HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-08-15, Page 6•
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TErijg $DAY, AUGUST 1§th, 1945
ir alcohn To Try
or Speed Record
At Salt Lake City
is Present Record ii 276,816
M�es !an Henry Made at Day-
ton Reach Florida. Nettie.
tion Made 300 -Mile Pace Will
Be Set.
SAM LAKE CITY, Utah, -.-A eake
of reek salt, more. than 200 square
miles in area and averaging three
'feet in thickness, lies glittering white
in the sun 100 miles west of here,
Waiting the next attempt of $ir Mal-
colm Camlbell to drive an *automo-
bile 300 miles an hour.
None of the drivers who have hurl-
ed, their racing cars over the surface
of the Bonnevillo salt flats have
reached much more than half that
speed, but they were trying for dis-
tance records and were driving on cir-
cular tracks 10 or 12 miles in length.
Sir Malcolm will attempt his speed
of five miles a, minute over te,
straightway course of 13 miles -six
miles to gain that tremendous mom-
entum, a measured mile for the re-
cord and six- miles to bring his six-
ton Bluebird to safe stop. -
There is plenty of room for all of
-that on -ether salt -flats, -andeforemost
of the distance, including that all-
• important centre mile, the course is
almost marble smoothton also pitched a,good game up un- oreortunity he will be champion of -
The rains of lea winter, in drying -til the seventh when with the _Cotts the world. That old cry, 'Can he take
tasiway beneath the fierce rays of the one up Bob Carrick, Clinton ace it?" can be thrown into the discatd.
'early summer sun, levelled and left harder was put on the mound. Why should Louis "take it" when he
- --smoothed- the -surface -of -the -salt Heaallowed one hit and one walk and doesn't have to
beyond any 'human accomplishmentafter two were struck OlitrlifeLennan Deitiffere Artsaver-tbellis-erities- -
It will be like that until next winter's for Lucknow came through with a hit They used to Say 1:‘,e. same about
rains cover It &uraln and scored both runners giving Luck- Jack Dempsey, but the "Manassa
There is just enough moisture ip now a lead of one which they held Mauler" crossed all the guessers in
-the ablest pure salt automobile driuntil the end of the gamehis memorable bout against Luise
o vers say to have a cooling effect on Clinton 110 200 000-4 Angel -Firpo. Knocked. right out of
• their tires, heated to a high degree by Lucknow ... . .. 010 200 200-6 the ring by the huge maw from the
the friction of the surface ef most Brant, Carrick and McEwan; Gar- Argentina, Dempsey erawled back
k and Fittlayson. • throuh the ropes . and gave Firpo
• ,
Although the seore was no indica,
tion of the brand Of sOtthall *played
North' St. team' took a 13--T-3 trina-
ming at the, hands of the Victoria
St, team on 'Monday night:. There
was no sooting by either team in
the ...firg'‘t 'inning, but, in the second,
Victoria $t. broke away With three
runs and, then went on.a spree in the
third, and chalked up seven inore.
North St. scored yheir only three
runs Of the game in the third inning*
Victoria St. tallied a run in the fifth
and another in ,the sixth to make a
total of the 13. '
Lucknow's Chance
To Make Playoffs
Defeated Clinton and Went Into
Third Place 'on Monday Night.
Two Tie Games to Replay.
Lueeknow Sepoys defeated the
Clintein Colts with a score of 5-4 in
a Bruce League baseball game play-
ed at Lucknow, Monday night. This
win for the Sepoys brings them into
third place. With two tie games to
be replayed, one with Wingham and
one with Kincardine, they stand a
goodephance of securing a playoff
berth. Jack Garton, local southpaw
pitched excellent ball. Brant for Clin-
e. Drawn in
eavyweight Class?
