HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-05, Page 3Goa:Imp To s
Ai Union Chureh« Minister Will
Make Address at Decoration
Miss Middleton
Showered and Entertained Prior
To Her 1Warriage to Mr -
Vie members of St. James church,
Middleton, with other friends; gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Middleton on Monday evening, Aug.
in honor of their daughter Marion, and
presented her with many a.rtieles need-
ful and useful in the kitchen. Two little
gtris, Harriett Wise and Muriel Rowden,
carried In a huge basket laden with gifts.
Miss Middleton 'unwrapped each, reading
the humorous rhymes attached to the
gifts and graciously thanked her friends.
A pleasant social evening was enjoyed,
the bride-to-be being showered with good
wishes for her future happiness.
co= roast on the beach at Baytield on
'Thursday evening. During the evening
Miss Marion Middleton was presented
with a Lonite handled carving set and
the following address was read : Dewr
Marion: We, your fellow members of
A. Y. P. A. of this parish, wish to ,con-
gratulate you upon the occasion of your
..oceming marriage to Mr. Powell. Please
accept this gift ai a Mark 'the esteeM
in which we hold you. We hope that
both 01. you will continue to meet with
us in our organization. Signed on behalf
'tufty afternoon and evening, August 31.
at a trousseau reception in honor of her
daughter Marion, whose marriage took
place on Wednesday, Sept. 4th. The
bride -elect, beccmingly gowned in pink
crepe, received with her inother,. who
wore a black lace gown. The living room
was lovely With gladioli's and late sum-
mer flowers. Misses Phyllis and Ruth
Middleton, 4sters of the bride, displayed
the beautiful trousseau and shower gifts.
The dining room table was covered with
an Italian cut work cloth, and centred
with the wedding cake. Vases with
pl,nk flowers and gypsophilla completed
the lovely arrangements. Mrs. .0. 0.
' Middleton and Mrs. Fred Middleton,
aunt of the bride, poured tea. with Mrs.
Stewart Middleton and Miss Margaret
Middleton assisting in the dining room.
For 50 years, t Martha Southwell,
who died the other da in Romsey in-
stitution, Lonaiin, at t e age' of -88; -
used the lid of what had once been
her Coftin as an ironing board. She
was certified dead after an illness
-when she was a young woman, placed
_coffin, and__the_ lid lifted on._
While she was being carried ta the
mortuary she recovered cortous-.
ness ,and knocked on the co fin so
violently the bearers dropped it in
terror. It broke as it fell. Martha
stepped out of the wreckage and ran
back to bed in her shroud. $fte re-
sumed her work in the institution di
if nothieg unusual had happened. The
Iid of her coffin came in handy as
an ironing board. •She used it 'till the
day she died in the hqme where she
bad been born.
"The School of St. Francis", in con-
nection with the St. Mary's Roman
Catholic Church, will be Blenheim"s
first separate school when it opened
on September 3rd.
12 only Reed Chairs, regular
$8 for
Everything for the home
1140 MEN ik-ccuri)
Provinelal polite at 'Walkerton' helleie
they' have solved the robberies in that
frid 'Carrick and his biother-lnelew,
Vegelg, aged 28,
Ofileers are said to have recovered a
truckload. •• plunder. it included- dry
suregles, cigarettes, tobacco, rifles and
Quantities of the stolen .goods have
been identified and claimed by the own-
The trial of the two men was set for
Tuesday when an adjournment was asit„,-
ed by the Crown.
!A parted confession said to have
been made by the accused 'men.
No less than 25 charges have been laid
against them.
Agree To Admit
Huron Co. Pupils
London School Board and Dele-
gation From Huron County
Discussed Question .
The ban against. Huron County
pupils attending the_Technical School
at London. has been lifted and the"
Board of Education of that city has
decided to admit these students with
the county paying 90 per egnt. of
the cost of their education.
day, members of the board met the
Huron County delegation, includ,ing
W. H. Sweltzer, warden; William
Archibald, reeve of Zuckersmith and
Thomas Pryde, reeve of Exeter. Trus-
teed rejected the proposal that they
colject a certain portion of the money
from the parents. They claimed this
scheme would result in other eounties
asking for the same privilege.
