HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-07-18, Page 14.* • At 4.4 zi 4444, 4. Aoom000plo,w0 0. *AV 4. ,W.rsoir4 .10., 9. 4 :,..reeitatienetteteliVetrt tettereeteleiteiveeeeitet" Itvviatilte‘Orearieireiteeireeeheei ^0. - Vargo of SaliTS1144).4 by Gode,.. rteh Sslt 4;001'am., to MOn treat Giv More Employ- ment Than At Any Previous Period. .MORE COAL ARRIVES , 'Employing Merepeople than It 'seer 414 before, The CioderkieSilt Co. 'Limit,: =!--feeedeese-ra, idiyeeealestirding lts •operations. nirreeel ineidentofe no 'Men eeeimpostsenteeto,tbe 19010, ,triduetrial is thefad that a shite load At salt ' Wee loaded 'et the Goderich dorke. dur- ing the late 'few deers .for transieOrtigion to Montreal, The "Settmiteple" docked here for the cargo and cleared Ishortly after, taking It on board. • • The- Valeite"' is. on her way freer, ' %Idea°, 'OW: (it she has • net. Wilily seetved), with. 2,200 tone or teal. also '•for th-ketettneeny. • It will be discharged 44,800n7Ture9cicos;"e- • %ha !hanber'e. 1eettl*10.0 .are 6eing used to 'advantage by the GOderich Salt Co. And the Whole toffee benefits fa some - tom - Win. Sahwiter-S011: "ed' on Tuesday _ Retied from Active Business Sev- eral -Years . Ago. :Celebrated Wedding Anniversary In .1933; . NUMBER OF RELATIVES Wilkens. Samiers6n, "brie' .xf,„ the most highly esteemed residents 01 orielsorne Townehhe died on Tuesday, evening at * home of his son-in-law, Mr. James Bisset, Sanford He/gists, in his 84th year/ Mr. Sanderson had been in. failing heath tar eeveraie;Mrintbe and for tn.e post int weeks heel been confined to bed. Ile was borziln Peel ConntY, the son of the -late mre. ,IlasePI:i Sanderson. After his marriage to Mise Sarah Alexander, of •Ricluivond Hill,, he inoiectr to Howlek Township, Where he farmed i'or Seven, . years, learvieg ',there to go -to Harriston, :later coniing to Goderieh, Where he num- , egeetMene..teeteti1efterk....Peemeelor the. late D. Is. itandink, Be had lived retired /or: some/eerie.. Two:Varaligoilietantildra- Sanderson celebrated the fiftieth anni- versary of their marriage at the borne' a Me. and Mrs, James Bisect, when they rec.-eived many tributes of love and es- • teem from relatives and friends from far and near.Mr..Sanderectei ;wits a meme ber of Knox Preersytetian Church. -Besides Mrs. Sendetsore bele aurvived by three daughters, /Vire. Lorne Cromwell 01 Sharturagorn,. ISask., Mrs. Howard lettirplie/ Of rterte "Westereneter, ie. C.; and Mrs, Zanies Bisset of 'Godes-10h; also twee sistere, Hannah Doan, Molesworth; ° Mese lIttiorneer Dowkarielidediclire Het; and 6Vo-bretherS, ',harem- 'Anderson, of Sault Ste Mark; and David Sanderson, !of -teener Onte.ro. There are *twelve grand- children_ond one great. grandehlid. The ftmeral Will take lelace this- (Thurse dal) afternoon, 01-2.30---0"c1ock-4e .Col bourne Cemeterye for ,interinent. REV. -S. R. McCLUNG IN -BAPTIST- CHURCH "'The churoh is Only as strong is its Weakest eociebye' -saki Rev. S. R. M- ithg lits Beet stile= In hie -new paetenate at the Baptist church on Viitinaee' 'ter the ahiush and individuals, Was the Minis- ter's centention. Taking GS his text John 11-31, Zfr Mo011ing began hie 'set - want by afating that We hear a 'grefit deal tieday about nay, clench melon and a reetiOnal thumb bat' thit in the ttLiettge. Werred, 4Teitiss speaks not of _ TA El.F.CTIONS ON Avousr 22 f;Aberta OlectOre WM go te the POlts O valst, .paoct to deckle Who and wititeb, Party Will control thelt affaha for the next fotAr or 11'70 Years. • 'Mat weal:ern .Legislateire cop - tains 63 seate, or whiSh it Is ex- peoted atleast. 