The Goderich Star, 1935-07-18, Page 8ea tiO e'r3po,ts ) • tie bo�erldn UIub Lost TO :Wiugharn ftors Took Lila in riot In ere ,Never Heeded. ea Good Ball .Out t the ,Breeks. .Anotber. ipUne--allOther beating. Oh YoUre 'tryng.hard bays and M444 as as any teatkvan do. ' Ooderfth tobk another defeat on Wed- teSdaY"niiiiit# this time at the bands Of The Wingirata elab, the .SCOX° bend 7m.05. 10;t4rathain broke ,the,likais. beg* in the ftrift,' tallying five rime, the aeCond, a home rait by Sooner& W. Tif-- Ledet, Greyand J Tiffin weft res. 'loon:8U* for the oilier runs .0f the- vist. ters, half of tho innings. In the last of the third the -locals counted their -first •its‘o rims. Robinson and Walsh getting •hits and Woods brought them in on a - hard double out to !eft fieldattirney srt. a hit in. this inning also and Ms:night the hitt rtiti fOr Ooderlich. Bernell a- gain connected V4th one in the 5th and - Oared up the visitors 6* run. OreY IXIPPed 014 to first of the fifth and tal- /led the final rune Of the game. BOth t°44n4 Played good ball. with of . °aurae theonuisional error, but the heme. *era Pat couldn't seem to get ahead. -4Ar1n1lians- 1ine4ssfitn,--2b;. -Our, ney lb; *Men and • OroVes, cf; Csrmit °Ind,. 0; toilet and Chalmers, 3b; Orey, J. Tiffin,. lb; "Mellor sti; Peterson, and .• Cloderich line -un: Owitiefk.e. cf; Omer- -941--and4ttelanr lb; Roblnionf 3, Walk. -Wort* .and' PrtZiey 1).; WortI3r,'14); Johnston,. MurneY, c. t1mpbee-,-Debe1 and Turney, Kincer- - Mt, "I4 Pilgriamage to MARTYR'S SHRINE ' FORT STE. MARIE Chartered Caches leave it410 , 'Goderichon SUNDAY, JULY 28th *At 540 Lea. (E. S. T.) Return tars 45.ee. Ticket Sale <ilosas, 8.00 p.m. TEURSDAY, July 25th, 1935. AOENTS : lc T. e11ow, Brit. Exch. Beta G. S. Litt lEtedford Hotel. 8 ••••••mormarmosemorsomaimewooloommiotrowoommsmoloossorzsmommommorommomume irro*„11W 'Schedule Aafective May Sib, 1935, 'Lesariss-Ooderieh Comit4eend daU 7.30 L*t. 5 pan,. 'Standar* 'Time -fee. Strathsrd, Nitehener. fliselph Threatial.-- Arrhdag-....Taissita, (SO St.) 105 .P4a.. $0.55 ia.nt. ConneCtittniv at Clinton. for LOndon and Itineardine. • • rex • ed to s__,,t_lfi'sarkta ted etMe and MeUco • - Coma* Agenta W, T. 111.1.0W, flrUsb Ltchisrige Phone . O. S. I.M,• Bedford Hotel. Phone 323. - al Ontario Bus Liaes . --"tORONTO • ' LAVERS IN LOCAL 0014$ TOUR* ' • .2' tains. Champoiuhip In 'Tennis Tourn*trobitt• 4h4' vWor# 1)igrtia1psteif to4mitment. 'at M'attlarat Golti (Rano .veatgr4oW 'fittohoott ionli The re!° stOta were aa, folk)** ',Us** gnus, 1 '11°1", °la" It ik" Proce.litratfOrd,12; net1 Mr. OtOrge DOWney. 'MC 1,41,e1 00; t• /0160'00*.t 'Vat 'nine holes. Mr.Len Bal. Thq, thirty-V.0ov annual onyentsozi LiatoweI, 37; Iertv ", net, Out nine or the woolen* ,,0,444tl4n, Temperance' holm Mr`. 0, •Msglir 21; IOW f/n2ort of IIMOrt county Convened in • nine hOleds, Mr V. Mot.' Wesley Willis 'United Church, Vilidon,,on Ooderich, 314. low net, Wend nine ole Friday, t11,0,r Otait 1935,, .41,44 Inotning A JCibler, tistoWei.' 35); Se0to 'Pr4ae, and afternoon SeSS1Ons.• The , prelddent, meow .4;k,•derwio„, V. Elilot, D. 'Walden, miis Murray, Presided'. The convention C. rotel; R. filoyd; 912'; net. (Welker, ,Opcoopeneeir aWtjttlij.lotal;44.0°0 xall,clam4Wit,but,ultit7; giving the lovemtion preler., We were faVoredLwith, Ideal 'Westher, and good roads. We noticed, With Interest the assembled members ready f to Date)] And to absorb the Various reports. The church was beautiful with . fragrant flowers in the W, O. T. U. eolOr. 