HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-08-29, Page 7�MQjJ It SVYA'NNNy'.hnn.. ,Y Ylrb' ^,4 44.0...
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of Safi* Black Too .1e le Wit. of wl'aellie
a lrq, hs$ tunagvsat cote .kte r. Win* Mot, .
swf+Mr*ad ,fie jvlce lo, t Isamaies S& well 111 lewith, cold Nosier. Do elbow tee ti cowl kf.it' . dry
1I will',;ilkoceaft,04”14.,Safell Wife ch l .d lee.;
Young , rl Killed !SILVER JUBILEE
By Ironing Cord
Both Hands Wet While Trying to
Connect Wall Socket and
Doreen Saunders. aged 15, daugh-
ter of Edward C. Saunders, returned
veteran, living at 1 ''Norwood Terrace,
was electrocuted in the kitehen of her
home Saturday night while connect-
ing ironing cords.
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders were atten-
ding Warrior's Day at -the Exhibition.
First news of the fatality was
brought thein over the public address
system when they were asked to re-
turn to their home.
The girl dampened some clothes
preparatory to ironing them. With
-her hands still --wet, she -held -an iron-
ing cord in each hand while she was
connecting them from the wall socket
to the iron, Part of the insolation on.
the cord closest to the wall socket
was found to be bare. -
Defect Discovered
When the girl took hold of both of
them she received a shock that caus-
ed her to fall forward on the floor.
She reeeived_btirna on her
A garden party at Buckingham Palace
ended the Silver Jubilee of 'His Majesty
the King. ,
From the London Express it is learned
that money was .spent on a fabulous
scale. That paper states that by the be-
ginning of Jubilee week, money in cir-
culation had reached a total that was
19,400,000 pounds greater than at the
same time last year. On Jubilee Day
five million workers had a day's holiday
for which industry paid the bill, '1,878,-
1,676,000 pounds. Other workers or, people
on relief received another 771,500
Thirty -thousand people went from
America alone to see the sights of Lon-
don, 75,000 attended from other places
overseas. ..
In four days 46,000,000 fares were
registered by London Transport Cos.
After the Jubilee was over the influx
of visitors continued and 23,189 foreign
visitors were in England.
The Jubilee meant 2,000,000 pounds
for the theatres; 3,700,000 for_shop
,3.04)0001fiLiiii hotels, On fares by road,
rail and air, visitors spent 3,024,000
pounds. -
From the first of June, money leaped
up by 6,484,000 pounds in one week to
make a total of 396,890,000 pounds, or
seventeen anlllion • pounds mere than in
the same week in 1934.
around a ring an the little finger of
her left hand and the other burn on
the right hand.
Officials examined the sockets and
cords, and claim to have discovered a
defect that caused the girl's death.
Nation-wide Fame.—There is scarcely
a corner of this . great Dominion where
the merits of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
have not been tried and proved. It is
one of the world's most 'efficient reme-
dies fo ,.ere throat, lame back and many
other ab. ents arising from inflamma-
tion. Rubbed on the skin its healing
power 13 readily absorbed, and it can al-
so be taken internally.
Summer Meals
' Nature pie's• vire 'Of her own, ws • are
told, and how true this is about suhuner
If it istoo hot even to think of food,
we' perliam take a hide to cool off. We
pass 19elds of tall corn., "Good roasting
ears," we say "to ourselves. "1' wouldn't'
mind having an ear of corn," volunteers
F -Further ahy;-ur'ther - on . we .see ' vine
drooping with tomatoes; beyond that
huge rnelcns that have sapped the last
•b.w of life from their vines; and still fur-
ther, an orchard. We drive slowly in
order to ebso.b the fragrance of warm,
ripe peaches. "Let's go by the market."
and with that, d°d steps on the gas.
:It is in a large summer market that
we begin to appreciate .how wise Mother
Nature is. She tempts us with color,
with aroma, with freshness, -with variety.