200 candidates will be nominated. • 'Pee United "'Tilers have been In power in Alberta for the last ' ' • years. The formate:me of "a Sodal Credit party is ..disorgante- ing the other parties and the out, - cense of next month's *king is 'ItOultttul• copied a Wenn Place in tions of Citizens. Spent Meat Her Life` This DE'TROIT LADY INLIUltED CAR TOOK DITCH Mrse-Oresi.sy---(4--:-Detrolt—lead—tl* muscles of her bark st.rabeed. while two 'others, Miss Ann McLeod and =ea Ruth Carols, alto' of Detred-t, eacapett belurY when, else car in which they Were .driv- ing swervee on the road between Ude- aish andrItipley lastefertuelaye The car tobk to the ditch' when the ldt rear tire blew opt. ilt travelled...for Pout 50 yards hi. the diteh, turning over 'once and finali3r coming to red -against a telephone Pole, was badly .d.amag- ed, the fenders and radiator -receiving the brunt Of the impact, Dr. }Inlayed) of Ripley was called and took the ladies tes Ripley. Mise Maielati, the driver of the car, had been driving to her home at (Ripley to visit her parents there. Constable John Ferguson investigated ,the eminent. , Mr. T. G. Ferris Will Address Lions Cluk Meeting' Will Pe Held at -Sunset Hotel On _Friday, *July 26th. . Dinner at 6.30.. • • :The Lions -Clint bas been verY fortu- nate in mouth* Mr. T, G. •Ferrbe as guest speaker at ,their Driller, to be held at the eeiuneetgetet *Friday, July 26th, at (1.30p.m, 4r!, remle_le ene ' of the 4/41tte.nciing --AtrilotUre of leuion-Caruisty, as lire be ehietle, in colureetion -with the peter :goal strueterre of Huron Cothity,, as his subject will be of general interest an invi- tation to attend the meeting' is extended to the public. • , • Treketa-may- be obtained pore any member of the Lionel' or at the Sunset Hotel. CLERICAL WOOD -CHOPPER - 'WINS CHOCLATE BARS 66.66.666.•••••••••••••••• 'Ithe atoelechoppine cOntest bebtveeae Rev". a ..L'Llme and -"Mr; Albert Gold- bhorpe which received..s0.mtsch problielty ehortly after it happened, starting -with the local weelthee snatt.:then. claiming a place on the pages of provincial dailies, bras again been given publicity. !The citrenti regained Bei prominenee in the July -Issue of Liberty in the EnVeentreete „dh000-lateThar advertisemeite Wellards, confeetlionere, glee a eifite 'tech month of a box ot their Etweet Marie chorolate 1:ort to the person responsible tor the Mast unusual. bit. of neves to meet the column" of the well-known dailies Th „ptheir advertistenents la a cartoon show-, eingethe- eolergessanyebreede • eheeepingethe wood :While-tik- opponent it /Walking sway in a rather wrathful mood. The article has ,apetar- ently taken- the story from a Leriden newepapee and gave Meetatieet address as London. . . -`31.4 --Mitaiard SPirittial Sevoral Cases '00104: atod4,_ is being enroliled by .thes cosifilet within the sects,he aseertM. WheteVer there Is cooperation hi a group ,there unItYi and (success. 80 often today we are oomplainfilg that the chuncli of Geld ki not growing be - tense the testimony hoe changed. Mora often they are not ot one heart and one • soul In cooperation 'with God. There ate •EnanY tYPee of Work to be done in, the church or cod, Salet Mr. McClung. ifervi Often . do we eolideenn, a num who Si neglectful, instead ef belting -him fel etterigthen his etealenees. . 1. ene-nittit tinirch it like the anoient Oxon/tit that mice reamed this court - try, said the oieeker, Tiler are strong arid Mighty tor a time but graehralict -their strength Wanes and the Y heeome ortinct. ° Irsotx pray , --and you-rtoddies COmir to. gether that all 'Might be One. tttueb es.t one tO Work fee Ged and Itetiren, 'the minister's .lintei plea, ro, a short ehildreril Story before the .eateriere *•.Modlung ,00m Withlamps, the flitiU of Which ,musI workinimiseri atm at the Stine time be tennetted 'With 'power. The thole zendered a.' Pleating anthem entlVied 'Win - Them -one by Ont.'i. 110Y SCOUTS No. I arid NO. 4 WOOS ere treekng Aata earl In. Police Court None of -Serious Nature. Some 'Drew Short 'Sentences, Others - • Acquitted CARS AND DRINKS , Inms4666.6.66,661•6660' I charge of reckless driving atpitilet