HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1935-07-11, Page 5'Mr. And Mrs., Normaii Patterson, of l'el.k. . .3 IAN. V A h.,.., t.ai ,...
Montreal, are spending lit° few weeks' mi'" and ''''''5' "L...s:L"' .`""I"P""'"' -f`
at of -mr; =ItObett DilfMAli: 14)Rdclirjare c'eurlYing -41. .c4ttaire in
Mr. and Mrs. Philip littearek , of j°tvrWet.tanifliraeg. C. 0.. isicoonniek, of
stil°18; and mt*'-C*1111ibell, t't ' il**' Utiti &Tie oectipYini itlie- Miiide
•• Mr. analdrelefreSre. GY.OrgtinDgiVible ir vaesni Iti:Lkill.18( Diec'etkstgo"n Glass ..Arid two
children, of Ethel and • Mimi iterY- if gliteri f Loitd.i1 ate iii e of
,,,,-..../..i.....-- -- ............,;.:,...........4.1 ) au , o o , on
Ferguson, of liantilton, were visitors thee'''',Pearton tettsgo.
at the'home of Mrs. W. Pratieig Mr. and Itelplis and Mrs.
IMt. jolin lifitekenzie, Mr. ithd Mrs, ltalphs, Sr., of Loudon, are in a
Bart -Hawes and children, - Waif -re« Cottage in Deer Lodge. ' ' '
etteiti-iwtogr isietitarat,Artthheuhrrno of Mr, /mei Dr. and WA. Murray Flock and
1 Detroit, motored t.i) .11;r„, Duncan two children spent eruesd4fay tilAght at
Misses Annie and Alice Brown, Of their iotage, triroute. w Ottawa.
t(littetuli: ilt*In.eitro.,i,zu'srolvre,on Sugongott!il. oTh'6beelr nr"tlitt4h"
001116 weeks, - returned ilonse Witlr
301i4 114)14 Tile )is_gor
1/41r4wieh 4telserds The regular meet.
the Watness"*. AnidliirT of sow.
Phem misliesu ebureh was WOO the
borne of Um. John OhismPre Ofl =M$s.
ifime 2Otb,.IVIth-Sk very r 0004 atteh'^
*sue iPresent. The afternoon was isPellt
seeing. quilt, hioelcs.
litalkerton Herald TinleE. Vorlseh
IISOW 1100411306 114r• JOM WYMI, OM,
'----leeeel0erl18ref0w1ck-r-has ereat,ed quite *
Iecord for •prolifio pr01U01ron. ,Witttio
ithe past 12 months this atdmeishae iehr*
•en birth to three litterS, totalling fifty4
vight baby ,psrkerss• over half Of which
'Were raised to 'nletexritYke.
.Norfolk, Observer t 'Mike t..e*Ti and
4ohn-Iteed:'-ef--,Sbnece wentbass ttshlng-
on-Nfonday.--It-was- --1000---day-,40#.
Wite. The first -4`bite" melted in the
Very =wising. catch or * complete ne
--.......11ehinfa94-441r_eol. 'Fitly a ltv-inch IWO
aireadY tin the
together a new thing to hook; a fishing
rod, it is most unueuel to 41nd a live fish
on the end of the line.
It. J. R. Witextem-
Ern; Ent; NOSE, THROAT. •
L.ate.Houee- Surgeon New 'York Orph-
thaleale. and Ahiral Heepitel, assistant at
eorefield's rye liespital , and Ooldeh
Throat '."Hoepital„ Tendon,' Eng,
- • quare aoltetrer. 100 St4•S':;
Stratford. Tele -
Next. visit 'I'hursdaY, July llth, from
9- a.m. to p.m.
"•••••• y
269 Ontario St., 1510 Star Building.
Stratford, Ont. Toronto, Ont.
W9NarsitFili ti*Oir*
Irordleteh. igteerd`k 1)/ei, Strong'
440Wed Vs ,!4fieft4. 'eters). ot timothy,'
Plelted '6020, vtllehe* lot PA %loco*
44Y, And ArieStrontrf has lour
acres Of tan wheat that *Wire* 4 tV
a Who's in 'length, end * s evore
eolnd b eleslred. Growth has eerel,y
been wOrlderful„
4, 4
Airon ExPoSitor: The many friends
of•Srs, *Pew, Seiater in'IS.eeferth and
eiciente '.1cen, The ;EsPositor eX-
tending vongtratulatioina and best wishes
'ter 111?..py happy returns of mondaY, Jul,Y
1st; when she telehrated •her 05th lOrtla-
;day. Mrs. ISolater spent the day at the
rake poderich," but on Totosy she
Was. at home- to. her smeny friendsr who
01104. to extend cOngratulations.
