HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-05, Page 90. **4, .4,1.******NMr40414.1. Move+ 1, k144.4444,5.4 ' ' • 400 ,k0/4*,:,44W,..4011WO., 1,Tosimix, srPrzioER5 los • •ke AVialg%***4***mot. 1**.roc..*•{..0.4. • * t4, tde 4144/4,44444.44 .1444.4.4. 4,14.44:14, •. ' .n • 1,14040,,, , , T1113 dODERIeli STAR rt, ;•• .„. oo. Golden *Opportunity is knoc ling- a r • ' • ' 0/44,4.44444.4 04410111101*. eric 'iron your door ---- Allow him to enter MB ON NM • .12 - He has, good news for you erich Star announces Subscription and Prosperityam ai Ecisy, Pleasant :and Interesting Work .WITH SUBSTANTIAL :CASH PRIZES weekly, candidates will:not work in vain. Every candidate will be rewarded hir his or her effort. - Full \cooperation and assistance will be given"to each candidate. Goderith, Huron County and Province of -Ontario is your territory to secure subscriptions during this ' outstanding "Circulation CaM- paign." It is your privilege to: solicit subscriptions anywhere. - Wonderful prizes await you with weekly substantial cash prize .awards. „ . - - . ENTER YOUR NAME NOW IN THE GODERICH STAR SUB SCRIPTION AND' PROSPERITY CAMPAIGN.. - - - -Dp not hesitate,1111In tke-Nomiiiatink Coup -on today and mail it to "The Goderich Star Contest Department.".. Assistance will be give.n to all candidates The Contest commences on Thursday, September 5th, 1935, and closes on Saturday, October 26th, 1935. Seven Weeks - 7. Ask your parents, brothers, sisters, relations, friends, to help you in this interesting campaign to win one of the wonderful prizes to be given away. Official assistance and cooperation will also be given to all canc*lates to help make their efforts successful. r PRIZES THAT WILL LAST FOR YEARS. PRIZES THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED. THERE IS NO EXPENSE IN THE GODERICH STAR CONTEST. FREE! -No t:LOOK AT THESE WONDERFUL PRIZES FREE GRAND PRIZE P/f • ; `,OacciytO410i Ix; , • 4 „*, 11' 41'4410 III lti'villirll'111111111111111111 1111N:11111111 ."'"Iii*r.wr°41",!,frffrimill N9152 : . TIIREE-1PIECE KRONUR CHESTERFIELD SUITE 4th PRIZE CEDAR Lj 44. c,A ; 0 • - • . ,, • ?"'" ... ..... 11. ... .... Subscription Rates $1.50 per year for all new .and renewal stilbieriptiOns in Can- ada and Great Britain. $2.00 per year in United States. --Cashrto-"be mibtrattied-to-Griderfell' Star with sub4scriptions. VOTE COUPON 2,000 V cries ThilE GODERICIii STAR Prosperity and Circulation Campaign. If • Name of Candidate Address. A Vate ciwm APPear wkly- hi tie tikidetieh Star Witch Airlik •Worth *Md. vote*. Save ter Yerir honstsche eindiatte to* *re& Deportit at The Star Ohio. . 1 • 2nd PRIZE DINING or BEDROOM SUITE By LEADING CANADIAN MANUFACTURER -Governipg ne-GoderkhStar Contest Any person of good character residing at Goderich or in Huron County over stiteeirl years of age, is eligible to enter The Goderich`Star Prosperity and Circulation Contest. To be eligible for entry you are asked to fill out the Nomination Coupon good for 25,000 votes and mail or bring same to the Contest Editor of The Goderich star. .Only one nomination coupon will be allowed and, credited to any one contestant. No regular employee of The Goderich Star or relation of same Is allowed to enter this Contest. Vote coupons to be deposited in Ballot Box at The Goderich Star Office or maned to Contest Editor, Goderich Star. Couponsaregood for 2,040 votes and -will appear weekly in The Goderich Star. Candidates are 'not allowed to purchase votes or accept pur- chased coupons. Penalty for this infraction of rules is disqualification. Lwerhjstbrorhere- they-Plesse-solleiting -new- anstrenewal-tnibeeriptiatisr Cash must he sent to Contest 'Editor with 'all subscriptions. Final count will be puper- vised by a board of judges composed of Goderich business and professional men and ° their decisions will be final. THIRD PRIZE CHEST or ROGER'S COMMUNIIV PLATE --"34 Pieces" 8 Tea Spoons 8 Forks ' 8 Dessert Spoons 8 Knives 1 Butter Knife 1 Sugar Shell ,„,.41111w.„. •44. 44.4.".4 • 5th Prize 1 Pair of Famous Benmiller All Wool Blankets Distribution of Prizes - To the- cantUdate securing the most number of new and renewal subscriptions with highest amoUnt . of cash , during the tieVtiti weeks of i • --------.7:.1--rthe--contest-will--be--awarded the fitst major prze7.- --" - - - --- , 2ND HIGHEST WILL nE AWARDED 2ND PRIZE 3rd highest will be awarded 3rd prize. 4th highest will be awarded 4th prize. 5th highest will he awarded 5th prize-. * - ' Cash prize awards hi accordance with amount of money submitted will be given to every active candidate at the close of the contest. A11 candidates will be rewarded for their efforts. - Special prizes will be given away, each week to ,candidates seeming the most money in new or renewal subscriptions.. _ - ..=-, SPEcIAI ENTRY P • A. A. "milk Two Beautiful' New---HavenChimeAlarmClocks o In colors Rose, Me, Green, with high lighted nlckle trim will be given away absolateb, free, lat.--A New Haven Chtine Marin owe will be given to the persen nominating the sucreastail candidate whining the 1st major prise in this prosperity tattl,webseriPOSP 'Ordinign• • ,‘ "Na*e year candidate. now." • 2114.-A New raven Chbiao Chtek will be given to the eso...41- 4te artiainir Itt the *stalls new Anbscriotions, A • o ant A "M4'' -'s -1"- Seethe as many 'new subscriptiont to THE I/ODE:RICH SUMS' .„htties ..catineegeti-wi&this interesting campaign. Itfuteswime that a nevi soibicripelso, is worth MOM in vote many renewal sabscriPtions, ito siOssibie. Assistance for sicarbig renewal taibatriptkotil will be given iti all Sector is Getetich Star VOTE VALVF 3--Xei*IF•!,-11-vt 6""thfrti",..1$,X140 YAM ---3tAtiCllettewitilstals...werimaAlltS•vottir Mali ---..frAt....010-AMinliA411-.04e0.14-4teelstrtts valise than it renewal. AS TOillt Int•Vithcbt8 T() ,11101,1* .1e01:1 WIN. The NOMINATION COUPON Please enter my name In • THE GODERICH STAR S�bserlptkn and Pros-Perity Cainpasign. Candidate's name Address in Full I Yeses. nab? litenewitl ilubsertion is *oath 5,0041"vetest.'IIIkd,toIbe e:eni.te‘ti114.41• ter` 6.4krilch Star' w1644‘2500* yestesi titte StshicriptiOn is ' AO. Tojks,'• t• Yeses Iltetieemlo-gehlett Is *firth' taint— vei",*-4! bectedt .... • 9,44!d4, te. ,„ • „.• 1 1 • • • r • 4.4110. 44.444,44N.4 • • . 2- . - , PX,X ".=:**ielirr. • ' r •