Reeve Archibald, chairman of the
edueation committee for Huron, said
that there was no technical school in
his comity and that some students
were forced to go to Toronto, where
'they paid the entire cost amounting
to $130 a year. He suggested that
the Teehnical School officials collect
40 per cent. of the amount asked
from the parents.
Trustee W. A. Townshend pointed.
out the difficulties arising in the pro-
position to collect from parents.
He said that last year, when there
was no: agreement and parents were
notified to pay a portion of the costs
-they witheirey-their children:- F
cases were reported by him.
Following the decision. made by
both parties, students will be admit-
ted to the , Technical School only.
Only those who have been approved
and.these may be refused admission
from the county clerk.
Members of the delegation signi-
fied that thev wanted to know what
courses students are taking at the
Technical. School and if these may
be obtained in Huron County, the
cost of their London education will
not be naid.
Early Morning
Destroy orksho
Cherlas Asquith Loses Mach-
inery, .,Tools and Other Equip,
meld. House Saved gy
ling Workers. -
'VlelnitY attended Oa dance and 'Whet
nOt -St LueknOW., Aa some • Of
there were, ariVing pretty rapidly On
tho way honie, they failed to •See the
'danger. light% ran oVer them,
creshing throng,* the detour fencer
hut finally atoPped'es they emme feet)
to face with the large .oemeut
Mr. D, McDerrnid has been some
What indisposed with *a. attack of
Goderieh' Township, Sept. 3.--4liss
Esther Mcilwain ate Stanley Mal -
wain visited with relatives at Toron-
to last week and the exhibition.
4.as.. fierteD SO Mrs. Rod.
Bogie of Leeburn. visited with friendi
in the community oh Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. Brock. Orr and tam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bell of
Auburn Sept. 2.- Miss Jeanette Toronto came up to attend the funer-
Cook of iiondon„ spent a few days el of the late Mrs. Roht. Bell.
with her friend, Miss Mary Asquith. Mr, and Mrs.. Thei. Campbell and
Mrs. R. D.. Munro and Misses family of Bruasele °spent the week-
Mary- and Zeta have returned after end and holiday with the lady's moth -
having epent a qouple of weeks at er, Mrs. Alcock.
Sunset Beach. The regular monthly meeting of
Miss Bernice Lawson accompanied the Union Dramatic Club was held at
Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and Billy on a Mr. and Mrs. G. Harwood's an Tues -s
motor trip to Tobermory, Midland day eVening of this week.
and Toronto. A large crowd attended the Field
Mr. Jaek Weir has returned from Dee of eports on Labor Day, put or
his holiday, at Toronto. bysthe Men's.Club, at Porter's Hill.
Five auto loads of young people The regular meeting of the Y. P.
from Oakland, Rev. H. Wilson, form- S. of Union church was held in the
er charge, motored up and attended church on Friday evening, with 18
the service at Knox United Church' members present and Mr. Doug. Me -
and spent the day. Neill in charge. "God Revaals His
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor are Presence" was the opening hymn.
spending a few days in Toronto. The •Scrip'ture lesson, Matthew 16.1 -
Mr. W. C. McCrae of Sault Ste 18 *as read by Mr. Harold Gardiner
Marie is -visiting with his sister, Mrs. and prayer was read by Mimi Esther
Moore and the Misses Blair. McIlwain, and the topic on, "Build -
Mr, J.. R. -Ross .has gone to Toronto ing -the Church sin Trinidad", was_
for the week -end. read, by Mr, EVerett McIlwain. The
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fer• guson debate which was to bp held on •Sept•
and daughter, Grace, have returned 11th, has been postponed 111 Friday,
to Montreal. Sept. 27. Plans were made to hold a
Mr. and Mrs. E. Philips Misses El- corn and ,marshmellow roast on Fri-
ston motored to Toronto to" spend a flats. The himn, "Lord of the World
few days at the Exhibition.- Above" wee sung' before Rev. F. W•
Miss Margaret Strachan of Toron- Craik closed the meeting with pray -
to,. is spending a few days with her er. • ,
mother. Next Sunday, the service is being
Mr. George Hamilton and Dr. withdrawn at Union Church owing to
Mabee of 'Goderich, spent the week Rev. F. W. Craik giving the address
end holiday at Toberinory- at the Decoration Day service at
Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Knox heve re- Maitland cemetery._ Sunday School
turned to Sarnia where Mr. Knox° is will be held at 1.30 -On Sundays Kr.