'The Blyth Union eonducted the devotrional ,perioil. Mrs. Carr, of Blyth, reading the 147t1i P,5,,Ahrn and tars. Seaton leading. in, prayer. Rev. De Witt Cagens gave an ad- dress. The sr.Inutea last convention were then read by Secretary, Nitre, O. W. Christie and adopted; Re -Election ref 'Offices , At a meetng of the Huron W. )04r. 0: Convention held on PrIday, July 5th, S. MO, LtiOrt was passed favoring eleotion lof officers by a nominating .committee whoee duty it would be to prepare a If such legislation is adopted 'by the Provincial Convetion the -Huron County W. C. T. U. is in favot of a clause per- mitting that it be stibleet, to the ehoite afanyConpvetkinethod ofeke; tion they ezm to r whether In use Or that proposed be inclu,- non Of , Crair. 0 . late ton), 0, Monk, Z, &Might P. Moo.' huet O. ,R. Patterson. • Sta1e sy10 local tennis star, etidotestuilY defended his tennis title or hest year irru totunament 'it the Mait- land Golf COM* cow yesterday after- TXXMI by defeating Raymond Dean in the ensile, 6-2, 6-0. Eight ecnitestan,fs took part In the Match. Via. R. Dean, Dean, A. MaeVicar, P, Carey, eY. A. Sturdy, 13. Taylor and IL Babb. In the 'semi-finals of the match Dean dek feated P. cam and Taylor was vie. *Mous over A. Staisly. WINNERS IN BOWLING TOURNAMENT MONDAY Messrs. E. Mason and M. Ainslie earried off first honors at the local bowlhig tournament held at the green a on Mon- day • night,. Mille Mr.- Preiriftilit and Mr, Pranlc. McArthur ran elose eeeoiffis. Six teams partioiPated in the event*. • • . MONSTER CELEBRATION TowN OF WINdliAM ()Continued from page- 1.),. Boyne to the Children of Israel being freed- fro in bondage and- Considered it wise to celebrate once a year. * Wm.lt...spread, of Toronto, Grind Secretary, epened his address by reading a telegram from 'thq Canadian Protest- ant Allgance booking up the Orange Or- der in their fight for the Protestant cmsse and the ptibilc *schools. He at, vocated * National School _System throughout the Dominion and the repeal of every amenciment-thatr-haa been shade te. the school art: " Rev,. A: 0. McPherson, of Llstowel, erooke but Welly clue to the late _hour ded in that legislation. • The Nominating and Reaolation Com- "mitteewere-- then -appointed as 1 Miss Ifortnoll,' Exeter,' Mns. rrooPer, Clin- ton; Mrt.'Clindall, Whigham; Miss Bathe. Ooderich. .0reat interest in the work of all the departments was manifested and in -the brief time at their dispeeal; the Super- intendents anve evidence that :splendid 'work and satisfactory progress had been accomplished. Among_ the outatanding,PePartelenits re- perted- Were: Anti,Naivotie and Idedical Temperanee by Supt. Dirs. Pearce, Exe- ter; who regietted she could not report vim extended a hearty welcome -to ano treduction of amount of narcotic used. attend the ceiennatIon uitowei next, That the amount used among Juveniles ye4r and wombed. that the epeeehee was on the frarease. Also had cigarette "idd not be 80 lengthy. jai. marrow, cards wth temedies for the habit.' Winnipeg, Past Grind Master 4 Mani- toba, brought greetings. 