Joe Louis Makirig. Rapid Strides to
Championship. . Some Cvitacs
Sy He "Can't Takelt."*. °
Heavyweight boxing is much in the
limelight the past few Weeks and Joe
,Louis, the colored •boxer is getting
lot of publicity. Here's , what Mike
;Rodden, sports editor of the. Toronto
Globe had to say on the heavyweight
boxing situation recently:
"When Jack Johnson was a king of
Oils heavyweights they said dot he
had never beaten anybody worth
tvhile. They had it that Jess Willard
was a joke; they even were quite cri-
tical of Jack Dempsey's boxing abil-
ity; they underrated Gene Tummy,
and so on long into the night of fis-
Now the "Doubting Thomases"•
aver that Joe Louis has beaten only
set-ups. They number Primo Camera,
and "Kingfish" Levinsky as being
members of the "Stumblebum AM -
dation", but they forget that Louis
is the only mittmawho ever knack -
ed out the giant Italian and the fish
eeddler from Chicago without the
slightest trouble.
Joe Louis is the greatest heavy -
Weight of his dine, and if he gets the
rate -trae S.
"There's no limit but the mechani-
cal possibilities of the ear", said Jno.
.Cobb, British racing driver, after he
bad completed a 24-hour Tun with
two relief pilots thie summer and had
set 100 or so new records for varying
He .predicted Sir Malcolm would
liave no difficulty in realizing his
- dream of a 300emile pace.
Herbert ,Huffman, '19; --of Moncrieff
died on the football' field at Ethel, on
July 27th, just after- being acciden-
tally ki4ked by Carl Ames of Ethel,
during the game.
Deceased was the eldest son of Mr.
and ;Mrs. Milton 'Huffman who at one
time lived at Wingham.
The funeral was untiseally hage
toni Ara ie_way in 'which the
young- man -met his untimely Cleat
Ralph &Wreathe Of Toron4o, who is
spending the suentner at Menesetung
Park. was st alto. Placid. N.Y., for a
week taking part, in the Taternatienal
Tee rating Carnival.
1161S--Cattatraii-Jun1or-Pa1I-ChamP o
and along with several others, represent-
ed the Toronto Skating Club at tiab
event. Champion skaters were_ there
from all parts of Zurcipe, united -Sates
and Canada. He had. the unique exper-
ience Of Swimming in the lake a the,
efternoons and isf skating in the ice
Vella in the evenings.
I- -
Phan, 475 -
ooys-:$i7 „
At a recent game at Kincardine,
Oodert:h golfers were victorious 6-4.
The visitors were entertained at lunch
andafter the game, afternoon tea was
served. The following were the 'pTiiyers
taking part:
iloderleh Kincardine
Dr. Tom , x Mrs. Chowan -
Mrs. Bruce - x Mrs. Malcolmn -
Mrs. R, Lloyd - Mrs. Magwoocl x
Mrs. J. H. Taylor x Mrs-. McKibbon
drace Watson , x Alison Mitchell -
B. Hunter - Mrs. Schienbien x
Mrs. F. Saunders - Mrs. McPherson x
Mrs. Mitchell x Miss S:ougal . -
Mrs. C. Reid x Mrs. Boyer. -
Nora Costello - Batt McIntyre x
The Motorist Can
Kincardine Team
an -el-Slfutout
an unmerciful betting
Since John L Sullivan surrender-
ed to Jim Corbett in the tweaty:first
round at New Orleans in 1892, only
three champions have been dethroned
by the points system. these being
Dempsey, Max Schmeling and Max
bett. Fitzeirrimons, Jeffries and John -
reached the end of the glamorous
trail in "Dizzyland". They had gone
to the "well" just once too ofter.
Two heavyweight titleholders, •Jef-
fries and Tunneg, retired undefeated.
