HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-09-05, Page 2ODERICH STAR orgovioe4 An independent ,netrat*PerPut01.064 evely Illur$14s-Y 'Star Ottke, 000110). SUiseeriliitIon-PriM.--Canede. ard .04*,41Z Britain 41.50 pr$roar in advance On wear*. 42,010) ; United..13tateSa,7,00 per rear ta'advance, -Both c.kt and, new, stlaressea ghesed be given Witco -change o/ addreaS ;P.* CASPIilsilakT14)$153-eWe ,find:thet of Our aiiberbers Prefer not to have their intbOriPtions 'later:WS n casethey: eall to remit Were exidrettoit. Unite) we are notified to 0001, we assume the eutoserliw 'Wishes the service continued and van 9044 the ,paper for a Minted time MITTANcES slanild be made by reilleterIci letter, money order .01* ClatertMe PfeYeble at par Pkanderlen• .0oderkh Star aocePte edvertising in its columns on the undenitandiag that it wil !not be liable for any error in any ad_Vertbing published hereunder unless a ,proof or such advertisements is required in writing by the advertiser and retwied to The Stara business eke duly signed by advers User and With emelt errors or corrections plainlY, noted in yarning thereon and in thatease. if say error Is not corrected by The Star, its liability ,ehall not exceed such a proportion of;the entire -eget of such advertisement as the space 00U - by the neaect'ertor bears to the whole space oceupled by such advertlaement. Advertising rates on application. ALIN=WU& C. ICERR ErEwiattr, FAitor. Manager, Phones: Day Night $4 and 331. Post Mee Drawer 671. THUItSDKY, 'SEPTEMBER 5th, 1935 TRAINING FOR.BOTH The Galt Reporter deplores the scarcity of domestic servants and endorses the movement to establish a training school for household assistants: It is easy to understand • why intelligent, energetic girls dislike -Working as servants in some homes. In all too many families it is a case of "only the maid" and she is shoved into a back, room, with little or no furniture, less heat, and"'-ei-Pe---ctiect fo-- give a 24 hour. service for short pay, as icing as she remains on the job. In the meantime, she gets her meals. True, Many girls are worse. than useless, but on the tTkted, like human beings and paid adequate wages. Those are the homes that are rarely .without competent, content- ed domestics. They give the girls a regular afternoon and evening off, the same as the girls. in business, and when they get a home like that, -those domestics are in- finitely better off than the average girl clerk or office assistant, who must necessarily spend more on clothes, and frequently pay bo-ard in addition. Incompetence in any line is disastrous to success and this applies to domestic servants as in any other line of business. But should a school for domestic servants be established there might also he another to train house- holders how to treat good domestics when thy get them. • WORTH KNOWING A lady from a -nearby town was, on Friday, calling at the business places in Goderich, sellingsomething for a small sum by which you might get a good, big fat priZe. Though_the object was a worthy one, and she was a good saleswoman, she hadn't sold many tickets or draws when she called on The Star. We didn't buy one because we have bought draws for years and only won on -one occasion, when we got $5. out of a hat on a horse race. That was long before we were grown alp, so it wasn't yesterday, or last /ear by any means. Had we won every car for which we bought tickets, we would ',Ave' at letter -one for every week in --the year, but as we - didn't -win -anyrwe have quit -buying that class of -securi- ties. But the _lady was an,affable soul, the kind one likes to meet, whether busy or not, and her thanks seemed just *is -genuine as though we ,had spent the small sum she asked. Before she _left she said she was collecting' stamps, so if any of our readers have any stamps they wouldaike to exchange, if theywill leave them at The Star, they will be called 'for, or better still we would give them the lady's address. She is woith knowing. . IS DEPARTMENT UNDERSTAFFED? There is one department ettivi DOMillyin Government that % either understaffed, (which would be an.amusual condition for any gOVernmental department) or the hours Ott duty are too iliort. Notices Abut shortages en April IOU payments of Incoinaxes, weie sent Out only a month. ago. In one instance the intome tax. was underpaid by 90cents in that year.' There was conse- -quexttlya penalty -of $1.65 -added.