'Three resolutions were presented And carried, the first,' congratulating Mb Majesty King George V, on having at- tained the twenty-fifth year of. his reign: the setomf calling on all loyal ---merabert-of-,the7Orange--Order -and -Pro- -testants generallY to unite to resist the forcee and influenees whieh Make -for the destructiori of oux Protestant heri- tage; the third affirming unwavering air legiance to the loyal Orange Aseociatitai and t� its leadinf prinelPles. Plower Mission by Miss A. Dafidson Goderith had splendid report shewin visits 85, bouquets and plants 175 dis- tributed, clothing gifts etc., valued' at Little White Ribbonere: Miss Lewfs. WInghtim ;Supt. New orgaliba'tion dant. ..in Inringham3.1...members..ancLenexgetfe lesder - • 1Vire Eon essSuj Ooderch. Soldiers Sailors. etc., Mrs. Lyon.of Pirtrt • Missionary Dept, Mrs*: Trowel' of God- erich Stmt. ; Teiriperunce in 8.8.,. MirsriNurray, Exe- a*t Hurn t speaker for tlie afternOOn r4 Z1 OraW B 4, of r.tOr,* ones- • • 8 cr**",*' 41-444vio, me MA. Lighta Vein rsPra*a otin.att404sUbe )t,: "'Traffics . that W. C. Z. ill. ,,,_ tri A The prArate ontroI Or, the iriang of war suPplies i a Mena,e to oil/libation sasiarntlts, mdee3ntrtimptvater;44serliriticit4e; ‘14'a'aro;.VicLlt,,tt 'Inerease bitsineas, The traffic in nareonee or dope is one .ot the Most subtle evaders of law nation- al and International and the liquor baffle has preyed twit to be one of the "worat detiez% et law in the records or ery eountiy and, every generation. iniecesS of War -time Probibitien in Canada, and of the tighteen Amendment in U. 8. „,.f.eas so • great that the exports from Pxanee a!aS decreaaed , by two- thirds, „. The drink Interests of Prance in their ovn official publicat'on, claim a Propond- erant share in the suosessfin attack on Canadian Prohibition through furniahing sailiile hinds at the 'right moment and thtsmah . the manipulation and-finanding 01 neWsliapera for propaganda in favor of liquor sales. • ,0 'one reason et the great 'wealth' of the liquor interests is that ite pay roll Is so insignificant being on an aVerage one - 1h thaf Orria'VerWe'r-indu-Tstdes, Tfi,re ja ;,othaig so dangerous as a right to hold anOther latiMiin being as . tattildea itiatb. no man had broPer,tY took &.eenturit to do its Work In ciestroyIng theslave ended -in "White ,bnt.truelt-preyallectr,i'' New ideas ere eVolving ite Witnesstbe lags Buying Probe in which IS shown that Yunnan 10364 'shelf nottos.....miloit to ter the PrOfitirofa tew persons, There 1 a ne dsUnton k) evolving between ilrvice eammoettles that make life move so wOrth while and those that harmlike° drinanentlo and narcotics 'which Included alcoholic beverages: Alcohol, is A great remover. It ean re- vic•ve graas steins Om /white .linen but it has also been known to remove the linen from the baeb. of, clrfultere, •the .4hoes- from-their:feet the meriof from their bank amounts and to deprive their children fron tOod and education. _Time, Science and safety on higirsay and !wavy are all working for the 'invitation of beverage A pleasing- aaja was sung Miss Viva Wntse, Clinton, acemnpanded br, Mrit. Wendorf entitled, ''Let the Little ()nes g Come into , The resolutfbn coin- arette,e then reported- with Miss Valle' as coilvener. - Resolutions We the Meitibeilt Of' the littron O. T TY desirert;') .platt finc. record our ap- PreciatlOinif-therattion-likenThy th Buinetne ofP4, nada • in_ _ail:stab/1W t the Canada Temperance 'Att. - Whereas, the Cana** Temperance Ac't' Makes the .sale: of beer and wine in the' mantles of ,Perth, Pettl' and Enron Ale -- rid, We !would request' that the beverage.' comma In these C4341111aelibe immediatebt' closed. • , 31 this cOnnection 4-e. would like to pikee en re.lord. apPrecation of the in- terest taken by Mr. 4. 