Jeffries tried a "comeback", urged
on by Tex Rishard'se guarantee of
$100,0000, and bowed to Jaekerohnson
in fifteen rounds (the bout was stop -
toed) at Reno, Nevada, on July 4, 19-
No Worthy Champion Since Tunney
Tunney, who failed to floor Demp-
sey in two bouts, each of ten
round ;s _duration and who weep
knocked down by the "Mauler" for
one of the longest 'counts in history,
Errors Defeated Penetangs 00,.hune up his gloves and called it a
Since then there hasn't been a
champion worthy of the name. Look
them over: Max Schmeling, Jack
Sharkey (once stopped tik Dempsey
.the .se.venth round), Prime Car-
nera, Max Baer and jimmy Brad-
Louis can go through that aggrega-
tion like a.fire through a prairie, but
if he knoe.ks out Baer late in Totem-
ber I rather imagine that he will get
that grand -old -run-around, tommonly
known as taking protection beyond
the "colored" line".
r -
pert Oriefs
and Comment
'Eddie Shortt,--710tre7t-17---ther-Bosto
Bruinsi N. H. L, team has entered the
eleetiOn campaign.
Eddie, however is not a candidate
but is oUt makingspeeches in .Alber-
ta, brt behalf of the Libearls.
Carling Thistles, senior soccer club
of London have been suspended for
failing to pity a $25 fine for *slicing
off the field in a championship final
game, on Saturday.
- Wednesday, August 28th, is the
date set for the golf tournament at
Stratford Country Club.
Team, and individual events are on
the program and details will be given
In deference to popular demand
the professional swim Marathons for
both men and women at the Can-
adian National Exhibition, this year
have been reduced to five miles.
Thereawilleha sPrinteaventa, too, for
both pros and amateurs.
Local bowlers had a big week.
At Mitchell, on Monday night, Al-
bert Taylot Won the District No. 4
TdingleleszlitimpT01SlT1 iii-the-protin-
cial play downs.
E. Pridham and -Geo. Mathieson
won the doubles Championship.
These three icical men go to To-
ronto, Friday, to -play in the provin-
cial championships. • •
a Congratulations gentlemen, that's
a pretty good week's work for bow-
lers in any man's town.
And here's wishing you success in
Toronto on Friday.
Th -ere -Was some excitement at
wrestling show in London on Mon-
day night.
Howard (Hangman) Cantowine
got rough with Mayes McLain and
threw him .out of the ring.
The crowd got sore and for a time
chairs and everything loose , were
thrown into the ring.
There is some good softball being
played in the Iota league.
And now for a little baseball gos-
sip. ,
The Hanover Post claims that the
importation of plai!ers by Sometowns
in the Bruce League has killed compe-
In several lines of amateur sports
the bringing in of importh has always
been a debatable question.
Home Diamond on Friday
Errors gave Clinton Colts two. un-
earned runs in a Bruce League game
_Kincardine_ on Friday and with
them, a , shtiteitt' -over 1Cinctirditie
Penetangs by a 2-0 count. Aside
from the.errors the•game was a close
one- witheboth • teams playing good
ball and Cox and Carriek engaging
in a pitching duel. Cox had an even
dozen strikeouts, while the Clinton
southpaw fanned half that number.,
-Both" Kincardine and
have to play off, the games with
Wingham and Kincardine.
Anton 00 000 100- 2 5_2
iticardine ... 000-00 3
Carrick and McEwent.. Cox and
Tito age' of miller's -Worm Powders
seres healthy children so far as the ail-
ments attributable to worms are con-
terned. k& -high mortality among chit-,
dreri Is traceable to worths. These sap
the strength ot infants so thae they are
unable to Maintain the battle for lite
and sitecarah to *eaknees. 'nits prePar-
*ion gives pont-be-or Itealthi;and keeps
• sign ot the
lincoin ;nest*
ed Go* and 011 1
A Car Wash That P1 s
brioationto Seal.
our Ptioteotion
t4 -Stalk
# Sin
• It is alleged from various sources
that the import 0110 pursued by
outhamptow. Owen- Sound and Mea -
ford. has killed competition in the
Braes League*. In the case of the for-
mer two towns at least, there has not
been any claim that the other teams
could beat them. Once r in a while the
pante was close. Hanover lost to them
5-0 and 4 -0 -but some of the other
games had a ericket store. -For quite
some year.: -tlie-Brue4F League
teams have, been trying to beat
Southampton but it couldn't be done.