Mr. Royal Lloyd Was dismissed" Magistrate J. .A. Makins on Thur./d, M. Lloyd claimed that his ear had been stolen on 'June 291h sometime after :rietee. he having attended a private party it the home, Of a euhuner visitor and later gone, with other members of the yarty, to' the Delray! Hedgee. testifled that be had' helped. to- pie& the iteetised'secat out 'Of at flitch at %owe °mama where four telephone poke had 'been Seriesirect. eould not positivelY Mel** the. driver Or at* Of the ocettparter Of the oar. 41`ateld qbanibeilf OtrOberated, :the evidence Of t Bodge% bothwitneSses identifying the sr a bet/Meng 'to Mr. Llord. nerd appeared to he title doubt htt the inind 'Of 'Douglas McDougall, the Third wittiqfrofilieVeaini,:ifi were in the ear when it landed in the Obriitist, who had been 10 Lloyd's' cOntniny tor aimed the entire tg told Of taking tr and Atm, tar- at • by11 • (Continued , tie , BORN IN BECI-FSILLE • One 01 the ' uttat re0Perted -ahem' 0 this town passed avow suddenly on Sun, day in the early home ot the morning In the Person of Mrs. R. C. Hays, Sr. Mrs, Hays' eleathe the result of a heart attack, was a distinct ;hock to,, Wide circle Cr friends who lmew her as an aedent ehureh woriter and a beloVed friend. • Mni. Hays, who was born in -Belleville, the datighter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rees Price was formerly t4tes..IIarriet 24 - Price. ebe Caape' to 90der1014 at the age ofetwelve sled resided In tige iteevn tor the remainder of her life. An 8:00003. - !Welled' pianist and organiet, she at one time acted as Oegantst of St. George's Anglian otturch, with which she was _identified andegeve -"many e_yeaenees pleaer- vice'. She was ale° a member of' the rAhmeek Chapter,i e*. O. D. E. The wklow of the late Mt. R.. C. Hays, dean tef the Bar of Huron, who predeceas- ed her just three months ago, she is survived by one son and five deugh- OA: R.- eteekburee-Hays, local barrister; Mrs. Dail(' Wallace, Mrs. Frank. Evans and Mos. Stuart MWs, all of Montreal; mrs. 1. D. Lucas, Jr., of Markdale; and Miss Catherine Hays of poderich- One, foother, Mr. St. George Price,I and a sis- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) 'Turnbull of Vaneouver, also survive. There are eight grandchil- dren. e Following a short Serviee at her home on Virellington. Street, a service *as elee, ld in the 'Anglican, -Church where, a, large number of people paid re final tribute to the _deceased lady. Merobers- of •the Ah - meek Chapter and the Maple leaf Chap- ter -I. O. D. E. attended in a body. The servire was conducted by Rev. °A. • 0 °alder, rector of. the church,- yehti was assisted by Archdeacon Jones-reateman. The pallbearers were, Messrs. LD. LUAU, • Jr., Stewart Mills, Charles Nairn, David Wiallatee Frank . Evans and Harold Wil- liams; the Honorer* Pallbearers being: Messrs. John Acheecon, Geomeiellliaras, Hector Hays, Dr. J. M. Fields and Sher- • if!, R. 0. Reynolds. • The burial toOk pierce In Maitland Cemetery at the family plot. - • Outeof. tcnvre peOple atteriding the tam- , eer,a1 weTe_.;-,, .)$, „Mills, London; mvi. J. m. Geivenlock; Seetforth ; Mrs. George Gardener, Toronto; Mr. Adam Hays, Seaforth; and Mr. George Hays, Seedorth. . Mri. Hays was • devoted to her.. home. • her family, and her chtush. Her and. den passing -is tt grievous Toss to all those Who enjoyed the privilege of her friend- ship. GETS WIZEN MONTHS • • AnitroW W. 8wseton, fonner Arciteuter or the momelosi. or-- fratoer,,,,w0.- eebteuceikitu 15 mouths in the Ontario RetorMatOry by megtotote J A. Malidna at Stnetk, lord OnTic7(".