Milverton Sun: The inembers of the
Milverton Vire Beigade attended the. an-
• nusl meet of Ontario West firemen held.
-at -Goderiehsen-MonehterrrheY-Rveres ex"'
coMpanied by the Milverton band who
also took part in the, parade, which was
one orithe fine.st held in years. Our
Istyys were tied lor first pleoerin the res-
cue face but lost out on the toes up and
While defeated -by the, Godittkirtugzotz'
war team they were awaxded the prize
of $10 for this event.
Perth E:.xpositor: An unemployed car-
penter Ottawa purchasedan,old water
.color at an 'auction sale:ter 36 cents and
later was offered $140 -for it be!! 4..tOurks, t
from the United States. He re.fased the
offer and is going to have -the picture
alued -by"an --thet'date-1.050-aps
pears on the baek of the rpainting and
appears to be a scene in Ottawa. tEr it
It valued at only thirty cents the owner
will have lost 099.67, and will beskiddng
Barristers and Solicitors.
it -C. Hays, It, Cs and lts.C. Hays, B.A
-as.—Hamilton street, Goderich.
Telephone 08.
Barrister and solicitor.
-..4)111.cra_. Hamilton. St. Phone 512.
Barrister, Solicitor, Ete. •
Phone 282,-, Hamilton St.. Oralerich.
r -to 371J. ,
Phone Oliice, The Square. aoderloh•
Barristei and Solicitor,
;.sun Life Bldg. Adelaide and Victoeia'
duvets. -
e TelePhone: Blida 5301
Toronto 2. .
, • .0,14
n(311t01/1` Or tAta01, led We stniang40
the MOrtnine*reiliiereel by a choir ovotti•-•
ee dere, .Peonlee, ;fer* . and ot110
StimMer flowere Wetst effeetIVely 4171-44-
ithout the church Width VAS Ailed to
eveellowing WU Morning and • evening.
In the 'afore,* .the choir rendered six,
cial selections and the Men% ilnettetto
Were mod aeceptably he*d Oa Thmes,
eVehing the Young, PeCsPie held
($1100A2414 supper tooling 144011 be
young VeoPle o Daire ChUreit presented
fa PleY's Friends troM MItcbeU Pilhlin;
kfteter, T,hanies Itoad and-Wemondeille,
were present.
'HOPES. le/AT Sllf itliALIZZO.
141.1eknow Sentinel: Bepes fer Pro-
'vitte,14 fronlatimira westerly
Listewel, pine -vale, Winhara, iliUcknoW
and Amberiei on the ti4eivater bigliWay
on Lake anon were Voiced in Waterloo
orev: insook, 1tote acdng
.4t:Many Covah, ailteationa., before. May Ot1, ess los
, 4 • AIM er tWeetYseight pOunds 1 011,1114i
.B4Yrxtam, 4 and
Mr*. Kos** d 4iss Dorothy•
Keyee, of N*ahhvifls, Tenn., are
spending the eNtrnite, r.`4
Party at AO
y ,oVeninift. when
areWell to the
A. J. Bugler,
to Mak0
his bone in Londoflss •Qn ehelf. of
.the choir MeMberSi 144.- S. MeEwett
reed an Wises ant, Mr. S.,
eoMbe Preeented .10.41lugler. with, it
Smoker's, Companon Mr., finlEer
thestilted the gheir'.*14 "PresSed his
Wooten:re in the WO* while a member.
The (Welling Was *nit in games, and
On Monday- night t footbaltgatne
e inemb
Choir herd 4
Iteetoy Ork
they gatthertt/d '
Reetorto father,
on the eve of
between Hayfield Kippen was
County Connell recently when a 11.°111" won .by° 1Cippen„ S;0•-' -
iton was passed Asking -The--ProVhsehll Mr. ndra. 3. ee"sial-Of London
hlehteelYs department to take over t10.:00, statiing with the xiesee staling.
road as Part Of the Midi:lei* geteln• ___,!thelia,:m_24taonter4ol!mar:44.7.4mideui0:1)3tbe
views Nideed at a munber of publig Windsors,on Sunday and Monday and
meetings in the district within the' last Kenneth and Aith:tur. returned to Bay -
wear, particularly 'since the deportment field to vie% them.
to* over the Waterloo4gmha County Mrs. M. Fraser of Fort' Williara
Road as a provincial leshwaY. W
and . Douglas' Fraser, 0. A. C.