- The -1934 'netieeS about - shortages arriVed last week. Surely no department is se overworked that shortag- s es cannot -Ate tletecte4 for 2 yeah and 4 months, after the payments are made. If it is, then there are openings for sortie of the vapable accountants and book-keepers 'who asvon(togitio streets and het, been fer„trientbs,„ looking for just such jobs. Those unemployed .men are 'anxious to work and would probably give their services for' a great deal leas than some of these now employed in the Income Tax department. $1.60 interest on a shor- tage of 00 cents is fairly, good profit. lied the 1933 noti- ces been sent out yettr ago the Tax...payee would have saved. half his penalty, but he has the satisfaetiotr of knowing that he is helping to finance the country in the hour -01 its need. BICYCLING COMING BACK Twenty-five years ago; when. the !IAA -dressed girls - ,......'went:bityclipg they -ware skirts, puffed • sleeves, high laced boots, Wide brimmed hats with veils and gauntlets. Should One turn out in that garb to -day, she 'would be considered a freak. • Then the craze for wheeling died,' the automobile crowding it off the roads.- But bicycling is coming batik 1! the of 40,000 in Canada last year is arty criterion. It.may be only a, temporary return, so possibly the cos- tumes Will *lo return, but we doubt it, MOT AfilIONISIX THE -00)11Mi ive bad a depressing effeet. on tielene of the Georgian YAilinriat teems, people -going north te See the chil- dren. irtittead of staying tor * leer day* or a couple of " *some of the MO)* southerIttowns. If *Wind wont): lineup ill the tirint$ th ancient and modern, they Would have t *sight 610AI:eh the Dominion. their *toile* about women's rate sty, oa dainty lunch was .4* iltelly10,010sWe in that OW 't 014 the %Stites of the aociety to whkh' she re a lwich, it iroold new, Us ty of the Door k You* **41 the CAP-. the, *sae was drink resumed chstge Poi of the log and his first entry read, "the 'captain was. .sober 'foility".. ,Nsiterally the ',captain was ingrr,when )ieehecked „the entry but had to *gree with the mate that it vests true. As he Was alwaya eober there Was no occasion,to reeord the feet; notwithStanding its trtithfol, nes, so as every hostess serves tench, there is no occa- sion t� mention tbefact. s . .....",.......1........""1. , ' The Derninion* Goyernntent is being criticized for niani- big Tliurstlay,,petober 240 as Thahkegiving,Days instead ot Seleeting.a, Monday, If the day was devoted to what its- nanle.imPites, a Thursday would „be preferable to * Monday, but in the estimation of practically everybody It is "Just another holiday". For4the'sis like commercial travellers, Who prefer long week-ende yisiting ',their homes, or. out-of-town, places, a Monday serves their purpose better than a Mid -week 'holiday, and Still others elaini a Iliursday holiday breaks so badly into a week's i business, it is a serious wetter for them. Many sup - Porters of a Monday Thanksiving are among, that in- creasing ehies that places pleasure over all other cOnsid-„ erations, while those who place some significance on the day, prefer Thursday. If , somit weather prophet would , Predict/ With any degree 'or certainty, which day next month is going to be the finer, he should be allowed to decide4 but his predictions would have to be guaranteed. And who can do it? • Ontario doctors are considerably disturbed about the new Provincial railing. which became effective on Mon- day. For six months prior te September 1st the Ontario Government had been paying the medical "relief bills from a pooled fund, towards which the municipalities had paid twenty five cents per month for each persist) on relief. From and after September ist, the munici- palities are expected to finance their own medical relief accounts. Happily this will not disturb the local doctors to any appreciable, extent,- as- the -relief --question -iar this - district is of very minor