HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-08-22, Page 7'C4• Ytn. ,Mew!4{'yyr,wµr,4;gr.a,..n,...Y..tp.. • ,,.. ....4i.,. ME°>:•WO" ,,'rre;a;.,en4'-t*4ryr.+r4,r...:.., ee+14 Ittrutbsoa'M M Y}. A4, Ma& THE GonE .ZO sUit r,.}:1.!'i.?.Me..• ... *Wh:A,wM.. rMl A Mit...744.1Mlk' •T't.rr P!Y, 1! �cr ART 'SHOP Smith' Art, ,Shop -East St. ... —..� , Phone 198 GODERICH, ONT. English 'China, Pictures, Picture Framing, 1 oveltiei Fancy Work GIFTS OF ALL KIND$. RUTC•RERS Thos. Legg Hamilton St. Phone 485 GODERICH, ONT. MEATS! MEATS! MEATS'! The housewife shops with. satisfaction. Full line of Fresh and Cured Meats. "WE DELIVER" Baker- .. and -Ainslie- S. Side of Sq. Phone 21 GODERICH, ONT. ° "QU•ALITY BUTCHERS" Full line of Fresh and Cured "Fresh Fish Daily" boned. O'Brien's Meat Market FOR QUALITY MEATS Phone 31 West St. r," . THE BROADWAY OF GODERICH `Adson's Meat Market 16 Sq. Phone 266 GODERICH, ONT. Home Cured Bacon Cooled and Roast Ham3 You Will enjoy _ cur .V.eal Loaf BAKERS-. AND ---DELTC�A-T EEN wa. RAKERS The. Map1e A. FORST: R, Prop, S. Side •Sq. phone 110w The Goderich Headquarters of Bakeshop Dellea,lee DELIVERY SERVICE. BOOK STORES: IF' IT'S BOOKS, GIFTS, NOVELTIES or NOTIONS Cole's Book Store 'Can supplyall your needs. 56 N. side Sq. Phone 91 GODERICH, ONT. BEAUTY SALON'S The Olivia , Beauty Salon ()The, Square Phone 405 . GODERICH, ONT. "The-.--Vogue-='Phis=- Season" UL -TRA -INVERT PERMANENT WAVE Will Please the Most Particular The Hollywood BEAUTY SHOP - West St. Goderich, Ont., For Milady's Pleasure, Com fort And -appearance Phone 12 for appoints lent. Vic. Harrison GODERICH West St. Phone 555 GODERICH BEAUTY SALON AND BARBER SHOP. PERMANENT WAVING FINGER WAVING Wu -Piece -the Most Part a chlor Curry's Bake Shop West St. Phone 465 GODERICH, ONT. "The Quality Bakery" and Delicatessen E. U. Cleveland West S&. _ Phone 114 GODERICH, ONT. Baker and Confectioner f Tit's:Bread,. Cakes .or_.Pie ` Call 114. - NI DRY GOODS G. W. Schaefer Phone 56 GODERICH "Your Store of Value" Inlaid Linoleums Floor Coverings "SHOP AT SCHAEFERS" CrODEkICH AND SAVE The firms advertisxng in this Directory are all well; known business houses, equipped to give the buying pub - lie the utmost in service and the' best values obtainable in their various lines. By looking; over this page when you need something for yourself, for the family, the bon*e, or a gift for a friend, you will know exactly where to buy it and save yourself both time and money. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES L. 11. Zinn Phone 586 GODERICH, ONT. Connor Washers Spartan Radios . r o1 Re rigerators.:.._ Full line I Electrical Appliances Frank McArthur 31 West St, Phone 82 GODERICH, .-Ont. - Electrical Repairs of All Kinds. FIXTURES AND WIRING (ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PROMPT SERVICE- WORK GUARANTEED "Let McArthur Do Your Work" GARAGES. Ingli's Garage and SUNOCO SERVICE STATION Kingston St. Phone 372 Dunlop Tires Exide Batteries, Expert Repair Service Accessories Lincoln `Engineered Lubrication riffs Grocery West St. Phone 145 GODERICH, ONT. "A Full Line" and Fresh Stock at All Times. A Phone Order Will Receive Our Prompt Attention. - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ELECTRIC RANGES Cook with Electricity "Use Hydro" A Clean Home, a Cool Kit- chen and Cooking Economy. Your Hot Wafter Problem Solved. Consult us about the HYDRO WATER HEATER Phone 25 Goderich, Ont. FURNITURE Br -� y he Bros. —FUNERAL: DIREC1ORS J. Calvin Cutt SUPERIOR CHAIN -STORE ----- GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Quality, Service, Economy. "Our Store is at Your Door" Phone 06 Phone your order. Speedy delivery. West St. Goderich, Ont. •Phone 120 Inner Spring Mattresses Day Beds, Etc. Buy from the old reliable. k DRY CLEANERS 'Crich the Baker" "White Clover Bread" Sweet as -Tune meadows. 