h-c---) can are being asked to participate in the annual ceremony of decorating the graves of relatives or former raeinbers a fraternal -socicties,.Whose-bodies-are- resting in 14aitland Cemetery. it is an occasiort that must make a strong appeal to those people whose loved ones- are sleeriing,their last sleep in;thatemetery.. Relatives„or the great. majority of them, will need no reminding of their duty in that dir- ection: To most .survivor‘ it is a labor of love, or a saered duty, to keep the graves of members of theli families, triftutied and supPlied with flowers and hrubs during the summer months. The ceremony 18 mere for those who were without relatives in this vicinity, and also for those who still living here are debarred by financial reasons from either visiting the cemetery, except on rare oceasions or sup- plying the flowers, mute emblerns. of their contittued af- fection. The Meinhers..of .the Canadian...Order of Foresters, are making a special effort to Make this yeer'is service next Sunday, an outstanding.event. That the graves of Vet- erans will receive special attention next. Stanley goes without saying, It is understood Decoration Day in 1930. will be plan- ned the_direetion of the Toot Council, as in former years, 'tlius making it a conommity event. That plan lareY Itave.the desired effect, of induc- ing some people 'to Join In the ceremony, who might Ikesi. tate when It directed by any one.orgenization, But the common:y.1s * labor of love, regardless of ho, or wlist organization, May te directing it. ' OODERICII FAIR The Goderich Fair opens, next Tuesday, and if it is anything like the Ooderich norse liadet,, its going to be worth attending. That it ranks high among Western Ontario 'Pairs is readily believed. because Ooderich is surrounded 'on three sides ixo, high cltssi fruitful farms 'and IitOrneS. ° 001 rah% *es not the only isnruAil outing t of people who live -en, firms, its sahl6 pipers' site iisertirw. Most of the farrtiets have ars of their (tWrt and go froth plot to place for week..endS, the hitie As toWtiipeOple. In feet it would be good business for some of those hospitable farmers to "farts their hornet on Siutdos„ 0003, only_ 5 to their oviA bush and picnkketlto svaa-tri- ilptk of visitors In 'whom they are not etpfti arty people loin to bti -Abidegi ear, they have * pertet right to foist; therneelVes trite; any farm home at any tine, for- gotOn,g that the, women of those, houstitolde have daily duties, and the presence of 3 or 4 outhidera doenot tend, to 'reduce them ' TuttheGoderich Fair is the subject of the moment, It Is an old established institution, in thrivingagrreul- tural districts in at it is an unmixed, pleasure, to visit some of thvi stock farms. -If the cattle are brought -in frohalf a ,40Zen of those farms for next TutnAlay and . 'Wednesday', they will constitute a show in themselves. Everybody knows What the horses are like, and With several new features, all the management needs is fine weather, nay they get it, READY FOR OPERATORS, There is one building in Goderich, which it is under- steod is practically ready for operation, if the pr?per Parties who understand the knitting business van be located, .Businetses of that character are believed to be thriving at other Western Ontario points. Could it not be duplicated for Goderich? A. certain elass,of Wool- len_goods' is always in demand, but there is likely to be a greater demand as fashion decrees woollen costumes for woMen and children. Fashion's fickle fancy is re- sponsible for many vagaries, but blankets, sweaters and socks will be required, where -ever there is winter and that is pretty nearly all over Canada. Bathing suits and woolly coats are summer requisites, so there must be an all -year demand. There is an opportunity right here for the right people. On opening last Thursday's Enterprise -Bulletin, of Collingwood, on Saturday morning, the announcement was read, with the deepest sense of surprise and regret, of the death of.Xel lioggv_the laYertiginirtinalleger of that paper. Ile was a young man, well on the sunny side of life's meredian, ambitious, energetic and abaii,% all hopeful. Ris passing at such an early age must be a crushing lof3s to his home people, as well as his office associates and to them The Star extends a sympathy "thitt worn" camint adequately express. Hitler's West outrage is to forbid, school teachers having anything to do with churchmen or religions edu- cation. The