proportions to what it is in the majority of localities. • Mr. David Williams, editor of. The Collingwood, En- terprise ---Bulletin; - has-just-retunied-fronr--a-six'weeke- , trip to the Old.Country. Invigorated by the salt -sea breezes. he says in no uncertain language, what he thinks of the Hydro rates. Here it If 'Orillla with it8. great investment in electric plant can sell power at *$11.70 to manufacturers, why in the name of all that is good cannot the great Ontario octo- pus .meet the price? . Think of_$11,70_egainst the charge in other places. Ye gods and little fishes, it makeS bite wonder haw industry prevails at all—outside of the east Simcoe town;• -- Provincial and Township regulations require the re- moval of noxious weeds from roads, streets and vacant properties. In these days of financial blizzards, it key be difficult for some property owners to comply with the laws, but all who can possibly do so, should have the weeds cut down now,though this date may be too late to destroy next iear's crop. Every farmer and gardener can always rely upon an over abundance of weeds; but where vacant lots are not given attention, the neirObors suffer from the weeds in neglected lots. Italy's war -aspirations must have been rudely jolted last Friday, when the announcement was made -that Eth- iopia had transferred -1500;000 square miles of territory to Anglo-American- interests. Mussolini, however, cone tinued his prepaintione for war and called more men to the Itallah colors. The 'dear was later cancelled : - The opinion is 'expressed in many quarters ,that none of the newly elected members in Alberta have had any legislative experience. Is that really not an .advantage? All too often Canada has suffered from Legislators hav- ing too much experience for the goed of the country. A Windsor Alderman who is on relief, refused to take hit turn sawing wood.' He changed his *hid when he found an Alderman had to eat like any other person. If it paid to spruce up the town for the benefit •of our visitors, -will it not pay to make civie enterprise a char- acteristk of our everyday life? While Italy prepares for war, Goderich prepares for itsannuntfajltar- The former is -destructive, while the latter is exactly the reverse—constructive.- OTHER P&MRT OPINIONS SPEED . (The Carlton Place Canadian) At the beginning 'of -this century an automobile with e a speed limit of 25 miles per hour was a world's wonder. Today many standard tars can "hit" 90 miles- per hour. Whatis2-5 Miles per hour, accidents were few: today when one speaks of 'gliding *long at 60, our motoring casualties exceed one million per annitm. In days of yore when people Were perhaps more virile than today, it took it man of -good physical and mental capacity to handle a spirited team of horses. Today a cal- low youth of sixteen, with half-baked intellect, can read- ily obtain a permit as a chauffeur. He is allowed to Aril* a team of 60,.horselaiwer at 60 miles per hour. NO wonder our motor casualties are mounting. • .4‘ As regards the gasoline andgin mixer we can suggest ver's perinit IS'a farce. Most of us haiti been through it. . "Another queer Character over whom we have no 'con- trol is the "cutter • in", who passes us at 50 and 60 miles per hour. Eventually we overtake hint lolling against a hot dog stand, time no object, endeavoring to mike an improsion,on the, beautiful 'blonde behind the coun- ter. The best we iiiithope for him its * blow-out when travelling at an excessive speed on a lonely road. We'll stlat4lx, hOlt_thet.kerep* op II V oilier, barely slOivs hi* car and then steps on the, gas 'beat Out the ear approaching about eight or ten ths away. TO this Anglo the odestriati has no bts Whatever. ' Britain -athemSte he on the right track, We **, A - -read of * With 15 years' driving ex. lice itt ,Canada, failing to pita the test itt England. only people who need abnormal speed might be.doe* and Are fi,PPOratusbastthillit qn woad* of live istv • ,"* It a.tip fothe oto.Aainteto safeguard strietty the is. wines of Wise* and tontine' them only to the tomtit. *ori normally sant. s. Wilkniken 1,1otnin 114Asi$. bot; of AsocOlcrn 4ftak5r vest osia n 01.?,PORTil, to. mr,n .0#414m4 