`• The' oOteriet$0,0, ebsrgee O$ theft i.Of 0! sityIng township %Sew*. Siveetote,* 72 Yea*, 'Re-a,rraugi The Star ce All . Presses on' Bi4eMent. Floor. Linotype* 14.10ve'l .Fervalkrd PAINTERS AT WORK The re -arrangement 'ef the Star Of.: fice matinees with the hope that when the work Is flakiiter40`111 the coarse ot earl' poettshu to give upetoiethe-minnte ser- vice. The, foor preaseri eltehileh Were formate on the main Boer have *en taken to the basement where the newspaper press is located; „TS Otter • has been 'placed in the dock roina attd the lino. tyPee are. 'Wok plolre0:..TOgt,-,Olt? back' towards the front of the 'building in or- der to be closer to tha'hnstnees &Tett-. anent, -imen Which all Otiy, is forwarded. Painters have been .*,tereetking miracles Id the inter* ot„ the :ex*, the weu4 and pent* being Itesti*Orined and ter- Pentere eeilt, Marais° the apace eequered as editorial, renortial and business sec- tions. When completed The Star will not only be a Constostable home during the businexis hours for 'everybody engag- ed' on it but a Place where advertiser* subecribera,• correspondents and others, will always be „wok:op* - Electricians have removed the former lights and wit' ireplacetthem by .others, while the preeeeci and linetypes are -being overhauled. trntil the above neeeS'eary (shames are completed', Whitt it 1., expected will be in the course of snot* week, it is not poll* te. eeilve The. Stat the attention it. will then re;teleme.' WATER TEMPERATURES IN GODERICI1HARBOR -Water tennierittreerist "reeorelett at the bathing house for the past week are: . Thursday -64 degrees. " Fre:lay-70 degrees. Saturday --48 -degreae. Sunday -tri degrees, - Monday -42 degrees. • Tuesday -.'-85 degrees. Wednesday -468 degrees. •••••••••••••••••• MONSTER CELEBRATION •\ IN TOWN F WING11.4 Orangeinen Receive Royal Welcome. • Seventy -Two Lodges in Annual -Parade. Bann-ergi Bands, Dances an -d 11141- Games. Duncan Campbell Of Ripley Oldest Member David Cantehin, Clinton, Second Oldest.' ' Invited to Listowei for Next Year. _ • • • • (Whigharn Advocate) • ; litrearr-L 033.A., Lucan, Ciediton, (tireert; -Winghane 'July .1$ -The attendanceat' war -Exeter; Milbenk, Milveffon: Done - the orange ceieexixtioit ,hem yeaeay, gal, Alma, Listateel, Listowel eolipsed all former recoil& and was the .largest Celebrition'of the anniveleary of the Battle of the Bayne that thisolistriet has ever eiperienced. 1281, by actual k. 10*,M1_Partin ilia:parade, seventy- ittit? Jodener _being_ mepreeented.- ,, Three - Sonde played during, the evalk„ Wing ham Misers. Band, 'Clinton Kitty Band, and Goderich Fife and •DruM Band. Ten thoueand spectators 'snitched the lodges march and ,the acconiodatione of the town -was tasted to eaPacity by We dense. ehrone, L.O.Ii.e L.o.YiIi.,A... and L. - lodges from North' Hee*, Sotith Barctni watt prItre, Mirth Perth -end oth- ers were present, . The town presented a moat attractive appeaeance with the streetei deoprated with flags, banners, evergreenand col - ?red 'Wets, . • nun early in the morning instil after sixidniglit, 'the sound of fifes and drums ,ceuld be heard and the • large crowd, with ideal .weithel, enjoyed themselyea. In the evening three dance floors, two ti Joeephrite street and ttae other in the arena, were enewded Until a late -hour and the metert be the TOwn Hall, given by the OMIttdiUrt Oriikopt a London, was well. pattordzed, The cowboys also laved for The dints in the Arena r Tires were, awarded as follows: oldest Orangehieri, --Dinitaii Camtibill, Ripley,. 3 years,' And David pante/on, Clint°. ere git 'efeifie. Bed *esker. I,. 0: L... Ainberley 0. 1346: Bei Dressed L.O.B.A., anton o, , 911, ,lodge from greatest distanee, wan No, MI: best fife and drummer, olinston and Stewart of 3313th. Two softball tarots were played. following 'the epteclies. Winghain midgets 18104, and he Goedrieh SilvetWi„,of Kitchener, cleated the Winghim All &ars 6-4. ,The parade /et froi_in ithe Taint NIX Alfred Street 40. France titled, along ince Street to the biogonalRektd, along *gond Road tO Vietothi Street, thence jotephitte Street and . im Joeephine red baek tie, the Tosm %irk Where the speetheatweregtren.