order forbids them to encourage member- ship in religious youth organizations, to give financial aid to, priests or to encourage directly or indirectly membership in any youth organization independent of the Nazispovernment. Friendly relationships with Jews were charaterized as "defiling of the German race". Such a defiance of Divine and human laws must inevitably produce self-inflicted and disastrous results. An alderman of Windsor has submitted a plan to his council, for the appointment of a permament city physi- cian, claiming it would save the city $100,000, on welfare. hospitalization costs. After 'considering the argument favoring the appointment, the plan ' was lopted by Windsor's city conncil. It sounds like a Social Credit proposition, but any plan that has a chance of saving $100,000 is worth trying. What has become of, that old-time election cry, "abol- ish the Senate" or will it become "abolish the bar?" be- fore 14tk October. There is also a commendable absence of flagi-veaving. The war proved there was not a particle of difference -between -Grits and -Tories, when -the call to service sounded. As Barnum of circus -fame said, "people like to be hum -bugged. , If the citisens of Goderich don't know how to vote by October 14th, it won't be the fault of the Politicians'. The Stevens supporters had a meeting last Thursday evening, Rnd on Fridays both the Conservatives and the Liberals field gatherings. This is a case where the Poli- ticians will be blameless. The Financial Post is exercised about the possibility of Mr. Aberhart, newly -elected Social tredit Premier of Alberta, not succeeding on his new undertaking. If he can succeed in paying every Alberta resident $26.00 a month, he should be made Premier of Canada over all - comers. • With only 37 dog -tags paid for at Kincardine the authorities laim dog owners are not playing the game when there are said to be 5 times that number of dogs wit in e owns a poor sog that isn't worth year to his owner. TEE GODERION ofts:s ttitAp000g gmtNutiost; stytotitro ist 0*Pio4 Herf'si, °KoaSniviNt4-P', , Ricotta ' tnis fikvoarri C,P0 .gr" R41110PIAt4 Wee es Pseiliasen. WAY .410•114014,41144 VALOR 0- • IF HIS 1114KY AMR. IIAS 8EF44 .fizAstieD 10 5-fAt49 •014 ftNP 514044FIES KE 14,01/45 KILLED ErfilEta. A MAN OR, A LI0N- 4000 iT C.Ort•SIDERED MUCH PIPElairall GLAY . 80wg. 5E1* IN A OouRO IS BETTE.R .1-0 HAVE, KILLED SAIP ib MAKE A 5KI5FAC1bRY A L1014 SmOKE r -OR Th8. IIIRKES1a44 SMOKER, await. OA SI CoMnit r.� All.d.006 1 AMONG THE POLITICIANS 1 Adams, --Labor nominee -far South lliVellinglon., died in a Guelph hospital on Sunday. Miss Agnes_..111)acphail is stumping in Ea et Middleseis in behalf of W, J. McNalion, the C. C. F. candidate. Harry Watson, secretary of the Perth County Conservative Assoziation, is mentioned in Stratford as the Stevens candidate. At Sarnia the Stevens' party- "has equipped a car with a loud speaker and is visiting the different parts of the rid- ing, makjng speeehea„ from the car. The report that Dr1L .1. (Spike) DaViS of Aylmer, Conservative candidate for Elgin, was dropping out, is vigorous- ly denied. A Liberal and a Recon.struc- tionist are also in that riding. Hon. R. B. 13ennett "October 14th may be the beginning of a new and glorious- epoch in our history, or it may be the end of those hopes...". •••*•••••••••• Alberta's trtasury will be '' enriched by about $7,000 through candidates having forfeited their $100 deposits in the provincial election. • An English. Opinion The political outlook in Canada, confused and difficult ° though it seems to be; is a little more clear than it is in this country. Cenadians know when 'their election is taking place: In a- short time they will have the full programmes of thevarious parties before them, and their choice can be made. Their decision is awaited in this country (Efigland) with the greatest intereet,. but few opinions_are ex- pressed as to the relative merits of the parties concerned. There is a fairly universal admiration for the personalty of Mr.. Bennett, Mit whe- ther a party can win on the person- ality of .its leader is a problem which British people find a little too com- plex to discuss. Important Announcement In his second nation --wide broadcast on Tuesday evening, Premier Ben - vett announced five irriportant chang- es. They were: 1—Solution of the unemployment in the interests of the youth of the country by pensioning adult workers at the age of 60 years. 