As a result there is said to have been
te.deterioration wog thb town
teams while one or two of the import
strengthened teams mode a showing,.
1 -Hanover Post.
Given' six months to live by his doc-
tor, William CaMpbell reversed the
edict and saved the lives of six
persons from drowning on differ-
ent occasions during that period.
Goderich , Bowlers
In 'Mg Finals
Win Doubles and Singles In Dis-
trict No.. 4 on, Monday at Mit-
chell._ Will G� to 'Toronto
Friday to Compete In Provi-n--
cial Finals -
Goderich Bowlers are fast nearing.
the top in provincial competition. E.
J. Pridham and George Mathiesozi
Mngt1Thtriet Noee *Provincial'
Lawn Bowling Association Doubles
Shield at Mitchell on Monday even-
inc,, when they defeated J. Logichirt
and D. Armitagee by a score of 19-
There are 16 districts in these play -
downs and the win on Monday night
entitles the. local bowlers to go into
the finals at Toronto on Friday.
Albert Taylor walked away with
the District No. 4 singles champion-
ship, when he defeated L. E. German
of Listowel 21=-.2, thus qualifying for
the playdowns at Toronto.
The shields won by the Goderich
bowlers are now on display in "The
Baseball and hockey have been the
two games most affected and one
outstandinte team in a league -a
team that practically cannot be de-
fe,ated by the other tennis -certainly
doesn't increase interest.
Trua..a.lown with_an_imported tett
or enough imports to make them sure
league' winners mays benefit, but the
- -
• How is this difficulty to be over-
come? That seems to be a question
gbYartting-,atuateut_sports' ho
Should consider.
Dan,' 0"Moheny retained .his worlds
A twilightT of tnixed rinks was held
dor the auspices of the Ladies Bowl -
lin, Club. Twenty-four rinks enjoy-
ed the play! :Lucknow, four; Teeswat,--,
er, one; •Kincardine, one; Palmerston
one; Hanover, one; Ripley, one; Lis-
towel, One and 14 local rinks. First
'prize was won by E. R. Harrison's
rink, Wirigliarr4
North Street soft
bell team emergedthevictor i hi" a
close game on Friday night, when
thew defeated the Baptist team /-5.
Rev. R. S. McClutestarted the scor-
ing by tallying a run for the Bap.
tists._in the second:inning. Itt the third
inning* North St. broke vim-F.1%4h-*
storing spree that reSulted iin their
;chalking up sevot funs their. total
number.tn the forth inning the -BaP.
tists brought in three more funs itha
tallied their final run in the fifth. As
usual * loge crowd was present to
give its support to the teamw
I * ,
of havfti ileuer in his house in gay
Township, without 4 Pennit. He 'was
fined $100sand eeetS.
Thee ease oe. Albere'13aVgiashertsee4._
teith iteep,hee 119,00r or Sale was adjourn -
ked one 'week, ' • 4: . •
Pleaded • ipitit!Sr to
charge Of drunk del•Ving, and Paid $10
and costs. „ To .a ,second. charge of drunk
dttving,..Millian,pleaded nee guiltes, The
eharge Wee viitlasirawn, The acraised
WAS a viettini-of a aocideat en the Blue
Water Highevay at' the. Overhead bridge
nOrth, Of 'Seltferd. . •
'Iri Magistrate's Court held at Wing-.
on Thutede,y morning .0eroine
costs .for indeeent exposure, '
Haery Kirkby., P.thar$6.4 with obteiuing
$10 ,frran. elerbert Wettlaufer by *false
pretences, wes given steeperided seetence
on payment tie 'costs.