1-.7 CooPer and his earginneet_efferts in,'„re"-establishing the Canada iiterapeildice AO. We realize that we are -mich.inelehted-to Jett* leader:Zip ansVatiilhnea. We also place on tee -OM our ali4nee2a- e_assistanee-gten-to-114---ht•--0 -convention by .2.frs. (Axcw.:n her 'Insphing • mei/lap: and, to the', Rel. C. al Caserta tbr tetOnghttni ***est Atop to • tho SOO ot,-Trusfees _t_Wes Chureh and, the W. O. T., It 01 clintert 'for their arringeMent for tonifort, •-• -teas Rarri011. oleo& th-e-ssiiiiitin prayer, Wir -lurvinriris operators- ileens-e-ter• When atopped by- a trade °Meer, 1..eo. 1COOtt Of ThoPeralior it'S 15. - 430111111tian' of Port 'Isunbton, was lined In -the department of Temperance in 8435 at Walloceintrg. Sunday', Schools, Misa Murray reported at lea$t one hundred., stmday &kiwis, in the. __Vero_foreignersr-aged-19-and-- 24, - have CoUnt.v, of -thee -the been arrested in Toronto charged with: themaelireaOf _ the Temnerance *tidy 'totlnterteiUng $5 Bank of Montrul b11 Course - 'Mr -Sunday -Schaaf. ..Thanies lsy Painting them. '• Read, Zbn aLnvme,Jaliairk St., Exeter, JAM* ,Letteet*LIE2teter11trallit fe1d81*,015. CiOdtridt, crewe Makes' Lucknovt; Eurns, Li:Index:bat°, 13e1graVe. Blyth and Whaghani: One hundred and eightt one- emiteatailiP lee'rit In answers to t4, gni-Minus atibinitted, Of these one htmdred, and fifty three reeelveclcerWi- Mites. either !nitri the Ir. C. T. 11 Head, tionet Cciuncil. 'The SundaY,Sehools- 'of 4inites Street and Wit Street Exeter a- , Ilkitea-PtIlim- --Thert obter- twelve talses s1Uedat ten dbilate to the Winner* n *Raeter district-: 'Zen. irowon -the -shied Oren -thecountt w, the suichwt sobaO, I iliv-*; :ow tbe lighest percentage et itaCnr Meta Writing upon the eitaaninaton. 'Their 'Oaten -take WO a one hundred 'pereentage. Art outstanding teitisre in this' Overt- te*nt wus *he drama:0.101g of the latlietia bIT Mist. (Rev) Pete* Of Xlitsville,' eenducted hY" tam J.4aurray An bonne of thOS0Who nad Passed, on to Higher Ser.. tee: Mrslittchelk itrusse4: $414 Uclintoi, Ur& Wm. Johnston, It;lyth; 1Mrs A, Davidson, oL cioiieseh., the latter, belnitAit-rara-of-aVrirebitlierrrierntief— G obE rrico;Oy*,trrit*t:114:7g scAl�O rnniem. Uoned 4earo Mt uttedol, of &Open end gr. Poik:01 Itettsill. both Superintends:Ws, ot'• their S. tor many /ears anti active: Mkt .'Work: Whitt tow were Swot in basket. honor of thoSe &Park ht Ulla E. lotur- ridek, Bensell. • - The eiNvesot aoln .convened at 2 pan. The deftitietufl period yak toodue. ted, by the Itseter Th1on, Mee ft Wealth ii!f the Chair, and EleriPture 'Leeman WO' teed by 1).(issThtnoU isking r 14IM and Using Anna as an 0130* • =le otwecAng °Venlig( or $t. Peter's 'clutch Grand lalmise was tremen- dous mieeeee. 4 Urge nninber Of people enjoyed-the-love/Y sumer- thet-vaa-sery. ed -and the "tutiouo game elf °hank:eft-aft in VOirese. &AA 410......