on the teaching staff of the Public Craik occupied the pulpit of Union
School. church, and delivered a splendid ad -
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Carpenter of Oxe dress on "The Questioning of the
fore, Mich., Mrs. Frink and chauffeur Soul", from the text, "Canst Thou by
of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Searching find out God? Canst thou
Kie of Kitchener, were the guests of find Out the Almighty unto Pellet -
Mr. and Mrs. George Bean. tion"? Job 11.7. An anthem by the
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheppard were choir was much enjoyed at the ser -
visiting in Sarnia. • vice. •
Mr. and Mrs. McIlveen and family School re -opened at Union School
are returning home on Tuesday. on Tuesday after the holiday, with
Mrs. Jackson and Miss Margaret Miss Esther Mellwain as, teacher.
Jackson of Toronto, were guests over. Mr. Austin: Fuller spent the week
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, end in Detroit.
Jackson. Miss Margaret Davidson. R.N., has
Mr. and Mrs. Rye and daughter of returned to Defroit aftersen exteneives
Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. A, As- hOliday with her parents, Mr. and
quith for several days. Mrs. Robe Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waguer and Miss Emma, Harwood of Los Ange-
family are visiting at the home of les, Calif., visited last week at the
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wagner. homes of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Rouquie
.M.r.....and Mrs. Gordon_Ball cfillecLon _and. Mr- land_ Mr3 Gs Harwood -
friends in this vicinity last Thurs- Mr. Harry Johnston of Goderich,
day. 'flatted reeentlk With Mr. and Mrs.,
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter' and chldren Robt. Mcifiwain.
spent Sunday. with 'Mrs. P. Walker. . Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Anderson and
Miss Janet Gracie and. Miss Doris family of Hamilton were recent
Newton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. David -
W. C. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Margaret Small spent a
couple of days in Toronto.
On Tuesdtry morning about 3 a.m.,
Ur. Chas. Asquith awakened to find
his wood work shop in flames. The
alarm was given and help soon on
hand, bur they were unable to seve
anything. Though the dwelling is
quite near and was somewhat scorch-
ed it was saved. All Mr. Asquith's
machinery was burnt.
Rev. and Mrs. H. Wilson and fam-
ily spent Libor Day With friends in!
Colborne, Sept. 3. -Mr. and Mrs.
Frank MeIlwain spent the week end
in Toronto.
Miss Eileen Rees of Toronto who
has spent the past two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Fret* •McIlvvain tits
returned home.
Mrs. Wm. Cantwell spent the week
end in Sarnia. •
Mrs. Wm. Clayton and son Jack Of
Putnam spent the past week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Treole.
Mr. and- Mrse Allan Dickson of
Port Carling spent the week end with
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
len Wilsone-'
Mrs. R. M. Young and daughter,
Miss Isabel and grand -daughter Miss
Phylis Walter returned to Toronto,
on Sunday, after spending the sum-
mer at their eottage.
Miss Gladys Treble has returned
to Toronto. •
Messrs. Keith -Young of Zurich and
Colin Young of Kincardine, spent the
week end at their home.
Miss Isabel Tyndal, nurse -in -train-
ing. at Toronto General hospital, is
spending her vacation with her par -
There will be no service in the
churches here on Sunday, owing to
Decoration service in Colborne tem.,:
Mrs. Melvin Tyndal and three
daughters, attended the Toronto Ex-
&Liss Christine Robertson of Tor-
onto is Visiting at her home.
'Miss .Amelia Mellwain spent a few
days with -her aunt, Mrs. Jno. McPhee
of Nile.
Kincardine News -1-- Mr. Weal -6y Pol-
io& of Cacession 12, Huron, had
three ribs broken when attempthrg to
mount a horse at his farm. As the
horse side-stepped, he fell and was
tramped on.