_ re thegests of 4rt Levvi.1 Thou -kV"
_,, e,,Chas.Valters and Miss Eliza -
Clint' Ire" Record: MADY '""*„.""„"- tette Waiters of , Grand Rapids are
ed all over this province andatgreater visiting with Mr. Lewis Thompson.
distances win learn with, regret of the Dr. an4.1fro. W. G. King, Of De -
Passing of Miee Margaret ollein which trait are at their cottage, King's
occured ha clinton. on Friday, for mem, Iiluff,__ .. _ .
of the men and Women -novis heading Dr. C. G. - .zt-6gdilt, of Toronto, They had -8, lintprogram or -swede-
famines went through her capable hands spent the week -end in Hayfield. Making,tsong"aLdr Instrumental music.
'isille-taught on the public -school staff Mr, Frank BarelaY, of Toronto The oldest pima present of the old lob
here for years. She had been M failing spent the week -end with his friend, chooi was John Dustow, '19 years of
-health for mime time. The -funeral took 80 -24.-Burrist-- ' agessithosmade le fine_ speeeli,--411d- then
swiss the art and Mrs. E. W. Kende% Jr., of -sang that. fines old Methodist hymn. "We
place on _Monday afternoon
Ehnirit spent the week -end Ett the
home of 'Miss Margarat*Say, which had . • P. - . .. s....... - - will never grow old over there," which
nome or mr. ana .mrs. vv. sc. dowel. -
been her home for many years, to Olin- Amon -gat those.oceupying their cot-
he sang so sweetly, and seemed to At in
tages here Are; Mrs. Suppnick and
ito the occasion, that It brought sweet
memories beck, and a tear 01 sweet re -
family, . of Detroit, De. Tillman and
family .of London, Dr. and Mrs. Imembrance dropped from many an eye.
Alexander,. of London, Dr._ and Mrs. The pupils present at this reunion,
Aberhart," of _Seaforth. ' who went to the old log school in' the
Miss Ella Erwood,, Mr. Tom Cox, sixties, were John Dustow, Joseph Mc-
Tiiktiv.ript of Dinuaberita COvem:
•IPS StArt of School
aline att, 1035
4 X.,ennion piente ot tne Old /1141114 and
4helr Mei* of O. ti3 No p 4.011)orno,
took .0400 10 the Plesent seh001 POW*
yukra atter the 104)14 of the Ana
eeeeotiOn• Ne. ColhOrne,-
The day 'VAS PiOasanto, the erOW4 gier-
tuee hundred people, old,time
4Pnpibe,' anee'ther frAmds, gothered and
renewed acquaintances of old aehoe
dwr$4, cOttlited, OttY-0410at lititotaobtles;
twOs Single bttggies, ten motorcycles and
one trusts. • •
If some of -the pioneers,- teachers -
or pupils who have gone on to that bind,
where We -never grow Oldb,„could -have
passed 'by, 'the Old aehoolt what a thrill
they would have got to see the ehange
in the prncess of tin* since they went
to the'Old lot; school;
The tables were laden with dainty eat.
Wales. frhe children,, Earls and ladies,
were, dressesits their 1.4elit„,ctumnor _cos -
throes, which' displayed their Irately
forms to perfection. I noticed several
of the old No. 5 school bachelors from
the Lake Shore road, with -fire in their
eyes -when they beheld the lovely female
forms ? ?
himselt 'Hereton cemetery, the Rev. -Dr. C. E. Dougen
's h0Ping its -value 'will be conducting the service at house and
placed at 3500, and that the carperiter graveside, •
.will reap the beneilt. O
IERECTING. °FricE BulthING *Ingham Advance -Times: We have
1 Walkerton HMr. Mayor on display Au our window a branch of a
Air. and Mrs. T. H. Cox, of Toronto Cann, William Bogie (Red B114, -James
.13,ampbel1 Ofant has taken over the er- wild plumb tree that has fruit on it onent th_e week -end at the li
--Me ..Qf And Edward Foley (twins). They had
ectIon of the .Inick two-storey office which matured to normal site, The Pe- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Castle.
building on Durh,ara street . next to
Crawford Sr iefilhausezes: flout. and feed
store' will& was ,corrantenced by Mi. E.