George Glousher was fined $10 land
costs fez' being drunk in a public Place.
Girl Goes Free
Boy Gets Month
Someone has very truly said that
what is required today is not more
Government in ,business but more
business in Government. •
(Continued front page 1)
been driving the car, one apparently trY-
ing to shield the other.
Mr. 1-,). R. Nairn, counsel for Naylor,
stated that Naylor had been under the
influence of liquor, served illegally to
him (be .beIng a minor) and as a result
of the liquor the young man acted on
Impulse and took the ear. •
Mt. rfanit-trannelIy,-- acting for
Wightman, Pleaded for leniency on the
grounds that the act was i:ommItted
more or less as a lark and the fact that
the ear was brought back almost to the
owner's home showed Chat there was no
intention of stealing it. .
In reviewing the case . and giving out
the sentences Magistrate Hawkshaw re-
marked that it had received. -quite a bit
of ,publicity and' that there has been a
considerable amount of trying to find out
who really did take the car. -The ear
was not taken ,with any criminal intent
but at the sahib time it is not a nice
thing to deprive people of their cars,"
said His Worship. The young ,woraan
'Awed on suspended sentence for
league to which they belong suffers torney stated that he did not like to see
lail.staermeineppsedeppeeening people bet
when a man is given a chance he
should be prepared to pay the ,price.
The Magistrate pointS,out that every
young man of 10 years of age has he.en
given a Chance as far as -he -is concern-
ed. "In your case you soon forgot, the
kindness of the Magistrate wiieegaye you
heavyweight wrestling crown by de- another chance!' Naylor was sentenced
feating Jim Browning, at Maple Leaf to one mopth in the County JaiI.
Gardens, Toronto, last Thursday. Thomas Bueglass of Ilay Township,
charged with being drunk in a public
place pleaded guilty and paid $10 and
1:45StS, -4,S did itas friend; 'James England,
'Who tettissieeleellinreff ehe lamer
A setond charge against Bite glass of '
failing to register his motor vehicle Was
the largest ever attracted to an in- Jc's6Ph Berea charged Ii4t24`4 being
door event in Camtcla. •
regard to Naylor the Croarn At -
Bert Geddes, #on of Mr. ° and Mrs. Jat
cidesrofAiticknOwi-• Je-lu7G4tAfeSpital), -
tellq-WIng a; Monday night,: oar faceldeOe
In Which bete her -Van eer eve Off and siot,
le;ariss'171mtilYe a'Aselibett'eleVIeff' rtft4412Plierese7„ha*:
414,1;11.4", stel lirrtrt dj 11'1 a -'`$*; ctie' tniri rur l'Pes4. her. left
tert- and Miss Robertson. accompanied
,by Thos. Newberry and Miss Hazel Tag-
a'a*7:wurl had mot6red over tp
&litO: C1%aoia
• The Vorolito party" had left for that .
city before 16 o'cloolc Watley evening
an• a on y 'gon:.a v -
the accident oceurred, when their ear -
ane a Kitchener car sideswiped, with
both vehtples turning over onthe high-
way. The peeeengere of the, Kitchener
c"Misws"e TaggartunIweas4. the only one Of the
Geddes ear` • .to eScapa linjurieS:
berry, who WAS riding with her in the .
rumble seat, I suffered cuts, bruises and
head injuria and was taken to Galt
hospital, : -.along with Mr. Geddes and
Miss Robe -.n,
•oreo ooroate,
. The .1rishinan_ took ,the first, and -
only„ fall . Jana-- then,
went,the. thrte liinit.
A croevd of 18,000 it was estimated
saw theeniatch, sell* claiming it was
CL:S' C38-Vglik,\N
A.J Irnj -V-41r4r-
,t41`,77 1%7ETII SPARKLING
.0 71
Will You Take,.
anent of
INevery community are
records of individual.sets of
tires, but Firestone have
been prwed for sixteen
years in the 506.mile In-
dianapolis Speedway Race
ad e.grless drivers
stake life and victory on
tires choose Firestone' as the ,
safest and most enduring.