------,i -41tre.fiil tal the ititatttrirltioefe**4 retie—siteste-Aneardinese- A 1 . Grote, Clinton l!i,„ T. Winthrop, oklaytield, 'Sotith„ Vert* Ilirerstork, Oederich Iblriaahip, 9 itelstowel L.T.B., Carthage, Teawbridge, Britton, W. Morikton, Wallace, Lamb, 'Kingart 14.0MA.. Kingart, Wallace, Hare riston, Harridan Belgrave, Meth, Blyth Londeekoro. Au - bum, ihntgannon, leelfasf,- Nile, -Orange Hill L.O.YeBiA.,elneinge Fordwich, Gorrie L.013.A., efeiwietidge, 'Clorrie, Walton, Ethel, Brussels, Wroiteter, vale and %Mignon, Rev. 3. W. Button of Gorrie was the chairman and first introduired Mayor John W. Banns of town, who extended heattY Iveltemle to the Oinitngetnett.Ant other Visitors. On behalf of the town be Presented to the phairentni ethe key of the Town and exPreesed the wish that all wiend have a &riots visit. Mr. George Spottti, M. P. for NOrth Huron, said the old spirit of British freedom and liberty he.d.not died in the breasts of Canadians. ?Or 52 Vain he hes been parading on the 14th of July and never had to apologise tor -being an Orangeman. A good citisert, li� Said, would not ask for special rights and the Orange Order stands for equal rights to all end special privileges to ie. He Made no reference to the school ques- tion. ' The older people, he declared, -have a right to teach the voting people to love the British Flag its by it the rights of the Minority are protected. belorighig to the Itainily of Nations has bayed Canada Irani liankrunta, h sa14; Cannon Perkins of thatiosOl, taki, we celebrate the 12th because 11 Vemenerti- orates 4, glorious heritage Of freedom. The association .stands tomtits:ire against' any effort to break the tish /entire- and'there 'emote frihedoin and eqtritilte In Our Empire than any other nation: He coiled Upon all citi- 0014 .to an.4 b 410 pubiletroilloole,_ it net, their efficiency will be lessened and the *taxpayer Will have to pay More for their' support; A &infer WingliaM rector, was the nett Speeker, Bev. Wm. tutu, ce Lou. Aor:;:atibettt_t--,esetot-•Ctrwrtitt--tht;dhOto4ltftt Iteitia it the tonal or ‘grotwing today that !Clap be better not to hold egebrations efeery 'COMpared the Mete* at the Ofttfnued on me $) • er ervices' Solicitors question it'O w e r Conunisson to Discontinue ' Simply of Water.' • INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED A: letter (Wed July' iOth, to Mr. Manitger'bt the local Witter and Light ComMissien, from Messrs. Kaye' es Hays, denying the right 'oil* Comn:& aion to cut-0!!water to the Colborne apartments tor nonepaYment Of arrears: was read in a nieeting of the "Publka Utllitjes Oommiesion. on Thursday even- ing at the Town Hall. The matter was -referred tb the superintendent With power to consult the solicitor and to Proceed to cue off servIcas if .arreare are bet paid. • Mr. W. E. Mateein, Mr. Wilmer Me - Lean and itr, *. T. McLean were Pree- .ent regardine arrears of water rate*. The matter WAS left with the superin- tendent sarry__outeeprev3ous--instrue-- Lions. The 0511w:tor presented a list of those notified to arrange for payment of water amen and results. On motion the Collector was •instructed to cut att ser- vices where no attention was paid to the • A. number of applications for 'lighting services were paned at tine meeting. The following applications for electrie ranges le* -ice Passed: Thomas jell& to dwelling on Bruce SteC. Kerr "Stewart, to dwelling on Elein Ave. applkation from john Sheardown for water service to hie dvvelling on the east side of Maitland Road was present- ed -to the Commiesioneend referred to the Superintendent for -a report. A letter dated June 24th from the Hydro Eleetrie Power Commission of Ontario, advising that an audit of the accounts or the Municipal 'Commission rests entirely upon the Municipal Com- mission or Corporation, was read and on motion