***Smaraamulaimaimaim. ' Summer Fabrics Smarfresses Won Rajah Art English cloth of nice quality..in white, blue, pi greenAnd maize, 36 inches wide,Ast cqtors. 4 Per yard,..... intericau ,..11ruce_tion_qt_th - UIT LOADED TRAILER 1 CRASHED INTO ,POLE` WasOkled, ,t0oLpata1)._ I H. "Pentland. ma. Peelkoi and Wu H11- 41IiinWn,,Aerrta,dainty lunch *tie 4' Weird hotir wiiairearit nor; tif. ClaeOrnait 01 Toronto visited the churches on the Nile Circuit liest &* day 415!!'itic1le in the'Inteffitata 01 totnPM*- .11.P.Pe.' • returned from Wavton Onliondayt where .atli he 4ieen, Ifisithog (With Uhl Rote Rithwell. Mr. end MM. Ju,Iroover Alberti are visiting iwith Mos, 'Aft About a down or the YoUng Peol* tom Nile **Awed ftke Oentrig meet* ot the Ooderleh .SUMMer School ott Mon. lay evening'. " ▪ atas Ittuiken.la lo be, congratus Wed on the sit:teat* Visaing et, her. toitkSty Van° eraisibstica; ,V40, 0.134 ute.' Usury usttibews and Phadrez *00 eitatael *t 'Muer, Nkto. oleos*, at Antonio ,Miss alernite-yeind Miltianne *midi arrived last week toteit,Lottost, /abet* *414 ism. /pew theit'otattsu wan telati. Yea NAe. , ' ttr. Stanley. Meatatten -Vent Sunday at • Use *tile (*atoll' apent a tett beiniti on 'Sunday at Silo. ;het Ohapman 01 Italonto Otearbet 'here on iOundefy, *Sete leith traftit, Mr ifnarVitis. haves been `YietWnit Srikati stripes apd neat chects in ite;At color ont. tn:ationk ideal for * tool dress. Per yard 59c. Pique.. Neat stripe% and plaids„ god• colors, 36 itrhes im*aft, makes * smart dress at cost. Per yang Oil Whae g,round with choici, of blue, maize dot !deal for biouses..or tires _ .11 P s.,stY en, rt t)e, t Half Prim OF VALUE _ • ..mmiit rot chilik 4es" Said. "Ye My iiiintlete and how ere 4 wit. leg.** With Mir words endilur 11V. Mist Vturray led tfl1)reler• atter h Ur* to' Tell the 'steer 1114 t H1ee it Clinton, 01 Welookle, ant) Mk% Batik 0: rspoded. que eatnte of Convention 'lite 44%t$* /1 + *ot andlef'P'*Itf:LxL 14;f014rAli% fxe ' vire rot a Ulm T91.900.1011•11.44•g' twi h ' her, 'elisier, ?McPhee. Mrs, vex Clinton a. *wet et, Ar.ra. Witte,04. VleVen attending the the uniiner **Pol. 4* week. loeing the d1eate the Nile *kohl*, reopies,:'% reguler Meet* of the Iteung-Lad- lea Ouild wo held Monday at the home 0' IONS Velma and V4940. ,Sht fresh-eir 0414;VO or Toronto are .f?Y'S; two at Ur, Wm,, letinlir*Ws; one at Mr.4frold, and 14,afe at.Mr, Ge0," Rutiedgies, • • DaVici Cantwell la employed. with Ur. Will coley „atakorto.Ing Mtn wth haying .hexireet..• Mr and Mrs. *My MatthertS ettenti. ,the,fmneal on the 1,1th luSC Or r ther, the lite Otero Matthews. who; 41e4 slthooe, He had not been beard of for over twenty Cress end, wassi1P- -meci to he 004 The last onlith411119,9 ' heardr rot him was when he went over- seas and served n the groat war.. . minA Events fortI AND mrstwEss WS July iclemance of Ladies* and Atiosee' creve Suits, pastels and dark • shades, Cream Phan* Coats less 20%, at. 00111a0PER13. ifilltherfs-,031soir, iorewn, navy, sand C. A. &ItgolalwoN. ••••••Immimmid..makm Don't forget the .flaapberry Social which to be held on *MO ' July 20th, at Nile. United clititelt. SAP- Mred-,.fron!, ;640„.8 Van, Pro - 1 graMe 441 be :given bY' Oharfie tilerbY, Oh** Jos:t0,- from. " Admission, Adulte 35e, Oilkhuti 20e. Afi: banatir will be held in leonnection Witfi the &ter Mots,' navy of white, sizes 8 to 20 years. Regular *eartie