Accept with confidence
the recommendations-- of
these men -Firestone are
safe for them and safe for
you. See the nearest Firestone
Dealer today.
.6......twaa sac Ferri... fort beams Ow
r e's t
Withf.C9.. A Mfg NON f/s704411t4CE.*
Over 1.000.144re turned away; the
Gardens being 'packed to the rafters.
• The tuelariour,!bewling •club tourna-
ment is Seheduled for today, (Thurs-
day* August 164*).
AGAINST Amisszmian-Ifix
An organization known its the
ports.and Amusement Mood
,:- it tarrying on earkilotiO,
sg*itt ,taX reOritit put.into,
feet by the Ontario 00tertintein
Which compels tax collection and all
admissions to sports event%
Aecording xeporta the British
Empire Games -will be held at the
Canadian National !Exhibition in
Tke games were held in Hamilton
in 1980 and tile cost of successfully
conducting the, program is approxi-
mately $100,000.
Chesley defeated Port • Elgin 9-.2
on. Saturday in the first of the play-
offs to decide the winner of interme-
diate utor:13kutd liaseball- league; nor,
thorn sectioon.
Meatord finished the baseball seas-
on, on -Saturday, When Southampton
won 7- .43.
It was one all* hist games of the
Season int the Bruce league.
Messrs. E J. itirianrn. and George
Matideson *On Ist prig*in the .8eotch
doubles tourtuortent held at laneav,
dine en Friday higbt. There were '$8
rnementr-- four-- of
them from GodffIch.; „
drunk in a, public place, ;Waded guilty
and went to board at Castle Reynolds for
the next ten days.
.11. Robertson, charged with conver-
or funds to his own use, Was given
a week's adjournment, on reipiest of his
course', Mr. R. C. Hays, Bail for
410,606 sureties was renewed.
jarne..s Ashton, 21, pleaded guilty to a
and his testimony together with a rea-
sonable explanation of his actions by his I
lawyer, Mr. Donnelly, won a dimnitSal
for Mai. Ashton was in se tzar with
four. other young people when the driver
failed to tetra in .the road leading down
to BOgle'S Beath tand the party toppled
tones forty feet down a steep embetik-
Ceastable Fergustei testified that
he had been called at midnight On the
27th of *Tali to investigate the aaticleat.
Ile identified Ashton as behig Otto edfl
those ireeetved and stated that Ashton
evai drunk at the time. 'iConstable
Stewart of aeigrave, who was witlo,P011-
etabie Ferguson it the tithe, corroborat-
ed Itis evidence, 'Ashton, himself, claim-
ed that he. had had but two ifitOscs of
*er about 0.00 0.m. at the Wyal
and that he had walked around the
Square a Trainbef of times tRoreleaVing„
for the heath." Ur. tantrielip was of the
opinion that after ,tin, accident such' as
the otteAlukt omitted the alilUsed *would
bit vtibbly .on 13.is feet
tou elahned ha, had been driving
the tar *ben the.actident °warred and
the night of Olt upset Albert ltaristone.
*nether partieipant in the affair.had
told the
police' that be had been driving
the car. A. cbatge ,f--ttrirtik-
against Vanstorte was Put over for
other week. WO rath bah was renwed
WIlitam .1. (tall.tod of hayfield, el:arg-
ed with tett*
trot - • - .• -
iipPort Charge agairort John
41410Mt Pant usaft 01 lot
itt! liquor for ,006 was $eriended to One
gt,S'Srfii. Charles. Griffith and VII.
Abell, -re red first, prize In
*ing tournament
A. Grabain
ond pri
Kovolty Dartoes:*n!.all
Oanoes People Enjoy -'Hi h lass -Musk -
the!, Kind of
Paw for Ford
Prizes Wili Alto