2—Creation of a federal loan coun- cil whieh, while not interfering with foreign bondholderd, 'will" consolidate Canada's domestic debts — federal, provincial, -municipal and railway— upon e lower interest basis. 3—Assurance of minimum prices to agricultural producers which shall return them their costs of labor and production. 4—Extension of the Farmers' Cre- clitoris' Arrangement Act to city home owners. 5—Free technical educatien: PAINT PRICES SHARPLY, REDUCED A sharp reduction in the Price of first quality house paint to $3.75 per gallon is announced by the manufacturers' of some of Canada's best.known brands of paint, the reduction to take effect im- mediately. In making the announcement, the companies concerned state that the re- duction is not justified by any change in market condition.s or manufacturing costs. They ..point. out, however, that during the past few years many house- hOlders have been misled by "bargain" prices into using Inferior paint with re- sults- that- reaeted-unfavorably -on the whole industry.. Drastic action was felt to be necessary to check a situation that seriouSly - threatened property' values all over the country. The new low price is designed to make it eisier for property owners to use first quality paint only, _Iyith resulting bene- fit to property and to the community in CANADIAN BOND QUOTATIONS furnished by JENNINGS, PETRIE & CO. LIMITED, Bond Dealers, 510 Huron & Erie Building, London, Ont. J. B. Hughes, Local Representative Approximate quotations Sept. 9th, 1935. DOMINION OF CANADA • 5% Nov. 15, 1936 5103.25 $104.00 5% Mar. 1, 1037 105.50 10,6.25 51/2% Dec. 1, 1937 108.25' 109.00 41/2% 498.25 400. 5% Nov. 15, 1941. - - 110.50 111.50 5% Oct., 16, 1945 112.00 113.00 4% Oct. 15, 1943 104.50 105.50 31/2% Oct., 15, , 1944-4910j.'75 102.25 4% Oct. 15,1647-52 104.25 105.25 414% Nov. 1, 1948-58 108.25 " 109.25 41/2% Nov. 1, 1949-59 108.50 109.50 DOMINION GUARANTEED t. 1, 4951 5110.25 111.75$ C. N. R., 5% Feb. 1, 1954 11350 115.00 C. N. R., 5% July 1, 1999 115,00 -119.50 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Alberta, 5% Sept. 1,1955 94.75 97.25 British Columbia, 5% 1Sept. 1, 1953- 98.00 10100 British Columbia, '51/2% Feb. 1, 1945 99.75 101.75' Manitoba, ° 41/2% Dec. 15, 1056 09.75 102.25 MaialtOba, 51/2% Oct. 1, 1955 104.75 0.07.25 New Brunswick, 5% Jan. 15, 1900 142.00 114.00 NoVa. Scotia, 41/2% May • 16, 1901 , 108.25 109.75 oritario, 4%1/2 June ?1, • 1050 106.50 108,00 Ontalrio4, 51/2% July 1, o1 112.50 114.00 Onlarlo-Rqdro-Oommls-- sion, 3%, 4, 5%, Oct. 1, 1952 ...... 190.00 Quebec, 4% .‘tar. 16, 1952 105.25 Saskatchevflan, 414% 9c6. 1, 96.25 rii-scussion of any questions of public concern is invit, ed by ,The Star, tare being taken to avoid personal mat- ters. Space will be furnished as soon as possible after the reeeipt of the conitliiiikicatiorki. The Mitchell Advocate states that during August, there were no births, no marriages, no deaths, in that town ; That. sounds like a ball gatne, not hits, no runs, no errors. OT1HER PAPERS' OPINIONS Putting on the Screws—(Listowel Standard)— rush in where angels fear to tread". So also do drunken drivers, but the Magistrates are 'putting the clamps on tighter these days'. •••••••4•••••••*.o..,•••••••••••••••••••••• The Canadian Wheat Board has fixed the minimum price of, No. 1 Northern wheat at Fort William at 871,5 cents a bushel. ,That is an improvement on the price paid in 1932-33, when No. 1 Northern, sold in Vi7inni- ° BLEST BY COMPARISON (The Ditte 4011) Business men are never Very enthusiastic when a gen- oral election looms ahead, They Say it makes tor unmet, flerrierit anen'ii-CertiTi(tY41id 1or isinet,. Tbas is per.: haps true, but conipare conditions under dernocratie gov- ernment, as we have it hero in Canad*,. with those in, ountries in which dictatorship, of whatever kind, is in fashion. With newabitpetts- under rigid controt,or .alto *other suppressed and all 8011reits of general ettlightment itt the hands of a desoot or an,atitetraik.group, the WI.' viduai citizen counts for pothing at all in determining tonditiont'under wbicb hti ind. his 'family must live., lappraisal of the 4041one-el of evientt, at home and Sibreird;:nitiet hemadeup 'on Sinit Whit the2intocrati de e38 he should know. . ir blest iwe we by tomparisoilit --now- zealous, we thotild be to seiterelae the frafteltite we have, to that th6te elected to regitter the popular will iti,legitlgive, enact. en idionld-:bei the true thoire ot the great 'body electors'. 