HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-08-15, Page 1t, A Be Trusted the People and They Trusted Him, Former Tax Col- lector's Case Now in the Courts and Therefore Beyond Con- trol of Town Coune0. Regardless of OUteonle4 the People Will Pay. Contest for Mayoralty Would Mean Additional Expense. No run Without Councillor PIK;trios. . To The Editor. Of The Goderich Star. Dear Mr. Editor:— Goderkh, Aug. 14, 1935. When you asked me .to Five you at copy of 'iny remarks to the town coun- cil our iltai meeting, 1 did net expect that 1...tvas going to getinto a. news- paper 'Controversy. In your issue today, there I a., long, rambling letter from touneiller Huck** and With Your nermlasiOn, I Om taking the liberty of res igeng briefly. . If was born in this Own, and have been here all nay life and in the words' of a fanner Prenaler of Ontario "I have always trusted the petrel% (of Gode- rich) and 0,O popp!o breve trusted "e atof.a measlier of the 1934,end therefore, had no part in its troubles (omelet In regard to the legacy left to the 1935 council in the matter of the Tax Collector* Shortages' Therefore, 1 ISO* no interest in the private lettere of Councillor Huckins to the Ring, the Governor-General, the Solicitor -General, or the Attorney- General- _ • --"-irtta-VerifiViltrOak—earlhesgooin-KAliatIve,---olovittreould-lOolc,after.ours- owlsidlairs **kola. ,outitelesinteelerence and I have always had absolute faith in the good, coinnitussense, and good judgment or ,our own people. • Councillor -Hopkins sayo that the people are now doing their own think- ing- , May I pahat out to him that the people of Goderich, have always used their heads, long before he 'honored the town with his distinguished 'citizen- ship, and they will no doubt continue to do ,so long after he and I are for- gotten. c, Titer; is peeking to be gained by our "rethreshing a lot of old straw." The question of the tat collector's shortages is now in 'the Courts and the matter is' therefore Siabludtot and it is not ethical to Maass the matter poblicly. But the sooner Coueollior Huckins gets away ,from the idea, that he Is a superman and not a• common, ordhiary, everyday' Canadian; like the rest of us, the better it will be for the peace, order, and good government of 'our town. What is the record of Councilor Iluckins in the council of 1934—presum- ably its leading asol most active member. 1 Atsthe end <i934, the town was $10,000 further in debt than it was at the beginning of the year. Then dining the year he COttaplained that the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission had given too favorable a contract to the Goderieh Elevator and Tran- sit Co. and insisted on an audit or the Hydro books With negative resulte. What happened? • This year's council had to pay- the bill and the'. Elevator Company con- tended that it was already paying too much and threatened to put in Diesel ▪ entities. Thellydro Conunission of OntariaJearing to lose•acustomer, rushed, in and i ' gave the Elevator Company a better contract than it ever had, at, approxi- mately $2,000 per. year less than, the old contract. That is, the town is losirk ‘stehut $2,000 per year because Councillor Huckins . talkedtors mush. In Igo letter, he. says that he could 1111 o newspaper with to.lirs' God, forbid! .Explanation By The Star Two 'communications nPPeilr in this issue of Outstanding interest to the citliells ef this toms. One is from Councillor' liuchins, In re- ply to Meyer IflacEwan's state. ment in lett week's newspapers, arid the tither is front His Worship in reply. As it is contrary to the policy of The Star to disclose the contents of any comenunication, once accepted, until it is published, we made no exception in this ins stance to our unalterable rule in such matters, and are therefore not reepensible for any informa- tion diiielosed before publication. Then he had a dispute with! the Scheel Board amli the School licia,rd sued • the town and got Judgment In tuil and the ritior old town again had to pay • theishet'111,44IgnrSi- ,t31,-4314 law costs. ' The other dale,Iteeiesa ortiroa, by the isaidligtompany payment In full of. th.e Collector's shortagge but he would net take it. , Be wants more law and_ more law ceebe .Which the town will have to pay. (Continued on page 4) HOW TO DISPOSE OF OUR WHEAT SURPLUS S' • Canada's visible *heat supply was r.ed.uce,0,7 „PAM- ,I1V,14,11Akt Jnelt..11411.7. -when fire ,destroyed a52,000 bushel capacity grairt elevator in Edmonton. 