Best of all, these summer fruits and
vegetables are easy to prepare and serve;
they nourish without over -heating the
body; and everydhe likes them.
tFew of us will leave the market em-
pty-handed. Old Mother Nature smiles
upon us as we load our baskets with her
treasures, She know we will come back
for more because her wares live up to
her promises. More than that she hides
in fruits and vegetables a special charm.
Scientists call it vitamin B. Itis a sub-
stance •in food which stimulates appetite
and gives tone to the entire digestive
system. Fruits and vegetables," especially
the green, leafy ones, are rich in appe-
tite -stimulating vitamin B.
'When. Nature plans your meals, the
day's menu may be called "garden-
_fresh,•'___"summer.atonic or--"easy-day,"
depending on one's point of view.
Sliced Fresh Peaches
Whole Wheat Biscuits
Cream..of Whole Milk
Fried Canadian Bacon
Corn on the Cob
Scrambled Eggs
leeixed Green Salad Fren, h Dressing
(Lettuce, - endive, romaine, etc.)
Bread Butter
Iced Tea or Milk
The following is a list -of the fairs in
this distract with their dates. Dates of
some,it is understood, are subject
Ailsa Craig, September 19, 20.
Atwood, September 20, 21, •
Bayfield, September 25, 26.
Blyth, September 25, 26.
Brussels, September 25, 26.
Clifford, September 20, 21.
Dungannon, October 3, 4.
Embrd, October 3.
Exeter, September 16, 17.
GODERICH, September 17,
Gorrie, October 4, 5.
Harriston, September 26, 27
Kincardine, September 19,
Kirkton, October 1, 2. •
-,Listowel,-- September1.8, 4.9.
London _ (Western Fair)
Lucknow, September 26, 27.
Milverton, September 12, 13.
Mitchell, September 24, 25.
Neustadt, September 28.
- New Hamburg, September 13, 14,
Ottawa (Central Canada Ex.) Auguste
xmY,aa n
Special. Bargain
Going Dates :
Daily Sept. 21 to Oct. 4
Return Limit: 45 days.
Geed In Coaches only
Passage Tickets also on sale
good in :-- a '
(a) tourist sleeping cars at ap-
proximately 11/4 c per mile,
-p guiarlerth-far.
(b) parlor • and standard sleeping
cars at approximately 11/2c
per mile, plus regular seat or
berth fare.
Btopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont.,
and all stations west thereof.
Pull particulars from any agent
Canadian Pacific
Pan-fried Steak Parsley
Summer Squash
Broiled. Tomatoes
Rolls , Butter
Ice Create
Bran Butterscotch Cookies
.Iced or Hot Beverage
Bowl of Mixed Cereals
(Corn flakes, bran flakes, rice krisples)
Fresh Fruit -
(Berries rtar sliced bananas, peaches or
gears). -
Brown Sugar or Honey for sweetening
Whole Milk or Cream `
A piquant- salad served as a first
course, is known as a salad -appetizer.
It may -be_ a- combination -of-fruit, of
Septembers vegetables, or `of - sea food.- -Foir the.. ap- ,
•petizer French dressing is better than
mayonnaise or rich dressings. Juicy
fruits may not need any dressing but be
sure to sprinkle the - lettuce with French
-dressing before adding the fruit rx_t_urea-
This cookie recipe is a favorite for hot
weather. The dough may be stored for
days in the refrigerator. Just pull out
a roll, slice a pan of cookies and they
will bake in ten 'minutes.
1 cup butter 2 cups brown sugar
1 cup prepared bran 3 cups flour
•1 egg 2 tsps. baking powder
Cream butter; add sugar gradually and
beat until thoroughly mixed. Ada egg
and bran. Sift flour with baking pow-
der and add to the first mixture. Shape
into roll about 1'a• inches in diameter,
wrap In waxed paper and store-' re-
frigerator until firm. Cut -Into "thin
sli=ces and bake on ungreased cookie
sheet in hot oven (425 deg. F.) about 10
minutes. Yield: 71:2 dozen cookies. 2
inches in diameter.
Owen Sound, September 10-12.