Skelton 'a short tithe ago. aWiYor
Grant 'purposes, having up-to-date office
• rs on the_grourid floor 'with a
ments above. He will occupy one of the
Offices to earry On his legat practise and
another will be fitted up as a dental
Charaber_ for Dr. Cleo. -0. Hind, wha pr-
oses moving to the new quarters as
soon_ as_the building is Completed..
2& Adocate
. Rev. Wardlaw
'TraYlor,1?,13..'of Ooderich, preached two
:splendid sermons to large congregations
in Cromarty Prelbyterians church on
Sunday last, the oecosfon being the 701h
anniversary. Rev. Jas. Reidie, the min -
later, assisted at -both services and T. L.
culler thing about this fruit Is that al- Kr. Sid.. Castle, of Stratford, visit -
though it was matured and fleshy dur- ed his mother, Mrs. -M. Castle, over
fug its growth it was attacked by some, the, week -end.'
parasite th,at reinoved the pulpy part of I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston and
l -s est_lft a blown uball. 'The
'the fruit, leaving the skin ' intact, whieh
tree Is on ndrew McfDougaris property ss 9
In the towii plot and he told. us when he 1..,ipa‘4,...entt Settled and wheres, he wee
brought this sample 'in to our office that .76
._. _ yews ago. They also -called
on friends at Lancaster, N. Y., re-
al' the fruit on the tree was similarly tu
affected. The tree in :spring w.l.is hea. Ifarnmiinitog nbyBuffa
dLoanidtNn. iagara Falls,
vilY -laden With biossoins -and the fruit Majoy and -Mrs. -Rishop and fantily,
.kipparently matured smite naturally. We of London, are octupying "The Ced-
have heard several reports of Cherry ars."
trees being atticked by it"- bug whien Mr. and Mrs: A. D. Barr, of Wind-
easised the frolt' to grow long In shape sor, are oecupYingJdoNeil's cottage.
and have (fibrous lining but in thrs ease Mrft, and Mrs. WilkBucban. and son
the plums were normail, in shape and 8WIlAgr ,„,0,f ,Pttrieri,... 11,e,,L.SPen,t. _the_week--
size. end at the home Of Mrs. N. W. Woods.
,. • , ViisS Ruth Fisher. and Mr. Walter
DEATH OF IL IL- CANTELON • - Grierson, of Waterloo, visited with
Clinton News Record: The death oc-
curred ons,punday of Hugh Hanley Can- Dr. and Mrs. G. IS, • Atkinson trnd
telon, a man well known through all this family, of Exeter, are spending the
district. He was the eldest sons's)! a
rdoneer, the late Adam. Cantelon, local-
ly known 25 "The Old Schoolmaster,"
and he had spent all his life hi the com-
munity, residing hi Ooderich townahip
until a few years ago, when he sold his
farm and purchased a..stnaller e.state in
Stanley, just over the river soUth of
town, where he Ana his sister resided.
,He was taken to hospital last week foi
an operation for appendicitis bit other
• ,Th0 let On which the pretent 001100
henee„ No 5, ,stands tode,Y, *AS perChas
-est ..frOrt T)eeld Heel* Nev., I,., WO. fOr
the nem of Plit.,i'Dollaris (450,00).•
AgreeMent with ' eshOol teacheresWas
the undersignetik trustees et 0, S. NO. $,1 One pad kills Aka day *
in the 't0WieelsIP of Colborne, by virtue I • de,1. tor St kW•3 weeks., 'S
"of the sAthorltysmsted In U3 by the Afth
Anenee of the, tWelftlx seetleir of the Pp-.
tor iCenada fiebee Act- of ISO, have
elusiers. Bleharft Haynes, svlio holdic
-second class 'certificate or qualifieetion,
to he ik teether himild school section,
and We heissisy eontriset with and em-
ploy such teacher at the rate of aixty
pound. per annUM from and after the
date hereof, and we further. -bind and
obfle oureelYee, trul our successors in
oflke tth1uflystcs -employ the PeW-C.S3-.