'The failure a water pressure loan-- pered firemen and the big- elevator was a total loss at $45,000. ABOVE one of the 75 -foot extension, ladders pouring water in through the top of the doomed building. HAILSTONES LIKE BIG: APPLES TEEMED DOWN ON MONDAY Measured Two and Three Inches. Just Clumils of Ice. Came from. South..4irolte...Sereen Windows and .Dtunaged- Uncut Grain and Fruit Trees. , We have all heart unbeliever* stories hailaterms -out, hr the wester& • pro. Vince§ Where the pellets 'tow as largo is linifeeggi bit to liaie ono or theie define :Star= come to our mod district' le kome- Tartg Siete to Meet or iit—ypt siichls the On/lefondest afterneseir The Mit tee' etived ; phone Oen front Mr, rold William, who it .enJoYing the. et niterthe at his tottage /bout 11Ve that the people hi that ,d1strict had bad loi11t3tort0, the •pelleta Of 'WWI' were or site sa tO break through the *Rim ',Street* On the wiridairs. Ufa. or thtM *ere larger than 101,11 groVni,14144e4 Or tera.-.,-,Dtarh*tlie -liVe.ntinitt4100 hill Vona *it b eggri-Striteit, the district. '',.tatist4tiont4.1*--teonta*obtt.4„tatr damaged some of the standing crops and trait Steel. About an hour after .the *term Mr. Willistent brought a tin etie to The -star containing several pieces of -toe which he Stated had fallen during the deluge. Itt tiederielt t the three rein fell hea- vily -1w is: *lenient' or two but. the- sun wee ellininefea inillette* later. TWO FREIGHTERS' PASS' IN, CHANNEL ENTRANCE Eke4ton Date oriday, Oct. 14 Painter Perched On.Peak of.County Stood on ;'('?-ilt o 76;1;71 the court Hooe to Complete. • Painting RICH dOLDEN HUE The painters at the curt house have been accomplishing feats of acrobatie,s lately, that l.'s since they started working on the dett-e -cif the courthoffse. The 'weather vane has been painted by 'means of a long pole with asbrush on it • directed by a painter, standing in a pre- carious positionon a ladder placed on the roof of the dome. The dome and eveather-orane are ilow a rich -golden hue that shines brightlY in the sunlight, artnotmcing- to all and sundry that that is the peak of the county's affairs—the clothe on Huron County Courthouse. !..aerated Leg Reitult Accident. R sers-br. "RECOVERING MO* *um" Unusual by Pale I , (BY a Stai'onOrter) D'OXGANN011, Ananos xn. a Motor ;resident wise* occurred near Clifferd on Saturdiey, Andrew McLen- nan; son of btfS,S, ZdelsOntlin an the late 'Duncan McLeturan, Of thie (Atshlield) reteived 1440110 Welt- re- sulted ha his death less Um, 'Ulf an hour eftor. 'The lad IV rettuninO to 'rortaito 40 cenerstni With .relittiVes, Mrs. McDonald and het ..drerilhter. Miss LOUise McDonald, the later driving the car—When, to *told hitting, a team of horses which were driven on.. to the highway trims ttiadess164-"the car wus turned to one" side and. Oareened over a steep erabaniementhrte. the +Atoll. Miss McDonald and her mother ,were remov- ed to Walkerton "hospital, suffering from head injuries, bat another' passenger, Mrs, John Metkeepe, ofAahileld,ascpe s,ad -with a Severe shaking up. erlie boy, who was 14 years old, is survived by his mother and one brother, Male:elm, principal of the Bar- rie. public school. .11lis father passed away about a 'year. ago. The funeral was held . from the • 'faltrily home on Monday afternoon, and Was attended by • large ooricourSe , of Sympathising friends and neighbors, • COLBORNE TP. RESIDENT TAKES OWN LIFE Mrs. John H. Johnston, ,aged 66, for mauy years a resident. of Colborne -Townatire was foiseindeby her husband. on Taeeday afternoog king ,toe thefloor of her home where she had fallen after 'shooting, herself througle+the. heed with a 48 calibre revolver. • retie. Johnston was still alive when her husband fund her but died about six o'clock after a CARRYING ARREARS TO .th4tor had arrived. The sheeting occur- red between four and five o'clock. There was _ act, according to the coroner, Who was called. The couesle had