tiP to 85c. July sPecial &9cpr. at gOltAtilletiat'S. Bathing Caps, itathing Sandaks, rev/ Krup Tex Rubber Bathing Caps, sit OAMPEELL'S mod STORE. irliesare, prevalent._ C4=06'4, Drug Store have the asiortment of all adver- tised Ply Sprays, Moth Spray's, Etc. 777 — 111.1,17(15', 0110",ILIE0.9-00, A DiG„ ilOWL of`, gelIogge_ar JOtflYtak1imflk or cream !a appetizing and d& *dons at any thne of tint , day. :kid they're extta pout Nilth knits or herket aspitiat. -Itleat-for treakiarek-Ite,' 'frialiing tor- Inneheem CI& &en Wye them fots'appot. They eoeourago amand r *7 I • 4,11.• aotthipor****.* • . ." •:‘ ;0:8 ii;,•$' • •• ,T* ,• • Ndimr. lath, 12$8 its a or a dor Redoctio10::for.the:'W.4.',:julinito.261010ive. 4.411, ,We have , FIWS ' 'DEVELOPING • PRINTI.T, ANT ,SIM -Alt Pkg 15c 13ArrIVING OAPS 6pet' 40e LAcroom BATR: FOOD $1.09 CARTER'S DITTLE, LIVER PI14.5 22e odf Suffer • from.Sunhinf IsTeXzetria reg. for:50 • Carron." Oil.... .23o 4tergen's ,.14tion.5ec Witelf Hazel Cream ; . 23c Italian Balm, ...29c ;Woodbury's Cream •,25c and 50e ninirs Honey Al - Mond, Cream 25q.5.)c Unguentine.... $0e rond's Cream, jars. Li s -r ERIN TO.OTH r r 29e. 5c ..-PAutc#Lrvv SRA:VINO MAX gss XX.4.gENEX pkga, for 09c BROM() SELTZER joe, 26e, 00e, $1 ODO-RO-ND $5e, 60e 01100711 BRUSHES Reg. 25e for 19e _ . WAMPOLI.E'S $A1.11r$ 60c and $1.00 ° YARDLEY'S LAVENDER SOAP 3 cakes and pkg. Lavendomeal *100 'UL -CITRONELLA • Bot. 15c and 96e BUY. DRUGS AT TEE DRUG STORE Can:11)1)01's Dunlop!:s. .„-DRVOSTOktg DRILIGSMORE figuagrosz rottmsTouse, • 0•• CLASSIFIED' ADVERTISING RATES -One cent a word, ntininattin tha.rge 25c ,eaels for first .two insertiOns, subsequent insertios,, Cards of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam loc per line. . • No charge made for Eirth,..,191,arr13ge and- Deatis Notices.. TERMS -If not paid by Tuesday fOilOW=Lig Insertionext •stradttzkoal .-charge of 100 fortatch-advertleement will be made. Where it la desired that replies be addressed to a Star Box 'Number, an additinamt charge' at il0c Is made. nue itasiir-ciassifled adilrtikementa. mnstbe receistet hisr Wednes- day at 4.00 pan. to ensure insertion:. • c - FOR SALE' OR TO RENT SALE.--11^walmit sidehoard (old); 1 Walnut *Bed and !Maser (old); 1 Gramophone; 1 Oak China cabinet; lEngh Soy. 'Box 1, emit oPtRIXYE, or Phone 296. :141gatbdern, frame 1house on ___Tccays..._St_.„_,Modern..-convenience Apply to a. W, wonsvirff., Keays St, Phoue 475. Don sAilk-White brick ' bouse for sale or rent. Apply to E. C. ROB- ED tTS01.1. . , 'FOR SAI.E.z*-Iritelligent Scotch collies. Cattle dogs; well marked. 1W:des. 42.50,` females $1.00. Apply RALPH anocom, -cou, Askneid: It. I., Port Albert. . •••••••1•A•••....40......A.AH. FuntriTiEbD 09TTAdE at Port 'Al - Moderate ratiyes.8earkplitlymcbt4i711)r week., G�de- Moderate Phone 394 W. ro SALE. -41932 CheirrolAt Coupe. Ittimble seat. • Good' 4fie0hanica1 condition. CHAS. K. SAUNDERS, Clod- ertcli, Ont. . BORN CODCLOUOlf.--At Alexandra Hospi- tal,-otriburaday;-July-tath, 1.935:16 and Mrs. Cecil Colclough, a son: • • ,CCATOTAM:--;-.4 *Alexandra - _Hospital - on day, July l2th, 1935, to Mr; and Leo co,Uho*i, R. R. No, 2, *ode, tiob, a daughter. ' , MARRIED .