Path WhiCli *We are fegelly tweeted by
the _WC sect's:es 01s4: ,Act, `to_ collect
and pay- the-seid teacher.. AwingtbeL
eontintiance iaf this agreement, the sniM
for 'which WO hereby become hound-
the'isaid imn to be pai.d to the saki lee-
iTerthe said -Web
hereby eantracts •and Whits himself ts)
teach and conduct the ethool, in said
school iceatim, acetarding to the regula-
tions provided tor by the said school act.
* This tsiMment to continue 'far one
year freers the date hereof..
Given under our hands and sea* this
first day of 'January One Thousand,
Eight Bundred and telfee-right.
Witness. THOMAS .04UNIPY.
their pictures taken this, old school
gang, by R.. R. Gallows.
I noticed _among the crowd George
Sturdy from Goderich Township. He
,went to the old school for five years
Miss Doris; accompanied by Mr. and
Iwhen he was a boy but came too late to
Mrs. Chas. Parker spent the holiday
• ke ' et -Into -the -picture -of -the-olds-gar'
He said he had it very warm place in his
heart for the boys and girls of his old
school ,days at No. 5, but was sorry, to
see so few of them left. He expresied
his pleasure at being present and , was
glad he came, though late.
iritHERAPIEYT, GOrreitara..
"Equipped with electro-rns.gnetic baths.
Electronic electric treatment and chiro-
pritek:--Chrottle; organic and -nerv(ms
hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 pan. on Tuesday,
and Saturday, and on Weclttes-
-he bad- by appointment. monday
Thursday at leittclaell.
A. N. ATKINSON, residence and.
aloe, corner of South street and, tri
-tennis Road. Phone 341.
41.64 Stock 'istid General Atetfeneers.
Elgin- Ave., Gotterlet.
Sees rivide everywhere and all efforts
made to 'give you satisfactkni. -
Vartstere Sale Notes •diticounted.
Mete 110.
- ItstifilitANCE _
ligeHliali..de..1414703,14 Ietair INITUEL-
4"'" *ay coammr.
PAM MID 1130Welefb TOWN PRO -
Value of'property insured 'up to Zan-
. .
uary„ 1910,43,648;975.00.
4,170186."4- Broadfoot, aeafoit33,
Preoldaitf,?lsk, Connolly, Godesith, Vice -
President: IL Reld, fileteforth, !Mere-
' lolitarricoRS--441ex. Eroedfoot, Bea -
forth It, R. 3; Jas. Shouldice, Walton ;
. Mtesx, tondesboro; Geo. Lotontiordt,
lierrtholnl NO. 11 4061n1 Pepper, Breees
field; Joe donnelly,, (Wert*: Ale*
Blyth R. itt, No. 1; Thos.
Wile:a Seater* 'No. 15; Wm. R. Arai.
tesid, fl'eaforth to. 4.
„ ,A022110. -4W. 4". Veo, It 3, van,
Watt, 33tYthl," Mar gelCet4
dim Sesiorth; trolin4turray. tleaforth,
, rodobidete eaar,per ,sseeipp,
at, coda Cat% atom Oedeldeb;
. The itortil (3100.n.Or _A H.
'Awe IV attended to fri the'
WEST• WAWAte0811 toOMIAllo Vale
' feill,AffeireW
Mei °Meet Dvn&aaeu, 0a.
tnest Ackert, AilYteed, „T*Attleat:
Den :liotbtay, Viee4Prissident: in
additio to and 'zee ore.
_surto, the f are I
Wel. ',teen, Aublun. W. 014
arnimmommolullommilorm. 1.
We can take care. of
your reqatrements in.
*oyes, and in fact
anything for the
YOU b101,4EY
Oa tbs. preadway of Goelitlelt.\
ALSO Alan:MOM oitartos
All tills promptly- dal to day
. Watt.'