ReMove Conistipation
FAnsi its Troublefs
If ion have Keen& Irian coast'.
patiotk: tot yekink.woulantt„yau ten -
Sider It a blessing to be ibis to kesp
ths bottle in 0. veil, utile* eon.
dittos. SO that fluky will have * fres
the tatiggisli liver ea te to rigulikts
1** tai.**Ciprelsrir
site bon** Makiag thew, aketlita sad
patio* and int sillost ,
tg, the* ):4110stieg ed
or sr*
Shower For
Migs M. LaRocque
Leaving for Toronto Hospital -
Canadian Foresters Will De-
corate Graves
Benmiller, •Sept. 3. Mrs. Bowden
of Toronto is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gledhill.
Metisrs. Arthur and Fred Maedel of
Toledo and Ann Arbois Mich., are
holidaying with their sister and re-
newing old acquaintances in the vil-
Mr. Sydney Brown, Principal of
this •ttehoorhas -returned to resume
his duties hoping to have the same
good results next year having passed
,111,;_entranee„,.pupli&jsrith-first _and
second honers this year.
Mrs. Gus. Vanstotte is visiting in
Toronto and Markham.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Stratford-
ville are guests ot their daughter,
MrS. Ray Moore.
Miss Elda and Skin Good have been
visiting in Goderich with their atutt.
Mrs. Parrish.
Miss Norene and Miss Verden Van -
tone spent a few days with their
grand parents, at Nile.
uesday for Kitchener to enter the visit at -Flint, Mich.
oppital as nurse -in -training. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutledge visited
been here spending the past two Benmiller, and Mr. Alf. Errington, of
eeke at home, returns to Kitchen- Loyal.
r on TOeSdaY...'..mr. Ernie Pfrint- Mrs, John Taylor is not •as well as
er has retterneA from an extended 1:ter many friends Would like to see.
rip to ,Mentreal and Atuebee, and ....Miss Grace Blake spent Jest Week
ther places East. • with Miss Orel and VelMit Finnigan.
liffeleS teltoeque before leav- slime at the Goderich hospital for
g fat Toronto to enter the hospital •i the removal of his tonsils.
s nurse-initraining. The Nile, Y. P. are celebrating,. An-
ne* Cariaillan„. Order. of looresters Divers:try Sunday, Sept. fithr when.
holding their Decoration 'Day they expeet JA large crowd. having
ervice at the Colborne Ceinetery, on Invited the Young People's Societies
ati4ali• gePternher 8, at 2 o'clock. of Dungannon, Crewe, Port Albert,
111 are cordially invited to attend. Carlow, Bettmiller, Auburn and Lee -
Mr. end pack Green and fam- burn, Bev. B.A., of
3/ of Toronto, ate visiting at the ler is to. be the guest speaker.
me,at Mts. tius. Millstone. e The tick -bridge at Mr. Ray Gir-
, vin's creek is completed, but will not
If you 4100 The Goderich, Star, be -Orion tot some time.
The carrier boys of the Beacon -
Herald spent an enjoyable week end
at camp Kitchigami, with the circu-
lating editor, C. C. Cavell.
Mr. John Clements visited with
friends at Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevenson of
Windsor, snent the week end and
holiday at kir and .Mrs. Robt. David -
Leeburn, Sept. 3. -Miss Blanche
Shaw. of New 'York, is holidaying
With her brother and sisters.
Miss L. Sterling of Buffalo is a
guest of her sistees Mrs. Geo. Fulford.
Miss Ruth Shaw has returned to
her school in Toronto.
Frank and Eva Horton and Mrs.
Arthur, Preison spent Sunday in Lis-
Mr. and Mrs. James Foley -attend-
ed the 50th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Rielly in Goderich.
Mr. Archie Korton, Mr. and Mrs.
James Horton silent Sunday in Mite
Mrs. Rod. Bogie returned to her
home in Toronto, after a pleasant
month, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Horton.
The many friends of Miss Grace
H'unter will be sorry to learn she is
in Goderich hospital.
Miss Hazel Watkins has returned
to take charge of No.• 5 School for
the fall term. She is welcome back.
ridge Finished
Not Tt (:Ipened
Returning Dancers Crash Pince.
Stop at Cement Mixer
Nile, Sept. 2. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank
‘,1t,.11" 70114.Cfrito4e
Stook threshing has been held up
owing to the eontinued 'light showers
of rain, but the rain was very wel-
tome as water was getting pretty
settee in these parts.
These around Nile W110 ars int(ir-
este& -will--nlease note( that Colborne
Cemetery Decoration day will be held
next Sunday, September 8th.