004 A. ----AicnOSS-015-3WOW4n-5-, g, Wt141frOf 'At annt4 *445 1,800 ' 1,01/4,BK40041'i 00,1101111 SI8Ca*A, toft ISIrc %LAOS. ow .14E As Wiimpova AillY50$1/4.45 DRA.w SLAM) 0.G eteweve Hemae.ctie , 1 - AMONG THE POLITICIANS I The Social Credit party will run a candidate against Premier Bennett, in Calgary. J. G. McPharain, a farmer of Maid. stone To -Wish -fp, is the Stevens candi- date in Essex, Essex. The City of Calgary is likely to default on its bonds unless it receives stuirom...the....Federal or -Provincial - Governments. Alber.t A._ Brown, a well known barrister of Hamilton will carry the Conservative banner for East- Hamil- ton. ' Premier elect Aberhart of Alberta does not purpose going outside his -own Province -to- electioneer --during the Federal contest for supporters of his. party. Col. W. K. Walker has announced his withdrawal from the Ottawa West constituency as an Independent candidate. In withdrawing, Col. Wal- ker said he "would support T. Frank Ahearn, Liberal candidate. Litcien H. Genron, K. C., of Montreal, has become minister of marine in the Bennett Cabinet, Earl Rowe, .member for Dufferin--Sinicoe,.. and, 0. Gagnon, of Dorchester, Quebec have been made ministers withovt -portfolios. this, ogether with a charge of con- version of funds preferred against Foster, by the Seaforth Creamery, and to, which he pleaded guilty, is the first time be has appeared in court. The matter of conversion of funds had been settled 'satisfactorily and if 1 an agreement -could be made between 1 McLean . and 'Foster. a suspended sen - Witco would be sufficient punishment Mr. Holmes thought, 'Poster was re - tended "ofte--- Week for sentence to, see ,if a settlement • could be brought ,about. Herbert McLean of Goderich, charged with being, intoxicated in a public place' was fined $10. and costs. Michael Stapleton paid the same, fine for a similar offence. The case against Edwin Hartman of Stanley Township, charged with keeping liquor ' for sale, was ad- journed a week• at request of his counsel, Mr. Prank Donnelly. Jack Buell, Dashwood, Paid $10 and costs for driving without a permit.. Buell was driving a truck a Week ago when it swerved into the ditch and threw Ernest' Geiser of Dashwood, beneath one of the wheels. Gisler had his leg badly broken and was re- moved to Clinton Hospital. David RYMer • lof Listowel paid $5 fine and $2 costs for speeding as did Edna Herniman, of Cottam. After a lengthy hearing, at Wing - ham that kept Magistrate Making and Crown Attorney Holmes more than half an hour late for court in Gode- rich in the afternoon, J, W. ,Strong of' I Gorrie paid 510 and costs after be- • Premier Hepburn has announced. It , ing convicted on a aharge of reek - is expected to last for 2 weeks only less driving. Strong was involved in for which the members will receive an accident which occurred during, $20. per day, instead of the usual the July 12th celebration at Wing - $2,000 indemnity. Iham, There.were_six defence witnes. : ries anethree for the Crown. The The Aberhart Social Credit party case was held up for some weeks -that- svvept Alberta .twe weeks age, pendiaz the arrival of one of the wit - will have candidates in each of the nesses from the west. 17 seats of that Province in the Fed -1 .eral-eleetions.-They-disclainr-any-ai=1--Use-maters -worm -PoIrnd" the liance with the Stevens' R I powders correct the morlaici conditions of econs ruc- battle against worms is won. These tion party. . 1 the stomach which nourish worms, and • Dissatisfaction has -arbieri -between these destructive parasites cannot exist the Farmer -Labor group and the Re- ,after they come in contact with the constructionists in Bruce, where D. medtcine. The worms are digested by G, Nicholson of Underwood had the thepowders and are speedily evacuated Farmer Labor nomination and later with other refuse- from the bowels. endorsed the Stevens policy -Another.. -Soundness is imparted to •the organ S and which "VvOnIctbeIhe 4th, may be plac- ,the health of the child stes,dilY improves. ed in that field. . 