-111Oiiimi liars VS0
Now, the peesent trustees, Alex. Wet -
son, Lealie Johnston and Andrew Bogie,
did the grand and should be eongzetn-
lated upon the 81.1CCeis of the old-time
reunion, as they had provided swings
for the children, games for the sports
and se.ats for the ladles, elderly men and
lazy pupils. They also gave :everyone
present a dish of lee cream and furnish- Victoria Pelz, of - .Preston, visited
summer in their cottage.
of tehool by one of the natives who ;was Mr. Lloyd Miller has been engaged ,
(Perhaps a few reoorc4 el the (Misr. le Al 'Aster of Mrs. Irvin.. i R.IPPT THE FIRST TPT.,
t Teaclier----,41cer, can -any Aloy give
ichurch this (Thursday) evening.
ed free drinits-of lemonade. - • - over the wegk-end with Mrs. Jos.pIeri;
vitt and Mrs. Gee, listillfler: , Mrs. ,
Lqndon, spent the week end at the -horn
Mrs And Mrs. ,Tini Ferguson,
within a- Stone's throw , of the old for the summer months with -Mk. IL
me a 'sentence usirtg the word
hoine of his Another, Mrs. Margaret log school wauld be. of interest to the Mogridge.. dem t"
reader. Application to start a school Miss Ruth Robertson, of Goderich, i yt__ .. ,,
Ferguson. root- People who _ drive _careless -
Mr. and Mrs, Churehward and fam- was made to the reeve of Colborne, Rob- spent Sunday with her cousins, Mi II
ily, of London, are spending some ert Hunt, On the 5th day of April id y..acrossrailway tr tka diadem ei?hdt
— Helen and John Robertson on the'
--• Peter Robinson and Thomas Gruna Robertson hOtnesteitd., quicker than those who stop, look an
time in their cottage. the .year 1856. by Alexander Armand,
Mr. and . Mrs. Harty BakerAi Y. awl i listen."
Chatham, ..spent the week -end at the
.4 /was granted as follows. "Thts seventh Mr. and NYS. Earl , Raithby
home 'of Mr:and-Mrs.- -Fred Baker. ' _ holida
day of May -in the year Of OUr. LOrd one tu
family- motored to Wittdsor for the.
swere_discovered. tout his Burrddy Burr, of London are_vis_itani
derich,--11';--W.- 'Wilsoir_ , -Secretary, Ifto ... Miss_ Dorothy_ Thardette re -
(Miss Peggy Burt and Builster and
!thousand eight hundred and fiftY-six, t
-their vrandparenk- surs
strength was not equal to the strein, a----(isd . ert Aunt, Irciiin Ai:0Z - .Pritient; Arai,
TFred Baker. .
death ensued. Sla had been remarkably Mr: and Mrs. Fred Heard, of Gode- :Armand, peter Robinson and Thomas
'Active all his life- and up to hie eighty- rich arid -Russell Heard motored to Grundy.- I •
fourth year, having, made a wonde.rful Windsor on Sunday, where they spent First school meeting of Is. Ss No. 5,
Dominion Day. ., . ' .
. Mrs. Lorne Cook, of Hamiltoun,
spentsthe week -end with her mother,
Mrss. L. _ lit„ Day._ ,.. _ ...,...,_ _ _
iMr. and Mrs. D. 'Prentice, Of To-
ronto, were with the latter's mother,
Mrs. W. J. Stinson, over the week-
end. ....di
Oars.. G. W. Woods, Muse Anna
Woods and Paul Crosby spent the
week -end with Mrs. 11. G. E. Crosby,
Pus -Mu lc Diams-
ith Honors
• "
Holiday Guests in Local Homes,
Ministers Asstnne Their
New Duties
AUBURN, JULY 3 -Mrs liellery
and children, of near Exeter, were
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Grover.
Miss Betty A.squith and Misis 'Vivi- 'Miss Vera Trick.
Mr. W. II. Sheppard Reid and Joan
°gm. Straughart receivid word on Mon- motored to Sarnia on Monday and
were accompanied home -by Mr.. and '
Mrs. Ralph. Knox, who will send
their vacation here. Mrs.oKnox and
Mr -are --sisters.--.'
"perieeta No *preying, *a 014 _
no 1,041 odor.- Aek •7011r Druargli;
Grocery "General Stove..
Saturday. They intended retura-
ing on Tuesday. -
Mr. Eldon Stolt* spent the week-
end holiday.at the home Of her' Par-
Miss Annie McLeod, •Taronto,
and Mr, MeLeod, of Stretford
were Monday visitors with their -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNeil, of To-
forito-vrius of
Mr, Russel Armstrong, Of London,
spent the holiday vrith his mother.
Mrs. Wm. Dobie and Miss Mary
visited with Mr. and ,Mrs. Warner
Mi. and Mrs. Longman, of London,
were , guests of Mrs. Ranking and
Mrs. Mugferd.