Parkhill, September 26, 27.
Palmerston, October 1, 2.
St. Marys, October 9, 10.
•Seaforth, September 49, 20.
Stratford, September 16, 18.
Tavistock, September 6, 7.
Tara, October 1, 2.
Teeswater, October 1, 2.
-Tiverton; Octobers tl;.
Toronto (C.N.E.) August 23, Septem-,
ber 7.
Wellesley, September 10, 11.
Wingham, October 9, 10.
Woodstock -August 22, 24.'
Zurich, September 23. 24.
LUMBAGO respond quickly to
J. A. CAMPBELL, Drug'g'I.t.
y i 4.., i
Ao Otherwise BeautifulFsce
If Sadly Mored by
T>iie t;kla did ii t*used
ou it "' lite 'bloc
sa►n �"iimpnre c toil � td,
and, although not . seriouia trouble,
eiusee-distrese, not r1 ;iw physlettl
LONDON ----,"The Salvation Army
organization in India struck mee as
being thej»ost remark tb'a 1 saw
during my tour", General Eva igoline
Bootle 'told at an ►ntetview whew she
returnedfrom a tour of India, r'ey
lon. Australia, New Ze elan 1, Hawaii
and the United States.
"Otir 25,000- officers thee., nine -
tenths of whom are 'converted r. ti-
ves, possess the finest oratorical abi-
lity. I will never forget the scene
when I arrived in 'iambi* /. I :yaw
there before me a magnift Tient crowd
the rich in their silks and jewels, and
the poor begging bl'ns uniting their
voices in hinging the came l•ymns in
never -dying memory of Christ".-
The arrival in Colombo, she said,'
wouli7 u1t3i rs3iiisin s onei'ot' tl'i tut
standing impressions of her life—
the crowd, wjth their aquiline featur-
es, large pensive eyes,, handsome fac-
es and silk hair. Then they began t
ging. She had never before reali!td
-how they could sing, but she depart-
ed with the feelink that Ceylon was
able to produce the fittest singing
anywhere in the world.
This was the first ,time that Gen-
eral tooth had leen to India and
Ceylon. She would never forget the
•heat. - Wh le holding. -a ser,viee.v.- in --
Colombo, she prayed inwardly the
whole time: "Lord, grant that I do
not die here and now".
.'Money Is the Army's chief prob-
Iem ih Nile. said the General, ad-
ding that five Army hospitals and
1,800 schools remained open despite
Miller's Worm Powders act mildly
and without injury to the child, and.
pain, bat.• on-aeeount- aL . the ;dental ... _ = there.rat be no. doubt of ' their-tWAd17
suffering -due to the emborasring effect upon worths. they have been in
disgureaidnt of the face. successful ,use for a long time and recd-
ThOusanda worry, day after do, -
wondering ho* to ,get * clear skin;
wandering' hog? to get trial • of the
sightlyitiinples *kith melte them for the good offices o this superior
shun tike eotionr-sit.otliers rtritl eorripotiaitt, ► eald htaV0 continued weak
is ;Reopening,
Next Tuesday
:y,.L• v,{ski''vi'�f'.`F_}'i\'NYi.:,G:ti•MM Y•.,1+44.404i�.' tev'J'.�'.f AlA+�M-.,�•T.rreWm,v..-.. +:ffi,
Bays and Girls Wiw l Rest:me
Work. Some Happy and Free
From Cue.; Other$, Anxiotli
And in Despair.. - -
J. M. 1t.
"Good morning, dear teacher, goad
morning to you." The first parte of the
senten:e is what actually will be said,
the -second part will remain unsaid on
Tuesday morning when thousands of
Canadian school children resume their
studies after spending over two months
enjoying the pleasures that are part of
every summer vacation.