lived together for 49 years and. were quite happy, en- joying a comfortable- living. -There ere no children surviving the deeeased. An inquest will not be held. . BAD DEBT RESERVE A letter from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario read at a meeting of the Public Utilities Ocounts- elan; on Thursday night advised the Commission that, subject .to further no- tice, Mr. G. C. Parker will attend the Conuniesion's August .2nd meeting -to diectise the Vevittef,,, Reiser Mt. the letter ,tivat refetred to the".s.imst tendent, Mt.'Teeny. • - • • Several applications for electric light- ing services were passed -at this meeting. tA, letter dated July 19th from the H. E. P. C. of Ontario regarding arrears of electric light rates and asking that cer- tain items be dealt with according to the regulations ,was reach - On motion of the Mayor and seconded by Mr. E. R. Wigle it Tas Agreed that arrears,' as designated in the letter, be transferred to, the Bed Debts Reserve to be dealt with. A report dated July 3040 from Supt. J. B. Kelly, giving an estimated cast of 5960 to supply water to the property of Mr. J. C. Sheardown on Maitland Road was read and on motion of l'efr. Wigle it was passed that Mr. Sheardown be notified of the lcost and that the Com- mission regulation is that an annual revenue of at least 10% of the cost would be required. An lintitial sight Was affordedpeoplo at the harbor on fiundio when the freighter &mei 11.„ Foote, ,atter unload. Ing Wheat- it the Western -Oatiodst, started out and Met the Delft, bettOrsiteirigetteightetetelle Wilt 'OW MS' liO4; in the .chtninel TOWNS TO RECEIVE PART OF BEVERAGE GAINS Goderich, in common with other municipalfties in which beverage iooms have been established: Will receive 20 per cent of fees paid by beverage -room own- ers to the Ontario Government, Premier -Mitchell- FS—Hepburn has-eannotmeete- The new regulatiOn will become effective in the Pall. , Added to this amount, the Premier states, these municipalities will receive 20 per cent of the profits derlied from beverage rooms selling in excess of 55,000 worth of beer and wine. Pay- -ments will- edrer the .12emontha period from November 1, 1e34. DUNGANNON LADIES PICNIC AT PARK punennon Women's Institute with the ladies of the Junior Insti- tute, held their annual • picnic on Wednesday afternoon at Ilarbor ParVwhere an afternoon of games and racewas etijoyed. . There were «about 50 people pre- seht. The picnic% held in Goderich thie year -for the first time was tinder the supervision of Mi. Alton, pre. sident of the Institute. GODERICH TO HALIFAX 'ie Della, an Ocean going eteamer making- her first tell at tioderich on Sunday, took 68 ctonesaf.salt' en route to Italffax. - ,the _winter . she "Ube from Halifax along the ocrast bo the West Indies. Ctrt leaving Goderich about four o'glock Seidel afternoon the went 4 -Sarnia itedefroni themepoe.s to 'Mrs. Meetteel *Lid thence to the Atlan- tk Seabeerd; CePtein 0. L. Merrell of Halifax is' in conimand. THANKSGIVIN'G DAY N—OCTOIIE cihaliksgIvIng Day has Wen' 'advanced to (Jabber 24, it was ',introduced yesterday by Premier 14,4,4 flet witIt election day en °doe is tit& et* roadwayof iluron 'Premier lBennett, officlitllY an. Aounced last night that the gener- al elections worild be bold on Mon. day, October 14t1*. ' There are 245 seats In the Domi- nion House and Liberals and Con. servatives will have candidates in every riding.. ReconstrOgionlats and, C.C.V. candidates will contest a number of seats but it is not ex- pected they will have representa- tives itt all of the 245. Girl Goes Free Boy G--ets—IVIonth H Been Given Chance and , Failed To Play the Game • EvelY11 Wiglittnan, 18,, the blonde young lady from Blyth, whose actions on the night that the blue toupe owned by Mr. Royal Lloyd was stolen, have been shrouded in mystery, pleaded guilty to a charge of taking the car referred to without the consent of the owner, in Magistrate's Counts on Thursday alter - noon. Nelson Naylor, 19, her companion in the escapade 'which has caused so much comment, also pleaded guilty to a charge of taking the ear end to a second charge of driving while drunk. rown Attorney D, Holmes said that aceOrding to the girl's