Prof.„G, E. Raithby, of the 0. A. C.
'visited his father and sister, Mr. Geo.
Raithby and Mrs. E. Kilough.°
Mr.,' and -Mrs. Thes. Mitchell, of
•Stratford, (visited with Mr. Archie
Robinson.. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Yungblut, Carl
and Madeline and -Keith Arthur, At=
tensled the ' Yqughlut re•!._..
union at Tavistock- on Monday.
Mr. Geo. Pilgrim, who is in the
Bank at Forest, and Miss Vivian Mc-
Knight, of Harriston called on friends
here on Monday.:
Miss Jean Baker, of Wingham, is
the guest of Mrs. Schultz ond Miss
Clara. „
Mr, Walter' Washington and Miss
Ethel motorid to London on Saturdtty
to attend the wedding of their cousin
day that they had passed- their A.T.
C. M. exams. with honors.
Miss Madeline Walden spent the
`swith herAsister, Mrs. s. me-
Mr. Jos. Miller has returned home,
atter working for several months on
construction work at Ottawa.
Mr. Stanley Ball spent the week-
end and July lit witkhis sister, Mrs.
Harold Staribury, Goderich township.
Mrs. E. Killough has returned from
Toronto. „
Mrs. Jno. Clark left on Tuesday'
for Goderich and intended to leave
motored to Parkhill on _Saturday.
MIL Wilson and the children rapmain-
ed for a viaits
The Induction service Or itett. H.
C Wilson will be -held in Westfield
Mr. J110. Yupgblut had the mis-
fortune to fall while cutting grass
with a seythe.pn the C. P. R. right of
way and almost severed the first
finger of his right hand, The injury
required several stitches. Mr. A.
Kirconnel is taking hit place on -the
Mr. end Mrs. Thos. Wilson and
family accompanied by Miss Sharpe,
by motor with friends for Star eitY,
Sask. on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pets and little
daughter, end Mrs; Pols, Sr. and Mies.
with them for a visa'.
r. Prank Ryan and his sister
-Yriiitt'Etlisia- Quick and -me. A?:
Ryan Sr.; Of Lotidop, eitiled-on theii
ousin. Mrs. C. M. Stroughan, on
Monday. • -
.Elwin Anderson, of Hamilton,
and Mrs. Thomas ,Anderson, of Gode-
rieh were holiday visitors at Mr.
Jno. Houston's.
Mt. and Mrs, Wm. Strausser and
Gladys, of Sebringville, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Munro.
Mr. ind Mrs: Ed. Lawson and Mif.4fi
Benice and 'Mr; and Mrs. W. C.
Robertson were in Goderich on
Monday attending the &later family
re -union which celebrated M -r a.
Selater's 85th- birthday -
Mr. -and Mrs,.Bert Keyes spent the
Week -end vritlifriends heat Guelph,
They reurned Tuesday evening. Mr.
Keyes • is now eupplying as station
"master at Limewood, while Len.
Yungbiut looks after the work at
On Tuesday of this week Dr. and
Mrs. Mortimor, Miss Marion and
Arthur left for their new home in
Oakland. The same day Rev. Hugh
C. Wilson, .Mrs. Wilson, their' Tielel
recovery from a rather serious illness a
year ago. He iiever married but is sur-
vived by two sisters, Ntis.s Sarah, who
had- always- lived-with-ihim;
Floody of Toronto, and three brothers,
Arthur of Clinton, D. J. of Toronto, and
-Adam of Piapot, Sask. A. brother and
a eister had predeceased him, Mrs. David
()enteral of Clinton and William, who
died in the West two years ago. He was
conneeted----10th---Weslel4Villis elturch at lereareteem •
nitre- coming'to- his -new home- He }was Mfis, Chas'. .Edwards, of Toronto,
congertative spensling-the aumrasr with Miis N.
• -)tvec„
Miss Betty ‘ReaSen; of London,
went' to Opperwash Beach on Monday,
after -hating- been the guest of Miss
BeitTGardiner fer a few days.
Miss Anne Dewitt; of% Toronto is
home for the swifter vacation
As ho•me for the holidays. Miss tettMustard and brothers,
alias Charlotte IfsicKelizier of To- °aft Ttohreoientoc,otatraegespending he summer
vont°, is haint for the holidays..