• When the old school bells clang out
there will be- children who travel along
.merrily with a confident look in their
eyes and who are starting aback to school
after having put in a successful term last
Tear, searching- fo ew glory and new
worlds to dilitiffer. Then there is al-
ways that sturdy little kid with the
tousled, curly hair and a light sprinkling
of -freckles on a defiant little nose. He
comes back to school not curing whether
he comes first, last or in between in his
examinations just as long as he enjoys
Lastly there are those forlorn little
children who, although they really tried
hard to show their teachers and their
parents that they were made of the right
-stuff, just didn't,'" manage to make the
grade when it came .to the final test.
These are the boys and girls that really
need- help. It the- teacher is too severe
they are easily hurt and begin to feel
that there is no use in trying to do their
best. These are the kiddies that need a
lift With their work and who, if they re-
ceive a word of encouragement, will take
hold with new grit and determination
anii"wflreach unty goal at which they
aim. •
It would be a floe thing 11 every tea-
cher wotild procure a copy of the famous
Edgar Guest's poem; "She Never ;Gave
Me a Chance."' You teachers. who. on
Tuesday will once more take up • your
duties h your pupils, never let it be
hat ou alloWed some wee •soul to
go home . from school, hurt and dis-
heartened because you • never gave him
or her a chance.
PETROLIA. — "County Achievement"
Day for the clothing project being con-
ducted by clubs of the junior division of
the Women's I„ n s t i Lute .throughout
Lambton was held here last week. The
meeting of the members of e4 ht clubs
was held, in the local offices of the On-
etario department of agriculture and was
in charge of Miss Flora Durnin, assisted
-by Misses Fi P. Eadie and Helen Mc-
Kercher, all of the institute branch of
the department.
Thirty girls in all attended the meet-
ing and exhibited_ diresses-_-and _ record
books under the clothing project. The
dresses used -in scoring and judging were
mede by members of the club.
iAn interesting feature of the program
was a demonstration on "cottons may
be smart' '
nized as a leading preparation for the
purpose. They have proved t it power
in numberless cages and ha given re-
lief to thousands of =: hi1 n, who, but
bright, clean vomplexions. 4140 era atectg01
bit q X11
hews'..-: jy ,
- "
:;�1"�^ll' ;Il"r`,��Hcara3tn..."uz2it;
to wnattg our trienda mt;t~t 1ntersotifxg teeiulr newspaper.
• The recent League of Nations d►scu s1on of the - Milo -Abyssinian - trouble,
that was unproductive of results, brought these three world leaders together—
LEFT TO RIGFT--Premier Laval of Preece; M. I.ltvinofT of Russia, and
Anthony Eden,, the British cabinet's Le ague of Nations minister,
War Clouds • -
Darken the World
Italy Mobilizing a n d Shipping
Troops to South Africa
Tramp, tramp, tramp, theboys are
tt'tarchlrtg-=or 61 least It looks as It they
soon may be 1f the war clouds that now
hang over the entire world de not roll big
without bursting and pouring down ou
humanity once more all the suffering -
and bloodshed that was a part of the
last war --the war to end war- Already
tropes are 'beliig inob1llzed ltd certain
parts of the world-- young men, veterans
of the Great War and old men, all to be
once more thrown mercilessly. carelessly
into an inhuman slaughter; fodder for
the horrible engines of destruction of a
war -mad world.
One often wonders if the leaders of
wars would be as ready to" give the or-
ders that will once more throw the world
into turmoil and chaos if they were
c .to _Intlnw he A; n1 -pie-- ret by the
ane,ent Romans and go out and fight
one another single' handed. Perhaps It
would be a different story. War is very
often' a matter' of "passing the buck;
that is, the leaders of men' regtilre
someone else to do the unpleasant part
of their work.
'However, the fa -.t remains that youth
throughout many parts of the w.uld is
protesting vigorously against 'this slau-
ghtering of masses of young men at a
time when they should be given their
chance to show the ab,lity they possess
in a business way. It is not that the
young people are losing that patriottc
spirit that has been a typical part of
British subjects from the time of the
early Britons, but rather that they have
been taught, by the outcarm• of other
wars, tFe futility of this needless blood-
shed, The reverence which- -t hr -nines of
the last war hold for Flanders' fla•lds t'
beautiful indeed, but would it not be
much more beautiful and the. If there
had never been any necessity for th.tt
reverence. '''hat is a thought that sticks
11 1
;tt the youthful mind today. That is the
trend of thought --"It's -useless, useless."