100C! Western Canada Flour used • ENJOY 1114TIVIE-MADE LOAF F. A. Crich Phone ,148 Godrich,_ Ont. East St. Bakery SMITH'S BAKE SHOP AND DELICATESSEN Let Mr. Smith do the bak- ing during these hot days. Phone,184 J. H. Vrooman "French Dry Cleaners" CLEANING and PRESSING "Our work always pleases" West St. Phone 122 GODERICH, ONT. DRUG STORES J. R. Wheeler . Hamilton St. Phone 335 GODERICH, ONT. "FURNITURE DEALER" "FUNERAL DIRECTOR" "'AMBULANCE SERVICE" eimminow DUNLOP'S 'Phone 1 WIGLE'S 'Phone 45 CAMPBELL'S 'Phone 90 LAUDER'S 'Phone 19w Where your every need is supplied in the drug- line. "ON 1 -HE SQUARE" GODERICH, ONT. PLUMBING & HEATING Carl W. Worrell Keays St. Phone 475 GODERICII, ' Pluinbing, Tiinsmtithing And Heating Systems. GENERAL REPAIRS. soustiictiOU-Sur oink t aa»aate FLOUR & FEED our P•pt.ry Tasks Better, JCa►n." «'es, —1 -have had wonderful sac tst with PFRIMMER'S CALLA LILY PASTRY FLOUR" Wb ti ring litotry rlour .z.., "Pfrftflnier's Calls, lid, please." ilaniut'sacttired ::at tentniiller. A •ltlluron County Product. Chopping, Rol Mill alma • Seed Cleaning Plant. . m.�ti�raY'.. 11RE1►I11 11 frhinier IEa>lb �ktar� REDUCED FARES FOR LABOR DAY Round trip between any two pointsregular one- way first -dais fare and a quarter: ' • Going Dates ,from Noon, Friday, August 30, until 2.00` p.m. Monday,. Septem- ber Return Limit To leave destination up to mid- night, Tuesday, Se temb.er 3, . 1 into sugar -beet fields, corn fields or 1HfoIinatlof land fares froth your local adjacent crops. In the harrow (Hs- , sent. trict they have been reported on gar; C�' den truck. So far, the most injury anadian .:Pac. c plaints have l lrn, striptied of . their leaves and in some cases even the Ready -mule Medlcime.— You roe ' /to, crown has been eaten. The larvae physician for ordinary fib when you feed mostly at night and remain un- ha.Ve tit hand a bottle of Dr. Thosat the base of the • der clods of earth rclectric O11. Igor toughs, colcil, sore plants to the daytime. On dull days throat, bronchial troubles, it b itwislu- some feeding; occurs. able: for scalds, burns, ti*ralises,. sapriains Fromreports already received, It qv iiP irs urpa.ed; •while for cut., sores ;is thought that the insect is present t... like eat r y . ., And an .. . 1; �. . _ riabl fit.... . �� �x s c o � fi� � e t3ra � ti lts�. y other;'i here is no cause for alarm, however, Healer. It need. no testimonial'. than the use, and that will satisfy any- as all that is needed is the prompt one al to its effectiveriets. applieatibn of the proper control FRUIT STOR Goderich Fruit Stor "Quality Fruits" Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily. Phone 470 We Deliver J. J. McEwen THE SUPERIOR STORE 142 S. Side Sq. Phone 46 GODERICH, ONT. WE SERVE AND PLEASE. Quality, Service and Economy, -, "'WE DELIVER PROMPTLY" Sparr's Grocery Hamilton SL- Phone 146 GODERIC, ONT. Our Grocery Line is,Best by far, So phone your needs to Mr. Sparr. Speedy Service. Rapid Delivery The Careful Housewife Shops At. The Warehouse - Groceteria "WE'SEL.I. FOR LESS" Where your dollar is worth More Cents 66 Sq. Phone 333 GODERICH, ONT. C. M. Robertson Phone 164 Goderich, Ont. The Store of Quality Foodstuffs. At Robertson's store you buy the best The . housewives like our goods, through test." Baechler's Grocery E. Side Sq. Goderich, Ont. "QUALITY FOODS" "Service, Quality, :Satisfaction," "OUR -OWN DEVIVERY SERVICE" . Phones: Store 368 House 50. GIFT SHOPS Babbette Gift Shop E. Side calf Sq. Phone 567 GODERICH, ONT. CHINAWARE, GIFTS. Imported Hand Made Linens Gifts for All Occasions. bOmmulmomposimboibmimmummosimm Fred g. Price N. Side of Sq. Phone 248 • GODERICH, ONT "The Store of Fresh Foods" Four Deliveries Daily Prompt Service. • Special Delilry. The Dominion Store East Side of Sq. Phone 461 GODERICH, ONT. SHOP AT THE "ECONOMY STORE" OUR PROMPT &11RVIC1 PLEASES Poisoned Bran ran measure which is the application of poisoned bran bait to the fields where Bait for Cut 'Worms/ the cutworrrts are feeding or to th rows ni sugar -beets or other crops. Western Ontario Crops Being Damaged A. F. Sturdy W. Side of Sq. Phone 299 GODERICH, ONT. THE STORE OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE Rapid Delivery° Service. it s iroceries phone 2.