Miss Isabel Kirk left last week for Miss Anne Maticenzie has returned her honie in Glerivrorth. , Both Miss
to fit/rento. to take a sununer course. Kirk and Miss Fergue,on hem been
Mr. and Wet. Francis Williams and re -6100d by the .Public School
little doUghter Vete reeent guests of Board for the riext ettr. '
Mr. Robert Hibbin, Mr: and Mrs. Percy Derment and
M*' 0,rid Mrs. Harold Evans and two daughters, °I' F°148°n, Mich"
family, mberta, are Asian reit. spent the week -end sviith Mrs. Dy-
tives in this vicinity; • • ment's parents, Mr.• ind Uri.. 3. Tip.
AsmELD, JULY 8.. -Miss Jean
MacGregor, of Hamilton, the guest
of leveousin) lifies Annie§ MacDonald:
. Mr, Malcolin MacLennan, of Berrie,
to out, niutertiRm
anti billALifilltS
Aliflitrfikl4OZ, snamtes AT
They sail for wEngland en Saturday.
The ,Itlil et Pc .-t is not etstitned
for r. 'Thome Meleettie tilt that it *Ill
*Med, every ill, but Ita uses are so,Ver.*
titat-it-vist -hef'
eirafte4T6i-Itie '1
le** is known to all 'ilia' have tested
its "leftist and learned, 14 Experience.
Colborne, held January 7th, 1857. in the
Maitland Hotel, Colborne, it a meeting
of the freeholders and householders.
Mr. “Rillary--Hotton-strae-scalledsslo-th
°hair and Andrew tAnklater was re-
quested to acts as secretary. Moved by
Joseph Strong, 'seconded -by Hilary Hor-
ton, and unanimously agreed, that the
-ezhool be a free school. Moved by.
Samuel Mortis' , seconded by Alex. Green
that -Aimee Dustow be -appointed
school trustee. 'Carried.-- /loved ht
Prime Morrie,- eetotidrat by JO, Stralle.
that Hilary .Horton be a trustee. car-
Becosd of meethig held at Oarbraid
Hotel 21, am, it was decided by
mejorltif of It votes to 5 that Mr. Jameo
-dreen's bo the new school site in.
preiferenee .CRobert tCanarelsh's, and
agreed to rent Alex. Green's house at a
rental et suo per month. Or three
months, the samo to be used as a sehool and a friend, Mrs. Andrew, arrived.
house, until the new school house be
1 Building agreement: Between Hil-
ary Horton and James Dustow, crewed
trusties, and Jellies LInklater, craven -
ter, where* the latter binds himself to
finish the vlehitol house -situated on lot
Dinner was woved in the basemetit
for about twentysirre, 'including the
workers. The truck wee then lead-
ed vejth Dr. Mortimer's effects for: the
return trip.
Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Allan, ae.
computed by Mr. Bob and Mitio
Betty' Craig, 'motored to Flint or
"In what. reign," asked the teacher
of her class, "do we first hear of rail-
- - "in -Mornonlys, ' at- once- - replied o -
little girl, who was asked to think
again, and,eying thought, persist -
td in, her earl inal statement. .
1"Well, sar the teacher, with a
weary sigh, "tell Me why, you connect
railways with the reign of Solomon."
'Because we are told that the
Queen of -Shaba - Werit-tii----Teriiisitietii- '
with a very great train-"
ood for
The TOW/b has a quanilty of
good body hardwood direct from
the Town Bush for sale et $3.00
per single cord of one.foot
wood, defivered. •
Also a limited quantity ef
good body hardwood at 01.00
per full cord of four foot wood.
Orders left at the Town Hall
will be attended to.
Cash asset accompany Order.
Town Clerk.
DonTSuffer Any Longer
From Stomach Troubles
There is -hot robe persotv la., tea .
that does not, at some lime oe
Otter, stiffer from some forte of
titomach trouble.
mil, be dyspepila or Indira-
tion, sour stomach, gas in the
atomach, belching of gas, bilious-
ness, flatulency, or the eating of ,
too much food hard to digest.
TO get rid of these troubles we
hue* Of nothing to surpass
„BmIltiek111404 iites4111 It -tonel
up the stomathi, promotes erfeet
restoteleheetith eal-etrerigtittO
Get a bottle and bee he* aeon it
will correet your stomach teouble.