statement she and .Naylor had been together on the night that the car had been taken and she had said she felt dike going for a car ride at the same time suggesting bo'Nayler that they take the first parked car they came to that had the keys in it. The car happeited to be that qwned by. air. es-Opriving out -near -Taylors Ver- ner the par took to the ditch and Miss Wightnian appealed to a passing motor- ist who helped them get the car qut of the ditch. The Crown, Attorney stated that at the time that .Mr. Lloyd was brought Into court on the ease lie was identified, by a witness as the man who lbld helped push the sow otete ehe ditch. This is the series first dffesece, said Mr. Holmes, a,lthough•.ehe gave the pollee some trouble at first by denying the theft. Naylor is at present on suspended sentence for obtaining goods under fahe pretences. Beth parties claimed to have Every Foot of SPace Occupied On Sunday Evening liECALLING EARLY DAYS (By Bench Parker) Spring is here. The CanacUan Na- tional *depot is receiving new clothing ini the form of paint. After completion it will be another bright and beauty spot of Godericli: By the way --did you ever sto slsoa ..enpsh to viewe„the-seeneu Itt the valley and over the hills from the C. N. R. depot. What a picture! A WOriaribl- The sunsets on Lake Huron are view - &with pleasure -and -wonderment by the guests of the Sunset Hotel. It is a nightly enjoyment for the visitor to -re- lax, after a wonderful meal and view the aunseteeronetheeSunset Hotel -on the- hill. A stranger at Goderich was sitting in the park enjoying a band contert. He started a conversation with a gentleman sitting on the same park seat. "Hew do you find business in this town?' . asked ' -"Good -Ind picking up every day." "What business are you in?" asked the stranger. "The • (Continued on paqe .4) • TEACHERS FROM WEST ' VISITED IN GODERICH Twenty-four Alberta ,school teachers arrived in Cloderich oii a transcentinen- lel sight-seeing butt on Monday after- noon, visiting the "Prettiest Town in Canada" as a part of a tour 'ivhich has taken them, part wive aeress Callsade. -deitvn-thiviiigh-tlie-Thiffeirgfiai`TO‘Ogs' toil and New. York, up to Montreal and Quebec and along the Blue Water High- way to Owen Sound and Goderich.,!' The party let Alberta on July fourth and are now on their way back home After spend- ing almost a month and a half travelling the higherays of the Dominion of Canada and the United ptates, eating their meals and sleeping right on the bus ,,,at a daily expense of 0.00 eaeh. (Continued on page 6) AMERICAN YACHTS MADE SHORT CALLS On August 9th, the yacht, White Heather, of Detroit, captained by Mr. M. G. Rees, was in port; the Priscillzt3 of Toledo, being here_ the same day. On August llth, the Movie of Toronto, docked. Dr. K. A. McLaren is her Captain. The Sluartlou of Detroit was also here on the lith The Pal 111rd• of .Detroit under the command of Dr. Strang ir- rivecl yesterday. The tug, Champlain, returning from Southampton. where she had been looking for a scow that she had 16at, put in at Goderich for a few moments and cleared a few minutes later. .18OLINPgD INTO DITCH, DRIVER RECEIVED CUTS Mr. Daniel Munroe, Brucefield butch- er,- esettped serious injury, [ although he Spent the night in the hos- pital, when he lost control of the car he Was driving and it took to the ditch on Holniesville Hill about nine miles tooth of Goderich. Moriroe suffered from slight cuts and .shock, while the car was damaged , to the extent of about $75. Provincial Constable 'Callender investi- HOLIDAY BOAT TRW STOPPEb BY ILLNESS An attack of appendicitis interrupted se holiday trip for Mrs. John Iluntelriger. She left Detroit for se tat On the. Geer- glan but on that .boat's arrival here was forced Ito leave the veesel and go to the Alexandra Hospital for an operation. Mr. Iltintsinger watt- tailed by telephone tte,hisAcife's bcto1de Her eettditioaels Said to be satisfactory. GODERICH DRIVER IN TORONTO ACCIDENT A Toronto Newspaper repprt sta es that eti Tuesday night, at the tor. nor of Danforth and 4:11edhilleAveriu- es, a Car driven by William Burrow of Cloderiela struck rrank McMahon, 82,- of 483 OSsifigton gifsk-'51V the hack Of tr hits head, WAS