was fyied 41•16.61•61•66•1111••••••4 ••••••••••••• Will Meet In Bayfield 616.6.6.6••••••••••••••m• Temperance Farces Will Consid- er Effect of Decision Regarding ,ProbleMin *HuriUm CoVintik. A SOCIAL GATHERING A recent' decision of the Supreme Court of Canada-eotiching the Canada Temperance Act, gives rise to a newland acute situation In the temperance' pro- blem in 'Huron County. The under- signed feel it Is, very desirable that -there should' be a repreesentative gathering of temperanee workers within that area for counsel and consequent policy. We , are therefore calling a recnic gathering of ill interested parties,, to assemble at Mayfield at, 2- p.m., Tueisday, -July 23rd. lathe county executive will meet at 1 p.m. Coneideratien of the _present *platten_ and consultation as to future action will be the special business of this gather - %Mg, „in addition to a social get-togetlusr. 0 the temperance forcei. _ R. P. WAIVON, President- - ,11uron -Teriiperarile i'edergion. W. A. BMW -ER, Secretary, Huron 'Xinperance Federation. A. J. General Secretary, - ' •Ontario Temperance Federation. R. A. WHATTAM, R. A. WILVITAM, Supervisor of •.--- Organization. oriterie "rdereietance Federation. MR. AND MRS, R. GODDARD • LOSE ADOPTED ON ....6.6666.6.6666.116106.661 The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. God- dard was saddened •cm the Jeth Inst. by the deatheof their adopted son atter -a tyro -day Blues's. The funeral service was (=ducted by Rev. F. W. Oraik at the family home on West St• before in- terment took place hi Maitland ceme- tery. The pall -hearers were Charlieard Osbert "Wigle, Neil Thompson and Jack votting. • Mr. and Mrs. Goddard have three thildren 6# thejz own, Margaret, Ethel end 16.••••••••••••••••0166....61•••••••06 CORRESPONDENTS PLEASE NOTE 6666.•*6.• • When writing copy, please write acrose the long way of the paper; it fits the hoklers on the linotyper better and is easier for the opera- tors to', falow. Then don't crowd yoter eopyrpaper is cheap and we give you all you want any tine you tall at The Star. One • or twb of our eorrespondents have called: we were glad to meet them. We hope the others will drop in from time to thee. /When reporting a birth. don't . Imigratulate Mr. and Mrs. Sand so, out the arrival of e little elm ° °T.tr dattglite. A& tett die date, the plese, the ream of the pare snts and whether a boy or girl. The notice Will then appear hi 4416 birth column, for which no cha Made.. Pcneittdar 'Oens, aotk-- APor,--411d.v. nnes distkAly, We are nat mind. readers arid mint to avoid tritsiakeit as Mirth as pot- ettele. ; I ' CANOPY AT BEACH BOON TO BATHERS The MOW Meted by the Tata% COnncil at the Bathing Bet% ite. ;prolog *-oal boon Tor betherse and thOect in charge of sniall children, or others watching the People in the 'Werter, Citieens and vieitora bave been flocking,- to the 'beach at the har- bor durIng the /Vett* het *Pell - The 001Y tteleetleti that can be made to the new cithopy Is, there are not More Ihre'it. PerManent roots or carespleae supported by poste Or pillar, 0OrdiAg to their oboe, ocidepy eon- vedient place* on some 01 the northern beeches and are adding to the attradions of thoee bath - dug teientel, A Owes snare on the ooderich beech eraiseci be loppre- ,....,by.4he-Vep10 v110' are W1 the harbor in increasing biarbers. Lived and Died in-Goderich Mr. W. W. Sloths Was Born On Same tot -in- 1868, Where He • Spent His Life. torm.60.6.666.6.666.6. IN BUSINESS WITH BROTHER 06.6666•61,64461•66moom After an illnesa many years, Walter Wellington Sauna, 'youngeet son of the late Ser. ariditfre. Sautes; Pas- sed away on Wednesday morrung, in Al- exandria Hoepital where. he had been con- fined for the last five months. -Witi3 born September 19th, 1)68, in Ooderich and for the last nineteen years b.ad been. connected with hie brother in the Saints Oast