„--PA-191.46rsr-1puttels/...4t, the home attthe bride's Portents, Exeter, on Wednesday, July 3rd, 103.5,--- /4ore'en Iola, younger daughter01Aft .0eorge -Dunn, -to- John -'Terry----Pidelet,'-younger sou- ther late ',David Paisley and Mrs.Paisloy of ' , Luso Gederich on Wed:. needat auly.itith. Ives, EdWard. Aimee; adopted son of- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ooddatd, aged 7. months and / days. 'My Vith, 1935; Vallee W. SIF‘iiiIta; In Ma- . rtli year, 63A113,-,1At Ooderhb,, on Sunday,. JUlry. 144114.1235. Ifarriet Marie price, vrittereot the late P.c.bt. a Hays, K. 0; 8UntsibAN0.-.40; tleit.n*. on. Susi.. ilk 1, • bdOred wife of Oaptain Siror. eluthertseld. et Detroit in her.12nd year; 8smilteri80N.,-.1kt the yrownishtp cotborne. ots ToesdaY..jitgr to*, .1035, WiMisin ilandereen," In nth year. The crlopmeto lases Corn ad* is -pro" tected, b 81 Asfasiletetielli '044.110. nt Wier hap Crocco', tfitiirrstobre sell 1441440. Quality guaranteed. Made brIKeBogglo London, Ont, LAKES. (MED Or IIIEWEIte • Mrs, 4..W..Darileht ask* those who helped her in any way during the long I meek& She was in the hospital suffering with a Woken leg, to swept her grateful thatilo: for their merelful kloineess.• awn and Veranda We 'We _an, *Snorteo Lawn *n4 Ve1anda1i d Stock Obiltsi, also p1i4eres. peek Cheat% ft** 11) P, 'a ave "Atli/Alta step hocking. Select 40tirts hft the elotet 13 •••••••••••••••• WANTED WAistenap..-,40111ee deal; In 'good re- "' pair. At once. Apply mat , • oppolog. WARIUEID.-4A ,sideboard, walnut pre. " ferred. lk.fust reasceabIe Price. Sox 6, STAR. 0FtelII0E. fiur. Ebx 5 rat; STAIR. Gode- ,rich. H5 FOR RENT °SALg Bedford. Residence--Clobouzg St. " PAnItply- P. R,.. DA.RROW, .Executor Phone 97. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS NpucE. Ira 0.11.141XTORa. IN =AXE OF ATIBEICE IMMIX MOSS,. DBOLASF.a. •••••••.......••••••10, All *teem having' efaims: against the Pztate.'or. -Henry Mass., late at Ake Township. ol„ Vi'amanotb, In the County, ,of -Thunn,--.---talantretrsteCea0eATIVitio-died on or about. lie. 22nd. (lac ot May AU.: are regniresi-On.or -before the ard,day at - August to. send' to; the undersigned full. partiettlars,-of.-thdr clalmL duirlrerifWet as after .that date . the Admmistuatott will proceed to:distribute the assetit,Aatr- Ing regard. Onlz to the elain* 'wh)c:1r, timity-elialt.-then-havenotiee:•-•'--- • • Dated at 06de:rich this 1.0th. day 01 A. D, 1935., • Egittilt txximuatzi, Goderichi -Ontario-,----- !- Solicitor for the . ilifbninietratxtm. NOITION TO ORIDOITOR.S. I (N010102{ IS. IfIcitlestr 0111,222 to all 'PerSone having claims against the estate • ../ohn:A.....Coxf-late-„of.,the-rrovniahICOf ietoderielt,,An the -Omintyr Or Union, de- ceased, to/Send-the same duly -termed to the un signed on or het - day of July, 1g35, sus,after that date the 11*eouktrawill proceed 10 diattibUte the Estate, havfing regard only to the claims 01 whieu.theyjautit4ttravvemarz__-hatve--notiee.' Ooderieh, Ontario t..,2tlittet oot_eolicitors for entoes, t PCS * vtt711401041. Applications for booth 'privileges tor. the .civic /Iolidayr race, meet will be re. 'Oelved by the undersigned up,"to Mon- Aty, July 24th, at 6 o'clock E. R. mato, * Asststant seey Tretot&i' codeibh Trotting and Agrloultural Aasn. *Mt ltErATIt AND. INStIltANCE THE 0. P. CARECO. Fire. Accident sad MOtor Car Iv The Undon We rnsurince ^ fif • CRAIGIE mid Real fatak SION, PROVINCIAL WiCAs* IPAL IONIA a