Quite a few 'people attended the
sale et Dungennen on. Saturday. of
Percy Finnigan's work shep machi-
nery. Residents of this vicinity are
sorry to See this place closed. It is
to be hoped some one will open up
again as a place like this is badly
needed in a comeennity,
The Nile P. were to have held
a weaner roast -at Port Albert, on Pri-
des, evening, but it was withdrawn,
owing to the rainy night. They held
a social evening, in the church instead
and enjoyed themselves' ixnmensely.
Miss Emily MeGratten has been
visiting for the past week with Miss
Evelyn Pollock, at Sheppardton.
Mrs.. Alex. Watson has -been atten-
ding the Toronto exhibition this
very Baby
Was a Winner
Goderich 'Township Men's Club
Sport on Labor Day.
Porter's Hill, Sept. 3. -On Sun-
day, Rey. R. M. Gale was welcomed
back bY his peceple at Grace church.
He is greatly improved in health and
delivered a splendid sermon, taking
as his text, John 8-12, "I am the
light of the world, he that followeth
Me shall not wajk in darkness". He
said this text came to his mind while
staying at the home. of his brother,
Rev. James Gale, returned Mission-
ary from Korea, who now resides in
Bath, England, -in the house where
Charles Dickens was born. Next Sun-
day, the -Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be dispersed at 7.30 in-
stead of the esual hour. On Sept. 22.
Rally Day service will be held.
The annual field day put • on by
Labor Day', was well attended. The
parade, races and sports being well
conteifid: The day was and
, everyone appeared to enjoy- the
The fallowing were the prize win-
ners: Decorated cars -1st, Mrs. Grov-
cars-lst, Geo. Johnston; 2nd, Jim
Stirling; 3rd, Evelyn Cox. Decorated
Betty Harris; 3rd, Eric McAllister;
4th, Jean McAllister. Hard time veh-
icle outfit -1st, Arthur Elliott; 2nd,
Billie Harris; 3rd, Eric Cox. Hard
time outfit on foot-lst, Ivison Tor-
rance; 2nd, Don. Colclough; 3rd, Wm.
Smith. Comic outfit -adults, 1st Art
Groves; 2nd, Mrs. McIlwain and Mrs.
Lowden; 30, Phylis Elliott. Comic
outfit for children-lst, Beth Cox,
Ruth Harris; 2nd, Robert Hobson; 3,
Ilean Sutter. Jazz band-lst, Groves
band. Ancient outfit vehicle -Joyce
Gardiner, June McDougal. Ancient
outfit on foot-lst, John Deil; 2nd,
Mrs. Jorden; 3rd, Ray Cox and Jim
Sturgeon. Children's fancy dress -
1St Mary Torrance and Isobel Woods;
2nd, Groves children. Adult fancy
dress -1st, J. R. Sterling and Gladys
Gale; 2nd, Dora -Harrison and Alda
Babies Were Ali Winners
At the- baby show,_ there were only
three entries, and all were so attrac-
tive, they were given equal standing,
Nail driving contest-lst, Arthur
Eliotts 2nd, Harold Yeo. Pillow fight,
13 years and under-lst, Robert Hop -
sone, 2nd, Ivason Torrance; 18 years
and under, lst R. Thomps'on; 2nd F.
Finde. Boxing in barrels, 15 years
and under --Jim Atwood; Clayton
Cooper; any age. lst Grant Lindsay;
2nd, Lorn Porter.
Races, boys 6 and under-lst, Ron-
ald Fuller; 2nd, Gordon Grigg. Girls
Maxene McAllister; 3rd, Isobel' Pul-
ler. Boys, 8 and under-lst, Bob.
Ginn; 2nd, Wm.' McIlwain; 3rd, Geo.
.Ginn. Girls, 8 and under-lst, Annie
en Groves. Boys, 1.0 -and under -1st,
Keith Jenks; 2nd, Rob. Ginn; 3rd, Bill
• Harris.. Girls, 10 and under -1st,
Dorothy Ginn; 2nd, Maxine Sturdy;
3rd, Ruth Harris, Boys, 12 and under
-1st, Jim Sturdy; 2nd, Dug. Ster-
lingyard, K. Sterling. Girls, 12 and
under-e-lst, Maxine Stardy; 2nd, Dor-
othy Ginn' 3rd, Betty Harris. Boys,
16 and under-lst, Jim Attwood; 2nd,
Grant Sterling; 3rd, Lorne Tyndall.