0604 citisensii$ may Well be stirMslated tbe re by ordet eottetaPtatiOrt of -Whit onwealth, have thus. far lett* ,gene The companies announcing the redac- tion are Canada Paint, International Varnish, Mo.riln-Senour and .Sherwin. vircillam.s; BIG REDUCTION IN - EXPRESS RATES t Striking reductions in rates on long-haul, heavy express shipments, became effective over the lines of all railway express companies in Canada on September' 2nd, according to an announcement by the Express Traffic Association of Canada. The neve rates represent a reduction of more than 20 per cent. Some time ago rates on packages of 16 pounds and under, were considerably -reduced, but in or- - der, to take advantage of these rates elliatra-Aregnentl..Y.IOurgLit-rtee sary to split large' -shipments intO small, packages. This entailed an in- crease in packing costs which is now removed, The present reduted rates on packages 16 pounds and under will remain in6ffet. ....mwommiamkomeosonemparoom..siromeam ABOUT TWO MO TO ONE In the twelve MOLItha endbig August 31, 1935, .65 munieipailtim In Ontario had locel optlon voice. The drys have. won in 34 and the wets 1art19. tire of the votes..catterned_ littnOr. Itt these each Side- Wort one. ;319 Naves' the wets ettstked the ex, local optton laitiind.,*on In 7. ;n 32 the Ails maintsined-theloair atition' Uwe 1414 'pieces the: drys attacked existing berersge feted& Tri 3 they Woll witirthe molted 00% retlerikY, Itt 144 the '7,ett nittlatidtted the* ground, but 'hi 5of these the- dm Tote was itt the tY, but fell below 00%. In 3 Aaee* of the 14 with beverage roon the tosjoritt- of the voters desire to con. Om* theni, ' " Of 0%0,001 vote on beverage to' ottrs the 53 inunktpatlttes (1044 *tide th contests On StOttS) 634% was dry. GT LIKELY 101.50 -107.25 07.75 GET ANYWHERE The American police _commissioner ,Lwho_dees not, like the word "'fights' and is trying to get the texaspoers to the more polite word ,,faisturbouice" wont , get anywhere. There, are i114 charatters in-distutbatice and_only 4 belitgbidy Mit it wide ita the others). Desk Merton news- papers, boiling down -stories to Save spate and writing headiintS that have . be eetOPresked Itt 4rrevit'014tens *in not use a iiing wad when they can use a short tilt. Ittat is why diplomas. Ile enuntiertientiona irre "rinte-tr the enemy, iss•the "foe:" . interrogates 'or ciotiintfls becomes crititire 4h1t, and sei On, Letters to the Editor Itse_rtIOU 431'" letters does riot ,necessaqily Mean, we endorse the °pies lone of the Writers, but' we Welcerne ters ,on matters of pill:die intereste-Ed.), .11VIAGINARY RESIDENT, The Editor ef The Star, The taxis of stile Prominent Citizen were far in arrears. Being such a pro- minent citizen, he felt sine thatno coimci1 would be unmannerly enough to do anything about it. Therefore he tossed his tax notices into the Ny. P. B. and treated the Collector with becom- ing nauteur. But on an afternoonwhen the,,Prom- inent Citizens Wife poured tea, the Bailiff backed Ilia truck to the front elnQr and loaded on the chesterneld suite, tne grand Wan° and the parlor carpet, also the tea waggon and the sil- ver. Then did .eath of the" ladies present, on her return home, phone nine other ladies saying., "Floor maiyi Ws,snst it anortifyingi It's•a dead secret of course, but I know you won't tell anyone." ° A CITIZEN. BLUE' 'WATER HIGHWAY Sept. 3rd, 1935. . Editor, Goderich Star. Goderich people are naturally inter- ested in securing a larger share of the tourist traffic and particularly tourists from the United States. The writer has been asked on many occasions why Goderich-has not -appealed to a larger extent to the tourists, and I thought you would be interested in knowing two or three reasons why other resorts_ seoure a larger share of this trade than Gode- tich. The raoSt Important of course, it the -faet-that-the-Blue-Water- Highway -I for some years been in terrible condition. The writer has been very much' surpris- ed that several thousand dollars _eaoh Year has been spent in advertising this route to tourists when the road has been so dusty as tO be quite dangerous. To enquire at Sarnia from almost any mer- chant Will elicit the information that travellers should "stay off the Blue Water Highway." This, in the face of thelact_that the Blue' Water ,Association has its headquarters in Sarnia. The fact that this road -is now a Provincial Highway hojds out some hope for the future. ,Another