Co, He married Miss Sarah Martin, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Henry Martin, of Goderich, who survives with one daughter, Gladys. He leaves two brothers, Bersjamin• ef Goderich; and George of Winnipeg:. ars well as two sisters, Mrs. P. E. Bell dif Winnipeg ; and Mts. Fred Smith, of Pow- lerviee, iszje„, • The late was a Meson, a Coneervative and in -Anglican.itetr. A. C. Citiderwill eon4n4 the Amaral service which will take piece from the family residence on Church Street, on PrideY afternoon, at -half PaSt two, ' He had the unustial experience of being born and spendhsg the 67 years of his life not only In thet town of tloderich but on the' rametpremises, rarely leaving hie native town for more than a day Or bye° tt any one time. The pall bearers were six old friends, Messrs. Wm. IteaeSyntie H. Martin, H. C. DunloP, Fred Sturdy, Oliver Johnstos and St, George PrIce. MRS W. .SUTHERLAND - • DIED IN SARNIA Mrs. Janet MacMillan, beloved wife of Captain Wm. 'Sutherland, 5354 Oregon Ave- Detroiteepassedeaway -arethe home - of her daughter, Pers. 0, g. McLean, 338 N. -Russell Ste, -raffia,-6n Sunday, July 14th. She- had. been for only two weeks. Mrs. Sutherland, Who ens born in Kincardine 'Ibwneletp, County of Bruce, was a resident Of Goderiele Ontario, for ,a number of years, but for the past 21 Years bad resided in.Detroit. , The _remainS were taken to Detroit for burial. the funeral service being hetd at her home 9n Tuesday afterno. on,, July 10th, Surviving, beside. her husband, are four daughters, Mrs. If. C. We/malty, Hamilton; Mrs. C. E. MacLean, Sarnla Minsq3 ittari. and Chrisheldsh suther- /end,' at home, arid one son; Wm. R. Sutherlind, Detroit. Nurses Scarce In This District Struck by Bullet from Rifle Being Cleaned by Major R. N. op. Deceased Went Overseas With First Division Dental , Corps. . MILITARY FUNERAL Dr. Garnet 8,AtidnS00.• Welleimawn •,litteter dentist and a major in the 'Huron Vestment passed away at the Ooderich ;respite' on Monday evening about ele- • ven. oVlock, ha death being attributld to *Annaba wound inticted in an accident mi Feiday led at Barfield. " Tir. Atkinson and litater R 14., ttersholt tet London, had been out ground -bog ,sbuoting In the afternoon and had ree turned to the b,tter's cottage et Baytield. Major Bub%) wet cleaning a .42 rifle on the-verandelrot-ithavottige-antricti tin - known °barge in the gun exploded. The bunet Pulsed throughDr. Alkinitarelli ab- domen .and lodged n his bocktee iota removed to the heapital her, where the bullet was removed by Dr. X. D. Bushy of London. On Sunday afternoon, a ,blood- transfusion- was- given- the -injured- - man, but his condition flid not imProre. Major Attineou went oversees with the First D'Aiskur Dental Corps. Re leaves a-Avife and two daughters„Aintenit and Lorraine, at home. He is so.loes survived by hie 'parents, Mr. and MrL A. 8. Atkin- son qf Detroit, and three brothers, Casey, Jack and Gem all of Detroit. The Amon Regiment will -be Preee.Itt a• t the funeral .servke 0; be held in this Presbyterian chum% in Exeter this af- ternoon at 1.30 pen. A &Mg Party has been eiriem: frosn A company (Goderich) Of the regiment. Burial 0111 take piece in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery-, Loedon, where the R. C. Res wll supply a fhing party. The funeral will be conducted with full mlitery_honors. An inquest was not deemed necessary. Fruit Loaded Trailer Crashed Into Pole 16,01=•11.4.w• Two Boys Escape Injury. Berries a n d • Cherries Scattered on Pasfer$4)3r ,Benefit. elPing Little Children. Nile, ',idyl 0-4.1tliss Lizzie Matthews re- ceived news hist week Of the death or her brother, 1*. fileOrge Mattherws. near Simeoe. She and Mr. and Mrs. Mary Matthews and Mr. /nee Currie motored to-Simcoe on Thursday and attended the What inght have resulted in a eerie= accident occurred one half rune