Of course as long as there are drums
and bands and shiny brass buttons to
star the hearts of amen and instill in
them that spirit of carefree eagerness,
the nations will be able to find rerusts
for their armies. It is the way of the
world --no man can change it.
Italy continues to pour troops into
Abysinnia and Mussolini perstst,a In his
wartlke demonstrations, In spite of the
dli appru val of 1 oro can powers. •
TORONTO --The Ontario Cabinet has
aplxjhtted James Fraser as cotiiinl.ssknit. r
'of. - Agv, •-u-lttt-rad -Development.- Bgtrd-
loans. The appointment followed aboll-
tion by the government of the' Agricul-
tural Development Board. The new
commissioner's duties are to liquidate
farm' loans that have been made undor•
the board's jurisdiction. They amount
to about $49$99,000, utllclzls estimated.
11 yolt ex ffr The C;oderlclt Star.
"tell your friends."
k:. A;) De•Pt , w 214,,
deb pad. will kill Slee atli cla ► toted
every day for ter weeks.
'.i'ds be each packet.
at Druggists, Grocers, General Stores.
Mai WILSON FLY PAD CO.. Hrts sitwa, MORE?_
Last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, in
response to a communique issued by the
Ar;hblshop of 'Quebec, special prayers
were offered In all Roman; Catholic
churches of the diocese, against . the
menace of war.
The communique read to part:
"War stall menaces the world, and it
Is our duh; to Implore the Almighty that
its horror will not again descend upon
us." "With this object in view, let all
the faithful Jain with us and aur clergy
In prayer and penance,"
_ On the i oS e staays tlxe Ris ssedd Sacra.
meat was exposed and the triple Invoca-
tion, ",Pace Domine," was chanted in
the Quebec hurches.
A tTTONioBXL "tnl gUR-ANcE
Don't forgot the liability you.
incur through the operation of
your car. Make yourself safe by
insuring with
Low- Rates, High Security
'Phone 296
Do You Want a Bargain,?--
A New Electric Refrigerator, a New Electric Mangle
and a New Electric Washing Machine at
Wholesale Prices. •
Are You Going to Do Any Painting ?
11 so we carry .a large and well assorted Stock of Scarfe's well
known paint. Its covering and lasting qualities are unequalled. It
costs as much time to put on a cheap paint as it does a good
paint. Why not have the best?
Now is the time to put in your winter` supply of coal. We
carry a full line of coal and 'coke and can give prompt ser-
For,Plumbing, Heating, Tinsmithing and
FU F AAC a-• C�J�GFhat✓<IIA.$
Do not overlook' that- we do this --work and can give prQ_rnpi
'service and all fully guaranteed..
Phone Store21 ( 1� •
House 112 ;
iifPTh'&Csh and Commissions
"HOLD EVERYTHING" Happy Days are Here Again
"Your One Big Opportunity"
oderich Star"
Prizes That Are Outstanding
"Opportunity :Knocks But a Once"
asy, Pleasant, Profitablc Wo,r
kiA�•:.tat �S:
....tea_ Wait ,.forParticuiars._ �- t
t�roet. ,.� a.{,.,n..>w.....� w.4...,....,.. w:nw+�r • Y+„�y4y�,u rp'�rrdM'x»''�'wYy�r. aw4
���1t1�'Se�'a ��t-y:'.T�!��1��t+.Fit.~i. �!�M-N'.irv�.^M. .Jw.w�•row'�6�4.14�rv- -��.0.1+Y.rf,y'.�..t'....rLN..IMWMwr4.l�'A�^.,ti• 'qW:�'-..MF�y �iM1 S/ Y'WNty Au� {w.�'N�.R•:,.y.A Atw'(. QN4Mt!°VF'9v1.•,.��s1:14'4. 4eiM�FI-�•,'\M1w+,F ! A