great drawback in Goderich is thelack of a good .golf course. Many golfers will not go to any summer resort that has not at least a fair. 18 -hole course, and so many of them are now available in different sections of the country that the' lack of such a course Is a great drawback. Another very great handicap is the beach, which. may to Goderich people seem adequate, but to anyone who has visited a real beach it, is a very third- rate waterfront which presents itself to a visitor to Goderich. On at least two occasions this summer, visitors Who arrived by boat intending to stay for at least two weeks, Umnediately embarked atitin cm the C4eorgian the sanie ..day, after Viewing the -beach at the - harbour. 'The -fact that, there are good bathing beaches both north and south of the town is not sufficient, Tourist trade means a great deal of money cfrculated in Goderich and the Board of Trade and 'llown Council should take action immediately to make G•ode- • CODOMX41$ MK% 12th, 1,6 - rich the fine.st Milner resort ,on the shore -s el Lake Iluum. • K MeeRcEnT11,, ALBERTA SCHOOLS, CLOSEI, Over st hundred eases of infantile paralysis have broken out ixi the( Ed- monton and calgary schools, arid they have been, closed for over a Week. Miler's Worm Powders are sweet and palatable to children, who show no hesitaa.ey In taking thera. They will certainly bring all worm troubles to an end. l'hey are a strengthening and stimulating medicine, correcting, the disorders- of digestion that the Worms cause and iraparting a healthY tone to the system most beneficial to develop- ment. - Main or College of Arts The College of Arts li located in the center of a group of aca- demic buildings 'anti' Occupies a campus of more than two -hundred and sixty acres; one of the most beautiful university Itites in Canada. The phenomenal growth of the University of Western Ontario is a tribute to the loyalty end in- _te.fligence of the people of this province; Iut in these-cliitriada ° dap education as a process in civilization and educational insti- tutions everywhere are being attacked. This is the result of a misunderstanding. Read the follow- ing quotation from a work allied -rthe-IteFax--Systems. -of the -Worlf1", issued by the Tax Research Foun- dation: "The four primary econo, mic facts of a society are doubtless area, population, wealth and • in- cotne. Wealth and inceme would seem to be merely materialistic • measures, but such is far from being the case. They reflect the intellectual and moral characteris- tics of a population. The greater the intelligence and education, the greater the sobriety, the greater the industry, the, greater the respect for the rights of others, etc., the greater is society's wealth and income." Prospective students for the Winter session arer notified- that Monday, Sept. 23rd is registration day for all freshmen. Senior students from London register on * Saturday, and non-residents on Tuesday. Lectures begin on Wed- nesday, September 25th. There is a penalty for late registration. For information concerning courses, scholarships, matriculation requirements, apply to— UNIVE SITY 07 WE ERN ONTAPIO LONDON: -CANADA 72 'Illumosuccommormiummemio .1111.!•••••••......../MO Have You Put in Your Winter. Supply of Coal? If not, we wish to,reminda,ou that we carry a full line of different fuels.We wish to parti- cularly draw Our attention to DISCO, which is a form of coke with the gases left in. Try a small quantity and test it out for yourself. NOW is the time to have your heating system overhaul- ed. Phone in your order and it will be given prompt attention. Phones-tooure2I- ise12 CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Store" at the Harbour. The Goderich Star READERS' BALLOT My Choice for the Leader or Group for the next parliamentary term: • ICING (Liberal) _STEVENS (ReconStrctiop) !WOODSWORTH (C F,) NATIONAL GOVERNMENT • RAIGIE sia*ceaiResIEdafe 11441 A OVINCI iinNitleht, SODS 4 Mark akil X .after the Leader or Group you prefer to see entrusted with the destinies of Canada for 'five years, from oelober To make the ballot'gtiod you must es° indicate by an X opposite the following affirmations that this is the only ballot you have polled in this slaw vote, affd that yolv are a qualified voter. I ain qualified to Vote itt the forthemning Pederal Election.' 'This is the.ohly..ballot 1 have entered in The GoderNi_Star-stratv-voite,contest.• ----- 4. Mark Rea* islo: ballot good vaipts prOpetir