()() JEWELLERS E. C. itobtrtson 4 E Side of Sq,, Phone 136 GOD,Egicor, ONT. Diamonds Jewellery "Watch and Clock Repairs" Consult our Optometrist About Your Eye Troubles LAUNDRIES "The White Wash" For cleanliness and laundry satisfaction call - THE HURON LAUNDRY Ptione 224 Goderich Repairs Free Delivery Service • MILLINERY Miss M. R.M-acVicar Kingston St. Bedford Block Full and complete line of " FALL HATS Hats That IVtii,,Pleaas.:.Your _.Head— . SO TIST^' * •, eee�s During the hot days refresh yourself with cool refresh- ing Beverages. Ask for Tweedie's "Oh so' `Good" REFRIGRATOPS G Tal. bot & Cornish 2 E. Side Sq. Phone 81 GODERICH,. ow. EVLRY . HOUSE• NEEDS WESTINGHOUSE Proper Food Preservation Means "Health For Your Family , SERVICE STATIONS , Miss McKinnon 50B N. side Sq. Phone 155 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Fall Hats, Latest Styles. See MISS McKINNON For Your Hat Satisfaction. GENERAL You Will Enjoy Shopping At The People's . Store GODERICH, ONT. 4.41141111141111.44... RESTAURANTS Marine Lunch Room West St.- GODERICH, t.GODERICH, Ont. "DAINTY HOME COOKED) MEALS" Owned and operated by Canadian 6 War Veteran Your Patronage Solicited, F. A. Beevers "SUPERTEST" mem SUPER SERVICE The Motorists' Headquarters For Oil and Gasoline Battery Service .. Accessories - Tire- Repair .-..---_ Car- Wash~-~ K Hamilton at Victoria St. -Phone 242-W dODERICII SMOKERS SUPPLIES Craigie Bros. "Goderich Headquarters" SMOKERS' SUPPLIES AND SUNDRIES Daily Newspapers, Magazines and Weeklies. Pool and Billiard Tables. Phone 397 SHOE REPAIR SHOES- REPAIRED. To Your Entire SatisLiction. "Our Work Pleases" Ladies'_ :Work. Given -Special tterition- - The Home of Good Food All Canadian Cafe. "Your hunger satisfied" SPECIAL WEEK -END CHICKEN DINNERS You will enjoy 'a meal at "The British Dining Room" WM° PELLOW, Prop. HARDWARE Gordon Tebbutt 15 West SL Phone 486 lf` its "HARDWARE" We Can Supply All Your Needs Also Toys, -Gifts, _Novelties, Paints and Small Wares "W'y'e Sell For Cash" ICE ICE ICE "Crystal Ice" . "WHEN IN NEED" Phone 499 Goderich, Ont. G. Johnston & Son Orders promptly filled Venus Restaurant Candy Kitchen Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Confectionery. SA'i ! -M F. ME: ,A"I i IIE VENt'S 102 W. side of Sq. GODERICH, ONT. J. Halle Hamilton at Newgate �t.. Goderich SHOE REPAIRING and SHOE SHINE "sick • shot's Made Well" Thos. os. Morrison British Exchange Block • GODERICH, ONT. W. H. Blackstone 4 West St. Phone 240 GODERICH, ONT. Home-made, Ice Cream Standard 40 Years Will Hold Your Patronage, "'�'4e ('lease v'%ur Palate." When ice cream hungry see BLACKSTONE J Goderich Headquarters for Shoe Repair When 1n nerd of Footwear lar .:. or 1ri5ure. let .- u- serve - y )'.1. O.tr qualt'.tes� and prl-es,bre right I' our repair gh-)p ue tmprf>vc' i > i- o;.t foo' at tr fat' comfort, be.'er a ar>,1 -, «i a ,okR. The East Street Footwear and Repair Shop. . Opposite Knox Church William Ahl - UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield Suite's Re-bult a n d ' Recovered, $35.00 complete. Other Work Done 1tearu3nabl r. 12 years' experience with Canada's leading Furniture manufacturers. Wm. Reid Hamilton St. Goderieh tom of the furrow -at short intervals. FROST DAMAGES CROPS ' yields., are low and the grade poor". The worms will fall into" these where IN WESTERN PROVINCES It added durum wheat also was seri- they may be killed. Worms also can -- -=- ously affected. be killed as the enter the furrow h The heavystraw is lodged Poisoned bran bait is made b y Y OTTAWA ---The I)orninion Bureau sed and Y spreading the poisoned bran bait of Statistics reports "spotty hut tangled so that harvest is a laborious mixing bran, 25 lbs., Paris green, lis bions its aydge heavyfro 't damage" in the grain and expens've operation. Similar re - lb., and.molasses, 1 qt., to which is Poultry and livestock must be •areaof the "Peace River d str ct of ' ports conte from Sm theastern Sask. b. added