.airls, 10 and under--lat, Gertrude
Easom; 2nd, Bessy Young; 3rd,
Gladys Clark. Men's 100 yard dash
ist. Jack, Stirling; 2nd, Alvin Cox;
3rd, Harold Johnston. Girls 100 yd.
dash - 1st, Gertrude Easom; 2nd,
Gladys Clark; 2rd, Clara Elliott. Mat-
rimonial race -Elliott Harrisen-tind
•Mrs. W. Jervis; 2nd, Jim Blake and
Mary Grigg. Slipper kicking-lst,
Norma Potter; 2tid, Bessie Young;
3rd, Dorothy Ginn.
' The managers of the citib wiSh to
thank all wit6 so willingly helped to
reake day sr lateens, tear' sga*te • and
booth receipts amounted te some-
thing around 4141.
As he tried to pass a car that swer-
ved to the wrong side of the road and
to miss one coming out from a Mee
line, W:Jt.- Jones Wingliain re-
ceived i broken erns and other injuir-
ies. its ear turned over three- times
First Fall Wheat
Sowed August 31
Mr. Wm. L Young First in Dis-
trict -Rain Delays Stook
Loyal, September • 4th.- Congrat-
ulations to our genial mail car-
rier, who has taken unto himself, a
wife, in the person of Miss Rae An-
drew. Our best wishes go with them
as they begin their journey through
life toteether.
,Mr.• Wm. L. Young sowed the first
fall wheat around here on August 31.
The rain has delayed stook threshing
but again the farmers are busy. -
Mr. Lassaline and • Mr. Fordyce
Clark _installed hydro. itsst week in
their respective hontes and barns.
Miss Christine E. Robertson, who
has spent the last few months in To-
ronto is visiting her father, Mr. C.
A. Robertsoon, M.P.P. and sister,
where she will return to a new poosi-
tion in "West Toronto
Miss„Isabel M. Tyndall, nurse -in -
training at the General hospital in
Toronto, is spending a two weeks hol-
iday atsher home.
There will be no service at Carl-
ton on Sunday, as Rev. T. W. Mills
and Rev. G. Wylie have charge of the
Memorial Service in the Colborne
Cemetery, Sunday at 2.30 p. m.
Miss J. Buchanan
Won Scholarship
Entitled to Two Years' Tuition at
Western University
Mrs, Norman McDowell visited
M• rs. Osbaldestod, of Goderieh.
„ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easem of Sum
mer Hill, was a 'Kunday guest of Mr
and Mrs. Wm. Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jenning and
family -of Windsor -were -guests -ove
the week end of Mrs. Jeneing's par
• Mrs. McVittie Sr., is visiting her
son, Mr. Henry McVittie of Goder
• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rodger of
New Castle, spent latit week with
Mrs. Wm. Rodger end other friends
Mr. Glenn McGill left on Manday
for London, where he will attend
Westervelt University.
Mr. James McGill Jr., camped with
some of his friends for a week at
Kinca rdine.
Miss Mary Ellis is spending a 11w
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robt
Brown, of Burlington.
Pr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse o
Brucefield visited at the home o
Mr. Wm. McDowell,
Mr. John Harrison of Goderich
spent a few days with his sister, Mrs
Wm. Campbell.
A number from Weetfield attend
ed the anniversary services held a
the F:e•ptist church. Auburn, on
Mr. Walter Mason has heen visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. Wesley Rath, o
Hamrrrosw. J.
. Elsley and Mr. Wm. Elsley
of Benmiller visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Straughan and
fa mil y of A tiintrtr were Sunday
be• ll.
Miss Edythe McDowell is spending
a few weeks at the home of Mr. J.
Cameron of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoover of
Gore Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Clark and John of Lansing. Mich.,
visited with Mrs. Hoover's brother,
Mr. W. H. Campbell and other
IVirs. ,A. E. Johnston of West Waw-
anosh, spent Sunday with her daugh-
Holtnesville. Sept. 3. -Miss Jean
Webster of EeMondville has return-
ed to the village to take up her duties
as teapher of the school f9r anether
Mrs. John. Yeo of Goderieh has
been visiting at the home of her son,
Mr. Eldred Yeo.