1 1.. If you eniov The GoderichStar, • Salter Hayden,aydenLiberal candidate ' el 1- your friends." for St. Paul's riding in Toronto, in- troduced 'a new feature into political ' campaigns last Friday, when he char- i tered a steamer, hired bands, cOlne- ' diens and other entertainers and took , 2000 'people of his constitutency for a trip on Lake Ontario. Hon. R. B. Bennett' will deliver a series of 4 radio addresses, broad- cast through the Canadian Radio 1 Commission over a national network 1 of 50 stations on the followin i ay, Sept. 6; Monday, Sept. 9; Wednesday, September lltb; and Saturday, September' 14th. On each occasion the Prime Minister will speak between 9 and 9.30 p.m., Eas- tern Standard Time_ Dr. J.L. MacPherson .of Vegreville, a former resident of Kincardine and Ripley, where he taught school, was among those elected . to the Alberta. Legislature„as a _Social- Credit -sup- porter. • Dr. James W. Rutherford, of Chat- ham, who has represented_ Kent in the House of Commons for 'the past nine years, was chosen Liberal candi- date in the riding et° a convention in Chatham. No other names were plac,- ed before the convention. -A special -session of the Ontario Legislature will he held this fall, ITURSPAIF, aEzMR.5, 190 College oi,.Ans • . Main Door .The University of Western On- tario has five academic buildinas, namely, Mein Building, Science Building and Library Building for the College of Arts, a 'Medica School Building and a building for. the FeciAlty and Institute of Polgin. Health. 11* these ,days people are asking.: "How are you going to find posi- tion. for ell the university gradu- ates?" The answer is: The State. OWell an education to its "cidzens. Without competent leaders and a qualified citizenshiti no country' can maintain its place ie. the mercis "of *don. It is not the kind of work a man does but what he is. that counts. Thera are between six and seven thousand 'Students In tht,secondary sehools of'•Wiitern Ontario who are qualifying for university mat - 'iodation. A larger proportion of these students should seek the advantages of a higher education. The courses range in length from three to six years. The degrees are. B.A., B.Sc., LL.B., M.A., M.Sc., M.D., D.P.H., C.P-KN• In 1934-35 there students enrolled Applications for registration should be submitted as early as possible. -Students should come to the University prepared to pay their tuition and living expenses in full and should not depend .on getting work during their spate time. were 1842 tO".• UNIVE SITY ot E ERN NTKP I 0 LONDON—CANADA 70 - Those Splitting Headaches A Symptom, Not a Disease HAMILTON —Albert • A, - Brown,— young Hamiltonlawyet has received the nomination as Conservative can- didate in Hainilton East in the com- ing federal electiore 41utriphrey Mit- chell, Labor, represented the constit- uency in the last Parliament. Three other candidates have been nominated in the riding: Humphrey Mitchell, Labor; John Mitchell, C.- C. F., and Donald A. Clarke, Recon- struction party, BRITISH OIL BURNER SETS TRAVEL RECORD -Jarrow-on-Tyne, Eng.—The British steamer "Adderstone," 11,000 -ton cargo vessel' the -world's- record for econoraic travel. The vessel is back from. 15 months contirmou,S seafaring. ate, has steamed more than 70,000 Miles and it b claim- ed -for her oil -fueled engines that the consuraptiOn of 'ell of .643 of a pound per -indicated horsepower 18 the Iuwest_con,„ mu:Option per horaepower, ever achlevect bty a cargo ve.ssel. It corresponds to- a pound of coal Per horsepower, •A speed of over nine knots was main- tained froin port to port, fully loaded, on- a ccinsu:mption. of 12.6 tons of oil day. lattiftNER. MAN CHARGED WITH FRAUD Carl leessnert aratchener; waa allowed bail of 41,000 and had his case' adjourn'. ed for one week itt stragistrates Court on -Thexaday before Magistrate Weans. meatier is eharged *KU entaining- *188 front Isobel rester of Ilowick Terenship- by exhibiting to her a letter over the signature of „Paul E. Ledue and stating It *IS a'*rebind tetter atimiamteting stela that Messner, was selling from the eon,. Utni*ter* otAilnet,ot ontsrio,11 Ithargedrthatiteetater presented that the Rea Lake Centre Mime Limited. had,'Itt peozeiS of build- ing. 200 -ton min; *rid that the nt4ek Sett,* motet value, Of 200 per snare. 'NE* SYSTEM'IN-- CANADIAN PRISONS Witt.