north of etile, when two boys.. Theodore White and Clayton Gledhill of Scotland (near • Brantford) from exhaustion fell asleep while driving -with a trailer load of- tier - nodes and cherree. The bar left the road eolliSine with 'a telephone pole Whicche 7, -as broken in tile im"Pact. Tbe weight of the trailer behind sent the car into the air -and hurled it against the bank. The load of fruit WaS. completely destroyed for telling purposes, yosailey genii picked' dfs what was any good. The radiator, bum- ner , and wheel were, badly damaged, but the hays came' out wthetit s ecritch al- though badly trightened. -do'nstable Lev- er was notified but no charge Wits laid as the tar was going only 25 miles an hour Which was sworn to by Mr: George and Wilmer. Rutledge who wItnessed the crash. The wreak was taken to Mr. Rutledge's, where it remained for a week. Mr. °Whin is a cousin of Mrs. Rut- ledge. 'Me Wong i'feople's Soolety met last Thin-sday evening, wth Miss Helen Mc- Phee taking ehargeof• the devalonal of tbe Meeting and Miss Beth MOPhee, the business part. Mr. Pomeroy owe the tople Mitch was froin part of the 7th chapter of Luke. Merles McPhee was ap- pointed a delegate to attend the Coder- nich Summer School. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCall- and their [ son Jirk, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Sproul Seyeral Sudden Calls Made For' and Will, all from Lueknow were visitors Professional Services 4•661••••••••••••••66.66•10 DON'T GET ILL People in Goderich and VA:s1ne-7 would be wen advised not to contract any kind of illness that would require the set -vices a a trained nurse, least, until the present demand for women of that pro- fession has olackened a little. A ease demanding stieb services erase at the begimilng of this week and it WAS only after a great deal of trouble that a nurse, not already occupied, was ob- tained. 666666.6.6••••••6666666ems....666...666.65661,66.66.6 MOON WAS ECLIPSED EOM:NEARLY FOUR HOURS A "'clear sky and bright CAM, Wert wade it pmsible for croderichites to fully enjoy the total ecitece of the moon which occurred lad Monday night. The eclipse bean at approximately 10.15 p.m. and lasted until almost 2 pen. The ear -ties aliadow begah 40 brOb itt trent of the moort and ehanged the eol- ot theeplatieteuntil-it-Weetes-ilaltered lour wilicb„gradiailly tot-644(er as the r tadow advanced. I treajefterteetteieelee, formatters ..en the „ moos* .surfare Were more witnessed during the ettipse than they are at ;ghost, tfartoc Ito ratiOil WAS totally cAllred foie a Spare of otter hotir. !!:,tee tree ..elerreeeeree at Mr. Thos. MaPhee's on Sunday. :Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sowler of Wood- dook and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Dundes ot Ingersoll visted on Sunday and Monday at Mr. John Tabb's. The Nile Ladies' Guild held their 'meet- ing on Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Hilda Ithenigan with MM. Pomeroy presiding. A reading was given Bdis's Velma Finnigan. It tea.3 decided to hold • the annual pent on August 2nd. and in- vite the mombera 0! the W. M. S. to be pretent. A reading "A Gatden Is a Prayer", was reren by Miss Ethel Tabb, followed by hymn. The hoatees, ittra. 1 (Continued on page 8) doloi,sihrsai......106•6641.6•014.1.6606•••.Yrov.0 AMERICAN YACHTS . VISITED GODERICH The following arelhe yachts that vialte ed'Oodereir during the pt week: July 14th, the Heather Bell, and leonnY. Bell Dietroit, the Patton. Oreese Point. • (Capt, J. &Win) and sal yaeht, Dar.• ! ame, Duluth, (Capt If. Jaekeori); Jute leth, Bonny 13ey 2nd, Detroit; July 16th, I, ixtv-catzaarra -crarrir4)L • iratutmato. -Th.„04,0te gerAstesaveregtc4z,-qatied,- Stra4.y on her way ttii to the Saulte te Marie with 100 passeirgetem: the ten Maple took a !odd of teat to Moir. t while the Superior, carried twlitht, 40 -