Miss Helen McMath of the Wester-
velt ch,00l, London, spent the week-
end wit!, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. McMath.
Mrs. Lorne Jersiis spent the week
end and holiday with Rev. and Mrs.
Cox of Nipissing.
Messrs. Eldred, Jack and Eldon
Yeo attended the Toronto exhibition.
also visiting the former's sister, Mrs.
R. Foster of Markham.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petter and fam-
ily visited in Blyth an Sunday.
. Messrs. Comfort of Toronto visited
_their brothers Mr. _Maurice _Comfort.
Miss Cora Trewartha left on Sat-
urday to take charge of a school at
Pow assa rt.
Mr. A, Wkittingham hae gone to
London fovea -few -weeks:
. Miss Ada Findley has returned
from a pleasant visit at Toronto.
Mr. Birch and little Miss Joan of
Detroit, who have been visiting with
Me. and Mrs. J. Mulholland, have.
returned home.
Mr; Jos. Palmer .of Detroit spent
the week end with his brother, Mr.
Proctor Palmer, •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Glidelett .Tr„ and
Mr. Harry Cudmore Spent the week
Porster attended Presbytery at Au-
burn, on Tuesday.
Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Potter end Del -
mare visited at Hyde ParkSon unday.
Mrs. Edgar 'Trewartha and Miss
Alma, also Mr. D. Gliddon, Sr., spent
the, week end and holiday at Nipis-
Mr: Robert McCartney has been
laid up with the presailing Summer
A number Them here attended the
Field Day and. sports at Porter's
heres-H-111-sson- Labor- -Days--
Dr. 0. and Mrs. Courtice with their
-1 sons, Clyde and Thornton, also Miss
with the former's sieter, Mrs. T.
- I the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Mails, .
Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Brady and Keith
of Mossley, a former circuit of Mr.
Herbert's visited this week at the
A number of the Young People en-
joyed a corn roast at the home of Mr.
Lorne Jervis, on Thursday evening.'
On account of the inclement weather,
they had to go to the house instead, ....
of being outside as intended hut they
had a very jolly evening'.
ter, Mrs. fh,rmrsi ci.M1141.01.
Mrs. Melvin Good of Goderich are
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mr...
School reop'enc sn Tuesday mottl-
ing with Miss Margaret Jefferson
as. teacher for another term.
MIAS June Buchanan of Wingham,
who has been visiting list° grand.
mother, Mrs. Robt. Buchanan, the
putt week, received word that she
had been awarded the Western Uni.
versity Scholarship of- London; which
gives „her a two year free tuition.
MIAs Buchehan hag been quite Sue-
eessful at high school at Winghani
the past year, having tried on eleven
subjects and securing 10 first class
Waif ifitTison of Goierich
spent a few days with her dOuSit),
Mr. and Mrs. Etenson Tyermari of
Seaforth visited on Friday at the
tell and Mr. dnd Mrs. Wm. Anderson.
ilrir Every 10c
r Packet of
MPILOAOcREIr TH11:!4•411111Pnl""Ci"•°f IerLTI:LONIF;11411PA:l
clean fir Wen.
*was/ libmromm*
Extra Special!
We have just received a
-shipment,- of -Belgian, ,Rugs-ana
Matts-- all nice patterns and
sapecial Prices 'in Congoleum
Window Shades at 69c up.
Get Your Cushion Forms.
Itepok, by the pound; Chair
Seats; Sewing Machine Needles
err ti ilif ire the idea toilet tciutaite
for every discerning woman. Perfect id
results, Creates eomplexrens of rare
beauty and therm. Delightfully cool
and refreshing. over ledvee a c°estlg .
of stickiness. ,•44. velvety smooth lotion
toning and stintulating the akin. Mak-
ing it truly ro aleaf In texture. All
dairi y women invariably chootfe Perrifan
Balm. Yt fia ap*rta that subtle t ttittetion
" i,' 'riff " `tti ' ' if1 i "i i a `w
Its ve your eYeA examined. by
it A. latt.D. for years SUM -
pert Work only at most moderate
Eyes Examined °hoses tined
Consult him. at
JIMELItY 810108