TehlOVed gated. Allte,a1AM.E.S.Vss BROKE BOTH WRISTS Mr. Charles O. Lee was the victim of an Unfortunate accident ori Sunday when his foot caught on a rail of the Welts at the Wharf and he fell forward breaking both writes. Mr. Lee was in the act of taking tome gasoline over to a launch when the accident occurred He was taken to the ,hospital where he stayed over nights returning to his home! ,on beendity, S iVE EXPLANATION Recall* Cir4onstorice* Connected :With Alleged ftortose of For. mer Tam Collector of the 'Town of . Goderith: Chins His' . Repeated Effort', to 'Have Earlier Investigation* Were Un- successful. Refused to Consider a PropOsed Settlement Which Might -Constitute Felony, Disapproved of Delay. To The Editor, The Goderich Star, Dear Mr Editor: -.-In view of the feet that 3rou have given the Mayor the privilege of givingan elaborate one -retied explanation ot the situation in repot to a, special audit and its attendant resilltr 1 ant prompted 10 retellate, feet - lug sure that as a nenspaper man catering to the ratepayers of Goderleb, yets milk° there are two sides to every qucetion, and will therefore grant me the of 'Presenting the OTHER SIDE ot the question through the medium of your aeWs May 1, therefore, answer the Mayor's statement, paragraph by paragraph. First: The Council of 1934 decided to have a special audit. Mounts follewhor *be Msevor's municipal record knows that he was not * member at that Crom- ell, also thee in tipite of the fact that the ratepayers have wanted this audit for ateemee20-4reerse-theett1ayoreineepiteeefeb1e--avowedeanidety-forethelownee-Wols fare, never could see the need for snob, an siudit. Tbe present Mese indiesthet et his judsment hi the pest Is such, that it is doubtful it should be accepted now. Secondlyt litis statement reads that the atuUtoes tepert reveals an ape Parent shorter() of about 5300 and that this did not seem ImPortsuls Vet the Mayor le aware ef the foot that I have in my -poem:won two letter* Wier *a slirnatUre et R. W. Johnson-, Special Auditor, one of which states'thatet confer- eeence-Avaseheldeon-Dice 191bee1934sethe' epeehigreliditote; lineeliterSetertisitMk — beint present, in which it was pohtted out from the stubs. etc' . In*C.04 the colleetorei table, that it was quite clear there wieuld be quite a centriderable shortage. Replying to Mr. R. W..Johnson's 1etter 1 criticised him for negketr: hereto. repost this nutter to the special committee,. Mrs 0.11. Humber, Mr., II, 0. bituunrige and myself, appointed to handle the audit. I have a secondletter itt which artr. JOhnsote states he is sorry his men did not report this matter to last year's Commie Had the treasurer, le L. Knox, who is a servant ot the rate payers whose money is involved, conveyed thh information to loot eerie* Coun- cil, that apparently there would be a shortage, it is doubtful if there would have been an election at all, and•this 'matter that has now become e vereeone- pileated affair Would Ititee elesinid 0444 ago, Coming to January, 1935, Missile Long and Robertson, in eb,etkinr over, called on the ex -collector, who pointed out conelderable number of amounts that were paid and not credited. The Mayor eays..after WS information it wa decided by the auditors and council, that the only way to determine.the true condition of affairs was to circularize all arrears: Ile got" outof his way taeredit the local auditors and- his eounell with havingskutitutedsthe ideasatte- confitening these (Mishandling accountl. Yet, if he will take the trouble toeook it up, he will find that in the original Ht• W. Johnson report, that they, and not the local auditom, specifically advised the 1934 cotutell to confirm all ottt- standino tax 'tents, to arrive at a true statement. „ The Mayer speaks of the ratepayers corning* in ,with their receipts. t shal1 haVe an email** incident in connection with my own taxer later on to retalia- te you. . Thirdly:. Once more the IVlayor eushes the local auditors to the f.ore in that 'he otates that they Made an interim report, March 29, 1935. An 'exams ination of -the minute books will ehow that a motion Is on record, sponsored by Deputy Reeve Turner and myself that R. W. Johnston be called in to complete special audit. The Mayor wahed that Mr. Johnson 1* not called until Messrs. Long and Robertson had completed their, audit; to this we agree& Again he negleetto-to state that Messrs. Long and Robertson oPileared Won's, ,Coincit ta make la, verbal report and *to ask that the, Johnson auditors be called intlong Were 13. hstd finished. If the Mayor will try hard, he will remember that the -.Reeve,. Deputy Reeve and myself, itchted that Maser*. 