enough water to make the mix- kept away from the areas where '3Alberta and over a 250 -mile stretch atchewan -and rust is now causing ture moist and crumbly, but not wet. poisoned krait is used as they will of country running from west of .k;d_ damage to the late crops northwest - It generally- requires about2 1-2gal- ,readily eat it: min on io Boit, Alta."'" It said• ...o f. ase jaw. _The central area of tons •oi` water for each 25 lbs. of Nature is helping considerably in ''heavy showers and rain caused led. :)agkatchewari, 'containing about half bran. All ingredients should be thor- the control of this cutworm as ging of crops in the Peace (liver the wheat acreage, continues prcrmis- ou hly mixed. The. bait is then titin- manyp , oughly while coarse grains are of the worms�s g c eneral - ly spread on the soil along the sugar- are parasitized by a c untry • 1 g fl the larvae of which live in the The report said information from Y good and feed supplies ample. beet rows or broadcast over the fields y' where the cutworms aroJfeeding, The body of the cutworm and kill it. Manitoba anil Southeastern. Saaskaat- . Where crops are beingdestroyed, ehewan where the reviousl re ort- The liar worn at the Canadian Na - /bait must be applied in the evening however, apfar tower cannt wait for .p- p eternal Exitt?�:ti rn 'firers the latest Anzio - however, So that it will be moist rand' attractive ed rust attack was moot severe were Nature- siower remedy,but should "extremely pessimistic" and that nations iii danee 11 r cnnstrti-tion The when the cutworms are adtive. They apply poisoned bait promptly. little break wheat will be worth enormous expanse of waxed floor;na af- will not exit dt+led-out bait. ' In broad- fords accommodation for two thou9and threshing in Manitoba. since the ) casting, 25 lbs. of bran will not do -. i dancers at one time y a e an area. Alt -that i g <, t� lrsat as-'- BLIND°.N�'SIC'DS` _ � need ii is a small quantity of the bait BEE BUSINESS; is Constipation sprdthinlyalong the plant rows If the cutworms are very abund- an- crops by. blind man ebuld po sfbl, K• ke a ` ant,caro s such as sugar -beets ar- p Q beets should No p . a •dual furro-r, us tar i c,�ss 'tAf ftiie'b busines but that is ° used in army worm control. Plough Just what Harold Webb of Allendale has, a deep furrow around the field from done. During the progress of the Can- i which the cutworms are migrating, adian National 1 xhibitiort in Toronto this year, Mr. Webb will demonstrate how• he does It. Re will occupy a booth, in the exhibit of the Canadian National Institute for the Hind. In the large space occupied by this exhibit in thry., PROMPT MEASURES NECESSARY An unusual cutworm infestation s acciii=ii7 in cel tain' parts ' of south- ern ern Ontario. Reports of damage so far have come to handl iroln near Wa<llaceburg, St. Thomas and Har- row. In the Walk ceburg district says, Geo. M. Stirrett'" Dominion En- tomological Lri jtoratory, Chatham, Ontario,the cutworms + are � laying grain, and,clov .� ld :: .gr ear m s sand.:_nat migrating t � g keeping the land -side of the furrow towiard the crop to be protected, Af- ter the , furrow is ploughed, a log should A dragged back and °forth in it until' n oed dust mulch is obtained. , . , - ict-1',ic L ineeri . Ituikitt1 -- :r ii�bl � he e' ea �saic��i� � steep dusty side of the ' 1esus types" of work a ungage�3 in bry blind seen and lie worlds are.very nui amen in Canada will be G uld be dug in the bot- mnonstrated• neJartz way up. th furrow. If erous, holes Keeping You Miserable? Constipation is the ono big cyll of present day life and few escape it, Toro is hardly,any , utter troulile that takes ,the lids aud' inorgy out � , o . ono as. constipation with , it;clogging of tt tr li tein which causes putrefaction of th s <_ obd:.stf'dI poison. In f the bod • without a daily b b� bow 1 ua e Ey taking Milburn's Laxaa.-Liter Pills you may bring 0, ' fat ax f' ;. to jl`alsr mbnbt sent daily without any griping, weakening or s lie e►tiiit..