= Of tiaitting. Youthful delitt- quents similar to the totatal system in the trotted' 0100in was inautunoi'd In or -Okada erne's* „1, It • today'. WltitIn four *Ina if Is *aka IA develop plane -,eitibratirng, the WM*, Deminitintieti far as, *Mal T114s advertlinventa, in, The Godar- ieh 'Star, are lit it for your help and guidance., Yen tint sit down with thi* intt'VelAit; tha advirtieers are tailing you week bl.weelth,- where you tio iwy., to *troop. • _ Whether You. want Agirkerli carpet, * Imit of, clothes or just cake of soap, You can get it from otto Of your local' merchants, You - ran rely o* the:stores that sanitise in The Stat". witi No Funds To Cover Cheques The cause of headaches arise* from some disturbance of the - stomach, liver, bowels or kidneys, and undoubtedly the cause must be removed before perTanent relief can be obtamed. Burdock Blood Bitters, acting as it does on the organs of elimum- tion, cleanses the system of its im- purities, removes the Mille, with the cause removed the head- aches vanish. -If you- have- never used B -33.B. for your headaches it would pay you to profit by the experiense of thousands of others throughout Canada during the 56 years this - preparation has been oa the market. Conflicting' Evidence As To Un- derstanding When Cheque Was -Issued:- Retkleis -Driver and Intoxication Charges Bring Fines. _ •"When you write cheques.on banks where you have no money, you are playing; with ' fire", said Magistrate J. A. Makins, as he found Olin G. Foster guilty of obtaining goods, to thp amount of $37 from John Mc- LPan, Seaforth garageman, by false f Pretences, - , Poster according 10 the evidence, given by McLean, got gas at the gar- age, and promised to Pay for it by in- stallmenta. The 21 year old Tucker - smith, Township lad did not make the required payments but later brought his truck in to be everhauled. When the work was done MeLeau held the truck for the hill. Poster came to the garage and Paid $20 in cash and I gave a chequeuler 537 for the balance of the bill. McLean Old the court that Poster had even him no reas- on to believe that the cheque wouldn't s be inet iflakerr te-the3Mik;:77' I . Angus McLean, the complainant's brother, Corroborated the, atiove evi- dence. Poster, in his own evidence &dm- . ed he had paid twenty dollars and had given the cheque and he VAS to make paymemts which would be mar- ked on the back of the ,ehequi. The cheque was Just "something to show/. that / get this goods", said roster. The accused stated that McLean premited,.. not to,-.-put----the cheque- h,rouich tot.* Month. The defendant's father and brother said that on the land, they ' -had been.,to,, see ;McLean, to make a settlement and that he hid' been advised not to talC4 note from them. They also claimed that ilifilteadiaittertharthemcheque bad been 'given With the underatand. that Poster was to trialc," m- ute**. 'Metes* denied114 Crown Attorney, *Imes, evaded to the Maglstjate4 Vg4t tON :a* Have You Put in Your Winter Supply of Coal ? If not, we wish to remind you that we carry a full line of afferent fuels. We wish to parti- cularly draw your attention to DISCO, which „ is a form of coke with the gases left in. Try stliall quantity arid test it out for -yourself. NOW is the time to tiave your heating system overhaul- ed. Phone in your Order and it Will -be -given prompt - attention. . Phones—Store se221-12 c - The Hafilivar:e Store, at the Harbour. The Goderich ,Star: REAblERS' BALLOT T ' My Choice for the Leader or Groupfor the next parliamentary term: BE ...-CC4/tosrmtirp, KING (Mend) STEVENk(Reconatruetion) WOOOsItyokni (Cc,ra NATIOW, GPVErttiMENT Mark -att X after the -Leader or Group you prefer 'lc; see entrusted with the destinid �f Canada- fotlivt. yeari,`, froth October 14, 1935. To Make thel,ballotloclid,'jrou m• ust aiso indicate by an X .opposite the, following affirmations that this IS the only ballot you have polled in this strawvole,„. "-ypu-airea-tinalifitd voice. "-, am ,qualled to vote ift the forthcmi`ng Federal ,Election, :•1°Iils is the only ballot I have etitereit in The Goderich.Star straw vote contest.' ituiti`t Gic*k;4 t ).. No ballot.good tntless,properly filtedn.