1,0Uf arid Sobertsort preemitee *Atka etetemerit no 0/-14Fareit. 2904-1935, reqriest very rehretentb' granted: ' At a. ineetine held May lith, the Mayor states Mos R. S. Robertson, K.C.. of • Toronto, was engaged by Council. Three ntentbers of council were absent train this meeting. The Reeve amd,inyeelf bitterly opposed this moveatent; re- cording our vote against the motion.We do not feel that we were under any -obligation to accept the -advice of Senior Counsel. • (Continued on page 5) COMMANDS LARGEST BOAT STEEL COMPANY'S FLEET Goderich is the home town or many popular lake captains but none are bet- ter known than Captain Wm. J. Mc- Lean, who is d visitor tit Goderieh with Mrs. McLean and are guests at the Bed- -ford -Hotels- -- Captain Macau is a Goderich old'boy and is always hapror to return to his home town and renew old acquaintances and recall happy friendships of days - gone. by. It is interesting to note that Captain McLean is in charge of the largest,,of the Steel Corporation fleet, the Carl D Bradley, Of Duloth. sHe and Mro. Mc- Lean now make their home at Detroit. Aceonipanying Captain and Mrs. Mc: Lean are Mr. and Mrs. Green of Califor- nia,- who are also guests at the Bedford • Hotel. Many will remember Mr. and Mrs.Green, both . being popular Gode- ?fere -Pe-Side-MO or the Past: - -MORE BABIES LAST MONTH THAN IN JULY, '34 The month of July renords of births, deaths and marriages at the town clerk's o ce, 18 junt Cine more Proof that thls thing called•depres.sion is doing a "fade- out." In July of this Year there were three more babies came into the .world than theie Were in the same month last year. there being 6 births recorded for July. -1936;ensecomparedewith 12In July; 1034. Marriagea for July are also one Up on last year, the figures being three for 1035 and two for 1834. ',lie deaths were re- corded in July this year in comparleon to ont last year. NEARLY SCALPED VVHEN CAR SKIDDED Nnien thk'ear driven by 'her liteshand- ekidded 10 forme gravel, Mra. john 'Cot - tennis -of Walkerton fittd the tbei of her head nearly torn off. rt Wee later re- Plaeed ln the Walkerton ilospital.Mr Cotternern had the plate of. hia Watt} • Mrs. Oetterritan 10 rodovoring. — `TOlililAIX) TOOK TREES • DRAPED OATS ON FENCES . .• 0. ttielemOnd, a farmer in Tam - Werth ToWnStili, near Pluton, caw a field Of his oats picked up by a tornado, oVrionR. and draped on trees and n buildigs the- gistrict. Outbuildings blown ..-do7in. --arid- trees __uprooted.. Therleaein -cut vttsrro-Jr---ftatir, ete families knowing nothing or it until it Terento .Erist exeriertlAtospital. wavall.occr; Court Cases Twenty -Five Les In July, 1935, Against July, 1934 Fines $87.75 Len In July of 1934 there were 68 cases in the Ooderich Police Court. This year there were only 43 during that month, or /6 less than a year ago. .41.At Year the .July,...finea_.totalled 5350.75 which was divided as follows To the PrOvinco $155.00 - To the municipalities 185.00 To the Dominion30.00 This year •julils Police Court yielded 6269.00, which was also split three ways; 'to the Province 4 43 00 'lb the municipalities 181 OD To the Liquor Control Bd. 45.08 SAILED WITH SALT A cargo of salt was shipped efrom the Goderich Salt Mills on lenard the Superior, to the Head of tho Lakes, on Monday, the Benmaple also gall- ing that day with salt for Montreal, -front the Western Canada Flour Mills. Yesterday, two C. P. R. engin- es were required to haul an east boend freight train loaded with grain from the Goderich Elevator. The fame of the town and its in- dustries are being carried far and Wideby-therzeeithilernetfole es HOTTEST DAY It was the hottest, day of the 'year in Winnipeg Wednesday, the mercury eieat- ing to 96 degrees. THRILLING RESCUE Thomas in the -Detroit News.. 2'